RechargeAsia May 2017

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NEW INSIDE Cultivating the New World of 3D Printing 扫一扫 行业资讯尽在掌握 ISSN 1552-7484

ISSUE 157 | MAY 2017

OFFICE PRODUCTS RESELLERS Email Marketing & Execution

久别四年,重逢泗水 奔图发布首款彩色激光打印机

MOSCOW, RUSSIA May 17-19, 2017

ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN May 30 - June 1, 2017

BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA November 14-16, 2017


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Office Products Resellers, Email Marketing & Execution 办公产品分销商的电邮营销与执行

总第 157 - 2017 年 5 月

借力发展,共赢市场——记北京耗材联盟 市场分析会 Beijing Consumables Alliance: Development with Strength-Borrowing










亚 洲 再 生 业


Message from the Publisher


07 31

157th Issue - May




久别再相逢,第十一届东南亚办公耗材展重归印尼! RechargExpo Indonesia 2017 is Here!

IBM Leverages Artificial Intelligence to Fight Cyberthreats IBM 运用人工智能对抗网络威胁 HP: Printers are the Biggest Security Threat 惠普:打印机是网络安全威胁重灾区


Asian Executives Waking Up to Cyber Threats 网络安全威胁引起亚洲众企业高层重视


收购利盟致短期亏损,无碍艾派克未来高成长 Merging Lexmark Brings Apex Short-Term Loss



鼎龙股份 2017 年一季度净利润同比巨幅增长 Dinglong’s Net Profit Increases Rapidly in Q1, 2017

佳能(中国)B2B 业务战略性跃进 发布多款复合机 新品 Canon China Upgrades B2B Business Strategy

3D 打印 打印 3DPRINTING PRINTING 3D 3D 14 3D Printing Market Sees Unprecedented Competition Will Disrupt the IP Landscape, the 3D Printing 打印市场竞争空前激烈 16 3D Time to Act is Now Jewelry: A Growing 3D Printing Market 15 3D 打印会给知识产权领域带来变数,是时候行

15 16 49

16 49

珠宝:增长中的 3D 打印市场 动了 HP Slows down 3D Printer Buys but Future Looks Good North Korea Bone-Making 3D Printer 惠普阻碍 3DBoasts 打印发展,行业未来仍被看好 朝鲜展示可打印骨骼的 3D 打印机 GE 医疗的新研究:一键式 3D 打印医用模型 GE Healthcare Researching One-Touch 3D Printed Medical Models GE Splashes $1.4 Bln on Metal 3D Printer Maker's Acquisition 3D 生物打印补丁可修复受损的心脏细胞 通用电气出资 14 亿美元收购金属 3D 打印制造商 3D Printed Biological Patches Repair Damaged Heart Cells

3D& 打印行业进入洗牌期:产业未来如何发展 52 MPS MOBILE PRINT 文印管理和移动打印 Industry to Shuffle PrintPrinting Management: The Quiet Innovation 17 3D

54 51

打印管理:在低调中创新 Carbon 获 8100 万美元 C 轮风投 理光发布 SOP$81 智慧应用平台及新一代多功能复合机 Carbon Gets Bln in Round A of Venture 解决方案 Capital Ricoh Launches SOP Flatform

MPS & MOBILE PRINT 文印管理和移动打印 WIDE FORMAT PRINTING 大幅面打印机咨询 Canon Sells First 合力打造自助文印产业链 Océ Presses, Announces New Imaging Tech 18 京瓷携嘉智联 59

佳能开售新款 Océwith 印刷系统,同时发布全新成像 Kyocera Partners OAhub to Build Self技术 Service MPS Industry Chain

企业近况 企业近况

Tel: Tel:86-10-5126-5580 86-10-5126-5580 Fax: Fax:86-10-5885-8747 86-10-5885-8747 Email:

53 数字印刷与胶印刷面临新旧转换大动荡 大幅面打印机资讯 Digital Press Be PRINTING the One? WIDECanFORMAT


Canon Announces Revolutionary NEW PRODUCTS EXPRESSNew新产品发布 20 to Transform Cartridges Wide Format CIG Releases Remanufactured for HP M252 Color 17 Technology

Santos, President of Delsan Office 28 Ody 中恒集团西班牙分公司成立 59 Systems Corp. Establishment of CET Group Spain Branch

专访 Delsan 办公系统公司董事长 Ody Santos. Page

CIG to Host LinkedIn Copier Sales Roadshow for Dealers CIG 将举办领英复印机经销商路演


广州欣彩与肯尼亚企业签约二千万美元投资项 目 Anycolor Signs Project Worth $ 20 Mln with Enterprises in Kenya


三菱化学变更企业英文名 Mitsubishi Chemical Announces Business Name Change

21 22 54

62 55

HP Focuses on Everything-as-a-Service, A3 Market Kyocera Partners with Major ECM 惠普以“一切皆为服务”理念专注 A3Provider 市场 京瓷与知名商业解决方案供应商达成合作关系 富士施乐连续 3 年领跑中国 A3 复合机市场 Fuji Xerox Leads China A3 Copier Market for Three Years 颠覆 550 亿美元市场!惠普推出全线复合机及 Continuously 服务 奔图发布首款自主彩色激光打印机 HP Focuses Market Pantum Shows on FirstCopier Color Laser Printer

三星电子已出售夏普等四家海外公司股份 63 CONVERSATION CORNER SellsCTO Sharp's Shares Zulfikar Ramzan, of RSA conference 22 Samsung

专访 RSA 信息安全大会 CTO Zulfikar Ramzan

请教专家 请教专家

30 24

Remanufacturing the Xerox Phaser 3020 Remanufacturing the Okidata B431 Toner Cartridge WorkCentre 3025 Toner Cartridge OKI B431 硒鼓再生技术 By Mike Josiah By Mike Josiah 施乐 Phaser 3020 及 WorkCentre 3025 系列硒鼓 再生技术

62 68

联想打印脱团自立 专注云打印平台 湖北鼎龙喜获双重荣誉称号 LenovoDinglong Printing Leaves Group, Cloud Hubei Honored withFocuses Doubleon Titles Platform 湖北远东获授“全国守合同重信用企业”荣誉 艾派克全资子公司获国家税收优惠资格 Hubei Yuandong Honored with "Enterprise with Apex Mic Receives of TaxinReduction Excellent CreditBenefit Standing China"


Replacement Chips for Canon CRG-041/CRG-042/CRG-045/ 众诺率先推出适用于东芝 系列可替 CRG-046 Toner Cartridges from505、3008 Megain 代芯片 Zhono Releases First Replacement Chips for OEM 聚焦 OEM UPDATE Toshiba 505 & 3008 Series 19 Epson Thailand Looks at Neighbors for Revenue Growth OEM泰国爱普生扩展周边国家市场寻求增长 UPDATE OEM 聚焦




Roll-to-Roll Printing Printers 佳能新科技引领大幅面转轮印刷革命 GIG 推出惠普 M252 彩色打印机再生硒鼓

50 美佳音推出适用于佳能 CRG-041/CRG-042/CRG-045/CRGNEW046PRODUCTS EXPRESS 新产品发布 系列硒鼓可替代芯片

苏州恒久 2016 年营收增幅超 20% Greengolden’s Revenue Up More than 20% in 2016




细分行业 细分行业

Tel: Tel:626-569-8238 626-569-8238 Email:

China ChinaOffice: Office:


US USOffice: Office:

68 62

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Contributors Mike Josiah Technical Director of UniNet Imaging Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet’s East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Mr. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide. Read his article "Remanufacturing the Okidata B431 Toner Cartridge" p24

Ian Elliott With over 30 years of executive level experience within the printing, imaging and aftermarket industries, Mr. Elliott’s vast portfolio covers sales, distribution, reverse logistics/asset recovery, business development, executive consulting and management services, with a strong focus on manufacturing and logistics. With a 15 year executive tenure within Nu-kote International and now serving as president of Print-Rite North America, Mr. Elliott is well versed in aftermarket manufacturing innovation, patents and intellectual property. Read his article "Office Products Resellers, Email Marketing & Execution" p8



May 2017 NEW INSIDE Cultivating the New World of 3D Printing 扫一扫 行业资讯尽在掌握 ISSN 1552-7484

ISSUE 157 | MAY 2017

OFFICE PRODUCTS RESELLERS Email Marketing & Execution

This tells us that business models need digital significance and savvy to survive and grow. The few weeks I recently spent in China illustrated the digital transformation that has taken place and the subsequent new way of interacting, with the emergence of B to B and B to C. In China, mobile pay has become a norm; people carry less cash because nearly all payments can be processed digitally by using Wechat Pay or Ali Pay.

久别四年,重逢泗水 奔图发布首款彩色激光打印机

MOSCOW, RUSSIA May 17-19, 2017

ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN May 30 - June 1, 2017

I trust many of you, as business owners, are busy searching for new routes of new growth. Because we live in today's internet economy, businesses need accelerated scales to grow. Each "click" is a key parameter for a business' success. This became especially clear while recently riding the subway in Beijing, I felt appalled by my fellow riders’ preoccupation with their mobile devices, either reading news, watching videos, shopping for products, checking emails—the list goes on. The mobile phone has become one of today's most used devices; indeed, in most cases, an inseparable companion.

BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA November 14-16, 2017

And this phenomenon is surely not unique to China. In nearly every corner of the developed world one sees people read by phone, shop by phone, pay by phone, and even perform a plethora of work tasks by phone. The mobile phone has become a wonder device of multi-functions. However, as was recently demonstrated by global ransomware attacks, when all things are connected, so too do we face the safety danger of interdependence. The high profile WannaCry ransomware terror has not only alarmed us, but magnified that cybersecurity should be at the top of every business agenda. As well stated here, "Bricks and mortar have been replaced by code, and in this new assetlight marketplace, data reigns supreme. But once it reaches sinister hands, data becomes a company's biggest threat.” We must all bear this in mind. We hope that the articles assembled this month will provide you with useful information and arm you with knowledge to help you protect your businesses against the growing cyber threats. Happy reading!



How to Analyze People Imagine if you had the magical ability to read people’s minds. You would always know what they were really thinking, and how they formed their opinions. You would be able to tell if they were lying. You would know what decisions they were going to make even before they did. Wouldn’t it be great if you could always know just the right thing to say to influence them effectively? Well, it turns out that this isn’t a magical superpower at all - it is simply the ability to analyze people.



157th Issue - May 2017

Office Products Resellers,

Email Marketing & THE GLOBAL MANUFACTURERS Execution




With over 30 years of executive level experience within the printing, imaging and aftermarket industries, BY IAN ELLIOTT Mr. Elliott’s vast portfolio covers sales, distribution, reverse logistics/asset recovery, business development, With executive over 30 yearsconsulting of executiveand level management experience withinservices, the printing, imaging and aftermarket industries, Mr. Elliott’s vastlogistics. portfolio covers sales, with a strong focus on manufacturing and distribution, reverse logistics/asset recovery, business development, executive consulting and management services, with a strong focus on With a 15and year executive tenure within Nu-kote International and nowand serving as president of Print-Rite manufacturing logistics. With a 15 year executive tenure within Nu-kote International now serving as president of Print-Rite North America, Mr. Elliott is well versed inMr. aftermarket innovation, patents and intellectual property. North America, Elliott is manufacturing well versed in aftermarket manufacturing innovation, patents and intellectual property.


THE MANUFACTURER’S ful there will be three major entities left The company name at the head of There’s already crossover between the standing. Ninestar of course, an Hubei each column is used for illustrative purOEM and aftermarket manufacturing sec- Dinglong / SGT combination and, finally, poses. While we believe the Japanese If you're an Office Products Reseller and wondering why your email campaigns don't provide the kind of results the headlines may lead tors with Ninestar/Apex Technologies ac- a Clover, Print-Rite, Turbon and LMI com- A3 and A4 enterprises could consolidate you to anticipate, then this series of blogs explaining what you need to do to join the elite digital marketers who make as much as $40 of quiring Lexmark, so I think it makes sense bination. However, it’s possible Clover in this manner, we have no way of knowreturns for every dollar they spend, may consolibe just whatmay you need. to summarize the manufacturing decide not to stick around for the ing that either Kyocera Mita or Brother dation as one segment.Who would have endgame, so it could look quite different may be the leaders in such an initiative. In this, I'm going focus onacquire the use ofLexmark automation to and workflows well as the execution component of In email marketing. thought Apex towould my currentasprojection with, ultimately, the interestsAutomation, of simplification, we workflows, execution and, whoand would have thought HP would just one or two Chinese entities left to rep- have grouped all the major aftermarbe acquiring Samsung’s Printer Business? resent the global aftermarket interests. ket manufacturers under the Ninestar So far as my thinking was concerned both As is shown in the table below, a banner,rather than attempt to further of these deals came out of left field. So, handful of global manufacturers with crowd the table with three separate the structure the already fully consolidated in-● Landing combined annual salessetup of nearly $160 entities such as Ninestar, Hubei Dinglong, put the foundation in place because, pages with forms for A recap: what of should be in you're probably a social media progressive profiling dustry as projected may be no more than billion, a CR3 of 83% and HHI of 2,500+, and the not Clover Imaging Group. place before building workflows and expert, you have adown limited social just the ink executing: speculation. educated spells out an industry defined as highly In drilling to evaluate audience, nosegment, current (2016 activity Pages and Calls-to-Action It’s difficult to see Xerox surviving as an● Landing concentrated with potentially monopoandand toner U.S. market size ● Clean, opted-in contact database build of or $25 engage with what socialand as would for maximum conversions independent enterprise in the final stagesoptimized listic power. One country and one to govbillion in retail dollars), audience you do have. of the consolidation. Already we’ve seen ernment agency would most likely not be supplied by these five or six enterprises, ● Lead nurturing strategy - ITTT (If This, ● Consistently branded social media Lexmark and Samsung throw in the towel permit such a consolidation. However, the market would be even more concenIn these circumstances email presence (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter Then That) and a similar outcome may be expected multiple countries and multiple govern- trated albeit with a slightly lower CR3 of marketing will be your best shot. & Google+) for Xerox in the not-too-distant future. How-● ment agencies assessing mergers Itand 72% but with an of over 3,000. has the potential to HHI provide the Publishing/Launch Platform ever, any deal as I’ve speculated with HP acquisitions in light of their own individual I believe the margin dollars on the imag● Detailed Buyer Personas biggest, short-term "bang-for-youras an acquirer would be likely to be closelyB u i lmarkets, adsingle may helping ing supplies one of the key drivers of the buck", youare catch-up with d i n g a fnot oun a t i o nglobal w i t h market, the scrutinized the FTC and the outcome well allow consolidation in thewho industry. ● Contactsby the big-box competition are The strongest required scopetheir for individual successful consolidations email segmented according to already manufacturers actively marketing to your in the mergby no means HP is unable to ac-marketing to takeisplace. will participate not easy. Only the elite persona and assured. lifecycle Ifstage customers and prospects. Social quire Xerox for anti-competitive reasons,email marketers have accomplished ers endgame only if they believe they can media audience development and model and ● n d GLOBAL , c h a n MANUFACTURERS c e s a r e , a s a MERGER n C look o n t eto n Canon t c r e a potentially t i o n / c u stepping r a t i o n in.i t aTHE then protect the existing business engagement cannot ignored ENDGAMEoffice products reseller, strategy and applicable resources Of course, I don’t know the actual fiveindependent the high marginsbe earned off the supplies. forever but it's probably your best or six names that may eventually be head-you probably haven't! bet to get email marketing up and ● library ingContent up the "offer" fully consolidated industry I’ve running first. However, let's hope you're starting to projected but, in short, I believe that’s about the final number of enterprises that will be left standing at the sion of the endgame. Subject to the thinking of the Fair Trade Commission in


157th Issue - May 2017

be prepared for the "If This, Then That" (ITTT) scenarios that are inevitable with email marketing. In the above example, list segmentation according to persona and lifecycle stage means the same email is only sent to 130 contacts. Let's focus on a blast to Persona # 1 in the "awareness" stage. 1. You achieve a 30% open and 20% click rate meaning 70% of the recipients did nothing. What do you plan to do next with those that did nothing? Of course, you need a follow-up email waiting in the wings, to prod those that didn't engage, to do so with a second email.

