Rebirth Magazine January 2022

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Rebecca-Lee Healing From Past Lovers P4 \\ Leonie Featherstone Gratitude is the Gift You Give Yourself! P22 Angelo Thomas Medium Guardian Goodbye P24-25 \\ Gwenda Smith Walk Your Way to Happiness P27 Alissandra Moon Protect Your Energy, Improve Your Life P30 \\ Missy Rivers Taroscopes P34-35


These coaches have been fully trained by Rebecca Lee in • Life Coaching Skills • Energy Coaching and Chakra Tracking • Intuitive Oracle Card Reading • Soul Coaching and Foundational Family Constellations The next Unlock Your Love Blocks® on-line Training program will launch on 22.02.22. If you are ready to release yourself of the blocks that have been holding you back in love, life and purpose and finally break through some deep soul patterns then this will be the program for you. It is time to get off the merry go round of repeating karmic patterns and move forward into a new vibration of Self in the new earth.

Contents 04 Rebecca-Lee Healing from past lovers 05 Victoria Cochrane How empowered are you? 06-9 Special Feature – Sarah Jayd

How my spiritual and transformational journey began

10 Vicki Haspels

Kick start 2022 by jumping into the driver’s seat, and GO!

11 Kim McCosker Thai Mango Sticky Rice Pudding 12-13 Joanna Walden Living your best life 14-15 Jess Beard

The Witch Wound: The 3D program of feminine enslavement and the rise of the Shapeshifter Archetype

16 Jacine Greenwood

The hidden product that restores or damages your skin

17 Bree Stedman Trauma healing without the trauma 18 Lunaria Gaia The mental chatter 19 Amber Clarke

How to gain a miracle mindset every day

20 Michelle Temple How does a simple cup of coffee change your life?

21 Dan Turner

Tibetan singing bowls: for rebalancing and healing

22 Leonie Featherstone

Gratitude is the gift you give yourself!

23 Anna Feldman Empowering women 24-25 Angelo Thomas Medium Guardian goodbye 26 Marina Lovasz You are an oracle 27

Gwenda Smith Walk your way to happiness

28 Kim Tennant

Bringing flow into your life with the moon

30 Alissandra Moon

Protect your energy, improve your life

31 Barbara Brangan How unique you are and what authentically motivates you?

32-33 Astrology – Sherriden Sloan 34-35 Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers 36-37 Spirit Readings – Suizy Lamont 38 Bec Erickson

Autoimmunity: Lifelong curse or blessing in disguise?

40 Book Review Karen Chaston – Demystifying Loss 42-43 Classifieds

The Pollen Path “Queen Bee” This painting is very dear to me as the magic started well before I laid brush to wood. I was talking to a friend on my back verandah about how I had applied for a space in an exclusive painting intensive at COSM, Upstate NY. I said to my friend if I get accepted into the intensive I would paint the Queen Bee. We shared stories of the rare Australian ‘blue bee’ and its symbolism. Out of nowhere a blue bee came buzzing and flying straight for me. It landed less than a metre away and rested whilst I finished my story. It was a truly magical moment and I took it as a sign from the Queen Bee that she wanted to be honoured. I went to NYC and got to paint with 22 amazing artists from all around the world under the guidance of Alex Grey; it was there this Bee Goddess was birthed. She has so much infused energy of love for the bees and hopefully this piece can make people love bees and remember how important they are – eat organic when you can as bees don’t like chemicals. With love from me to you. Vision and comments expressed by individuals do not necessarily represent those of the publishers and no legal responsibility can be accepted for the result of the use by readers of information or advice of any kind given in this publication, either in advertisements or editorials. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Spiritual Events Directory.

PUBLISHER | Sarah Jayd Spiritual Events Directory

JOURNALIST | Michelle R Price Michelle R Price Writer & Clairvoyant

DESIGNER | Ros Jackson

Brought to you by

Ros Jackson Graphic Designer

Please send all advertising, editoral and subscription enquiries to: Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\


Healing from Past Lovers ARTICLE REBECCA-LEE \\ PART I

Being in an intimate relationship is one of the fastest ways we can grow by learning about ourselves if we step on the path consciously. Intimate relationships can be our greatest sources of joy and love, and some of the most common sources of pain and heartache. In all of that, they certainly bring the opportunity to see ourselves deeply, as different people and relationships bring out different parts of who we are.


here is no denying that going through a breakup can be one of the most hardest things any of us ever have to work through. Our partners hold so much opportunity for us to learn, grow and ultimately understand ourselves on a much deeper level. We would also hope that as we grow through our relationship’s experiences that we develop more of a capacity to hold ourselves and another in deeper levels of love, respect, compassion, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. When we move into relationship we enter into a soul contract with one another that will open a door to one or all of the following – • Provide a mirror for ourselves to become aware of aspects of ourselves that are in our shadow, or buried in the subconscious part of our psyche. I often refer to this as our karmic patterns as these can be deep soul wounds that we are attempting to heal and transcend. In relationship, there is an opportunity to see parts of ourselves that need to be seen, explored, and maybe even healed; • When we marry someone most people never consider that you are not just marrying the person, but you are entering into a whole new family system; and so is your partner. On an energetic and soul level that family system comes with a resonance or ‘vibration’ that your family system is seeking to integrate, compensate, reconcile or to see something within your own system that only this partner’s system could bring out.

No matter what has been your relationship history, it is important to know that everyone that comes into your life was for some kind of reason that your Soul wanted or needed to work through its own karmic patterns and to heal on a personal or even a family or ancestral level. In this, your partners have been the right ones for you at the time, for the level of consciousness you were when you were with them. Within every relationship there is something for you to learn. You may be conscious of this during the relationship, and for others who are doing their deep conscious personal work, will become aware of that learning after the relationship is over. However it happens, it is important to understand that in order to move forward in love and relationship you must honour and respect where you have been and the people you have been with. Take the learning and the growth that was there for you. In doing so you give yourself every chance to not go there again and you move forward through your karmic patterns and propensities. You will vibrate higher because you are learning and growing through your experiences and you are not carrying around negative energies such as anger, bitterness, revenge, spite and everything else we may feel. You have peace in your heart and you are free to move forward into a different energy/a higher vibration of love. I understand past abusive relationships can be more challenging. Remember, even through the trauma there is something we can learn from our experiences, including loving ourselves more, feeling more worthy of better partners and even seeing red flags earlier and staying away. There is always something!!! In order to vibrate at higher frequencies and therefore attract better love experiences, it is important that you take responsibility for your part in things in the past and integrate the lessons the relationship brought to you. Blaming will not get you there. Being responsible for your part will. Anything unresolved will always follow you into future relationships. Look out for my article in the next edition where I will show you how you can integrate the learnings of the ex and move on.


\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine


Every Wednesday at 12 noon I go online on the Spiritual Events Directory’s Facebook Page for my ‘Spiritual Wisdom Hour’. The title might sound like I consider myself a guru or something, but this couldn’t be further than the truth!


n my view, spiritual gurus are potentially disempowering because they set themselves up as the sage who knows far more than their followers who can become dependent on their wisdom. I wish not to be known as a guru for this very reason, because my aim is to empower people to step into their own gifts and to feel that they can create and manifest wonderful things in their lives. There are so many ways people can become disempowered in their lives, particularly when they feel that they are stuck in a situation with no way out, that they have no say, that they are less important than others or that their choices make them a bad person. World events, especially at present, are causing many people to become fearful and anxious about what may happen, causing them to become locked into negative thought patterns that can lead to depression, anxiety and a disconnect from their spiritual knowing. Spiritual disconnection and disempowerment can happen through childhood trauma, religious indoctrination, abuse, neglect, grief and a multitude of other reasons. But the media, including social media platforms, is a huge culprit in keeping people too immersed in third dimensional drama, fear and rhetoric that is completely overwhelming and often misleading. It is far better, I think, to stay informed but avoid becoming immersed, because it can lead you down into rabbit holes that make it hard to stay vibrationally positive. The Law of Attraction is one of the three major spiritual laws that everyone and everything in the Universe is bound by. Whether people are aware of it or not, it plays a huge role in the type of reality each person is living, according to their thoughts and dispositions. How empowered or disempowered you are really does depend on how positive or negative you are in your disposition to life. Like attracts like, so if you are constantly putting out negative thoughts and statements, your reality will reflect that and you will feel as though life is happening to, not for you. On the other side of the spectrum, a person who can make the best of a situation, see the bright side and work actively

to create a positive mindset even in the face of adversity, will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and feel much more empowered to take the pro-active steps they need to create they changes they need. It really is that simple. The Universe is always working for us, even in our darkest times. The trick is to be mindful of what you are telling it to bring back to you. Have you listened to yourself lately? You might be surprised at what you are actually attracting. A little bit of focused intention and positivity is a great start to taking back your power and re-chartering your course into smoother waters.

Victoria Cochrane 2019 Psychic of the Year



NOW! OR ALL ONLINE BOOK SELLERS Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\



How My Spiritual and Transformational Journey Began ARTICLE SARAH JAYD

October 14, 2011, I found myself as a single mother with a six-week-old and a 21-monthold. I had been in a toxic relationship on and off for three years. Sadly, toxic relationships were nothing new to me. I had been in a few. This relationship, however, topped them all. Intuitively, I knew I had to change if I ever wanted to experience a healthy relationship. I felt so broken and knew it was up to me to make changes. I wanted to feel happy. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt happiness, then something inside of me said, “It all begins with you.” And so, my spiritual and transformational journey began.


had a close friend I had known for about 10 years. He had seen the relationships I’d been in over that time and knew I was the common denominator. He suggested that I listen to Anthony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within audiobook. He said listen to it over and over every chance you get. I was ready to make the changes, and once the clarity came, a few weeks later, I was gifted over $200 in vouchers, so I bought an iPod and listened to Anthony every chance I got. At the time, I had a gambling problem. It started when I was 19 years old and got worse over the years. I didn’t want to continue down this road. I had two babies that had to come first, and I was determined to become the best version of myself for them. Anthony shared a technique to overcome bad habits. I implemented it, and it worked. I no longer felt the urge to gamble. As each day passed, I began to feel happier. I started liking many spiritual pages on Facebook. My newsfeed was now filled with positivity. In February 2012, I attended my first Spiritual Event. The event was like nothing I had participated in before. It was called Scents from Heaven facilitated by David Laws and Leonie Featherstone. It was themed around flower readings and essential oils. Everyone brought a flower from their garden and placed it in a paper bag 6

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writing a number, name, or symbol we would recognise when David read our flower. I remember thinking, wow, this man is amazing, as he delivered all these positive messages from Spirit. It was more than a psychic reading; it was spiritual teaching. I started following David on social media so I could continue to soak up his wisdom. Over the years, David has been an inspiration, sharing many real-life stories on the Universal Laws. I now call David Laws, the famous flower man, a close friend. Leonie spoke about doTERRA essential oils and how we can use them for healing, empowerment, spiritual development, and more. She is so passionate about essential oils and has a wealth of knowledge. I gave Leonie my phone number, and over the years, we would catch up for a coffee and a chat. She would share information on the oils. Although at the time I never joined doTERRA, Leonie and I developed a lovely connection, and I looked forward to our meet-ups. Leonie is a regular columnist in Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine and has a weekly show on Spiritual Events Directory Facebook page sharing her wisdom on the oils. Leonie is a Blue Diamond in doTERRA. Not that she cares for labels. She’s passionate about helping others and has definitely shown that to be true over the years. In March 2012, I started to attend Coomera, Qld Spiritualist Church, which I loved. Each week, they would have a new person sharing their spiritual gifts. I especially loved the sessions with Sarah Neil, who ran the church. She would teach us how to connect to the Angels and manifest. OMG, I had never heard the word manifesting before. What a life-changing concept that we manifest everything in our lives. We can have, be, do anything and all we need to do is ask the Angels. We are the creators of our reality through our thoughts, words, and actions… WOW…What was I going to do with this newfound wisdom? Every night, I talked to the Angels and told them how I wanted my life to look. Firstly, I never wanted to rely on

a man again. Secondly, I wanted an online business that would help millions of people spiritually that I could work around my children. At the time I had a lot of fear around my ex, the father of my two children. Standing in my power and becoming more confident appeared to make him more angry, unstable, and unpredictable. I tried to be his friend for our children, but that opened me up to more abuse. I was constantly walking on eggshells, fearing that he would verbally and emotionally abuse me in front of the children or talk badly about me to them. I wanted to protect them from the trauma. I thought bettering myself would better our co-parenting relationship. However, he didn’t respect my boundaries and would turn up to my house unannounced and uninvited. As part of my nightly ritual connecting with the Angels, I would ask for my home, myself, and my children to be protected. In February 2012, I saw my first miracle and the power of asking the Angels for protection. It was 11pm at night and my ex called. I could tell in his voice he had been drinking. He told me he wanted to come over to talk. I said, “No, it’s late, and I was about to go to bed.” Thirty minutes later, my phone rang. It was him. I knew he was on his way over. I turned off all the lights and jumped into bed. Within minutes, I saw the headlights of his car pull into my driveway. I laid in bed, frozen. He still had the key to my backdoor. I laid there waiting for him to walk through my bedroom door. My heart was pounding in fear. A few minutes later, I saw a flashing blue and red light. I jumped

