Tyson at Walmart

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contents Quick Dinner with Tyson


Chicken Parm Sandwich


Big Game Football Party Planning Tips


BBQ Chicken Macho Nachos Recipe


Party Planning with Tyson


Easy Shortcuts for “Big Game”


Game Day Recipe


Tyson Honey BBQ Chicken Pizza


Super Easy Honey BBQ Chicken Wraps


BBQ Mole Enchiladas


Last Minute Buffet Spread


Cowboy Tacos


Grilled Chicken Burrito Bowls


Grilled Chicken and Vegetable Marinara Pasta


Buffalo Chicken and Quinoa Casserole


Grilled & Ready Chicken Stir Fry



When you see this symbol...click it for more delightful ideas from the bloggers.



publication art direction by: COVER PHOTO Brandi Morgan

EDITOR Rebecca E. Parsons cre8tiva@gmail.com PUBLISHER Collective Bias




Kristi Dominguez

Quick Dinner with Tyson

Chicken Parm Sandwich It’s hard to believe the summer break is half over. This is the time of year we start to prepare for school. And when school starts...it’s just busy. This quick fix meal is perfect for a busy evening filled with homework, school activities and extracurricular events that keep us all hopping. Tyson has an awesome program going on that can benefit your school -Tyson Project A+. Our school, Timber Ridge Elementary, is already a part of the program. We can’t wait to start saving our Project A+ labels to help our school earn money this coming school year. Unlike other school programs, each Tyson Project A+ label is worth $.24 for the school. That’s fabulous! When purchasing Tyson projects, look for this label below.


Melissa Hagan

Big Game Football Party Planning Tips In preparation for the Big Game this weekend, I decided to spice things up and make some BBQ Chicken “Macho” Nachos, hoping they would fill the guys up a little more; and of course please the fans. What can I say, I’m all about food and I just love it when people compliment my party spread!

BBQ Chicken Macho Nachos Recipe Once at home, I gathered all of my ingredients together, turned on the oven and started cooking the Tyson BBQ Chicken Strips. While that was cooking, I cut up all of my ingredients and prepped the rest of the food. Lil Man helped me for a little bit, but quickly gave up to play in the snow (typical kid)! As soon as I had the nachos prepared, I was ready to dig in. So was everyone else. I had to kick them all out of the kitchen just so that I could take some photos without everyone’s hands in the food!








Dawn Lopez

Party Planning with Tyson

Easy Shortcuts for “Big Game” Aren’t parties fun? I personally really enjoy party planning too but it can be tedious at times. Taking shortcuts allows me to spend more time enjoying my company. Choosing easy to prepare foods can help to shave hours off of your party prep time and you don’t have to sacrifice in taste or presentation if you do it right! I hosted a Big Game Party over the weekend and my goal was high impact but with a minimum of prep work. To keep your party simple, choose a “star player” or a main focal point for the celebration. For example, I chose Tyson Crispy Chicken Strips because I knew that it would save me a lot of time in the kitchen. They also have BBQ Chicken Strips, so look out for those too! They’re so yummy and easy to make, it’s a no fuss winner. It was a simple and effective crowd-pleaser!


Kimberly Sneed

Game Day Recipe

Tyson Honey BBQ Chicken Pizza Hi friends! Did you all celebrate the Big Game yesterday with family and friends? We did! We love football parties in our house. And this year we had some fabulous food and appetizers, thanks in part to Tyson Honey BBQ Chicken Strips! Now I love a good home-cooked meal just like any other gal, but if you put together parties you know that the food portion of party planning can be tricky! You want a delicate balance of homemade, tasty and easy so that you’re not stressing out over every little detail at the end. Now these strips came in so handy! Rather than having to cook the chicken, I just grabbed a ready-made pizza crust, our favorite BBQ sauce and cut up the strips to put on the pizza! Genius, right? What are your tips for party planning? Do you make all of your food and decorations or do you find ways to save on time and energy? I always love to learn more tricks of the trade! Be sure to visit Tyson to learn about more of their fabulous products and how they can save you time and effort, without skimping on the flavor, for your next party!





