Issue #18 | July Newsletter

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Garfield HS KEY CLUB The Official Newsletter of James A. Garfield High School Key Club, Division 26

July 24th, 2013

Volume 5 | Issue 18

In this issue... CALENDAR & EVENTS




MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Dear Key Clubbers, I hope you’ve been having a great summer so far! I just discovered the updated Key Club graphic standards manual, so this month’s newsletter has gotten a dramatic facelift. Do you like this new design? Let me know! Also, thank you to those of you who came out to help out and wash cars on Saturday! I had a lot of fun washing cars, waving signs, and fundraising for DCON. Although I cannot make it to the next car wash on August 10th since I am out of town, I hope that you will volunteer a few hours of your own time to give back to the club. Even if you can’t volunteer, you can always drop by with supplies or get your car washed. Why not come and soak up some rays with the Key Club family? Even though July has been kind of quiet in terms of volunteer events, there are a lot of cool opportunities coming up next month. We have two more car washes, the August DCM, which traditionally is a car wash, a possible joint event with Franklin, and Seattle Rally! Hope to see you there!

-Reanne Wong

Calendar &Events JULY - AUGUST Sunday








Thursday 25




27 Torchlight Parade








Last day for $5 Seattle Rally tickets!

TORCHLIGHT PARADE July 27th (Saturday) Leader: TBD | Time: 4:30pm-9:00pm Location: SPS John Stanford Center (2445 3rd Ave S) Help spread the word about Stuff the Bus at the highlight event of Seafair! We will decorate and walk alongside a float holding giant cutout hands and signs decorated to raise awareness about the annual school supply drive. Come prepared to walk, yell, have fun, and let folks know about Stuff the Bus and how they can contribute. Limit 10 volunteers, currently taking volunteers on the wait list.



(Photo: Seattle P-I)

August 17th (Saturday) Leader: TBD | Time: TBD Location: CenturyLink Field Event Center (800 Occidental Ave S) Meet at Seattle Public Schools building 2445 3rd Ave. South OR CenturyLink Field. Volunteers will get a tour of the stadium upon arrival and an orientation of the day's plan. Duties will include making noise, interacting with fans, and collecting school supplies and cash donations at all gates, suite, and club levels. Perk: Volunteers get tickets to the game!

Seattle Rally 2013 Hosted by Division 32

Hazen High School (1101 Hoquiam

August 12th 9:00am-4:00pm

Ave NE, Renton)

Hey Key Clubbers (and prospective Key Clubbers)! Seattle Rally this year is going to be a BLAST—I know I’m definitely looking forward to it. If you have any questions about Seattle Rally or Key Club, feel free to contact me! (Also, if we have enough Seattle area people attending, we may arrange a carpool.) Want to know who’s going? Check out the Facebook event page:


Prices: Early Bird - $5 Regular - $6



The Door - $7

Registration is now open at The earlier you register, the cheaper it will be!

Why? Meet Key Clubbers in divisions in the Puget Sound area, participate in fun workshops with guest speakers and student presenters, and bring your spirit! Think of this as a smaller version of DCON. Exciting updates such as the District Project will also be announced. Have fun, and show your spirit!

Represent Division 26!

First Car Wash of the Summer Garfield Key Club’s first car wash of the summer took place on Saturday at the Montlake Hop-In Grocery. This car wash was the first of three summer car washes hosted by Garfield Key Club to fundraise money for the annual District Convention (DCON). Key Clubbers volunteered a few hours of their summer to wash cars, wave signs, and promote Key Club and its values to customers. In between shifts, volunteers were able to spend time with each other, buying lunch at the Grocery and having fun with spraying each other down with the hose.

Between washing cars, volunteers were able to educate customers about Key Club, and also promote Key Club to potential members and Garfield students. The officers are grateful for those who came out to help with the car wash – those who volunteered definitely proved their commitment to the club, even if you could only volunteer part of the day! Together, this car wash raised $355! Future car washes are scheduled for August 10th and 24th, in addition to the August DCM car wash (tentative).

Birthdays Jennifer Pham (7/27) Enjoy your special day!

Fact of the Issue The PNW District mascot has its own Tumblr! http://pnwmortie.

Division Updates -Seattle Rally registration is open! -Our LTG, Philip, has a goal of raising $1000 for the Eliminate Project by the end of his term. Your support at DCMs and other events matters!

Don’t be shy...feel free to talk to us! Website: Official Club Email: President: Terri Tran | Vice President: Andrea Wong | Secretary: Angel Yu | Treasurer: Emily Wong | Bulletin Editor: Reanne Wong | Fundraising Chair: David Kim | Club Advisor: Mr. Heye |


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