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Spirit Readings
Janis Gibson is an international medium and clairvoyant who has worked extensively overseas in the UK, US and New Zealand.
Q: I had a reading recently and I was told I am an Earth Angel. Do you know anything about an Earth Angel, what is one? – Julie Alexander
Hi Julie, what a beautiful designation to be called. There are several categories of Earth Angels, all of whom choose to be in service in some way; usually very empathic and often work as Healers because their primary intention is to help. Some of the different categories are Listeners and often people will share their inner most secrets with you because they are drawn to your sympathetic nature. Healers, not necessarily hands-on healing but certainly not excluding, but able to help people in various ways, i.e hairdressers, even a retail assistant who loves helping can be designated as a Healer. Creative Earth Angels are able to use their creativity to help and heal people. The lovely thing about being a Healer in any form, is that usually the Healing comes back to you in some way. There may also be a strong connection to nature as a Nature Angel and you will love that powerful connection. The other type of Angel may be one who cares deeply about the environment and will try to help in the Healing of the planet. Which ever type you are, enjoy your chosen role.
Q: I have a girlfriend I’m trying to get back in touch with as we lost touch due to her addictions and I didn’t want that in my life. I miss her so much at the moment and I’m not sure if she feels the same way. Would love to know if I should continue trying. She was my rock for a lot of years. – Ashley Norcott
Hi Ashley, I am so sorry to hear of your loss, the problem is… I got a very firm NO, on you trying to re-establish contact. I know you miss her and your friendship but unfortunately the original problem has not gone away; the addiction still appears to be there. My guides have also informed me that there doesn’t seem to be any hope for a reconciliation in the near future either. Honouring yourself and having the power to walk away from toxic relationships is a powerful gift for your future and I am sure that your strength has helped your friend in the past but addictions are so powerful that usually professional intervention is required. Please imagine her in a beautiful pink bubble of love and send that to her every day. One of the messages that came through very strongly is that you have had a previous lifetime with your friend and that there was a lesson to be learned in this lifetime. I feel as though you have tried to help previously and were unable to do so, in this lifetime, the lesson may be to walk away because you have tried your best.
Q: I quit my job feeling excited and scared at the same time. I have no idea what’s next. Would love some guidance. – Tanya Gillies-Slaven
First of all Tanya, congratulations! Stepping into the unknown is probably the scariest leap we can take in this lifetime and I feel you have brought through knowledge and gifts from a previous lifetime that you are now meant to be sharing. I have a beautiful man in Spirit who is called George and he wants me to assure you he is here to help. Your adventurous Spirit has probably not been a help to you in the past, but now is the time for you to embrace the modality that called to you about 2 years ago; something you didn’t think you were ready for. You are very creative and I feel as though you are drawn to making people more beautiful in a very Healing way. Have you considered stage and screen makeup? You have beautiful healing energy and however you choose to be of service will stand you in very good stead. You are also very intuitive and now is the time to trust that intuitive process implicitly. Don’t allow logic and reason to change your mind about what you want to do. Intuition and guidance is the first thought that comes to you. Please trust that process.
Q: Is there any guidance towards healing broken family relationships? – RaeRae Makiri
Hi RaeRae, it can be devastating when family relationships break down, it affects us on so many levels. The good news is… there is a way to mend broken relationships, and the place to start is with oneself. The Healing modality to use is called the Hoóponopono. It is an Ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. It translates roughly as CORRECTION and is known throughout the world as the Forgiveness Prayer or the Hawaiian Prayer. Four simple phrases: “I am sorry”, “Please forgive me”, “Thank You”, “I love You“. There are many beautiful versions of this on the net and also stories of the ripple effect saying this prayer has on families. I have had instances of this in my own family and it is a Certified Healing Practice. There is a book written about it and it is called Zero Limits and I do suggest you check this practice out online. It is extremely powerful. The more often it is repeated, the more powerfully it works. Using it as a meditation to calm the mind before sleep is also very beneficial as is sitting quietly and just using it as a meditation.
Q: I’d love some insight into what my true calling is for a career path please. – Jasmine Lee Harland
Hi Jasmine, your light within certainly shines very brightly as does your intelligence and my feeling is… you are very passionate about whatever you do. Your calling is to be of service in what ever modality calls you. You are committed to making this world a better place. I would love to suggest nursing as a career because your Healing energy is very obvious and what ever you do embrace, it will be wholehearted and with all of your energy. The problem is, I don’t get that as an option for you at present (studying, I mean). You are very Intuitive and I believe that this is how you create an income at the moment but I feel as though you have been tapped on the shoulder by Spirit and asked to do more. One of the things that we do best at is what our passion is. By pursuing your passion you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. What lights up your Soul? Where do your dreams lie? Manifest the dream that sustains you. You know you can.
Q: I have just started my business as a massage therapist but with COVID I’m not able to get success in it. Should I stay on this path or walk away? – Pritika Kumar
Hi Pritika, as frustrating as it is, my feeling is to hold on a bit longer if you are able. You have amazing Healing energy and I am sure that you could also offer distance Healing. Let people know this and I am sure that you will get extra business. Honour yourself and your energy and still charge a reasonable amount for this. The average distance Healing is around $90 and takes about an hour. The mind and your intent is a powerful tool for Healing. In all cases just make sure you have permission from The Higher Self of the person that you are sending Healing to. Perhaps a Reiki course would give you the confidence to go ahead with distance Healing. Any type of Energy Healing usually opens up your Spirituality and sharpens your Intuition and connection to Spirit.
www.psychicwisdom.com.au Send your questions to us at rebirth@spiritualeventsdirectory.com and we might feature you in our next edition.