RCSI_Tomorrow Campaign Impact Report 2015-2020

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thank you • go raibh maith agat • dankie • shukran • do jeh • xie xie • tak • kiitos • merci • danke • efharisto • toda • sukria • spasibo • terima kasih • grazie • arigato • kamsa hamnida • takk • salamat po • dziekuje • obrigado • gracias • tesekkür ederim • tack • istutiy • asante • kawp-kun krap/ka’ •

CO NT E N TS Welcome by the CEO 3 Your Impact 4 RCSI_TOMORROW Campaign 5 Your support is: Creating Healthcare Leaders 6 Building Healthier Societies 14 Leading Breakthrough Research 18 Forging the RCSI Med District 22 Our Generous Donors 26



“... as we continue to face adversity there is no better time to highlight what is possible when our community comes together”. On behalf of everyone at RCSI, I would like to send my very best wishes to you and your families. Over recent months you have been in our thoughts and we continue to be grateful that the RCSI community includes so many dedicated and inspirational individuals. When we first planned to share this booklet with you; a summary of the tremendous achievements that have been made possible thanks to your support of the RCSI_TOMORROW campaign, we could not have imagined the events that would take place. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of life and work for people across the world. Truthfully we wondered if, under the circumstances, we should refrain from sending this communication and wait until the crisis had passed. Reflecting deeply we decided that it was important to share this with you today because, as we continue to face adversity there is no better time to highlight what is possible when our community comes together, no better time to share positive news, and no better time to say thank you to you; our committed supporters. I hope that this summary gives a sense of the progress that you have enabled RCSI to make since 2015 which is a true testament to the power of the global RCSI family of alumni, fellows, charitable foundations, industry partners and philanthropists all working to a common mission; ‘to educate, nurture and discover for the benefit of human health.’ Many thanks again and my very warmest wishes,

Professor Cathal Kelly, Chief Executive, RCSI


Unlocked New Research Projects in BREAST CANCER , EPILEPSY, and SPINAL CORD repair


thanks to you...



To date the RCSI_TOMORROW campaign has raised



Centre for Simulation Education and Research

from philanthropic donations to support important initiatives across the institution.


3 NEW SCHOLARSHIP programmes







First Female Surgical Fellowship in IRELAND




CREATING BUILDING HEALTHIER HEALTHCARE LEADERS SOCIETIES Unlocking opportunity to create exceptional global influencers

Advancing public health in Ireland and around the world



Increasing impact for patients internationally

Bringing healthcare together to spark innovation


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C R EAT IN G HEALT H C A R E LEAD ER S At the heart of RCSI is a commitment to programmes that are focused on fulfilling the potential of truly exceptional individuals, who have the passion and commitment to make a lifelong difference to patient care. To date, the RCSI_TOMORROW campaign has supported every aspect of this mission, unlocking opportunities for undergraduate students, budding researchers, surgical trainees and empowering students wishing to avail of innovative new roles within the health system.




The students benefitting from your support right now! • Deborah Cardiff, Aim High, ‘Marilyn Butt’ Scholarship, 2015 • Ryan Leon, Aim High Scholarship, 2016 • Hazel Walsh, Kiran Pathak Scholarship, 2016 • David Joyce, Consilio Manuque ‘John and Anne Murphy’ Scholarship, 2017 • EmerRose Kealy, Aim High ‘Class of 1981 Jim Allen’ Scholarship, 2017 • Lisa Mulvey, Consilio Manuque ‘Richard and Lucille Nora’ Scholarship, 2017 • Liam Rowley, Kiran Pathak Scholarship, 2017 • Emily Beatty, The Moira O'Brien Sports Scholarship, 2018 • Amy Dykes, Consilio Manuque 'Class of 1991' Scholarship, 2018 • Melissa Duggan, The Moira O'Brien Sports Scholarship, 2018 • THANKS TO YOU...

WE ARE OFFERING MORE SCHOLARSHIPS THAN EVER B E F O R E RCSI scholarships celebrate excellence, break down barriers and unlock opportunity. Since 2015, 24 students, funded by generous alumni have joined RCSI across the Aim High, Consilio Manuque, Kiran Pathak, and Moira O’Brien scholarship programmes. Your support enables them to achieve their dream of becoming healthcare leaders.

