2 minute read
Are you a Lightworker?
The term ‘Lightworker’ has been thrown around a lot, with many people claiming to be one.
‘Wayshower’ and ‘Starseed’ are other terms that may be heard in tandem with it. Many more people would not even know what it means! In simple terms, a Lightworker is someone who sends light and unconditional love from their heartspace to the people and world around them, shining their light selflessly to help others, quite often in a professional way but more often than not just by being who they are.
‘Unintentional’ Lightworkers are those genuine, loving people who simply care for others and for the planet. These people often put their own needs last and will work to help, often tirelessly, other people, the church, charity, the community, the environment or friends and family. They are the types of people who are always positive, lifting others up and giving way more than receiving.
So, you can essentially be a Lightworker without ever realising it, just by being yourself! This energy can range from a simple smile, a random act of kindness, the intentional sending of love and healing through meditation or prayer, going out of your way to assist a stranger or inadvertently healing someone while they are in your presence.
‘Intentional’ Lightworkers are those who know and recognise their connection to the light of Source and who regularly and intentionally send their light and love to the planet to help ease the pain and suffering upon her. They understand that, while we all have free will and a right to refuse healing or intervention, love is the only thing in the universe that is real and the only way to raise the Earth out of the denseness of the third dimension.
Many Lightworkers send love and light to waterways, to places on Earth where people are suffering, the Violet Flame into the Human Collective Consciousness, to Mother Earth’s diamond core or to areas on the planet that are losing their habitat or indigenous species. Intentional Lightworkers might do these things and much more in independent or group meditations, but any lightwork can be done with intent for the highest and best of the planet and those to whom love is being sent. No words need to be spoken, which alone shows the power of thought!
One does not need to label themselves a ‘Lightworker’ to be one. However, one does need to have raised their vibrations to a higher consciousness to allow them to be able to see the positives more often than the negatives, to empathise with rather than judge others, to see the events of the world from a higher perspective and to have faith and trust in the Universe or a higher power to support them. A Lightworker believes in the light and in the power of love.
On the surface it may seem like there is a lot more darkness than light in the world, when in fact one only needs to see the vibrancy of the colours in the sunset, the lies and illusions that are now out in the open and the amount of people who are seeking out their own spiritual truths to know that the light is winning. Ascension is speeding up and Lightworkers are leading the way.
So, breathe in light and love, shine your light and share it with the world and join in the Lightworker revolution!
Victoria’s books can be purchased at: www.amazon.com.au/s?k=Victoria+Cochrane&i=s tripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss https://victoriacochrane.com