Realities For Children Annual Report 2016

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ANNUAL REPORT The Year of Dreams Realities_AnnualReport_2016_201805.indd 1

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FOUNDER’S LETTER Dear Realities For Children Members, I find myself unusually excited about the review of our past year in service. This year has been truly exceptional and in our 20 years has proven to be one of the most amazing we have experienced. Although we continued facing increased need for services as Larimer County received a staggering 6,321 new child abuse reports and referrals last year, the dedicated support of our Business Members, donors, volunteers and supporters has allowed us to not only meet this increased demand but actually reach further in service than ever before. That is why I am calling 2016 our ‘Year of Dreams’. Not only because we granted the dreams of children we provide for at our 19th annual Human Services Awards Gala to encourage them to fight the good fight and find triumph over their abuse, but also because a new dream of service was born and began its path to reality this year. In January during our annual Executive Directors meetings this vision became clear as we learned of the need for confidential facilities space that all youth organizations could use for services and programs to help improve the healing process of those in need. It was at our Awards Gala in April we shared this dream to build the Realities For Children Homebase Facility and Youth Activities Campus that would fortify the healing process. The Richardson Foundation offered to match every dollar donated to see that this effort did not take away from existing programs and would become a reality. Members offered services and donors came forward with designated giving that allowed us to purchase a centrally located, easily accessible 4 acre campus and begin construction of this community resource to better service needs for at-risk youth and help carry on our mission to see that no child in need is forgotten for generations to come. And all this was accomplished while continuing to grow in Membership, Agency Partnership and growth in reach of all our Core Services. This report is designed to highlight what your support helped to accomplish and provide this past year, but cannot begin to share the amazing impact your partnership has helped to make a reality. Because not only have you the Business Members helped to bring the collective power of the business community to the fight against child abuse, but in doing so have helped to unite the non-profit community of our 31 partner agencies in collaboration to help provide the best continuum of services possible for children that have been abused, neglected or are at-risk. Your investment is one that inspires change and offers hope to the hopeless. So on behalf of every one of these children that your membership and support has helped us to serve this past year, thank you for choosing to be part of the Realities For Children family, for having the courage to make dreams into reality and making it your business to make a difference. Sincerely,

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Realities For Children is Collaboration in Action Realities For Children and Realities For Children Charities form a collaborative partnership that directly connects community members, business leaders and local youth agencies to provide the most efficient and direct services possible to support the needs of local children who have been abused, neglected or are at-risk.

In Creating this Private – Social Partnership that invites everyone in our community to help see that no child in need is forgotten Realities For Children has set the industry standard in: •

Fiscal Efficiency - 100% distribution of every donation directly to core services programs

Collaboration – Building a collaborative network of 31 Affiliate Youth Agencies

Community Involvement – Uniting 230 local businesses and thousands of community members.

Volunteer Support – managing one of the largest volunteer bases for at-risk youth

Transparency – Providing on line access to all policies, 990 returns and legal documents

Management - Board oversight by proven community leaders.

Fundraising Events –Hosting premier events that invite all community sectors to get involved.

Organization Sustainability –Realities For Children is not grant, market or government dependent

Realities For Children

Realities For Children



is a non-profit cause marketing organization

is a 501c3 charitable organization that is

comprised of local businesses. These Business

designed to unite non-profit community, provide

Members pay a monthly membership fee that

Emergency Services, Item Distributions and

collectively provides marketing and promotions for

Special Programs for children that have been

their business and underwrites all the administrative

abused, neglected or are at-risk to help realize a

and overhead fees for the charity.

strong continuum of services.

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Realities For Children

MEMBERSHIP Where Business, Community and Service Come Together The Vision of Realities For Children is to educate, engage and inspire local businesses, youth agencies and the community to support and improve the lives of Northern Colorado children who have been abused, neglected or are at-risk – so that no child in need is forgotten. Keeping Dreams Alive recipient with Business Members Health Construction

“As local business owners we fully support Realities For Children because of their far reaching impact on the children of Larimer County who are not able to fend for themselves. With Realities For Children partnering with 31 local youth agencies we feel that our humble contribution reaches the greatest number of children in need.“ - Brenda & Rex Schweers – Dickey’s Barbecue

Realities For Children Staff

Craig Secher

DeAnn Zamora

Molly Secher

Joyce Dickens

Serena Thomas

Shelley Carroll

Executive Director

Director of Events & Donor Relations

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Director of Member Marketing

Youth Agency Program Manager

Member Relations & Accounts Mngr.