Andrew Herbert, Consilio Manuque ‘Richard and Lucille Nora’ Scholarship, 2018 • Aisling Kelly, Consilio Manuque ‘‘John and Anne Murphy' Scholarship, 2018 • Aaron McDonnell, Aim High ‘Mutchnik’ Scholarship, 2018 • Franco Pruteanu, Kiran Pathak Scholarship, 2018 • Gavin Rynn, Aim High Scholarship, 2018 • Suaad Alshleh, Aim High Scholarship, 2019 • Alana Daly, Consilio Manuque 'Alfred Mutchnik Scholarship', 2019 • Rachael Ni Fhearaigh, Aim High, 'Class of 1981 Jim Allen' Scholarship, 2019 • Zoe Kane, Kiran Pathak Scholarship, 2019 • Claire Keohane, The Moira O'Brien Sports Scholarship, 2019 • Linda Kelly, Consilio Manuque ‘Richard and Lucille Nora’ Scholarship, 2019 • Angus Lloyd, The Moira O'Brien Sports Scholarship, 2019 • Luke Murphy, Aim High 'Dr Saad F. Habba' Scholarship, 2019 • thank you


thanks to you... “In 2015, my father underwent heart surgery and we lost our only household income for 8 months. The scholarship meant that my education was not affected by financial difficulties. On my graduation day, I felt so much gratitude to the alumni who supported me and I hope I have made them proud.” Erica O’Sullivan, Aim High scholar 2014


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IGNITING SCIENTIFIC CURIOSITY FOR OUR STUDENTS SINCE 2015, THROUGH ALUMNI AND CORPORATE SUPPORT, 65 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN PART IN RCSI’S RESEARCH SUMMER SCHOOL (RSS) SPENDING EIGHT WEEKS WORKING ALONGSIDE RESEARCH LEADERS. “I worked on a research project in the field of Obstetrics. The abstract we constructed was accepted into the annual meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine in Texas where my colleagues and I presented the findings. The abstract was also published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. It was a fantastic experience and I am so grateful for the opportunity.” Rachael O’Toole, RSS particpant 2019




UNLOCKING ‘HANDS ON’ OPPORTUNITIES SINCE 2015, ALUMNI HAVE GIVEN 131 STUDENTS CAREER DEFINING EXPERIENCES UNDERTAKING CLINICAL ELECTIVE PLACEMENTS ACROSS THE WORLD. As well as offering financial assistance, generous alumni working in leading institutions offer to be hosts for students undertaking their Clinical Electives which are an essential part of building their future career. “The experience I gained on my Elective in Canada was invaluable to my development as a future clinician. I made strong professional networks and secured letters of recommendation for future residency applications. None of this would have been possible without your generous support. It is alumni such as you who value the development of medical students—your future colleagues—that make me proud to say that I attend RCSI.” Magar Ghazarian, Clinical Elective placement 2019

INNOVATING TO IMPROVE THE IRISH HEALTH SYSTEM THE PHYSICIAN ASSOCIATE PROGRAMME, SUPPORTED BY FOUR OF IRELAND’S LEADING PRIVATE HOSPITALS, IS AN INNOVATIVE INITIATIVE WHICH UNLOCKS A NEW SKILLSET FOR THE IRISH HEALTH SYSTEM. Physician Associates are a well-established role within many international health systems. Recognising their value, RCSI established the first Physician Associate Scholarship Programme in Ireland in 2017. “I was given fantastic placements within robotic surgery, oncology and the emergency department – where I have worked since I graduated last year. Receiving a full scholarship from Galway Clinic allowed me to focus solely on my studies. I feel the scholarship contributed to my 1st class honours degree award and the Gold Medal for recognition of a student’s top performance across two years of the programme.” Maeve Cahill, PA scholar 2018