Automation and Workflows: In the example shown in the table below, there are around 2,000 contacts divided evenly between five buyer personas and the three lifecycle stages. Effective segmentation of the contacts creates 15 different lists.

List Segmentation - Stage 1 Email Campaign Think about what your ideal outcome is after you press the launch button - of course you want 100% open rates, 100% click rates and 100% conversion rates. But, you know that's not going to happen, so you must

2. What about the 30% who opened the email and the 20% who clicked? Again, you need a follow-up email (perhaps promoting a demo) to those that clicked. 3. Finally, what about those that opened but didn't click? Of course, you need a follow-up email for this group as well. So, as you can see, on just one of our 15 lists we had three different actions waiting on the sidelines, depending on the different contact engagements. For all 15 lists having a minimum of three different emails waiting on the sidelines, the strategy requires preparation of 45 different emails, just for the first cycle of the campaign.



157th Issue - May 2017

That's 45 different emails before even we start thinking about A/B testing but more on that another time! An example of a simple "If This Then That" workflow. Finally, think about the movement that's going to take place between the lists. Someone in the "awareness" stage who converts and downloads content must be moved to the second (consideration) stage. Likewise, someone who books a demo, must be moved from the "awareness" to the "decision" stage.

Remember, to successfully place yourself among the elites, you must ensure you're sending the right content, to the right place, at the right time. To accomplish this you will need to send different emails, with different calls-to-action, and with different content offers to each of the personas and lifecycle stages.

List Segmentation - Stage 1 Email Campaign

It should be clear, there are a lot of moving parts and, the ability to manage such a level of complexity without automation, is next to impossible. Setup correctly your email launches will cease to be a once or twice a week event. Instead they'll be triggered through automation based on recipient actions. Emails will be leaving your system 24/7 in dynamic responses to all types of actions taken by visitors. Whether it be the result of conversions through calls-toaction and form submissions, (designed to gather relevant information and building progressive profiles matched to your various buyer personas), or whether it be the result of inaction by the contact. Every action or inaction must have a consequence that triggers the next event in the process.

In this example our reseller has developed five different personas according to the buyer preferences. The resellers objective is to migrate all his contacts toward Persona # 1 because he knows the most profit can be made on aftermarket office supplies and he knows that's where the consumer can save the most money.

This is the science of email marketing and this is what must be accomplished if you want to join the elite and start to earn the $40 returns on every dollar spent.

★ Persona # 2 - Converted to aftermarket but only for a national brand

Different types of content will be necessary to achieve migration from Persona # 5 toward Persona # 1 than will be required to migrate a Persona from # 3 to # 1. ★ Persona # 1 - Already willing to consider aftermarket options

★ Persona # 3 - OEM brands only

Execution: Once you've set the rules for list segmentation, prepared the content offers, mapped them according to personas and lifecycle stages, created the email templates, and set your launch timetables and triggers, not only will you have invested a significant amount of time, you will also have learned getting everything in place wasn't a simple process! However, these steps were all key requirements before successful email marketing can commence and, as you may expect, if you want to perform among the elites, there is no alternative to investing the time to accomplish this. In preparing to conduct email marketing from this foundation with the level of sophistication that becomes possible, an asset has been created that's of significant value for generating leads and future new business. In fact, it's an asset that establishes a competitive advantage for developing a significant office products growth opportunity. Let's go back to our example with 2,000 contacts segmented into five buyer personas, three buyer lifecycle stages, and an equal distribution of contacts between them.


★ Persona # 4 - Opposed to technology & automation - i.e. DCA on network ★ Persona # 5 - Buys online for the cheapest price In addition to the objective to migrate the contacts to the optimal persona via the education process, the resellers objective is also to migrate the contacts through the lifecycle stages toward the decision stage and, of course, to eventually become customers. Again, different types of content, according to where the individual buyers are in the lifecycle, are required to achieve this goal.

List Segmentation - Stage 2 Email Campaign The results shown at Stage 2 of the reseller campaign demonstrate some success in achieving the goals with 42% moved to the decision stage and a total of 51% into the Persona # 1 or # 2 categories. The high standard of preparation and execution required to achieve these results has the potential to contribute significantly toward improving the future for office supplies dealerships deploying advanced email marketing strategies.


157th Issue - May 2017

Execution & Progressive Profiling: There's one more significant element underlying the strategy to achieve world-class results with email marketing. You may be wondering how automation can be utilized to determine the transitions from one persona to another and from one lifecycle stage to another. For sure this cannot be done effectively without strategy, preparation, and technology. Emails must include calls-to-action (CTA) that contain links to landing pages. Contacts click on the CTA because they're interested in the content being offered. The landing page they lead to must contain a form that has to be completed before the content is accessible. The conversion process (form completion and submission) is a transaction - in exchange for the personal information you've requested from the contact, you provide content they've decided it's worth providing the information for. One of the key objectives of the form is to discover as much about the contact as possible. However, the problem is, the longer the form, the less likely it's going to be completed so, you have to be patient and work to accomplish

the goal over a period of time. This is where "smart" fields and "progressive" profiling comes into play. Your most engaged contacts will engage multiple times so, the idea is, that each time they come back for more content, your form is structured to gather a little more information. You don't need the information collected on previous visits so, your "smart" form doesn't even show those fields, instead, it slides in two or three new fields with requests for new information. Each form that's completed then permits you to build a more complete profile of the contact. Intelligent questions, intelligently sequenced, allow a more accurate persona to be developed. It also permits actions to be set that automatically move the contact from one persona to another as well as from one lifecycle to another. Your form may have 40 or more fields but never will more than 3 or 4 be shown at one time. Not only is this information gathering process unobtrusive, it's of indispensable value in terms of accurate persona development

and lifecycle stage determination, thereby ensuring the right content can be delivered in the right place, at the right time, in a workflow that's scaleable, efficient, and effective.

Conclusion Well, any remaining myth that an effective email strategy for office products resellers may be carried out with routine email blasts, randomly firing off special offers, should surely have been dispelled. Any desire to join the elite and earn high returns clearly have to be worked hard for. Technology must be utilized. It should be clear, the strategies and tactics outlined in this article, cannot possibly be deployed without the use of technology. Finally, understanding your buyer personas and creating content carefully targeted to the persona and the three lifecycle stages, is a fundamental requirement. In fact, spending time and resources evaluating technology systems and cleaning up an email contact database is a waste, unless serious thought has been dedicated to the content creation strategy. You can have the best technology systems money can buy and you can have the cleanest email database possible but, without content, it won't be worth a dime.



157th Issue - May 2017

HP Rules India’s HCP Market HP had a 44.1% share of the Indian HCP market in the fourth quarter of last year, overtaking rivals such as Epson, which came in second, and Canon, which was third, with 23.4% and 18.1% share, respectively. Samsung came in fourth, with a market share of 4.6%. Brother came in next, with a share of 2.9%. Overall, shipments for the HCP market for the period declined by 18.4%, largely because of the demonetization plans of the Indian government. In the inkjet segment, the market decline was 24.6% compared with the third quarter of the year, with Epson gaining the upper hand with a 26.9% market share. This was both an annual and a quarterly increase, contrasting with other vendors, which all witnessed declines in their market share. In laser printers, HP ruled supreme with a 55.7% share of the market, and Canon and Samsung on its heels. The overall laser printer market saw a decline of 11.6% from the third quarter in October-December 2016. In copiers, Canon came on top, with a market share of 27.4%, followed by Konica Minolta with 23%. Ricoh and Kyocera came in third and fourth, respectively.

IBM Leverages Artificial Intelligence to Fight Cyberthreats IBM is upping the ante in the war with cybercriminals, creating an AI program, dubbed Watson, to tackle cybersecurity issues. The advantages are major: Watson can learn continuously, store immense amounts of data and compile numerous security data elements that are then used when a threat is encountered and has to be tackled quickly and efficiently.

As Van Zadelhof pointed out, a company could experience as many as 200,000 security events in just one day. Some security analysts have to deal with 40 threats in a single day – a real challenge for any human, especially one tasked with providing quick results, which is what any business would want when faced with a cyberattack.

In a speech delivered at the IBM’s InterConnect 2017, the general manager of IBM Security, Marc van Zadelhoff, demonstrated Watson’s capabilities, with the help of two more senior IBM officials, CTO Sandy Bird and master inventor Mike Spisak.

Human-machine cooperation is vital for the future world of cybersecurity, IBM’s message seems to be. The capabilities of AI, such as constant learning and no memory fails, as well as the capacity to store enormous amounts of data and, more importantly, make sense of these, will be an essential tool helping security analysts improve their rate of success, effectively diminishing the dangers posed by cybercriminals.

The two showed the audience how Watson, built on the IBM cloud, tackles a cyber threat, constantly communicating through Mike with IBM’s project Hayvn, an application for research and report-generation. Watson’s massive knowledge allowed Bird and Spisak to detect a fictional cybercriminal attack. Then, Watson sent its finding to a security operations center, or SOC, where these were communicated with clients from three countries, Russia, the UK and the US, who discussed the future of cybersecurity and the role of artificial intelligence in it.


Watson is the core of IBM’s SOC platform seeking to aid human talent and expertise in dealing with cyber threats. According to the company, Watson can understand, reason, and learn information that it then uses to analyze structured and unstructured data, detecting threats that a human analyst would be very hard pressed to identify on their own.

157th Issue - May 2017


HP: Printers are the Biggest Security Threat There has been growing awareness of the cybersecurity risks associated with the modern way of working. Smart devices, PCs and clouds are being made focal point of cybersecurity efforts but, according to HP, printers are being neglected as cyberthreat targets and that can cost a business a lot. The president of HP’s division for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Nick Lazaridis told Silicon that there are printers everywhere and today they have IPs. But, he says, “anything with an IP address can be hacked.” What’s more, almost half of IT managers are aware that printers can be hacked and, even worse, just 2% of printers are being secured against a cyberattack. This means that printers are much more exposed to such attacks than, say, laptops, many of which have security systems built in nowadays. That’s what led HP to develop its new line of A3 multifunctionals with built-in hacking protection that ensures that only authorized users have access to the machine and only legitimate data is input in them. As a whole, HP executives believe, there is a lot of talk about cybersecurity in printing but not enough action and this needs to change to minimize the danger. Not many people think about printers as computers but that’s what they are in the digital era.

Asian Executives Waking Up to Cyber Threats As much as two-thirds of senior executives in Asian companies are taking cybersecurity risks very seriously rather than just viewing it as solely an IT problem, this year’s edition of Telstra’s Cyber Security Report has found. Cybersecurity has been gaining prominence in Asia, with more than half of businesses there experiencing at least one breach per month.

These trends are being driven by people’s changing work and interaction habits and businesses are adapting to these changes, inadvertently increasing their exposure to cyberattacks. For example, as much as 93% of Asian companies are using cloud services but are not doing enough to minimize the dangers inherent in these solutions.

India is most at risk, the research found, with 14.8% of incidents on a weekly basis happening there, followed by Hong Kong, with 14.7% of the weekly cyber incidents in the region. Things are changing for the better, however, Telstra found. The number of C-level executives working to improve the cybersecurity of their companies has almost doubled from 35% back in 2013.

In this area, corporate data theft is seen as the major risk by a majority of respondents in the survey: 60% believe it is a large threat. At the same time, much fewer than these, or 43.1%, believe they have the resources and capabilities to handle such threats, which highlights the discrepancy between risks and preparedness to deal with them in the region.

Also, the great majority of Asian firms have this year allocated more money for combatting cybersecurity: 94.7%, which reflects the unprecedented level of threat they are exposed to, says Telstra’s Security Solutions director, Neil Campbell. Campbell adds that the new challenges are caused by the growing use of mobile devices for business and work purposes as well as the increased reliance on cloud solutions.

According to Campbell, cyber threats inherent in the cloud are just another business risk but qualitatively differ from traditional ones and as such should be handled with a new mindset. He notes that these kinds of risks should prompt a higher degree of responsibility from the C-suite of companies.




High Costs, Limited Material Choice Are the Biggest Challenges in 3D Printing

High costs for everything from equipment to materials and the lack of a wide enough choice of materials are among the biggest challenges for the 3D printing industry, according to Kent Firestone, chief operating officer of Stratasys Direct manufacturing, who was interviewed by Machine Design. Cost reduction is a top priority for the industry, so its adoption can expand further, while the technology itself is being made faster and more reliable, capable of producing greater numbers of items over shorter periods of time. Standards are also a problem, or rather their lack, said Firestone. 3D printer makers would need to standardize their equipment if only to provide engineers with a set of parameters to base their future designs on, strengthening the manufacturing process. For the moment, there are standards for the terminology used in the industry and the next step is to set up standards for production parts, Firestone said. Asked by Machine Design where 3D printing will be in 10 year, Firestone said that the technology will be an essential part of the manufacturing process, with more and better materials to choose from, higher print runs, and more production part 3D printing.


