2012 Digital Media Kit

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@ 2012 Digital Media Kit


2012 Digital Media Kit



With a new look, revamped interface and added features, rechargeasia.com is poised to become the industry’s leading web portal, connec4ng rechargers on a global level and providing them with an online tool to find new contacts and to forge new business rela4onships. Since its re-launch in early 2011, Rechargeasia.com has experiencing rapid growth in site traffic and search engine rankings. To further boost our online presence, we have also cul4vated a comprehensive email database comprising of close to 20,000 industry contacts from all over the world.

yellow pages

Online Adver,sing Opportuni,es

Web Banner Adver4sing Email Adver4sing Newsle5er Adver4sing Product Showcase Yellow Pages Directory Lis4ngs Job Classifieds

Other Services

Press Release Wri4ng & Promo4on English-Chinese Transla4on Web Banner and Video Development




2012 Digital Media Kit

Web Banner Advertising Rates & Specifications

BANNER ADS Placement







160x600 px

$350 / month


Run-of-site (ROS)

Horizontal rect.

234x60 px

Magazine/news page Rectangle

180x150 px


728x90 px

Expo registra4on pg. Rectangle Monthly Newsle5er

180x150 px


120x240 px

Note: Banner formats accepted are .gif, .swv, .jpg.

Horizontal rectangle banner

Skyscraper banner

Leaderboard banner

Rectangle banner

Email banner adver,sing (Skyscraper) 160 x 600 px (sta4c or animated)

$250 / month

$150 / month

$350 / month $95 / month $250 / run



Yes No


2012 Digital Media Kit

EMAIL MARKETING Ready-to-publish ad*, provided by adver4ser

Content provided by adver4ser, designed in-house by publisher

$300 per run in our Monthly E-newsle5er, or $65 per run for 4 weeks ($250) $400 per run to full database

*Only HTML ďŹ les are accepted.

Sta4s4cal report will be provided post-run at no addi4onal cost.

Email banner adver,sing (leaderboard) 728 x 90 px (sta4c or animated)

2012 Digital Media Kit


Annual Lis,ng rate: $249 per year

IncludesFull Bio, Logo, 5-image Gallery, op onal Product Catalog and Promo Video integra on.

Why List on Recharge Asia Yellow Pages?

YOUR LISTING WON’T HAVE A SHELF LIFE. In this day and age, most people will agree that the Internet is usually the first place they turn to in order to find products, services and company data. A readily accessible and updated online directory such as ours proves to be more useful than an annual print directory that can become outdated over 4me.

IT'S AFFORDABLE ADVERTISING. As any business knows, adver4sing plays a big part in a company’s success. Even if you have a limited budget, some form of adver4sing is needed to get your company name out there. Lis4ng with our business directory is an inexpensive way to gain exposure for your company. Just one sales lead from our directory could possibly return the cost of your ad placement ten-fold.

GAIN ONLINE EXPOSURE FOR YOUR COMPANY. It has been proven that people overwhelmingly use search engines and online business directories for help in selec4ng products. People will not buy your products or use your services if they don't know who you are. By lis4ng with us, you can make your company data accessible to interested buyers even if you don’t have a website.

MAKE YOUR COMPANY STAND OUT! For one low price of just $249 per year, we give you the op4on to present your company data to poten4al buyers through the use of media. You have the op4on to showcase your products and services through adding photos, a5aching a product catalog and even a promo video. These features are designed to allow you to create a las4ng "e-impression", an online statement of who you are and what your company can offer. OUR ONLINE WEB BANNER

2012 Digital Media Kit LISTING FORMAT Lis4ngs are displayed alphabe4cally within each category according to the company name.

PAYMENT OPTIONS We accept checks and credit card transac4ons. Payment is processed securely via SSL encryp4on through our merchant interface.