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BREAKING BARRIERS THROUGH IRELAND’S FIRST WOMEN IN SURGERY FELLOWSHIP AIMED AT PROMOTING FEMALE PARTICIPATION IN SURGICAL TRAINING IN IRELAND, THIS PRESTIGIOUS NEW FELLOWSHIP AWARD FUNDED BY JOHNSON & JOHNSON MEDICAL DEVICE COMPANIES SUPPORTS EXCEPTIONAL FEMALE SURGICAL TRAINEES WISHING TO AVAIL OF INTERNATIONAL, CAREERDEFINING, FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES. “The RCSI fellowship award will allow me to pursue a lifelong career goal – to complete a fellowship in the Royal Marsden Hospital London, a global leader in the field of cancer treatment and research and allow me to train in cutting-edge robotic surgery. The fellowship will support me to commit to the programme while affording regular travel back to Dublin. This initiative will encourage women to successfully compete for international surgical fellowships, addressing one of the barriers to achieving gender parity at consultant appointment." Ms Ailín Rogers, PROGRESS Women in Surgery Fellow 2019




thanks to you... WE ARE ASSISTING STUDENTS IN THEIR TIME OF NEED FUNDED ENTIRELY THROUGH THE GENEROSITY OF ALUMNI, THE RCSI STUDENT SUPPORT (HARDSHIP) FUND HELPS STUDENTS OVERCOME UNFORESEEN FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES. This Fund has never been more important than it is today as we seek to support students who are struggling because of the economic impact of COVID-19 whilst still trying to continue their studies. “RCSI has always looked out for students in need and the Fund is a vital lifeline for students needing to access financial aid. Circumstances vary but generally the main issues facing students are a change in family circumstances such as serious illness, death in the family, issues in the student’s home country or the break-up of a relationship. RCSI supports students emotionally and financially in times of need, and through the Fund, is able to alleviate the financial stress of the situation.” RCSI Student Services


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BUI LD I NG HEALT H IE R SOC I ET IE S Generations of RCSI graduates, faculty and researchers have dedicated their careers to addressing the healthcare needs of populations across 97 countries. With this diverse and distinguished medical community, RCSI HAS A UNIQUE GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE ON POPULATION HEALTH. Our initiatives focus on areas in which RCSI leadership can make a difference to patients both in Ireland and around the world.





INCREASING SURGICAL ACCESS FOR POPULATIONS IN NEED Founded by a group of pioneering surgeons committed to making surgical care accessible to the people of Ireland over two centuries ago; RCSI has remained true to this noble purpose. Since the early 2000’s, RCSI has focused efforts on aligning our clinical expertise and world-class research in order to address some of the world’s most challenging health issues, most notably the lack of access to safe, affordable surgical care. RECRUITING WORLD CLASS LEADERS In 2018, building on this track record, RCSI secured funding from the Iris O’Brien Foundation to establish the RCSI Institute of Global Surgery. In July 2020, Professor Mark Shrime will join RCSI as the Founding O’Brien Chair of Global Surgery. Professor Shrime joins RCSI from Harvard Medical School, where he is an Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology and of Global Health and Social Medicine. Most recently he was a Visiting Research Scholar at Princeton University’s Centre for Health and Wellbeing and he remains a Staff Surgeon on the Mercy Ships, the world’s largest charity hospital ship which docks in various ports around coastal Africa. 16


GLOBAL SURGERY: IMPACT IN NUMBERS Working with a network that spans 14 COUNTRIES, 180 HOSPITAL SITES, and includes over 1,300 SURGICAL CARE PROVIDERS RCSI is able to: 1. Train healthcare workers in rural health centres to carry out basic emergency surgeries ensuring that life-saving services are available to those most in need (delivered by SURG Africa, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme) 2. Support significant improvements in how patients are referred ensuring that they get the best care within the shortest timeframe 3. Train more specialist surgeons through our partnership with the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA), funded by Irish Aid.

