Rebirth Magazine July 2022

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Vicki Haspels Why did I start my business?


Alissandra Moon

From drugs and destruction to priestessing the revolution!

Gwenda Smith

Your keys to the magic of manifesting RECIPE




Kim McCosker

Sherriden Sloan

Missy Rivers

Amanda E Burgess

The online TV shows are designed to open minds and expand lives by providing FREE mind, body and soul educational content to audiences all over the globe. View all LIVES here:

SpiritualEventsDirectory/live and get a reminder for your favourite show – all shows are AEDT MONDAY 9.30am-10.30am A Bite With Bron – The Truth About Trauma Healing with Bron Lea

7.15pm-8.15pm Psychic Readings with Michelle Brewer

8.30pm-9.30pm Human Design with Katie

9.30pm-10.30pm Pet Tarot with Lisa

TUESDAY 9.30am-10.30am Sitting with Spirit with Kerry

TUESDAY (cont.) 8.30pm-9.30pm

The H.E.A.L. Show with Gwenda Smith

WEDNESDAY 8.30pm-9.30pm

Connecting to your Inner Wisdom with Donna Drew

THURSDAY 7.15pm-8.15pm

Activate Your Courage with Kay Hamilton


Unfck Your Life Readings and Guidance with Rose Magick

FRIDAY 2pm-3pm

Readings and Healings with Missy Rivers

FRIDAY (cont.) 3pm-4pm

Spiritual Harmonious Balancing and Card Readings with Tracey


Sitting with Spirit with Kerry

SATURDAY 12 noon-1pm

Weekend Witchcraft with Priestess Alissandra Moon


Messages from the Divine and Angel Healing with Ashley Nunez

SUNDAY 8.30pm-9.30pm

The Hearts Journey Show with Vicki Haspels


Whispering Spirit Weekly Tarot Energy Report with Marina Lovasz


Spiritual Events & Directory

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Contents 05

Rose Magick Shadow work and the power of self-awareness

06-11 Special Feature – Alissandra Moon

From drugs and destruction to priestessing the revolution!


Feature Interview – Ingrid Arna How one woman lost it all and birthed a global brand from ground zero

14-15 Jess Beard Setting energetical boundaries to avoid confrontations


Alissandra Moon The Wise Witch – Self-Love Spell


Lindsay Tighe Better questions for a better you!


Gwenda Smith Your keys to the magic of manifesting


Kaz Field Anderson Anxiety – the modern day pandemic

Universal Consciousness 2020


Adrianne Skye HEY! Where ya’ all going? It takes a VILLAGE!

Mixed media on canvas


Kim McCosker Nachos


Victoria Cochrane We are what we believe


Bron Lea What if it’s more than ‘just’ the baby blues?


Marina Lovasz


Vicki Haspels Why did I start my business? My story

29 30-31

When your wounds become your greatest medicine

Sarah Jayd

The power of affirmations. How do affirmations work?

Kyle Lazich The Chocolate Wizard

This one is one of my favourites from 2020 and is a painting of a Universal Consciousness Journey I went on, and what I saw during the journey. Giving us insight into the power of the eagle, to see all of Earth and her children from above. To nurture and get to know the bees, as they are like women, the pollinators of the Earth ¤ I was asked to lie down on the Earth each day for months to hear her messages and feel her beauty and power through my skin ¤ Amy Soulfire

32-33 Astrology – Sherriden Sloan 34-35 Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers 36-37 Lee Harold The man who stumbled across a miracle liquid in the desert


Jacine Greenwood-Drummond


Christina Fletcher A conscious guide to the tools to support

5 benefits of crystal stone facials

you through your spiritual awakening journey!

40-41 Numerology – Amanda E Burgess 42-43 Classifieds

Vision and comments expressed by individuals do not necessarily represent those of the publishers and no legal responsibility can be accepted for the result of the use by readers of information or advice of any kind given in this publication, either in advertisements or editorials. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Spiritual Events Directory.

PUBLISHER | Sarah Jayd Spiritual Events Directory

JOURNALIST | Michelle R Price Michelle R Price Writer & Clairvoyant

DESIGNER | Ros Jackson

Brought to you by

Freelance Graphic Designer

Please send all advertising, editoral and subscription enquiries to: Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


Contributors Kaz Field Anderson

Jessica Beard

Rosie Carter

Victoria Cochrane

Christina Fletcher christinafletchercoaching

Jacine Greenwood

Vicki Haspels

Bron Lea

Marina Lovasz

Kim McCosker

Missy Rivers

Alissandra Moon alissandramoon

Adrianna Skye

Sherriden Sloan

Gwenda Smith

Shadow work and the

Power of Self-Awareness


Firstly, let’s start with what your shadow is, your shadow is the unconscious aspect of your personality. It is the hidden parts of your spirit, the suppressed parts of yourself and it bears wounds that you may not even know you have.


orking on the shadow part of your Spirit is the intentional reflection into your unconscious mind on hidden, hurting or negative aspects of your physical and spiritual world. It is enquiring into behaviours, thoughts or feelings as to the root of these things. Shadow work is the intentional healing and development of this unconscious part of your personality. The reward is personal freedom, an ability to reflect, heal and grow efficiently when things arise in your life. Shadow wounds present when there is healing to be done, it will come up in a number of ways and it can be quite unexpected. It can show up as a new anxiety or a persistent one you already have, new or consistent feelings of depression around certain scenarios, new or old triggers, arguing more often with your partner, change in your sex drive, lack of selfesteem, not trusting your own judgment, negative self-talk, feeling lost and/or feeling like your life is like a shoe that no longer fits. If there are thoughts, feelings or behaviours that you do not have control over, I can guarantee that it boils down to shadow wounds. In moments of intense emotions ask yourself: “Why do I feel these things?” “What is the trigger?” “Does this behaviour serve me?” “What emotion does this behaviour make me feel?” “Am I in control?” “Do these emotions have a higher purpose? For example, does it keep me safe from perceived danger?” What you can do to start working on your shadow yourself, is to keep a journal. Journalling is one of the easiest yet most powerful tools we have to uncover hidden parts of ourselves, along with negative thoughts and feelings. Journalling is a simple way to keep yourself accountable and to keep a record of the progress you have made so always put a date on your notes. The second thing is a walking meditation, walking is a perfect way to get anxious and pent up energy moving so you can think more clearly. Walk at whatever pace feels comfortable and preferably at a peaceful location surrounded by nature, but if this is not possible, wear headphones whilst walking to minimise

distractions from the outside world, listen to meditation music or whatever suits you to be able to hear your inner voice. Ask yourself, “What emotions have I felt often this week?” Reflect on what negative emotions have come up and why, then ask yourself, “What is there to learn here?” Lastly, if you have intense emotions and behaviours come up consistently find the correct support; whether this is a coven, a supportive and informative Facebook group or a healing coach and mentor. Working on deep hidden parts of your character can be daunting, whether it is inner child wounds, Mother wounds, limiting beliefs or uncontrollable emotions, know that you are never alone.

Mystica Magick is run and owned by Spiritual Healer and Pagan Witch Rosie.

She helps women who are ready to achieve deep healing through

Daily Rituals, Psychic Readings and Shadow Work Mentoring She offers a range of ritual boxes that have been locally sourced and lovingly chosen. Rosie has just launched the Ritual and Rise programme for women ready to transform their lives and who wish to have the tools to align with their soul purpose. Located on the Gold Coast and servicing Australia Wide.

For a free discovery call or to book a reading use the website link below: @mysticamagick E:

Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\



WARNING: Contains descriptions of abuse and things which may be triggering to some.

From drugs and destruction to

Priestessing the Revolution!

How my Spiritual development changed my life.


If you had told me 20 years ago, that I would still be alive in my 30s, I never would have believed you! Add to that being a successful entrepreneur, High Priestess with a Witchcraft Academy & International Ministry, mother of two amazing children, a world-renowned psychic and spiritual coach, highly respected spiritual leader… and a whole list of other incredible achievements… I’d have laughed in your face!


ou see, life was not always like this for me. To say I had a very troubled adolescence, would be a huge understatement! I was an only child and had never fitted in. I was always a target for bullies and my psychic/magickal abilities made me feel like I didn’t belong. That is, once I realised that it was NOT normal and that not everyone saw spirits, had premonitions, felt what others did, made things happen just by thinking or saying something and so on… I felt very, very disconnected and separate from ‘the norm’. I always sought validation and acceptance from my older cousins, but seemed to only ever get the opposite. No matter how hard I tried to be ‘right’, I never was. I was also extremely hypersensitive on top of being empathic, so until I learned to manage my intense emotions and to shield myself from other people’s energies, I was always in a state of overwhelm and emotional turmoil. When I was 6, my next door neighbour’s 18yo son started molesting me. His younger brother, who I was friends with, was also forced to do things to me, while his older brother watched. It went on for years but I just buried it inside, which caused a lot of shame and a general disconnection with my soul. Between my own feelings of something being wrong with me, the cruel words and actions of other children and the various things that happened when I was a child, I learned to create my own fantasy world to block out reality. This is how I coped with life up until my 20s. When I was 10, I was so miserable and lonely all the time that I decided I wanted to go and be with my grandfather and our dogs in the Afterlife. So, I made the first of many suicide attempts. At 10, I didn’t really know what I was doing. I took a full box of Panadol. Luckily, I just ended up vomiting for two days! Next I tried to poison myself by tipping a bottle of


\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

scented oil into my food. Apart from the fact it was not very toxic, it tasted horrendous and I couldn’t eat more than one small spoonful! I still hate anything that reminds me of that scent! haha Not long after, I ended up changing schools. Mum and dad wanted me to be happy, and the new Principal at my original school was a nasty chauvinistic pig who actually backed up the bullies! This was when things started going down hill. Although I got great marks at my new school, I also got suspended for smoking and bringing weed to school in year 6. When I started high school, again, I got caught with weed and the bullying got so bad, I ended up having to change high schools too.

I ended up leaving school and got a job. I eventually went to TAFE and got my first of many diplomas. Study has always been a passion of mine and that’s why I have so many different qualifications and am now able to combine all my knowledge to help others on such a deep level!

People found out that I was learning and practising witchcraft which was good at first but quickly turned nasty. I was tormented daily for being a freak, so I shaved my head, pierced my nose and acted the part – becoming the school ‘Gothic freak’. One day the bullies thought it would be fun to lure me into the field, throw some flammable nail polish remover on me and set me on fire. “Witches get burned!” they were shouting! I had to strip off most of my clothes and run back to the toilets, whilst everyone laughed hysterically. This was the beginning of me completely burying my true self and punishing myself for being me. I started self-harming regularly, drinking often and smoking daily. Not long after starting my new school, I was invited to a party by a guy I liked. It was my first real party. I went with him and his friends, stopping off to get alcohol first. I don’t remember much of that night, but I do remember waking up naked, bloody and torn. I had momentary flashes of different guys on top of me and other people in the room watching. I now know that this is what cemented my unhealthy relationship to sex and obliterated all sacredness when it came to my body. I had lost my virginity at 15 to date/gang rape. I didn’t get to give that gift or even choose who it was to or how. Thankfully I WAS unconscious for it but that also made it harder to heal. When I returned to school a few days later, after faking illness as long as I could, the guy I had gone to the party with, and his friends, all acted like they didn’t know me. It was soul-destroying! I was desperate for some answers but when I asked any questions, they just acted like I was crazy and never went to a party with them. I ended up extremely sick not long afterwards. My body was basically shutting down. I ended up trying to keep up through home-schooling with my Mum but couldn’t be awake for more than an hour or so a day. I was 25kg at 16. My spirit was broken and undernourished due to feeling unworthy of love and kindness from anyone outside of my family. I now know that this was a combination of having my soul fragmented and Shaman sickness – an initiation of sorts, but because I was unaware and did the opposite of what I was meant to, my illness got worse. I ended up leaving school and got a job. I eventually went to TAFE and got my first of many diplomas. Study has always been a passion of mine and that’s why I have so many different qualifications and am now able to combine all my knowledge to help others on such a deep level! When I was at TAFE I met an older guy. He was 25 and I was 17. He had just gotten off heroin and introduced me to injecting Speed.