out of bed to look out the window to see my ex getting put into the back of a police car. That night he got charged with DUI and lost his licence for 12 months. He never entered my house again after that night. Without a licence, he could no longer turn up to my home unannounced and uninvited. He moved away not long after that for a few years. That was my turning point for massive growth. By April 2012, my spiritual and transformational journey was in full swing. Life was so exciting, and I was happy. I had less stress from my ex because he had moved away. Even though I was a full-time single mum to an eight-month-old and almost threeyear-old, life was great. I started a business with a friend of mine. I had an idea to create a Spiritual Directory so I could help millions of people spiritually. I knew I wasn’t the only one in the world “waking up.” My vision was to create a community for people seeking spiritual and inspirational events, services and products. But somehow, we ended up doing astrology reports. Astrology was her passion. She would create the reports and I would run the Facebook page and bring in the business. I started to feel down. This wasn’t part of my vision. That night I said to the Angels, “I still really want to do the Spiritual Directory. I know it will be amazing and help so many people.” A week later, my sister-in-law sent me a message on Facebook. She said, “Do you still want to do the Spiritual Directory?” “Yes,” I replied. She said, “Go check out this page. It’s called Spiritual Events Directory. There is a post on the page saying they are selling the business.” I contacted the owner and within a few days, I had purchased the business. I only paid $400 for my dream business. And it was EXACTLY what I was manifesting. Since purchasing Spiritual Events Directory (SED), we are the number one Spiritual Directory in Australia. We have a community of over 120K through our social media and databases. I am constantly amazed at the miracles Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\


we can create in our lives when we commit to spiritual and personal growth. I always believed you had to be intelligent to succeed in life. Now I know it’s so much more than that. If you have a clear intention, take focused action, and believe in yourself, anything is possible. Before I manifested SED, I worked in customer service and over-thephone sales. I never had much confidence or self-belief. I believed I was not intelligent. I never strived for much. I just went to work every day, did my job and came home. No desire to climb the ladder. Running Spiritual Events Directory has been a massive learning curve for me. My big vision has come with big lessons to grow me into who I need to become to fulfil my destiny May 2017 – My biggest lesson for transformational growth. A few years prior, my ex moved back to Brisbane and started dating. Things quickly became serious with his new partner, and he moved in with her. He started asking for more time with the children. I was happy he was showing more consistency with them, and I liked his partner. I felt she was good for him and would keep him in check. (I had asked the Angels to bring him someone who could help him and keep him away from me.) She had an HR and mediation background, so she communicated very well. I always knew exactly what was happening with regard to his time with the children. Previously, my ex always ignored my emails, texts and wanted to argue if I spoke to him on the phone. She was a welcoming relief. Not long after he started seeing the kids more consistently, there was an incident over the phone where he abused me. I emailed him to say I was not tolerating his abuse any longer. If it continued, I would seek a DVO. I also told him I had sought legal advice because I was sick of his threats with regard to the children. Not long after that I received a lengthy well-written email apologising for his behaviour and suggesting we only communicate via email. So for approximately 12 months we did just that. If there 8

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were ever any issues or concerns, it was all documented via email. His emails were now extremely child-focused and to the point, and best of all, he would reply. I knew it was his partner writing the emails, but I didn’t mind because now there was effective communication regarding the children. Then something happened that I couldn’t ignore. I stopped contact between the children and their father. I put the children into counselling and told my ex that he could come over and visit them at my house until we could work out what was happening. He refused. Not long after that I received an email from his lawyer, and we went to mediation with no resolution. One afternoon, I was at home when I heard a knock at the door. My heart stopped. I knew who it was. I ran into the bathroom and closed the door. Then something inside of me said, “Sarah, you have to face this, otherwise you will be hiding forever.” I went to the front door, and a man was standing there. He said, “Are you Sarah Jayd?” I answered, “Yes.” He handed me an envelope and said, “These are court papers.” June 2017 – Our first court hearing. I was so nervous. I had no idea how I was going to stand up in front of the judge and speak. I was now facing my two biggest fears – public speaking and my ex. I knew this time I couldn’t run away and hide or make an excuse like I would have in the past. It was time to stand up. I needed to be the voice for my children. In the lead-up to court I had been reading a book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. There was a line in the book that stood out. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I am not religious at all, but this really resonated with me. As I sat in the foyer of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia at Brisbane waiting for my name to be called, I closed my eyes and said the words, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” over and over. When my name was called, I stood up in front of the judge and spoke my truth. The mention was adjourned for six weeks to give me time to respond to his application. I hired a lawyer to support me which didn’t last very long; $5K later I knew I was supposed to be self-representing. No-one knows your story like you do. I also knew it was Spirit’s way of pushing me out of my comfort zone and giving me some lessons around self-belief, intuition, and trust. One of my limiting beliefs was that I could not communicate very well. My ex often told me this. Don’t you just love it when your inner beliefs haunt you externally? And what better way to learn how to communicate than self-representing? I had to quickly learn how to communicate written and verbally with judges, lawyers, report writers, doctors, psychologists, counsellors, schools. Now everything I said or did was evidence. This whole process relied on communication. Thankfully, by the time I ended up in court I had done many years of Spiritual/Personal Development and I was in a relationship with a man who was the complete opposite of my ex. He would often tell me how much of a good

communicator I was and always positively affirmed me. Without his support, I am not sure I would have lasted four years in the court system. He often reminded me that you are never given anything you cannot handle. During those times, I had lawyers and judges telling me I could lose my children if I did not come to an agreement. I constantly went within to reassure myself I was doing the right thing and to keep going. In November 2018, the matter was adjourned to 9:30am on June 20, 2019, in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia at Brisbane for final hearing allocating two days. I had no idea how I was going to self-represent, having to cross-examine witnesses, putting a trial affidavit together so the judge could understand it. I was way out of my depth, but I kept going, trusting Spirit had my back and hearing the words, “You never get more than you can handle.” I had an inner knowing that if I couldn’t successfully self-represent at the final hearing, I wouldn’t have to do it. Often, we have fears, and the mere fact we are willing to face them is enough for the Universe to pat you on the back and say well done. You took action; you were ready to jump; that’s all I wanted. This is what happened to me. Two days before I was due to have all the final hearing material in court, I manifested a lawyer and barrister. My lawyer went over my case and spent the next two weeks with me redoing my affidavit. On the day of the trial, I had no fear at all. This seemed like a piece of cake compared to self-representing. There were a lot of negotiations on the day, but no final orders were made, and the trial got adjourned. After that day, I felt all the fear melt away. Court had consumed my life for so long. My business had suffered because my focus was on court. I felt reborn. I had always wanted to start a magazine but didn’t think I was qualified enough to do so. Remember my limiting belief that I could not communicate? In September 2019, Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine was born. Rebirth is a premium bi-monthly lifestyle magazine combining mind, body, and soul topics. We incorporate inspirational and real-life stories, psychic and conscious advice columns, and wellbeing subjects. My ex has since separated from his partner and moved to Townsville. As of June 4 (the day after my forty-fourth birthday, Angel number 444), my ex agreed for me to have the children full time with sole parental responsibility. Miracles do happen. I have been manifesting this outcome since our first court appearance, but honestly had no idea how I would achieve it. I am incredibly grateful for the experience. It’s been such a massive opportunity for spiritual and personal growth and healing. I believe I got the outcome I did because of all the prayers, mantras, affirmations, journalling, and inner work I did throughout the journey. Plus, the fantastic supporter I had. He was there at every court hearing, sitting with me, praying with me, holding me physically and energetically, sending out love and healing to the entire courthouse. He even surrounded the building with a crystal grid to send energy. I believe the battle is won on the 5D (spiritual plane)

I believe part of my purpose is to guide, support and empower women who are selfrepresented litigants, and that is why in May 2021 I founded Harmony Rose Agape Foundation.

then shows up in the 3D (physical plane). With this wisdom and willingness to do the inner work, anyone can do anything and create the outcome they desire. I believe part of my purpose is to guide, support and empower women who are self-represented litigants, and that is why in May 2021 I founded Harmony Rose Agape Foundation. It is a not-for-profit organisation providing educational, mentoring, personal/spiritual development and healing, so, women and children don’t feel alone on the family court journey. Our mission is to provide healing, education, and transformative resources to help create a powerful new life. Our vision is to empower through guidance and confidential support, nurturing who you are while you bravely step in as a selfrepresenting litigant through the family court system. Please reach out if you need support or would like to donate or volunteer. “I offer you peace, I offer you love, I offer you friendship, I see your beauty, I hear your need, I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.” – Gandhi’s Prayer for Peace. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\


Kick Start 2022

by jumping in the driver’s seat and GO! ARTICLE VICKI HASPELS

I am returning to some simple practices I was taught when I began my Spiritual Journey so I’ve collated some tried and true strategies and I’d like to share them with you to kick start the new year.


o, let’s leave behind The Law of Attraction and return to the power of our Divine Self. Let us Become! 7 POWERFUL GOAL SETTING EXERCISES GUARANTEED TO MAKE 2022 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER

1. Get Clear. A simple method to focus and refine your future Self and goals. Write a list of things you know you can, want or dream of becoming. Your list is part of your subjective mind and a daily practice of focus and refinement prompts your objective mind to recognise and act on opportunities. Let those emotions flow, write as broadly or as detailed as you please. Read your list every morning and every evening. Do not show anyone your list. Let your list evolve as time passes and your goals are reached.** 2. The Future Life Walk Through. Use a guided visualisation meditation that connects you to your Higher Heart Self. Once here you can ask to be walked through the year where you will connect to your goals. Before your journey there are a few things to prepare, visit: for details. 3. Find a Coach or Mentor. If you are tired of constantly failing or if you have tried all the self help versions and don’t know where else to turn, investing in a coach or mentor is priceless. 4. Have a Decision to Make? Take a few deep breaths and place your head in your heart with your

question. Your body will let you know yes or no by relaxing or tensing. Your body is your intuition, not your mind. 5. Find an Accountability Friend. It is important to be honest with yourself about what is achievable. Complete a stocktake of your resources and ask a friend to help, one that is not afraid to tell you the truth and don’t forget to return the favour. All friends together! 6. Empty The Trash. Our mind can be the most amazing cheerleader and the most devastating critic. Write three pages of rambling thoughts every morning before you even contemplate beginning your day. Do this every day without fail. Put them in an envelope or keep them in a journal. Do not revisit them. The results are amazing!** 7. Letting Go. Sometimes recognising when plans are not working and letting them go is just as powerful as pushing through. Make regular checkpoints to assess progress and commitment. Is there a change of direction needed? Has this goal run its course? What if your ‘failed’ plan was the step? Understanding our attachment to any outcome can assist in determining whether your plan is ready to be abandoned or adjusted. Self awareness rules here. Now, go forth and make 2022 your best year ever! **For the full article with credits, links to meditations and reference material visit:

The Conscious Mystic Exciting news for 2022: The Conscious Mystic Community. “Mentoring, Guidance and Healing” a portal for education and support. Visit for details 10

\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Thai Mango Sticky Rice Pudding RECIPE KIM McCOSKER – Author of ‘4 Ingredients’ cookbooks

A vegan sticky rice pudding, the perfect creamy, comfort dessert.

SERVES 4 Ingredients: • 1 cup (200g) long grain rice • 4 tbsp. (50g) brown sugar • 400ml can coconut milk (not lite) • 2 ripe mangoes (450g)

In a saucepan, soak the rice in 1 cup (250ml) water for 20-30 minutes; do not drain. Add ½ cup (125ml) more water, plus ½ can coconut milk, ¼ tsp sea salt and 1 tbsp brown sugar. Stir well. Bring to a gentle boil, then partially cover with a lid (leaving room for steam to escape). Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes, or until most of the liquid has been absorbed by the rice and rice is tender. Turn off the heat, but leave the pan on the stove top with the lid on tight.

Sit for 10 minutes. To make the sauce, warm (do not boil) the rest of the coconut milk over medium-low heat, 5 minutes. Add 3 tablespoons brown sugar, stirring to dissolve. (NB: It will taste less sweet when added to the rice.) Prepare the mangoes by cutting it open and slicing into bite-size pieces. Scoop some warm rice into each serving bowl or glass, then pour the sweet coconut sauce over each. Arrange mango cubes on the rice and drizzle with more sauce. Serve immediately.

Recipe supplied from 4 Ingredients Veggie & Vegan. Now on sale for just $22.00 including FREE POSTAGE Australia wide.

Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\


Living your best life –

Joanna Walden


Multidimensional Healer, Joanna Walden, is living her best life after doing what could only be described as a complete about-turn.


he New Zealand-based Consciousness Consultant and Transformation Coach has led two very different lives, packing in a wealth of knowledge. Born to a mum who is in touch with her spiritual side and a dad with a background in advertising, Joanna found herself somewhere in between the two. Despite desperately wanting to pursue a career in spiritual development, Joanna admits she didn’t think she could make a living by pursuing that further. She found herself completing a Business Degree and working in advertising in New York 12

\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

City at the age of 23. She arrived in the United States a short time after the 9/11 terror attacks and admits she felt like she had a, “Very different consciousness understanding of that event and that we all created it with our consciousness. “I was really called to disengage from all the drama and the blame and all of that.” She went on, “The advertising game was amazing, New York was incredible, but I was very much a walking contradiction. So I was the party girl living the high life but then on the weekends I was running off to do Doreen Virtue’s Power Animal and Angel Retreat in Upstate New York.”

Joanna admits she was doing a lot of spiritual stuff in secret including supporting the raw food movement in its early days. She said she was becoming aware that there was something missing in her life. She wanted to be, “Passionate about the work I was doing, I wanted to get paid for doing something I love and feel really positive about… if we have to work for the rest of our lives, I want it to be doing something meaningful, something I’m passionate about and I was determined to figure out what that was.” Joanna embarked on a spiritual journey to discover what that might be. She decided to shift from New York to London after six years. On her way to the UK she read Shirley MacLaine’s The Camino, which sparked a desire in her to do her own pilgrimage trek. She admits her journey to enlightenment was a tad comical. Her enlightening experiences turned out to be completely the opposite. “So I’d have the whole church and a sacred moment to myself… and all of a sudden someone would come in and they’d be farting the whole time,” she joked. As part of her journey she travelled to many magical locations, getting a whole host of downloads but getting frustrated with her progress at the same time. Joanna became aware that she was starting to pick up on light codes. She stressed that sometimes we just have to get out of our own way, “Keeps us small, keeps us limited, doesn’t really allow us to open and blossom into this beautiful multi-dimensional being that we are. “I was in the energy of searching… so when we’re in the energy of searching you cannot embody the answer or the solution… you’re never going to get what you want,” she said. Joanna also admits she had big expectations, “I wanted to be seeing the guides, hearing their names, like I wanted the construct that was being delivered by everyone else to me.” She said she just didn’t feel like other people’s healing techniques or modalities resonated with her. She trained as a Kinesiologist but realised she didn’t want to do that for a living. She now knows that was part of her setting up the foundations of what she would one day be doing. When Joanna’s Grandmother died, she received some money. She checked out a few potential flats to buy in London but admits that didn’t feel like it would bring her any joy. Instead she travelled to South America to search for ideas for her book she was writing. There she met an 83-year-old Shaman on her birthday. She ended up staying with him in his hacienda for a week. The old man didn’t speak any English and Joanna didn’t speak much Spanish, but his words were

recorded and eventually translated. He mentioned something about her role in consciousness. Hearing that, Joanna recalled an instance when she was in her late teens in New Zealand. She was going to pick up some friends from a bar. After walking inside, she saw a couple of guys sitting at the end of the bar. She felt strangely compelled to speak to them so asked them for a light for her cigarette. Then one of the men said he’d been waiting for her to talk to them before launching into a dialogue about, “What I was here to do on this planet… I don’t even remember details, but I remember being so high with this energy. “I was off to a dance party that night with my friends and I was dancing all night,” she recalls, being so elated that someone felt like she had a purpose on this planet. It’s something she had always felt deep inside, but it meant something when it was articulated by someone else. After her trip to South America, her dad became ill and died and then she finished writing her book. She inserted her channelled wisdom into this book, which she said has its own energy. She had been wanting the book to come out for a while, but it was released during COVID. She realised it was divine timing. Joanna describes her book, ‘The Inside Hustle’, as “Bridget Jones meets Eat, Pray, Love on steroids. There’s more sex, more drugs, there’s more crazy spiritual experiences,” she said. She’s added her own down-to-earth perspective. Right now, she’s experiencing many downloads and an upgraded state of being. She’s been preparing over the past few months by cleansing. Joanna stresses it’s important to let go and allow it all to flow, saying we can’t force anything to happen or speed up the process. She has also learnt about something known as ‘heart intelligence’. In 2017, Joanna had a dream where she was speaking to three light beings. Joanna was suggesting various healing and meditation techniques to them, all of which were rejected by the beings. “They said, it is always about the heart, it only ever was about the heart, and it only ever will be about the heart. Heart technology is all you need.” Nowadays she said more people are talking about the benefits of tapping into the heart. Joanna Walden is a visionary, multi-dimensional transformation specialist, speaker and author of The Inside Hustle. A Mystical Misfit’s Travel Adventure into the Unknown. Joanna uses heart technology, travel to sacred sites, channelled wisdom, consciousness practices, ancient gong and sound healing to navigate her path and guide others back to their mastery. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\


The Witch Wound:

The 3D program of feminine enslavement and the rise of the Shapeshifter Archetype


Many of you have heard of the term Witch Wound, but it is much more then just a reference to the Witch hunts and murders by the Church.


hat happened during those horrifying years has created a catastrophic wounding in the collective psyche. This wound has caused the incredible rise in the Shapeshifter Archetype, the ‘People Pleaser’. It started with the Church needing to be the dominant patriarchal authority. If you were sick or in need of advice, they wanted you to go to their Priests and to no one else. The healers, wise women, crones and witches all had to go, because they were direct competition for the Church and its need for total domination. What happened to women’s psyche during that time is something which is still embedded deep in our DNA and is a primordial fear to this very second as you read this. If you were different from the rest of the village you were in danger. If you were smart, had 14

\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

common sense, stood up for yourself, had heral lore or was in a position of respect, you were in extreme danger. Not just a little bit of danger. If you stood out in any way then you would be in jeopardy of torture and death. This creates the need and desire to blend in… to be useful. Which in turn makes a person want to be that people pleaser so they don’t stand out. But something even more atrocious arose at this time. Women started to turn upon each other in betrayal. Under torture they named other innocent women in the village or pointed out women they didn’t like as a Witch. How often do you see these days women trying to tear each other down when someone starts to get successful? Look at the double standards we place

upon famous female singers and actresses in comparison to males in that industry. Let’s be really honest… how many times have you looked at another woman and said, “OMG, look at what she is wearing, or she must have slept her way to the top, etc.” I will be the first to admit that I have bitched about other women because I was jealous or envious of them. I’ve made those little snide comments instead of saying, you go Sister. This catty behaviour arose from the Witch Wound in the collective. From this pivotal time in history the role of women in power took a massive turn. Yes, history has a few female heroes but the average woman’s power was taken from them. Women were no longer sought for wisdom, herb lore, fertility issues, marriage advice and counselling. The reason I call this the 3D program of Feminine Slavery is because of this turning point. After the Witch hunts ended the journey of the Divine Feminine has been a constant battle for equality and for balance to come back to the world. Because the Church came into power, a woman had no access to herb lore and was tasked with pumping out one baby after another until they died in childbirth. I have a lot of this in my linage. Women had to marry for survival and it wasn’t until after World War II that this started to shift rapidly. Women have had to fight for the right to be educated, vote, own land, work and marry for love not for security or because they were sold off by their father. We are still fighting for this equality and balance. There are still millions of our sisters in other countries being sold, traded and have no say in how their life will unfold. Because a deep wound in the psyche like this is so cataclysmic it has helped the rise of one of the most predominant archetypes I see in my clients, friends, family and myself… The Shapeshifter. The Shapeshifter is not just being a People Pleaser. It is the need to say Yes to people so you don’t stand out and get judged or rejected by people. It’s this deep urge from within that if we say Yes to everyone, they will need us. We are going to be safe while we blend in. There is safety in being needed by people. So, we become the Chameleon, we suppress our wants and our opinions. We feel this deep drive to be the best partner, employee, friend and parent, etc. But in our drive to blend in, to be helpful and to be everything for everyone… we lose ourselves. We don’t know what we want or who

we are and what we stand for. The feeling of being lost becomes haunting, soul destroying and overwhelming. In our hearts we know we want to follow our passions and to live our purpose but this fear holds us in this constant state of limbo. We fear being seen, heard and known. If you want to start doing any form of public speaking, Facebook Lives or write articles and put your opinions out to the world, you will have to face this 3D Program of the Witch Wound: Feminine Enslavement. No matter if you are a man or a woman – this wound of the psyche effects the entire collective. You will literally feel like your life is in danger, that if you are standing out… you will get killed for it. When you connect this fear back to the original wounding… you can see how it has formed. My greatest advice to you all is this: realise that every time you fight your fear of being seen, heard and known, you are helping to heal this Divine Feminine wound. Every time you go to judge another person, make snide comments or belittle them, pause and remember that this is just an old program and you have the choice if you want to keep doing it. The Divine Feminine is Rising and we are shifting out of 3D Programs into the 5D realm and reality. Rise My Sisters and Brothers, Rise.


PSYCHIC | MEDIUM | SOUL WHISPERER | SPIRITUAL ARTIST Carola connects and receives messages from Spirit and Spirit Animals – over 30 years’ experience Designer of the Soul Mender Oracle Deck which will be published mid-year, one of her gifts is channelling Light Beings and Ascendant Masters and working with Merlin Energy and Archangel Michael. AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT: • Oracle and Tarot Card Readings • Mediumship • Private Readings • Couple Readings • Chakra Balancing • Soul Mending • Angelic Reiki • Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki • Soul Unhooking • Vortex Energy Drawings

Phone: 0449 732 952 \\ Email: Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\


The hidden product that

Restores or Damages Your Skin


When you think of that one product that has the difference to totally transform your skin, it isn’t a cleanser that we think of and yet this one product can make or break your skin care progress. What is not commonly known is that your cleanser can remain in your skin long after you have rinsed it off.


ften the thought process is, ”Why invest money into a product that doesn’t remain on my skin for long.” Many consumers buy the cheapest cleanser possible, and instead choose to invest in a serum or cream, believing that they will achieve better results. Incorrect cleansing and the wrong cleanser can lead to dryness, dehydration and breakouts. WHY CLEANSING YOUR SKIN IS SO IMPORTANT

Our skin is exposed to many aggressors on a daily basis including sweat, pollution and cosmetics. Daily cleansing with a gentle cleanser removes dirt, excess oil, pollution and unwanted skin cells from your face. Excess sebum, if it remains on the skin, can oxidise and mix with dead skin cells causing enlarged pores and can block the skin follicles. This leads to an increase in breakouts occurring. The skin should be washed twice a day (in the morning and evening), due to the changes that occur overnight with skin repair and regeneration. Impurities that remain on the skin can prevent the Victoria Cochrane (M ED. HONS) was named the

TASMANIAN PSYCHIC EXPO’S 2019 TASMANIAN PSYCHIC OF THE YEAR She is a certified member of the International Psychics’ Directory and regular presenter of The Spiritual Wisdom Hour on Spiritual Events and Directory’s Facebook page. A psychic channel, medium, energy reader, spiritual healer and tutor, Victoria is available by appointment in her room in Wynyard, Tas, once a month in Launceston or via video call. She is also available as an inspirational speaker and workshop presenter. 16

\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

skin from repairing properly and can generate free radicals which age the skin. HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLEANSER FOR YOUR SKIN

The temptation of having a squeaky-clean feeling is actually damaging to the skin. Harsh cleansers that leave the skin super clean can disturb the barrier function of the skin, disrupting the acid mantle, stripping away your skin’s good oils and triggering the skin to increase oil production. The skin doesn’t have the time to repair itself from these adverse irritating and unbalancing reactions between cleansing. The most effective cleanser should be rich in Omega 3 oils which are strongly anti-inflammatory and skin soothing. They have the ability to restore the skin barrier and reduce the dryness that can be associated with menopause. Good sources of Omega 3 oils are kiwi seed oil and raspberry seed oil. Foaming cleansers should not be used on older skins or those with inflamed skin conditions. The best cleansers for skins that are dry or sensitive are oil based and milk cleansers. Oil based cleansers are perfect for dryer skins as there is no pH due to no water being present. BENEFITS OF THE CORRECT CLEANSER

The correct cleanser prevents dehydration and increases the elasticity of the skin. The correct ingredients should reduce redness and inflammation in the skin. Cleansers should assist to unclog pores and refine the appearance of them. Ideally, they should provide a balance of skin benefits including evening out skin tone. You should be able to see the difference in your skin when using a cleanser. If you can’t notice any difference in the appearance of the skin, then the chances are your cleanser is not effectively doing its job.