93 Percent of COSECSA surgeons remain in region after graduation


124 Accredited training hospitals across 14 countries â‚Ź16,5OO,OOO Irish Aid, Horizon 2020 and foundation funding to date 19,OOO,OOO People now have access to quality assured care through the SURG Africa intervention

448 Surgeons have graduated to date through the COSECSA collaboration 350 Non-Physician Clinicans currently in training for basic surgical procedures 742 Surgical trainees currently in the COSECSA programme 10,71O,OOO Operations that will be performed during the careers of the current trainees and graduates


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LEAD I N G BR EA KT H R OU G H RES EA R C H At RCSI we are singularly focused on health. With an emphasis on clinical and patientcentred research, RCSI succeeds in leading impactful discoveries which address key Irish and international health challenges. Today, RCSI is the largest medical research body in Ireland and our research team in Dublin has the highest impact citation rate in their field compared to other Irish universities and twice the world average. Our researchers work across disease areas and geographies in pursuit of solutions that make a difference to patients. The RCSI_TOMORROW campaign focuses on key areas of scientific discovery in which RCSI has a leadership role to play and where additional funds can significantly accelerate progress and unlock world-leading breakthroughs.




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IDENTIFYING NEW TREATMENTS FOR EPILEPSY Around 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, making it one of the most common neurological diseases globally. Childhood and developmental epilepsies in particular create a significant burden for patients, families and carers. Approximately 35,000 people suffer from epilepsy in Ireland of which a third cannot control their seizures with current medication. This impacts their ability to work and is highly debilitating as well as potentially life-threatening. Patients with epilepsy also suffer co-morbidities including problems with memory and depression. Epilepsy often appears in childhood and because there is no cure it can mean a lifetime of medication and specialist care. As a result, epilepsy carries one of the highest socioeconomic burdens of any disease. RCSI’s research team led by Professor David Henshall received funding from the Charitable Infirmary Charitable Trust to explore new treatments for Dravet Syndrome (DS); a rare paediatric form of epilepsy which begins in the first year of life in an otherwise healthy infant. The disease begins in infancy but is lifelong. Improved understanding of the causes of developmental epilepsies like Dravet Syndrome and their treatments could have an important impact on the lives of sufferers, their families, and the doctors and carers that look after them. 20

thanks to you... Additional philanthropic funds have significantly ACCELERATED GROUND-BREAKING RESEARCH led by Professor Leonie Young to achieve RCSI’s ambition that over the next ten years Breast Cancer in Ireland transitions from being a fatal disease to a manageable chronic illness.



ADVANCING RESEARCH IN IRISH RUGBY In 2018, RCSI and the IRFU Charitable Trust launched a research partnership, with the support of the AMBER SFI Research Centre for Materials Science, Leinster Schools Rugby and World Rugby. THE INVESTMENT FROM THE IRFU CHARITABLE TRUST HAS FUNDED TWO PIONEERING RESEARCH PROJECTS.

from L to R: Louise Keating - Senior Lecturer and Dr Helen French – Lead Researcher, RCSI School of Physiotherapy, Tommy Bowe - former Ulster, Ireland and British & Irish Lions International, Leo Cullen - Head Coach and former Captain Leinster and former Irish International

One project, with additional funding from AMBER, is focused on developing an advanced platform for spinal cord repair combining novel biomaterials, stem cells and gene therapy. Led by Professor Fergal O'Brien, Professor of Bioengineering & Regenerative Medicine at RCSI and Deputy Director of the AMBER SFI Research Centre, this project proposes an advanced biomaterials approach to spinal cord repair, which may revolutionise the way spinal cord injury is treated worldwide. The second research project studies the training load and injury risk in schoolboys' level rugby in Leinster. Researchers at the RCSI School of Physiotherapy are leading the study to increase understanding of the frequency, type and intensity of injury in Leinster Senior Cup Schoolboys rugby squads. The study is a crucial step in the future development of injury prevention strategies. The study utilises an app developed by World Rugby to collect data and this is the first time the app has been used in the 15-a-side game. The lead researchers on the study from the RCSI School of Physiotherapy are Dr Helen French, Physiotherapist and Senior Lecturer and Louise Keating, Physiotherapist and Lecturer. 21

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FOR G I N G THE R C S I MED D ISTR IC T RCSI recognises the importance of place; bringing together people, ideas, learning and innovation into a world-class ecosystem in which challenges are met and breakthroughs are made. Headquartered in Dublin’s city centre, the RCSI campus has played a significant role in the urban community, forming part of the streetscape for more than two centuries. Today, we are in the most exciting and transformative phase of our journey so far and the opening of 26 York Street marked a critical step in the realisation of the RCSI MED District; an international centre dedicated to health and wellbeing, fostering a culture of collaboration and discovery where students, professionals, researchers, leaders, policy makers, and the public can advance healthcare together.