Graduation Cerem ony – high on Sp ee


It took many weeks of me begging him to do it for me and eventually he obliged. Under a bridge, sitting in his little red sports car, he gave me my first shot. From that moment, my life would never be the same again! After spending years of my life with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other illnesses, for me to actually have energy and feel alive, was incredible!!! But I loved it a little TOO much! That guy ended up playing games with my head and heart, cheating and playing me like a fool. I was obsessed with him AND addicted to the drugs which only he could administer. I met a lot of questionable people in that time and did a lot of questionable things. Unfortunately, my best friend also ended up on Speed with me. Eventually, I got off it and got myself back on track. I moved out west to Dubbo with a school friend. I allowed him to play with my head and heart too until my Mum helped me get my own place with a co-worker. We both worked at the most popular bar and nightclub in town. It was so much fun! Maybe TOO much fun! Every week I would end up giving my pay check back to my boss to pay my bar tab. Most weekends after work, we would bring everyone still at the club back to our place to keep partying. It was wild! On one of my trips back home to see my parents, I caught up with my ex and he introduced me to Crystal Meth. It was so different! I actually didn’t love it at first but eventually I ended up moving back with my parents and got hooked on it in no time! Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


out First night

of rehab,


I was so desperate for love and acceptance that I ended up getting talked into being the pawn in a credit card scam, which also paid for my drug habit until my conscience got the better of me and I went to the cops to hand myself in. That turned into 16 months of court and psych evaluations and eventually ended in me going to rehab for 3 months. After rehab, I ended up in a relationship with ‘the love of my life’. We drank a lot, but I was absolutely head over heels! I had never experienced love like that before. Then a few days before my 21st birthday, I got extremely sick again. I was in agony and couldn’t walk. I got worse and ended up losing my mind. At 12.22am on my 21st birthday, I died. Luckily, I was already in ICU, so I was revived but ended up in a coma. I had Meningococcal, Endocarditis and septic arthritis. Luckily my body shut down and by dying for a short time, it stopped the spread and somehow rebooted my body. I still was not expected to survive though. I ended up spending 6 months in hospital and did recover but ended up with mild brain damage from the time I was clinically dead. Whilst in hospital I met some people and we had our own little crew. We made it fun, but as they each got discharged, I found myself making friends with a different crowd… this is when I was introduced to heroin. I understood immediately why people got hooked! It was like injecting heaven straight into my body and having the world transform to match. When I eventually got out of the hospital, I continued using heroin on a casual basis. Unfortunately, this led me back to using meth again and that’s when things started turning to shit! A friend introduced me to a brothel owner in Dubbo and I went there for a week on a working holiday. I made tens of thousands of dollars which meant I had money to use more drugs, more frequently. 8

\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Promo pic for Br ot

hel in Darlinghur st.

Between selling my body, putting up with things at the brothel that I won’t go into here, and using drugs heavily, my mental health rapidly deteriorated. I ended up in and out of hospital again from suicide attempts and self-harm. Eventually, my partner couldn’t cope anymore and broke up with me in a text message. A part of me died at that moment. It’s taken 18 years to heal from it. The months that followed were like a living hell! I very quickly ended up on heroin full time to try to numb the pain. I was also drinking daily, sleeping with pretty much anyone to try to feel loved and wanted, even if just for a moment. It didn’t take long before I was working in a brothel in Kings Cross. The whole time is a blur, so I’m unsure of timelines and some of the things that occurred are just too horrific to share. During this time, I was held prisoner and repeatedly raped and beaten by a guy I agreed to go on a date with. After our date when I wanted to leave, he wouldn’t let me. I don’t know how long I was locked in that garden shed, but thankfully he kept me dosed up on drugs… because it was actually the dealer who figured out what was going on and he came back with a friend to rescue me. I had to leave all of my belongings behind but at least I was free! On numerous occasions, I was robbed, because I was sleeping wherever I could. Often In random people’s lounge rooms after we went halves in a deal, or anywhere sheltered and semi-safe. I was selling my body almost daily to keep up my habit and often found myself doing extremely questionable

things. I just did what I had to and then numbed myself so I didn’t have to deal with it. All this time I was still so heartbroken and obsessed with my ex, that I honestly didn’t care if I died. My parents had basically accepted that they would eventually get that knock on the door by the cops, telling them that their only child had been found murdered or dead. No parent should ever have to experience that! Although I numbed it, the insidious shame from this knowledge was eating me alive. On one occasion, I went to score from my regular dealer and he had nothing. A man named John who lived above him called me up. He offered me a shot in exchange for sexual favours. I reluctantly agreed. He managed to convince me that he genuinely cared about my welfare and that I should make these ‘visits’ a regular occurrence. Me being the broken and naive girl I was, I agreed. Things turned abusive pretty quickly, and it was not long before I found myself being held semicaptive again. I say semi because I was allowed to leave occasionally but he held my parents’ house keys, my purse and bank cards etc… and made it clear that if I did not return within my given time frame, he would “take a little visit to my parents”. There was NO WAY I was going to allow my parents to be hurt any more than they were already, by my drug use. Eventually, I managed to get free from that situation, but one night when I left my dealer’s house, two men attacked me, gagged me and threw me in the boot (trunk) of a car. When the car stopped, the boot opened and standing there with a hammer, ready to strike me, was a man I had never seen before, and John, the Man who had held me, prisoner, only weeks before. I was ripped out of the boot by my hair and thrown onto the road. It was a back road behind farmland. I have no idea where it was but there was no one around for gs,

ed on dru

Me smash

at one of the places I

used to stay.

I woke up to John bashing on the window and opening the door. He ripped me out of the car and backhanded me. I tried to apologise and explained that I hadn’t slept but that made things worse.

miles. At this point, I honestly thought I was going to die. I was terrified beyond words! John bent down and told me that I was going to do every little thing I was told to do and if I behaved, I might be allowed to leave after they “earned enough”. For the next few days, I was the getaway driver for all the ‘jobs’ they did. I was not allowed to sleep and barely ate. On the last night, I was made to wait in the car for hours and hours whilst they dug up copper cables. I was so exhausted I ended up falling asleep in the car and didn’t wake up to the phone ringing. I woke up to John bashing on the window and opening the door. He ripped me out of the car and backhanded me. I tried to apologise and explained that I hadn’t slept but that made things worse. He punched me in the eye and knocked me out. I regained consciousness to him shaking and slapping me, then with my head bleeding from hitting the road and one eye was completely swollen shut, I was forced to drive him to go get the cables. I was let go the next day and reminded that they knew where my parents lived, so I had better keep my mouth shut! There was a lot more that happened over those nights, but I will just say that it scared me enough to want to get clean! I only overdosed on heroin once and the so-called ‘friends’ I was with that night, wanted to dump me in the train station carpark! Luckily my dealer at that time had a thing for me and he got me to the hospital. I actually lost count of how many near-death experiences I have had over the years. But EVERY time, the same spirit being was there telling me, “Not yet! You have work to do!” I didn’t even think about the being until later on. I just thought it was a dream or memory of a dream. I ended up getting clean again with the help, love and Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


support of my beautiful parents. I went back to University but then got engaged to a violently abusive alcoholic. When I started studying Nursing and Pathology Collection, I met a younger man and he helped me move out of my fiancé’s house, and back into my parents’ place. I ended up falling pregnant to that guy and as I had previously been told that I likely could not have children, I thought it might be my only chance. So, I decided to start a life with Rod (name changed) and our baby. That was not to be though. Postnatal depression and losing my lifelong friend to suicide took its toll and drove a wedge between us. He was only 18 and had never had a serious relationship. When I broke up with him, he took our daughter and used her against me. He also managed to turn my family against me. I spent my very first Mother’s Day alone, crying on my daughter’s bedroom floor, not knowing where she was and having no family to talk to. I hit the bottle hard! From the moment I opened my eyes, I was drinking, partying every night and making ‘friends’ with all kinds of people. One of those was coming to me for counselling, as he had heard that I used to work in Mental Health. One night he came around and refused to leave. Things started getting scary and my intuition told me to call for help. I called the police, but he grabbed my Motorola Razor and literally snapped it in front of my face. He then called my parents and told them I’d gone crazy, was on drugs and going to kill myself. I screamed out that it wasn’t true and tried to run out my front door. He dropped the phone and tackled me into the wall. He held me so tight I couldn’t breathe. I threw my head back and broke his nose. He head-butted me back, knocking me out. I regained consciousness on the floor with him sitting on me, blowing blood in my face and him telling me I was going to die. He also taunted me that my parents would find me and think I did it to myself and he would get away with it as he did with Maria (a girl who was murdered a few years prior). I won’t go into the details, but basically, he beat me, brutally raped me, tried to break my neck, strangle and suffocate me. I fought like I had never fought before! It was NOT going to end like that!! Luckily, he didn’t disconnect the phone from my parents and they heard the whole thing. They called the police and just before I lost consciousness, he jumped off me and ran! I didn’t know why until the cops were at my front door. I did escape with my life, but my spine was shattered, and I had to re-learn how to do a lot of things again. These events were just a small fraction of what I have experienced. Even though I had studied hard, gained numerous qualifications, and was always helping others, I lived with a victim mentality and “Why me?” attitude. I was a serial pessimist, which meant that I was constantly 10

\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

el and I now.

My husband Micha

attracting more awful things to me. I created my own reality by being so negative. One day though, whilst in yet another abusive relationship, everything changed. I was fed up with being a victim! I KNEW I had the power in me to change everything and that I had to devote myself properly to my true spiritual path. The Witch’s Path. I made the choice to do whatever it took to become the best version of myself. I left Harry (name changed) and dove headfirst back into my studies. I was devoted to ME. I ended up meeting my current husband Michael at this time and through my own self-healing and will, I was off ALL of my antidepressants and feeling better than I EVER had, in a very short time! I went back to reading Tarot, became a Reiki Master, discovered more about the long ling of Siberian Shamans and Healers in my family, initiated in two different magickal traditions and COMPLETELY turned my life around! I had a son with Michael and he, our 9-year-old son and my 14-year-old daughter now live happily as a family. I was able to heal myself from the emotional, spiritual and physical trauma that I had experienced and through combining the best parts of all of my study, I started TRULY helping others to transform their lives as I have! It has taken nine years, but I have now developed two incredible programs that not only teach others in-depth spiritual development and Witchcraft, but also guide them through massive healing and transformation.

I have learned so much in my four decades of life in this body and now I understand exactly what the ‘being’, whom I now know to be my spirit guide, was saying to me each time death was near – it really WASN’T my time and I certainly DID have work to do! Still do! I have completely devoted myself to doing the work that I am here to do. However, calling it work feels inaccurate. I love every minute of it! The mind-blowing results my clients and students are getting daily bring me so much joy that I am thankful every single day for the path I have walked in order to lead me here. Learning Witchcraft is about so much more than most of the mainstream books and ‘init-witch’ influencers make it out to be. When studied properly, every step is transformational and healing, for you as well as those closest to you and the world in general. Everything is connected and when WE heal, it heals the world as well. It is my mission to pass on my hard-earned knowledge and experience to as many people as possible so that they too can heal, grow and go forth to help others do the same thing! We are on the brink of a major revolution and I KNOW, that I have been put here to help lead it – to prepare the newly awakened for what is yet to come and play a major part in creating a world that we are PROUD to leave to our descendants! Magick, Witchcraft and spirituality saved my life! Prior to making that major decision to change the whole

Me now.

trajectory of my life, there is no way in Heaven or hell that I would have been able to cope with losing my beloved Mama! Through MY spiritual development, she was also able to find peace, when she was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer last year. I was blessed to be able to guide her through her end of life and be her best friend, full-time nurse AND her Priestess during those three months. She also gave me the honor of preparing and officiating her funeral, which I did. When her final moments were near, I performed her last rite and then guided her into the Afterlife, as promised. There were tears and heartache aplenty, but I was strong enough to get through it and her passing was as beautiful as death could be. She was at home, in her own bed, with lovely meditation music playing, candles and oils burning, Daddy and I there with her, holding her hands and just loving her. It was all on her own terms with her only child guiding her transition. I went to the mortuary to bathe her body and dress her a few days later and also performed a beautiful ritual to free her from any pain and harmful attachments from this lifetime. With Dad, I wrote a Pagan style funeral that I officiated myself. It was so personal and touching, that even all the Catholic family and friends said it was the most beautiful funeral they had ever experienced and asked me to do theirs too! Wow! Again, there is no way I could have done ANY of that without my spiritual devotion and study! It truly has changed my life in every way! I am so grateful to my beautiful parents for loving me and supporting me. I am also grateful to my Goddess Diana, for choosing me as her Priestess and guiding me daily. There is still so much more work to be done, but I am excited about the future! If I can leave you with one thing… it only takes one choice to change the whole trajectory of your life! Choose to be positive and to rise! The power has always been inside of you. Claim it and live life on your terms! If you have experienced any form of trauma yourself and are ready to break free from it, in order to live the life on YOUR terms… get in touch. I would love to help you to heal, step into your power and activate your own Magick! Allisandra Moon is a Priestess, Psychic Healer, Shamanic Witch and Spiritual Coach. Contact her via messenger: If you or someone you know needs help, call: Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 | DV connect 1800 811 811 National Alcohol and other Drug Hotline 1800 250 015 Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