Membership Director

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Building Private – Social Partnerships

Realities For Children Inc is a Colorado non-profit corporation – however it is not an IRC section 501c3 organization. It was created in this manner so that Business Membership dues are business advertising expense, rather than a charitable donation. This distinction is essential in achieving our mission to unite the non-profit community because these membership dues are non-competitive resources that underwrite the charities administration so 100% of all dollars raised goes to direct services and essential programs. For a complete list of all Member Marketing and Promotional benefits contact Shelley Carroll at 484-9090 x 101

Membership Matters Realities For Children Business Members are an alliance of local business leaders have made it part of their company culture to making a positive difference in the lives of children in our community that have been abused neglected and at-risk. These Members are the backbone of the Realities For Children organization in that they fortify the Private - Social partnerships that allow business, community and service to come together. For a complete list of the over 230 Realities For Children Business Members visit

Premier Fundraising Events

The Members of Realities For Children produce some of the Premier Fundraising Events for Northern Colorado children who have been abused, neglected or are at-risk; underwriting the management of events that invite all community sectors to get involved. These events have become Community Landmarks and World Record holding events that not only benefit youth in need but also increase community awareness of the problems of child abuse and how everyone can make difference in the life of a child. •

Human Services Awards Gala

Realities Ride & Rally

Realities Cup Invitational Golf Tournament

Forever Family Ride

NightLights – A Christmas Reality For Children

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Realities For Children

MEMBERSHIP Ambassadors Program

Realities For Children’s Ambassadors are a select group of Business Members that have elected to volunteer to reach out to the business community to help us spread community awareness. They go above and beyond to invite business leaders to make it their business to make a difference and serve as lead volunteers at community

2016 Realities For Children Awards & Impact Report: Launched Realities For Children Homebase Facility & Youth Activities Campus Capital Campaign – Announced in April 2016 the capital campaign to provide a confidential location to host youth activities, item distributions as well as free access to all Partner Youth Agencies in service to at-risk youth in Larimer County.

events and agency programs.

Fort Collins and Loveland Proclaims Realities For

Realities For Children Business Ambassadors

collaboration and in the recognition of the importance of

Dr. Ed Osgood, Lighthouse Chiropractic

Brent Barstad – Mountain View Bank of Commerce

Toby Castor – Vineyard Church of the Rockies

Laurie Czarnecki – Watchdog Automotive

Sean Dougherty – RE/MAX Alliance

Shannon Doyle – SPD Architecture

Dawn Eger – Eger CPA

Jill Foster – Belfor Property Restoration

Kevin Lemasters - EnviroPest

April Peterson – Blue Federal Credit Union

Ian Senesac – Roth Lighting

Matt Shoup – M&E Painting

Jennifer Snyder – EmbroidMe

David Wiegand – Country Financial

Children Path To Healing Day - In the true spirit of the Homebase Facility for at-risk youth, both the City of Fort Collins and the City of Loveland declared November 10th to be recognized as “Path To Healing For At-Risk Children Day” Give Next Award Recipient – Poudre School Students honored the Members of Realities For Children as the Give Next Award recipients. Realities For Children named Children’s Charity of the Year - Colorado & Community Support Award for Outstanding Children’s Services. Presented by Small Cap Awards Human Relations Award Recipient –Presented by the Fort Collins Human Relations Commission for the embodiment of the spirit of inclusiveness, giving and altruism. Realities For Children Triumph Awards Scholarship Endowment nears $450,000 Realities For Children Playground named at ATV Safe House – Alternatives To Violence opened their Loveland Safe House for Domestic Violence survivors and named the onsite playground the Realities For Children Playground. Realities For Children Playroom named at Faith Family Hospitality - FFH began the process of a new facility for the youth and families they serve and will name the in house playroom the Realities For Children Playroom.