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PROVIDING WORLD CLASS FACILITIES FOR OUR STUDENTS THE OPENING OF 26 YORK STREET IN JUNE 2018, BY MR MICHAEL BLOOMBERG MARKED THE BEGINNING OF THE EMERGENCE OF THE ‘RCSI MED DISTRICT’ ON ST STEPHEN’S GREEN. The new facilities within 26 York Street have truly revolutionised the way we teach our students enabling them to utilise simulation facilities to experience every aspect of a medical setting, from GP consultations to an operating theatre, in the safety of a training environment. In addition, the provision of a triple level library which caters to all student’s learning styles ensures that we are supporting learners at all stages of their educational journey. Thanks to our generous donors, 26 York Street is a true reflection of the diverse and committed RCSI community. Throughout the building, donor plaques celebrate prominent faculty, outstanding alumni, distinguished fellows, leaders in health and corporate partners that share RCSI’s vision for patient care.


Dr Charles Bonner


Dr Alfred Mutchnik THANKS TO YOU...

OUR CAMPUS IS AT THE FOREFRONT OF EDUCATION RESEARCH The COVID-19 pandemic experience has taught us that a campus is far more than the sum of its buildings; it is an ethos and a culture developed by those that work within, leaders that are driving activity and unlocking innovation. 26 York Street now also houses ‘The RCSI Centre for Simulation Education and Research’ which was established following a grant award from the Irish Higher Education Authority. The Centre seeks to use the facilities to inform cutting edge research to provide evidence for the effectiveness and feasibility of simulation-based training for the benefit of Higher Education Institutions in Ireland and internationally. The Centre not only supports the increased use of simulation training but also enables RCSI to build its international reputation as an early adopter and leader of innovative education practices.