How one woman lost it all and birthed a global brand from ground zero


– Ingrid Arna

Business Coach, Ingrid Arna, is a powerhouse. She has such a vibrant energy and presence and has some real life-experience under her belt. We spoke to Ingrid for this edition’s feature article.


ngrid is the founder and CEO of The Ingrid Arna Company and the creator of multiple industry-leading business coaching programs for women. She claims her company is leading the way in teaching conscious capitalism and building leaders who are devoted to global healing. The mum of one is frank about her upbringing, saying, “My background was full of abuse and manipulation around money. I did not feel safe. I had to create my own security. I wanted to be free. I wanted to create a business and life led from my soul and passion, instead of from sacrifice, scarcity and servitude. “I grew up with two immigrant parents – a Russian dad and a Macedonian mum – who started a beauty salon and cosmetic manufacturing start-up under our house. At the age of five, I was packing boxes of wax – eagerly helping my parents build their company. This humble business that started in our kitchen became one of Australia’s largest cosmetic companies with its products distributed in 40 countries and counting,” she said. “Growing up in a family that took a little idea and virtually no capital and transformed it into a multimilliondollar enterprise was a gift to witness. However, even in such an entrepreneurial household, I was sold the myth that corporate was best, and I believed it in my bones. “I grew up attending a prestigious private girls’ school, and my father was pretty clear about what he expected of me: I was to become a doctor, lawyer, or politician. The end.”


\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Ingrid said, “It’s hilarious that I’m now getting paid more than a surgeon and a lawyer combined to consult for top brands and leading industry experts! #shameless #youcantoo. “A large part of who I am came from fiercely fighting to create a life that wasn’t driven by fear or others’ expectations. But it took me time to understand these lessons and embed them into my life in a positive way. I had to rebirth myself to become the woman that could truly embody the level of work I’m committed to. The healing and forgiveness of self and others has been the key to service without servitude. My life experience became my core teaching, which I now use to educate women to claim social, political, and financial power in their own lives.” Ingrid said, “The moment I took full responsibility for my life and stopped blaming everyone, my healing and true ascension journey began. “Within two months of launching my business, I made six figures while working 20 hours a week. The following six months saw me triple that number, and then triple it again shortly afterwards. “The more I let myself own it online – spoke up, uncensored my voice, and allowed myself to be seen – the more women showed up saying they’d been desperately praying for me and my work. “Since getting my own business off the ground, I’ve packaged up the exact framework I used… and put it

into my coaching programs where I now share it with hundreds of divine women every year! “What I know for sure is: the more fierce, feminine role models we have, the better off our future generations will be. “You don’t have to give up security or yourself to be an entrepreneur. I’ve found that the fusion of knowledge, experience and education that women have gained over their lifetimes makes us ripe for riches.” Ingrid admits she has experienced some major turning points in her life, saying, “In 2010, I worked in NYC as a corporate and executive for $70,000 a year and was trapped in the grind of an 80-hour work week. “I had my own fancy office overlooking 6th Avenue, but I felt like I constantly had to prove myself and work harder than the boys just to get by. My health suffered and I went from loving my job to hating it. I was absolutely over it, so I got busy hatching a plan to escape corporate life forever.” Ingrid then created a clothing line. She admits she made mistakes, “The first was taking a year to get to market with my product, which meant I burned through my capital. The second was trusting a dodgy lawyer with my corporate kit. “That was when I lost it all. The weight of the failure was almost unbearable. I was paralysed… trapped by the burden and shame of loss, grief, trauma, chronic fear, and overwork. I then experienced a health crisis like never before. Overcome with exhaustion and barely able to stand, I learned two crucial lessons: first, nobody was coming to save me, and second, I would never again partner with someone without solid legal protection of my assets and IP.” Ingrid admits, “This was one of my darkest times, but it was also a moment of absolute clarity: I was singlehandedly responsible for my fate. That’s not to say that you can’t seek help from others – they can encourage you, teach you, and provide you with resources – but ultimately, you must take action to ensure your own success. “I finally had no other choice but to stop and really look at myself and all the patterns of behaviour and suffering that were causing me to sabotage my dreams over and over again. “Launching my coaching business happened in a whirlwind of leaving the corporate grind behind, losing my clothing company shortly thereafter, returning to Australia, my husband losing his job, and finding out we were expecting our beautiful daughter, Aria. “I realised after taking yet another client call from my hospital bed after her birth that I’d taken my corporate M.O. and transferred all the drama and drain to my own business. I was headed for burnout again unless something changed.” Ingrid said the end of the struggle and over-giving came when she did something radical, “That’s when I launched my mastermind, spent $10,000 on ads, booked 60 calls, and sold 17 spots. Within 6 months, I’d replaced my husband’s income and went on to sell $10K, $20K, and $50K packages.

“Once I knew the way, I was able to repeat the process and 10x my results at the speed of light.” Ingrid said, “My programs demystify the ‘how’ of turning your expertise into a consulting and coaching empire. “There is a lucrative consulting niche – a specific group of people with money to buy – for whatever knowledge, wisdom, and experiential expertise you have. You can find them online, and it’s easier than ever before. “Once you know the process, you can then turn those perfect strangers into ideal, highly-profitable clients and customers. “But… without a leveraged business model that allows you to cut your workload in half while exponentially increasing your income every single month, you’ll be trapped in a paradigm that will drive you and your business into the ground. If you want to be wealthy, you need the right system… simple as that. “Building a business and legacy doesn’t have to be hard, but it does have to be strategic as all heck! At Ingrid Arna, we help women turn their genius into gold by packaging up their work into a scalable course, program or mastermind that delivers. “When you have a product or a service that delivers on its promise, the money, clients, and contribution are almost guaranteed. Or, as I like to say, when you solve someone’s problems, you’ll always get paid – in any economy.” Ingrid works with people of all ages, “In fact, we just had a divine 21-year-old diva go from not being able to afford rent to hitting regular $10K months, and a 70+-year-old grandmother diva who doubled her income to $50K per month… while cutting her hours down by half,” she said. “But what we do goes far beyond just material gain – it’s also about helping women transmute vows of poverty and embody a whole new reality by giving themselves permission to release lifetimes of sabotaging stories and suffering around wealth.” Ingrid intends for her business to become one of the leading brands in the world. “We are expanding our reach and will double in size over the next 18 months,” she said. “I want every woman to know that she’s good enough, knows enough, and is smart enough to build a profitable, beautiful online brand – without sacrificing their mental or physical health. “This is a pivotal time in history where women can create legacy brands… brands that truly give – where the care and service factor is paramount, but not without monetization. “My company is here to lead the new paradigm of divine femme business, which is all about the sacred fusion of spiritual passion, purpose and profit. When those three key ingredients are combined, they create a new divine frequency – one that is devoid of scarcity and is all about lush receiving, not overgiving and selfsacrifice,” Ingrid said. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


Setting energetical boundaries to


Avoid Confrontations

Last February I had a beautiful friend who was bombarding me with messages and detailing their life in minute detail.


absolutely adore this person and knew that I was going to have to say something because I didn’t have the time or patience to listen anymore. I am someone who doesn’t like confrontation and I was trying to craft the ideal message to not offend them but also assert my own boundaries. I wanted them to know that I was happy to answer questions they have, listen to breakthroughs, hear about their struggles or even a rant. But I didn’t want to know that they saw a bird that morning, were going shopping or brushing their teeth. Some of the messages were bordering on the bazaar, as I had never known anyone to message with such mundane details.


\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

This wasn’t like our normal communication and the sheer strangeness of the exchanges actually made me pause and ask myself if Spirit was trying to show me something. I wondered if this was a lesson for me to work on my issues with confronting people. Maybe it was supposed to be an opportunity for me to stand up for myself in a loving way. However, that didn’t feel right and I still procrastinated on requesting they stop. The Universe of course has a wonderful sense of humour and I got a final message from my friend which was so out of the world odd I did something very cool. I was sitting in my bed and I put my hand up in the

universal sign of STOP – hand raised with palm facing away from body as if I was trying to ward off these messages. Out of my mouth poured this wonderful affirmation. “I adore our friendship and I am happy for you to ask me questions, tell me about your triumphs or explain your struggles. But I am no longer happy with our current communication and I reject all future timelines where you continue to send meaningless messages.” While I said this out loud, I pictured myself talking soul to soul and I had this grounded Sovereign energy. I was very clear with my intention that I didn’t want to lose my friendship. But I was also declaring that I did not want to ever have these rambling messages again. I went to bed and when I awoke the next day there were no messages, I was kind of shocked and a lot relieved. I stayed positive and after a few days I knew that it had worked. I had set up an energetical boundary and avoided having to have any form of potential confrontation. For nearly 18 months now I have been experimenting with this technique and encouraging my clients when I coach them to also play with this energetic tool. I have used this exact process to manifest clients who are aligned with my values and want to work with me. I also have used this technique for those wanting to book in for a reading with me. I set up the boundary that people only book in with me for a reading if they are really serious about changing their life and want to see what is happening Archetypally. After I did this, the people who have booked in with me are always going through incredible transformation or initiations. I have countless stories which confirm that it is possible to set these boundaries up in the quantum realm or on a soul level. During all my experiments I learned two really important facts. 1. You have to be in a genuine Sovereign space where you feel grounded but at the same time detached. You cannot have any form of anger, frustration, judgment or are offended by the other person when you put your hand up and set this energetical boundary. So please do not do this process while in the trigger or irritation. Allow yourself the time to calm down and become clear and detached. Only then, do you speak soul to soul and it will work. 2. If you put your hand up and do this when frustrated or hurt you will create a weird quantum entanglement. Let me explain, I woke up one morning to a very confusing message and I was still half asleep. After listening I was very irritated and judgmental. Just like normal I did this process without knowing the consequences. I not only made this person really confused so they mixed-up event dates and details, but it had a weird effect on other people in my life. I had 3 other people

who know me very well get the exact same confusion about the exact same event. The weird thing was, I had multiple conversations about the upcoming event, but after I did this process in the vibration of irritation and judgment. They all said the exact same thing to me. They said, “I thought the event was the next month. I don’t know why because I know it’s next week. We talked about it, I can’t explain how I got so confused.” When 3 different people all tell you the same thing… you know that it’s a message. It couldn’t be clearer that I was responsible for this entire confusing episode. This is why I am far more careful about what emotional state I am in when I play in the energetical and quantum realm. We always say – “Be careful what you wish for because you might get it.” This is very true when we start working with the universal laws of manifestation. If we do not be careful with our words, emotions and actions. We can end up manifesting lessons which are not the ones we really wanted. I highly recommend you start playing with this energetic tool which I have called the ‘Stop Sign Technique’, while the name might be a bit unimaginative the process really does work. Remember to have fun but be careful you are in a positive vibration first!

Join Tarot Therapist and Trainer, Marina Lovasz on a psychotherapeutic journey into the mythic Tarot, discovering the medicine and psychology behind the symbology, metaphors, and archetypes of the Tarot as well as an understanding of counselling 101.

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The Wise Witch –


Self-Love Spell

Self-love is something that is pushed and promoted, but it is not an easy thing to achieve. This spell is to help you to love yourself and also to radiate the energy of love wherever you go. Love has the highest vibrational frequency, so when you are in the frequency of love, you will feel amazing, make others feel good and attract good things to yourself.


his can be done at any time but starting at the New Moon or close to it and continuing during the Waxing Moon is best.