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IMPACT REPORT 4,000 children attended Realities For Children Youth Activities and Events 520 Volunteers provided 3,675 Hours of Support $ Presented 5 Premier Community Events Raising 300,160 for Emergency Services Critical Item Distributions were provided to over 1,800 Children locally $ Supported 39 Partner Agency Events collectively Raising 1,320,517 Over 30,000 Community Members attended RFC presented and supported benefits $ Granted 618,592 in Emergency and Core Services needs $ Built the Triumph Awards Scholarship Endowment Fund to 446,724 $ Raised 806,828 in Dedicated funding for the Realities For Children Homebase Over

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Realities For Children

MEMBERSHIP Membership Financials

These funds cover all administrative and operating costs of both Realities For Children Membership and Realities For Children Charities so that 100% of all Donations received go directly to children’s programs and services.

Total Expenses from Membership

“Turning Point’s youth and families benefit directly from Reality’s Emergency Funding. The Emergency Funds provide immediate help and support when there is nowhere else to turn. Realities For Children and its Business Members do so much to improve the lives of abused and neglected youth in our community that we simply cannot thank them enough.” - Paul Christenson, Business and Development Director

Total Membership Revenue includes $152,260.00 for trade services including advertising, accounting, custodial fees etc. Leaving $357,703.96 in cash revenue for operating expenditures.

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Child abuse and neglect robs its victims of the full, rich lives they deserve – and it also silences them. Realities For Children gives voice to this intolerable epidemic and works to ensure these children a better present and future. I am honored to be a Business Member of Realities For Children as they empower children to reach for their dreams and help bring laughter and light back into their lives Shannon Doyle - Owner SPD Architecture, Inc.

Remarkable organizations helping children are often pushed to the margins and can struggle to meet all that is needed. The collaboration and support Realities For Children provides these agencies and at-risk youth is invaluable in helping to meet these unmet needs. I’m truly blessed to partner my business as a Member and with this highly distinguished nonprofit organization. Offering these services to children when they need it most, makes a real difference in helping to build a better future. Kandace Stolz - Premier Regenerative Stem Cell and Wellness Centers President - CEO - Partner

“Every day in our community children are identified as being in harm’s way due to the neglected and abuse they are subjected to. It takes a community not a single agency to develop solutions to help kids and families. Realities For Children has truly made a difference in the lives of so many by connecting our community to protect our most vulnerable citizens.” Jim Drendal – Larimer County Child and family Services Manager

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For a non-profit strong leadership is essential to not only providing the best impact and continuum of services but also in discerning the most efficient use of resources entrusted by our donors and supporters. The Realities For Children Charities Board of Directors is comprised of key community leaders with frontline awareness and expertise of community issues and the needs of child abuse survivors.

Board of Directors

“As a former prosecutor with many years working directly with youth serving agencies, I have seen the need and desire for agencies to work in concert for our youth. Realities For Children has helped to meet that need in the uniting the nonprofit community and consequently improving the healing path of services for the far too many children that have been abused, neglected or are at-risk who struggle in an effort to grow into healthy, productive adults.” Larry Abrahamson - Realities For Children Charities Board Member - RFC Homebase - Manager

Justin Smith Larimer County Sheriff Board Vice President

Craig Secher Realities For Children President

Larry Abrahamson Retired Larimer County District Attorney Homebase Facility Manager

Karen Weitkunat City of Fort Collins Mayor Retired

Kristy Volesky Lieutenant Fort Collins Police Department Board Secretary

Ted Ray Great Western Bank Wealth Advisor Board Treasurer

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Healing Philosophy The design of Realities For Children Charities embraces a healing philosophy that identifies and supports 3 essential legs of service in providing for children who have faced abuse and neglect. 1. Emergency Services - The first leg of service requires we identify and meet the immediate, unmet and emergency needs so that no child in need is forgotten. 2. Healing Process - The second leg requires effective support services once emergency needs have been met so that the healing process along the path of recovery can begin. 3. Breaking the Cycle - The third leg focuses on provision of services that equip, support and provide resources so that as children grow they are empowered to break the cycle of abuse.

