RDJ Briefing - May 2023

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Facts & Analysis The RDJ Briefing and it's analysis is written and authored through collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC based in Windhoek, Namibia SCAN & SHARE A COPY TELECOM AND
ENERGY & SUSTAINABILITY Facts & Analysis C O N T E N T S 04 From The Editor Water The Environment Roads & Transport ICT & Telecommunications 30 Tenders and Careers Contributing Authors 36 37 26 28 22 24 M A Y 2 0 2 3 05 Electricity 18 Did you know? Synthetic Fuels 14 09 Oil & Gas Economy at Large Mining 16 06 Women in Industry Cover Image Courtesy: GettyImagesPro


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RDJ Consulting Services CC is an advisory consultancy to the Energy, Water and Transport Sectors with a focus on sustainable operations and renewable energy.



WelcomebacktotheRDJBriefing(Energyand Sustainability)

This month we tackle the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which has emerged as a transformativeforceacrossvariousindustries, anditspotentialforrevolutionizingtheenergy andsustainabilitysectorisundeniable.

As the world and definitely Africa, grapples with other complex challenges like climate change, resource scarcity, and environmental degradation, AI presents itself as a valuable tool for accelerating the transition towards a moresustainablefuture.Thereisnodoubtin my mind that, AI can provide our decisionmakers with valuable insights for informed and sustainable choices AI algorithms can speedily analyze vast datasets from diverse sources, such as satellite imagery, climate models, and economic indicators, to identify trends,patterns,andrisks

Our articles therefore show how AI-powered analytics can support urban planners in designing sustainable desalination infrastructure, optimizing operations, and reducing carbon emissions AI can also aid in identifying and prioritizing areas that require conservation efforts, helping protect biodiversityandfragileecosystems.

As we embrace the potential of AI, it is essentialforustoprioritizeethics,

transparency, and accountability AI systems must be designed and deployed within a responsible framework, taking into account potential biases, privacy concerns, and the impactonsocietyasawhole

Ethical considerations should guide the developmentanduseofAItechnologies

Hope you find this edition informative as usual, and we continue to encourage you to followusandengagewithusonalloursocial mediaaccounts

As always the conversation continues at briefing@rdjpublishing.africa.

Yours, editor@rdjpublishing.africa

NOTE1:Wewelcomelettersandarticlesfrom readersgloballyandrequirethatyouprovide yourfulldetailssuchasname,currentaddress andcontactphone/WhatsAppnumberaswell as email We however reserve the right to amend,modifyorrejectsubmissions.Youmay also request that your details be withheld frompublication.

NOTE 2: The RDJ Briefing (Energy and Sustainability) is published monthly and is FREE to Readers The magazine is paid for by advertising and research support from RDJ ConsultingServicesCC,Windhoek,Namibia. Windhoek, NAMIBIA Telephone
This report is a FREE Publication written and authored through collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC based in Windhoek, Namibia The content is collected from publicly available information and so its accuracy cannot be guaranteed

Did you know?

Artificial Intelligence is not new!

Thoughtheterm'ArtificialIntelligence'didnotexist until1956ataconferenceatDartmouthCollege, Hanover,NewHampshire.Atthisconference,the fieldofAIwasofficiallyborn,alongwiththecoining oftheterm.Theadvancesandideasfromthe precedingdecadesevokedmanyofthefuture themes. In1943forexample,WarrenS.McCulloch andWalterPittspublish“ALogicalCalculusofthe IdeasImmanentinNervousActivity”intheBulletin ofMathematicalBiophysics.Thisinfluentialpaper,in whichtheydiscussednetworksofidealizedand simplifiedartificial“neurons”andhowtheymight performsimplelogicalfunctions,willbecomethe inspirationforcomputer-based“neuralnetworks” (andlater“deeplearning”)andtheirpopular descriptionas“mimickingthebrain.”


Courtesy: PhonlamaiPhoto'sImages

Quick Facts

AI-enableddevicesareeverywhere.Nearly77percent ofdevicestodayuseAItechnologyinoneformor another (CreativeStrategies) InvestmentinAIstartupsandbusinessesgrew6 timessince2000.(MassachusettsInstituteof Technology-MIT)

Bytheyear2025,theglobalmarketofAIisexpected tobeapproximately$60billion;intheyear2016it was$14billion (CMO)

4.In2020,the“BigTech”companies,namelyAmazon, Google,Facebook,Apple,andMicrosoft,acquired13AI startups ThisisbecauseAIstartupshavebecomea “primeacquisitiontarget”inthesectorinrecentyears.

5. DespitestatisticsclaimingthatAIwillreplacemore than80millionjobs,theWorldEconomicForumpredicts thatAIwillcreatemorethan97millionnewjobsby2025.

5 MAY, 2023
1. 2. 3.

E C O N O M Y A T L A R G E AI & the Economy - How will Africa Cope?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here, and we cannot shy away from it. AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to

think and act and carry out tasks performed by humans efficiently

Despite not being very effective in the developing world due to the existence of less advanced technologies for its access and utilization, A.I. has already been present in the rest of the world and looks set to change the future AI promises to help solve global challenges like climate change and access to quality medical care, yet, it also brings real challenges for governments and citizens alike, and so, creating impacts on the economy at large The arrival of AI has left many asking questions like: “will it take our jobs?” Who will gain and who will lose from it?

These are mainly heard from developing countries especially in Africa, where unemployment, particularly among the youth, remains a real struggle In as much as

this may sound immature for many, it is an issue that can not be underestimated or ignored, especially in the developing world To begin addressing this, let us take a look at the most impacted sectors and see how they can benefit from AI This will allow us to evaluate where we stand and how we can get involved to ensure that our involvement yields more benefits to us and the economy than the predicted losses.


Water Sector

The journey to AI adoption empowers organizations to pursue data-driven, intelligent management of water systems. AI therefore can help detect real challenges in the water sector and provide practical solutions with concrete benefits, and also predict future demand in treatment and distribution networks by analyzing historical water usage patterns

www.rdjpublishing.africa MAY, 2023 6

Energy Sector

As the energy sector in both emerging markets and advanced economies continue to face multiple challenges in terms of efficiency, transparency, affordability, and the integration of renewable energy sources in power systems, AI holds considerable potential to improve power generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption through improved data processing to bring about clean, affordable, and reliable energy. The application of such technologies are bound to improve power management, efficiency, and transparency, and increase the use of renewable energy sources

Oil & gas Sector

The IEA reports that the oil and gas industry will see more wearables, robotics, and the application of artificial intelligence in their operations through improved analysis and processing speed of data, such as the large, unstructured datasets generated by seismic studies

With the widespread use of such technologies, the IEA forecasts a decrease in production costs between 10% and 20%, including through advanced processing of seismic data, the use of sensors, and enhanced reservoir modeling.

Transport and Logistics Sector

Digital technologies have the potential to make the transport system more connected, intelligent, efficient, reliable and sustainable Some notable benefits of AI in the transport and Logistics sector include route optimization, inventory management, predictive fleet maintenance, workforce management, reduction of operational costs, sustainability and eco-friendliness, efficient use of space, vehicle tracking, and impact of safety and traffic accidents

According to the International Finance Corporation, AI will generate $13 trillion in revenue by 2023, bringing in at least $3.5 billion to the transportation sector.