Boeing Looks to Save with 3D Printing

Boeing has struck a deal with Norsk Titanium to 3D print structural titanium parts for the new edition of the Dreamliner. The deal will result in savings to the tune of $2-3 million per aircraft. A Dreamliner costs $265 million, of which titanium parts alone cost $17 million. The deal, on the one hand, highlights Boeing’s efforts to make the 787 more profitable. On the other, it speaks clearly


157th Issue - May 2017

of the aerospace industry’s growing reliance on 3D printing as the technology advances at a breakneck pace, allowing aircraft makers to benefit from lower-cost, same-quality – or even higher – as traditionally manufactured component parts.


3D Printing Market Sees Unprecedented Competition

An influx of newcomers into the 3D printing playfield has created an unprecedented competition environment in the industry, according to the latest Wohlers report. Last year, the report found, there were 97 companies that made and sold 3D printers, compared with 62 in 2015 and 49 in 2014. This has naturally put pressure on the established leaders of the pack, leading to an overall decline in the market’s growth rate to 17.4% last year, from 25.9% in 2015. The decline was mainly a result of lower sales for these same leaders, including Stratasys and 3D Systems. These two accounted for $1.31 billion of the total sales, or 21.7%, and if they were excluded, the 3D printing market would have grown by 24.7% in 2016. Apparently, the report found, the string demand for 3D printers and services from industrial clients as well as clients from the software and healthcare industries, were not enough to compensate for the decline in professional printer sales and on-demand printing services. Half of the 3D printer makers who comprised the market last year only produced plastic filament machines, with almost 50% offering metal printing. Of these, 19.8% provided metal 3D printing products and services and 29.2% provided both metal and plastic 3D printing machines and services.


157th Issue - May 2017


HP Slows down 3D Printer Buys but Future Looks Good

HP’s entry into the 3D printing industry with its multi jet fusion printer disrupted the industry, according to analysts, who believe that this move had discouraged buyers as they watch how the tech will evolve from now on. This has dampened the investment attractiveness of the stock of Stratasys and 3D Systems, but at the same time the 3Dprinting industry continues to be a strong buy, it seems. 3D printing services is one segment, which is thriving: a lot of people apparently prefer to have their item printed by a service provider rather than investing in their own 3D printer. 3D printing software is another segment with good growth potential. A growing number of businesses are turning to 3D printing for prototyping and modeling, so more designers will be using 3D modeling software. Lastly, metal 3D printing is all the rage: the aerospace and carmaking industries are eager to get their hands on technology that will allow them to 3D print reliable, strong component parts and other elements for their products, lowering their costs while maintaining good quality. Naturally, all this means that 3D printing materials will also continue to expand, possibly at a very fast rate as users of the technology need more and more different ones. After all, 3D printing emerged as an alternative to traditional manufacturing and traditional manufacturing utilizes tens of thousands of materials.


Caterpillar Uses 3D Printing Wisely

Heavy machinery maker Caterpillar is among the big companies incorporating 3D printing into their workflows. The approach that Cat is following is, as expressed by its Additive Manufacturing product manager Stacey DelVecchio, “think big, start small, and act fast.� Caterpillar has had 3D printers around since the early 1990s, in its rapid prototyping lab. More recently, as desktop 3D printers emerged, Cat bought desktops for its engineers, to help them with the first design iterations of products. The company also started expanding the applications of 3D printing in its business beyond rapid prototyping and early iterations. To do this, the company invested in six industrial 3D printers and installed them at several of its facilities in the US, encouraging engineers to experiment however they like with them. Then Caterpillar spread the word, organizing an Additive Manufacturing summit and a 3D design competition, encouraging engineers to come up with ideas about end products. Now, the company has a full-fledged AM factory where engineers not only experiment but work on end products. The factory is already producing one such product: a geometrically unique fuel swirler.


Jewelry: A Growing 3D Printing Market

3D printed jewelry has been around for a while but seems to be largely remaining under the radar. Not for much longer, it seems, as the 3D printing market in the jewelry industry is projected to expand to $900 million in the next nine years. This includes not just 3D printed jewelry itself. It also includes 3D printed hardware and software used in the industry, as well as 3D printing services.




European Defense Agency Studies Benefits of 3D Printing

The European Defense Agency has commissioned a study assessing the benefits inherent in 3D printing for the army, such as sustainability during missions, field repair and maintenance, and simpler logistics. Of course, lower costs of equipment and activities are also a major benefit to be considered. The study will be conducted by missile manufacturer MBDA and Prodintec, a Spanish innovation and technology organization. The two will collect information through questionnaires and interviews with relevant people and organizations, also consulting with the European Commission, the European Platform for Additive Manufacturing, and the European Space Agency.


FormFutura Releases Stone-Filled 3D Printing Material

FormFutura, the Dutch company that produces and markets metal-filled and thermoplastic filaments, has come out with a new product: StoneFil, a PLA-based, stone-filled filament. The material contains 50% powdered stone and comes in four versions: terracotta, granite, pottery clay, and concrete. The filament is up to 37% denser than PLA-only filaments thanks to its stone content and sports a matte finish consistent with the characteristics of its stone filling. The drawback is that the material is abrasive to 3D printer nozzles, so FormFutura has compiled guidelines for users when they try out the new filament.


157th Issue - May 2017


Research Identifies Improvement Points for 3D Printers

A joint research project from three academic institutions, including MIT, has identified several points that bear improvement in order to accelerate the 3D printing process. Chief among these is the speed at which polymer filaments melt in FDM machines, determined by the temperature in the nozzle that extrudes it. The nozzle is part of a mechanism that also features a pinch-wheel element and this pinchwheel is limited in the force it can use because of temperature limitations: if it’s not hot enough it won’t be able to feed the material into the nozzle. According to the lead author of the study, this insight could help other researchers develop better mechanisms allowing for pre-heating of the filament as well as 3D printing with multiple nozzles.


Siemens, Materialise Team Up on CAD Software

Siemens will start adding 3D technology supplied by Materialise to its popular NX suite of CAD software. The aim is to make the path between initial design and end-product development smoother and easier. To that end, Siemens will add programs related to powder bed fusion and material jetting. According to company insiders, this addition will shorten the process from initial design to final product by almost a third.


157th Issue - May 2017

Print Management: The Quiet Innovation Information technology advancement is all the rage, which makes perfect sense in a world increasingly reliant on digital. Yet attention goes predominantly to things like cloud computing, Software-as-a-service, other things as a service, and the Internet of Things, while another important aspect of the overall innovation drive tends to get neglected. This is print management: the innovation that is helping enterprises cut their costs, boost the efficiency of their operations and even improve their cybersecurity levels. In fact, managed print services are becoming so popular that there is veritable demand for more innovation in this department, to facilitate the work of all departments in a company, not just the users of the services.

For example, IT departments could free up more of their time to work on other issues if a service provider supplies a solution allowing employees to use the company printers from a remote location, without the need for the IT department to take part in this process. In addition to workflow efficiency, there is the bigger issue of cybersecurity. Again, printers are being neglected when it comes to security, despite the fact that they can be particularly vulnerable to attacks. With the evolution of the Internet of Things, this vulnerability will only increase as more and more devices get connected, so things like a reliable authentication process will become vital and managed print service providers are already developing them as part of their offering.

CIG Releases Remanufactured Cartridges for HP M252 Color Printers Chicago, Ill. – Clover Imaging Group (CIG) is excited to announce the release of 201A remanufactured color cartridges for the M252 line of HP JetIntelligence printers. The release of the 201A toner cartridges creates a new benchmark for the industry for innovation and engineering prowess. CIG transformed its patented and proprietary technology to successfully remanufacture color cartridges for the challenging, new HP color cartridge families. “As was the case with the 26A, the seal technology was a critical barrier since the seal winds internally with no user intervention,” said Luke Goldberg, EVP Global Sales and Marketing of CIG. “The same technology exists in the color M252 printers, and our patent pending secure seal technology, that we first introduced with the 26A, proved to be scalable to these models as well, which creates a seamless user experience for the customer.” CIG features the innovative technology behind the build of remanufactured color cartridges for M252 printers in a newly released video. Instead of looking to compatible cartridges as a solution, as competitors in the imaging industry have done, CIG engineers got to work, developing a new line of remanufactured color cartridges that provide an OEM-

like user experience and print performance. CIG’s patented reman processes and technology advancements in research and development helped their engineers address the challenges of the new JetIntelligence designs and allowed CIG to build the only true OEM alternative. “We view this release as another testament to CIG’s ability to offer OEM alternative quality and to overcome barriers erected by OEMs,” said Eric Tuvesson, VP of Color R&D of CIG. “We also view this as substantiation that the best way to provide a high quality aftermarket replacement cartridge is to start with the highest quality product available, namely the spent OEM core and remanufacture it to exacting standards. We believe this path provides the safest possible option for our customer from both an IP and quality perspective.”



157th Issue - May 2017

Canon Sells First Océ Presses, Announces New Imaging Tech At its latest Anniversary event in the US, Canon announced the first sales of its new Canon Océ ProStream inkjet presses – six in total – and expectations to sell another 19 by the end of the year. For next year, Canon has ambitions to market as many as 100 Océ ProStream presses, targeting businesses that want to expand into new markets. Separately, the company unveiled a brand new wide-format imaging technology. The technology is embedded in the Colorado 1640 roll-fed printer that uses UV gel technology and is capable of printing at speeds of up to 1,710 sq ft per hour at high quality. According to Canon, in addition to the printing speed, image quality and the compact size of the 64-inch printer, the Colorado 1640 sports up to 40% lower costs than comparable machines.

Kodak Announces Randy Vandagriff as New President of Enterprise Inkjet Systems Division Eastman Kodak Company has announced Randy Vandagriff, who has played an integral role in the development of ULTRASTREAM and Kodak’s digital print business since 2004, will become president of the Enterprise Inkjet Systems Division, effective May 1, 2017. Commenting on his new role Vandagriff says, “It’s an incredibly exciting time to continue driving Kodak’s inkjet business forward, as ULTRASTREAM Technology will move production inkjet into the mainstream of commercial printing, packaging, labels, and home décor. I look forward to working closely with our PROSPER press and head customers going forward, as well as OEMs in the coming months and years to bring ULTRASTREAM technology to market.”

Vandagriff will replace Philip Cullimore, who is leaving Kodak to take a career sabbatical. “It’s a pleasure to welcome Randy to this new role. As a tenured 35-year innovator in inkjet, Randy will help us accelerate market penetration of ULTRASTREAM technologies into new high growth markets with our OEMs,” says Jeff Clarke, Kodak chief executive officer. “Philip has had a strong track record of improving each of the businesses he has managed at Kodak. We have seen this again in bringing our fast-growing inkjet business to profit while continuing growth in our best-in-class packaging business. This is an opportunity for him to pursue his goal of running a business

headquartered near his European base.” With Cullimore’s departure, Kodak also announced a revision to its r e p o r t in g s t r u c t u r e . T h e M ic ro 3D Printing projects within the Micro 3D Printing and Packaging division (MPPD) will be moved into a new division named Advanced Materials and 3D Printing Technology (AM3D), which also includes the operations of the current Intellectual Property Solutions Division. The new AM3D division is being led by Terry Taber, chief technical officer, as president. The fast- growing Flexographic Packaging business, formerly part of MPPD, will now be reported as a dedicated division. The Flexographic Packaging Division will be led by Chris Payne, as president.

Epson Launches Four Low-Cost InkTank Printers in India Epson has released a four-printer lineup for the Indian market, all from its InkTank line. The printers have prices tags of between 10,999 to 16,999 rupees, with capacity for 7,500 color pages and 4,500 in monochrome at a cost per page of 7 paise for monochrome and 18 paise for color. Printing speeds are also respectable, at 10 ipm for monochrome and 5 ipm for color. One of the printers, the L361 sports printing speeds of 9.2 ipm for monochrome and 4.5


ipm for color. Two of the printers, the L385 and the L485 feature wireless connectivity as well, with the L485 offering Wi-Fi Direct with the capacity to connect to four devices without needing a router. All models come with a warranty of one year or 30,000 prints.


157th Issue - May 2017

Epson Thailand Looks at Neighbors for Revenue Growth Epson Thailand has bet on expansion in the markets of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar for a revenue growth target of 15%. As part of its Asian expansion, Epson has also entered the market in Pakistan.

month, the so-called CLMV markets contributed significantly for the company’s overseas revenue growth: revenue from Myanmar rose by 30%, and revenue from Vietnam and Laos rose by 20% each.

For fiscal 2016/17, which is ending this

Besides regional expansion, Epson

Thailand is also counting on its core business to push revenues up. In this area, the company will focus on its L series printers and on projectors, aiming to keep its market share lead of 55% in printers and increase its market share for projectors to 44%.

Epson's WorkForce Enterprise Lineup Offers Energy Efficiency, Ink Economy Epson is later this year launching two new multifunctionals from the WorkForce Enterprise lineup: the WFC20590 and the WF-C17590. Both printers offer some real perks in energy efficiency and ink economy as well as pretty good print speeds. The WF-C20590 and the WF-C17590

both feature Epson’s proprietary micropiezo printhead, which can last for more than a million pages and which enables print speeds of up to 100 ppm. Energy consumption is as much as 96% lower than in equivalent laser printers, with the printer that features the 100 ppm printer speeds consuming 75% less

energy than a 50 ppm laser printer. Ink cartridge last for 50,000 pages, which is certainly impressive, with the piezo printhead ensuring a more consistent color quality than that found in comparable printers, with maximum resolution reaching 600x2400 dpi.

Konica Minolta Unveils New Integrated Global Client Services Organization Rick Taylor, president and CEO, Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA, Inc. (Konica Minolta), announced the formation of a new integrated Global Client Services organization that consolidates all aspects of services and support into one entity.

this year with its cognitive hub-based architecture and provides additional resources to support the rapidly growing Workplace of the Future™ portfolio. This new organization includes: The delivery of exceptional customer support through the call center, help desk and field service operations. In addition, centralized help desk and service requests for managed IT services will be handled by the expanded client services team.

Quality System Support ESS (QSS) and technical training. ● A Global Client Services and Solutions Division to align professional services for managed IT, cloud and All Covered services.

The newly formed organization will align support across all channels to meet customers’ demand for the company’s existing portfolio of products and solutions. With its rapidly growing managed services business, it plans to deliver a seamless, world-class experience in every aspect of support. Furthermore, it sets the stage for the introduction of the Workplace Hub later

The Solutions and Support division which will provide technical support for both the dealer and direct service teams, Escalation Systems Support (ESS), ●

“These changes reflect the rapid growth in our services business along with the increasing number of customers who are acquiring a mix of products and services,” said Taylor. “This new organization will position us to deliver excellence during the implementation phase and customer support processes and gives way to our credo: IT on your terms.”