Go raibh maith agat dár Deontóirí Fial • Dr T Aarnaes • Dr A Abdul Azim • Dr J Acton • Dr D Adams • Dr N Afdhal and Dr C Tempany-Afdhal • Dr M Al Busaidy • The late Dr A Al Habib • Mr R Al Habib • Dr M Al Olama • Dr S Al Olama • Dr M Al Romaithi • Dr H Al Suwaidi • Dr H Alfandary • Dr K Ali and Dr K Ali• Dr L Allen • Dr C Allen • Dr S Alrashidi • Dr S Al-Sawai • Dr B Al-Shunnar • Dr R Andries • Dr M Archer • Mr M Arumugasamy and Ms A Browne • Dr S Austin • Dr D Aylin • Dr R Bacchus • Dr T Barber • Dr A Barnes • The late Dr N Barry • Dr H Beauchamp • Dr D Beeharry • Dr G Beiko • Mrs A Bhamjee • Dr M Bhamjee • Prof D Birnbach • Dr W Blakemore • Dr M Blute, Sr • Dr S Bohan • Dr C Bonner and Mrs T Bonner • Dr G Bouchier-Hayes • Mr D Bouchier-Hayes and Dr M Herzig • Dr F Bradbury • Dr L Bradley • Dr R Braunstein • Ms C Breen • Prof M Brennan • Dr R Brennan • Dr N Breslin • Dr N Breslin • Dr B Bright • Dr B Briscoe • Dr D Briscoe • Prof P Broe • Dr C Brosnan • Dr D Brown • Dr R Browne and Dr M Wilson • Dr L Browne • Mr T Browne • Prof D Buggy • Dr A Bulbulia • Prof C Burke and Dr B O'Connell • Dr F Burke • Dr J Butt • Ms A Byrne • Dr M Byrne • The late Mr D Byrnes • Dr D Carlyle • Dr E Carmody • Prof S Carroll • The late Dr R Carton • Dr P Caviston • Dr S Chakraburtty • Dr A Chan • Dr J SM Chang • The late Dr A Charles • Mr D Chase and Ms L Chase • Dr E Cheam • Mr J Chen • Dr R Chen • Dr T Chillingworth • Prof K Choong and Dr P Mayer • Dr C Chow • Mr S Chowdhury • Dr S Clarke • Dr T Coghlan and Dr M Coghlan • Dr M Colin • THANKS TO YOU... Dr C Condon • OUR GENEROUS DONORS Dr P Conlon • RCSI would like to take this opportunity to thank our community of Dr P Connaughton • dedicated donors from across the world who have supported RCSI to Dr M Connolly • give our students new opportunities, build our capabilities internationally, Dr L Conroy • invest in breakthrough research and develop a world class campus. We Prof R Conroy • are so proud of all that our community has helped us to accomplish, your Dr K Corless • Dr L Corrigan • generosity and support gives us the confidence to continue to strive to Dr G Costello • deliver on our mission. Thank you. Dr J Cotter • Dr M Counihan and Dr P Counihan • Mr A Coveney • Dr K Coyle and Dr H Coyle • Dr J Coyle • Dr L Coyne • Dr A Cranney • Dr A Crummie • Dr E Curran • Dr D Curtin • Dr S Dahabra • Dr J Dale • Dr C Daly • Dr K Danylyshyn-Adams • Prof A Darzi and Mrs W Darzi • Rev Dr J Davey • Dr R Davey • Dr M Davis • Prof C de Costa • Mr J Deasy • Dr J DeMaio • Mr D Desmond • Dr A Di Lorenzo • Dr S Dick • Dr B Docherty-Zakrzewska • The late Dr D Doherty • Dr N Donohoe • Dr J Dooner • Dr T Dowd and Mrs M Dowd • Dr G Dowling • Mr L Duane • Dr A Duncan • Dr V Dunraj • Mr G Durkan • Dr A Dutta • Dr M Elias • Prof K Erzingatsian • Dr A Eustace • Dr J Eustace • Dr D Evans and Dr G Evans • Mr J Evans • Dr P Farnan and Dr M O'Driscoll • Dr A Finucane • Prof R Firth • Dr M Fischmann-Magee and Dr A Magee • Dr J Fitzgerald • Dr G Fitzpatrick • Ms F Flanagan • The late Dr M Foley • Dr V Frenkel Moher • Prof P Fry • Dr T Fung • The late Dr J Gaffney • Dr R Gafoor • Dr A Gale • Dr R Garb • Dr D Garewal • Dato Dr G Geh • Dr B Gilchrist • Mr M Gleeson • Mr F Glynn • Dr R Goodwin • Dr M Grainger • Dr C Green • Dr S Greenan • Dr A Greenburgh • Dr M Greenway and Dr E O'Reilly • Dr E Greisser • Dr J Griffin • Dr T Griffith • Dr M Guiney • Dr A Gunny • Dr R Gunther • Dr S Habba and Mrs J Habba • Dr B Hammond • Mrs C Hanrahan • Dr C Hanrahan • Dr V Hargovan • Dr D Harley • Dr K Harris • Prof J Harty and Dr M Harty • Dr C Hassell • Dr J Healy • Dr L Hebshi • Dr J Heffernan • Dr S Heffernan • Dr K Hickey and Dr H Hanly • Dr B Hickey • Dr E Hickson • Dr A Hirschmueller • Dr O Hoeg • Dr F Hogan • Dr M Hogan • Dr M Hooper • Dr W Hooper • Dr O Hunter • Dr G Hurley • Dr J Imrie • Dr S Ismail • Dr M Jackson • Dr R John • Mr J Johnston • Dr S Jones and Mr G Jones • Dr N Joosab •