AI technology in agriculture is used for field harvesting, health monitoring, weed and pest control, detection of nutrient deficiencies in soil, creating efficient irrigation systems of farmlands, identifying macro weather patterns that can have an impact on harvests, and more This has made farmers and companies benefit greatly by having healthier crops, seeing real-time field condition monitoring, higher process efficiency, reduced need for manual labor, and better harvest quality AI-powered solutions are therefore expected to not only enable farmers to improve efficiencies but they will also improve

quantity, quality and ensure faster go-to-market for crops

The AI market is projected by Markets and Markets to grow from USD 1 7 billion in 2023 to USD 4 7 billion in 2028


Education seems to be one of the sectors with great benefit from AI, and the Covid pandemic intensified this through implementation of digital/online learning In this sector, AI helps with the development and setup of many learning programs which can potentially simplify the teaching and learning process Apart from academic upgrades, AI can also be used to develop games and software programs The danger that lies in this however, is that learners can potentially lay back from their studies and become fully dependent on AI’s solutions to carry out theirschoolassignmentsasseenwiththeuseofChatGPT.


Atthisstage,itwouldreallybeprematuretopreciselytell whether AI will only do good to our economy or harm it instead. With time, more and more industries will embrace this technology to improve their working processes. Hence, looking at the costs and benefits brought by this technology and figuring out a way to position ourselves and ensure that we come out with morebenefitsthanlossesispossiblywhatcanbedonefor now.

Policymakers need to shape policy and regulatory settings so that they facilitate opportunities offered by digital technologies And when doing so, it is important that they consider and address important aspects surrounding privacy, interoperability, and even potential liabilityissuesofonboardingAIineconomicoperations

What is your take on AI’s applications to your community or country? The conversation continues at briefing@rdjpublishing.africa


https://www clickworker com/customer-blog/benefits-ofai/#:~:text=Automation,in%20the%20sectors%20mentioned%20bef ore

https://www iea org/reports/digitalisation-and-energy

https://www ifc org/wps/wcm/connect/bd3a196d-a88f-45af-bbc6e0b00790fba8/EMCompass Note 81-05-web pdf?


https://integrio net/blog/benefits-of-artificial-intelligence https://idapgroup com/blog/artificial-intelligence-in-agriculture/ https://www marketsandmarkets com/Market-Reports/ai-inagriculture-market-159957009 html

www.rdjpublishing.africa 7 MAY, 2023

N$ 19.050/ US$ 1.000 perlitreDiesel50ppm

R 22.211/ US$ 1.157 perlitreDiesel50ppm

Kz 135.000/ US$ 0.250 perlitreDiesel50ppm

₦ 842.250/ US$ 1.827 perlitreDiesel50ppm

www.rdjconsulting.co.za The US$ equivalent refers to current exchange rates (May 2023) Data Source: theglobaleconomy com 9 MAY, 2023 May 2023 Fuel Prices Update NAMIBIA ANGOLA SOUTH AFRICA NIGERIA O I L
Effective as of 07 June 2023
& G A S
Effective as of 22 May 2023
Effective as of 22 May 2023
Effective as of 22 May 2023

Will Namibia fall for the Oil Curse?

Namibia is currently exploring and developing its offshore oil and gas reserves The country has taken several steps to mitigate the potential

negative impacts associated with the resource curse by implementing strong governance frameworks, transparency measures, and regulatory systems. Namibia has learned from the experiences of other countries and is working to avoid the pitfalls associated with the mismanagement of resource wealth

The "oil curse" phenomenon, also known as the "resource curse," refers to a situation where countries rich in natural resources, particularly oil and minerals, experience negative consequences such as corruption, economic instability, social inequality, and political conflicts. While the oil curse has affected some resourcerich nations, it does not necessarily mean that it will impact Namibia in the same way

The recent Oil and Gas Conference in Namibia during April 2023, held under the banner of Shaping the Future of Energy towards Value Creation, clearly indicates the seriousness by which the matter is taken. Practical action directed by the Hon. Minister of Mining and Energy (Hon.

a way forward, asking the conference to address:

Issue 1: The global importance of energy requires careful attention, as demonstrated by the current tensions in geopolitics.

Issue 2: Namibia and Africa as a whole are experiencing a severe shortage of energy, and it is crucial to utilize all available resources to enhance the well-being of the population

Issue 3: The recent oil discoveries in the country will only be beneficial if managed transparently and inclusively, with a focus on local content and the involvement of the next generation.

Issue 4: The need to be responsible custodians of a valuable resource and manage it sustainably for the present and future generations

To prevent the oil curse, Namibia has focused on the following key strategies: Strong Governance: Namibia has established institutions, legal frameworks, and regulations to ensure transparency, accountability, and responsible management of its oil and gas resources This includes clear guidelines for revenue management, environmental

MAY, 2023 10

Diversification: Namibia recognizes the importance of diversifying its economy beyond reliance on oil and gas. The government has been actively promoting sectors such as tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, and renewable energy to reduce dependence on oil revenues and encourage sustainable development Even more so the potential for green Hydrogen to play a role in diversification of energy and trade.

Capacity Building and Local Participation: Namibia aims to build local capacity and expertise in the oil and gas industry By developing skilled human resources and promoting local content requirements, the country seeks to maximize the positive impact of the sector on job creation and economic empowerment for its citizens.

Stakeholder Engagement: Namibia emphasizes engagement with local communities, civil society organizations, and international partners to ensure inclusive decision-making, address potential social and environmental concerns, and foster a fair distribution of benefits from oil and gas activities

While the risks associated with the oil curse exist, Namibia's proactive approach and commitment to good governance and sustainable development can mitigate these risks Quoting the Hon Minister again,

However, continued vigilance and effective implementation of policies and regulations will be crucial to ensuring that Namibia harnesses its oil and gas resources for the benefit of its people and avoids the negative impacts associated with the resource curse


https://www nieconference com/ https://www namcor com na/ https://www.mme.gov.na/ https://www.observer24.com.na/oil-discovery-ablessing-or-a-curse

www.rdjpublishing.africa 11 MAY, 2023
“The impact will be what we decide it to be”
Courtesy: kamranaydinov

Africa's largest oil refinery commissioned in Lagos Nigeria

www.rdjpublishing.africa MAY, 2023 12
Courtesy: GettyImages

igeria's President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday commissioned an oil plant billed as Africa's largest oil refinery, after years of delays and a

week before stepping down from office.

Built by Africa's richest person Aliko Dangote in the commercial hub of Lagos, the refinery should begin operations in June with the first products expected on the market by August though some analysts said it could be later

Once at full capacity, it will have the ability to process 650,000 barrels a day, according to the company.

Buhari -- who steps down on May 29 after eight years in office -- described the project as "a notable milestone" and "a game changer for the downstream petroleum products market, not only in Nigeria but for the entire African continent."

The presidents of Ghana, Niger, Togo, Senegal and a representative of the Chadian leader were present at the commissioning

The refinery is expected to meet Nigeria's domestic demand as well as serve global markets, Dangote said

"Once our plant is fully commissioned... we expect that at least 40 percent of the capacity will be available for export, and this will result in significant foreign exchange entering the country," said Dangote

For decades, Africa's most populous nation and one of the continent's largest crude producers has depended on fuel imports to meet local demand because of underperforming state-run refineries.

Nigeria swaps crude worth billions of dollars for gasoline that it then subsidises for its domestic market

It has caused a huge drain on foreign exchange at a time of dwindling oil revenue following the coronavirus pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war.