Your favourite body lotion Music that makes you feel good about yourself Light pink or white candles A shower and whatever you need to shower Any items to decorate your bathroom and add to the atmosphere CREATE YOUR SACRED SPACE IN THE BATHROOM

Light the candles and decorate however you wish to create an atmosphere of magick and sensuality. If you can, play some uplifting 528Hz music. DO EVERYTHING WITH INTENTION

Remove your clothes and get in the shower. State with conviction, “Every single cell of my body and all of my energy will now be cleansed, cleared and purified.” Put your head under the water and imagine the water is going through you and purifying your entire being. Everything harmful, unhelpful or not belonging to you, is cleared and washed away. Once you feel clear, call upon the element of water to fill you with pure love. Love for yourself and for all things. Step back under the water, put your head under and this time imagine you are being filled with love. Imagine the water is pure liquid love, entering through your crown and filling your entire body. Finish your shower as normal then get dry. Stand with your arms stretched out above your head and say, “I invoke the power of universal love! Divine love!” See and feel the universal love of the divine coming from all directions, into you, pooling in your belly. Hold your lotion with both hands and take three deep breaths. 16

\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Hold your power hand (the one you write with or feel is strongest) over the lotion and pull the divine love up from your belly, stream down your arm and out your hand, into the lotion. It may be helpful to tense up your whole body and hold it as long as you can, then push it all out through your hand as you relax. When done, say, “I bless this lotion and transform it into a substance of pure love. Whenever this lotion touches my skin, it will fill me with love for myself and cause me to radiate pure love energy. Spreading it wherever I go.” Now slowly rub the lotion into your skin and over your entire body whilst focusing on love. Bring up the feeling of love inside of you and focus on it so that it’s as strong as possible. Massage your body lovingly, with gratitude for what it allows you to do everyday. No matter how many problems you have, your body is still a wonderful thing and it enables you to do all the things you enjoy in life. You may need to start by focusing on your love for someone or something else. Once you get the feeling, direct it towards you. It can take some practise. Once you have finished, place your hand on your heart and say, “I love you” x3, “I love ME!” x3. Get dressed as normal and enjoy the love. Do this spell as often as possible. You can add any other little things that help you to feel loved. If you are ready to dive deeper into your spiritual and Magickal development, contact Alissandra via messenger. Her programs not only teach the deeper mysteries of Witchcraft, they also help you to heal, face your shadow and step into your power, so that you can truly live your best life.









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Better questions for a


Better You!

As human beings we often get stuck in patterns of thinking because of our daily routines and habits. Some research suggests that typically we have 95% of the same thoughts again tomorrow as what we had today, which suggests that there is very little room for new thought or indeed change. In this article I’d like to highlight why we should be concerned about our thinking and most importantly will provide some thoughts as to what we can do about it.


ur thinking is absolutely paramount to our success, yet very few people realise the significance of our daily thoughts and how they are influencing our lives. The diagram below, I hope, will demonstrate to you why this is something we must give our attention to:


Creates... FEELINGS

Determines... BEHAVIOURS

Achieves... RESULTS I personally think that this diagram is quite profound in that it shows us how our thoughts influence everything about what we feel and do and ultimately determines the results that we get in our lives and work. Quite simply – everything starts with a thought! 18

\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

So immediately I hope that you will recognise that being stuck in patterns of routine thinking will mean that we are most likely to keep getting the same results that we have always gotten. Of course you can say there may be nothing wrong with this, but if you are on a journey of wanting to be the best that you can be I’d like to humbly suggest that this simply isn’t good enough! So what can we do about it? The topic that I am most passionate about in the world is that of asking Better Questions in the knowledge that when I ask people Better Questions I am giving them the gift of some new thought. Maybe prior to reading this article you might not quite have seen the idea of new thought as a ‘gift’ but I hope that you can now see that it is indeed a gift given that new thoughts open up possibilities for change. Better Questions can unlock thinking and when our thinking changes, THINGS change. So my invitation to you as the reader, is to start to become more conscious of your own thinking and what you can do to create new thought. One option is to simply ask yourself some Better Questions particularly in relation to areas of our lives where we are stuck. Asking “How can I” rather than “Why” is a great first step, and challenging beliefs can also be powerful, e.g., “If I believed I could, what would I do?” Please remember that bringing the gift of Better Questions to conversations with others as well as your own internal dialogue can be life-changing!

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Your keys to the


Magic of Manifesting

To manifest means to bring into being, to have something come to you in your life.


irstly, understanding what you want is only superficial. Getting what you want, or desire means you know what it means to you on a much deeper level. To manifest is easy; you do it every day without realising, you see all you think and say is the basis of manifesting. The curve ball is you most often end up with all that you say you don’t want! When you set out to manifest anything in your life, the first thing that will come up is objections and blocks, all of these will be fear-based and relevant to your sense of worth, believing in you and limiting beliefs.


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\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

These blocks show up in your body and the little thoughts that sneak in and play over and over in the background such as: “It will never happen.” “It’s ok for others.” “I have too much to do for others.” “Things are always a struggle for me.” “It sounds great but is not true.” “It’s too hard, I’m too busy.” THE KEYS TO THE MAGIC OF MANIFESTING YOUR WISHES ARE:

Know what having your desire/wish come into your reality will mean to your life. Know from your heart how having your wish/desire will bring you to a greater sense of life purpose. Be sure your desire/wish is aligned to your beliefs and values. Live consciously knowing your every thought, and being aware of the power of the words you speak. See yourself with your wish in the now. The magic is to have all these keys in sync, it takes for only one to be out of sync and you will not create magic. The 3rd key is the all-important key to success of manifesting! Be aligned to all that you are. You must know and live your beliefs and values without exception every single day. Be the Director of your mind, keep the negative nonbelieving comments out. To be a master manifestor come on over and join the H.E.A.L community:

Anxiety –

the modern day pandemic


Our world and our people have been through so many major, and at times catastrophic changes in the last few years, that anxiety has become the ‘new normal’.


rom pandemics to unprecedented floods, catastrophic fires, droughts, lockdowns, and the latest… the Ukraine war. This has given rise to anxiety in epic proportions. Noone really knows what will happen next, and that leaves us with little foundations to build on, and a gnawing fear deep in the pit of our gut that we may not be safe. Anxiety is created when a fear from past experiences is projected into the future. The good news is… the future isn’t here yet, so lay down your guns… and just breathe. We may not be able to change what’s going on in the world, so let go of what we cannot control, and let’s focus on what we can! We can change where we put our focus, so instead of watching the news; switch off your TV and only watch uplifting programs. For example: Gaia TV, search YouTube for inspiring movies, or watch some Dr Joe Dispenza to speak to your soul and begin rewiring your brain. Instead of sharing the gloom and doom posts on social media, unfollow those people and share what makes you happy, share what makes your heart sing, share inspiring stories, for there are many! Be the change. Where we put our focus, grows. So, let’s focus on what we CAN do. HERE’S SOME MIND-HACKS TO DEAL WITH ANXIETY:

• If you feel a panic/anxiety attack coming on, begin counting out of sequence. The brain cannot hold panic and count out of sequence simultaneously. Eg: 749 531 8 6. • Hum. The brain cannot hum and hold anxiety at the same time, as humming occupies all parts of the brain. • Focus on following your breath coming into your body, to the count of 7, all the way down to your toes, hold for 5, and back up again as you breathe out to the count of 8 (the extended-out breath is the most important). If you feel anxiety when going out or a big event that triggers your anxiety is approaching… or God forbid, you have to socialise… eeek! Here’s a brief, but powerful exercise you can do: • Anxiety can only travel in one direction so close your eyes, and imagine a situation that would normally trigger anxiety. Feel the direction it is travelling (always upwards), now feel where it lands. Usually in your chest, stomach,

throat etc. Now where it lands, imagine you have a big handle attached to a cord that you can pull out, and pull out the handle, turn it around so it faces downward, push the handle back in and with your hands, push it the rest of the way down and out. With daily practise you’ll become more and more conscious and within the present moment, because you are creating a ‘safe space’ for the child who experienced the trauma. Kaz Field Anderson is a Trainer in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Trauma & Clinical Resource Therapy at Hypnotherapy Training Australia.

Join our Online Training Community for the experience of a lifetime! HTA is No. 1 in Australia for good reason – Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Resource Therapy and Trauma, all in one Diploma! Now more than ever, people have old wounds and battle scars needing to be healed. PTSD/C-PTSD, Anxiety and Panic Attacks are at epidemic levels, fear is paramount, and Situational PTSD is on the rise. It seems that in our fast-paced world and busy lives, we’ve forgotten how to slow down and take a breath and look after ourselves and others around us.

Kaz Field Anderson Director of Training Hypnotherapy Training Australia Photo by JAYDON DALY

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Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


HEY! Where ya’ all going?


It Takes AVillage!

There are two old adages when fused together, depict one of Gratefully Natured’s core philosophies ‘Lifeschooling Village OUTSIDE the BOX’. 1. ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ – (African proverb) 2. ‘Season, reason or lifetime.’


hese two adages when fused and truly understood, allow one’s upbringing to be a wondrous journey. It has taken some years to appreciate these in retrospect of my childhood/adolescence. Now as parents, we have placed importance on delving into these via timely and regular discussions, pivotal to positive interpretations when frequenting souls in our life journey. Our sons have genuine acceptance, that not all whom we are friends with, remain inside our village. Nor does it mean we are less worthy when a friend exits our village; the purpose clear of ‘reason’ or ‘season’ in their personal growth. Additionally, treat each soul as a ‘lifetime’ friend, shall long-term presence in our village remain, this bond truly magical in years to come! Take a moment and think of individuals who were/are YOUR village for reasons, seasons or lifetime. When reflecting on my own, I am filled with hope as my sons have already been fortunate in recognising and flourishing from all three. Even though our three sons are close in age and interests, their villages are characterised vastly different already. Why? When the focus is on individualising the ‘learning journey’ regardless of travelling, homeschooling, mainstream education, hobbies and interests, no one human is alike. But how does individualising our learning journey have anything to do with our village OUTSIDE the BOX? IT is EVERYTHING! Hear me out… When individualising, I refer to it as ‘LIFESCHOOLING’, as it is simply schooling for life! My strong views and support for lifeschooling has evolved between parenting spirited, outdoor adventure loving sons, blended with years teaching in challenging classrooms. With an approach of ‘LIFESCHOOLING’, outcomes inevitably led to successful ‘lifelong learning’ across all aspects of life. Clear results, not only in educational outcomes, but behaviour, attitude and overall wellbeing were noted by families, teachers and now myself as a ‘homeschooling mumma bear’. When learners venture through a positive learning experience, retention of information, enjoyment, and a thirst for further knowledge, were direct results of the intrinsic motivation heightened by love for the learning. The critical element here for lifeschooling IS creating the village for individuals. The ripple effect of lifeschooling can be life changing and I attest. As a mother who was ignored regarding concerns for our struggling son in a rigid educational system, watching anxieties bubble, creating inner turmoil for a child, was totally avoidable, had that village bonded in crisis. It was in this moment I realised education around our villages, were pivotal in how we dealt with crisis.


\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Some come together in harmony, consequently beautiful and effective. Now mentoring our sons to remove those acerbating crisis from their village, is a powerful tool for their life. Our now confident, kind and creative son who views his dyslexia as a strength not weakness, builds his village enhancing his dyslexic thinking not crushing his character. I love reflecting on the many revolving ‘reasons’ through my village as these influencers in life enhanced my natural curiosity and chitter-chatter for the world. In age, I see clearly that my ‘reasons’ always ignited a spark, for my adventurous soul has no limits. A friend’s mother, a freespirited lady, who without her knowledge, inspired the future me to travel till I drop! My ‘seasons’ are clearer again… fun was my ultimate desire and clearly now the ‘seasons’ of fun were fact villages of folks that came and went within months yet the lessons will last forever! Lifetime for me… hubby, sons, parents are my rocks. Childhood bestie Dannii, high school/uni special friends Kasey and Reanna, all whom on our irregular catch-ups, talk like whirlwinds as these moments are rarer with age. BUT I know they are for a lifetime, for we still dump every success and failure of our lives, hug, cry and kiss goodbye as if we only saw each other last week. The little bits of reassurance and advice in those times is still critical in my way forward in this journey we call life. When comparing my teaching from the late 90s to today, villages are sadly few and far between. Those ‘guiding hands and hearts’ are not swarming around us like once seen and felt. Yet the research on mental health benefits from diverse villages around each one of us, is repeatably published. With awareness, I am excited at what the future holds for each of us when we embrace a lifeschooling approach OUTSIDE the BOX. From an inspiring ex-Olympian swimmer mentoring our sons’ mindset for their swimming careers, I am another child’s village, mentoring her aspirations as a singer/ songwriter. We ALL have multiple parts in multiple villages! Growing that village may seem scary for some, welcomed by others but keeping in mind, the more positive influences upon our children and selves, the more scope for learning but likewise support in crisis. The moulding of holistic minds, freeing our children’s wondrous, spirited souls, will enable us to all face the world when called. Like a duck to water, we can do this… let’s bring our villages back!