CHANGES OR ADDITIONS You are welcome to submit any changes or addi4ons to your lis4ng at any 4me. Please allow at least 24 hours for these changes/addi4ons to take place. To submit changes/addi4ons, please email angela@rechargeasia.com. REFUND POLICY If you are not sa4sďŹ ed with the results of your lis4ng, please contact us to cancel your lis4ng at any 4me and we will refund a pro-rated por4on of your lis4ng payment.

Sample Company Lis,ng

Directory Landing Page

2012 Digital Media Kit


$75 - $125 per post for 3-months

Classified Ads

$250 per month, 500 word limit

English/Chinese Transla4on Product Showcase*

Company Profile feature*

Promo Youtube/Tudou Videos**

$ .25 cent per word

$500 per month, full page

$200 per month, 500 word limit

$250 per month, placed within our “Top Videos” sec4on

* Web design services provided the cost of $150 per design. Only Microso$ Word format, plain text or r3 are accepted.

** Videos submi5ed must be complete and up to 10 mins. in dura4on. We do not provide any video edi4ng services. You may choose to upload the video to your account and provide us with the link for publica4on or provide us with the video to be hosted on our account.

Samples of our Product Showcase and Job Classifieds

2012 Digital Media Kit

Web / Email Advertisement Contract 5091 Walnut Grove Avenue, San Gabriel, CA 91776, USA Tel / 1-626-309-0858 Fax / 1-626-309-0878 www.rechargeasia.com







P.O. #


The undersigned contact or authorized agent hereby authorizes Recharge Asia Magazine to place their web/email adver4sement according to the following terms: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total number of runs:____________ Cost per run:___________________ Total cost: _____________________


This agreement overwrites any previous arrangement of understanding for the adver4sing rates. The par4es hereby agree that the privileges and condi4ons, this contract sets forth the en4re agreement between Recharge Asia Magazine and the adver4ser. No verbal agreements will be recognized. The adver4ser warrants that they comply with all applicable laws such as licensing requirements, as a duly authorized agent for the product being serviced or adver4sed. In addi4on, any company name and type of service provided by the adver4ser, any trademark, and trade names, and/or copyrighted material appearing in the adver4sing display hereby contracted for, summarily holds Recharge Asia Magazine and its affiliates free of fault. Cancella4on of this inser4on/contract is required in wri4ng and no verbal agreement will be accepted. A 45-day cancella4on lead 4me is required. ______ (ini4al)

Adver4sers will be held liable for any adver4sement published if Recharge Asia Magazine does not receive cancella4on within the stated cancella4on 4me period above. All accounts will be invoiced upon approval of the adver4sement; all ads are subject to approval. The publisher, while endeavoring to ensure that all ads will appear with all possible regularity, will not be held liable for any loss, actual or consequen4al, occasioned by the failure of any ads to appear for any cause whatsoever. If your adver4sing copy is not supplied in the required format by the given copy deadline, we reserve the right to publish the last available copy on file and bill you accordingly. Recharge Asia Magazine will not be held responsible for errors found in the ad a$er it has been presented for final sign-off approval. It is the adver4ser’s responsibility to make sure the ad is accurate before returning the signed form. Unless instructed otherwise, the publisher reserves the right to dispose of all adver4ser’s artwork and copy a$er a period of 6 months from the date of its last appearance in the magazine. We reserve the right to discon4nue adver4sing when there are invoices outstanding. If any payment is not made when due, Adver4ser/Contract/Authorized Representa4ve shall pay, in addi4on, all costs of collec4on including, but not limited to, all a5orney’s fees and court costs. In addi4on, all balances, which remain unpaid a$er 30 days from the date of invoice, shall be applicable to a finance charge of 1.5% (annual 1.8%) or “Applicable Legal Maximum” based upon formal no4ce by Recharge Asia Magazine _______ (ini4al) Provided that your company is not in default of this agreement and subject to the terms and condi4ons hereof, the contract will automa4cally renew for the terms and dates indicated above. Renewal terms may be cancelled at any 4me with a 30-day wri5en no4ce to Recharge Asia Magazine. ________ Automa4c renewal program (ini4al)




2012 Digital Media Kit

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