Costly subsidies

For analyst Tunde Leye, from the Lagos-based SBM Intelligence consultancy, it was "important for Buhari to inaugurate (the plant) before leaving power" but he doesn't expect the refinery to be fully operational before the end of 2024

Amaka Anku, Eurasia Group's Africa head, was more optimistic about the timeline.

"It typically takes six to nine months to get to full

operations," she told AFP, which would be "by the end of the year or next year "

She said the "significant" project would also have a beneficial impact on a range of industries that need refined crude products, from pharmaceuticals to construction

Both analysts noted however that Dangote's refinery will not make the price of petroleum products cheaper but could present an opportunity for the government to remove costly subsidies and address revenue shortages.

"I think that this is a significant opportunity for the government to support its goal of removing subsidies," said Anku, but "there's a political decision to be made "

President-elect Bola Tinubu -- whose February victory is being contested by the opposition -- has said that he would remove subsidies once in office. He was not present at the commissioning.

The refinery could also help improve transparency in the oil sector, according to Anku

"Dangote is a publicly listed company so it will be publishing information about how much crude it is purchasing and petroleum it is selling," she said, noting it as an improvement compared to the current situation where "we don't have a lot of transparency "

he current opaque system has fostered corruption according to analysts, and limited the government's ability to invest in key areas like education and healthcare.

The new facility, lying on 2,635 hectares (6,500 acres) of land at the Lekki Free Zone, was initially estimated to cost $9bn dollars but some $18 5bn has been spent to complete it, according to the company

Some 1,100 kilometres (about 680 miles) of subsea pipelines have been laid to link the oil-rich Niger Delta to the complex.

The pipelines are also expected to create a corridor for the evacuation of trapped gas from offshore platforms and allow for the monetisation of the product

Also on the massive complex is a $2 billion fertiliser plant with a three million tonnes per annum capacity.

More than 100,000 direct and indirect jobs are expected to be created through the project, the Lagos State government has said

13 MAY, 2023


Energy Security: The Role of Green Hydrogen

As the world continues to transition its energy system and decarbonize its energy supply, hydrogen enters the debate towards the global

energy security future. The International Energy Agency (IEA) defines energy security as the “uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price” We might add, being locally sourced although local can take on various features

Further, IEA made a distinction between long-term energy security which refers to timely investments to supply energy for economic developments and environmental needs; whilst short-term energy security refers to the ability of the energy system to quickly respond to unexpected changes in the supply-demand balance

In pursuit of clean energy sources, the energy sector is now exploring green hydrogen as a new addition to the energy mix. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) highlighted in its 2022 Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation three ways in which hydrogen can bolster countries energy security:

Reducing import dependence - Countries can reduce energy import dependence by producing green hydrogen using local abundant renewable energy sources (wind, solar, hydro, biomass, or geothermal) to increase their domestic energy supply. As the domestic production of hydrogen grows, imported fossil fuels will be replaced. Thereby, substituting energy imports with domestic energy sources and redirecting domestic energy consumption away from world market fluctuations

Mitigating energy price volatility - Renewable or green hydrogen can protect large industrial off-takers from highly volatile fossil fuel prices, due to its long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) mechanisms. Renewable-based power is increasingly purchased using long-term PPAs where competitive prices are determined through auctions, where bidders bid and take the risk with the hope to lower cost and make higher profits allowing PPAs to minimize exposure to fuel price volatility. Introducing renewable-derived hydrogen to fuel mix has the potential to stabilize prices in key sectors such as aviation, fertilizers, and maritime shipping.

www.rdjpublishing.africa MAY, 2023 14

Boosting flexibility and resilience - Hydrogen has the potential to provide energy to remote areas, improve their resilience and solve energy security challenges faced by communities in these areas. Hydrogen can also bolster energy security and build resilience, especially for nations that are dependent on energy imports Hydrogen provides resilience within the energy system by storing large quantities of energy over longer time periods; enabling it to meet energy demand as it arises and store power when the demand is low. However, in times of potential supply disruption from hydrogen exporting countries, hydrogen importing countries that lack buffer capacity to offset such disruption, may fall at risk of being exposed to energy insecurity

The IEA in its 2022 Africa Energy Outlook suggested that in 2021 approximately 600 million people had no access to electricity and some 970 million people used harmful fuels as a cooking source in Africa. Having said that, several African countries are looking forward to leveraging the new renewable (green) hydrogen technology to improve their energy security as well as transform the global energy system into a carbon-free energy mix Further, most of these countries hope to see increased economic benefits that can help alleviate poverty.

Namibia, among the leaders, has aspired to produce about 10-12 Million tons per annum (Mtpa) of green hydrogen by 2050 and currently have 5 active green hydrogen projects running (Green Hydrogen Applications in the Port Environment, Hydrogen-Diesel Dual Fuel Locomotive Project Proposal for Namibia with Supporting Research Projects, Daures Green Village,H2-Pilot Plant / Refueling Station in Walvis Bay and Tsau //Khaeb National Park (Hyphen SCDI) Project) with a possibility for more projects expected to enter the market

South Africa also seeks targets to have green hydrogen production to 2 – 7 Mtpa by 2050 and has in place various strategies for its implementation. Various projects underway such as the H2@Scale initiative amongst others will see domestic as well as export opportunities explored As part of an international partnership, South Africa will get access to the latest scientific findings and leading practices Authors Bhagat, R and Wolf, N noted in our April 2021 edition that moderate estimates indicate that the country has the potential to be an important player in the green hydrogen economy (GHE) and could secure 10% of the global export market share. [It must be agreed that] South Africa is endowed with abundant renewable energy resources for both onshore and offshore power generation It is also possible to generate significantly more electricity from wind and solar PV energy than is needed by the country, even when considering spatial exclusion zones.

Could the growth in demand for green hydrogen production affect the prices of hydrogen value chains? As always, the discussion continues at briefing@rdjpublishing.africa


https://www iea org/about/energy-security

https://www.irena.org/-/media/Files/IRENA/Agency/Public ation/2022/Jan/IRENA Geopolitics Hydrogen 2022.pdf

https://gh2namibia com/wpcontent/uploads/2022/11/Namibia-GH2-Strategy-Rev2 pdf

http://www thedtic gov za/wp-content/uploads/ExecutiveSummary-Green-Hydrogen-CommercialisationStrategy pdf

https://www greencarcongress com/2021/10/20211007h2scale html


www.rdjpublishing.africa 15 MAY, 2023

5G improves ESG and Profitability in Mining

The mining industry is embracing digital technologies and automation to improve operational efficiency, safety, and productivity.

This includes the adoption of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, and IoT devices These technologies enable real-time data monitoring, predictive maintenance, autonomous vehicles, and remote operations

market research reports, advisory and consulting services, there is growing acceptance for 5G adoption technology in mining.

5G networks enable real-time monitoring and control of mining operations, leading to improved safety and efficiency With 5G, miners can deploy advanced sensors, drones, and autonomous vehicles to collect data and perform tasks without risking human lives. By utilizing IoT devices and sensors connected through 5G networks, mining operations can optimize resource usage, minimize energy consumption, and reduce emissions.