RECIPE KIM McCOSKER – Author of ‘4 Ingredients’ cookbooks

SERVES 4 Ingredients: • 8 grape (or cherry) tomatoes (64g) • 100g natural corn chips • cup (187g) Hommus • ¼ cup (15g) fresh parsley

Cut tomatoes in half or quarters. Arrange corn chips on a platter. Top with the hommus and decorate with the cherry tomatoes and fresh parsley. Serve immediately.

Recipe supplied from 4 Ingredients Veggie & Vegan. Now available for only $24.00 including FREE POSTAGE Australia wide.

Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


We are

What We Believe


Trauma and grief come from many causes and can even be carried over from previous lifetimes. We can carry them in all our belief levels, in our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, our organs and every cell of our bodies.


hese emotions can be major contributors to physical illness in particular areas in the body, for instance, grief in the lungs, fear in the kidneys, stomach and knees, bitterness in the liver and anger in the bowel. Asthma can be a symptom of a fear of giving in and cancer is often a result of long-term pent-up hatred, bitterness and resentment. In fact, negative and toxic emotions can make you very sick indeed! What we believe, we create. Everything we think and say is based on our beliefs about ourselves and the reality

Victoria Cochrane 2019 Psychic of the Year




\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

we live in, which in turn are based on our experiences within that reality. Because separation is an illusion, we are all actually one with the Universe, making us powerful manifestors and creators of our own reality. Our belief system underpins our thoughts, words, actions and intentions, creating our reality every second of every day. Harnessing the Spiritual Law of Attraction, every thought creates form, instantly manifesting what we put out with intention (even if we’re not conscious of it) to the Universe. So, if we think we will never have any money, we never will! If we use ‘can’t’ often enough we will block ourselves off from any opportunity. If we believe we are old, our bodies will begin to look and feel old; if we judge ourselves, we allow others to judge us. Our reality is cemented by every thought and emotion simply because we believe it to be so. If no-one ever thought there was a light at the end of the tunnel, many people would remain stuck in their misery, making the world a much harder place to live in, both for them and the people around them. If people in tough situations could find one thing to be grateful for, one positive thing to say and one action to help themselves or another every day, it would gradually become much easier for them to build a more positive state of mind and a healthy body. It makes sense that a mindset based on hopelessness, powerlessness, anger and despair will only build more of the same. If positivity breeds light, ongoing negativity can keep a person trapped in darkness and heaviness for as long as they maintain that reality, which could be a lifetime. Listening to your body, watching your thoughts and making a conscious effort to take responsibility for your reactions and interactions with others can really turn around your perspective and create the change you wish to be and see! It sounds so simple, but it could be the most powerful change you could ever make for yourself. Try it – you may be surprised!

What if it’s more than

‘Just’ the Baby Blues?

Why postnatal depression could be masking a deeper problem ARTICLE BRON LEA

These photos were taken 10 years apart. The one on the left was shortly after a highly stressful, emergency Caesarean delivery with our third child. By the time he was born three weeks early in a botched procedure and requiring critical care, I’d already experienced two consecutive traumatic births.


ach forced me into a deeper pit of depression, unable to emotionally connect as I increasingly shut down. The bliss of intuitively falling into motherhood and bonding with my babies effortlessly, was stolen away by a dark cloud of despair. My firstborn didn’t sleep for more than one or two hours at a time and woke to a pin drop. Because I was so disconnected, instead of following my intuition to meet her needs, I listened to shitty advice (well meaning, but shitty nonetheless). Things got increasingly difficult, and she experienced the most extreme moments of my mental and emotional dysfunction. I continue to support her journey as a teenager today, as she processes through her early years of life in whatever way she needs to. To be okay. It’s tricky as a parent not to try to ‘fix it’ for her. But I know she has her own soul’s contract to fulfil around our shared intergenerational story. Just as I did. And my mother before me. I trust too, in the awareness gained from my own deeper healing journey, that we are beginning to break the cycle for the women in our lineage now. Together. Mind you, it got a whole lot worse before it started to get better. By the time I was diagnosed with complex PTSD from childhood, and discovered the liberation of undertaking deeper shadow work to process through unresolved trauma trapped in the mind and body, I was chronically ill and in debilitating pain 24/7. Then came the postnatal depression, for which I was subsequently medicated over three years. And eventually my digestion gave out, as often happens when you spend much of your life in a state of fight or flight… and dismiss it as ‘just stress’. About two years after that photo was taken, I started to lose weight. I couldn’t eat without feeling nauseous. And as the security of that extra protective barrier I’d built (because I was shithouse at boundaries! And when you don’t build boundaries, you have to build walls!), melted away; my trauma-related symptoms became progressively worse. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and carer burnout threatened to send me into a complete mental, physical

and emotional breakdown; not really a viable option with three children under seven years old to homeschool, and a partner struggling with his own, work-related PTSD. I’ve come to learn, after uncovering my soul’s path as a trans-generational trauma specialist, that my postnatal depression symptoms were a manifestation of my own unresolved past stories and womb wound. As were the difficult births of our children, stemming all the way back to my OWN dramatic entry into the world. Birth trauma is dreadfully misunderstood in our society. Even the statistics are misleading, with less than one in three women reporting a traumatic birth experience of some kind. In my observation and experience, the impact of birth trauma is grossly underestimated in western society with regard to both prevalence, and the long-term ramifications on people’s lives. There seems an undeniable link between birth trauma (our own and our children’s!) and postnatal depression, as well as other complications that many women and children subsequently experience, including: • Attachment and bonding issues • Feeding issues • Sleep issues • Disease and chronic illness • Immune and nervous system dysfunction; not to mention emotionally dysfunctional patterns of abandonment, rejection, self-sabotage, abuse and addiction. I’ve worked with dozens of women, where stories of birth trauma were still impacting and influencing their lives… some 40-plus years later! STARR Collective aims to facilitate results-oriented dialogue around birth trauma, generating much needed solutions that better support women in their journey of motherhood; because positive progress in this regard could literally change the story for entire generations to come! If you feel you’ve been impacted by birth trauma – either as a baby yourself, or delivering your own child/ren – visit to connect with one of our specialist team and discover the various pathways of deeper, inter-generational trauma healing we offer. Because mums need support too! Bron Lea is a Complex Trauma Specialist, Soul Alchemist and Founder and Creator of STARR Collective Institute of Healing®️ and STARR Method™️. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


When your wounds become your


Greatest Medicine

One of my most favourite cards in the Mythic Tarot is the Hierophant and his mythical archetype is ‘Chiron’ the wounded healer.


hiron is the king of Centaurs, a wise teacher, healer and priest who guides you on your hero’s journey. Chiron was educated by Apollo the Sun God, and Artemis the Moon Goddess who both gifted him wisdom and spirituality. His task was to teach spiritual values and divine law to those who were preparing for leadership and war. Heracles came to visit him one day in his cave, after killing a monster Hydra. Heracles accidently scratched Chiron with a poison arrowhead, which had been soaked with the blood of Hydra monster. Even though Chiron was a gifted healer, with direct knowledge of plant lore and the sacred herbs of the Earth, he couldn’t heal himself. And because Chiron was immortal, he was condemned to live in pain, and much like a Buddhist monastic, sacrificed all to devote his time to his spiritual teachings to reconcile, and overcome his own suffering. Chiron represents the wound that doesn’t heal. And we all have a wound that doesn’t heal. This wound is a portal to source, God; the divine intelligence of love. Every time we enter the wound, we go deeper within ourselves and each time, we go deeper within, we come back to our waking consciousness with knowledge, insights, spiritual wisdom and self love . Victoria Cochrane (M ED. HONS) was named the

TASMANIAN PSYCHIC EXPO’S 2019 TASMANIAN PSYCHIC OF THE YEAR She is a certified member of the International Psychics’ Directory and regular presenter of The Spiritual Wisdom Hour on Spiritual Events and Directory’s Facebook page. A psychic channel, medium, energy reader, spiritual healer and tutor, Victoria is available via appointment in person in Wynyard, Tasmania, via phone or video call. She is also available as an inspirational speaker and workshop presenter. 26

\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Your wound is your greatest gift, and it holds the keys to your soul purpose. But I understand, when you are in the pain body, it’s difficult to see it as a gift, when it hurts so much. Your wound is a temple of divinity, where you learn how to love you as you are, you learn how to re-parent yourself, through loving guidance of soul love and God. You are not a problem fixed, you yourself are not the problem, the problem is the problem. Chiron encourages you to move away from this fixation of trying to fix a broken you and rather lean into learning how to embrace you, hold you, and love yourself through the hurt – you are enough, and have always been enough. Chiron encourages you to turn to yourself with compassion and to be merciful. You, more than anyone else deserves unconditional love. Chiron channels God, ‘the divine intelligence of love’. What a different world we’d live in if we could just stop making ourselves a problem to be solved, and instead, someone to be loved… Chiron is not indoctrinating you in any religious or spiritual dogma. He is a creature, half man half animal; his wild energy and his temple is not man-made! Our wounds enable us to know compassion and empathy; this deepens our connection to others, where we can be in the presence of ‘pain’, whether that be our own or others, without harming, or blaming others for the discomfort we all feel in our own lives from this imperfect world we have been born into. Chiron is your Spiritual Guide, your spirit/soul family; he comes to us in the form of psychotherapists, light workers, shamans, mystics, healers, psychologists, spiritual teachers, and spiritual mentoring; those who we turn to for comfort, support and help when we most need it. You may even be drawn to becoming a healer, to support others on their hero’s journey and investing in training and development of your divine service to spirit.

Why did I

Start My Business? My story


I remember having a heated discussion with my guides one day on my daily walk and I was pulled up short when they boomed in my head, of course you should charge, you paid for your course.


t was 1998 and I’d been studying for about 5 years by this time. The message was that if I am paying to learn to be a practitioner then it is no different to anyone who goes to ‘school’ to hone their talents. It literally stopped me in my tracks and it was this moment that broke through the ‘guilt’ that I should be doing this for free. It’s a tired argument and while I understood what that meant in the moment, it still took me a while to reconcile that in my heart. Life began to fall apart not long after and I was called to face, and be at peace with, my buried trauma. I think I cried for about three years, emerging whole. By facing the trauma I was given the tools and direct connection to Spirit that I’d later share and still do to this day. So my walls were swept away, I was vulnerable and raw. There is nothing easy about walking this path and a healthy trust in Spirit is required. And Spirit provided. Teachers, healers and antagonists. I am not going to sugarcoat this… I was fighting for my life. Gradually, I recognised the opportunities to build my psychic and healing skills into a business. And here is the kicker, whenever I wavered, tried to walk away or give up, I became ill. My body is my barometer. Spirit didn’t let me

off the hook and healing around self-worth and self-esteem was provided. When I hit a Mind hurdle something came along to make Soul sense. My commitment is now to myself, the Spiritual lessons and business. I charge for my time and share spirit energy for free. It means if someone, even me, needs that energy exchange, Spirit will put us in each other’s path. While I love expressing Spirit power in my daily life, it’s joyful, there is something within me that must be honoured and the only way to express it and feel whole is to be in this business. I radiate peace and joy when I am working with people. I’ve tried not charging, it doesn’t work. I can’t explain this. All I know is that when I work with someone without a fair exchange, nobody wins. The client does not move forward Spiritually and I am personally drained of energy. My theory is that an exchange (money) means there is no imbalance, cords are cut and the moment is sealed. My business reflects my personality, my ethics, it grows my own Soul Power and keeps me healthy. It makes sense and I wouldn’t have it any other way. How is your Soul prompting you to follow your dreams?

The Conscious Mystic Exciting news for 2022: The Conscious Mystic Community. “Mentoring, Guidance and Healing” a portal for education and support. Visit for details 28

\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

The Power of Affirmations

How do affirmations work?