Trauma healing

Without the Trauma


Since 2013, the Institute of Women International has been redefining the way in which women heal from trauma, resulting in many women turning their back on traditional approaches.


HY? Because for women, talking about the story, revisiting the past and trying to understand WHY they feel what they feel is actually traumatising them MORE. With 25% more connectivity between head and heart, women attach emotion to events more often than men – and every single time we talk or think about something, we are strengthening the emotions felt because of that event. When it comes to addressing past traumas – spending any amount of time reliving that event causes a woman to FEEL MORE, essentially digging a deeper and deeper rut for her to climb out of. This goes against many methods often seen in the field of Personal Development and Healing, where understanding the ‘source’ of the pain is a key moment to healing. Exploring the past – revisiting it and talking about it – forms the basis of many approaches. BUT what if the source of trauma runs even deeper than what we assume?! Epigenetics is explaining the nature of intergenerational inheritance and indicates we inherit up to 14 generations of trauma and experiences. That’s upwards of 280 years of history, all bound up in our cellular memory, charging our current reactions. For women, this inherited history – FULL of multiple cases of trauma, suppression and inequality (from every culture worldwide) explains why pinpointing a source of pain is a fruitless activity, because we don’t actually know WHERE a response to trauma actually stems from.

So what’s the answer? If we can’t dig up 280 years of history to explain why we are so affected by trauma, what do we do? And if talking about what we are feeling is causing more pain, do we just STOP and hope it goes away? No. We turn our back on the go-to approach and we simplify by working with who we are as females. We stop trying to make sense of why things happened and why we feel what we feel, and instead take it at face value. When a woman is struggling with an emotional response to events in her life, we work with what she is presently struggling with – the emotions and beliefs that she presents with. No stories are told. No explanations are needed. And this approach is working. Thousands of women around the world have experienced traumafree, painless healing that delivers guaranteed, longlasting results and it’s redefining the way we look at female empowerment. Just like an iPhone is different from an Android and requires Apple Apps, women too are different from men and require a female specific approach to healing. And that’s what the Institute of Women International is hell-bent on providing. Bree Stedman is a Trainer and Spokesperson for Institute of Women International. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\



Have you ever noticed how you can have an argument with yourself? One part of you can want one thing but then another voice in your mind pipes up and has an opposing view. Then out of nowhere, a 3rd or 4th (or even more) voice joins the conversation and you’re left confused, rattled and utterly exhausted. Who do you believe, what voice do you trust?


ow is it that we can watch our own minds running a million miles an hour and at times have no way to stop the incessant chatter? These thoughts or voices can be negative, self destructive, harmful and even toxic and abusive. You are not alone in this experience. In fact, dealing with our busy (and often destructive) mind is what leads us to seek healing, an alternative and a way out. We all know that meditation can help, no doubt about it but usually only when we’re actually IN meditation. What about when life is throwing you curveballs after atom bombs and you’ve not got time to hit your zen pillow?


Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with spirit since she can remember. • Angel Card/Intuitive Readings • Mediumship • Past Life Connections • Pranic Energy Healer • Reiki Master • Mentorship Michelle has a knack for getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health – and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world. Michelle’s intention is to help the people she reads for, and figure out how to live their best life possible.

P 0408 984 219 | FB michellerprice76 E 18

\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Here’s what you need to know. The chatter in your mind is not you. Not in the truth of who and what you are. Stop for a moment now and ponder who (or what) exactly is the other part of you that is arguing? The internal narrative has a good way of convincing you that IT is all that you are but it’s not true. You are everything beyond that voice. When you are convinced that your thoughts and beliefs are who you are, you are imprisoned by them and the chatter becomes your only reality. There is an awareness that resides beyond the thoughts and when you practise being that awareness, you no longer need to stop the thoughts that are coming at you like rain in a storm but you go beyond them. They are not who you are, they are an experience that you are witnessing. Move into the role of observer inside of yourself, that is who you truly are and you will set yourself free from that mental prison. Take a moment to validate and acknowledge the barrage of thoughts coming at you by consciously saying (either out loud or in your head), “ I am the awareness that is experiencing these thoughts, I am not these thoughts.” Just like on your meditation cushion, come back to remembering that you are not your thoughts, you are the consciousness beyond the thoughts. Don’t let yourself be convinced that your mind is who you are, this is how you set yourself free. Lunaria Gaia is the International best-selling author of Perfectly Imperfect; your complete guide to loving yourself and loving your body, podcast host, certified life coach and NLP practitioner, speaker and influencer. With over 10k followers across social media platforms and a decade of life-changing work with women, Luna inspires others to see their greatness; to embrace all of who they are and begin to truly love themselves, inside and out. Find her at:

How to gain a

Miracle Mindset Every Day ARTICLE AMBER CLARKE

Miracles are meant to happen every day and when they don’t, something is terribly wrong. Miracles don’t need to be these big, life-changing moments. You know, those kinds of miracles that Hollywood stars wish for in your favourite blockbuster. They are always around us and most of the time, we are simply unaware of them. They take shape as that convenient parking space when you duck to the supermarket, or the smile from a stranger as you walk past.


erception is projection – what we perceive is what we receive. Once we become aware of the existence of miracles, we begin to experience them more often and positivity breeds positivity, so more miracles simply follow. Having a miracle mindset is living life as often as possible through the lens of happiness and inner peace. This certainly isn’t an easy task. It’s more of a life-long commitment. It’s similar to working out. When you stop exercising, your muscles become unused and lose strength. Your mind uses the same concept. However, the fantastic thing is, you can choose your state of mind each and every day. You can choose the miracle mindset.


Look for miracles in what you could normally take for granted or consider to be ordinary. Like your breath, your heartbeat, a talent you have that you can literally do with your eyes closed. Find something or someone that you are grateful for every day. The benefits of practising daily gratitude are almost endless. It allows us to be in the present moment and celebrate it. It further evokes positive

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Take time each day to turn inwards and connect with your spiritual team. This could be in the form of breathing, meditating, dancing, singing or whatever else connects you to your soul. Surrendering to the universe is the ultimate trust fall and the great thing is, it’ll always catch you. Daily surrender reminds us that we are part of something far beyond our understanding and by placing the Universe at the wheel of your car, we let go of our own control and allow good things to happen for us. 3. LEAN INTO JOY

Here are three things you can do starting right now to help you tap into your very own miracle mindset every day:


thinking thus creating more abundance. It is such a simple thing to do yet it can transform your life.

Energy flows where your intention goes. When we commit to joy, happiness and peace, we increase our chances of success. Leaning into joy allows our passions to make the hairy decisions for us and truly guide us to what we really need. Joy is what makes for a long and happy life. One way to do this is to find joy in the mundane tasks like making a fresh coffee or working on a spreadsheet. Why wait for those few life events to bring us joy when we can experience it regularly?

SED is a global media company specialising in showcasing conscious solopreneurs through various media platforms, for people seeking information or education about spiritual wellbeing.

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How does a

Simple Cup of Coffee change your life?


Coffee connects us, stimulates us, opens our mind and allows us to see the bigger picture. How you ask? It is one of the most modern rituals of any given day. Stepping off the rat wheel for a small breather is necessary to move out of the rational conscious mind thinking and choosing to listen to your intuition or guidance. The best part is that you don’t have to have a huge knowledge about coffee to consult this Oracle.


raditionally you would follow an intense ritual to consult your Coffee Oracle but I have found an extraordinary simple way to receive messages from my favourite beverage. Just like our ancestors would look for messages from the Gods in the colour of the sky, in the clouds, or an unexpected animal visitor just to name a few. Five years ago I relocated my whole life in my horsefloat and landed in the middle of the central goldfields in Victoria. I had no friends, no family and felt like I had landed on another planet. I felt totally disconnected from anything I knew as familiar. There was no coffee shop for miles and my budget did not allow that luxury anyhow. My trusty expresso machine got dusted off and I thought well at least I can still feel human with my hands wrapped around my mug of cappuccino. It was at this point I realised that every cup of coffee I made was different. Same beans, same machine, same cup even but as I pondered on my daily predicaments (and there were a few) I realised I was seeing pictures in my coffee crème. There were symbols, animals, fruit, trees etc. I got curious and a bit excited and shared photos of my coffee

each day on my little Facebook page Connecting with Clarity, asking people what they saw in the cup. Intriguingly most saw something different so I started to interpret what they saw as a message. Fascinatingly people would give feedback and say how the message had resonated with them and it was then I realised that through this medium they were receiving their very own personal message through what they saw in the cup. It is a daily ritual now and as I brew my cup of Java I focus on my question while I get lost in the process and the aroma. I then take a photo of the top of the cup and as I drink my coffee I study that photo and notice what I am noticing and then get down to the fun part of interpreting the message and there is always a message. This daily ritual has the power to keep you open and connected to your intuition and creativeness but even more then this it is like a conversation with the Divine as well. Mostly though I hope that you see your humble cup of coffee as one of your most valuable tools to self-awareness. Join Michelle for coffee any day at:

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\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Tibetan Singing Bowls:

for rebalancing and healing




The practice of sound healing has a longstanding association to many ancient cultures including India, Asia, Africa, Europe, indigenous tribes and Native Americans. Within the Asian region, Tibetan singing bowls emerged from China/Tibet between 3000-4000 years ago, and fall into the ‘bell’ or ‘gong’ family. From a spiritual perspective, the bowls were primarily used as sacred vibrational sound instruments to enhance/deepen meditative practice (contemplate emptiness/the void), as facilitative tools during shamanic practices (connect to the higher realms of spiritual consciousness/existence), and to receive transmission of energy or teachings (Dharma) regarding the ‘Four Noble Truths’ (in Buddhism).

A modern perspective of the Universe (quantum physics) and of the human form is slowly assisting us to understand how energy has the potential to determine our state of health or ‘energetic’ balance. When the body experiences ‘sickness’ or ‘dis-ease’, this is often linked to an underlying imbalance in energetic vibrational state within cells/ organs, altered brain wave activity (confusion/ stress/depression), or within the energetic (Vajra) body – blocked meridians/chakras/weak auric field. In additional to ancient traditions, beliefs and practice, an increasing number of scientific studies are revealing how sound (vibrational energetic frequencies) has the potential to positively contribute to our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.


Traditionally, the older (antique) singing bowls were painstakingly hand-crafted from an amalgam of up to 9 different metals. According to Tibetan astrology, many of the sacred metals corresponded to one of the 7 planets in our solar system: Gold – Sun (Leo), Mercury – Mercury (Virgo/Gemini), Silver – Moon (Cancer), Iron – Mars (Scorpio/Aries), Lead – Saturn (Capricorn/Aquarius), Tin – Jupiter (Sagittarius/Pisces), and Copper – Venus (Taurus/ Libra). To complement the material combinations used, some bowls are made at certain phases of the moon, created under particular astrological conditions, and/or forged with prayers/mantras of ‘pure intention’ with every hammer-blow. ENERGETIC FREQUENCIES

The sound vibrations produced from a singing bowl are pure forms of energy, with up to 7 different audible harmonic frequencies. The 2 dominant tones include a fundamental bass tone (male/yang) produced by striking the body of the bowl with a mallet, and a resonant higher overtone (female/yin) from rubbing the outer rim with a suede covered stick. Various other harmonic overtones are often present depending on the construction method, material composition and playing techniques used.


Sound vibration (energy) is one of the underlying forces in nature that gives structure to matter; including the Earth – a living organism with its own energetic vibration; and the human body – a living entity of vibrations. As such, the vibrational sound frequencies of singing bowls can be used as a highly effective tool in meditative practice to transmit positive energies via processes called ‘sympathetic resonance’ and ‘brainwave entrainment’ to facilitate re-balancing/healing of the mind/body/spirit down to cellular, sub-atomic and subtle energetic levels. UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS

When we become ‘one’ with the sound and are able to identify ourselves ‘as’ vibrational sound; the mind, body and soul become harmonically aligned. When aligned on all these levels of being; our thoughts, words and actions synchronise – for clarity of mind, purity of speech and loving kindness towards Self and others. For more information visit: Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\


Gratitude is the

Gift You Give Yourself!


I remember being taught as a small child to say thank you. Thank you for something handed to me; thank you for gifts and certainly thank you to my Creator in the form of night prayers on my knees and morning gratitude upon waking! AND I AM GRATEFUL!

This rich upbringing in a financially scarce environment instilled within me a healthy habit of looking for good things in all areas of life and my backyard so that I could specify what I was thankful for! I didn’t realise how much I practised gratitude until I became a silent observer of myself. I realised that at extremely regular intervals I say – thank you for the kookaburra laughing – he makes me smile; thank you for the emerging blossoms on the frangipani – very soon I will be luxuriating in their intoxicating aroma; thank you for a comfortable bed and pillow to sink into after a long day; thank you for the sunlight that sneaks in my bedroom window reminding me of a new day and a new opportunity to LIVE! And on and on! AND THE OUTCOME?