157th Issue - May 2017

157th Issue - May 2017


HP Focuses on Everything-as-a-Service, A3 Market HP Inc. is increasingly moving into the direction of offering everything as a service, including devices and services, and at the same time working on a major offensive in the A3 printer market that should see its share of it rise from 4% at the moment to 10%. The A3 market is worth $55 billion, so wanting a larger share of it makes perfect sense. As part of this offensive, HP has developed a lineup of A3 printers, which, according to some experts, are a tough competition for the current market leaders, featuring lower costs at the same quality. In addition, the lineup sports an inbuilt hacking protection system, signaling the growing attention cybersecurity in printing is getting. The Sure Start system basically stores a gold master copy of the OS the printer is using, so if the printer is attacked, it can detect the attack, reboot, and protect itself. Security is a top priority for HP, according to its CEO, with the company studying the megatrends for the next few decades in order to devise its security strategy, and it has been doing this for years. The company has allocated resources and talent to secure its printers and other devices “below the operating system.” HP has been preparing for the launch for a long time and will be using a network of 250,000 channel partners, with the marketing campaign focusing on the cost savings and top performance that the HP printers can offer, when compared with same-class printers from other manufacturers. In everything as a service HP has been making inroads for a decade now, according to CEO Dion Weisler. Weisler said in an interview with CRN that HP is leveraging the years of experience it has servicing clients to offer them devices as a service, including 3D printing as a service.

The direction seems to be the right one: Weisler also said that the everything-as-a-service pipeline is the one that is growing at the fastest rate within the company: printing, PCs, and workstations. The company’s partners are welcoming this shift, according to the CEO, with the approach allowing them to expand their offering to their customers too, from, managed print services to PCs, for example. Weisler says HP is uniquely positioned to benefit from its years in managed print services that made it a market leader and extend these benefits into other business segments, such as PC. MPS are much more cost-efficient than alternatives and cybersecurity issues can be addressed more effectively by professionals, which is why more and more businesses opt for MPS. In addition, they can free up other IT resources and use them for something else, saving additional costs, the CEO explains. HP is also enabling its partners with the tools they need to start offering their own products and services on a as-a-service basis. This particular initiative is still in the nascent stages but it holds substantial promise. On the topic of 3D printing, Weisler said that the industry is still young and will take years to mature but it is certainly something you should invest in if you’re investing in the future. The company’s belief is that 3Dprinting will disrupt the printing industry radically in the coming decade, with the market growing at 30% as of 2021. HP’s estimates are that plastics will account for some $10 billion of this market and it is targeting this segment of the market to boost revenues in the coming years. Growth-wise, Weisler said that HP is looking for suitable acquisitions in the coming years in order to achieve its shareholder return targets.

Morgan Stanley Raises HP Inc. Price Target Morgan Stanley has revised up its price target for the shares of HP Inc. with an “Overweight” stance on the company’s stock. The investment bank notes that after the split from Hewlett Packard Enterprises, it managed to reduce costs by over $1 billion and has focused its efforts on innovative products across its business segments. Thanks to these changes and the release of products including the Sprocket mobile photo printer line and gaming and VR PCs, Morgan Stanley has upped its price target on the stock to $22 from $19, expecting HP Inc. to continue to improve its financial performance.


Conversation Corner.

Zulfikar Ramzan by Sunny Sun

Editor’s note: Mr. Zulfikar Ramzan, CTO, RSA conference, described information-rich cyberspace by using the “ripple effect” during his keynote speech, “Planning for Chaos”, at RSA 2017. He said it is in the very nature of our existence that we live in a disruptive and chaotic world, be it nature-made or man-made. The disruptions, while presenting both challenges and opportunities, cause ripples. Through the ripples we generate connections. In an increasingly networked cyberspace, we depend on each other more than ever to defend and plan for unexpected chaos. I greatly appreciate that Mr. Ramzan has shared not only his industry insights with our readers, but his generous spirit to unification. I hope to create a dialogue via the CyberAsia 360 media platform, to build a bridge and make connections between West and East. Below is the conversation with Mr. Zulfikar Ramzan

You are a first generation immigrant from Tanzania, received your BA with a double major from Cornell University, earned a Ph.D from MIT, published 59 books, and acquired 47 patents. Please tell us your story growing up—how did an immigrant child accomplish so much in the US, and why did you choose to focus on cyber security? I had the opportunity to grow up in the midst of the “PC” revolution and when I was in elementary school, I asked my parents to buy me a Commodore Vic 20 computer. At the time, the Commodore 64 had just come out and the prices for the Vic 20 were very low. We purchased the basic CPU, with no other peripherals, and hooked it up to the back of an old black and white television. Because we hadn’t purchased any accessories, the only thing I could do was to learn how to program it myself by actually reading the manual. This ignited a lifelong interest in computers and programming at a time when it was much easier to understand how computers worked at a fundamental level. Over time, my interest continued to grow. Years later, my high school was given a few Internet connected terminals and a group of us spent time exploring these systems and finding weaknesses along the way. Around this time, I also read a remarkable book called “The Cuckoo’s Egg” by Cliff Stoll, a true account of tracking down a hacker who compromised the systems at a national research lab. From that point onward, I was basically hooked!


You have been in the cybersecurity industry for most of your career. What you have witnessed that poses the most significant cyber threat, and the potential breaches that continue to plague businesses and executives? What makes cybersecurity so fascinating is that the only constant is change. Threat actors constantly morph their approaches and force our industry to keep innovating. As a company, RSA has continued to bring new technologies to market to address these trends. Our historical roots were in cryptography, but we recognized that cybersecurity is highly multifaceted. Consequently, we moved into the space of authentication and identity management with our SecurID technology. We have more recently evolved this technology to a more comprehensive suite offerings that provide secure access to both cloud and on-premises applications, robust multifactor authentication capabilities, and risk-based analytics for identity assurance. In addition, RSA offers the Netwitness Suite for comprehensive security monitoring, the Archer Suite for GRC, and finally our Fraud and Risk Intelligence suite. As we look to the future, we have to continue to evolve and incorporate the latest innovations into our offerings.

Certain fundamentals, however, continue to hold constant. For example, identity continues to be the most consequential attack vector since every attack, at some point, involved co-opting the access afforded to a legitimate user. Visibility continues to be foundational to security since you cannot even begin to protect what you cannot see. Finally, companies need to take a risk-based view so they can allocate the resources they have in the most optimal way possible. RSA’s themes for many years were focused on how information was generated, distributed, and protected. The 2017 RSA was themed “Power of OpportUNITY”, emphasizing UNITY and business driven security. What does this entail? What will be the theme for 2018? The RSA Conference, which we have had the honor of hosting given our role as a pioneer of the information security industry, provides an opportunity to bring the industry together. To me this is the essence of unity – a group of people collectively working towards common objectives. Today’s organizations are struggling on the weight of a rapidly expanding attack surface, a sharp rise in threats, and a steady increase in the sophistication of attackers. The only way to move forward is to take a business driven view of security. Trying to deal with each threat you see separately will ultimately fail. Instead, organizations must use business context to understand which threats matter most and prioritize accordingly. In this way, they can align their security program with the ultimate objectives of their business. As a company, RSA provides products and services geared towards the aim of helping our customers implement a business-driven security strategy.

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cyberspace Administration of China recently published “International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace”. What is your viewpoint on this? Cyberspace isn’t constrained by the tangible boundaries of the physical world. Motivated threat actors are simply one network connection away and not limited by geographic distance. Given these circumstances, cooperation among different entities becomes all the more important. Of course, achieving these ideals is far easier said than done. It is important to define roles and responsibilities carefully to foster the development of mutual trust.

How do you perceive collaboration on cyber defense among the different countries? And what role does the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center Of Excellence (“CCD COE”) play? In general, we can gain tremendously from effective collaboration. It’s clear that from an attacker’s perspective, a single dollar of offense beats a dollar of defense every time. Cybersecurity measures can quickly become a war of attrition. To address this concern, it’s important to work together and share insights in a way that mutually benefits

all the involved parties. Again, it’s critical to engender trust, which requires that roles and responsibilities be carefully defined.

How do you perceive the direction of machine learning and automation? What would be its potential impact on changes to the societal structure? These technologies hold tremendous promise. In the security context, RSA has been using machine learning techniques for over a decade in the context of identifying threats and other types of malicious activity. We have successfully used machine learning techniques in production customer environments to find sophisticated threats, including those developed by nation states. However, it’s important to recognize that machine learning is a tool, not a panacea. Like any tool, it must be used correctly and appropriately. When it comes to machine learning, I see many organizations conflate the means with the ultimate objective. As an organization, RSA’s goal is help our customers take command of their evolving security posture. Machine Learning represents one approach for helping us achieve this objective.

The March issue of “The Economist” discussed the “Quantum Leaps” of the number of patent applications filed on quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum sensors. Both China and United States are ranked at the top, with China’s 156 patent applications and the United States’ 151. What is your view on the cyber security technology in China? Will RSA plan on collaborating with China’s cyberspace industry in the near future? If yes, how so? Quantum computation is a highly fascinating field of study. There is still a wide chasm between the potential impacts of quantum computers and what they can actually achieve in practice today. From an engineering perspectives, there are still massive challenges to developing scalable quantum computers. No one is even close today. However, the rate of human progress can be breathtaking. Perhaps we are just a handful of “quantum leaps” away from realizing the full potential of quantum computers and having to deal with their corresponding ramifications from a security perspective.

Lastly, what is your advice for companies, large and small, on the proper security strategy and preparation needed for 2017 and beyond? Simply put, take a business driven view of security. No organization has unlimited resources. It is critical to approach security intelligently and with the purpose of furthering broader objectives, whether it be a business objective of today’s modern enterprise or a mission objective of a government agency. Don’t simply pile on different security technologies and vendors. Understand how these technologies can work in concert and how they can leverage business context to protect what matters most.



157th Issue - May 2017

Remanufacturing the Okidata B431 Toner Cartridge By Mike Josiah and the Technical Staff at Uninet

Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet’s East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Mr. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide.

First released in January 2014, the B431 series of monochrome laser printers are based on a 35-40ppm black (depending on the model), 1200 Dpi engine. (2400 x 1200 DPI with enhancement). The first page out is stated at under 5 seconds. Standard installed memory is 64MB expandable to 320MB. The toner cartridge is a separate item that locks into the drum unit in typical Oki fashion. The drum units are somewhat complicated. Take your time and note where the parts fit, especially the gear train.

44574701(STD Toner) 4,000 pages $103.99 List* 44574901(HY Toner) 10,000 pages $199.99 List* (B431 Series only) 44574301(Drum) 30,000 pages $219.99 List*

3) Vacuum all remaining toner out. See Figure 3

* Pricing current as of March 2017. With the new machines shipping with 2000 page cartridges, there is quite a demand for remanufactured cartridges!

5) Turn the blue handle to close the port. See Figure 5

Required Tools 1) Toner approved vacuum. 2) A small jewelers type screwdriver (flat head) 3) A phillips head screwdriver 4) Needle Nose Pliers

4) Fill with new toner for use in the Okidata B431 series cartridges. (Check for std. or HY) See Figure 4

6) If the toner is to be remanufactured with the drum unit there is no need to seal it. If it is separate then a good sealing tape should be placed over the closed port. See Figure 6 7) Carefully pry the chip cover off the toner cartridge and replace the chip. See Figures 7 & 7A

The printers currently based on the B431 engine are the:

Supplies Required

Drum Cartridge Instructions

Okidata B401 Okidata B410 Okidata B411d Okidata B411dn Okidata B412 Okidata B431d Okidata B431dn Okidata B432 Okidata B512

Toner for use in the Okidata B431 series cartridges. (Check for std. or HY) New replacement Toner chip (Check std. or HY) New Replacement drum fuse New Long Life Drum New Wiper Blade Lint free Cloths Conductive grease

8) Remove the three screws from inside the toner hopper. See Figure 8

Okidata MB461 MFP Okidata MB471 MFP Okidata MB471w MFP Okidata MB491 MFP Okidata MB491+ MFP

Toner cartridge instructions

1) Press in on the tab under the blue handle. See Figure 1

11) Remove the foam gasket from around the toner hopper cavity and put in a safe place. This gasket is easily damaged or lost in the cleaning process. See Figure 12

The cartridges used in these machines are:

2) Turn the blue handle to open up toner port. See Figure 2

12) Clean out all remaining toner from the cartridge.