Kristi Dominguez

Super Easy Honey BBQ Chicken Wraps Tyson Chicken made this recipe a cinch...as well as super YUMMY. I love making fun recipes with delicious



Tyson Chicken made this recipe a cinch...as well as super YUMMY. Family meals don’t have to take forever to prep to still taste amazing. When I first heard about Tyson’s Honey BBQ Chicken Strips, I just knew they’d be awesome wrapped up in a jalapeno-flavored tortilla... cozied up with a little coleslaw and paired with a simple sauce to swim in. I headed to Walmart to grab the essentials for this recipe.



FOR MORE FROM THIS BLOGGER The day that I was creating the recipe for these,

them even asked for the recipe so his wife could

our mowers showed up around lunchtime. I had

make these for him {his words, not mine...HA!}.

so many wraps on hand that I handed them out to the guys working. They LOVED them. One of

Sounds like a Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner to me.





Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz

BBQ Mole Enchiladas We love Tyson and their products are a staple at our house but we had not tried the Honey BBQ Chicken Strips yet. I decided we would make some enchiladas, one of my family’s favorite foods. As I was at the grocery strolling through the Latino foods section I was inspired and decided to try to make an American version of mole sauce for the enchiladas. My family loves mole and BBQ so I thought it would be really fun to combine those two flavors. Mexican mole is made with a combination of mild chilies and chocolate and it’s always a fun meal when there is chocolate in your food! Before making the enchiladas I wanted to try the Tyson Honey BBQ Chicken Strips. From the moment they started to heat up in the oven the whole house was filled with a sweet BBQ scent that opened up everyone’s appetite. Made with whole pieces of chicken breast they where tender inside and bursting with flavor outside. My husband loved them and I had a hard time keeping him away from the kitchen while I was making the enchiladas with the kids. Everyone loved the Mole BBQ enchiladas made with Tyson Honey BBQ Chicken Strips. And we had as much fun eating them as we did coming up with the recipe and cooking them. The combination of sweet and tangy flavors with the hint of chocolate and cinnamon in the sauce was perfectly paired with the Honey BBQ chicken filled tortillas.


Jillian Warner

Last Minute Buffet Spread click


Have you ever been told about some last minute

I had some Tyson BBQ Chicken Strips which I

guests at...you guessed it, the VERY last minute?

popped into my countertop oven for 20 minutes

Yes friends, this did happen to me over the weekend.

and got to work setting up the rest. As soon as

So what is a girl to do when you have only half an hour until the friends your husband invited over to watch the game; or in this case, the Big Game? The very first thing I did was raid my fridge and freezer. I had tortillas, some taco fixings, frozen peppers and onions; and some precooked chicken so we would definitely be having a fajita bar!


the BBQ chicken strips were done I decided to cut them up to make them bite size and put some festive little party picks in them that had been sitting in my kitchen cabinet from early on in the football season.



cover story~Brandi Morgan

Cowboy Tacos Last week I heard that Tyson Chicken came out with a new product that I just had to try! I knew I could create some fun recipes with their new Honey BBQ Chicken Strips and could not wait to get started! We try to have fun family meals a few times a week. My girls love to help in the kitchen and this recipe allows them to do just that. Allowing your kids to help in the kitchen not only teaches them how to cook but also opens them up to try new flavors. While the strips were heating I prepared my Cowboy Caviar, which I used to top the tacos. It is very easy to prepare and takes the tacos up a notch while highlighting the Honey BBQ flavor of the strips. These were GREAT and I will definitely be adding them to our menu rotation! I felt the flavors were great together and the strips were a great flavor. Hubby thought they needed a bit more sauce but liked the flavor. The girls were not big on the tacos but liked the Tyson Honey BBQ Strips on their own. Whether you use these strips in a FUN new recipe, or on their own, I think you will really like them.