Partner Youth Agencies

Realities For Children Partner Youth Agencies are an esteemed group of non-profit youth organizations that directly serve children that have been abused, neglected or are at-risk in Larimer County. Each agency has agreed to the Realities For Children principals of youth services collaboration so that collectively we are able to provide the best possible continuum of services throughout the healing process.

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Realities For Children

CHARITIES Core Services & Programs

Each of Realities For Children Core Services and Programs are designed with the intent to strengthen a specific leg within the healing process to help children thrive and overcome.

Shaquil Barrett with the Denver Broncos meeting with a Realities For Children Child at the Keeping Dreams Alive Awards Gala

Youth Activities and Direct Grant Programs Monthly Youth Activities – these are special youth

Community Education Affiliate Agency Outreach Support

activities organized, run and sponsored by Realities For

In addition to direct community education about

Children for the purpose of simply letting a child be a child during a difficult time. •

This past year over 4,000 children attended these free activities and special events.

Special Activities include: Ice Skating, Swimming,

the problems of child abuse in Larimer County and how people can choose to get involved – Realities For Children also helps to promote and helps to underwrite Agency Fundraising events

Bowling, Movie Days, Sporting Events, Pumpkin Patch

throughout the year.

and more.

In 2016 Realities For Children helped to support 39 Agency outreach and fundraising

Direct Grant Programs – these are direct service grants

events investing $115,000 and helping

toward Special Youth programs that better the Healing

these partner agencies raise $1,320,517 in

Process and Breaking the Cycle •

Keeping Dreams Alive - provides Dream Grants to encourage at-risk youth to follow their dreams of a better tomorrow

collective net returns for their services •

Total attendance at Supported events exceeded 19,152

Triumph Awards - provides Collegiate Scholarships for youth emancipating from the system.

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Homebase Facilities and Campus The Realities For Children Homebase Facility and Youth Activities Campus is a 4 acre, centrally located private facility, distribution center, park and playground that will be easily accessible to the youth, families and Partner Youth Agencies we work with in Larimer County. The Homebase Campus will host youth activities, item distributions throughout the year as well as free facilities access to all Partner Agencies in service to at-risk youth in Larimer County. These additional facilities will help strengthen our collective ability to help heal along the path of recovery.

Emergency Services and Distributions Emergency Services are immediate needs for children that have been abused, neglected or are at-risk that are requested from front-line providers when all other resources are exhausted or unavailable. Emergency Funding is accessible to all Partner Agencies within 60 minutes of requests creating a true County wide safety net so that no child in need is forgotten. Item Distributions are managed throughout the year based on specific youth needs and allow Emergency Funds to reach further where they are needed most. •

Back To School Backpacks and Supplies

Community to Need Direct Requests

Kids Matter Comfort Bags

Bikes For Tykes– Bicycles and Helmets

Thanksgiving Meals

Santa’s Toy and Warm Winter Clothing Workshop

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Realities For Children

CHARITIES Charities Financials: Total Donations Received in 2016 were $1,755,049.58 •

Total Sponsorship Underwriting, In Kind and Volunteer Value + $343,067.30

Cash and In-Item Donations = $605,153.80

Capital Campaign Designated Homebase = $806,828.44 100% of designated giving to the Homebase Capital Campaign went to purchase and building of the Homebase Campus & Youth Activities Campus

The Triumph Awards Scholarship Endowment = $446,724.36 2016 Grant Distributions Thanks to the Members of Realities For Children underwriting administrative expenses all donations and revenue received was dedicated directly to emergency needs and programs for the children we serve. As a result of roll over funds our total grants exceeded resources raised in 2016 as we were able to distribute $618,592. The information and chart below illustrates the distribution of Core Service grants above and beyond designated gifts toward the Triumph Awards Endowment and the Homebase Facility. Core Services Grants Distributed = $618,592.83 Emergency Services and Distributions


(Includes cash and item distributions) Agency Outreach and Community Awareness


Youth Activities & Special Programs


Emergency Services & Distributions Youth Activities & Programs Agency Outreach Support

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Back To School Distributions

“Realities For Children backpack distribution allows so many children to be able to be more confident and prepared to attend school and thrive. We are proud to partner with such a forward thinking group of people who are as passionate about helping children as we are.” Herman Tearman, Marketing and Development Associate

“Thank you, this is the first normal Christmas we have ever had. We actually had a nice Christmas because of the kindness of your heart so I really mean this, Thanks and Thanks you from all the other Santa’s Workshop Toy Distribution

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kids you helped as well.”