9) Carefully pry up the two back clips and the two front edge tabs. See Figures 9 & 10 10) Remove the toner hopper. Clean and place aside. See Figure 11


157th Issue - May 2017

Figure 1

Figure 7

Figure 11

Figure 2

Figure 7A

Figure 12

Figure 3

Figure 8

Figure 13

Figure 4

Figure 9

Figure 14

Figure 5

Figure 10

Figure 15



157th Issue - May 2017

13) On the contact side of the cartridge, remove the three screws from the end cap. See Figure 13 14) Remove the two screw from the doctor blade. See Figure 14 15) Remove the “E� ring from the gear side of the drum axle and partially pull out the contact side end cap. See Figures 15 & 16

Figure 16

Figure 21

Figure 17

Figure 22

Figure 18

Figure 23

Figure 19

Figure 24

Figure 20

Figure 25

16) Pry up the 7 clips on the waste auger cover. See Figures 17, 18 & 19 17) Remove the waste auger cover. See Figure 20 18) Completely remove the contact side end cap. Watch the spring loaded PCR holder, it may come loose. See Figures 21 & 22 19) Remove the PCR and clean with your preferred PCR cleaner. See Figure 23 20) Remove the three screws from the gear side end cap. See Figure 24 21) Pull out the gear side end cap. The drum axle will come out with the end cap. See Figures 25 & 26 22) Remove the drum. See Figure 27 23) Remove the developer roller. See Figure 28 24) Remove only the 8 indicated gears. Leave the two in place as they are attached to their respective augers/ axles. See Figures 29 & 30 25) Remove the two screws and wiper blade. See Figure 31 26) Clean out all remaining toner. See Figure 32 27) Carefully clean the long spring waste auger. Be very careful not to stretch it! See Figure 33 28) Clean the doctor blade. See Figure 34 29) Coat the new wiper blade with your preferred lubricant and install the two screws. See Figure 35 30) Install the cleaned developer roller. (Clean with your preferred developer roller cleaner). See Figure 36



157th Issue - May 2017

Figure 26

Figure 31

Figure 36

Figure 27

Figure 32

Figure 37

Figure 28

Figure 33

Figure 37A

Figure 29

Figure 34

Figure 38

Figure 30

Figure 35

Figure 39



157th Issue - May 2017

30) Clean the contacts on the inside of the contact end cap. Replace the conductive grease where needed. See Figure 37 31) Replace the drum fuse. See Figure 37A 32) Slide the spring auger into the contact side end cap as shown. See Figure 38

Figure 40

Figure 45

Figure 41

Figure 46

Figure 42

Figure 47

Figure 43

Figure 48

Figure 44

Figure 49

33) Press the contact side end cap into place. See Figure 39 34) Install the three end cap screws. See Figure 40 35) Place the spring auger into its slot on the end cap. See Figures 41 & 42 36) Carefully snap the spring auger cover into place. See Figure 43 37) If the PCR holder came loose in disassembly, re-install it now. See Figure 44 38) Install the drum, large gear to the gear side of the cartridge. See Figure 45 39) Install the gears as shown. See Figure 46 40) Clean both PCR holders, then place a small amount of conductive grease on them and install the PCR. Make sure the short shaft side is on the contact end cap side. See Figures 47 & 48 41) Slide the gear end cap in place. Make sure the gears stay in their respective places. Do not fully install the end cap, stop with ¼” to ½” left. Most times it’s the gear indicated that comes out. See Figures 49 & 50 42) Before pushing the end cap fully into position, make sure the two augers and all the gears are meshing properly. The end cap should slide fairly easily into place. If not then there is a gear out of place. See Figure 51 43) Install the three gear end cap screws. See Figure 52 44) Install the two Doctor Blade screws. See Figure 53 45) Install the foam toner hopper gasket. Take your time on this and don’t stretch the foam. The two ends should meet without overlapping. Make sure the



157th Issue - May 2017

Figure 50

Figure 55

Figure 60

Figure 51

Figure 56

Figure 61

foam fits into the corners flat. See Figures 54 & 55 46) Snap the toner hopper into place. Make sure the two back tabs and the front right and left side lock into place. See Figures 56 & 57

Figure 52

Figure 57

47) Install the three toner hopper screws. See Figure 58 48) Carefully add about 30g of toner for use in the Okidata B431 series cartridges into the open toner port. See Figure 59 50) Install the E ring onto the drum axle shaft. See Figure 60 51) Install the new/remanufactured toner cartridge and lock it in place with the blue handle. See Figure 61

Figure 53

Figure 58

Figure 54

Figure 59




157th Issue - May 2017


157th Issue - May 2017

Establishment of CET GROUP SPAIN BRANCH CET Group has accelerated the implementation of the globalization strategy in the OA industry by completing its merger with the Spanish company REPROVIGO EXPORT, S.L. in April 2017. REPROVIGO EXPORT, S.L., currently one of the top three suppliers in Spain for compatible consumables for copier machines, actively focuses on the Spanish and Portuguese markets. The merger of these two companies will improve the value chain of CET business, from research & development to production to the end user. Consequently, this will bring high-quality CET-compatible products and services to Spanish and Portuguese customers. CET Group continues to devote itself to the innovation of international branch company management. Like our brand new location in Russia, CET Spain is an overseas branch that will be entirely operated by a local management team. CET Group will empower this team and ensure that their strategies for business management and market development are in line with CET’s corporate values of trust. This will prove to be a significant breakthrough in multinational companies’ localization of management. Mr. Steven Ma, president of CET group, believes that our management philosophy and corporate culture fosters the innovation of enterprise globalization management. Such innovation has proven to be one of the main reasons why CET Group has been among the upper echelon of companies within the OA industry.




157th Issue - May 2017

157th Issue - May 2017


Toyo Ink and Doneck Enter Licensing Agreement for Waterbased Lamination Inks Toyo Ink Co., Ltd., a member of the Toyo Ink Group, and Doneck Euroflex S.A., a manufacturer of flexo and gravure inks for the European region, have announced that they concluded a licensing agreement that allows Doneck to manufacture and sell Toyo Ink's AQUA LIONAT and AQUAECOLT series of water-based lamination inks to markets in Europe. This licensing agreement is expected to strengthen the position of both companies in the competitive global packaging industry, as water-based alternatives to printing inks are projected to fuel the future growth of the industry, especially in the food packaging sector. "We're delighted to enter this agreement with Doneck Euroflex, a major company in the supply of liquid ink systems across Europe," says Katsumi Yamazaki, president of Toyo Ink. "We already have an established supply structure and a proven sales track record in Asia and North and South America. The new licensing agreement will allow us to strengthen our existing water-based liquid inks operations on a global basis by extending its supply structure to Europe, a region where its presence had been weak up until now." While tapping into Doneck's extensive distribution network, Toyo Ink will strive to provide full customer support tailored to individual market needs and to achieveshipments of 1,000 tons per year during the company's next mid-term management plan that runs from fiscal 2018 through fiscal 2020.

"We are happy to introduce this unique water-based technology which could lead to increased environmental sustainability. We are proud that Doneck Network was chosen by Toyo Ink as partner for AQUA LIONA and AQUAECOL for the European market," says Arndt Breitbach, managing director and main shareholder of the Doneck Network. Toyo Ink is a pioneer in retort technology development. The AQUA LIONA series of water-based flexo lamination ink is the first of its kind to support high-end retort applications, exhibiting excellent printability at high-speeds. The AQUAECOL series of water-based gravure lamination inks features a high pigmentation design that helps it achieve excellent printability anda high resolution. In addition, AQUAECOL is suitable to a wide range of applications from snack to retort food packaging. Both AQUA LIONA and AQUAECOL use as their base resin, a water-soluble urethane resin engineered with Toyo Ink's unique polymer technology. As a result, these inks demonstrate world-class printing results and quality while adhering to strict chemical substance regulations and guidelines, such as the Swiss Ordinance and the European Printing Ink Association. AQUA LIONA and AQUAECOL will be showcased at the Toyo Ink Group booth at the Interpack 2017 packaging exhibition in Düsseldorf, Germany in May.

Mitsubishi Chemical Announces Business Name Change Glendale, CA – Future Graphics is pleased to announce that starting April 1, 2017, Mitsubishi Kagaku Imaging Corporation (MKIC) will change its name to Mitsubishi Chemical Imaging Corporation (MCIC). Future Graphics will continue to operate as a division of Mitsubishi Chemical Imaging Corporation. Please note that the name change will not affect the great products, service or reliability that you have come to depend on. Future Graphics will always maintain the highest business values and standards, and looks forward to renewed opportunities for engagement as a division of Mitsubishi Chemical Imaging Corporation.

Please take this time to make sure your company’s documentation is updated accordingly so that daily business dealings are not disrupted. For more information or questions, please call your Future Graphics representative. New Name Effective April 1, 2017: Mitsubishi Chemical Imaging Corporation (MCIC)






2017 年 8 月 3-6 日,第十一届东南亚办公耗材展将重

NEW INSIDE Cultivating the New World of 3D Printing


扫一扫 行业资讯尽在掌握 ISSN 1552-7484

ISSUE 157 | MAY 2017




Email Marketing & Execution


久别四年,重逢泗水 奔图发布首款彩色激光打印机

来自印尼当地诸岛、泰国、越南、马来西亚、菲律宾、乃 至德国、英国、印度、中东、美国、巴西等国以及中国大陆、 港澳台各地数以万计的观众到场参观。十年的不懈耕耘,

MOSCOW, RUSSIA May 17-19, 2017

ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN May 30 - June 1, 2017

BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA November 14-16, 2017

我们的展会获得了广泛的行业认可,成为东南亚唯一的 影像耗材品牌展览会,在办公耗材行业内的影响力也逐

总第 157

2017 年 5 月

年扩大。 我们的宗旨始终如一 :为全球影像耗材行业搭建沟通 的桥梁。我们希望,通过我们的平台,各位行业合作伙伴 能在东南亚这个快速发展的市场生根发芽,最终收获满满。 2017 年东南亚办公耗材展,让我们在印度尼西亚泗水再续 前缘!

冯飞 亚洲再生业(RechargeAsia)中国编辑部



2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

借力发展,共赢市场 ——记北京耗材联盟市场分析会 亚洲再生业 孙玉芝 2017 年 4 月 11 日,由北京耗材联盟发起、北京市北方办公用品公司(“北方办公”)协办的 2017 年度市场分析会,在北京市丰台区北京万方苑国际大酒店召开。 本次会议的主题是“借力发展,共赢市场”,有来自北京莱盛高新技术有限公司(“莱盛”)、邯 郸汉光办公自动化耗材有限公司(“邯郸汉光”)、天津复印机研究所、北京中恒集团北京市场部、天 津市中环天佳电子有限公司、河北欧普办公设备有限公司、北京雷斯杰办公用品有限公司等 30 多家企业 或组织的代表参加会议。 北方办公总经理郑建庭首先欢迎大家来参加会议,并表示“共赢市场”是一个很好的主题:在互联 网时代,合作才能发展,单打独斗已成为历史;在新时期,要有新思想、新举措,才能进步不落伍。 2016 年,中国的耗材行业内上发生了许多变化:珠海艾派克大手笔收购美国利盟,把洋媳妇娶回家; 湖北鼎龙整合 3 家下游成品公司,建立完整产业链;中恒集团在河北省唐山市曹妃甸建立 136 亩的新厂区, 融入京津冀协同发展大格局,实现新的大发展……以上实例都说明了我们的办公耗材行业正在向规模化 发展。 办公耗材行业风云变幻,我们又该如何做好自己、实现心中的目标?与会各代表从技术、渠道、品 牌等多角度出发,互联互通,共享信息,畅谈经验和体会。

北京莱盛 “光标服务”赢在全国 会上,莱盛公司的部门经理肖东平向大家介绍了“光标服务”如何赢得市场。 2009 年,北京莱盛公司着手政府采购工作,成立了大客户事业部,走进了中央和地方政采。在为大 客户终端服务的过程中,他们扩大了外延服务内涵,为终端客户提供了“门对桌的最后 100 米服务”。 面对市场内耗材产品的白热化竞争,莱盛公司进行了从销售到服务的全方位升级,对各地代理商进行了 从批发到服务的转型,多元化经营有效增加了公司的销售利润率。 为了切入客户的实际需求, 北京莱盛公司为服务量身打造 APP, “工欲善其事, 必先利其器”, 建立了 “工 程师端”和“客户端”,这两个客户端大大方便了市场中有需求的人,帮助使用者互联互通,共享市场资源,



2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期





肖东平还向与会朋友分享了未来打印机的发展趋势, 并看好复印机租贷市场的前景。

都好做。作为立足于市场的公司,做好品牌是第一要素。 高龙谈到,跨界发展是行业的创新。跨界发展有两 种理解:1. 从一个行业延伸到另一个行业,如格之格

邯郸汉光“养大一款产品” 赢得市场 邯郸汉光副总经理赵素平,向大家介绍了汉光 13 年中 专注一款产品,从而立足于行业之首的经验。 2004 年,汉光年产墨粉仅 400 吨,梦想着能够年产

由耗材产品延伸到芯片制造。2. 从一种应用能力迅速 学习掌握另一种应用能力,如北京莱盛从办公配件出 发,扩大到外包服务。每一次跨界都意味着挑战与机遇, 不论结果怎样,都会给企业带来新的动力。

3000 吨。公司领导们经常思索该如何提高抗风险能力,争


取年产量达到千吨。只有年产量达到 4 位数,公司才能具








定要做好粉。”明确了发展目标后,2016 年公司终于实现


了年产 13000 吨的成绩,还蚕食了韩国 LG 公司的中国市

仅在 2016 年,就 7 次深入普及和指导代理商学习在





汉光 30 年只做好一件事并非易事,背后是打造百年老 店的指导思想。

内容。 会上,天津复印机研究所市场部经理王蕊分享了在

1. 不争速度,只控品质








5000 粉的可替代产品 HG206 粉时,汉光经历了 6 次大的

公司如何在市场中定位 , 寻求发展商机。

突破和改进,将粘灰、波纹、漏粉各类问题一一解决后, HG206 粉与惠普 5000 粉技术接近了,才最终送到客户手中, 并得到市场的认可。这款产品的质量接近 08 粉,性价比 高于 LG 粉,最后争取到本属于 LG 有效客户的信赖,确保 了公司的有效利润。 2. 选择最好的配方及设备 想获得好的产品就一定在原材料上下功夫,汉光很少 更换供应商,只认准一家的产品。同时,汉光在原材料选 择又很严格,对供应商有很高的要求。汉光生产复印机耗 材时曾使用过武汉一家供应商提供树脂,后来产品收到了 投诉,在解决了客户问题后,汉光就再也不与这家供应商 合作了。在设备上,汉光 8 条生产线全部进口于德国。汉 光认为:同样的配方,不一样的设备,生产出来的产品差 异很大。 有好的指导思想引路,有很强的团队执行力,具备相配 套的管理手段,使汉光的产品最终稳坐行业的第一把交椅。

在发展中思考 北京北方副总经理高龙,以中小型耗材企业的视角谈

结语 此次北京耗材联盟市场分析会,时间虽然不长,但 大家不仅分析了当前形势,也指出了耗材行业发展的 方向,达成了互联互通、共享资源的共识。北京莱盛 公司和北京北方办公公司提出了一个很好的平台建设 构想,希望大家共同做好这个平台,发展好自己的事业。



2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

久别再相逢, 第十一届东南亚办公耗材展重归印尼! 马来西亚、新加坡、印尼、泰国、越南……过去十年里,亚洲再生业的步伐几乎踏遍了东南亚 的每一方土地,我们所有的努力都只是为了实现一个初衷:为全球影像耗材行业搭建沟通的桥梁。 为了进一步促进东南亚地区打印、复印耗材市场的发展,促进全世界办公耗材行业与东南亚地 区的交流,第十一届东南亚办公耗材展将重回阔别四年的印度尼西亚,落户印尼第二大城市泗水。 2017 年 8 月 3-6 日,让我们再续前缘。



2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

自 2007 年起,由亚洲再生业团队举办的



泗水是印度尼西亚东爪哇省省会、 印尼第二大城市,


也是印尼华人比例最高的城市之一,面积 326 平方公里,


常住人口 270 万,是东南亚及亚太地区比较重要的工业







来西亚到新加坡,再到印度尼西亚、泰国、 越南,我们积累了丰富的客户资源,获得了 广泛的行业认可,成为东南亚唯一的影像耗 材品牌展览会,在办公耗材行业内的影响力 也逐年扩大。2017 年的展会东南亚办公耗材 展第四次选择在印度尼西亚举办,势必将在 以往的基础上赢得更多的关注和支持。

