HI, IM REBECCA E D WA R D S Ind u s t r i a l D esign BA Lou g h b o ro u gh Un i v e rs i ty
I am a mot ivate d an d i n n ovati ve de sign er w i th a stro n g un d e rstan d i n g of print an d car to n d e si gn , an d a passion for bran d s.
G R A P H I C PAC K AG I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L Junior Packaging Designer - Placement I wo r k e d w i th i n a m ulti -d i sci p l i n ar y d e si gn tea m on a w i d e ran ge of car to n d e si gn p ro j e cts.
SKILLS S oft ware
D e si g n
Ad o b e C r e ative Su ite ( P h otos h o p ,
Co n c e pt D es ign , Artwork an d
I l l u strato r , I n D e s ig n , Dim e n s io n s ) ,
G ra p h ics , B ran d D es ign , CAD
Ar tios CAD , S o l idwo r ks , Keys h ot,
a n d 3 D D es ign , P h otography
Sie m e n s NX , F ig m a
WP O Ce r ti f i cate of R e co gn i ti o n
2 0 1 9
Star p ack Stud e nt Award s, Si lve r
2 0 1 9
Mo d e l Yo un g Packagi n g Co m p eti t i on, Shor t l i st ed
INTERESTS Lan guage s ( I ’ m l e ar n i n g m an d ar i n ) Ar t ( G rap h i cs an d Il l ustrati o n ) Tr e n d Fo r e casti n g ( I r un a blo g) Fo r mo re d et ails p le ase se e CV
CONTENTS AMBERDRONE HONEY FMCG - Sustainable Design A label design project exploring alternative sustainable materials and AR technology.
P O S E M ATC H E S Interaction Design - User Experience A matchbox concept which explores how packaging design can be used to delight and surprise.
W I N G E D T R E AT S FMCG - Branding - Food and Beverage A branding project for a fictional confectionery company specialising in fudge, demonstrating branding and concept design.
PERFUME BOTTLE Cosmetics - CAD A perfume bottle design which explores fluidity through form.
AMBERDRONE HONEY FMCG - Sustainable Design - Food and Beverage A label design project exploring alternative sustainable materials and AR technology.
Seeded Board The label is printed using biodegradable ink on seeded board, a plantable paper embedded with wildflower seeds.
RESEARCH AND INSIGHTS Sustainable Packaging Design
Interactive Packaging Design and Brand Transparency
“78% of UK consumers expect companies to ensure
“Within food packaging... interactive features can be used by food
that food packaging is sustainable in the UK”
companies to their advantage, offering consumers a form of ‘behind the
“23% agree that products in sustainable packaging are worth paying more for”
scenes’ access to factories, farms and production methods to create a strong sense of transparency.”
Food Packaging Trends Mintel March 2018
Food Packaging Trends Mintel March 2018
Case Studies Case Study A: Chiquita partnered with Shazam in 2018, allowing the customer to scan the iconic logo using the popular music recognition app. Once scanned, the user can learn about Chiquitas efforts towards sustainability through a virtual tour of a supply farm.
Case Study B: Nestlé have used a QR code on their Cheerios pack to facilitate a Augmented Reality Experience which engages and educates the customer. This feature is hosted by external apps Snapchat and Facebook. Photo by Damien TUPINIER on Unsplash
SUZY BARDON, 21 GEN Z I n t e r e s t s Cooking, House Plants, Volunteering Characteristics Introverted
Motivators - Wants to be more active in aiding environmental causes - Wants to know more about the food she buys and eats, and feel good about where it comes from Frustrations - Wants to consume sustainably but is reluctant to spend money on very expensive alternatives - Worries that the food products she buys are harmful for the environment
“Growing up with limitless access to information, Gen Z want to know where their food comes from, how it is grown and who made it. They also care deeply about how their eating habits affect the environment.� WGSN (2019). The Gen Z Equation. Photo by Radek Homola on Unsplash
Seeded Board
1. The customer uses the product as normal.
Concept Generation- Seeded board
2. Once the product has been used, the label can
3. Upon planting the paper, if watered regularly
be removed and planted (see right)
the seeds will germinate into wild-flowers.
Within food packaging... interactive features can be used by food companies to their advantage, offering consumers a form of ‘behind the scenes’ access to factories, farms and production methods to create a strong sense of transparency.
Food Packaging Trends Mintel March 2018
AR Feature The label also includes a QR code, integrated into the graphic design nonobtrusively. This feature allows customers to engage with the product and learn more about the brand in an immersive way before purchase. This can be used to build brand identity, facilitate brand transparency, and educate the consumer.