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Realities For Children

CHARITIES Partner Agencies of Realities For Children Charities Partner Agencies of Realities For Children Charities are an esteemed group of 34 non-profit agencies that are

committed to collaboration, fiscal efficiency and providing the best possible continuum of service for the needs of children that have been abused, neglected and are at-risk in Larimer County. “The impact that Realities For Children is one of incredible significance. Their collaborative and passionate efforts make a difference not only within our organization, but on the community-at-large.” David Route, One Village One Family “Realities For Children strengthen our ability to serve teens who have experienced sexual violence. SAVA Center benefits greatly from the network of agencies that collaborate to create a safety net for youth in northern Colorado.” Jennifer Jones, Executive Director “Realities For Children directly impacts the lives of children in Domestic Violence by allowing them to move on from victimization to survivorship” Glenda Shayne, Executive Director Alternatives to Violence “When children come to the Child Advocacy Center, it is because they have been victims or witnesses of child sexual abuse, assault, murder, or another violent crime. These children are shaken and scared, with their worlds turned upside down. Often, they are cold, hungry, and without shelter- Realities helps us with the crucial needs: food, shelter, and clothing to name only a few.” Mary Beth Swanson, Executive Director “Adopt Colorado Kids are honored to be an Affiliate Agency of Realities For Children. Community collaboration is key to serving the needs of Colorado’s waiting foster children and youth. For years, Realities For Children has been a trusted advocate for kids in the community; their reputation precedes them in all the various projects they lead. Together, we can ensure that ‘No Child is Forgotten!” Julie Mavis, Executive Director and Co-Founder “Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY) of Colorado is fortunate to partner with Realities For Children to make lasting change in our community. Children and families are our most valuable resource, and the ability to empower, support, and promote generational healing with the help of Realities For Children cannot be quantified. We value Realities as a resourceful and reliable community partner that understands the type of advocacy that our families and children deserve.” Ryann Vernetson -Executive Director

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*Updated with 2018 Partner Youth Agencies

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Realities For Children


“The support provided by Realities For Children to the children and families served is invaluable. The swift response for emergency funds is a marvelous support to our families and the family-centered activities hosted by Realities are thoroughly enjoyed. Namaqua Center is grateful for our partnership with Realities For Children in advocating for the most vulnerable children and families in our community.�

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Karen McMahon Namaqua Center Program Supervisor

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“There are many valuable organizations throughout Larimer County that serve abused, neglected and at-risk youth. Oftentimes they struggle not only for funding but also to effectively achieve their mission. Realities For Children has provien to be the Larimer County Resource that helps to unite and support these organizations to allow the healthy recovery of survivors of child abuse.” Sheriff Justin Smith “In addition to the emergency funding Realities For Children provides, they impact the community on a much broader level. Above all other entities working with children in our community, Realities For Children has and continues to shine.” Kristy Volesky - Crimes Against Persons - Fort Collins Police Services “The Realities For Children Homebase Campus will provide a sustainable model that will ensure greater community accessibility to services, consistency in location for services and a more efficient use of resources. This campus will strengthen the mission of supporting and empowering children who have been, abused, neglected or are at risk. Karen Weitkunat “Just as every child is unique, every youth agency brings a special set of gifts and services to assist throughout the healing process. No single organization can meet all the needs of a child that is at-risk or has experienced abuse and neglect. It is a great privilege to serve and partner with agencies that understand and embrace the life changing impact we make working in collaboration as a service community.” Craig A Secher – President, Realities For Children Charities

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“Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality�

Realities For Children 308 E County Rd 30, Fort Collins, CO 80525

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- Jonas Salk Design by Old Town Media

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