6 minute read

Your Gift Will Make Room For You (Reprint) By: Jean Toney






With all of the craziness going on the world with the black slayings and Black Death at the hands of the po-

lice it is hard not to be critical our current justice system. However, we must realize God has a plan for each one of us. Even though, it seems as though we are an oppressed people in a foreign land, God sits high and

looks low. He sees all and knows all. He is the truth judge and His justice is always just. We must not get discouraged and grow weary. We must walk in the excellence that He bestowed upon us. Wear your crown and hold your head up high for this battle is not yours it

is the Lord’s.

He has made us unique, beautiful, royal! Embrace your beautiful skin and all of the various shades that come with it! Our genes are dominant for a reason. The Bible says the first (powerful) will be last (subservient). We

may not feel as though He is in navigating our future, but the Bible also states the steps of a God man are ordered by the Lord and I believe this goes for women as

well our steps are ordered and we are walking in our destiny.

importantly pray for our people. We should feel empowered and not depressed. Depression is a disease of the mind that attempts to hold us back from our future. It cripples and attempts to control us until we feel like life isn’t worth living and we take our own lives. How do I know? I suffered with depression for almost ten years. I couldn’t shake it, it was like a straight jacket that I could not escape. I wanted to die, I wanted to live, I wanted attention, I wanted to be left alone. I couldn’t decide and I “knew” people were tired of having me around. However, the people in my life were so concerned that they tried to get me the help I needed. They couldn’t help me so they tried their best to find a professional that could. My brain was corrupted, it was like I had a virus that was taking over my mainframe. I kept trying to reset it but it would not/could not remember a time that it existed without the virus. It became something that I was comfortable with something that was a part of my normal everyday life. I couldn’t exist without being depressed, or so I thought. I really wanted to know why people thought I was weird. I convinced myself that everyone was depressed and that depression was normal. It was part of everyone’s life and “happy people” did not exist. They were fairytales. py people do exist and you can make it! Life is what

pression, low self-esteem, and disgruntled relation-

YOU make it and not what other people lead you to believe. Your brain is not to be trusted when it comes to depression because in fact your brain is the thing that is feeding the virus. I made it through depression and so can you. I help women everyday make it through deships. I am now a Christian Wellness Coach and I have

dedicated my life to helping my sisters be the women God called them to be. You are beautiful, smart, and

important! Walk with me to beautiful pastures and walk out of those dark valleys. You got this hunni. I would love to talk you through this dark time in your

life. Please believe me when I say that we can do this together please visit consulpositivity.com to book your consultation and start your process of transformation! You can get rid of depression without going through

years of depression through my Chain Breaking sessions! Be encouraged and stay blessed!

Love you with the love of Christ,

Samantha R. White, C.P.C. The Christian Wellness Coach Consult Positivity Consultpositivity.com


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