Affirmations work via the conscious and subconscious minds. For example, you say a phrase that sounds weird and doesn’t feel right, but you keep telling yourself and eventually, bits of that positive phrase begin to stick on a subconscious level and will keep growing as long as you keep putting in the work. Finally, they replace the negative thought process altogether.


ositive affirmations help eliminate negative and limiting beliefs and transform your comfort zone from a limited one keeping you trapped in mediocrity, to a more expanded one where anything is possible. It helps to replace your “I can’ts” with “I cans” and your fears and doubts with confidence and certainty. It’s harnessing the power of positive energy to get rid of any negative beliefs and cultivate a positive mindset, to then help promote positive change! HOW TO USE AFFIRMATIONS

Affirmations are most effective when done consistently (daily, at a minimum) or when you are feeling a certain way (i.e., overwhelmed, depressed, stressed out, etc.). But the main point is to use an affirmation practice often and consistently. Journalling can be a great way to help you get your thoughts clear by working through your emotions on paper. Money journalling is so beneficial, not only now at the present moment but helping you to look back and see how far you’ve come. HOW TO STRUCTURE AN AFFIRMATION

Let’s dive into the structure of a positive affirmation so you can see exactly how it’s laid out (and get a better idea of why it’s so powerful). 1. Keep it personal, as in start with an “I am”, and don’t focus on anyone else. You are the only person here. 2. Present tense, remember we phrase these statements as if they are true right now. 3. It should be framed as a positive statement, not a negative one. So don’t say, “I will stop spending money on junk food”, focus on “I am focusing my spending on healthy food that I prepare at home.” Essentially, affirm what you do want, not what you don’t want. 4. Make it specific enough that you can visualise it. 5. Keep it short, something that you can easily lock into your memory. 6. Use feeling words, i.e., lovingly, gratefully, happily, excited, easily, confidently, joyfully, hopeful, etc.

7. Say them (or write them) with feeling and confidence! If you’re having trouble thinking of what your affirmations should focus on, then think of the negative things you tell yourself. These are limiting beliefs, aka thoughts, that are holding you back. Write them down, and then write the opposite of it. Then layer in those feeling words, and make it present tense. Done! If you’re looking for help, then grab the ‘I love Money Journal’.

COACHES, HEALERS, LIGHTWORKERS, COUNSELLORS… Are you tired of inconsistent cashflow and the nagging uncertainty of where your next booking is coming from? Want to fill your appointment calendar with raving fan clients and word-of-mouth referrals? Learn advanced, innovative hypnotherapy techniques, processes and tools to help your clients overcome symptoms of complex childhood and ancestral trauma, quickly, safely and permanently. • Work virtually from home • Determine your own hours • Enjoy consistent, passive and recurring income with our unique range of programs • Scale without stress and burnout, with options to increase your impact AND income, without having to add more client contact hours to your days

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To secure your complimentary call with STARR Founder Bron Lea, visit: Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\



Kyle Lazich

Who doesn’t like chocolate and all of its sweet, delicious goodness? Cacao is chocolate in its most raw form and, in some people, acts as a stress buster and mood enhancer.


acao seeds are collected from a small tropical American evergreen tree. Cocoa, cocoa butter, and chocolate are made from these seeds. Cacao has been labelled a ‘superfood’, containing one of the highest sources of magnesium in nature. The bean contains loads of antioxidants, calcium, zinc, copper and selenium.

Rebirth Magazine has been lucky enough to connect with a man who calls himself the Chocolate Wizard. Gold Coast-based, Kyle Lazich, describes the sweet treat as ‘dreamy’ and agrees it has ‘magical’ properties. He also said he feels like, “Chocolate already has this beautiful ‘love’ energy with our hearts that we already get quite dreamy when we have chocolate… and a Wizard is

essentially someone who seeks wisdom… and holds council for wisdom.” The Sound Healer, Breath Worker and Herbalist agrees that chocolate has the ability to bring up happy childhood memories, saying he often asks participants at his gatherings, “What’s the first experience that you remember of chocolate and who gave that chocolate to you and how did it feel?” “Because it is a plant and it’s a plant that’s been used by ancient Mayan, Aztecs and Inka as a food medicine and a sacrament as a currency and it’s weaved its way into our world and we already have a connection with it, yet most people don’t understand, or haven’t learnt yet of its healing effects and its more magical, mystical uses in the past,” Mr Lazich said. Kyle said he likes to tell people that cacao grows on a tree and is actually a fruit, reminding them of its properties as plant medicine. The beans can be ground into a paste which Kyle used to create his company, ‘Flower of Life Cacao’. His Cacao is sourced from Peru and he turns it into a drink which has medicinal herbs added to increase energy levels and adaptation and raise your mood. This can also be purchased in chocolate squares. He said chocolate offers us a natural high but does contain small amounts of caffeine. Kyle stresses that chocolate is more heart-centred than coffee, for example, making us feel loving. “Coffee is like do, do, do. People might get pleasure in drinking coffee, however the effect of coffee is not very loving.” He added that chocolate can give us a feeling of euphoria and ecstasy. Seasonally, Kyle also makes small batches of chocolate. He was offering this delicacy to a wider audience but has wound that back, and now only makes

Spiritual Events & Directory

it available to a select group of his choosing. This group is accessible by invitation only and is known as ‘The Secret Chocolate Society’. He teaches members more about herbs, mindfulness and meditation. He also presents online ‘chocolate dreamings’, a meditation which includes chocolate. The other exciting project Kyle has on the burner is planting cacao trees in Cairns. They will be planted alongside “Bananas, jackfruit and papaya so everything grows together, and it can actually reforest at the same time so in 10 years’ time, amongst the forest, there’ll be a cacao farm in there.” Kyle has several other offerings including something called, ‘Chocolate on the Dance Floor’. Check out Kyle’s website:

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What’s in store for you in

July, August and September?

Relationships are still in focus for 2022 and you may find yourself being presented with many opportunities to show kindness and to nurture, re-evaluate or repair ties you have with family and friends. Jupiter is looming large and ready to shower abundance on anyone who is in vibrational consistency with the compassionate energies surrounding us. ARIES

July and August predict a more social period and is ideal for assessing just what it is you want in your life in order to be the happiest and most content you can be. It’s a fortuitous period of time for you, Aries – take advantage of it! September will begin with a burst of activity and a need to adjust to new situations or activities and will end with a focus on personal relationships. The stars indicate a reconnection with former friends or lovers and now is the perfect time to bring some peace or closure if that’s what you need. TAURUS

Considering the rollercoaster of emotions that the first half of the year brought to you, July and August call you to reflect on the progress you’ve made. It’s a good time to focus on family and close friends. Nurture these close relationships and demonstrate the appreciation you have of their love and trust. September will bring a bit of spice to your romantic life and there will be an explosion of creative and passionate dynamics surrounding you. All you need to do is keep the balance and make sure to recharge those batteries! GEMINI

Following on from the successful financial vibes of June, July and August will be career-centric and will see many opportunities for new, improved or growth 32

\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

within your employment sphere. It’s worth your time to investigate any new income streams you might come across. Your natural keen business sense will stand you in good stead but do not forget to cast a critical eye over these opportunities as the stars governing contracts are a little cloudy. Make sure you focus on self-care in early September, because by the end of it you will be busy branching out into the world in new and exciting ways. CANCER

June brought about a relief of some heavy burdens so you should take it easy in July and August, especially health wise. Pay attention to your own intuition and don’t delay with any medical follow-ups. It’s a good time of the year to simply relax and reflect. September is a favourable time for you to market yourself or any product you might represent. Anything you write, speak or teach will be looked upon favourably by those you are communicating with. You’ll be able to connect to people with ease so use this influence with a true heart and you just might be pleasantly surprised. LEO

July and August is your birthday and it’s time to shine! Enjoy the festivities but make sure you prioritise your responsibilities – you might feel the burn if you’re not paying attention, especially in the financial arena. Provided the seeds you sowed earlier this year have

been nurtured, September will see the fruit start to bear. Prioritise your time this month and focus on the activities that are supporting the fulfilment of your goals. This month has the potential to shine a light on the path that will determine the next few years of your journey. VIRGO

The first half of the year was full of new beginnings for Virgo folk. July and August is the time you will reap the benefits of all the little seeds you’ve sown. September will be a big month on the work front with a lot of opportunities to promote yourself or attract new business. Your financial resources will be highlighted, good or bad. A little bit of caution throughout the next couple of months will not go astray but there is no specific need to worry. If you are single, the end of the month is looking very favourable if you’re willing to put yourself out there, Virgo. LIBRA

You may have had to make a few big choices in June and these are the cause of some big changes in your immediate surrounds through July and August. Your limits have been tested but ultimately these changes will bring some relief to the inner turmoil you’ve experienced. Planetary activity in September will force you to examine and reflect on the image you are presenting or contributions you are making to the world. Now is the perfect time to clarify the next steps you want to take in order to achieve your goals. SCORPIO

It’s a very intense time of year for Scorpio folk. Lots of emotions and feelings and desires and passion. All of this is a good thing, but perhaps not so conducive to making definitive choices. Hold off on any major decision but make sure you embrace the vibes because this is where you excel. July and August will ensure you understand that the world keeps turning, no matter how hard you try to exert your force over it. If the way things are going is at odds with your core purpose, use the time to explore the inner you and try to see any hold-ups as blessings.

August will bring opportunities to focus on your romantic life. Whether single or in a relationship, there is love in the air and September will bring the liberty to enjoy it. AQUARIUS

Did you experience that bump in the last month or so? It might have knocked you off your swing, but don’t write this year off yet. You have some auspicious stars governing you until December and this might bring the opportunity to take advantage of any missed opportunities. Take a break, recover and get your wonderful imagination into gear. Imagine your best life into existence! Don’t forget to dream your perfect health into the picture. Think about what you want your whole life to look like – body, mind, spirit, friends, family, and your contribution to the world. You can make it happen! PISCES

If you’ve been feeling less than yourself these past few months, Pisces, take heart. July and August are going to show you just how wonderful this world can be. You’ll be kept busy up until Christmas at least, but your positive outlook will keep you balanced. All things love and romance will be the focus for the start of September and shifts to business connections towards the end. One thing that remains central is you – how do you conduct yourself within these relationships? Examine the ways in which you might bring a better version of yourself to the party. This reflection will only lead to joyful growth and healing.

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Your efforts at work are at peak level in August but you’ll need to go that extra mile just to stay even. Overall, financial prosperity will be yours over the coming months, with the planets predicting success around banking and trading. September is your time to shine and everyone is going to be looking. Your career sector will be in focus and specifically you might be drawn to examine your higher calling or life purpose. You have the floor now Sagittarius, so if you need any assistance, call out. Collaboration energy is high! CAPRICORN

All things are go for the Capricorn folk! Your 2nd House of Finances is full to the brim with the luck of Jupiter, so if you haven’t already experienced it, your career and finances will shine over these next few months. You may need to sacrifice an immediate ‘want’ for a long-term ‘need’ but the freedom this will bring you is worth it.


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For this issue I’m using the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

July 2022 Reading


This month enters our sphere with a bang. For the first time, there have been not just three cards for a section, but jumpers at that, thus indicating a very powerful message needing to come out. As we enter the second half of the year, something doesn't feel quite right… The moon tells us to expect information to be hidden, something isn't what it seems and for intuition to be trusted above all else. The evolution in this month, provides a positive turn of events with matters in a general sense bubbling up to be seen and managed, while ending in unlimited possibilities and freedom. Where the energy may start out rocky and uncertain, it transforms into an amazing opportunity for the future. From the dark comes the light! LOVE/ ROMANCE: KNIGHT OF CUPS

It's time to get excited about your love life, with good reason. Just when we all needed a taste of romance, the cosmos delivers the whole enchilada. "I'll take two." The month holds a very promising outlook in the love and romance arena, with an enchanting spirit of good communication, feeling connected with new and existing loved ones and restoking that intimate fire burning in us all. With a vibrant pep in the step, people will be feeling more inclined to express their emotions and take risks for the connections they hold dear. Finally a chance to prioritise emotional needs will be provided and I'm pleased to report – enjoyed! FAMILY/ DOMESTIC: 7 OF WANDS

Seemingly in keeping with the month's theme, the family and domestic life looks like it will take pride of place. Many of us have built a healthier work-life balance over the past year and there feels to be a need to defend the status-quo while keeping the home life untainted by external demands. Standing one's ground to preserve a wholesome routine will pay off in more ways than one. Home life will feel loving and fulfilling like a warm bowl of soup on a cold winter's night – something worth honouring. There's no place like home. 34

\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine


Keeping your wits about you in the workplace will help alleviate the additional tension of 'he said, she said' that may be coming your way. Be sure to know when to stick to your guns and when to let something go. Remind yourself you're much more capable in your work when you're well rested. Seeking like-minded allies within the work environment could be a smart move for promoting a united front on a tough topic. Be sure to rest, recharge and restart as much as you need too. HEALTH/ WELLBEING: THE EMPEROR

Being stubborn and prideful can be a rewarding trait in many areas of our lives, but unfortunately, for our health and wellbeing it doesn't pay, not ever. There is an emerging need to attend to health matters, a proactive approach and open mind will be a formidable pairing. Don't delay. Be sure to show yourself much love, responding to the need to rest and take a break when the time calls for it. Take it especially easy with physical exercise, not pushing beyond your limits or fatigue may be closer than you think. You are the greatest asset in your life, so when you take care of you, life can flourish. Be gentle with yourself.

