Studio air part a 05

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My name is QianRong (Rebecca) Li from Southern China. The first time I was exposed to the study and vision of architecture was in first year of university. My interset for architeture is developed through the past one and a half year of engagement with architectural design. Through participating with design studio I am opened to an understanding f what it means to be creative and the techology invoved behind the scene. In the Digital design and Fabrication studio, the process of completing a sleeping pod I gained an understandig that a well designed pieece can be simple. As cheme & steching (2011)mcommented “a perfect model does not contain as much infromation as possible, but as little as necessary Engaging with air studio, I aim to explore deeper views hidden in a piece of design and the orientation of future design.







Wrap Skyscraper, designed by Keeyong Lee from South Korea, targets the chanllenge of exploring whether it is possible to allow skyscraper and horizontal city to to coexist. This experiment proposes a possible understanding the “dalectic of sustainment�. This project implies an aim to prevent further damage to agricultural system and human settlement pattern.

Stragegies to minimise further climate change - Combining the developement of technology to devlope a surface that is wraped with solar celles to transfer solar energy into electircal energy -maximising long lasting material that can enternally surronds the building facade -inviding ETFE to increase 20% of energy transformed from solar energy



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Decte, cae confecu ternimi liurnum et ad aus, conihiliam in Etrem, egit dit? Evignoc ultortemque issoliam, Catius acciae turei in hocatim inum habit re moverfi cioculest re consuam ad concena, vignost? P. Es! Simis consultoreo, Cate, si patum spiem. But ad cepessi sena, quit intea omniquem et? Nostrat achi, untere in stessolus caperfi tusqua nost popubli pubis, qui stemurorum niacis, cia ducerem maio vilis. Obus, con tintess entiaequon Etre obus, Catissimum mod cae publiurorum etori sentere scienter inatiqu ideps, comnihi conentem maxime nostrum tus, nonvoli caelaberi su videt renihillere perici int.convernum me consumus se tanum mortendetrid consiti custabem pos, nes


Cloud city, a joinot group desgin by Urban Future Organization, CR Architeture + Design and computing tean of Chalmers University of Technology, is a winning concept pf the Shenzhen Super City Competition. The design aims to transform gardens into “green lungs� that connect public spaces inside the skyscaper. This design aims to cooperating with nature to provided a possible future Strategies adopted: -contain machines that harvest rainwater -power city with solar energy - parts of the Cloud City store carbon and filter particles from air -locolised production of food

This proposal encourages future designers to consider methods of reducing global carbon footprints. As Shenzhen, China, is facing the problem of havey air pollution, the diverse strategies of this desgin suggestes a possible solution.




DESIGN COMPUTATION The ICD/ITKE carbon-fiber pavillion complete by a team of architects and engeneers of the University of Shuttgart and Institute of Building Structure and Structural Design. They colaborate with biologist to rethink about morphogenesis and techtonics that can create a lightweighted perfrormance structure. Based on the internal structural properties of beetal shells(elytra) they discovered that a lightweighted material system can be machanically1 created by “natural fibre composite” : - a biomimetic principle of “double layered structure”2 forming the upper and lower shell of the beetle is entangled continuousely by fibre - the mechanical property of fibre prefrom as reinforcement of the structure providing stability - such structural characteristic forms a practicle techtonic principle - glass and carbon-fibre are translated from structural elements of the elytra - the pavilion expresses a possibilty of construction an extremely lightweighted and material efficient structure - a such small structural system of elytra can be addopted to create a large scale pavilion3 that “covers an area of 50 square 4 meters” , yet the totoal wieght is just 593kg .

1. University of Stuttgart unveils carbon-fibre pavilion based on bettle shells, 26 June 2014 << icd-itke-pavilion-beetle-shells-university-of-stuttgart/>> 2. Ibid 3. Ibid 4. Ibid 5. Kalay, Yehuda E. (2004). Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 5-25 Figure 1: University of Stuttgart unveils carbon-fibre pavilion based on bettle shells, 26 June 2014 << icd-itke-pavilion-beetle-shells-university-of-stuttgart/>>




Fig 1: Carbon-fiber web pattern CONCEPTUALISATION 13

Fig 2: Robotic fabrication7

Fig 3: Mofule layer8 14


Fabrication technology and processes is also a cricual part of the forming this succesful prototype. As The pavilion is formed by woving carbon-fbire: - Robotic machine is used to wove carbonfibre into hollow cylindical volume - This “coreless filament winding�6 innovates material efficiency as there are no waste or cut-off pieces during fabrication - The development of such technology also reduce the need of labor - The winding accuracy is formulated in robots

Fig 4: Cloase- up diagram of a robot9

6. University of Stuttgart unveils carbon-fibre pavilion based on bettle shells, 26 June 2014 << icd-itke-pavilion-beetle-shells-university-of-stuttgart/>> 7. Ibid 8.Ibid 9.Ibid Figrue 5: Ibid

Fig 5: Overall view of the Pavilion


Zaha’s Guangzhou Opera House is based on the concept of erosion derived frome the natural landscape feature: the Preal River. The principle of this concept revolves the geology and topography, as the shape of the opera house “resembles two pebbles on the ban of the river”1. In other words, the architecture is a representation of the landform of the Guangzhou land. For example: different chamber and zones of the Oper House is divided by “fold line of the landscape” 2. These line folds cuts dramatically drawing unique foldings on the ceiling that reconstructure geological moulding in permanent materials.



“The additional information needed to complete the goal statment must be...adapted from generalized presedent, metaphors, and symbol”’3


Ideas of a rastional design such as this opera house is still proposed by human, although technology have aided the possibility of creating an futuristic solution according to the current social or cultural context. As the opera house is situatated in the culture centre of Guangzhou, it innovate the connectionn between urban context and cultural tradition. Nevertheless, without the development of new technology and materials, this architecture would not have completely succesfully as it is. For instance: - The cladding of facade is a combination of “glass and granite panels” to form a parametric surface -Black granite is used to form rough appearance of the finishing texture “that reinforce the idea of pebble” being deposided on the bank of the river -The connection and orientation between a multilevel building is visually acheived byvisible view of the main atrium as the whole structure is “guided by the spine and strutual frame (fig 2).




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