• Joy bubbles through even my saddest days as I reflect on the wonder and immensity of the world with ‘gratitude seeking’ eyes • I feel more energized as gratitude stimulates my Hope button • I feel more at peace because when I realise how much beauty and goodness there is in MY world, despite what may be touted, I feel that there will be more positive outcomes ahead


\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

So how do you remember to be grateful? CREATE THE HABIT!

• The moment you open your eyes – ask yourself – what are 3 things I am grateful for? • You may want to create a Gratitude Journal and write these answers within • For a more visual effect – write your answers on a square of paper and pop into a large bottle designated your Gratitude Jar • Regularly throughout the day – ask yourself – what am I grateful for? • Place post-it notes throughout your house asking the same question • When you go to bed, ask yourself – looking back on today – what am I grateful for? Gratitude is magical! When we find more to be thankful for, and express intentional and meaningful thanks to those who provide service for us as well as to our higher source, our family and our friends, we will receive MORE for which to be grateful! How good is that? It’s the ultimate ‘win-win’ and the gift you give to YOURSELF!

Empowering women –

Anna Feldman


Anna Feldman has dedicated the past few years of her life to helping other women discover their super powers, that is, their inner strength. The qualified Feminine Power Coach is also keen to help them find their path to freedom.


s Feldman’s life changed after she was diagnosed with Vitiligo in her 20s. The autoimmune condition affects the pigmentation in the skin so that it varies in colour and turns white in places. She explained that everything at that stage of life is about, “How you look and how you’re perceived, and being a woman, we put a lot of attention and emphasis and meaning and value on our looks. “So, when I discovered and started experiencing this depigmentation from head to toe it was very confronting.” Ms Feldman said she knew she had a choice whether or not she would try to fly under the radar and become invisible. She decided she wanted to “Commit to living a radiant and fully expressed life.” Moving forward, Ms Feldman decided to begin coaching women to help them step into visibility, to find their authentic voice, to find that place of deeper inner radiance and express and create and contribute from that place. Ms Feldman said regardless of what her fulltime job has been, she has always had a side hustle. She admits she was born into a somewhat entrepreneurial family of Russian immigrants. Her family eventually shifted to New Zealand and worked hard for everything they had. That is how she became associated with Cash FX or CFX, saying, “It’s about leveraging and softening into what we’re already brilliant at and that seems to spark creation and creative energy in any area of our lives that

we want to create and manifest in if we’re tapping into… the areas of prosperity, wealth creation and financial sovereignty. “We’ve spoken already about why that’s so critical, why that’s so important during this time in history to be focusing our attention there as a catalyst for all of these other areas of our life that we’re yearning to create in, to manifest transformation in,” she said. Ms Feldman said, “When we focus on financial sovereignty in a way that is aligned with our own sense of self expression, our own empowerment, our sense of wellbeing and visibility is somehow activated by that because I know when I’ve struggled financially and been stressed about money and working and having to sacrifice time with my family, raising my son, and also sacrificing on what my deepest dreams are… my deepest needs are… I’m feeling under-expressed in that. ‘’I’m seeing the relationship between financial sovereignty and financial wellbeing being intricately connected to our visibility as women, our competence, our ability to express ourselves isn’t always about what we say, it’s also about how we can self-care and self-nurture. Ms Feldman developed the Simplicity Movement and believes she has now found a model, with CFX, which helps women get off the ‘hamster wheel’, of hard work. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\



What truly does happen when a beloved animal companion passes over?


ur beloved animal companions do not live forever. Even with this knowledge, we are never prepared when we lose them and it is extremely difficult. No one can tell you what to do or when it is right to move on when it does happen either, as the mourning process is an immensely personal journey. I know for myself, it has only been a year since my beautiful Baron (pictured) passed and I still cry like a wailing banshee when I think of him. However, Spirit implored me to share this story with you all, in the hope someone finds peace one day, when they lose their beloved animal companion. So, what happens when our beloved animal companions, or animals in general, pass over to Spirit? Firstly, animals are sentient beings – fact. They are able to experience the full range of emotions we do, although with a little less human complexity, and are aware of their own existence. 24

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Spirit has also taught me that each animal, such as our beloved companions, do not have individual souls. More so, they belong to a collective soul for each species. For example, all dogs share one collective soul, which is one of the biggest, beautiful souls in the animal kingdom alongside horses and dolphins. Their soul is the embodiment of unconditional love, as dogs are one of the most forgiving, loving creatures on this planet. For the sad part – our beloved animal companions do not live forever. Their lives are short but are more profound than we could ever imagine. Furthermore, before they pass over, they know their time is coming to an end well before we do, or even care to admit. Animals sense so much more than us, and see the elementals, angels and other spiritual beings, who come to help the passing. Passing over is never easy and this is why we all have our support in Spirit during these times; including animals! I can confirm this, as the night Baron passed, out under the stars, the air was thick and filled with these beings. There were rainbow, white and green orbs, rainbow lights and sparkles galore; all elemental and angelic beings coming to assist him. Now, after the initial shock of passing over subsides, some animals linger while others move on to the light and join their collective soul without haste. Once they join this collective soul, they go on to heal their weary selves and finally rest. They can return from this place to visit in Spirit, but only once they have healed among their animal brethren in the Spirit realms. Spirit has shown me this animal healing space but like most things in spirit, each of us view it differently. For me, I see it as a magical realm where humans do not exist and all the animals are free to roam in their own timeline, space and natural habitat. Their collective souls welcoming back their brothers and sisters, and time is spent healing and removing any trauma or pain. It is a truly magical place, almost like the Garden of Eden itself. Sometimes however, like any Spirit, animals need a little helping hand to cross over to that magical place, which was the case for Baron.

Baron – my guardian, protector and animal familiar; I mean, he was a German Shepherd after all. A few days after Baron’s passing, I was sitting on my lounge at around three in the morning like I normally do when I cannot sleep. This time was different however, as my fellow night owl, Baron, was not on the lounge with me. There was however a faint sense presence lingering in the air plus my Aunty Betty’s spirit standing in the corner of the room. I left it be as I was quite tired, wished her a good night and went to bed (see above picture with the beam of light). That next night while sitting on the lounge, I felt Baron’s paw – insert goosebumps! I instantly turned to my left where he’d normally be and felt him reach out for me like he used to do when I wasn’t paying him attention – insert goosebumps and tears! I closed my eyes, took a breath, and there he was with his big dark eyes, gorgeous white coat and those bloody big ears. He was sad, however not sad about himself but for me, and I could feel his heart’s pain; his best friend was not coping. In a flash, my Aunty Betty and spirit guides stepped in and took over the space. They told me that Spirit was allowing Baron to say goodbye as when he passed, he hid away from us in the backyard to spare us the pain, and as a result we didn’t get to say goodbye. Goosebumps. Tears. The lot! Spirit showed me all the memories of our adventures together across Australia and just how amazing our journey was together. Following this, I was told I had to let him go. Both he and I had to heal, as for how ever long he lingered, the pair of us remain in pain. So, with a heavy heart, I nodded and let him go off with them to the light now shining brightly

in the distance. Baron’s tail wagged like crazy as he looked up at Aunty Betty and the pair of them walked into the light, surrounded by my spirit guides. Our Journey was over, for now as I knew it at least, but I know he will be back when we are both ready. He was my guardian, protector, best friend and also familiar. To be honest – I don’t know what I did to deserve such an amazing animal companion in my life. Now, while I compose myself, I will leave you with a quote by Pierre A Riffard (French philosopher and specialist in esotericism) on animal familiars: “A familiar spirit – (alter ego, doppelgänger, personal demon, personal totem, spirit companion) is the double, the alter-ego, of an individual. It does not look like the individual concerned. Even though it may have an independent life of its own, it remains closely linked to the individual. The familiar spirit can be an animal (animal companion).” Not all of us are lucky enough to have a companion or animal familiar like Baron, who we get to have such an amazing journey with in life. However, for those who do: cherish them, look after them, and know they are with you in this life, the next and even in-between. For a dog never really does leave your side, they are the embodiment of unconditional love.

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Who is the High Priestess in the Mythic Tarot? Her name is Persephone, and she is Queen of the Underworld, daughter of the Earth Mother Demeter and she becomes the guardian of the secrets of the dead.


ades, the Lord of the Underworld, and the unconscious, loved her, and was overwhelmed with desire for her. Her mother Demeter would not oblige Hades of his desire and refused his offer to marry her daughter. Hades was then advised by Zeus, the Emperor of the Olympians, to rise up to the Earth to abduct Persephone, to force her hand in marriage. So, whilst Persephone was picking flowers with her friends in the meadow – Artemis and Athena – Hades abducted her, raped her and then held her hostage in his Underworld. When he took her down into the Underworld, he gave her the secret fruit of the dead – the pomegranate – she ate it and was then bound to him forever. Her mother Demeter, was devastated by her disappearance and she searched everywhere for her, accompanied by the Goddess Hekate, and her torch. Eventually Demeter learned that Zeus had conspired in her daughter’s abduction, and she refused to let the Earth bare wheat and fruit until Persephone was returned. Zeus eventually agreed to reveal where Persephone was, as the people were no longer able to make sacrifices to the gods, Demeter was led to a farm boy who witnessed the entire abduction who revealed the truth to Demeter. The story about Persephone, represents our deepest darkest moments where we have felt we have become disempowered and victims in our lives. When Hades abducted Persephone, she was forced to look within to her pain and the repressed material of her past, the darker aspects of her life, where there was misuse of power and where she needed to take her power back. Persephone was not able to fully return to her mother, because Persephone had eaten the fruit of the dead, she had been initiated and impregnated with the knowledge and power, to move from princess to Queen of the Underworld. She was forced to find her empower life, to find her power equal to Hades. She became Queen of the Underworld, a women unto herself, a Priestess of the Night. Because she had eaten three of the pomegranate seeds (food of the dead), she was forced to forever spend 3 months of the year (winter) with her 26

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husband in the Underworld, in rulership of the Underworld. And on Persephone’s return she would arrive back in spring, spending nine months of year with her mother, which we see symbolised by the blossoming of flowers and the sudden growth of all the vegetation, grain, food to nourish our being. Persephone’s return to the Underworld in winter, conversely, saw the dying down of plants and the halting of growth. Persephone leaves the daylight world of her mother, and moves into the Underworld of her own personal unconscious, the part of you that you are least familiar with, she is your personal repressed material. Persephone is queen of your twilight world, where you have the ability to walk between worlds. You can be conscious of yourself reading this right now and at same time be aware that there is another version, you who is witnessing your becoming aware of yourself. Persephone is the fruitful and rich womb of your inner reality, holding many secrets until they are ready to be born into the daylight domain of Demeter. The only way to enter Persephone’s realm is through dreams, and she is your dreams, fantasies, intuition and she rules the night! Many hidden treasures of insight, desire and psychic knowing, are within personal unconscious. And it contains both creative and destructive forces light and dark impulses that can be hidden from conscious awareness. Persephone holds the secrets to the vast potentials yet to be fulfilled and are still secret and that have not been completely revealed to you yet. It’s in the womb of your being, silently, your womb providing safe shelter and protection of the precious seed until it is ready to be given life. Persephone protects your thoughts, feelings, memories, and dreams until they are ready to be given to your conscious awareness The High Priestess is the feminine mysteries, and your psychic nature. She is the eternal woman who holds the secrets to your personal unconscious and future.

Walk your way to



Walking is something most of us have the privilege to be able to do, movement that allows us to get from anywhere to somewhere.


hese days many people are very sedentary and the furthest they walk is to the coffee pot. A visit to the Dr (if that’s your gig) and you’re told; “You need to lose weight”, “Your blood pressure is too high” or “You have diabetes 2”, clearly you are not into exercise, so most often people will hit the pavement, beach or park and start walking. This awesome simple movement we take for granted is so much more than ‘just walking’. Walk your way to a healthier and happier you. Here are some very important fundamentals you need to know before you strike the pavement. By putting these fundamental basics in place you will be able to continue walking without injuring yourself, stay motivated and achieve results first and your end goal. 1. Appropriate shoes that provide good ankle and arch support. Most often people hit the pavement and they are not in good physical condition, often having lack of stability in their ankles, knees, and hips. They throw on their old gardening shoes or sneakers, even thongs! 2. Don’t use some old pair of gym, gardening shoes or flats you haven’t worn for ages. Invest in a lovely new pair of good walking shoes. 3. Warm up your body or walk for 3-5 minutes then stop and do some stretching of your calves, upper legs, and full-body. 4. Your posture is very important when you walk. Be sure to stand up tall, this means lifting your chest up off your waistline. Gently roll your shoulders back and place them down. 5. Stride with strength and purpose, this means pick your feet up, place them down firmly with intent, rather than shuffle or drag your feet. 6. Check your breathing – that might sound strange, but it is important to be aware of your breathing. 7. Keep your mind in the space of walking rather than let it wander off to something you might be doing later or something you are worried about.