The deployment of 5G technology in the mining industry in Southern Africa has the potential to bring significant improvements in both ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors and profitability Valued at US$2 15billion in 2023, the global 5G adoption in mining market looks set to grow over the coming years According to a market report by Arizton, a provider of comprehensive

Real-time data monitoring and analytics can identify areas for improvement, leading to more sustainable practices This reduces accidents, enhances worker

www.rdjpublishing.africa MAY, 2023 16

safety, and improves operational efficiency The vast amount of real-time data generated through 5Gconnected devices can be leveraged for informed decision-making. By utilizing advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, mining companies can optimize production processes, predict maintenance needs, and minimize downtime. This data-driven approach enhances operational efficiency and improves profitability

And so it is happening, Nkwe Platinum and South Africa Zijin Platinum, wholly-owned subsidiaries of multinational Zijin Mining Group, have joined hands with MTN and Huawei.

As part of the agreement, MTN and Huawei will provide 5G-based ICT solutions for smart mining requirements at the Garatau platinum mine in Limpopo The high-speed 5G broadband access will enable vehicle remote control, IoT communication, and enterprise digital transformation.

Nkwe Platinum Limited through South Africa Zijin Platinum (Pty) Ltd as its contractor to manage the day to day operations at the Zijin Garatau Platinum Mine will utilise the 5G setup The Zijin Garatau Platinum Mine is located on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, about 25 km north-west of Steelpoort and 30 km westnorth-west of Burgersfort in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The life of the mine is estimated to be more than 29 years and once fully operational, will employ some 2 500 people. The parties said the initiative would also help demonstrate how several emerging technologies can be combined with 5G to improve functions across the mine

Mines will benefit as “big-data” is common in mines to capture Geospatial Data, Production Data, Equipment Data, Environmental Data, Safety Data, Energy and Resource Consumption Data and Supply Chain Data is but some of the records kept or needed As mining operations also engage with local communities and stakeholders, this also involves managing data related to community development initiatives, social impact assessments, and communityengagementactivities

It is therefore important to note that the successful implementation of 5G in mining operations requires infrastructure investment, technical expertise, and collaboration among stakeholders. However, the potential benefits in terms of improved ESG performance and profitability make it an attractive proposition for miningcompaniesinSouthernAfrica.

Let us know your views or comments as the conversation continues editor@rdjpublishing.africa


https://www miningreview com/gold/boom-predicted-in-global5g-adoption-in-mining-sector/

https://www zijinplatinum co za/about-nkwe-platinum-limited/ https://mybroadband co za/news/5g/450816-south-africa-gettingits-first-5g-smart-mine html


www.rdjpublishing.africa 17 MAY, 2023
“Thiskindofadvancementwillbecome increasinglyimportantasSouthAfrica lookstoremaincompetitiveintheglobal mineralandresourcesspace,”

The Role of Batteries in our Power Systems E L E C T R I C I T Y

Power systems can be improved in several ways to enhance their efficiency, reliability, and sustainability This improvement is driven by

several factors, including the growing demand as we use more and more technology, concern over climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as advancements in renewable energy technologies and declining costs.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power, are considered cleaner and more sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels They generate electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or other harmful pollutants, thereby helping to mitigate the negative environmental impacts associated with traditional forms of power generation. As awareness of the importance of sustainability has grown, governments, businesses, and individuals have increasingly embraced renewable energy as a way to diversify energy sources, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and achieve carbon reduction goals.

Many countries around the world have implemented policies and incentives to encourage the adoption of renewable energy, including feed-in tariffs, tax credits, renewable portfolio standards, and auctions Technological advancements and economies of scale have also contributed to the increased penetration of renewables. The cost of renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, has significantly decreased over the years, making them more economically competitive with traditional energy sources This has led to a rapid expansion of renewable energy installations and an increase in their share of electricity generation

The integration of renewable energy into the power system network does present certain challenges, such as intermittency and variability of generation. Unlike fossil fuel power plants, which can operate continuously, renewable energy generation depends on factors like weather conditions and natural resources availability To address these challenges, various strategies are being

www.rdjpublishing.africa MAY, 2023 18

employed, including the development of advanced forecasting techniques, energy storage systems, demand response programs, and smart grid technologies

The ultimate role of batteries in power systems is to provide energy storage capabilities Batteries store electrical energy in chemical form and can release it as needed, making them crucial for balancing electricity supply and demand, stabilizing grids, and integrating intermittent renewable energy sources. The BESS market has been rapidly growing worldwide The last 10 years have seen mass grid-scale BESS installations in both the automotive and power industries According to BloombergNEF, 9 GW / 17 GWh of BESS were deployed as of 2018 and 1,095 GW / 2,850 GWh are expected to be deployed by 2040.

Batteries or really Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) can help manage the fluctuations in electricity supply and demand, particularly to combat intermittency They can store excess energy during periods of low demand and release it during high-demand periods, ensuring a more stable and reliable power supply Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are intermittent, meaning their generation fluctuates based on weather conditions. Batteries can store excess renewable energy when it's generated and supply it when renewable sources are not producing, thereby enabling better integration of renewable energy into the grid

Other benefits to the power system include:

Grid Stability: Batteries can provide grid stability by quickly responding to changes in electricity frequency and voltage. They can supply power to the grid or absorb excess power to maintain a stable frequency and voltage level

Peak Shaving and Load Management: Batteries can help reduce peak demand by supplying power during periods of high electricity usage. This practice, known as peak shaving, can alleviate stress on power infrastructure and

prevent blackouts Additionally, batteries can enable load management by storing energy during off-peak hours when electricity is cheaper and releasing it during peak hours,reducingcostsforconsumers

Demand Response Programs: Implement demand response programs that incentivize consumers to adjust their electricity usage during peak demand periods By reducing electricity consumption during peak times, the strainonthepowersystemcanbeminimized

Grid Resilience and Security: Strengthen the resilience and security of power grids against natural disasters, cyber threats, and physical attacks This includes improving physical infrastructure, implementing robust cybersecurity measures, and establishing redundancy in thegridtominimizedisruptions.

While batteries offer numerous benefits, it's important to note that there are also challenges associated with their use, such as cost, limited lifespan, and environmental concernsrelatedtobatteryproduction,use,anddisposal. However, ongoing research and advancements in battery technology aim to address these challenges and further development.

By implementing these strategies, Overall, the increasing penetration of renewable sources into the power system network is a positive trend that contributes to a more sustainable and resilient energy future. It offers opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promotingenergyindependence

As always, the conversation continues briefing@rdjpublishing.africa


https://ieeexplore ieee org/abstract/document/9110951

https://www researchgate net/publication/

https://www engineering com/story/how-batteries-are-boostingthe-power-grid

www.rdjpublishing.africa 19 MAY, 2023


“Imagine the Future: Youth and Finance”

RDJ Publishing Public Discussion and Exhibition

Start// 30 May 2023 – Windhoek, Namibia

On the 10th of May 2023, RDJ Publishing (Pty) Ltd (RDJ Publishing) held it’s third (3rd) thought leadership event at the Windhoek Country Club under the Imagine the Future banner, in partnership with RDJ Consulting Services CC , Standard Bank Namibia as a gold sponsor, and Future Media as the media Partner.