为什么要参加我们的展会? * 展会为您提供一个经销商与供应商进行沟通和建 立友好关系的广阔平台 * 能与印度尼西亚乃至整个东南亚地区的打印行业 内人士零距离接触 * 这是一次提升品牌形象,扩大宣传的机会


* 这是一次做市场调研及客户分析的机会

源与合作伙伴的帮助,为希望开发东南亚市 场的企业提供一个面对面的交流平台,使企 业能够在印尼这个独特的新兴市场中找到自 己的机遇。

* 这是一次巩固经销商及客户之间的友好关系的机 会 * 目前中印关系正处于最好的时期,这有利于中国 的厂商在印尼开拓市场及业务

展会名称:RechargExpo Indonesia 2017 时间:2017 年 8 月 3-6 日 地点:印度尼西亚,泗水

为什么选择重返印尼? 印度尼西亚拥有 2.6 亿人口,是世界上第 四人口大国;国内生产总值超过 8000 亿美元, 是东南亚第一大经济体,也是经济增长较快 的发展中国家。有这样的人口基数,加上经 济的快速增长,印度尼西亚可为广大耗材行 业企业提供巨大的市场购买潜力基础。



与印尼 All Print 展第三次携手合作 All Print 是印度尼西亚当地最大的全系列印 刷、广告领域的专业展览会,其展会范围涵盖 了传统印刷,喷墨,胶版,大幅面印刷及快印 等所有打印作业的领域,每年可吸引来自东南 亚地区、特别是印尼当地的超过 800 余家企业 和 10000 多名观众莅临参加。 亚洲再生业与 All Prin 有多年的合作合作关 系,此次重返印尼,可继续提高 RechargExpo 展 会品牌在印尼当地及周边地区的影响力,也可 为 All Print 展带来桌面打印以及办公耗材领域 的内容,丰富其展会范围,让 All Print 成为更 加全面、规模更大的专业展览会。

展品范围: * 打印机及复印机设备 * 打印机及复印机耗材 * 墨盒,碳粉,硒鼓,色带,墨水,连续 供墨系统 * 芯片,感光鼓,磁辊及其他相关产品 * 办公设备,办公用品,制造、翻新、填 充及检测设备及产品 * 相片纸,注册纸,彩色喷墨打印纸,热 敏纸,和其他办公打印文件 * 大幅面印刷、喷印产品及技术 * 数码印刷设备及耗材 *3D 打印设备,耗材及应用技术 * 其他相关产品


2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期


2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

场的参展商和观众,影响力遍及马来西亚、泰国、 新加坡、越南、印度、菲律宾、缅甸、澳大利亚 等所有东南亚周边国家 ◆


达 50% 的政府参展补贴

宣传策略 1.广告直邮:组委会将印制门票、请柬、宣 传彩页直接邮寄给终端销售商,所有这些资料都将 以中文,英文和印尼语呈现,确保传递的有效性 2.电话、传真、电邮营销:通过电话沟通、 传真邀请、电邮等方式直接邀请海内外业内人士 参会 3.刊登行业杂志广告:我们同全球多家影像 耗材行业媒体拥有密切的合作,通过他们将展会 的信息发布到全球各地 4.亚洲再生业媒体平台宣传:我们会通过自 有媒体平台(杂志、微信、Twitter 和 Facebook 等) 发布展会相关信息

观众领域: * 打印及复印行业经销商 * 墨水和碳粉制造商 * 喷墨及激光碳粉盒经销商 * 办公用品、耗材领域 * 移动打印领域 * 印刷管理领域 * 数码打印领域 * 教育及文化领域


4.参加行业展览及会议推广本展览 5.加大在印度尼西亚当地的宣传和推广:我 们将与印尼当地的合作伙伴 All Print 合作,投放 英语和印尼当地语言的宣传广告

参展补贴政策 参展 RechargExpo Indonesia 2017,最高可获得 3.5 万元的政府补贴。 具体细节请详洽展会相关销售人员。



电话:86-10-5126-5580(中国) 626-569-8238(美国)

与当地企业合作密切,全新 B2B 平台,可直接接


触印尼及东南亚当地经销商和代理商 ◆ ◆







2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期






PHASER 3610 WC 3655/3615 • • • •


X Generation® Toner OPC Drum Smartchips And More!

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 42 © 2017 UniNet Imaging Inc. All trademark names and artworks are property of their respective owners. Brand names mentioned are intended to show compatibility only.


2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

Dinglong’s Net Profit Increases Rapidly in Q1, 2017

鼎龙股份 2017 年一季度净利润同比巨幅增长 湖北鼎龙化学股份有限公司(“鼎龙股份”)近 日公布了 2017 年第一季度报告。 报告显示,鼎龙股份在报告期内实现营业收入 39,093.01 万元,较上年同期增长 62.93%;利润总额 9,109.74 万元,较上年同期增长 67.75%;实现归属于 上市公司股东的净利润 7,364.59 万元,较上年同期增 长 75.58%。归属于上市公司股东的净利润较上年同 期的同比增幅,显著高于营业收入的同比增幅,表明 公司在产品结构、运营效率和盈利能力等方面持续得 以提升。 业绩增长的主要驱动因素:一方面是由于重大 资产重组已顺利实施完毕,新并购子公司财务报表纳 入公司合并报表范围,对本报告期业绩同比增长产生 了积极影响;另一方面,是由于公司核心产品彩色聚合碳粉、芯片、硒鼓等产品的主营业务增长,以及在体系内产业 链上下游之间的协同效益显著。

Merging Lexmark Brings Apex Short-Term Loss

收购利盟致短期亏损,无碍艾派克未来高成长 艾派克近日发布了 2017 年第一季度业绩预亏公告,

由 此 来 看,

预计第一季度亏损 8.5-12.5 亿元。消息一出,部分投资者












直保持着良好的增长势头。2016 年,艾派克的净利润达


5 亿元,同比增长超过 80%;2017 年一季度,艾派克打印








艾派克的公告显示,由于艾派克 2016 年 11 月公司并 购美国利盟后,对其可辨认的资产、负债按公允价值进

推移,收购利盟带来的协同效应将逐步为艾派克带来效 益。




货量合计不到 200 万台。并购完成后,艾派克计划未来

调整后的净利润转为较大的亏损。此外,艾派克 2016 年

五年内公司打印机出货量将增长到每年 1000 万台,进入






2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

Canon China Upgrades B2B Business Strategy

佳能(中国)B2B 业务战略性跃进 发布多款复合机新品 色扫描、网络打印与发送,以及简单的账户 管理等基础需求,是广大用户进行彩色办公 升级的好选择。三款主力产品 imageRUNNER ADVANCE C3530/3525/3520 分别可以实现每分 钟 30 页、25 页和 20 页的输出速度,全部升 级为 10.1 英寸超大彩色触摸屏,支持双面同 步扫描输稿器,可实现高速扫描、自动删除 空白页、校正方向等智能功能。 佳 能 发 布 的 中 速 黑 白 机 imageRUNNER ADVANCE 4551/4545/4535/4525, 每 分 钟 最 高 可实现 51 页、45 页、35 页和 25 页的输出速度。 同时,该系列产品在耗材方面做了大幅提升, 四款产品墨粉通用,容量最高提升 40%,感 光鼓的寿命最高可提升一倍。另外,这个系 列新品的稳定性也进一步提升,卡纸率低。 2017 年 4 月 18 日,佳能(中国)有限公司(简称:“佳 能(中国)”)举办了商务影像方案部 2017 年合作伙伴大会。

C7580/7570 主要面向印量大、后期处理需求大的政府及

会上,佳能(中国)宣布正式启动 B2B 新战略,力求

大中型企业的文印中心。imageRUNNER ADVANCE C7580 可

在办公解决方案、数码印刷、安防监控和医疗设备等 B2B

实现每分钟 80 页的黑白输出、70 页的彩色输出。考虑到

业务领域实现新突破,到 2020 年 B2B 业务占到全公司营业




在办公产品硬件方面,佳能将提供更多极具价格竞争 优势的彩色数码复合机,扩大商用喷墨打印机以及激光打 印机的市场份额,当天发布的三大系列十款 A3 数码复合 机新品正是佳能为达成在 B2B 业务领域发展目标的具体举 措之一;在办公解决方案方面,向数字化转型,为各个行 业领域提供定制化的“解决方案”;同时,佳能将加强培 育增速较快的数码印刷领域的业务和极具有发展潜力的安 防监控、医疗设备等业务。 当天,佳能(中国)还重磅发布 Mr. Color 色彩达人 第 二 代, 包 括 imageRUNNER ADVANCE C3530/3525/3520 和 20 周 年 纪 念 战 略 彩 机 imageRUNNER C3020; 中 速 黑 白 机 imageRUNNER ADVANCE 4551/4545/4535/4525 以及生产型高 速 彩 机 imageRUNNER ADVANCE C7580/7570 三 大 系 列 十 款 A3 数码复合机新品。 为助力更多用户实现从黑白办公向彩色办公的转变, 佳能开发了性价比更高的 Mr. Color 色彩达人第二代、20 周 年纪念战略彩机 imageRUNNER C3020。imageRUNNER C3020 可实现每分钟 20 页的输出速度,能够满足彩色输出、彩


两 款 生 产 型 高 速 彩 机 imageRUNNER ADVANCE

ADVANCE C7580/7570 在输出厚纸或凹凸不平的皮纹纸时, 速度更快、更稳定;每分钟可实现高达 220 页的扫描速度。


2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

New UV Fluorescent Ink Improves Production Efficiency

新款紫外固化荧光喷墨油墨提升生产效率 近日,美国 Videojet 公司研发出一款特种油墨——

Videojet 负责供应业务的负责人 Sherry Washburn 解释

V539 粉色荧光油墨,该油墨有双重用途 , 人与机器可同




新油墨适用于 Videojet 的超高速喷墨印刷机,它含有


肉眼可见的染料,能够在多色基材上形成机器可识别、 肉眼可区分的编码。

新油墨干燥时间仅为 2 到 3 秒,据称在诸如金属、玻 璃和某些塑料基材上表现出优异的附着性,最适合在饮

V539 据称具有独一无二的编码特性,可实现自动产 品验证,并确保整个供应链上正确的产品路径。Videojet

料瓶的皇冠盖、铝罐底部上打码,以及用于追溯和更多 的领域。


Global Ink Printing Market Grows Actively

全球喷墨打印呈现积极增长态势 英国最新发布了一份名为“全


球 喷 墨 打 印 未 来(2016-2021)” 的


报 告, 文 中 提 到,2016 年 喷 墨 打 印


和印刷包装市场的规模将达到 6190


万美元,预计 2016-2021 年的年均复 合增长率是 12.7%,世界各地都是呈 现积极增长态势的。

3. 为打印和包装添加了新功能 喷墨技术为打印和包装添加了新 功 能, 个 性 化 和 可 视 化 是 非 常 普 遍

1. 替代模拟和数字印刷技术













4. 溶剂型油墨正在失去市场


随着喷墨技术的日趋进步,打印 头制造商,油墨制造商以及印刷设备

5. 更多应用领域

2. 标签行业充满吸引力



高可靠性,高质量以及稳定的生产力。 喷墨技术的应用使整个图书和报







和 UV 固化油墨等正在被使用。其中


有高性能窄幅印刷机和混合喷墨 / 柔




额,但水性和 UV 固化油墨正在以最






2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期


2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

6 Trends of Ink Industry

未来喷墨墨水行业将呈现 6 种发展趋势 喷墨打印墨水是一种借助介于喷墨印刷机 的喷头与承印物间的电场力的作用,而在承印 物表面预定区域喷射形成表示图文信息印迹的 “液体油墨”。未来喷墨墨水行业将呈现以下 几种发展趋势。 1. 高端专业的喷墨墨水,将更多地采用颜料作 为呈色剂 由于颜料颗粒结构尺度大,无论是室内光 对颜料分子结构的照射而产生的光分解,还是 室外太阳光照、空气中臭氧产生的氧化分解程 度都要比染料有优势,使得颜料相比染料在耐 光性、耐气体性、耐水性、高湿度下图像晕染 等方面都要比染料强,而且这些特性也决定了颜料墨水

点极大地限制了喷墨打印的应用范围。2016-2021 年中国



2. 为达到更加宽广的色域,更多颜色的墨水被开发出来, HI-FI 技术得到更充分的使用 理论上讲,利用初始的 4 色“C、M、Y、K”是可以 调配出各种颜色的。但是现有呈色剂还未达到理想的水

示,目前,UV 固化墨水、EB 固化墨水和 UV-LED 墨水这 类能固型墨水具备瞬间干燥能力,使得其对不同打印介 质的适应性得到增强。因此,能固型墨水是增强墨水对 不同材料适应性的解决之道。


5. 墨水面向的用户群将更加细化











3. 墨水在耐水性、耐刮蹭、防退色等方面会有更佳的表现 对于高端用户,特别是在照片及艺术复制打印领域,

很好地符合了“按需”和“个性化”的服务理念。 6. 墨水的环保性









色剂颗粒进行有效地封装 ; 对墨水添加一定的助剂,提


高墨水的稳定性 ; 改良打印介质的结构与表面特性,提




4. 对不同材料的适应性将不断增强,能固型墨水将得到 长足发展 喷墨打印的确可以实现很高的打印品质,但这需要 与合适的打印介质相配合,例如在使用量很大的普通复 印纸上,喷墨打印的质量不如激光打印。因此,这一弱