8. Have water with you and drink it. 9. Stop and stretch every 10 minutes in these early days. 10. Choose a goal – either distance or time. 11. Keep your focus on what you have achieved today, not where you want to be! 12. If you use distance as a goal, add a little spice to that by reducing the time it takes you to walk it by 30 seconds initially to a minute to 2 minutes and so on. Now you are ready to walk your way to happiness. You can walk your way to happiness, improve your mental clarity, inner peace, and joy by following these simple steps: 1. Look around you, take in the colours of the sky, the grass, and plants. 2. Notice the flight of birds, sounds of their chatter and the smell of trees and gardens. 3. Take a moment to look out as far as you can see, give a thought of gratitude for the gift of sight. 4. Keep your posture strong and uplifted, your eyes forward. I can tell the H.E.A.L.T.H. of a person just by the way they walk! 5. Choose a quiet, beautiful spot to stop and pause. Here you will take 5 long slow deep breaths in and out. 6. Most importantly keep your thoughts on being aware of how you are feeling right in the moment. Stay focused on the wonders you can see. 7. Take the time to think of all the things that you can be grateful for. 8. Observe the beauty of you and all that is around you. 9. Pat a dog! Walk your way to happiness every day. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\


Bringing flow into your life

With the Moon


The Moon has long been a source of fascination to humankind. Watching her waxing and waning brings a sense of comfort and certainty. The two most popular lunar phases are the New Moon and the Full Moon. What many people often forget is that the lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon.


he New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are sitting in the same sign and degree. They are close to each other and the Moon is dark at this time. The New Moon is a time for manifesting and for starting new projects. This lunar phase represents the beginning of a new cycle. Many people make wishes under the New Moon. The Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are sitting in opposite signs in the same degree. They are as far apart as they can be during this phase and the Moon is able to fully reflect the light of the Sun. The Full Moon is a time for completion and releasing. It is also a time when certain areas can be highlighted. Many people use the Full Moon for ceremonies to release what is no longer wanted in their lives. Each calendar month has a New Moon and Full Moon (occasionally there may be two). Therefore, whatever sign of the zodiac the Sun is currently in during the New Moon will also be the sign the New Moon falls. Because the Full Moon sees the Sun and Moon opposite each other, the Full Moon will occur in the opposite sign to the Sun during this time. Each month a New Moon and Full Moon will occur in a different sign to the month before. So how do we know what to wish for or release? There are several ways of doing this. Firstly, the sign that the New or Full Moon falls in will represent certain energies that will be appropriate. For example, if the New Moon falls in Taurus, it’s a great time to make wishes to do with the material realm as well as the natural world. It can also be a wonderful time to bring more stability and simplicity into your life. The Full Moon in Taurus is a great time to clean out any material possessions you no longer need or to overhaul the garden (rip out weeds, pull out dead plants etc). The energy of Taurus stays the same, but the way it is utilised is influenced by the lunar phase. Another way to locate areas of life that can best use this energy is to take a look at your birth chart and see which houses the lunar phases fall for the 28

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month. For example, if the New Moon falls in your seventh house it’s a great time to make wishes for a new relationship or to bring a new lease of life to an old one. If the Full Moon falls in your seventh house, the energy is there to release a close relationship or to release any issues within a close relationship. Rituals can be done during these lunar phases. Each of the signs of the zodiac fall within an elemental category. The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Rituals for the fire signs include writing down wishes or what needs to be released and then burning the paper. Lighting candles with intent is also representative of the fire element. Earth rituals can include planting a seed or seedling and watering it during the New Moon, imagining your wishes growing into fruition as your seed grows. A Full Moon earth ritual can involve burying a crystal in the earth to symbolise releasing. Air rituals are best done in the air by whispering your intentions (either wishes or something you want to let go of) into your hands and then blowing them into the wind to be carried away. Water rituals can involve spending time in or near water, such as the beach or bath. Placing a crystal or other such object to represent your desires in a bowl of water for the fortnight prior to the next New or Full Moon is also a good use of the water element. There are many other ways that the Moon can be used in everyday life. This is just an introduction. However, if you start by doing New and Full Moon rituals each month, you may find your life starting to flow with the energies of the cosmos. Kim Tennant is an astrologer with over 20 years’ experience. She loves to teach, consult and run workshops (both on and off-line). You can read more about what Kim does at:

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Protect your energy,

Improve Your Life


Protecting ourselves spiritually and energetically is ALWAYS important, but with what we have all been through over the last 18 months, as well as it being the holiday season, it’s doubly so!


here’s so much chaotic and harmful energy floating around and now more people are out shopping, rushing around than usual. Many of them are pissed off at the world and still wallowing in fear. They are stressed about EVERYTHING, cranky at everyone. Projecting a thick, sticky blanket of low vibrational energy, threaded with resentment, anger and self-pity. If you don’t want it smothering you, then you’d better learn how to repel it! There are a multitude of reasons to be aware of and protect your own energy with more important information than I can include here. Many physical and mental illnesses stem from spiritual or energetic attachments, build-ups and dis-ease, so keeping our energy body healthy should be a priority. SO, WHAT CAN YOU DO? I’M GLAD YOU ASKED!

First and foremost, prevention is better than a cure and it’s always best to have your armour on BEFORE the battle begins. So, take some time (ASAP) to learn at least the basics. In the meantime, try the following exercises and procedures and remember to come back and reinforce your shields regularly. WIELD YOUR SHIELD

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Focus on relaxing your mind and body from head to toes. Inhale white healing light and exhale all the tension and unhelpful energies. When you are in a calm, relaxed state, compress all the light into your centre (belly), as a swirling vortex of light. Expand the vortex of light, more and more until it becomes an egg surrounding you. Ensure it is big enough that you can outstretch 30

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your arms and hold them above your head. I turn my egg into a tightly woven web that is reflective and unbreakable. It allows helpful energies in, to reinforce my shield and heal me, and allows me to send energy out at will, but NOTHING harmful or unwanted can get through and none of my energy can be sucked out without my permission. Anything harmful is neutralised then transformed into healing energy and sent back into the world. You can make yours the same or change it to suit. State out loud or in your head, “My shield is in place, in all time and all space. Now no harm shall reach me, safe from all harm I shall be!” or something similar. You must use energy to create your shield. It is more than just seeing it. You must also feel it and reinforce it with your will. Check in regularly, to ensure it is still active. POWER SHOWER

When you shower, state that the water cleanses and clears every single cell of your being. Visualise the water glowing with white light and drawing out all the impurities and harmful energies attached to your energetic field and within you, washing them down the drain. These are two simple but effective things you can do, but I recommend learning more. Especially if you work with the public. I run short courses on spiritual protection and there are some great books out there. But just doing these two simple exercises each morning will make a big difference.

How unique you are and what

Authentically Motivates You?


Your profile line in Human Design is one of your key differentiators of how unique you are and what authentically motivates you. You will find them on your Human Design chart, or you can request free personalised insights at the link below. More about your profile: LINE 1 – THE CREATOR


You are here to create something new. It has to be your idea, your pivot or take on something. You can ride on the shoulders of other creators who have come before you, but still, your version must be an original. Finding your personal truth takes courage, curiosity and resistance.

You are designed to guide others towards their power and truth. You bring an undeniable sense of authenticity to all that you offer and you rolemodel resilience. Take some time to reflect on how you have navigated hard times and recognise your bravery and grit. You are wise and people are seeking wisdom. You are a powerful teacher and mentor.


Just like the Mona Lisa or other famous muses you have a frequency of energy and attraction. Others are drawn to you for your innate beauty and talents, and yet sometimes you are the last to claim these gifts for yourself. Pause and reflect on what others recognise in you, and be playful with how you allow these passions to show up in life and naturally attract the right people to you. LINE 3 – THE REBEL + INNOVATOR

You are here to alter what we think and feel and to propel us into bravery. You swing from restless to adventurous, never afraid to take the leaps of faith. Pause and recognise the golden thread that runs through all of your pivots and adventures, combined with your imagination is your impact. LINE 4 – THE INFLUENCER

You have an innate ability to influence other people. Depending on your attitude, this can either push people away or draw them towards you. You have an innate ability to listen to the subtle nature of communications to reveal what others are truly seeking. You adore connecting people to the resources and connections they require to thrive, don’t downplay the power of this gift.

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You are here to make a positive impact in the world and quite often it may stem from lived experiences you have had that you don’t want others to experience. When you find your power and speak your truth others listen. This desire for impact can at times feel like a burden, but you find your way once you are surrounded by the right people.

Gwenda Smith



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Your Stars in 2022 W

elcome to 2022! We are in for a relatively gentle year, astrologically speaking. The presence of Jupiter, wading in the waters of Pisces, for the first half of the year makes for a fairly positive year for all Zodiac signs. In the last half of 2022, patience is the key and I advise all to bear it in mind. It won’t be easy given the limbo in which most have been over the past two pandemic years, but a brighter path will reveal itself… and the wait will be worth it. ARIES

If you don’t already know, you are going to be reminded at every turn this year, which relationships are most important to you. You will feel supported and impassioned by the loved ones you choose to be part of your inner circle and this is key in your path to success. New romances are definitely on the cards, with Venus visiting you guys at the start of the year. Don’t let the transformations you will experience scare you – this is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. 32

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This year will be better! You’ve had a bit of a rough trot these past few years and I’m happy to report that lucky Jupiter is here to ease things up for you guys in 2022. Not to mention Saturn transitioning your 9th house of prosperity. To make sure you take full advantage of the good vibes, you need to stay on top of things, Taurus. Don’t put off what needs to be done and make sure you read all the fine print. GEMINI

It’s a personal and professional growth year for you, Gemini. Things are going your way and the Universe will be helping you along to achieve some of those goals you’ve been working towards. Keeping a positive outlook will attract and connect you with like-minded individuals. There are some pesky planets around that will try to tempt you to excesses, especially on the money or property-front. Keep at front of mind that balance is key and you’ll find that even the perceived dark clouds have a silver lining for you this year.


While overall, 2022 will bring good times, it’s a bit of a mixed bag for you this year, Cancer. The first half is the time to take advantage of good favour – you will see work promotions or pay rises, your love life will bloom, you’ll meet your goals and encounter lots of positivity. Lay low during the third quarter though, and use this time to reflect or make new plans, don’t believe everything you hear and most importantly, look after your health. The last couple of months of the year will see a return to the good life. Breathe in the love and enjoy the gains. LEO

You can either continue to worry and fuss or you can take advantage of the fortunate Jupiter vibes and discover those wonderful times that are waiting for you, Leo. The road won’t be without bumps and annoying Uranus will definitely try to thwart your progress. Make sure you look after your health in the first half of the year especially. Overall, it’s a great time to experiment and you’ll be lucky in the financial arena. If you take time to plan, the year promises to be good. VIRGO

This is your year, Virgo! You have it all – money, health, relationships, career, property and personal growth. The two things you need to watch for are rushing in and laziness. If you consider all sides before you leap and you put in an effort, you will find success at every turn. If anything goes astray, it will be around midyear – be cautious – but overall, you can prepare to be inundated with good news, opportunities, miracles and achievements. LIBRA

Saturn in your 5th house of Aquarius will ensure this year is a progressive and lucky one for you, Libra. However, it will also be a year of testing times. Expect things to be shaken up! These changes might see you having to re-assert yourself or prove yourself but they will ultimately be in your favour. Career and finances feature heavily this year – watch your spending doesn’t get out of control, but prepare for success in your career or studies if you take advantage of the opportunities presented. SCORPIO

Don’t expect to make any great life-goal progress this year, Scorpio. Saturn in Aquarius will thwart you at every turn. Instead, turn inwards. That’s not to say it won’t be a great year for you – trust in the process. Make this year about nourishing your mind and soul. Take time for self-care and understand that an event or situation is only positive or negative according to the way in which you view it. All you need to do is

aim for balance, enjoy the small moments and go with the flow. SAGITTARIUS The first half of the year will definitely be the most successful for you, Sagittarius. There is love in the air; you have a very positive career vibe and a generally supportive atmosphere surrounding you. Having said all of that, it’s going to be a year where you need to work a fraction harder than everyone else to stay at the same level. There will be opportunities available and you can achieve success, but stay on focus. Lean into the support you have from your loved ones and you’ll find your hard work will pay off. CAPRICORN

Look forward to a great year, Capricorn. You might start the year feeling a little fragile or in disarray, but it will get better and better on every horizon. It’s time to start fresh and aim your goals high – every aspect of your horoscope is auspicious. The beginning of the year is particularly good for relationships and family. Jupiter is in your 2nd house of finances between April and September so wait until April to move forward in your career goals and note that you may have hold-ups with paperwork or communications after September. You’ll finish the year with ample resources, energy and good times. Enjoy! AQUARIUS