This time, the event had the theme “Youth and Finance”, and it focused on creating an atmosphere that fosters interest in and raises awareness on financial literacy skills among the youth The event was set as a public facing forum which included an exhibition/expo component that gave financial institutions and other stakeholders an opportunity to interface more extensively with the public, particularly the youth

The event was highly supported by speakers who are experts in the topics they presented. This included Mr. Garth Petersen, the Head of Wealth at Simonis Storm Securities; Ms. Klestina Armas, a Financial Literacy and Food Sustainability Educator leading the page “Money Matters with Budget Bee” on social media; Ms. Lucia Ndishishi, the Namibia National Students Organisation (NANSO) President; and Mr. Fimanekeni Mbodo, the Founder and CEO of Foster Digital Education for the afternoon “Lunch Time” Chat & Discission Meanwhile, the Evening “Young Professionals” Chat & Panel Discission has speakers in the likes of Ms Khadijah Mouton, the Senior Copywriter at Standard Bank; Ms Luisa Hango, the President of the Unam Investment Society ; Ms Kapurua Kahorongo, a Governance, Risk and Regulatory Specialist and Mr David Jarrett, the CEO of the RDJ Group

Given that the focus was on finance, the topics covered were:

“Wealth Management”

“Budgeting and saving”

“Financial Literacy at basic and tertiary level”

“Generating Real Returns by Investing in Yourself”

“Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it It can be”

“Saving and Investing”

“Understanding consumer credit”

“Youth and SME Financing Needs”

In line with its target audience, the Imagine the Future: Youth and Finance event saw 85% of its participants to be young people between the ages of 18-35 coming from financial and higher education Institutions, local youth organizations, different media houses, engineering firms, the local transport sector, and the public at large While these attended in person, the online presence through social media accounted for more than eleven thousand impressions from Namibia and beyond

The RDJ Group extends its heartfelt gratitude to all the speakers that took time off their schedules to share a wealth of knowledge with the youth, as well as Standard Bank Namibia for being the main sponsor of this event; Future Media and Fresh FM for being the official media partner; and Coca-Cola for sponsoring the event with cool drinks.

The RDJ Group will continue to provide public awareness through its engagements that offer factual information and data that is focused on the economy primarily through the Energy and Sustainability sectors in Africa and beyond



Namibia Desalination: Next Steps

Many regions around the world suffer from water scarcity, either due to limited freshwater resources or increased demand from growing

populations and industrial activities. With what is estimated as over a billion people globally lacking access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene, water access is an urgent issue Access to clean water and effective water management is therefore essential for human well-being, economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and achieving the set United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Water is one of the basic human needs, but with this said, humans cannot survive without water Despite its importance for human life, water has substantial effects on social, economic, and environmental aspects of development. Climate change exacerbates water scarcity globally as it affects the water cycle, water availability, and water resources management

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) in its 2022 “Synthetic Report on the state of food nutrition security and vulnerability in Southern Africa” reported

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Reverseosmosis Courtesy:AdobeStock

that about 100 million Southern Africans (37%) do not have access to safe drinking water This means disadvantaged communities, especially those living in rural communities and informal settlements do not have access to safe drinking water, exposing them to diseases and socio-economic challenges.

In Namibia, the water demand is estimated to reach 583 and 772 million cubic meters per year by 2025 and 2030 respectively Although, The Namibian government’s target in NDP5 was 100% and 95 % access to safe drinking water for its urban and rural population, respectively, by October 2022 only 99% of the urban and 87% of the rural population were said to have access to potable water.

Namibia faces significant water scarcity challenges

During the “Namibia Water and The UN 2023 Water Conference Preparatory Meeting” in October 2022, the construction of a “new bulk water infrastructure including a desalination plant to supply water to the central coast” was mentioned as one of the strategies to improve water scarcity issues within the country. Desalination plants have been considered as a potential solution to address water shortages, particularly in coastal areas

Desalination provides an additional source of fresh water by converting seawater or brackish water into potable water, reducing the strain on traditional water sources. Desalination projects already exist in Namibia ranging from small to large, including the Akutsima a small-scale desalination project in the Omusati region; the Trekkopje desalination plant owned by Orano based in Swakopmund with a capacity of about 20 million cubic meters per annum and currently producing at about 60% of its capacity. There are also commercial public plants such as the Grunau and Uis Pilot Rural Groundwater Brackish Desalination Plants owned by NamWater in the Kharas and Erongo regions,

sustainability. Machine learning algorithms can learn from historical data and real-time operating conditions to optimize energy consumption without compromising water production quality

Membrane fouling detection and mitigation: Membrane fouling is a common challenge in desalination plants, leading to decreased efficiency and increased operating costs. AI can analyze sensor data and historical information to detect early signs of membrane fouling and recommend appropriate cleaning or mitigation strategies This helps maintain the performance and longevity of membranes, reducing operational costs

Water quality monitoring: AI can facilitate real-time monitoring of water quality parameters during the desalination process which will allow early detection and responses to changes in water quality ensuring the production of high-quality freshwater consistently

Optimization and control: By applying machine learning techniques, AI can optimize the operation of desalination plants, by adjusting variables such as flow rates, pressure, and energy consumption to maximize efficiency and reduce costs.

Predictive maintenance: AI can be used to predict equipment failures and optimize maintenance schedules which can help prevent downtime, reduce repair costs, and improve the overall reliability of desalination plants

Do you think that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can enhance desalination plant production and assist countries achieve SDG6 goals? The conversation continues at editor@rdjconsulting.africa


https://www sadc int/sites/default/files/202208/SADC RVAA Synthesis Report 2022-ENG pdf


https://www who int/news/item/18-06-2019-1-in-3people-globally-do-not-have-access-to-safe-drinkingwater-unicef-who

https://www.wasserressourcenmanagement de/en/592 php

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of desalination processes and can play a significant role in the field of desalination through the following methods:

Energy optimization: Desalination is an energy-intensive process, and optimizing energy consumption is crucial for

https://cdn orano group/orano/docs/defaultsource/orano-doc/groupe/publicationsreference/publication-groupe/orano annual-activityreport 2022 online pdf?sfvrsn=d8c77707 14

https://drfn org na/storage/app/media/NamWaterGrunau

Bethanie/Bethanie Media Reports pdf

https://smartwatermagazine.com/news/synauta/machine -learning-delivers-energy-savings-desalination

www.rdjpublishing.africa 23 MAY, 2023
Without the application of machine learning to optimize operations, greater amounts of energy and chemicals will needlessly be wasted.


Food Production: The Biochar factor

Unknown to many, for over two thousand years, biochar has been used by humans as a soil enhancer as it directly supports the provision of nutrients for plant uptake. Today, the biochar added is more often explored on an industrial scale, allowing the generation of natural soil nutrients by safe, low-emitting, and resource-efficient technology

The Institute for Sustainability defines biochar as “carbon-rich material that is made from biomass through a thermochemical conversion process known as pyrolysis”. In simple terms, this is the residue obtained from the process of burning organic material from plant material Its ancient use in agriculture implies its potential benefits in sustainable crop production and environmental remediation

Biochar is actually a form of charcoal It is made through a process called pyrolysis which involves the burning of biomass in an oven with little or no oxygen. What you get out of it is a solid material which then is added to soil.


Africa’s food production system is at risk and facing several challenges which include extreme weather, climate change, pests, and diseases. After the Covid 19 pandemic and the Ukraine war, the food chain supply has been disrupted leaving Africa with no option but to invest in local food production “Free or cheap food imports have made local food production in Africa less competitive and, in turn, shifted consumer preferences away from local brands to foreign ones As a result,

MAY, 2023 24 www.rdjpublishing.africa

Foresight Africa in their 2023 Report, notes Africa is now the most food-import-dependent region in the world, dedicating more than 13 percent of its import expenditure to buying food and agricultural commodities.”.