Dr D Joyce • Dr L Kamdar • Dr D Kane • Prof F Keane • Dr H Keane • Dr J Kearney • Mr P Keeling • Dr E Keiderling • Prof C Kelly • Prof D Kennedy • Dr J Kennedy • Dr F Khan • Dr A Khatree • Dr R Kidney • Dr C Kilgallen • Dr M Kinirons • Dr D Knight • Mr S Kundu • Dr J Kwok • Dr R Kwong • Dr P Lalor • Dr D Lappin • Dr G Lavoll and Dr R Edger • Dr P Law • Dr E Leith • Dr A Lim • Dr K Lim • Dr K Lim • Dr P Lloyd Jones • Mr K Loh • Dr D Luckheenarain • Dr K Lynch • Dr O Lyons • Dr R Macaulay • Dr J MacCarthy • Prof M MacEntee • Dr S MacEvilly • Prof W MacGowan • The late Dr E MacSorley • Dr P Maguire and Dr S Gogan • Dr T Maguire • Dr M Maher • Dr S Mahomed • Prof Y Mahomed • Dr S Mane • Dr P Mangal • Dr D Mangalat and Dr S Mangalat • Dr W Manning • Dr G Mansfield and Dr C Ling Mei Li • Dr A Maree • Dr K Mar-Tang • Dr B Martin • Dr N Martin • Mr H Matabudul • Dr C McCallum • Ms K McCreery • Dr H McDermott • Dr T McDonagh and Dr M McDonagh • Dr J McDonald • Dr E McEntegart • The late Mrs K McEvoy • Dr J McGlade • Dr E McGovern • Dr D McGrath • Dr G McIsaac • Dr E McKee • Dr A McKendrick • Dr J McKeon • Dr C McNulty • The late Dr M McQuaid • The late Mr E McVerry • Dr M McWade • Dr A Meer • Mr D Mehigan • Dr R Menzin • Dr J Mercer • Dr E Meyer-Schwickerath • Dr N Minikes • Dr K Moe • Dr I Mohamedy • The late Dr J Molony • Mr P Molony • Mr R Molony • Prof J Monson • Dr S Mooney • Dr A Moran and Dr S Brereton • Dr P Moran • Ms C Morris • Prof A Morrison • Dr E Mortensen • Dr A Moss • Dr I Motala • Dr K Murphy and Dr R Parekh • Dr M Murphy • Prof B Murphy • Dr C Murphy • Dr A Mutchnik and Mrs B Mutchnik • Mr A Mutchnik • The late Mr T Nadaraja • Dr F Nagle • Dr K Naidoo • Mr P Naughton • Dr M Nchama • Dr C Neilmeyer • Dr F Neo • Dr F Ng Wong Hing • Dr O Nicolaisen • Dr C Nix • Dr J Noelker • Mr L Nolke • Dr R Nora and Mrs L Nora • Dr N Nora • Dr J O'Brien • The late Dr C O'Connell • Prof R O'Connell • Dr S O'Connell • Dr J O'Connor and Dr E Ramsaran • Dr D O'Connor • Mr G O'Connor • Dr F O'Daly • Dr M O'Doherty • Dr S O'Domhnaill • Dr N O'Donnell • Dr J O'Flanagan • Dr G Oh • Dr J O'Hanlon • Dr M O'Hea and Dr F O'Hanlon • Dr E Ohman • Mrs R O'Kane • Dr C O'Malley • Dr V O'Neill • Dr F O'Reilly • Dr P O'Reilly • Dr E Örfi • Mr S O'Riain • Dr C O'Riordan • Dr K O'Riordan • Dr J O'Rourke • Dr R O'Shea • Dr S O'Sullivan • Dr A Oswin • Dr M Owen • Dr M Owens • Mrs M Page • Dr R Pantin • Prof A Patel • Dr U Pathak • Dr S Persad • Dr J Peters • Dr R Peters • Dr M Pierse • Dr S Pillay • Dr M Poddar • Dr E Power • Dr J Preger • The late Dr W Rainer • Dr W Rainer • Ms A Ramkissoon • Dr A Ramlal-Williams • Dr R Ramnath • Dr B Ramseebaluck • Dr S Rasalingam • Mr S Rassam • Dr H Reich and Mrs E Reich • Dr C Reisen • Dr J Rich and Dr C Fiorini-Rich • Dr A Rigney • Dr G Roche-Nagle • Dr P Roesch • Prof S Rogers • The late Dr P Rowan • Dr E Ryan • Dr W Ryan • Dr S Ryder • Mr T Saeed • Prof I Sagap • Dr K Sangani • Dr S Sangaralingham • Dr R Sawyer • Ms C Scott • Dr S Secerbegovic • Dr B Sennik • Dr S Sennik • Dr R Shalhoub • Prof D Shanik • Mr F Shannon • Dr G Sheehan • Dr R Shiggins • Mr A Silver • Mrs I Silver Feldman • Dr R Sindhwani • Mr D Singh • Mr B Sinnott • Mr T Slattery • Dr R Sloan • Dr T Sorensen • Mr P Steedman • Dr M Stenzel • Dr U Suliman • Dr H Sunde • Dr K Swanick • Dr E Sweeney McSharry • Mrs N Taaffe and Dr A Taaffe • Dr C Tan • Dr P Tan • Dr G Tanson • Prof K Teo • Dr W Tew • Dr B Thomas • Mr C Thong • Dr M Tiboni • Dr D Tierney • Dr D Tierney • Dr E Tierney • Dr K Tolia • Dr H Towers and Dr W Weiss • The late Dr R Townend • Prof O Traynor • Dr V Tshwakin-Mxenge • Prof M Varma • Mr D Veerasingam • Prof T Walsh and Prof L Viani • Dr A Walsh • Dr K Walsh • Dr D Ward • Dr F Watters • Dr B Weiser • Dr W Whistler • Dr A Whitford • Dr C Whitford • The late Dr L Wilson • Dr S Wong • Dr R Wood • Dr S Wretzel • Dr A Xavier • Dr M Ziegelbaum • Some generous donors to RCSI choose to give anonymously and are not included in this list • thank you