Graphics Development The QR code is incorporated into the artwork as a graphical feature.
Storyboard - AR Feature
1. QR code allows the customer to interact with the product in store.
2. Customer uses their smartphone to scan QR code.
3. Upon scanning the code, the customer will be taken to an AR video, which gives information on the product, brand, and specific hives.
254 15
Colour Mock-up Photoshop and Illustrator were used to create the artwork, including instructions for using the seeded board (see left). Artios CAD was used to create the CAD drawing then set up for print as a mockup. (see above)
Brand Design - User Experience This playful project focusses on the consumer’s interaction with the pack, exploring how packaging design can be used to delight and surprise.
Strike A Pose Brand design and graphics were left minimal to highlight the interactive feature of the design.
Shaped aperture on sleeve
Curved ergonomic striking area
As inner carton is pushed up, aperture reveals flame artwork, ‘lighting’ the match
Concept Sketch
CAD Render
An early sketch depicting the initial concept, without artwork or branding.
Following design development and branding, Solidworks was used to create a 3D model, rendered using Adobe XD.
Artwork and Cutting Lines
U s e r I n t e r a c t i o n Te s t i n g
Artios CAD, Photoshop and Illustrator were used to create artwork files for the sleeve and internal carton. Print finishes were selected, with a spot gloss to draw attention to the brand name and logo.
Curved striking area offers more ergonomic user interaction.
Shaped aperture on internal carton prevents matches spilling. During research this was identified as a key pain point of current designs.
Playful graphics and branding reflect the light-hearted nature of the design.
As the inner carton slides up, the flame graphic is revealed.
WINGED T R E AT S FMCG - Branding - Food and Beverage A branding project for a fictional confectionery company specialising in fudge, demonstrating branding and concept design.
CAD Render Scene created and rendered using Adobe Dimension, Artwork created on Illustrator.
LOGO DEVELOPMENT Initial Design Exploration
Font Exploration
Development est 2020
est 2020
#1 Twin Arch
#2 Ring Concept
Winged t
r e at s
#4 Single Arch
#5 Upper Arch
#3 Halo Effect
Winged Treats est
#6 Offset Text
est 2020
Treats est. 2020
winged treats UK
Final Design #1
est 2020
t re ats Final Design #2
est 2020
t re ats
BRAND DEVELOPMENT Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla FUDGE Vanilla Fudge Vanilla Fudge
est 2020
est 2020
t re ats
est 2020
t re ats
t re ats
FUDGE handmade in Cornwall
handmade in Cornwall
handmade in Cornwall
est 2020
est 2020
t re ats
est 2020
t re ats
t re ats
handmade in Cornwall
est 2020
testre2020 ats
t re ats
est 2020
est 2020
t re ats
t re ats
handmade in Cornwall
handmade in Cornwall
handmade in Cornwall
handmade in Cornwall
handmade in Cornwall
est 2020
t re ats est 2020
handmade in Cornwall
t re ats
handmade in Cornwall
#1 Hamper with Crash-Lock
#2 Gable Top Carton
Lock Top with handle
Product flow-wrapped for freshness
#3 Curved Pouch
#4 Rolled Board Tub Board lid, offers reseal-ability
Stickered for
(window optional for product
tamper evident
Clear heat sealed lid for product freshness Interesting shape offers point of difference on shelf
Concept Design A selection of hand rendered early concept sketches. (Photoshop)
Cosmetics - CAD - Brand Design
The brief for this project was to design a perfume brand themed
Fabled Scents Hand illustrations, rosemary and rue
Brand Identity Fabled Scents, a luxury brand with a focus on creativity and fantasy. Mission To explore the art of storytelling through scent. Values Luxury, Quality, Creativity, Fantasy.
Ophelia from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
around a famous fictional character. The chosen character was
Inspiration- Bottle Form The key themes conveyed through the design of the bottle
The iconic Alvar Aalto vase inspires the expression of fluidity and motion through glass.
Concept Design Exploration of form through initial sketches.
Project currently in progress. Next steps will be further developing brand identity and external packaging.
Scaled down 3D printed model (o.4x)
CAD Render Solidworks was used to model the final bottle design, using surface modelling. This was then rendered on Keyshot, showing materials and finishes.
THANK YOU Re b e cc a Ed ward s rebe ccae dward s2 44@gm ai l .co m Lo n d o n