Africa has a long history of food dependency and a s a result, any major shock could result into severe trade disruptions, increased hunger, and pass-through inflation, eroding both household and public budgets To avoid this, Africa needs to invest in biochar which involves enhancing agricultural productivity by improving farm management techniques. This will not only ensure the availability of affordable food, but it will also help countries attain several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly supporting SDG #2 Zero hunger and SDG #3 Good Health and Wellbeing Revolutionizing food production in Africa will improve the continent’s development prospects and build resilience

Biochar can support food production in several ways:

1. Soil Improvement: Biochar can enhance soil fertility and productivity. When added to soil, it acts as a longlasting carbon sink, retaining nutrients, water, and beneficial microorganisms Biochar improves soil structure, increases water-holding capacity, and promotes nutrient retention, reducing the need for irrigation and fertilizers. It also mitigates soil erosion, enhancing the stability and health of agricultural lands.

2. Nutrient Retention: Biochar has a high cation exchange capacity, which means it can absorb and retain essential plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium By reducing nutrient leaching and runoff, biochar helps prevent soil degradation and nutrient loss, ensuring that crops have access to the necessary nutrients for growth.

3. Microbial Activity: Biochar serves as a habitat for beneficial microorganisms in the soil These microorganisms support plant growth by aiding in nutrient cycling, nitrogen fixation, and disease suppression Biochar promotes a favorable environment for these beneficial microbes, leading to healthier soil and improved crop yields. Biochar lowers soil acidity increases buttering capacity, and increases plant productivity with an average yield increase of 10%-40%.

4 Carbon Sequestration: Biochar is a form of stable carbon derived from organic matter When applied to soil, it sequesters carbon, helping to mitigate climate change by removing atmospheric CO2 and storing it in a solid form for centuries. This carbon sequestration potential makes biochar a valuable tool for carbon offset programs and sustainable agricultural practices. Biochar carbon

persists in soil for hundreds to thousands of years. By increasing pH, porosity, and water availability, biochar can create favourable conditions for root development andmicrobialfunctions.

5. Waste Management: Due to biochar's excellent adsorption properties, it has potential applications in industrial and environmental applications including water and wastewater treatment and remediation and revegetation of contaminated soils. Biochar can be produced from various organic waste materials, such as agricultural residues, wood chips, and crop residues. By converting these waste materials into biochar, it offers a sustainableapproachtowastemanagement,reducingthe environmental impact of organic waste while creating a valuablesoilamendment

Biochar, therefore, contributes to food agriculture production by improving soil fertility and controlling pollution of rivers and groundwater It also provides simultaneous economic benefits: It improves the agronomic and environmental sustainability of biomass production systems Benefits go further in that it also improves the economic sustainability of bioenergy enterprises by offsetting feedstock purchases with revenue from biochar sales Biochar has the capacity to produce revenue and boost the sustainability of agricultureandtheenvironment

Theuseandbenefitsofbiocharasacarbonsequesterand soil conditioner have propelled its demand and use in the agriculture sector worldwide Biochar has the capacity to produce revenue and boost the sustainability of agriculture and the environment Using biochar in production agriculture should improve yields and reduce negativeimpactsontheenvironment

What do you think about biochar and food production? Connectwithusat briefing@rdjpublishing.africa


https://www rit edu/sustainabilityinstitute/blog/what-biocharand-how-it-made#: :text=Biochar%20is%20a%20carbonrich,with%20a%20focus%20on%20biochar

https://www sciencedirect com/science/article/abs/pii/S03014797


https://www biogreen-energy com/biocharproduction#:~:text=Biochar%20is%20mainly%20used%20in,farmin g%20as%20an%20animal%20feed

https://www intechopen com/chapters/72668

https://edis ifas ufl edu/publication/SS585

How biochar works, and when it doesn't: A review of mechanisms controlling soil and plant responses to biochar - Joseph - 2021GCB Bioenergy - Wiley Online Library

https://www siani se/news-story/doing-wonders-biochar-soilquality-africa-how-do-we-take-it-next-level/ https://www brookings edu/essay/food-security-strengtheningafricas-food-systems/

www.rdjpublishing.africa 25 MAY, 2023


Africa on the Move: Can we rely on Alternative Fuels?

Transportation plays a pivotal role in the socioeconomic development of any region, and Africa is no exception With its vast geographical expanse, diverse landscapes, and growing population, the continent faces unique and complex transportation challenges Efficient and reliable transportation systems are crucial for promoting economic growth, improving

connectivity, facilitating trade, and enhancing the quality of life for African communities

Africa's transportation needs are multifaceted and require attention at various levels, including infrastructure development, accessibility, affordability, safety, and sustainability The continent encompasses a wide range of

wwwrdjpublishingafrica MAY, 2023 26

transport modes, from road and rail networks to maritime and air transportation Each mode serves specific purposes and must be effectively integrated and optimized to meet the diverse needs of African societies

The current deficiency with regard to high liquid and gaseous fuel prices in Africa at large coupled with limited electricity access in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), has made it a necessity to explore alternative sources of energy and fuels Although energy resources are being progressively discovered, they are not equally distributed across the continent

The AfDB reports that 38 out of 53 African countries are currently net oil importers. High and volatile oil prices are thus a challenge for all of Africa; they represent an opportunity to be pursued for exporting countries, but a definite obstacle to be tackled for importing countries What makes it more complicated, is that to minimize the shock of high energy and transport costs, countries tend to pass this on to consumers - usually by increasing public transport fares or the price of final goods. The prices of many other goods and services are also pushed upwards, affecting the poor most severely. Given such economic complexities, it is necessary that importing countries refocus their attention and investments on alternative fuels for both energy security and as an inflation buffer


Solar energy and Hydrogen fuel cells

This is not new to Africa. Solar power is derived from the sun and converted into thermal or electrical energy. In Namibia for example, solar and wind power greatly contribute to the total energy produced in the country with levels for the electricity industry alone in excess of 10% But the government has been actively exploring further alternative clean energy sources such as Green Hydrogen which could defintely lead to support for the transport sector as well as others. Significant levels of investments are already being made through ongoing pilot projects across Namibia.

2 Biofuels

Such fuels are usually derived from organic matter often sugarcane or maize which is fermented to produce ethanol Currently, due to its particular nature, ethanol is blended with petroleum to make a cheaper, cleaner-burning fuel. Brazil for example is already using half its sugar crop for this and produces enough ethanol to fuel some 50 percent of the cars running in the country This move in Brazil has made some African governments and companies show interest A good example is D1 Oils Africa, a British bioenergy company, which developed 174 000 hectares of land in Zambia dedicated to crops for the production of biodiesel, a fuel derived from either vegetable or animal oils that is suitable for use in diesel engines.

SustainableAviationFuel SustainableAviationFuels(SAFs)arealternativefuelsthat are specifically designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissionsfromaviation Theyareproducedusing renewable resources such as biomass, waste materials, or non-food crops SAFs can be used as a drop-in replacementforconventionaljetfuelsandareintendedto reducethecarbonfootprintoftheaviationindustry

SAFs have the potential to significantly reduce CO2 emissions compared to traditional jet fuels because they are derived from renewable sources. They can help mitigate the environmental impact of aviation, which is a majorcontributortoglobalgreenhousegasemissions.