I’ve been using the Tyson Grilled & Ready products since last summer when I got on a pretty serious health kick. The chicken breast strips are only 100 calories per 3 oz serving and full of protein, which fits into my diet perfectly. They are also really convenient, inexpensive, and tasty. I’ve tried pretty much every ready-to-eat meat on the market and the Tyson Grilled & Ready varieties are the tastiest, hands down. So the other day, I decided that I wanted to switch it up a

Sarah Vargas

little and try a new wrap recipe using my favorite Tyson Grilled & Ready product, the chicken breast strips. I went to the Tyson website and browsed through the tons of recipes that are available and found one that immediately drew me in with the mention of avocado. I freaking love avocados. I usually eat a whole avocado every single day. You should definitely check out the recipe that inspired my wrap or find a recipe for you to try! Mmm. The finished product was pretty delicious. I may have had some serious onion breath but it was worth it. It’s so filling and easy to make that I know I’ll be repeating this recipe time and time again. And guess how lucky you are!? Because I’m totally sharing my recipe with you.





Tiffany Storey

Grilled Chicken Burrito Bowls Who doesn’t love a good Mexican restaurant? The scent of grilled chicken, peppers and onions will pull anyone in for a nice meal. What if you could make all of this at home--for less money--and much quicker? No add-on cost, no getting the kid’s ready, no driving and waiting--sounds amazing, doesn’t it? The only thing better than eating Mexican food, is enjoying Mexican food in your yoga casual pants at home. :) The most important ingredient for this quick burrito bar: Tyson Grilled and Ready Chicken {available in your grocer’s freezer or refrigerated section}. It’s so easy to prepare this meal in under 30 minutes; and everyone loves it! There are many more flavors and varieties of Tyson Grilled & Ready products available. This is a healthy option--all natural, no preservatives--and it’s very comparable to the cost of purchasing raw chicken. I, seriously, use Tyson Grilled & Ready chicken often; I adore how quickly it cooks and it’s excellent for using when I’m in a hurry to get a meal on the table {without sacrificing quality}. You can put a price on chicken, but you can’t put a price on time. I prefer to spend more time with my family and less time with the stove. Tyson Grilled & Ready: It saves you time and money.








Amy Duran

Grilled Chicken and Vegetable Marinara Pasta My kids can definitely be very picky eaters. It can be very difficult to get any type of vegetables or protein in them. So I am always on the search for family friendly meals everyone will like to help get us all to the table together. Recently I created a great recipe that does just that. This wonderful family friendly meal is perfect for family lunches or those busy weekday evenings. The Grilled Chicken & Vegetable Marinara Pasta is quick and easy, helping you to get the whole family sitting down for a meal together. Even on busy days I want to still make a healthy and flavorful meal that everyone in the house will enjoy. I adapted an old recipe of my grandmother’s to my busy schedule. The recipe incorporates grilled chicken, colorful peppers, and onion into a homemade marinara sauce. The sauce and chicken is poured over vegetable pasta and topped with Parmesan cheese.


Kat Hodson

Buffalo Chicken and Quinoa Casserole Quinoa seems to be the “it� thing in the culinary world right now. I have to admit, I have had a bag of it in my pantry for about three months trying to figure out what I wanted to do with it. After searching and searching for quick dinner options for my family, I came across this recipe and just had to try it. The result is a delicious Buffalo Chicken and Quinoa Casserole that will blow your socks off! Even better, by creating this meal I donated 24 cents to my school through the Tyson Back to School Project A+ Program.






Kristy Still

Grilled & Ready Chicken Stir Fry Doesn’t this look amazing? It tastes it too. What if I said it only took me about 20 minutes or less to make? Plus, when the summer gets here and you have all that fresh produce in your garden this would work perfectly for it! This is a great, light meal that will leave you feeling satisfied! I am very picky about my frozen foods that are pre-made, and one that I love is Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken. I love using this during the week for quick lunches; it’s healthy and light. This past week, I decided to try out the Fajita Style Grilled & Ready Chicken Strips. Right now, I need not only healthy food; I also need something very easy to make with an infant. Is it just me or do babies get fussy exactly at the time you should be making dinner? Oh it’s just me? Darn. I need things made in a snap! Just like this dinner, plus it doesn’t go straight to my thighs! Double bonus!




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