Rebirth Magazine October 2021

Page 30

Leveraging your human design to

Make the Best Decisions


Imagine being able to make a decision from a place of ultimate self-trust? Knowing that what you choose has the full backing of your higher self? You can and it begins by knowing your Human Design inner authority, which is your personal decision-making strategy.


espite popular culture informing us that we should ‘trust our gut instinct’ and make quick decisions, only 49% of us are designed to make quick decisions. The rest of us need time. It’s important to know that you are no less intuitive or spiritual if you need time before you commit. Both strategies access insights from our higher self. There are in fact seven unique different decision-making strategies, of which you will have one. When you experiment with it, I promise you’ll see profound results, such as having more time, more synchronicities and more opportunities landing in your lap. Using your inner authority is also the ultimate act of surrender to Spirit. Before I dive deep into the attributes of 30

\\ OCTOBER 2021 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

the seven inner authorities, I recommend you calculate your Human Design using 13-sign sidereal astrology (available free on my website). Using this astrology algorithm provides a much more accurate interpretation of your Human Design as it reflects the constellations and planets on the day you were born. EMOTIONAL AUTHORITY

The most important thing you need to do when making decisions that require you to commit a lot of your time or energy, is to take your time, as you will frequently experience an emotional rollercoaster during the 24-48 hours before you find a decision you are happy to commit to. It starts with feeling super positive and believing it’s the best

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