ThereareseveraltypesofSAFs,includinghydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (HEFA), Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthetic fuels, and alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) fuels. These fuels undergo rigorous testing and certification to ensure they meet the necessary performance and safety requirements for use in commercial aircraft. It is important to note that some alternative fuel types can be more feasible in some countries and not in others, but Africa has the potential to fearlessly embark on this journey. The AfDB for example concluded that up to 10 percent of East Africa’s energy needs could be supplied by the full development of just two alternative forms of energy: thermal power, which is produced from steam that emanates from below the earth’s surface, and cogeneration, in which heat energy escaping from a power plant or industrial process is used togenerateelectricity

As Africa continues to progress and strive for economic growth and development, addressing its transportation needs will be a critical endeavor By investing in modern and sustainable transport systems, Africa can unlock its economic potential, foster regional integration, enhance social inclusion, and improve the overall quality of life for its people Collaboration, innovation, and long-term planning are crucial elements in achieving an efficient, safe,andsustainabletransportationlandscapeinAfrica

Stay tuned to more articles on alternative fuels powering Africa’s mobility The conversation continues at editor@rdjpublishing.africa


https://www un org/africarenewal/magazine/october2006/what-alternatives-oil-africa

https://www.afdb.org/fileadmin/uploads/afdb/Docume nts/Publications/Oil%20and%20Gas%20in%20Africa.pdf

https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/el/ MEMO 11 41


www.rdjpublishing.africa 27 MAY, 2023

I C T & T E L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S

The Telecom Industry and Artificial Intelligence

In recent years, the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have had a transformative impact on various industries One sector that has been

significantly influenced by AI is the telecom industry. With the power to revolutionize customer experience, network management, and operational efficiency, AI has become a game-changer for telecom companies worldwide.

Telecom networks are complex and require constant monitoring and optimization to ensure seamless connectivity AI-driven network management systems analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, detecting network congestion, identifying bottlenecks, and predicting potential failures. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, telecom operators can optimize network performance, enhance resource allocation, and reduce downtime Predictive maintenance enabled by AI helps identify and address potential network issues before they escalate, minimizing service disruptions and improving overall network reliability.

AI can play a crucial role in bridging the digital divide in rural areas By leveraging technologies such as satellite connectivity, AI-driven solutions can extend internet access to remote regions AI can optimize network deployment strategies, improve coverage, and enable cost-effective connectivity solutions, bringing digital services to underserved communities. AI can also be applied in the telecom sector to support agricultural and rural development By integrating AI with smart farming technologies, farmers can access real-time weather information, crop management insights, and market data This improves agricultural practices, enhances productivity, and supports economic growth in rural areas.

Telecom companies face significant challenges in combating fraud and ensuring data security AI-powered algorithms can analyze patterns, detect anomalies, and identify potential fraud incidents in real-time By monitoring call records, network traffic, and customer

www.rdjpublishing.africa MAY, 2023 28

behavior, AI systems can quickly spot suspicious activities and trigger necessary actions to prevent fraud Additionally, AI enhances cybersecurity by continuously monitoring network traffic, identifying potential threats, and deploying proactive measures to protect customer data and privacy.

AI has also revolutionized customer interactions in the telecom industry Virtual assistants and chatbots powered by AI are being used to provide personalized customer support, handle inquiries, and troubleshoot technical issues. These intelligent systems can understand natural language, learn from customer interactions, and deliver quick and accurate responses, ensuring round-the-clock customer service. Through AI, telecom companies can provide proactive and tailored solutions, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty

Telecom operators handle vast amounts of data daily AI and machine learning algorithms enable efficient data analysis, extracting valuable insights to drive business decisions. By analyzing customer behavior, preferences, and usage patterns, telecom companies can personalize their offerings, develop targeted marketing campaigns, and optimize pricing strategies AI-powered analytics also facilitate demand forecasting, network planning, and the identification of new revenue opportunities, enabling telecom providers to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

For Africa, the perspective needs much urgent attention to facilitate the harmonization of telecommunications regulations across African countries This harmonization would create a favorable business environment by reducing regulatory barriers and promoting cross-border

investments Common standards and regulations can lead to increased connectivity, interoperability, and improved market access for telecom operators

Another area would be to prioritize and support the development of telecommunications infrastructure across Africa. This includes expanding broadband networks, deploying fiber-optic cables, and enhancing connectivity in rural and underserved areas By promoting infrastructure development, governments can bridge the digital divide and provide equal access to telecommunications services, fostering economic growth, and social development. Other areas of need cover Capacity Building and Skills Development, Cybersecurity and Data Protection, Regional Integration and Connectivity as well as Policy Advocacy and Support All of which would support member states in developing national policies that align with regional objectives and promote the growth of the telecommunications industry

Embracing AI-powered solutions will be essential for telecom providers to stay competitive, meet evolving customer expectations, and unlock new possibilities in the digital era Therefore, the integration of AI in Africa's telecommunications sector can lead to improved customer experiences, optimized network management, enhanced data analytics, increased security, extended connectivity to underserved areas, and economic development. Embracing AI technologies presents opportunities for Africa to leverage data-driven insights and innovation, ultimately driving digital transformation and socio-economic growth

The conversation continues at editor@rdjpublishing.africa

29 MAY, 2023


Interview with Ms. Shakila Mshana


African women in tech, we can createamorediverse,inclusive,and prosperous tech industry in Africa. We spoke to Ms. Shakila Mshana Co-Founder and Managing Director for StartHub Africa, Tanzania, on the importance of the involvement ofAfricanwomenintechprograms.

Personal Journey


In Embedded and Mobile Systems from The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology(NM-AIST).

Due to the nature of her degree, during her time at NM-AIST she gainedasolidfoundationincreating solutions and developing products for the many problems in her community. But these solutions remainedonlyprojectsandbecause ofthissheslowlystartedtobuildup a passion to find out different ways on how she could commercialize these solutions and turn them into real businesses Which led her to embark on a fulfilling professional journeythatsheisintoday

MAY, 2023 30
31 MAY, 2023

Ms. Mshana worked as an Operations Manager at a smallMicrofinancebeforestartingherMastersDegreein 2019. After completing her studies In August 2021, She began her career at StartHub Africa In December as an Innovation Consultant and Country lead for Tanzania fortheprojecttheyhadatthattime.Thisroleprovided her with a lot of exposure and some very valuable experiences in Project Management, Partnership building,Leadership,TrainingandMentoringaswellas ContentDevelopment.

Sheranaverysuccessfulprojectandwasabletopullin additional funding for awards for their teams in Tanzania.Throughthisprojecttheylearnedalotabout the needs and gaps that exist In all of the East African countries. StartHub Africa decided to officially expand toTanzaniatooffertheirmuchneededservicesandMs. Mshana happily led that expansion where she eventually became the Co-Founder and Managing DirectorforStartHubAfricaTanzania.

Like any professional, Ms. Mshana has faced personal challenges in her career. Two notable and closely related challenges she encountered and maybe still encounter is the racial and gender bias & stereotype which can manifest as assumptions about her competence and abilities especially when both her cofounders are of European descent These prejudices sometimes mean she has to work harder to gain recognitionandrespect

shetechthefuture program

Please detail The aims of shetechthefuture program. The shetechthefuture program aims to bridge the gender gap by providing opportunities, resources, and support specifically tailored to women, encouraging and enabling more female digital innovators to start and grow ventures sustainably in Uganda and Tanzania.