2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期



一个迷你的 3D 打印世界

的灯光以及火车在各个大陆之间穿梭,听到四起 的音乐,您甚至还可以去参加一个迷你版的伦敦 阿黛尔音乐会。参观者可直接与展品互动,如从





3D 打 印 世 界( “ 格 列


佛 之 门 ” ), 占 4900

3D 打印在展览的构建过程中发挥了重要作

平 方 英 尺 的 地 方, 吸

用。事实上,只用花 50 美元,您可以被 3D 扫描


和 3D 打印成一个迷你版本,并成为格列佛门世界

看,它是由 600 多位艺


术 家 共 同 用 3D 技 术 组


合一个艺术世界。 展览的名称来自著 名的《格列佛游记》, 其中讲述了一名男子遭 遇海难而登上一座小人 居住的岛屿



首次月球商业载人飞行将于 2018 年执行


2002 年美国加州的 SpaceX 私人空间探索项目


正式建立。该项目计划在 2018 年进行首次月球商

景观均以 1:87 的比例建

业航行,届时 Crew Dragon 飞船会携带两名乘客飞


往月球。值得一提的是,Crew Dragon 飞船上安装

六 尺 高 的 人 将 只 有 0.8

有 3D 打印部件。


飞船的 3D 打印生产最初是从非关键零件开始


的。2013 年开始,Elon Musk 开始为飞船发动机的










所有的冷却通道、喷射头和节流机构。3D 打印高




作为 SpaceX 与国际空间站(ISS)的合同的一


部分,Dragon 2 每年需要到 ISS 那里去执行 4 次任


务。这些任务主要是运载货物,同时也作为 2018




2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期


3D 生物打印补丁可修复受损的心 脏细胞


GE 医疗的新研究: 一键式 3D 打印医用模型


GE 医疗(GE Healthcare)的先进制造首席工程师

开发出一种 3D 生物打印补丁,可以帮助愈合被心

Jimmie Beacham 及其团队正在研究各种方法,以有效


地将来自 CT 扫描仪和其他机器的图像转换为可 3D 打

了《American Heart Association》杂志上,并且正在



该研究旨在让 3D 打印医疗模型的生产简单到按

3D 生物打印组织补丁是如何工作的呢?当一





望只用点击一个按钮就能完成这一过程,”Beacham 说。


然而,由于一个 CT 扫描涉及大量的数据,实现


这种一键式的 3D 建模打印并不容易。例如,在短短


的一秒钟内,GE 的 Revolution CT 扫描仪就可以生成和


传输足以制作 6000 部 Netflix 电影的数据。据 Beacham

为了解决这个问题,研究团队开发了一种方法, 通过它,研究人员可用一种基于激光的技术来 3D 生物打印心脏组织补丁。更具体地说,借助 3D 打印,

透露,GE Healthcare 目前正在提取类似的大量数据并将 其转换为一个屏幕上的图像。 专门负责开发 3D 打印机和其他增材制造方法的


GE Additive 正在与 Beacham 及其团队合作,以确定开


发一个可使用生成自上述软件包的文件来 3D 打印出


器官模型的定制机器。Beacham 说“速度是至关重要”,


要知道 3D 打印行业的发展速度非常快,如果他和他




除了外科医生之外,Beacham 说 GE Healthcare 也收


到了来自放射科医生的需求,他们希望用 3D 打印器



“在未来几年内,我们可以将这项技术扩大以 修复更大的动物,甚至人类,”研究人员信心满满

到身体内部真正发生的事情,而不用医生过多地用语 言来描述。

的说。研究的下一步将是开发一种更大的补丁,以 用在大小跟人的心脏相似的猪的心脏上。




2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

How to Remove Bottom Ash After Filling Toner

硒鼓加粉后有底灰怎么办? 1、显影偏压太低




( 有些机型要用打印机驱动程序的设置调整 ),观



间隙不等,一般在 0.2 ~ 0.4 毫米之间。隔离套会






间隙的方法是:用 2 层 80 克的打印纸测试,间隙

应在 -250V 至 -350V 之间,机型不同,偏压值有所

正确时应能顺利插入 ; 如不能,应更换隔离套。 4、感光鼓磨损过度,已达到使用寿命

不同。如偏差过大,应修复或将其调整到规定值。 2、磁辊刮板老化











右与纸边缘 1 厘米的范围内出现底灰,则表明感





Replacement Chips for Canon CRG-041/CRG-042/CRG-045/CRG-046 Toner Cartridges from Megain

美佳音推出适用于佳能 CRG-041/CRG-042/ CRG-045/CRG-046 系列硒鼓可替代芯片 佳能日前推出 LBP611C/ LBP612C/LBP651C/LBP652C 系列激光打印机,该系列打 印机拥有每分钟 18 张的彩 色 及 黑 白 高 速 输 出, 支 持 LAN 无线连接及直接连接, 拥有 5 英寸彩色触摸面板, 400MM 的紧凑设计。 更多产品详情请联系美佳音 地址:珠海市香洲区华威路 115 号信远大厦 A 座 3 楼 网址 邮箱

50 50

电话:86 (0)756-6893518


2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

Replacement Chips for Ricoh SP 377 Series from Apex

艾派克推出适用于理光 SP 377 系列可替代芯片 2016 年 11 月, 理 光 在 北 美 和 俄 罗 斯 区 域 推 出 SP 377DNwX 系列黑白激光打印机和多功能一体机。该系列 机型打印机速度为 30ppm,支持云打印和手机应用程序打 印等移动打印模式,适合小型工作组日常办公使用。 艾派克现推出适用于理光 SP 377 系列可替代芯片, 广大客户可索样咨询。 联系信息 电话:0756-3333768 邮箱

Ricoh Launches SOP Flatform

理光发布 SOP 智慧应用平台及新一代多功能复合机解决方案 理光近日于北京正式发布了基于安卓系统实现智能 交互应用的理光 SOP 智慧应用平台,并同时推出了基于 此平台的理光新一代多功能数码复合机及应用解决方案,

定制化解决方案的强大能力,并能够部署工作流应用程 序以简化业务流程。 理光强调,通过 SOP 智慧应用平台将为企业和每一



移动互联网时代的智能 OA 应用。


企业数字化转型的加速,移动、云计算、大数据等 技术应用愈加广泛,驱动了办公环境和办公方式的变化。 例如,物联网和多样化的智能设备的兴起使即时性、便

也让每一个终端用户享受到更舒适、更具个人特色的全 新办公应用体验。 智能交互:SOP 智慧应用平台搭载的全新智能操作界


面,具备与智能手机 / 平板电脑相同的简单便捷操作方式,




需求自定义选择各种功能性 APP 操作和解决方案,改善



组织行为的转变。据估计,到 2020 年,将有 50% 的工作

移动连接:借助 SOP 智慧应用平台的网络连接能力,


NFC,蓝牙,AirPrint 等连接手段,使移动设备如智能手机,





智能交互应用引入到办公设备,推出了理光 SOP 智慧应

开放应用:基于安卓系统,SOP 智慧应用平台可以实


现众多 APP 应用的强大升级;同时,智能的 SDK 使更多




网和云运维获取 APP 和自主安装软件,从而更好地满足

需求无缝融合,真正实现智能 OA 应用。通过为用户提供




求,理光 SOP 智慧应用平台为用户提供了一种全新的“以






2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期


2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

Can Digital Press Be the One?

数字印刷与胶印刷面临新旧转换大动荡 作为取代传统模拟印刷工艺的数







HP Indigo 系列还带来了全新印刷

16% 的年均增长幅度也很好地说明了

应用潜力:可使用新的 HP Indigo 电

用于 HP Indigo 12000 数字印刷机






于 2017 年 上 市。 新 的 HDLA 技 术 使



和彩色介质,且介质厚度可达 550 微



米;运用安装在印刷机上的 HP Indigo




所有新的 HP Indigo 数字印刷机



和 HP PageWide 轮转印刷机都能够连


软 件 HP SmartStream Mosaic 3.0 提 供

接 HP PrintOS,以改进印刷生产管理。





42 英寸 HP PageWide 轮转印刷机


以 惠 普 Indigo 和 PageWide 两 大

T490 HD 是业界产能更高的数字彩色






1000 英 尺 / 分 钟(304 米 / 分 钟),


提高了 67%,而在高质量模式速度为


2016 年,惠普公司在中国北京 宣布,新推出 5 款 HP Indigo 数字印

500 英尺 / 分钟(152 米 / 分钟)。


刷机、3 款 HP PageWide 轮转印刷机

新的 22 英寸 HP PageWide 轮转印



刷机 T240 HD 在高性能模式的印刷速



度 高 达 500 英 尺 / 分 钟(152 米 / 分



钟),提高了 25%,而在高质量模式


更新的 HP Indigo 系列树立了新

速度为 250 英尺 / 分钟(76 米 / 分钟)。



T240 HD 每 个 月 可 印 刷 多 达 6000 万





Canon’s Revenue Jumps in Q1, 2017

佳能 2017 年第一季度营收陡增 佳能集团近日发布了 2017 年第一季度财报。财报显

像艺术输出市场的新 imagePROGRAF PRO 系列机型销售量

示,2017 年第一季度佳能集团营业额达到 9727.61 亿日元,

也在持续增加,该领域营业额同比增长 3.1%,达到 2421

同比大幅增长 22.0%,营业利润更是同比陡增 96.8%。


办 公 产 品 业 务 领 域 中,A3 彩 色 数 码 复 合 机 产 品 imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5500 系 列 和 imageRUNNER

产业设备及其他产品业务领域营业额同比增长 126.0%,达到了 2942 亿日元。

ADVANCE C3300 系列销售坚挺,销售台数同比增长迅速。

2017 年,由于收购东芝医疗和基于对经济走势以及


佳能自身业务的发展判断,预计 2017 年佳能集团将实现


增收增益,其中营业额将同比增长 18.2%,达到 40200 亿

这一领域本季度营业额同比增长 0.7%,达到 4577 亿日元。





2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

Epson Releases One-Stop Solution for Mobile Office

爱普生推出一站式移动办公解决方案 三机合体随带随走 近日,2017 爱普生创新大会在青岛隆重举行。本次创新大会, 爱普生以绿色科技创新为主题,面向中国顾客发布并展示了其在喷 墨领域、视觉领域、可穿戴领域、机器人领域的 120 余款创新产品及 50 多个解决方案,全面覆盖办公、行业以及家庭应用,构建生活和 办公新生态系统。 为了满足企业销售人员越来越高的移动办公需求,爱普生推出了 “一站式”移动办公解决方案,由便携打印机 WF-100、便携式扫描 仪 DS-360W、便携式投影机 CB-1795F 组成。这些设备非常小巧,可 以随身携带;操作也非常简单;如果连上 Wi-Fi,平板电脑就能完成 操作。顾客可以根据实际情况,选择适合的产品,随意组合,方便外 出办公,从投影展示到打印资料,再到扫描文件一气呵成,全面满足 “任何时间”、“任何地点”、处理与业务相关的“任何事情”的移

强现实智能 AR 眼镜。 此外,爱普生在商用展区展示了为企业、 影像、广告、制造、政府、金融等行业提供

动办公需求。 而针对企业级办公顾客需求,爱普生此次重磅推出了企业级墨仓


式阵列复合机。它能实现每分钟 100 页的高速输出,同时也满足高速


双面打印。与之匹配的大容量的墨盒系统,单套 2 只装黑墨可打印


十万页。爱普生企业级墨仓式阵列复合机能够实现 600*1200 高分辨

生针对家庭顾客带来了 4K 高亮度家庭影院





基于爱普生全新研发的 PrecisionCore 阵列打印头技术,在其高速


打印的情况下最大功耗仅为 320W,是同等级激光打印机的十分之一!




作组级,从部门级到企业级产品线的全面布局。 会上,爱普生还展示了前沿的科技与产品——Moverio BT-350 增

Fuji Xerox Leads China A3 Copier Market for Three Years Continuously

富士施乐连续 3 年领跑中国 A3 复合机市场 近日,权威调研公司 IDC 发布了最新的《2016 年中


国数码复合机市场调研报告》。数据显示,在 2016 年


A3 黑白数码复合机、A3 彩色数码复合机、A3 整体数码




一。同比 2015 年,富士施乐(中国)的 A3 数码复合机


整体装机实现了超过 20% 的稳步增长。这也是富士施乐


(中国)持续逆势增长,连续第 3 年实现在中国 A3 数码


复合机三大细分市场份额第一,并多年保持 A3 彩色数码

乐 A3 数码复合机业务的全面持续增长。

复合机市场份额第一的领先地位。 近几年,随着经济增速的转缓,加之市场需求的快








2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

Pantum Shows First Color Laser Printer

奔图发布首款自主彩色激光打印机 随着消费结构升级以及彩色办

仅需 11 秒 ( 黑白输出仅需 10 秒 )、



以及最高 901 页超大容量供纸、高达



60000 页的超强月负荷等,都让各种


机的技术与应用“平民化”? 这是当


以及 CCC 认证等多种绿色环保认证。


尤其在 CP2500DN 擅长的彩色打 安全保密 适配国产化操作系统


印领域,不仅拥有 1200×1200dpi 的

光打印机 CP2500DN 正式上市,质美







据统计,全国一年红头文件超过 700


万份,平均一天发文 2.8 万份。鲜红



质美价优 加速彩机应用普及 相关数据显示,近年来国内彩








色值“金光红”。而奔图 CP2500DN



奔图首款自主彩色激光打印机 CP2500DN 的推出,不仅从打印速度、

能力更强,能够更好地满足“红头 完美的彩打品质,更出色

品质、体验、可连接性等方面对标 国际品牌,更以极具优势性价比,

文件专色”输出标准。 与 众 多 竞 品 不 同 的 是, 奔 图

经济环保 顺应现代办公新趋势

CP2500DN 充分发挥了国产化优势,


不仅自主开发,还适配飞腾 1500A、



龙 芯 3A/3B 等 国 产 CPU 以 及 中 标 麒


CP2500DN 也顺应现代办公的新需求,







不仅如此,针对政府公文及高级 商务的保密需求,奔图 CP2500DN 还

设计上,CP2500DN 通过更符合


人体工程学的倾斜 150 角设计、打印






在经济环保方面,CP2500DN 下 足了功夫。除了采用独特环保的鼓 粉分离设计外,还特别设置了一键 休眠与唤醒操作模式,配合采用静 创新升级 开启彩打新体验 作为首款自主彩色激光打印机, 奔图在开发 CP2500 系列彩机时结合

音打印、跳过空白页、省墨模式、 颜色节省等功能,大大降低了用户 碳粉、纸张等耗材使用成本,在办





激光打印机,此番上市的 CP2500DN



配置上,奔图 CP2500DN 采用双


核 800MHZ+256MB( 支持扩展至 2.3GB)