August 2022 Reading GENERAL: 9 OF CUPS

Welcome August! With energy like this you can stay a while. This month brings with it a turning point from feeling unsettled and unfulfilled to finally moving forward in your chosen direction – at last. Prepare yourself to get wet while you ride the wave of indulgence and positivity. It's a fabulous time to take advantage of all opportunities that come before you and even create new ones all together. Enjoy time with your social circles and making new networks that serve both your personal and professional growth. Allow the long awaited recognition to flow into your life from all angles, if those around you have compliments for you – take them with a smile. Be sure to stay grounded with your financial situation while you relish in the new found rhythm this month.


August is noteworthy for holding a fiery energy, as it's attached to Fire sign Leo and ruled by the Sun – so this comes as no surprise when we find ourselves feeling motivated in the love and romance front. Take a moment before rushing into a situation you're not yet certain of. An alluring energy of romantic intoxication will be hard to resist, just be sure something is what you ordered before accepting it fully into your life. Time to write yourself the long-awaited permission slip to feel sexy and attractive again, which will have your self-confidence at an all time high. Do your thing and do it well. FAMILY/ DOMESTIC: PAGE OF WANDS

Where there is a will, there is a way. There is a lovely fresh breeze blowing into the family home that will be supportive for everyone's needs. The month brings with it a new start and unlimited possibilities. Embrace this vitality for your new direction. Happy family time with a light-hearted approach will be a wonderful release from other walks of life. You may feel more connected with your home life and personal relationships while simultaneously fostering your own independence and success. Now is the time to shine, to be unique, speak up and be the best, most excitable version of yourself – therein lies the next waves of happiness. WORK/CAREER: ACE OF SWORDS

Working smarter not harder will be the theme this month in your working life. Consider this a timely

rescue from the cosmos. Inspiration is flooding in, to influence the way you do things, this will ease any tension you've been feeling in your career. Anticipate clarity and dedication to any given task. Be sure to open up and communicate your ideas and insight, you might be pleasantly surprised as to the reaction you receive. Feeling valued and appreciated will come on swift wings for those whom commit to the new way of doing things. Out with the old and in with the new! HEALTH/ WELLBEING: DEATH AND PAGE OF WANDS

As we all continue to adjust to the energy and circumstances that the world has experienced for the past few years, we are asked to take care of our health and wellbeing like never before. A very big light will be shined on the emerging need to take ownership of how we live our lives. It's time to ask yourself, "Do I show my body respect?", "Do I actively engage with things that nourish my mind, body and soul?", "Do I rest enough to help myself stay balanced?". Sometimes the answer to these questions can be confronting, so the best cure is always prevention. Allow yourself to be prioritised, if we've learnt anything from the past, it's health and wellbeing cannot be bought – so take care of it, like your life depends on it. Blessings of health and wellbeing to you all. Missy Rivers is a Spiritual Psychic Medium and Teacher.

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Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\



The man who stumbled across a miracle liquid in the desert – INTERVIEW and ARTICLE MICHELLE R PRICE

Lee Harold

If you love a good story, then sit down and strap in because the following is a pretty fantastic yarn. Business owner, Lee Harold, has a tale to tell and he shared it with us from his new office space on the Sunshine Coast.


ee has an infectious personality and perhaps that is one of the things that has helped him take each of his business pursuits to the next level. But his early years were anything but usual. Lee was raised within a religious sect and describes his childhood as being ‘sheltered’. He admits none of the members were able to mingle with outsiders. He went on to learn five different languages and also studied surveying. During his time at university he met a woman who invited him to go to a nightclub with her. Lee had never danced before, largely due to his strict upbringing, but he watched the other dancers and copied their moves. Lee quit his degree and went on to 36

\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

dance professionally and even won the title of World Dance Champion two years later. The story gets even more intriguing. At the age of 27, Lee died. In the lead-up he had just completed his training as a Gestalt therapist, a form of psychotherapy that is focused on the individual’s present life and challenges. He had also completed his studies in Neuro Linguistic Programming and then he died for six hours. He didn’t go into details about what caused his death but did say that he had, “No belief systems in place and I’d never heard of yoga, I’d never heard of meditation, I had no context for a new state of being and a new birth.”

PMT’.” Lee admits he didn’t believe all of the feedback himself, but it did occur to him that, “This could be big!” Later, Lee took some of his Magnesium spray to the Markets in Eumundi on the Sunshine Coast. He admits he hates being sold to, so he would just ask people who walked over to his stand where they had pain and he would spray a little on their skin and wait. When people realised he wasn’t actually selling it, but rather was conducting a trial, they grew angry and that’s when he realised this would be his new business. Lee managed to fill 400 bottles and printed off labels from his home printer and returned to the markets. He sold them all and Amazing Oils was born.

Lee admits it was difficult to talk to anyone about his unique experience without them thinking he had lost his mind. So, he did what anyone else in his position would do and became a monk, living at monasteries in Tibet and Thailand… eventually finding himself at a monastery in Perth, Western Australia. A while later he met up with the woman who encouraged him to start dancing and married her. After marrying he set up a site,, which went on to become the biggest yoga school in Australia with a total of 5500 students. Life was going swimmingly when his dad phoned to say he had prostate cancer. Lee spent a lot of time and money researching potential cures. He thought Magnesium might help his father, but his medical team wouldn’t allow it and his dad eventually lost his fight for life. After that, Lee embarked on a wilderness trek in the desert in WA as a way of processing his grief. I should mention at this point that Lee had been suffering from back pain he believes was due to his dancing career. He recalls stumbling across a lake in the desert around 200km north of Kalgoorlie. It was a hot day, so he paddled for around 30 minutes before wading back to shore. Once out, he realised he didn’t have his back pain anymore, saying, “My pain is gone, that’s weird… it was really hurting when I got to the lake. So, I went back and I emptied all my water bottles and I filled them up with this water.”

Lee’s daughter Grace mentioned at that point that her friend’s dad owned the largest distributorship on the Sunshine Coast. While holidaying in Phuket, Thailand, Lee set up a Skype chat with the friend’s dad who said he was only interested in distributing a range, not a single product. That was until Lee introduced him to the men he was having breakfast with. He panned the camera around to show he was with singer Robbie Williams and music guru Mollie Meldrum and that is how Lee managed to get his products into grocery stores across Australia. Based on his training in NLP he was aware that people didn’t want to be ‘sold to’ so he recorded candid testimonial videos and posted those on social media for others to see. He explains that Magnesium helps relax the muscles and tendons of the human body, while Calcification causes tension and tightening. Magnesium also facilitates cognitive function, bringing the mind to a state of calm. Amazing Oils is a family business made up of Lee’s wife and children. The products are TGA approved and are available in 6000 chemists Australia-wide.

After returning to civilisation, Lee discovered that lake was around 7 million years old and was once an inland sea. “Over hundreds of thousands of years, being in the desert, all the H20 evaporated… until it became a super saturated solution,” largely made up of Magnesium. Lee was able to get access to around 20 litres of that solution and he poured that into small bottles which he handed to his yoga students to trial. “The response was more than I could have imagined… people were saying, ‘my headaches are gone’, ‘I can sleep at night’, ‘I don’t hurt after yoga’, ‘my arthritis doesn’t hurt’, ‘I’m not getting

Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


5 benefits of

Crystal Stone Facials


The word crystal comes from the Greek word for ice, because crystals were thought to be frozen water. Crystals have been used for centuries by many cultures for their beautiful appearances. But crystals are more than just pretty rocks.


hey are also believed to have special powers, including the ability to balance the chakras. The chakras are the seven energy centres in the body, each of which corresponds to a different physical, emotional, or spiritual level of well-being. When one or more of the chakras becomes imbalanced, it can lead to physical and emotional problems. Crystal therapy is a popular method of chakra balancing that involves placing crystals on specific areas of the body. The crystals are thought to interact with the body’s energy field, helping to restore balance and harmony. Many people believe that crystals can help them achieve a sense of wellbeing. Crystal stone facials are not just simply a facial but also many clients experience energy and chakra alignment

Kuve Jansky Bradley Specialising in releasing

ANCESTRAL PATTERNS and TRAUMA in a gentle and loving way

Transforming lives by releasing your ancestral lineage from trauma and inherited patterns. Kuve has created an effective and powerful fusion of energetic services that combines energy and emotional healing techniques. THEY INCLUDE:

The Emotion Code, Reiki, Seichim and Hypnosis Kuve has helped her clients from around the world to live healthier and happier lives. She has supported her clients to successfully address stress, anxiety, abundance blocks and other emotional conditions. “I’m Kuve and I am on a mission to help you, by combining innovative natural therapies for wellness and fertility, supporting you to find peace, harmony and balance in your mind and body.” E: // P: +61 434 005 205


\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

during the treatment, experiencing a spiritual reset at the same time. Keep reading to learn five reasons why every person should try a crystal stone facial! 1. Increased circulation – The warmth of the stones relieves muscle tension as they gently massage your skin, which increases blood flow and brings more oxygen and nutrients to your face. This helps keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. When placed on key points on the body, crystal stones can help to encourage the flow of energy and promote healing. 2. Improved lymphatic drainage – There are a variety of crystal stones that are said to help with lymphatic drainage. Kunzite is one such crystal. It is said to help the body to release toxins and to reduce inflammation. Other crystal stones that are said to be helpful for lymphatic drainage include amethyst, jade, and quartz. These stones are said to work by stimulating the flow of lymph fluid and by helping to break up congestion in the lymph nodes. The massaging action also stimulates lymphatic drainage, which helps remove toxins from your skin. This is great for detoxifying and cleansing your complexion. 3. Reduction in inflammation – a combination of hot and cold stones are used during a treatment. The cold stones help to reduce inflammation, which can cause puffiness and redness. If you have sensitive skin, this is a great option for you since it will reduce inflammation and calm the skin. 4. The minerals in the stones help to restore balance to your skin’s pH levels, which can prevent or correct acne breakouts. Crystals have a remineralising action on the skin. 5. The cooling effect of the stones can help to reduce redness and puffiness, especially with the under eye area. Crystals have been used for centuries for their esoteric and healing properties. Some crystals, such as quartz, are piezoelectric, meaning they generate an electric charge when pressure is applied. This property was first discovered in the 17th century. Crystal stone facials are a natural way to balance your energy fields.

A conscious guide to the tools to support you through your

Spiritual Awakening Journey!


The spiritual awakening journey can be a challenging one, especially if you feel out of balance and find it difficult to function in your everyday life.


ou may be feeling sensitivity to surrounding energies and toxic environments. You may be struggling to integrate your spiritual gifts and the changing conscious shifts that you are experiencing. If you are an empath you might also be over-giving with your energy and time in holding space to support others. This can feel exhausting and you can become easily burnt out and disconnected within yourself and from your spiritual source. This means that you are being led further away from feeling some of the spiritual bliss that comes with ‘a spiritual awakening’. When I experienced my own spiritual awakening, I was in a state of spiritual crisis. I felt confused, ungrounded, exhausted and like I was going crazy at times. I needed to have more balance in my life as I was led to a spiritual path and I was on a self-healing journey. I felt called to be a spiritual teacher and to help other people in their own spiritual awakening, but I needed to learn the tools to assist myself first. If we do not take care of ourselves through selfcare and keep our health and well-being and our energy high-vibrational, then we can become easily burnt out as healers and empaths or in any type of care-giving role.

Space clearing essences such as bush flowers are also a great way to clear energy. All of these go-to tools have helped to keep me balanced and my energies grounded and clear so that I can live a conscious and balanced life and enjoy the spiritual connection on Earth and with the spirit world. If I can assist you on your own individual spiritual awakening journey and support you further in integrating and balancing your spiritual gifts and the ever-changing and processing of conscious energies and shifts, please connect with me further. Christina is a spiritual coach and therapist who offers support for your spiritual awakening journey.