The most pressing issue you will encounter this year is financial. The key is to not spend frivolously, especially in the first and last quarter of the year. Even if you are swimming in cash, Aquarius, unless it’s for property or an investment, put it in a safe place and make sure it’s around to see 2023! Pay attention to recurring health issues – Saturn in Aquarius tends to weaken your general health and energy levels. You will have a lot of opportunities to give flight to some long-held dreams and ideas which will make this year a good one for you, but just take everything a bit more slowly than you might usually. PISCES

It’s a big year for you, Pisces. Jupiter is in your sign at the beginning and end of the year and with that, comes so many wonderful times and opportunities. You are set to achieve even those things you thought were beyond your reach and you will be blessed with all sorts of lovely, fortunate moments. The positivity you surround yourself with will be reflected in your life, so make sure to stand guard against anyone or anything that you feel is not to your benefit. Your intuition is keen – pay attention to it. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\



For this issue I’m using the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

January 2022 Reading GENERAL: 3 OF CUPS

Happy New Year indeed! This New Year will feel blessed with an opportunity to celebrate and reunite with family and friends. Prepare for long overdue get-togethers, as people will be looking for any excuse to have those desired catch ups. In this month you’re being encouraged to embrace your inner social butterfly and remind yourself and those around you, of the simple pleasure of connecting. We find balance in many ways as we progress through our lives and this card is a timely reminder that the balance is held firmly in place by the need to share space with those around us. Cheers! LOVE/ ROMANCE: THE MAGICIAN

Are you manifesting love into your life? It sure seems that way. With the Magician making an appearance for this month’s love energy, this is the universe confirming and supporting you in all that you are and have been manifesting. As you move from one phase in your life to another, you’re being asked to stay the course and have faith that your manifestations in your love life are about to pay off – hang in there. Trust your intuition as it is the pure divine guidance that is perfectly aligned with your journey. Move forward into your next chapter with confidence and poise as your happiness in love awaits. Remember, thoughts become things!


With everything that has been going on in the world in the past two years it’s no surprise this card has come through. After much reflection and realisations about yourself, this month offers you an opportunity to finalise those changes. Expect the urge, if not the action, of departing what once was your one and only direction. You may find yourself this month daring to imagine what life would look like if you walked away and chased those things you’ve always wanted to do. There is a piece missing to your current level of fulfilment, what you’re experiencing takes courage and foresight – savour the journey with all the detours it throws at you. HEALTH/ WELLBEING: THE HIEROPHANT

This month brings a major energy shift that will have you going inward to explore what is the right thing for you. Auspicious in nature, the Hierophant speaks to the inner workings of your mind, body and soul, asking the big questions and not quitting until there is a satisfactory answer. You’ll find yourself less inclined to listen to external sources on what is ‘correct’ for your health and wellbeing, but instead tuning in and trusting your own inner knowing. This time aligns with the need to rest and rejuvenate. Remember, to self care on all levels.

February 2022 Reading



Wow! Things are looking up for the family life with the Page of Cups ushering in positive new beginnings all round. This is a wonderful lighthearted energy that will be a welcome respite to a heavy preceding year. You can afford a sigh of relief while enjoying a chance to make new plans and have fresh ideas take shape. Give yourself permission to be optimistic about what is to come from your hopes for your projects pertaining to family and home, things look to be on your side – it might just work out. Those of you who have been looking at starting or adding to a family dynamic might be given the very chance to do so.

The age-old battle continues… February really heats things up with a push-pull energy that will have you questioning where you’re headed, where you fit in the grand scheme of things and are you happy with those answers? If not, it’s now or never! There will be polar opposites all around you in all areas of life, some supportive, nurturing and kind. On the other hand, you’ll be exposed to highly toxic situations that will doubt your faith in humanity. Prepare to be confronted with some bombshells and know who you are and what you stand for in order to ride this chaotic wave out in one piece. You’ve got this!


\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine


Right on cue! This gorgeous message comes on swift and sturdy wings thoroughly delivering for your heart’s every desire. This month, prepare to receive a wonderful energy shift in the area of love and romance. Happiness overload? No such thing, so embrace all that is to come, you’ve been waiting for this, now it’s here. Communication will be key to keeping this amazing gift from the divine in a light-hearted vibration. Come from a place of love and you can’t go wrong.

made a choice yet, you could find yourself torn as to which direction to go. Avoid overthinking this transition into your life, close your eyes, breathe deep into your inner self and ask which way would take me closer to my fulfilment and which would take me away from it? There in-lays your answer. Do your best to infuse this choice before you with joy and anticipation, even if you choose to stay exactly where you are, make it a choice with intention. You can have your cake and eat it too it would seem with this stunning divine power in your corner.



February sees your focus on family and domestic matters become your number one priority. You will find yourself more committed to your family life than ever before. The aim of the game will be to strengthen family bonds with any adjustment required deemed doable. This can-do attitude will have you and your loved ones happier than ever before flourishing with a better balanced lifestyle. Your mind is on the financial stability and home budget, it’s time to trim the fat and allow a better way of living to enter. Less is more, family is number one.

Remember when you were sick as a child and your mother would make warm chicken soup? What about those other nostalgic reliefs when you weren’t feeling your best? You will find yourself reminiscing about those old school comforts this month. Simply put, traditional remedies will be rediscovered with a desire to re-embrace what once worked in the areas of health and wellbeing. Major transformation on a global scale on the 21st and 22nd of February in regards to health treatments. New beginnings and perspectives will be born as the old meets the new.


Decisions, decisions. This month, if you haven’t

Meet Missy Rivers, Psychic Medium who predicted the Coronavirus, the stock market crash, Trump’s Impeachment process and more... Readings Healings Psychic Development Past Lives All your Metaphysical Needs 0422 144 156 /missyriverspsychic /missyriverspsychic/ /channel/UCR7sESm9dJ_GdfI6BgF1z2g


Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\



live and video recorded readings

Suizy is a natural-born Psychic blessed with many spiritual modalities. Suizy has a compelling connection with the spirit world, which has evolved through time and further heightened through the course of her life’s journey. Suizy is an experienced Oracle Healing Cards reader; however, her energetic synergy is when using Crystals and Crystal Ball that gives her a unique path to spirit to channel the divine messages and provide the necessary healing. Q: Do you think my eldest son will go onto year 12 next year or will he choose another path? He has autism. – Tracy Wilkinson Hi Tracy, your eldest son will be given an opportunity from someone who sees the potential in him, I am hearing he will be taken under his wing so to speak. Your son has got a lot of potential and one choice will lead to another in his career choice. It’s only natural as a Mum that you stress but I am hearing do not worry, he is fully protected and this break will give him a new lease in life. You’re a really good Mum and I am hearing that meditation is needed so you feel more connected with your guides and a Grandmother energy is around you and sends her love. Blessings Suizy. Q: Will I get the money to finish my new home? – Michelle Cullen Hi Michelle, yes, yes, yes you will have the money to finish your new home, but I see you putting a plan together as in stages. It is probably a good idea to help clear the unsettled energy and maybe do some smudging too. My guides are saying not to jump ahead and take on to much as it’s doing your head in and is often overwhelming for you. There is another project coming early 2023 which will be quite beneficial for you also as you will feel a lot more settled and grounded by then. I am hearing children laughing and I feel a connection with twins. Blessings Suizy. 36

\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Q: I just started a new job and it’s nothing like they said it was. If I leave, will I get a new job soon? – Tania Purton Hi Tania, I am hearing to leave the job not only have they misled you but it is a toxic environment and doesn’t suit you. You will have a choice between 3 different jobs and remember as you choose your new role to choose the position that jumps out at you. When you sacrifice your own happiness for others it is often a lesson. Let go of the old by spending time in Nature or water and you will be focused and ready for a new adventure; the universe has your back. Blessings Suizy. Q: I’d like to move house. Do you see us getting a better house easily? – Hazel Pedley Hi Hazel, yes you will find a house, or should I say the house will find you. Start by putting it out to the universe by packing up and de-cluttering and getting rid of what no longer serves you. Try and keep focused on having enough financially for what you need and write a list on the house you want and the location. This move is a real positive change for you and the move is a happy one. The more organised you are the more smoother everything will be. I feel like it’s going to happen quicker than you think to secure the house you want. Best of luck to you. Blessings Suizy.

Q: Can you see a change in my life? – Tracy Jones Hi Tracy, I can see lots of changes in your life but the changes start with you. As I write this I am feeling pains in my face and a slight headache like a huge amount of stress that is making me feel overwhelmed. When you trust and allow that you are where you are meant to be, life becomes easier. When we use tools such as regular Chakra work or meditation and smudging in our life, our life becomes more peaceful. As I ask my guides about change for you they are saying that the little man on your mind is making you self doubt and I feel that makes you feel unsettled. A new career or possible change is on the horizon. Spend time in nature with the fairies. Blessings Suizy Q: I need to know if my children and I will be safe due to my ex who is a narcissist and making our life very hard. – Rina Lee Hi Rina, I feel you all will be safe and see a person who has a whole lot of baggage that is about to meet his match. It won’t be to long that he moves on and will back off. At least you will be free and can focus on some self-healing and time with your little family. Am sending you healing too lovely so you can break free and focus on your own healing. Start by writing baby steps one day at a time, and before you know it you will have written your own book. This book will help many others including your own little family. It’s time to honour yourself and focus on your purpose and let your purpose serve you. 2022 is a time of trusting your inner guidance, start by doing some chakra meditations. Blessings Suizy. Q: Will I ever find true love and happiness? – Carley Williams Hi Carley, yes you will find true love but don’t settle for second best. The current situation you find yourself in is only temporary. Write out a list of what you want in a

relationship. I feel by March to mid-2022 you will be settled in a relationship and life is less challenging and you will be happy. I am also feeling that you are needing to do some aura cleanse and body work as in salt soaks, gut health and/or masks as a way of removing stagnant energy and toxins from the body. Life gets busy and we often spend less time working on ourselves. I feel a pulling to another area and or possible move of State temporarily. Remember to accept where you are right now and look straight ahead through the turmoil and the cloud will shift. Blessings Suizy. Suizy is an Intuitive Coach, Psychic Medium, Shamanic Healer and Reiki Master. For a heartwarming and healing holistic session, connect with Suizy: Send your questions to us at and we might feature you in our next edition.

Shamanic Medicine Suizy Lamont INTUITIVE COACH | PSYCHIC MEDIUM SHAMANIC HEALER | REIKI MASTER Suizy is a natural-born Psychic blessed with many spiritual modalities. She has a compelling connection with the spirit world, which has evolved through time and further heightened through the course of her life’s journey. GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE

For a heartwarming and healing holistic session, connect with Suizy

Phone 0401 333 048

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Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\


Autoimmunity: Lifelong curse

or blessing in disguise?


Autoimmunity is the term that classifies a multitude of conditions in which a person’s immune system mistakenly starts attacking it’s host. The conditions predominantly target females, and often begin within the child-bearing years. These conditions, such as Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis to name but a few, are said to be incurable, lifelong and are often misdiagnosed for years, only to then be managed with unending medical appointments and strong immune suppressant medications.


espite the reputation, in the writer’s opinion, being diagnosed with an autoimmune condition can be viewed as both a curse and a blessing. Depending on the type and severity of the condition/s, (yes, people are often afflicted with more than one), they definitely fall under that label of curse, so how could such a condition ever be referred to or considered a blessing? Two reasons, actually. Speaking from experience both personally as a patient and professionally as a practitioner, I can empathise with and understand the absolute confusion, desperation, frustration, helplessness and despair that one experiences when faced with autoimmunity. It is often a very lengthy process seeking help for, and then obtaining a diagnosis relating to varying yet relentless symptoms and fluctuating ill health. Obtaining that diagnosis, after being told for years “there is no explanation or nothing wrong,” is the first blessing. I experienced that relief after a seven-year journey that can be summarised as follows: “In no specific order I was plagued with cardiac concerns, gastrointestinal symptoms, joint pain and inflammation, neurological manifestations, psychological/mood disturbances including anxiety, depression and panic disorder and much more. I would repeat my story at each time-limited GP appointment, only to re-state my case to specialists such as Neurologists, Gastroenterologists, Gynaecologists, Cardiologists, along with spend large sums of money on expensive and invasive tests. A breakthrough came for me by way of a Neurologist who was investigating me for Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy. He ordered some ‘nonroutine’ pathology tests, which uncovered the irregularities in my immune system. From there, I took back the reigns and started treating my troubled immune system, naturally. I made dietary and lifestyle changes, but in order to modulate and


\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

optimise my immune system and overall health, I supplemented with targeted, high strength, practitioner supplements to quickly address deficiencies and re-balance my system, as safely and swiftly as possible. So, among years of discovery and illness, what could possibly be blessing number two? Selfawareness, self-accountability, self-care, and a deep, profound innate connection with oneself, also for me personally, the alignment with my passion and purpose. My pathology is now ‘normal’ and at 43 years old, I am the happiest and healthiest I have ever been. Although recovery may mean using targeted supplementation initially to treat underlying deficiencies and imbalances, the benefit is that these natural supplements have little to no side effects and can easily be removed from a treatment regime, once the client is able to manage with dietary and lifestyle changes alone. It is my belief that this kind of recovery and reset is available to anyone who is willing to believe in themselves and make the necessary changes to control their health. What is needed is an experienced natural practitioner, who specialises in autoimmune issues, whom can help guide you through your unique health journey. As a Nutritional Medicine Practitioner (among other things), I help clients identify and address the root cause of their symptoms and conditions on a daily basis with the most crucial tenant always being adhered to – ‘First Do No Harm’. Mobile: 0427 992 973 or Email: This article is not to be taken as personal health/medical advice and people should consult suitably qualified health practitioners prior to making serious changes and decisions around their health.

IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY Spiritual Events & Directory

SPIRITUAL EVENTS & DIRECTORY (SED) IS A GLOBAL MEDIA COMPANY SPECIALISING IN SHOWCASING CONSCIOUS LEADERS THROUGH VARIOUS MEDIA PLATFORMS. Rebirth engages spiritual leaders and innovators to inspire readers and encourage them to expand their awareness and make inspirational changes in their own lives. Each contributor is encouraged to provide tips and tricks to help readers learn how to follow their heart’s desires; covering everything from heart and mind meditation to Blessing Way ceremonies for mums-to-be, astrology and delicious mouthwatering recipes provided by 4 Ingredients celebrity cook and regular contributor, Kim McCosker.

THE SPIRITUALITY SHOW HOSTS: Karen Chaston Jess Beard Michelle Brewer Christy Johnson Gwenda Smith Psychics on Radio

Leonie Featherstone Victoria Cochrane Rebecca-Lee Donna Drew Kay Hamilton Ben Eden

Kerry Michelle Temple Vicki Haspels Marina Lovasz

Please email or call/txt Sarah 0423 402 715 for all advertising enquiries. SUBSCRIBE TO ONLINE MAGAZINE FREE: BUY PRINT COPY: CONNECT WITH US:








“Are you ready to choose which one of your many past loss events on your list, you’d like to move beyond first?” Even though we are not in the same city, Michelle and I are looking at each other. She turns away from the camera and stares out to her left. I knew before I asked the question, this was going to be a tough choice for her. Thankfully Zoom allows me to see her. To read her. She turns back and answers, “You know I’ve been visiting a therapist for years and the strange thing is that he has never been able to assist me to look at my whole life and to see my sometimes not-so-ideal choices, that have led me to being here with you, that this document has provided. When I first came to you, I thought I was here to move beyond my separation and eventual divorce. Though now, after compiling and then sharing each


ave you noticed that most of us have no idea how to cope with loss? Nothing prepares us for the overwhelming abundance of emotions that can have us on our knees, all alone, suffering in silence. Wondering “How can I get up from here?” With over 40 plus loss events that can affect our lives, it’s quite surprising that there wasn’t a class. This is why we’ve decided to share an excerpt from Demystifying Loss. Karen Chaston’s latest book is a detailed guide that addresses the current lack of Loss Intelligence. The self-help healing book assists you to deep dive into many of the different types of loss events. Be it, a loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss, health, wealth, your pets. Or any of the losses that came to the forefront during the recent pandemic – loss of freedom, choice, identity, change in work conditions, recreational and social activities, all of which can have a massive impact on your health, quality of life and relationships.

loss event with you, it is clear that I need to start with the fact that I never received the love and protection from my mother, that I had wanted. The love that I needed as a child. I now know that it was that missing love; I’ve been searching for. Thank you. Let’s work through that loss event, first. I feel that will then make the other loss events easier to heal from.” This book is designed to assist you to look at loss from a completely different perspective. It will clearly show that for centuries and centuries we have been doing loss the hard way. It will assist you to get out of the ‘what ifs loop’ that we all can get stuck in… What if I’d turned left instead of right, waited that 10 minutes, said Yes instead of No, taken the blue pill instead of the red, or had the guts to ask for that promotion…

To purchase your copy visit: 40

\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Jess Beard – Inner Alchemist

It is my greatest passion to teach people how to use archetypes to understand their sabotaging patterns and to re-language them. When we understand our archetypes we can completely transform our lives and also those around us. It’s incredibly powerful.


Jess Brown – The Energy Muse Intuitive Clairsentient Channel and Tarot Reader An online intuitive tarot reading can help you navigate certain times in your life and make things seem less chaotic. Whether it’s a specific question you’d like clarity on, an event that your feeling unsure of or a difficult decision that you just can’t make on your own, an online intuitive tarot reading will give you accurate answers to any and all of your pressing questions or concerns that you may have. All of my intuitive tarot readings are done online through zoom, in the privacy of your own home.


Victoria Cochrane Psychic Communicator and Spiritual Healer Accurate, Passionate, Life Changing Contact Victoria for accurate psychic readings and healings that will remove past traumas and cleanse negativity from your belief systems and energy fields.

P 0417 581 107 | W E FB /victoriacochranepsychiccommunicator YT /channel/UCUXFZoWohlk5Ywi3om65Afg

David Laws The Famous Flower Man, Psychic, Mentor, Speaker I am a very gifted psychic who has been practising the ancient and incredibly beautiful art of flower reading for over 31 years and today I am one of just 4-5 people in the world who conduct flower readings a full-time profession.

P 0481 598 520 FB /davidlawspsychic


\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Leonie Featherstone Scents of Empowerment Connect with me for your FREE 30-minute ‘Scentsational Exploration’ to engage your senses as your Master Guides. Together we will tailor-make a plan to unleash the power and purity of dõTERRA essential oils and integrate them into every aspect of your mind, body, spirit and household so you can have improved wellness and peace of mind.

P 0411 744 767 | E W FB /ScentsOfEmpowerment

Vicki Haspels Psychic Readings, Reiki Master Healings, Past Life Regression Therapy, Coaching, Esoteric Counselling, Education My mission, as a teacher of Tarot and the psychic arts, is to break down any preconceived ideas and fears around readings that is holding the reader back from realising their own dream of becoming a confident, successful practitioner.

P Vicki 0421 649 841 W

Zahra Jones – Heartcore Living Heartcore Living is the Creation of Master Healer, Medicine Woman and Medical Intuitive, Zahra Jones Zahra has been studying and practising the healing modalities and philosophies of many ancient cultures since 1990. Zahra’s unique approach combines her own psychic abilities with ancient Shamanic healing, Reiki, Theta, and other modalities including sound and crystalline frequencies.


Merendi Leverett Merendi is a vibrant and passionate Spiritual Healer who is an accredited Crystal Healer, Numerologist, certified SoulLife® Recall Regression Therapist, and certified Women and Teens Circle Facilitator.

W www.merendileverettcom FB /MerendiHolisticHealer | P 0408 988 762

CLASSIFIEDS Michelle Lightworker


Founder, Lightworker Practitioner Training

Take my survey and uncover: • Your Sacred Lover Archetype – discover how you love to love, and • Your Vibrational Blueprint – see where you are energetically. I invite you to Awaken Your Spirit Within through my programs: • Unlock Your Love Blocks • Unlock Your Money Blocks • Awaken Your Spirit Gifts • Healing with the Ancestors • High Vibe Body • Cosmic Rebel Studio

Enlightenment Counselling, education, author of 11 books, publishing, producing and hosting film/TV/ radio since 2001. Passionate about being a part of the solution of our global community.

E FB /mlightworker

Kim McCosker Kim is a well-known presenter and much loved for her easy, informative and funny storytelling. Her ability to talk, cook and serve all at the same time is VERY ENTERTAINING! To book Kim for your next function or event as a keynote speaker or MC please contact Melinda:

P 0431 297 923 | E W

Michelle R Price Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with spirit since she can remember. • Angel Card/Intuitive Readings • Mediumship • Past Life Connections • Pranic Energy Healer Michelle has a knack for getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health – and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world.

P 0408 984 219 | FB /michellerprice76 E

W FB /rebeccaleeofficial | IG @rebeccalee_official

Soul Star Skin & Body Vegan Friendly, Organic in Nature, Non-Irritant or Inflammatory Cremes, Pure, Natural, Chemical Free Skincare Divinely pure, high frequency unique products for your skin and body. Nourish and nurture your skin, body, mind and soul with vegan friendly, 100% pure luxury from Mother Nature. Give your skin ultimate care at the best possible price.


Special Events & Directory SED is a Global Media Company specialising in showcasing conscious solopreneurs through various media platforms, for people seeking information or education about spiritual wellbeing.

P 0423 402 715 | FB /spiritualeventsdirectory W

Angelo Thomas Medium The Skin Herbalists Ultimate Multi-Correctional Cleansing Companion CUT THROUGH DIRT LIKE NEVER BEFORE. • Gently melts makeup and dirt • Reduces acne porphyrins • Lightens and brightens the skin • Reduces redness • Strengthens skin barrier

P 07 3462 2367 | FB/IG /theskinherbalists W

Gwenda Smith Spirit Medicine Woman and Mentor If you’re looking for simple practical ways of living a peaceful, free abundant life, then I invite you to call me for a chat to see how I can make that happen for you.


Member of the Australian Spiritual Alliance Angelo Thomas inspires and teaches people from all walks of like to access the Divine in their every day life. Connect with Angelo today to get back on your soul path, reclaim your gifts and remember why you came to Earth in the first place!

E P 0421 796 742 | W

Melanie Wellard Online Readings, Holistic Therapies and Workshops I am an experienced Course Trainer, Intuitive Coach, Psychic Consultant, Mediator, Mindfulness Practitioner, People Maps (personality profiling) Practitioner, Chakra Dance Facilitator and Reiki Master.

W FB melaniewellard55

Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2022 \\


The online TV shows are designed to open minds and expand lives by providing FREE mind, body and soul educational content to audiences all over the globe. View all LIVES here:

SpiritualEventsDirectory/live and get a reminder for your favourite show – all shows are AEDT MONDAY 12 noon-1pm

Beyond Loss Loving Life with Karen Chaston


Archetype and Life Alchemist with Jess


Psychic Readings with Michelle Brewer

TUESDAY 7.15pm-8.15pm Readings with Christy


The H.E.A.L. Show with Gwenda Smith

10pm-midnight AD ON R


Angels ON AIR

Psychics on Radio, Angels on Air

WEDNESDAY 9.30am-10.30am

Scents of Empowerment with Leonie Featherstone – ‘Sharing the Wisdom of Essential Oils’

12 noon-1pm

The Spiritual Wisdom Hour with Victoria Cochrane


Readings with Rebecca-Lee


Connecting to your Inner Wisdom with Donna Drew

THURSDAY 9.30am-10.30am

Awaken your intuitive Gifts Channelled Light Language Transmissions and Readings with Jax Emilio Robinson


Activate Your Courage with Kay Hamilton

FRIDAY 3pm-4pm

Readings and Healings with Missy Rivers


Connecting to Spirit with Ben Eden – The Healing Medium


Sitting with Spirit with Kerry

SATURDAY 8.30pm-9.30pm

The Coffee Oracle Hour with Michelle & Co

SUNDAY 8.30pm-9.30pm

The Hearts Journey Show with Vicki Haspels


Whispering Spirit Weekly Tarot Energy Report with Marina Lovasz


Spiritual Events & Directory

EMAIL: OR CALL/TEXT: 0423 402 715

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Articles inside

How my spiritual and transformational journey began

pages 6-9


pages 42-43

Book Review Karen Chaston – Demystifying Loss

pages 40-41

Bec Erickson

pages 38-39

Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers

pages 34-35

Alissandra Moon

page 30

Spirit Readings – Suizy Lamont

pages 36-37

Kim Tennant

pages 28-29

Barbara Brangan How unique you are and what authentically motivates you?

page 31

Astrology – Sherriden Sloan

pages 32-33

Gwenda Smith Walk your way to happiness

page 27

Marina Lovasz You are an oracle

page 26

Medium Guardian goodbye

pages 24-25

Anna Feldman Empowering women

page 23

Leonie Featherstone

page 22

Michelle Temple

page 20

Amber Clarke

page 19

Dan Turner

page 21

Lunaria Gaia The mental chatter

page 18

Bree Stedman Trauma healing without the trauma

page 17

Kick start 2022

page 10

The Witch Wound:

pages 14-15

Kim McCosker Thai Mango Sticky Rice Pudding

page 11

Victoria Cochrane How empowered are you?

page 5

Jacine Greenwood

page 16

Healing from past lovers

page 4

Joanna Walden Living your best life

pages 12-13
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