This book is dedicated to young readers everywhere. May you thrive in your wondrous reading journeys.
This book is dedicated to young readers everywhere. May you thrive in your wondrous reading journeys.
Sid and Fran are at the swim club. Prim is Fran’s twin. Prim wants to trick Sid.
Sid puts in his plugs. “I don’t like to brag, but no one can swim like me. I will win!”
“We will see,” Fran said. “Get set and . . . go!”
“We can swim from here to there,” said Fran. “I bet I will win!”
Fran does not swim, but Prim swims and wins.
Sid claps. “I swim well, but you are quick! We can swim again.”
“We will swim from here to there and back again,” said Prim. “The one who does it will win.”
Sid gets set. “And . . . go!”
Sid swims, but Prim does not. Fran jumps in to swim and win.
Sid slaps the top. “I am not as quick as Fran. I cannot win!”
Fran grins. “Want to swim again?”
“Yes,” said Sid, “but I want to swim from this spot to there.”
“Get set . . . go!”
Fran and Prim plot to trick Sid again until . . .
“Well, who is this?” said Sid.
“Stop!” said Sid. “Fran, I can see two of you!” Fran said, “There are not two of me.”
“This is Prim, my twin,” said Fran.
“I did not know Prim is your twin,” said Sid. “I cannot tell who is who.”
“I am the twin who likes to hop as a frog,” said Fran. “See?”
Prim said, “And I like to flip. Want to see?”
“Yes, I do,” said Sid. “Can you do a big flip?”
“Yes, a very big one!”
“Oh no . . . I don’t know who is who,” said Sid. “Are you Fran? Are you Prim?”
“You cannot tell?” said Prim.
“No, I cannot,” said Sid. “You tricked me again.”
Once there was a mom who liked to plant crops on a hill.
“Who will come and help me tend the crops?” asked Belen.
“Not me,” said Cris. “I have to rest.”
“Not me,” said Ines. “I can’t stand to get dust on my hands.”
As Cris and Ines slept, Belen planted the next crop. She plucked the bad stems. She had a pick to hit the rocks and till the land. Belen tended the crops until dusk. She wanted to rest, but she did not nap. “I must not stop. I have to get lots of cobs from my crop.”
“Oh no!” said Belen. “My pick is bent. Who will lend a hand?”
“Not us,” said Ines and Cris.
“If I don’t get help, we will not have the best crops. And we can’t get fed.”
“But we don’t know what to do.”
“I will tell you,” Belen said. “The husks are kept next to the hut. Cris, you can grab four, and Ines can grab two.”
“This husk does not have a big cob,” Ines said.
“The cobs are little,” Cris said. “This was not your best crop.”
“I know.” Belen felt sad. “What will we do?”
Ines gasped. “Do you see this cob? It is lit up like the sun!”
“What luck!” Belen said.
“I have a plan. I will sell this cob. We can fix the pick and get fed. I must sell it fast!”
Belen went to sell the cob. At last, she fed the kids and fixed the pick.
“Is it just me who plants the next crop?”
Belen asked.
“No,” Ines said. “We will help you.”
Cris said, “Trust us. We will not rest.”
Belen got lots of help to have the best crops again.
Hank and Jin got Kim a skink as a pet.
Dink likes to drink and sit on a big stick in its tank.
Kim said, “I want to pet my skink. It is the best pet I could have.”
Kim lifts the lid of the tank and yanks Dink up.
Dink grips onto Kim. The skink does not like to be yanked.
Kim pets Dink, but she jumps back.
“Yuck! What is this?” Kim asks.
“A skink gets rid of its skin,” said Jin, “and it will get a new skin.”
“Dink has to get wet,” Hank said. “This will help it get its new skin.”
Kim gets a big pan and fills it in the sink.
Dink does not want to get wet.
Dink is not very fast, but Kim still does not see him slink.
“Dink is lost! Where could my skink be?”
“I know you are upset,” said Hank.
“We will find Dink.”
Jin blinks. “There’s Dink, on the pink pig bank.”
“My skink!” Kim said. “Dink, don’t slink from me again.”
“Let’s put Dink in the sink,” Hank said. “The skink does not like to get wet, but it stinks!”
Dink sits in the pan and gets wet. Kim winks at the skink.
Dink is back in the tank and drinks.
Its skin is brand new!
“Dink is the best pet I could have!”
Zade, Mike, and Tave went on a hike. Tave liked the new cape. She felt very brave.
Zade and Mike smiled and winked.
“What’s in this cave?” asked Zade.
“I don’t know,” said Mike. “It’s not safe.” Tave crept into the cave. “We will be fine. Let’s go see!”
Zade and Mike gave fake yells.
“Oh no!” said Zade. “There are nine bats!”
“I hate bats!” said Mike. “I want to hide!”
“My name is Tave the Brave, and I must save my dads!” said Tave. “Just do as I do!” They ran and jumped over piles of rocks, but they got lost.
“It’s late, and it’s time to go back,” said Zade.
“It’s so black in here,” Mike said. “Mine is not lit, and I can’t see. What do we do?”
“Here, take mine,” said Tave. “I will get us to the end spot. Come on!”
Zade and Mike put on an act.
“Yikes! There are five snakes!” Zade said. Hiss, hiss, hiss!
“I hate snakes! They slink and slide,” said Mike.
“Don’t fret. Tave the Brave is here!” said Tave. “I will save you!”
Tave tamed the five snakes. She made the snakes slide from side to side. Hiss, hiss, hiss!
“Behave, snakes,” said Tave. “Don’t bite me.”
“You did it!” Mike said. “The snakes left the cave!”
“You saved us, Tave!” said Zade. “We are fine.”
Tave went on top of a big rock. “If you yelp, Tave the Brave can help!”
“We want to be brave like you,” Zade and Mike said.
Tave gave the dads a big hug. “Next time.” Reading Partners Cover to Cover BR Book 5
©2023. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, or photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the author.
For more information, please contact: Mascot Kids, an imprint of Amplify Publishing Group 620 Herndon Parkway, Suite 220 Herndon, VA 20170
ISBN: 978-1-63755-810-2
The Cover to Cover series by Reading Partners was created for readers of all levels with a focus on instructional practices rooted in the science of reading. The stories include a commitment to diverse and affirming characters. Book 5 is for readers who have begun sounding out more complex phonics patterns and beginning to read long vowels. Comprehension skills are building for readers at this level.
Reading Partners is a national early literacy nonprofit that partners with schools, community-based organizations, local volunteers, and families to provide individualized tutoring and other evidence-based literacy support for students who are striving to read at grade level. The Reading Partners team recognizes that learning to read is a civil right, and we promote educational equity within marginalized communities by helping students develop lifelong literacy skills and confidence to actualize their limitless potential. We envision a future where every reader has the skills they need to read a book from and then reach for another!