Soccer Springs Into Action By Elizabeth Jackson
Girls A Team: Val Henandez, Jackie Barber, Elizabeth Jackson, Della Stevens, Zadi, Lakota Reed, Anabelle Q, Lillian Shanaman, Brooke Rawson, Noelia Ropa, Julianna Murillo, Audrey Payne, Ryleigh Rush. Girls B Team: Adalia Rivas, Nadia Starnes, Bailey Reed, Madison Castillo, Sarah Duque, Nevaeh Phillips, Julissa Ruiz, Brissa Rubio, Kaylyn Alvarado, Evelyn Aviles, Jessica Morton, Adriana Garcia. Girls Goalies: Jenna Yosten, Ayva Black, Wardeh Hammad
One of the action-packed sports offered at Willkie is our boys and girls soccer class, It's near the end of the school year and going to the tryouts are so worth it. Seventh and eighth graders can try out for soccer March or they can join the soccer class. It gives the athlete's, a chance to make a team and work together in games that we will go to. In soccer we are given a workout plan by going to the weight room on Tuesdays and Thursdays to work out.
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It also gives us a chance to experience what a real hard-working soccer team is like, and students can see how tough a real athlete has to work to make it to the top. Our coaches ( Coach Klitgaard and Coach Matthews) are friendly and helpful. During the soccer tryouts athletes are tested on our speed, accuracy, teamwork and endurance. We are watched by our coaches and varsity coaches from different high schools to judge whether we are a fit for either the A or B teams.