This is done in two stages, first with female students who are Interested In tech and want to learn how to develop innovative solutions and female founders who are already working on tech solutions.

Please describe when the program started?

The program officially started in April 2023 and will go on until October 2023.

Kindly elaborate on what challenges the program aimstoaddress?

There are a lot of reasons why this program is very necessary From the many programs we have done at StartHub Africa, we have seen that women are heavily underrepresented in the tech industry, particularly in tech focused businesses and we want to address this through the program But this Is not the only reason, the program also touches on topics such as stereotypes and biases that hinder progress for women in tech, lack of role models, confidence building and more

What are some of the unique challenges the team hasfacedduringtheprogram?

Of course there were some challenges as with any program but a unique one at the top of my head is the low attendance rate A lot of female students applied and got admitted to the program and even confirmed attendance but the number that actually showed up was almost half of those that got admitted

What is the future of the program/ Do you plan on expandingtheprogram?

Yes, program like this cant be a one-time activity We are introducing a female track in StartHub Africa's existing Catalyzer program which offers, mentorship, coaching and first investment.


For young women working on bridging the digital dividemyadvicewillbeto

1. Consistently keep learning and educate yourself. Thebestwaytoproperlyaddressanyproblembytruly understand It well enough, then Its easy to know whichresourcestodirecttowardsIt.Sokeeplearning and staying up to date with matters related to digital dividegap.

2. Mentor and Inspire Others. By empowering others, we can amplify the impact of our efforts so be a role modelandmentorforotheryoungwomen,shareyour experiences,knowledge,andinsightswiththem.

3.StayResilient:Icanpromiseyoubridgingthedigital dividegapIsacomplexandlong-termgoal.Therewill be a lot of setbacks, challenges, and obstacles along the way. Just stay resilient, persistent, and determined. Learn from your own failures as well as from others failures, adapt your strategies, and keep movingforward.

MAY, 2023 32


info@rdjconsultingcoza CONTACT US:


To make a difference in the Energy & Sustainability landscape

RDJ Consulting is a 100% Namibian Energy and Sustainability Consultancy with more than 30 years’ experience in the utility (Water, Energy and Telecoms), rural development and transport sectors. Our experience as an integrated professional services firm that builds better communities through planning, design, and delivery of physical and social infrastructure helps support our clients in all aspects going forward

We approach each of our clients with fresh eyes to develop customized, unique strategies.

RDJ Consulting based in Windhoek, Namibia has extensive experience in Southern Africa, Asia, Britain, USA and the Caribbean. We thus work with various governments and agencies to address development issues in developing countries

** Short form for the legal name of RDJ Consulting Services CC +264 81 750 3002
of The RDJ Group

Media Release

Monday, 22 May 2023

A Fresh Approach to Youth Unemployment: NIPDB Oxungi Youth Engagement Forum

The Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB), an entity housed in the Office of the President, aligns with and fully embraces its mandate, heeding the call for prosperity by our Founder, our Head and the current President of the Republic of Namibia, His Excellency Dr Hage Gottfried Geingob In line with this commitment and to bolster the socio-economic fabric of Namibia, the NIPDB hosted the Oxungi Youth Engagement Forum on Friday, 19 May 2023

The Forum was designed as an interactive and collaborative platform, aiming to bridge the gap between Namibia's dynamic youth demographic and the available economic opportunities It addressed critical issues such as the economy and youth unemployment, emphasising the NIPDB's dedication to fostering a high quality of life for all Namibians, including the youth and building a resilient national economy

During the Forum, the Chief Executive Officer of the NIPDB, Ms Nangula Uaandja showcased her profound understanding of the Namibian economy and investment landscape, guiding the discussion on current opportunities and future prospects that can drive individual and business growth while contributing to national prosperity The overwhelming response to the open invitation highlighted the urgent need for such platforms, with 95 attendees present and over 25 participants joining via the Facebook live stream

Pictured: Chief Executive Officer of the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board, Ms Nangula Uaandja presents available economic opportunities to a group of dynamic Namibian youths during the inaugural NIPDB Oxungi Youth Engagement Forum held on Friday, May 19, 2023.

Ms Uaandja's presentation shed light on the various opportunities within diversification sectors and the sought-after jobs associated with them She encouraged the youth to consider vocational training, particularly for positions related to the Green Hydrogen and Oil & Gas sectors “With the advancement of the Green Hydrogen sector and the Oil and Gas discoveries, it is up to you to take advantage and start setting up businesses to offer the goods and services demanded within these sectors Find that value within yourself and bring that value to market” Ms Uaandja said

Recognising the youth as vital stakeholders in Namibia's socio-economic ecosystem, open dialogue becomes crucial as the nation's economy progresses and market dynamics evolve The Forum signifies not merely a one–time event but marks the beginning of a comprehensive approach by the NIPDB It reflects the institution’s commitment to fostering continuous engagement, facilitating discussions and implementing proactive measures to address youth employment and promote economic development in Namibia The ultimate aim is to create an inclusive environment where no voice is left unheard, and no one is left behind

Contact Person: Catherine Shipushu

Senior Manager: Marketing, Communications and Branding

Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board

Mobile: +264 81 127 9069

Email: catherine shipushu@nipdb com

Pictured: Young Namibian youths engaged during the inaugural NIPDB Oxungi Youth Engagement Forum held on Friday, May 19, 2023.



Description: Designing, Manufacturing, Delivering, Installing, Testing and Commissioning of 2 x 160MVA, 220/132/33kV YNa0d1 Power Transformers for Kokerboom Substation.

Bid Closing Date: 07 July 2023 at 10:00 Namibian Time https://www.nampower.com.na/Bid.aspx?id=251666

Description: Supply, Delivery and Offloading of Capacitive & Inductive Voltage Transformers for Brakwater Stores, Namib and Kokerboom Substation

Bid Closing Date: 07 July 2023 at 10:00 Namibian Time https://www nampower com na/Bid aspx?id=251668

Description: Pre-qualification of Suppliers for the Supply, Delivery and Offloading of Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (LSFO) and Light Fuel Oil (LFO) to NamPower Power Stations for a Three (3) Year Period.

Bid Closing Date: 14 July 2023 at 10:00 Namibian Time https://www nampower com na/Bid aspx?id=251674

Description: Construction of Obib-Oranjemund 400kV Interconnector Transmission Line

Bid Closing Date: 07 July 2023 at 10:00 Namibian Time https://www.nampower.com.na/Bid.aspx?id=251664


Description: Pre-Qualification of Contractors for the Rehabilitation and Replacement of Boreholes.

Bid Closing Date: 18 July 2023 at 11:00 Namibian Time https://www namwater com na/index php/quotations?id=587catid=22


Description: The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1MVA Transformer at Namibia Plastic Converters in Okahandja.

Bid Closing Date: 29 June 2023 at 10:00 Namibian Time https://cenored.com.na/procurement/


Description: Request for proposal for mobile roaming services for Mobile Telecommunication (MTC)

Bid Closing Date: 30 June 2023 at 14:30 Namibian Time https://www.mtc.com.na/procurement/tender/331

Description: Request for proposal for the application to-person messaging (a2p) solution for Mobile Telecommunication (MTC)

Bid Closing Date: 30 June 2023 at 14:30 Namibian Time https://www mtc com na/procurement/tender/332






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37 MAY, 2023
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