Issue #11 | GHS Key Club Weekly Bulletin

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Garfield HS KEY CLUB The Official Newsletter of Garfield High School Key Club, Division 26

Volume 5 Issue 11 June 5th, 2013

Meetings every Wednesday in Mr. Heye’s, room 309

Relay for Life By far one of the longest Key Club events (20 hours total!), Relay for Life allows Key Clubbers to have fun and socialize, accumulate volunteer hours, and fundraise money to support cancer care and research programs. A part of the American Cancer Society, Relay has been happening for 28 years and has raised millions of dollars in funds. In addition to funding cancer-related programs, the ACS also has a goal of uniting people through events and

programs like these by raising awareness of cancer and putting in a community effort. Key Clubbers fundraised in teams to attend this event, and those who fundraised $100 were able to stay overnight on the Whitman Middle School field. “It was fun!” says Yasemin Lopez. In addition to bonding with fellow club members, attendees were able to celebrate the cancer survivors in our community and honor their accomplishments.

In this issue: Relay for Life...………....1 Upcoming Events….….2 Calendar / Announcements..........3 Member Spotlight/ Contact…………..…….4

MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Dear Key Clubbers, Welcome to one of the last issues of the bulletin for the school year—and for you seniors, the last issue. I’ve definitely enjoyed being your bulletin editor these couple of months, and I’m thankful for those who have helped me out in creating the various issues. Keep in mind that Garfield is hosting the next DCM on June 22nd; it’ll be a great way to connect with fellow students once school is out for summer break. Key Club is active throughout the entire calendar year, so expect events and fundraisers to occur over the summer, and make some room in your schedule to attend! -Reanne Wong

Garfield HS Key Club

Sharing is caring! Join, like, share, and tweet! @ghskeyclub26


We ♥Key Club seniors! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, and best of luck!

And be sure to check out our website!


Upcoming Events Senior Night Bake Sale June 6th (Thursday) We are looking for people to provide baked goods or food for us to sell at our Bake Sale at Senior Awards Night. You will receive volunteer hours for baking or bringing in baked goods, and/or attending the event. This is a great opportunity for those of you who are busy but need volunteer hours since baking at home is very flexible, and you can drop off your baked goods the day of the bake sale. Leader: Angel Yu | Time: 6:00-8:00pm OR bake at home! Location: Garfield High School-Quincy Jones Auditorium (400 23rd Ave.)

Team Read Big Top Book Night June 11th (Tuesday) – SAME NIGHT AS GRADUATION We will be setting up for the event, but you are welcome to stay afterwards and enjoy the event! 10-15 volunteers are needed. If you tutor for Team Read, or have received tutoring from Team Read before, this fun event is an opportunity for you to give back! Leader: Alina Huynh | Time: 4:00-6:00pm Location: Rainier Community Center (4600 38th Ave S.)

All-Star Softball Classic for Homeless Youth June 15th (Saturday) Assist in selling peanuts and other concessions during the game. This event raises money for United Way of King County, which helps the homeless people of our community. Leader: TBD | Time: 12:00pm-5:00pm Location: Mariners Team Store (1250 1st Ave S.)

Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Health & Fitness Expo June 21st (Friday) Help out at the Health and Fitness Expo portion of the Seattle Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon! Volunteers will receive snacks and a free T-shirts. Be sure to sign up online as well! Leader: TBD | Time: Shift #1: (9:00am-3:00pm) Shift #2: (2:00pm-8:00pm) Location: CenturyLink Field Event Center (800 Occidental Ave. S)

Garfield HS Key Club


Calendar and Announcements JUNE Sunday









Team Read Big Top Book Night Graduation

Birthdays for the Week

Wednesday 5





LAST DAY to buy Senior Roses!

Senior Night Bake Sale

Purple and White




Last Day of School

Saturday 8


All-Star Softball Classic for Homeless Youth

Kiss a Senior Good-bye—Last Chance!

Owen Gow (6/7)

The deadline has been extended to today! The roses will be delivered by the end of the day on Purple & White. Here’s a great way to say goodbye to your favorite seniors!

Enjoy your special day!

Prices: | 1 rose for $1 | 3 roses for $2 | 12 roses for $7 |

Want to submit a photo, shout out, or interview question? Interested in becoming the next member of the issue? Let me know! 

Garfield HS Key Club




Best Part of Key Club You get your hours done quickly and it’s something you can do when you have nothing else to do Favorite Quote “P.S. I’m not a loner…maybe I am”

Favorite Key Club Event Auction for Prosthetic Outreach Foundation Favorite Pick-up Line “Do you got a number? No? Well you got a home phone!”

Jordan Fung Class of 2013

Favorite Candy Whoppers

Fact of the Issue: The Key Club pencil appears on most standard Key Club publications. It’s on the header of this bulletin and also the margin outline!

Board Member Contact Information Website: Official Club Email: President: Terri Tran | Vice President: Andrea Wong | Secretary: Angel Yu | Treasurer: Emily Wong | Bulletin Editor: Reanne Wong | Fundraising Chair: David Kim | Club Advisor: Mr. Heye |


Garfield HS Key Club


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