1. Spend time outside in nature, walking with your feet on the earth, soaking in the sunlight and breathing in the fresh air. 2. Spend time near or in the ocean and have regular salt baths to cleanse your energy and any toxins from your physical body and your energy field. 3. Smudge your living environment and your own physical energy field frequently with smoke, using sage smudge sticks or incense. 4. Surround yourself with healing energy crystals, wearing them as jewellery and in your home and work environment. 5. Music – listen to relaxing and high vibrational music in your environment and when you are drifting off to sleep and during meditation. 6. Use essential oils in a diffuser and in spray bottles to clear your environment and lift your own vibrational energy.

Support for your

Spiritual Awakening Journey Offering a blend of professional therapies with a holistic and intuitive approach to selfhealing and integration of the mind, body and spirit. Specialising in Spiritual Awakening and Crisis, Grief and Loss and Trauma

Modalities combined to support the client process include: > Spiritual and Intuitive Coaching > Gestalt Psychotherapy > Holistic Counselling > NLP Mindset Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing Email: Phone: 0420 978 845 Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\




July Forecast

The Universal month is calculated by adding the current month to the current calendar year. July is the 7th month and the year is 2022, so we add those numbers together 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 which equals 13, then we add 1 + 3 to arrive at our base number 4. So, this month, we will be under the influence of the number four. What does this mean for you? You can expect to be dealing with family matters and responsibilities associated with business and finances. If you want to gain the most benefit out of July, it would be best to turn towards the practical, such as investigating money saving strategies. You could undertake some online research or call relevant financial institutions to determine if you’re getting the best possible deals.



\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Also, explore insurance comparisons, electricity companies, phone and internet deals, paid television services etc. You might feel quite restricted or limited with some aspect of your life this month. It could apply to how you think or how much you’re taking on physically; for instance, you might feel a little gloomier than usual, or it’s possible you may have over-committed yourself. Heads up! Now you are informed, try not to overextend yourself throughout the July period. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, make it a priority to have a bit of time out by connecting to grounding elements such as spending time in nature, having a massage, or reading a book. Google ‘spiritual grounding techniques’ for more ideas on how to centre yourself but be careful not to overindulge in the suggestion of consuming chocolate – yes, that’s another way to centre yourself. Being under the number four energy will mean it would be wise to pay attention to what goes into your body. If you want to create a healthier lifestyle plan, this is the perfect month to act on it. Because the number four can enforce restrictions, you can use that to your advantage by limiting your intake of alcohol, food, gambling, or any other lifestyle choices that aren’t ideal. Even though we’re under the four Universal month, there are other numerological influences I like to examine, such as July being the seventh month of the year. This number tells me you should rely on your intuition and dig deep to get to the truth of any relevant information that may not be adding up. Also, don’t be surprised if you have a revelation this month – you might even come to a point in your life where you desire change. If this is the case, listen to what your soul is telling you and make the necessary arrangements to bring about the best outcomes for you.

August Forecast

Again, we add the Universal month to the current calendar year. August is the 8th month and the year is 2022, so we add those numbers together 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 which equals 14, then we add 1 + 4 together to arrive at the final sum of 5. Did someone say party time? The energy of the number five is one of freedom, movement, restlessness, ideas, and progressive thought, it deals with the senses among other things. You might decide to socialise more or travel during this cycle – do enjoy yourself but be careful you don’t overindulge or over-spend, as during this period we can be more inclined to throw caution to the wind without giving thought to the practical side of life. This means you might give more consideration to where you could be shrewder and where you can be flexible so that you’re able to create a happy balance thereby avoiding any negative repercussions down the track. It’s about living and loving life while making sensible choices along the way. During this cycle, you could find yourself discussing topics related to work or considering where your attention might best be directed so that you can benefit the most. Be careful of how you express yourself during August, think before you speak (especially where friends are concerned), otherwise you are likely to find yourself entangled in arguments and/or dealing with feelings of

regret. Speak with purpose and thoughtfulness and listen for opportunities that can come your way as a result of the positive energy you project. Relationships can prosper, particularly if you’re in a new relationship. Enjoy the newness but don’t put people on pedestals – there’s a difference between realism and fantasy. This month would be an opportune time to re-evaluate toxic behaviours, either yours or others and make the necessary changes to turn things around. Businesses, associates, and real estate can be significant under this vibration. You might need to examine the options available or think about alternative solutions in any of these areas. No matter what is going on in your life, you should give careful thought to the risks involved as well as the impact of your decisions. It would be ideal to make a list of the pros and cons as it’s more thought-provoking. Don’t be surprised if you come up with new and/or radical ideas this month – it could be the birth of a brand-new venture or a more proficient way to enhance a current project or business undertaking. You’ll find this cycle an opportune time to look at ways you can advertise or promote yourself. Tap into any creative energy you have at your disposal, particularly if you are feeling restless; you’ll be glad you did. Amanda E Burgess is the author of Numerology & Your House.

If you were in control of your own destiny and could shape your reality at will, what would you change?


Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with spirit since she can remember. • Angel Card/Intuitive Readings • Mediumship • Past Life Connections • Pranic Energy Healer • Reiki Master • Mentorship Michelle has a knack for getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health – and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world.

issandra Moon Join Priestess Al king new in her Groundbrea itches Path” program “The W you can and discover how your dreams. create the life of Claim your power, live your purpose and shape your reality whilst walking the path of the Witch. DM “JOIN” to invite Magick, deep healing and transformation into your life today.

Michelle’s intention is to help the people she reads for, and figure out how to live their best life possible.

P 0408 984 219 | FB michellerprice76 E Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


Jess Beard – Inner Alchemist

It is my greatest passion to teach people how to use archetypes to understand their sabotaging patterns and to re-language them. When we understand our archetypes we can completely transform our lives and also those around us. It’s incredibly powerful.


Carmel Anne – Soulfully Guided Tarot and Oracle Readings Soulfully Guided provides a spiritual analysis and exploration into oneself using Intuition and Tarot and Oracle Cards. My goal is to work with you to answer any of those questions on your mind. People from all walks of life are welcome.

W E FB /soulfullyguidedcarmelanne

Victoria Cochrane Psychic Communicator and Spiritual Healer Accurate, Passionate, Life Changing Contact Victoria for accurate psychic readings and healings that will remove past traumas and cleanse negativity from your belief systems and energy fields.

P 0417 581 107 | W E FB /victoriacochranepsychiccommunicator YT /channel/UCUXFZoWohlk5Ywi3om65Afg

Kim McCosker Kim is a well-known presenter and much loved for her easy, informative and funny storytelling. Her ability to talk, cook and serve all at the same time is VERY ENTERTAINING! To book Kim for your next function or event as a keynote speaker or MC please contact Melinda:

P 0431 297 923 | E W


\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Jacine Greenwood-Drummond Founder of Roccoco Botanicals, Anticity, The Skin Herbalists and Educated Therapist Jacine is an award-winning Cosmetic Chemist and is the founder of the fastest growing beauty brand in the Asia-Pacific, winning many awards for her formulas and business growth. Jacine is intuitively guided with her formulas and has a love of natural ingredients.


Vicki Haspels Psychic Readings, Reiki Master Healings, Past Life Regression Therapy, Coaching, Esoteric Counselling, Education My mission, as a teacher of Tarot and the psychic arts, is to break down any preconceived ideas and fears around readings that is holding the reader back from realising their own dream of becoming a confident, successful practitioner.

P Vicki 0421 649 841 W

Zahra Jones – Heartcore Living Heartcore Living is the Creation of Master Healer, Medicine Woman and Medical Intuitive, Zahra Jones Zahra has been studying and practising the healing modalities and philosophies of many ancient cultures since 1990. Zahra’s unique approach combines her own psychic abilities with ancient Shamanic healing, Reiki, Theta, and other modalities including sound and crystalline frequencies.


Special Events & Directory SED is a Global Media Company specialising in showcasing conscious solopreneurs through various media platforms, for people seeking information or education about spiritual wellbeing.

P 0423 402 715 | FB /spiritualeventsdirectory W

CLASSIFIEDS Kuve Jansky Bradley ‘RADIANTE’ – Amazon # 1 International Best-Selling Author Kuve specialises in identifying and releasing Ancestral Patterns and Trauma in a gentle and loving way. Helping transform the lives of adults and children and future generations to blossom from within. • The Emotion Code • Reiki • Seichim • Hypnosis

W P 0434 005 205 | FB /kuvejanskybradley E

Michelle R Price Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with spirit since she can remember. • Angel Card/Intuitive Readings • Mediumship • Past Life Connections • Pranic Energy Healer Michelle has a knack for getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health – and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world.

P 0408 984 219 | FB /michellerprice76 E

Missy Rivers Psychic Medium and Astrologist Missy Rivers is a Psychic Medium and Energy Healer, offering authentic guidance, support and useful, satisfying information along with many other services.

W E FB /missyriverspsychic IG /missyriverspsychic

Gwenda Smith Spirit Medicine Woman and Mentor If you’re looking for simple practical ways of living a peaceful, free abundant life, then I invite you to call me for a chat to see how I can make that happen for you.


Sage Drums Tasmania has been lovingly created by

Medicine Woman Jane Anderson

who has been training and offering drum making and drumming for over 22 years. Jane completed an Advanced Diploma in Sacred Arts from 2007-2009 with the School of The Feminine Divine NZ. She offers an online course called Awareness Studies ( The course includes mentorship, 48 weekly worksheets of nature-based teachings, audio and video content and meditations which are designed to bring healing, plus a 6-month Earth Medicine Course and 12-month Teacher Training Course. Details can be found here:


Soul Star Skin & Body Vegan Friendly, Organic in Nature, Non-Irritant or Inflammatory Cremes, Pure, Natural, Chemical Free Skincare Divinely pure, high frequency unique products for your skin and body. Nourish and nurture your skin, body, mind and soul with vegan friendly, 100% pure luxury from Mother Nature. Give your skin ultimate care at the best possible price.


Melanie Wellard Online Readings, Holistic Therapies and Workshops I am an experienced Course Trainer, Intuitive Coach, Psychic Consultant, Mediator, Mindfulness Practitioner, People Maps (personality profiling) Practitioner, Chakra Dance Facilitator and Reiki Master.

W FB melaniewellard55

Angelo Thomas Medium Member of the Australian Spiritual Alliance • Certified Arcturian Light Energy Healer • Reiki and Seichim Master • Kyle Gray Certified Angel Guide

E P 0421 796 742 | W

Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JULY 2022 \\


IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY Spiritual Events & Directory

SPIRITUAL EVENTS & DIRECTORY (SED) IS A GLOBAL MEDIA COMPANY SPECIALISING IN SHOWCASING CONSCIOUS LEADERS THROUGH VARIOUS MEDIA PLATFORMS. Rebirth engages spiritual leaders and innovators to inspire readers and encourage them to expand their awareness and make inspirational changes in their own lives. Each contributor is encouraged to provide tips and tricks to help readers learn how to follow their heart’s desires; covering everything from heart and mind meditation to Blessing Way ceremonies for mums-to-be, astrology and delicious mouthwatering recipes provided by 4 Ingredients celebrity cook and regular contributor, Kim McCosker.


Donna Drew

Kerry Lindsay

Michelle Brewer

Kay Hamilton

Alissandra Moon

Katie Bateman

Rose Magick

Ashley Nunez

Lisa Winters

Missy Rivers

Vicki Haspels

Gwenda Smith


Marina Lovasz

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Articles inside


pages 42-43

Numerology – Amanda E Burgess

pages 40-41

Jacine Greenwood-Drummond

page 38

Lee Harold

pages 36-37

Christina Fletcher A conscious guide to the tools to support you through your spiritual awakening journey!

page 39

Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers

pages 34-35

Sarah Jayd

page 29

Astrology – Sherriden Sloan

pages 32-33

Vicki Haspels Why did I start my business? My story

page 28

Victoria Cochrane We are what we believe

page 24

Bron Lea What if it’s more than ‘just’ the baby blues?

page 25

Kim McCosker Nachos

page 23

Marina Lovasz

pages 26-27

Adrianne Skye HEY! Where ya’ all going? It takes a VILLAGE

page 22

Alissandra Moon The Wise Witch – Self-Love Spell

pages 16-17

Lindsay Tighe Better questions for a better you

pages 18-19

Special Feature – Alissandra Moon

pages 6-11

Kaz Field Anderson Anxiety – the modern day pandemic

page 21

Rose Magick Shadow work and the power of self-awareness

page 5

Feature Interview – Ingrid Arna How one woman lost it

pages 12-13

Jess Beard

pages 14-15

Gwenda Smith Your keys to the magic of manifesting

page 20
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