7 minute read
For this issue I am using the Doreen Virtue ‘Archangel Power Tarot’ deck.
October 2021 Reading
This month your angels and spirit guides tell you that you do not need to go through your current troubles on your own. Help is close by, if only you will open your eyes and arms, and accept it. Some of you may experience some money problems – know this is only a shortterm issue, and maybe reach out and ask for a short-term loan or extension on an overdue bill. Next month the money will flow. This is just a speedbump in the long road of life.
This month also sees negative thoughts creeping in and of course this only leads to overthinking and not seeing clearly. There is no need for you to keep these thoughts to yourself. Share them with a trusted friend or family member and you will soon see these thoughts are unfounded and just not true. Refocus your negative thoughts and look at the positives in and around your life. Go do something that brings you joy and takes you out of your head and back into reality.
October sees you nurturing yourself and those close to you. This month asks you to focus on self-love and sharing love with those in your immediate circle – family, friends. Conversation will be high on the agenda as you and your loved ones converse and share practical and wise advice amongst you. This is the time to spend quality time with your loved ones as conversations will be natural and supportive in nature. It is a time for your family unit to re-evaluate your needs, wants and desires you collectively agree on. It is time to plan for an upcoming family holiday or adventure. This crazy year has taken its toll on many, even if it is a quick weekend getaway or camping in the backyard. This month is also the time for equal share and receive between one another. It could be helping out a neighbour or close friend or receiving help in return. Be open to this amazing exchange. It will fill yours and everyone around you buckets.
This month, just like above, sees you spending much more time with your family and immediate circle of friends. There is so much to be achieved as a family unit and planning will be required. As mentioned in the previous card, October sees you sitting down as a family and re-evaluating your needs and desires. It will see you planning an upcoming holiday, whether a short getaway for the long weekend or creating an oasis in your backyard to chill and recharge. This month may see someone in your family securing a new or better secure job. Celebrate this milestone.
October sees you taking a breath. Finally, the negative situation you had been experiencing at work or in your business is done. It took a while, but finally you are free of this negativity and you will see you have learnt from this experience, despite having to experience lots of differing emotions. New opportunities at work or in your business will now present themselves and these will bring you much excitement and joy! You may feel a sense of sadness with the recent situation ending, just know it is for the best. A new door of opportunity will now be opening up for you. Be on the lookout for it. Release and welcome this new energy.
October sees this month as lucky in health! You will see that your health improves and the services or help you may have been seeking mysteriously just appear out of nowhere. Now is the time to lay down long-term future plans of how to maintain your new improved health situation. Be careful to not let the reigns go now and fall back into bad habits. Remind yourself of the journey you have experienced in the past 12 months and ensure you have taken the steps to continue to make positive health choices, whether it is to continue to avoid sugar, caffeine, alcohol etc. You may think, “I can just let myself have this treat once,” but you will easily fall back into bad habits. This month could be the time to find healthier alternatives to those vices you crave. Talk to friends, health experts about what alternatives you could try to curb those deep-set cravings. Learn new recipes and share with your friends.
November 2021 Reading
November you will experience a new challenge, but you can resolve it just as quickly as it appeared. Your angel and spirit guides say to go
within, retreat from the drama that has presented. Be patient and understand you have the inner power and wisdom to solve this issue. Some of the interpersonal conflicts and challenges you are experiencing this month may well be a reflection of internal struggles. Stand back and take a look at the bigger picture. Listen very carefully to everyone else’s points of view. Quietly withdrawing from the drama will help you to see clearly and by withdrawing and not contributing to the negative words being exchanged by others, will make them realise they are being unreasonable and retreat themselves. You will lead by example and, as said above, the conflict or challenge that appeared so quickly will disappear just as fast and everyone will apologise for overreacting.
The month of November is a magical month for love, and suddenly things will be moving very quickly in your romantic relationship, especially for those in new romance relationships and singles. No more delays! The sky is the limit. For some of you it may feel a little overwhelming considering some have had no dates for a long time. You may have mixed emotions, just go with the flow. It may feel like lots of things are happening at once with this romantic relationship, so remember to continue to ground yourself, to stop you being in your head and living on the natural high of ‘being in love’. Remember to keep your boundaries in place, so things do not spin out of control. Don’t say yes to everything, remember a relationship is about giving and receiving of equals. You do not need to spend every waking moment with your new lover. Remember you need time out to be just you and enjoy your own company.
November sees your family unit growing closer together, a deepening bond as you all move into the next phase of your life together. Maybe your children are now at an age where they can help out at home more, or you can try new activities/ adventures that they were once too young to do. There will be more harmony within your family this month as life ebbs and flows naturally and everyone is in the groove. Remember to continue to instill the values of respect, forgiveness and understanding, so everyone can grow together happily. Enjoy this time as you rediscover your family connection and learn new things about all your family.
You will feel much better and lighter if you will just make a decision. You will be over-analysing a problem this month and you need to learn how to compromise with someone at work or in your business. Your heart is in conflict with your head, thus you are avoiding making a decision. This will be exhausting and creating unnecessary stress to yourself and the other person. Trust your intuition as you can make a wise decision. A solution is possible, but a compromise will have to be agreed on, which is not so bad, as it will end up being a win-win for all involved. Try and find the middle ground, even if it is temporary until you can both agree on a final decision.
November sees your health grow even better! For those of you experiencing heart issues or grief, this month will definitely see you turn a corner. Raphael is the Archangel who provides physical and emotional healing. Ask him to support you this month or visualise yourself being surrounded by a beautiful emerald green light. Some of you may benefit from seeing a psychologist or counsellor this month to help you further progress in your health journey as many physical ailments are a result of emotional trauma we have suppressed. Talking about your feelings will definitely help you to move forward in healing your physical ailments. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings, as once released, you will feel better within yourself. Trust yourself that you will move through these very valid and true emotions. It is all part of the journey to healing yourself.