加上黑彩同速打印 23ppm、首页输出





2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

HP IonTouch Tech Makes Ink Out

不耗油墨可反复擦写 惠普推出 IonTouch 印刷技术 墨水打印因具有长久性在现代社会被广泛使用。但同时这样 的打印方式也具有成本耗费高以及效率低下等短板。虽然数字显 示器甚至电子墨水屏是一种不错的替代方式,但它们有时又太过 于波动而不利于信息的存储,并且成本上也是不低。据 slashgear 报道,日前惠普带来了一种名为 IonTouch 的新型印刷技术,将永 久性墨水和可修改电子显示器的优点结合到了一起。只需要几美 分的成本,就可不耗费墨水将内容打印到一张信用卡大小的显示 卡片上。 电话卡、礼品卡、临时身份证、门票,二维码这些小型印刷卡片的打印通常会对纸张和油墨造成巨 大的浪费。而 IonTouch 打印技术将为这些用户节约下一大笔资金。IonTouch 打印技术由两部分组成, IonTouch 成像器和 IonTouch 显示卡片。IonTouch 成像器是唯一可对 IonTouch 显示卡片进行内容打印的设 备,但这一打印却不需要使用到油墨却也同样具备了油墨的永久性。打印好的卡片内容显示与电子显示 屏需要耗电进行显示也不同,不需要电量就可以将信息显示出来。 IonTouch 成像器可对 IonTouch 显示卡片进行反复擦写,避免了纸张打印的浪费。在成像器没有重新 擦写之前,IonTouch 显示卡片将永久显示最后一次打印的内容,相较于油墨打印的信息保存也更为长久。 当然,惠普方面并没有泄露这种专有技术的更详细细节。虽然 IonTouch 技术比印刷在纸上看上去好 像复杂得多,但是它对经济和生态环保都极具吸引力。

Ricoh Unveils Six A3 Monochrome Medium-Speed Digital Copiers

理光发布六款 A3 黑白中速数码复合机 双面扫描每分钟 220 页 近日,理光向中国市场推出了六款 A3 数码复合机 MP 2555SP/3055SP/3555SP/4055S P/5055SP/6055SP。新产品系列标配有 10.1 寸 SOP 智能触摸屏;大尺寸无按键全触摸式彩 色智能操作面板;自动双面送稿器,双面扫 描速度达到了 220 页 / 分钟(300dpi 时); 升级的英特尔处理器及 4GB 内存,可以轻松 帮助用户应对大印量及连续多任务作业。 该系列还针对高端用户标配了方针 PS3 打印语言,可以覆盖绝大多数的对 PS3 语言 有需求的用户。省去了购置 Adobe 版本的高 额费用,使价格更有竞争力。 在输出大批量的文件时,常用的 1000 页的装订器增加了无针装订功能,同时 MP 4055SP/5055SP/6055SP 还可选择过去只有在


作需要具有精美外观的批量文档 时提供了便捷丰富的选择。 MP 2555SP/3055SP/3555SP/4055 SP/5055SP/6055SP 主要特征: ●

10.1 寸大尺寸 SOP 智能触摸

屏,内置 V4.2 安卓系统 ●

内置 1.46GHz 高速英特尔处

理器 ●

最 大 打 印 分 辨 率 为

1,200dpi×1,200dpi ●

可全面选配 220 页双面同步

扫描自动送稿器,双面扫描速度可 达到 220 页 / 分钟(300dpi) ●

标 配 4GB 内 存 SOP 系 统 内

存,320GB 硬盘


支持 300gsm 的厚纸


内置红外人体检测传感器,3 步内自动从睡眠模式启动


2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

Canon Launches Digital Press System varioPRINT 140 Series

佳能推出第三代黑白数码印刷系统 varioPRINT 140 系列

近日,佳能(中国)有限公司重磅推出了第三代黑白数码印刷系统——varioPRINT 140 Series 系列产品。 佳 能 varioPRINT 140 Series 系 列 的 定 位 是 轻、 中 量 级 的 商 业 数 码 印 刷 设 备, 打 印 速 度 分 别 为 143/133/118 ipm(A4/80 克),其可靠性和稳定性使得 A4 幅面的平均月承印量可达 80 万页,以专注于应 对生产型数码印刷市场不断增长的需求。 varioPRINT 140 Series 系列配置了更具生产力的作业计划和管理控制工具:PRISMAsync Job Scheduler、 PRISMAsync Remote Manager 和 PRISMAsync Remote Control app for smart devise,从而使得 A4 幅面的月峰值 印量可以达到 220 万页。在智能手机或平板电脑上安装 PRISMAsync Remote Control 软件,操作人员可通过 智能终端接收如介质加载、添加碳粉或设备故障报警等实时通知,以便做到快速应对,从而降低对生产 的影响。通过 PRISMAsync 打印服务器驱动数码印刷,可以帮助监控并对设备进行预先管理,提升设备正 常运转时间和生产力。 varioPRINT 140 Series 系列产品的复印和扫描功能也进一步提升,使该设备成为理想的生产型设备。 通过书籍复印模块、简易复印、页码添加以及压缩扫描文件大小等软件,能够为用户提供更加便利、高 效的文件数字化处理服务。增强的扫描和复印功能使 varioPRINT 140 Series 系列新品能够更好地应对法律、 医疗保健和教育行业用户对文件的数字化处理需求。另外,新系列产品采用了业内优秀的 PRISMAsync 控 制器,可以帮助用户更直观、更高效地管理打印作业流程:高可视化的印刷控制台可帮助降低员工培训 以及人工管理操作等时间耗费;在大量输出同一文件前,还可通过校样打印提前发现问题,避免造成直 接大量输出导致的浪费,降低成本;JDF/JMF 接口允许将设备链接到第三方,整合到用户现有的其他作 业流程中。 varioPRINT 140 Series 系列产品在多方面进行了输出品质的优化。ScreenPoint 技术可以确保线条输出 锐利、半色调处理均匀平滑,对于彩色、半色调和照片的灰度图像处理同样得心应手,无需操作员人工 调整。DirectPress 直接成像技术,采用从成像单元直接将墨粉转移到纸张的稳定处理,不受光线、静电、 温度、湿度、显影剂或碳粉混合物的影响,图像品质更高、更稳定。此外,varioPRINT 140 Series 还提供 了多种装订选购件,包括骑马钉装订、高容量堆叠器、折页器、插页器和直角骑马钉等,可以帮助用户 集成一套具有全自动工作流程的输出解决方案。当用户需要更多的纸张堆叠文件时,也能轻松获得更专 业、更精美的输出成品。 打印安全方面,varioPRINT 140 Series 系列配置了新的安全保密功能,包括用户身份验证或者基于 LDAP 的操作员登陆、配置的用户界面、扩展的审计记录等,有助于更好地控制未经授权的使用,更好 地监控用户的使用情况。新系列还具有无臭氧排放、无废粉、低耗电等环保特性,能够帮助用户打造更 加清洁、环保的工作环境。




2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期


2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

Establishment of CET Group Spain Branch

中恒集团西班牙分公司成立 近日,中恒集团(CET Group)加速实施影像行业全 球化战略,于 2017 年 4 月完成对西班牙公司“REPROVIGO EXPORT, S.L.”的收购工作,并将之设立为中恒集团的西 班牙分公司。 据了解,目前 REPROVIGO 公司业务主要面向西班牙 和葡萄牙的影像行业终端市场,且在西班牙复印机兼容 耗材市场内位列前三。中恒与该公司的合并将实现 CET 产品由研发到生产再到终端用户的无缝对接,将高品质 的 CET 兼容产品和服务带给西班牙和葡萄牙市场。 此外,中恒集团亦尝试在跨国分公司管理上有所创 新。继俄罗斯分公司后,西班牙分公司是中恒集团第二 个没有派驻中国管理者的海外分公司。CET 集团任用符 合自身企业文化的本土团队来管理业务和开发市场,既

CET 集团董事长马学文先生认为,这样的管理理念和企业

是 CET 集团秉承信任和授权理念的具体体现,也是实现

文化是一种创新的企业全球化管理,勇于创新正是 CET 集团



Greengolden’s Revenue Up More than 20% in 2016

苏州恒久 2016 年营收增幅超 20% 苏州恒久光电科技股份有限公司(“苏州恒久”)近日发 布了 2016 年年度报告,介绍了该公司的经营成果、财务状况 和未来发展规划。 据 报 告 介 绍,2016 年 度, 苏 州 恒 久 实 现 营 业 总 收 入 274,682,192.25 元, 较 上 年 同 期 增 长 21.11%; 实 现 归 属 于 母公司所有者的净利润 41,047,172.04 元,较上年同期下降 2.75%;实现每股收益 0.41 元,较上年下降 0.059 元。营业 收入多年持续增长,进一步巩固了苏州恒久在激光有机光导鼓 市场中的行业地位与竞争优势。 2016 年度,苏州恒久的主要产品激光 OPC 鼓系列的销 量为 6,572 万支,较上年同比增长 44.66%;综合毛利率为 22.30%,较上年减少了 5.93%,主要系受宏观经济形势影响,



科技有限公司和 Global Imaging System Limited (环球影像系







2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

Mitsubishi Chemical Announces Business Name Change

三菱化学变更企业英文名 以“Future Graphics”品牌闻名于世的美国三菱化学图像公司(“三 菱 化 学 ”), 近 日 宣 布 将 企 业 英 文 名 由 Mitsubishi Kagaku Imaging Corporation (MKIC) 变 更 为 Mitsubishi Chemical Imaging Corporation (MCIC),而 Future Graphics 将继续作为三菱化学图像公司的子品牌进行 运营。 三菱化学表示,此次更名不会对公司的产品和服务造成影响,公司品牌的可靠性仍然值得信赖。作为三菱化学的 子品牌,Future Graphics 将始终保有最丰厚的商业价值和最高的标准,同时期待未来能拥有更广阔的发展前景。 此次更名已于 4 月 1 日正式生效。

ITR Begins Remanufacturing Printing Consumables in Shanghai

宜达胜打印耗材再制造项目在沪启动 近日,上海宜达胜科贸股份有限公司打印 耗材再制造项目在上海临港新兴产业园启动。 据了解,该项目主要对废旧打印机墨盒和 成像卡盒进行回收再制造,不仅可循环利用打 印耗材,也可节省石油等资源。此外,宜达胜 还将与临港再制造产业发展公司合作,在临港 新兴产业园内建立一个办公耗材再制造科普展 厅,用于展示再制造技术在“绿色办公”领域 的应用。 宜达胜董事长陈卫权表示,公司将迎来“打 印耗材后服务时代”。为了推广应用打印耗材 再制造技术,公司不仅打造了一条科技服务链,






2017 年 年 10 5 月 总第 2016 月 总第157 150期 期

企业近况 市场细分

61 67


2017 年 5 月 总第 157 期

Apex Mic Receives Benefit of Tax Reduction

艾派克全资子公司获国家税收优惠资格 珠海艾派克科技股份有限公司(“艾派克科技”)





(粤财法〔2016〕7 号)等文件精神,艾派克微电子

改革委员会下发的《广东省发展改革委关于反馈 2016



集成电路设计企业(一类)在 2015 年度享受重点软

况的复函》(粤发改高技术函 [2016]6037 号)。

件企业减按 10% 税率优惠征收企业所得税的政策。

根据《财政部国家税务总局发展改革委工业和信息 化部关于软件和集成电路产业企业所得税优惠政策有关

本次收到的企业所得税退税款对公司相关财务数 据的影响最终将以会计师审计结果为准。

问题的通知》(财税〔2016〕49 号)和《转发财政部

Lenovo Printing Leaves Group, Focuses on Cloud Platform

联想打印脱团自立 专注云打印平台 联想打印近日在海南三亚举行“图像未来” 联想图像新公司成立暨云打印平台发布会,正式 宣布联想打印从集团剥离,今后将以联想图像科 技有限公司的新形象继续服务客户及渠道伙伴。 联想打印是联想的重要组成部分,至今已有 26 年的发展历史。联想图像科技有限公司的成 立是联想打印业务的升级,新公司自主经营、突 破创新,能更灵活地应对来自市场和用户的需求。 新公司在巩固传统激光打印业务的同时,还将大 力发展云打印、MPS 和 3D 打印等增值型新业务, 在互联网 + 和双创的浪潮中找准定位,和渠道伙 伴一起寻找新的增长点。 随着物联网、云计算、大数据等新技术的迅 猛发展,新的联接和演化正在发生,旧的商业格 局将被打破。联想认为,在这个万物智能、万物 互联的形势下,打印机成为智能终端、智能设备 的潮流不可逆转。 此次新公司全面发力云打印平台,将落实联 想“设备 + 云”战略,实现线上文档、线下门店 渠道服务和联想会员体系、电商体系及金融体系 的融合,构建“打印 + 物联网 + 大数据 + 人工智 能”的图像新生态。在移动互联向智能互联转化 的趋势下,联想图像云平台将改变很多人对传统 打印的认识。


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of their respective owners. Brand names mentioned are intended to show compatibility only.

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64 72


65 73

17 16 宽 65 高 54

宽 65 高 55



FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Your CIG Sales Rep. Today


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FEB

Hong Kong International Stationery Fair

Jan.9-12,2017 Hong Kong, China


30 31

15 Chinamate

14 宽 65 高 55


13 宽 65 高 55

66 58

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Remanexpo @Paperworld @Paperworld

Jan.28-31,2017 Frankfurt, Germany


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Paperworld M

Mar.8-11,2017 Shanghai, China


China Sourci



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Business-Inform 2017

Chinese Export Commodities Fair 2017

May.17-19,2017 Moscow,

Apr.15-19,23-27,May.1-5,2017 Guangzhou, China


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


May.30-Jun.3,2017 Taibei, Taiwan




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


宽 65 高 55


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ISOT 2017

Jul.5-7,2017 Tokyo Big Sight, Japan



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



Oct.8-12,2017 Dubai, UAE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

All Print Indonesia 2017 2017

Nov.1-4,2017 Jakarta, Indonesia

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


11 宽 67 高 55



宽 134 高 45

宽 67 高 45

D THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Imaging Solution Expo

Jan.12-14,2017 New Delhi, India

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 16 17 18 19 20 21 RechargeAsia Expo Turkey 2017 Feb.22-26,2017 Istanbul, Turkey

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Middle East 2017

Cebit 2017

17 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Mar.20-24,2017 Hannover, Germany

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

ing Fair 2017

ITEX 2017


7 Hong Kong, China

Apr.18-20,2017 Las Vegas, USA

Apr.25-29,2017 ZIEC, Zimbabwe


宽 65 高 55

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Russia

World of Digital Print Expo

ReChina Expo 2017

Central Asia office 2017

May.18-20,2017 Jakarta, Indonesia

May. 24-26,2017 Shanghai, China

May.30-Jun.1,2017 Almaty, Kazakhstan

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Print Expo 2017


宽 65 高 55 APEXMIC

Aug.18-20,2017 Chennai, India

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sign China 2017

Paperworld China 2017

Sep.20-22,2017 Guangzhou, China

Sep.21-23,2017 Shanghai, China


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 RemaxWorld Expo 2017

DPS World 2017

Oct.12-14,2017 Zhuhai, China

Oct.20-22,2017 Lahore, Pakistan

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

After Market

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

10 宽 67 高 55


宽 67 高 55


宽 65 高 55

67 59


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