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Leveraging your human design to make the best decisions
Imagine being able to make a decision from a place of ultimate self-trust? Knowing that what you choose has the full backing of your higher self? You can and it begins by knowing your Human Design inner authority, which is your personal decision-making strategy.
Despite popular culture informing us that we should ‘trust our gut instinct’ and make quick decisions, only 49% of us are designed to make quick decisions. The rest of us need time. It’s important to know that you are no less intuitive or spiritual if you need time before you commit. Both strategies access insights from our higher self.
There are in fact seven unique different decision-making strategies, of which you will have one. When you experiment with it, I promise you’ll see profound results, such as having more time, more synchronicities and more opportunities landing in your lap. Using your inner authority is also the ultimate act of surrender to Spirit.
Before I dive deep into the attributes of the seven inner authorities, I recommend you calculate your Human Design using 13-sign sidereal astrology (available free on my website). Using this astrology algorithm provides a much more accurate interpretation of your Human Design as it reflects the constellations and planets on the day you were born.
The most important thing you need to do when making decisions that require you to commit a lot of your time or energy, is to take your time, as you will frequently experience an emotional rollercoaster during the 24-48 hours before you find a decision you are happy to commit to. It starts with feeling super positive and believing it’s the best
possible choice, and then all of a sudden you lean towards despair or a very loud inner critic listing all the reasons why it’s not a good choice. It’s common for you to say yes too quickly and then regret it after. It is very important that you adopt kindness towards yourself during this emotional wave. Give yourself personal space and say things like, “I make my best decisions when I sleep on it, I’ll come back to you tomorrow.” You’ll know the decision is right when you feel a sense of peace over your choice.
You are one of the lucky ones in Human Design as you get to make decisions fast by tuning into your gut instinct. The sound your body makes when you are first presented with a decision will give you an indication of whether an opportunity is right for you. Think of when a child gets offered their favourite thing and they immediately say “oooh” in an exciting way. Or the opposite when they are asked to tidy their room and it’s an “urgh” frustrated response. This sound is emitted from your sacral chakra, home of your desires. The challenge is these sounds are often conditioned out of us as children, with parents often saying, “stop groaning” to their child. Pay attention to the initial impulses before you make a choice, does it feel light? If so, choose it. If not, and it doesn’t light you up, say no.
This is one of our most primal and intuitive decision-making processes and it is linked to the body and your first feelings. When you were presented with a choice did you feel a sense of adrenalin rush through your body? Or have a sensation of goosebumps come over you? Or tingling sensations? Your experiment is to pay attention to those bodily sensations and notice which ones feel like a yes, or help you feel safe. These are what you can commit to, even if your logical brain can’t figure out why it’s a yes. This is your sixth sense and it has a birds-eye view and knows what is best for you. Trust it and you won’t go wrong.
You have a longing to talk out all the options with others to try and figure out what you feel. Don’t be fooled into thinking that the other person has the answer as it’s actually the tone of your voice and the cadence which will lead you to the right choice. Observe when you have a tendency to speak faster than normal and even have higher pitches in your voice as you try to convince yourself and the person listening, that it’s a good decision. When you notice this, it’s actually not good to commit. The right opportunity is actually when you don’t need to persuade yourself or the other person, it will be a confident and smooth expression. It works best when you speak it out amongst trusted confidantes.
It’s extremely healthy for you to spend time deconditioning from any beliefs that you are selfish, as this authority is about following your wishes and not following the crowd. You are not selfish, you are in tune with your desires and this is healthy for you. Notice what your heart is being drawn toward versus what your heart shuts down to. In order to notice these sensations, you need to tune into your heart and your feeling space.
Imagine the self-projected authority is the need to talk things out in a valley and receive quick feedback. Whereas this authority is more like speaking out the options into a mountain range and waiting for the echo to respond. You can only have this authority if your energy centres below your throat are undefined or open (sensitive to energy), so you are also open to influence and cajoling from others. The best strategy is to gift yourself time, as much as you need to feel what is right for you. You’ll also change your mind a lot and that too is OK.
This is reserved for the Unicorns amongst us; the 1% of the population who are Reflectors in Human Design. Whereas emotional authorities require 24-48 hours of time, Reflectors are more in sync with the 28-day lunar cycle. You are not to be rushed into any big decisions as it can lead to big disappointment. It is important you grant yourself this time and make decisions away from others, as you are very sensitive to what others project onto you.
There is no inner authority that is better than the other. However when you know yours, and the decision making strategy of those closest to you, it makes relationships a lot easier. For example, I have a Splenic Authority, I know instantly, however, my husband has an Emotional Authority, he needs time. If I try and force him to make decisions quickly like me, he resists (rightfully so). So now I plan bigger decisions we need to make to ensure we have time, as this leads to more peace and everyone feeling heart. It’s also a powerful parenting tool as you can use your child’s inner authority to help build their self-trust and confidence.
To receive your free Human Design report please visit: www.barbarabrangan.greenrope.com/Rebirth