Rebecca Edwards Graphic Design Portfolio 2020

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HI, IM REBECCA E D WA R D S Ind u s t r i a l D esign BA Lou g h b o ro u gh Un i v e rs i ty



I am a mot ivate d an d i n n ovati ve de sign er w i th a p assi o n fo r p r i nt an d graph ics desi gn .


G R A P H I C PAC K AG I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L Junior Packaging Designer - Placement I wo r k e d w i th i n a m ulti -d i sci p l i n ar y d e si gn tea m on a w i d e ran ge of car to n d e si gn p ro j e cts.

SKILLS Ad o be Cr e ati ve Sui te

R e se ar ch an d I n si g ht s

Co n ce p t D e si gn

B ran d D e si gn

Ar two r k an d G rap h i cs

CAD an d 3D D e si g n

INTERESTS Lan guage s ( I’ m l e ar n i n g m an d ar i n ) An i m al s ( I gr ew up o n a far m ) Tr e n d An alysi s an d Fo r e casti n g ( I r un a blo g )

Fo r mo re d et ails p le ase se e CV

CONTENTS T H E H A N D M A I D ’ S TA L E B o o k C o v e r D e s i g n - G r a p h i c s - Ty p o g r a p h y A book cover design project for a best-selling Margaret Atwood dystopian novel.

IN LOVE WITH THE MOON Album Cover Design - Graphics - Illustration An illustration piece done on Photoshop for an album cover concept .

AMBERDRONE HONEY Packaging Design - Sustainability - Print A label design project exploring alternative sustainable materials and AR technology.

P O S E M ATC H E S Interaction Design - User Experience A matchbox concept which explores how packaging design can be used to delight and surprise.

COVER DESIGN: THE H A N D M A I D ’ S TA L E Book Cover Design - Graphics - Print A book cover design project for a best-selling Margaret Atwood dystopian novel. Inspiration

Key Themes in Novel: -

Government control dystopia Isolation and Rebellion Gender Roles/ Fertility Religious Extremism/ Theocracy

Concept Design Early concepts explored through sketch.


The Handmaid’s


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

The HandMaid’s TALE

Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood

The Handmaid’s Tale

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Margaret Atwood

Market Feedback

Market Feedback

- Looks ‘basic...ordinary’, ‘what you’d expect’ UK Female, 21

- ‘Reminds me of the Illuminati’ UK Male, 23

- ‘I like the symbolism of the line across her eyes, it represents themes in the book well’ UK Male, 23

- ‘This catches my eye more, it jumps out at you’ UK Female, 26

- ‘I like how the cover focusses on her and her struggle’ French Female, 62

- ‘It’s a really bold design... I like the symbol’ UK Female, 21


Margaret Atwood



Linoprinting Linoprinting was used to explore ‘stamp effect’ and texture. This concept explores a distressed aesthetic. matching the dystopian themes of the novel. This style can be created effectively through hand linoprinting, which was scanned in to create the final artwork.

Artwork and Final Design Through exploration of hand printing techniques, the final artwork was developed. The bold red and black imagery is striking and eyecatching on shelf, without being overbearing. The trimline follows Eurpoean industry standard for paperback fiction (B-Format).

198 mm

5mm bleed

129 mm

SHE’S ALREADY IN LOVE WITH THE MOON Album Cover Design - Graphics - Illustration An illustration piece done on Photoshop for an album cover concept . Inspiration drawn from traditional American tattoo style..

Inital sketch

Final Piece

Final Render Final Artwork on Record Packaging.

AMBERDRONE HONEY Packaging Design - Sustainable Design - Print A label design project exploring alternative sustainable materials and AR technology.


Seeded Board The label is printed using biodegradable ink on seeded board, a plant-able paper embedded with wildflower seeds.








SUZY BARDON, 21 GEN Z I n t e r e s t s Cooking, House Plants, Volunteering C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Extroverted, Active, Loyal Motivators - Wants to be more active in aiding environmental causes - Wants to know more about the food she buys and eats, and feel good about where it comes from

Frustrations - Wants to consume sustainably but is reluctant to spend money on very expensive alternatives - Worries that the food products she buys are harmful for the environment

“Growing up with limitless access to information, Gen Z want to know where their food comes from, how it is grown and who made it. They also care deeply about how their eating habits affect the environment.� WGSN (2019). The Gen Z Equation. Photo by Radek Homola on Unsplash

Seeded Board

1. The customer uses the product as normal.

2. Once the product has been used, the label can

3. Upon planting the paper, if watered regularly

be removed and planted (see right)

the seeds will germinate into wild-flowers.

Concept Generation- Seeded board

Sustainable Packaging Design Insights

“78% of UK consumers expect companies to ensure that food packaging is sustainable in the UK” “23% agree that products in sustainable packaging are worth paying more for”

Food Packaging Trends Mintel March 2018

Within food packaging... interactive features can be used by food companies to their advantage, offering consumers a form of ‘behind the scenes’ access to factories, farms and production methods to create a strong sense of transparency.

Food Packaging Trends Mintel March 2018

AR Feature The label also includes a QR code, integrated into the graphic design nonobtrusively. This feature allows customers to engage with the product and learn more about the brand in an immersive way before purchase. This can be used to build brand identity, facilitate brand transparency, and educate the consumer.

Graphics Development The QR code is incorporated into the artwork as a graphical feature.

Storyboard - AR Feature

1. QR code allows the customer to interact with the product in store.

2. Customer uses their smartphone to scan QR code.

3. Upon scanning the code, the customer will be taken to an AR video, which gives information on the product, brand, and specific hives.

254 15


Colour Mock-up Photoshop and Illustrator were used to create the artwork, including instructions for using the seeded board (see left). Artios CAD was used to create the CAD drawing then set up for print as a mockup. (see above)



Brand Design - User Experience This playful project focusses on the consumer’s interaction with the pack, exploring how packaging design can be used to delight and surprise.

Strike A Pose Brand design and graphics were left minimal to highlight the interactive feature of the design.

Shaped aperture on sleeve

Curved ergonomic striking area

As inner carton is pushed up, aperture reveals flame artwork, ‘lighting’ the match

Concept Sketch

CAD Render

An early sketch depicting the initial concept, without artwork or branding.

Following design development and branding, Solidworks was used to create a 3D model, rendered using Adobe XD.

Artwork and Cutting Lines

U s e r I n t e r a c t i o n Te s t i n g

Artios CAD, Photoshop and Illustrator were used to create artwork files for the sleeve and internal carton. Print finishes were selected, with a spot gloss to draw attention to the brand name and logo.



Curved striking area offers more ergonomic user interaction.

Shaped aperture on internal carton prevents matches spilling. During research this was identified as a key pain point of current designs.

Playful graphics and branding reflect the light-hearted nature of the design.

As the inner carton slides up, the flame graphic is revealed.

Va l e n t i n e s Ty p o g r a p h y An exploration of typography, all designs created using Adobe Illustrator. A pair of posters with a cohesive design aesthetic.

THANK YOU Re b e cc a Ed ward s rebe ccae dward s2 44@gm ai l .co m Lo n d o n

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