Rdm rota terra en

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Discover in the Algarve the “Soul” of the Mediterranean.





Located in the antechamber of the Mediterranean, a civilization cradle, the Algarve perfectly mixes its cultural and climate influences with those from the Atlantic. Closely related, Earth and Sea spun millenary relations of complicity, creating fantastic adventures, and shaping strong personalities in its people and products. Since the IV millennium BC that the Hills of Mú archaic name for the Hills of Caldeirão - have been sceneries for highly symbolic cultural expressions to the communities that erected the Masmorra Dolmens1 (Alcarias de Pedro Guerreiro and Pedras Altas2 - Mealha3, in the Parish of Cachopo); moreover, they were a crossroad of ancient routes and, currently, of roads N124 and N397. This are the paths we are going to show you, in a discovery of the Mediterranean Diet soul, its best locations, key players, products and cultural traits. Cachopo4, typical village “Serrenha” invites us to a walk through its shale houses alleys and to visit its rich rural heritage: Moinho Branco, Museu das Flores, Museum Centre of Cachopo, as well as the crafts shop “O Moinho”. Take the opportunity to know some pretty villages - or “Montes”- in the vicinity, such as Mealha, Casas Baixas5 and Feiteira6, where you can taste the typical arbutus berry brandy, produced by “Aquardente” (Phone: 932 277 650). Engage in some friendly chatting with the “elders” you meet along the way; you will be surprised by the friendliness of these communities, faithful keepers of the hospitality values, a key cultural trait of the Mediterranean. Descending from Cachopo towards the coast, recharge your energies at the tavern “O Paraíso da

Serra,” Monte da Ribeira7, where you can order delicious local delicacies (Phone: 289 844 969) and hike along the intricacies of the mysterious meanders of Odeleite creek. Continuing southwards, exit road N397 to Alcaria do Cume8, where you can enjoy a magnificent landscape at the local viewpoint and along the road crossing the limestones of Barrocal, heading to Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispo9. Don’t miss the visit to the Olive Oil Mill and Nucleus of Santa Catarina’s Cooperative and on Saturday morning the Municipal Market. If these visits had opened your appetite, head east on road N270, turn to Morenos and follow to Umbria, where you will find the restaurant “Monte Velho”10, trustee of the most authentic local cuisine (under appointment only, phone: 281 971 061; ). If travelling with your family, we suggest a visit to the rural thematic park “A Quinta”11, between Santa Catarina and Santo Estevão, near Poço do Vale, (phone + 351 281 324 245; ). Heading south to road N125, you will find Luz de Tavira12, recommended for some tranquillity time, particularly, the Municipal Market, on Saturday. Following the longitudinal Algarvian road, pass through Tavira and then Conceição; at Nora, turn north to Santa Rita13. Shortly after the viaduct over the A22 motorway, you will find the entrance of the Leisure Park of Perímetro Florestal14 (Forest Perimeter) of Conceição de Tavira, where the whole family can finish this unforgettable journey and enjoy while watching the fauna and flora of the Mediterranean forest.

R The churches of Tavira, an expression of rural community’s devotion and social power from a wealthy business urban class, deserve a special visit, starting in the parish church of Santo Estevãoa (Cachopo). Descending from the limestone region of Barrocal, we highlight the anonymous painting “Juízo Final” at the Manueline style Church of Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispob. Then we follow to the heart of the parish, to the Church of Santo Estevãoc, where the perspectives created by the master painter José da Costa still catch our eye. Completed in 1570, the Church-Hall of Luz de Tavirad is the next stop in a journey continuing into the centre of the village, passing by the chapel of S.Sebastiãoe, which faces a former prison, now wisely changed into the Library Álvaro de Campos, the beautiful churches “Igreja das Ondas”f or “Compromisso Marítimo” at Travessa (Alley) de D. Brites. Standing in front of the building of the Municipal Council, walk up Galeria Street and visit the pretty Renaissance Church of Misericórdiag. Now, head to the castle where you will find the Church of Santa Maria do Casteloh, built over a mosque from the Islamic period; Tavira’s conqueror, D. Paio, rests here. This route through some of the most beautiful churches of Tavira ends on the other side of the River, at the Chapel of Santa Ana i, in the square with the same name, where you can enjoy a magnificent view over the town.


1 Antas das Masmorras 37.377223, -7.863547 2 Antas das Pedras Altar 37.354234, -7.871495 3 Mealha 37.363336, -7.871892 4 Cachopo 37.332653, -7.817892 5 Casas Baixas 37.343144, -7.781960 6 Feiteira 37.280218, -7.861895 7 Monte da Ribeira 37.298830, -7.751684 8 Alcaria do Cume 37.246586, -7.737694 9 Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispo 37.153580, -7.785582 10 Restaurante Monte Velho 37.177730, -7.736711 11 Parque Temático Rural a Quinta 37.128045, -7.742964 12 Luz de Tavira 37.091940, -7.704313 13 Santa Rita 37.179393, -7.571868 14 Parque de Lazer do Perímetro Florestal da Conceição de Tavira 37.189262, -7.570789

a Igreja Matriz de Santo Estevão 37.332653, -7.817892 b Igreja Manuelina de Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispo 37.153983, -7.789223 c Igreja Matriz de Santo Estevão 37.091936, -7.704338 d Igreja-salão da Luz de Tavira 37.343144, -7.781960 e Ermida de S. Sebastião37.122278, -7.647480 f Igreja das Ondas

37.125086, -7.648675

g Igreja da Misericórdia 37.125751, -7.650599 h Igreja de Santa Maria do Castelo 37.125516, -7.651676 i Ermida de Santa Ana 37.128731, -7.651559


These are just some of the many discovery suggestions through the best that Mediterranean diet has to offer to the traveller, thirsty for History of close relationships and wisdom among people, products and places, made over thousands of years. The Mediterranean Diet Route (Rota da Dieta Mediterrânica - RDM) is an initiative framed by the Plan for the Safeguard of Mediterranean Diet, developed by In-Loco Association and other members of the Regional Commission for the Mediterranean Diet (DM) and supported by the Operational Programme Algarve 21. It aims to qualify, to organize and to provide, to visitors and interested parties, a wide range of locations and patrimonial assets where the identity traits of the Mediterranean Diet are highlighted and can be enjoyed with quality and depth.




Algarve / Portugal Comunidade Represen tativa Tavira

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