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Thank you to the following foundations, trusts and organisations for their ongoing support:


• BD Foundation • Beaumont Hospital Cancer Research and Development Trust • Higher Education Authority • The Atlantic Philanthropies • The Charitable Infirmary Charitable Trust • Iris O'Brien Foundation • IRFU Charitable Trust • Association of Medical and Dental Graduates • Friends of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Inc. • Rotunda Hospital • Friends of RCSI


RCSI is proud to partner with the following corporations in Ireland and internationally to advance our shared ambitions and accelerate patient outcomes:

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Professor Cathal Kelly and Aíne Gibbons would like to thank the following dedicated individuals who volunteer their time supporting the University to advance the RCSI_TOMORROW Campaign. CAMPAIGN LEADERSHIP

Lord Ara Darzi Mr Dermot Desmond (Chair) Mrs Loretta Glucksman Dr Aran Maree Dr Kieran Murphy FRIENDS OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN IRELAND, INC. (USA)

Dr Nezam Afdhal Prof David Birnbach Dr Siobhán Gogan Mr Michael Horgan (Chair) Dr Stephen Kee Dr Helen Towers (Treasurer) FRIENDS OF RCSI (UK)

Mr Tom Browne Dr Sheraz Daya Dr Nadeem Moghal (Chair) Dr Mary Evelyn Poynter Dr Tiong Ghee Teoh



By leaving a gift in your will to RCSI or making a gift in memory of a loved one, you can help shape the future of medicine and patient care

LEAVE A LASTING LEGACY THAT WILL TRANSFORM LIVES If you would like further information on legacy gifts please call Aíne Gibbons on +353 (0)14028548 or email ainegibbons@rcsi.ie


If you would like to continue your support of the RCSI_TOMORROW campaign, please visit www.donate.rcsi.ie, email alumnioffice@rcsi.ie or call Paul on 00 353 1 402 2729 who would be happy to discuss your gift with you.

RCSI Development, Alumni Relations, Fellows and Members Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 123 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland T: 00 353 1 402 5189 E: alumnioffice@rcsi.ie www.rcsi.com

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