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目 录 11 Message from the Publisher 73 卷首语 FEATURE ARTICLES


12 18

How Green Are You? 绿色“环保”的新挑战


Introducing Recharge Asia in Jakarta 亚洲再生业在印尼雅加达拓展业务

By Kam Woon


2009连续供墨的发展方向 Trends in CISS Development in 2009

By 肖珂


从诉讼斗争中走出的强者 The Winner Who Survives the Lawsuit Struggle


在印尼见证新的奇迹发生 RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010 will Move to Indonesia

By Art Diamond

By Scott MacKenzie


Solid Long-Term Growth for Color Laser Printers and MFPs in EMEA as Uncertain Economic Conditions Persist 彩色激光打印机和多功能打印机在当前经济形势下保持持续 增长

34 80 84

How to Change Social Media Marketing


By 桑伟斌 2009年第二季度中国激光打印机市场研究报告 China's Laser Printer Market Research Report for the Second Quarter in 2009


A3+商喷市场即生变局 A3+ Commercial Jet market to be Changed



ReChina Expo 2009 is Ready to Roll ReChina2009耗材展即将登场


STMC认证:依据技术条款进行有益竞争 STMC Certification: Compete More Effectively Using Technical Terms


静电复印机与静电复印机耗材知识(一) Electrostatic Printers and Consumables Technology Knowledge




Epson Expands its Award-Winning Compact Photo Printer Line with PictureMate Charm 爱普生扩展其深具数字信息魅力的便携式照片打印机生产线


HP Expands Printing Portfolio to Address Broader Customer Base in Eco-solvent Market 惠普为在生态溶剂市场获得更广泛的客户资源扩展其打印产品 组合


New Ricoh Technology Removes Residue without Solvents or Water 理光开发全新祛除水或溶剂中的残留物质技术


Xerox Delivers Phaser 6140 Professional Color Printer 富士施乐推出专业Phaser 6140彩色打印机


惠普佳能联手助企业优化文印管理 HP & Canon Join Forces to Help Enterprises Optimize the Management of Document Printing


爱普生ME OFFICE 510精彩上市 Epson Releases New ME OFFICE 510 to Market




Remanufacturing the Ricoh Sp-1000F Toner Cartridge 理光Sp-1000F成像卡盒再生 By Mike Josiah


HP LaseerJet P2035/2055粉盒再生 Remanufacturing HP LaseerJet P2035/2055 Toner Cartridge


中国市场上HP打印机与成像卡盒型号对照表 Comparison Tables of HP Printers and Toner Cartridges in China Market

An Interview with Mr. Arnald Ho of Print-Rite Holding Ltd. 访问天威集团贺良梅总裁




社会化媒体如何改变营销市场 IDC预计:2009年中国打印外设市场继续下滑,但是市场发展 仍有新亮点 IDC Estimates: China's Printing Peripheral Device Market Continues to Fall but Remains the Industry Bright Spot


Remax Zhuhai 2010: Through the Eyes of a Trade Show Organizer 一个展览会组织者眼中的2010年珠海Remax展


MFPs Continue to Lead the Way in the Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market 多功能机依然领跑全球打印设备市场







Compatibles and All That Jazz 影像耗材企业的诉讼大战




Tel 1-626-309-0858 Fax 1-626-309-0878




Pelikan Hardcopy Announces New Unit Size Pelikan硬拷贝公司宣布新的产品规格


UTec Appreciation to Remax Asia Pacific 2009 Utec 出席珠海耗材展


Ninestar Rises at Remax Asia Pacific Ninestar出席2009年珠海展


Oasis Releases MICR Toner for HP 64X Oasis 推出全新惠普64X微型碳粉


Dave Connor Named New Vice President of Engineering at Ecrm Dave Connor 被任命为Ecrm公司新的工程副总裁


Ian Goddard Joins Static Control Ian Goddard加入SCC公司


Dedication of the Print-Rite Tower 珠澳跨境区天威耗材商务基地落成



美国科学家发明3D玻璃打印技术 American Scientist Invents 3D Glass Printing Technology 施乐57亿美元收购ACS 不再局限打印市场 Xerox Acquires ACS for $5.7 Billion 文印外包每年节约办公成本30% Document Printing Outsourcing Saves Work Cost 30% Per Year 把整个因特网都印出来 需4500万个墨盒 Printing Whole Internet Needs 45 Million Ink Cartridges


Hi & Bestech Company Announces the Release of New Universal Chips Hi & Bestech公司宣布发布全新通用芯片


PTi® Releases Replacement Cartridges for Brother TN360 & DR360 PTi® 推出兼容兄弟 TN360 & DR360系列成像卡盒


惠普第三财季净利润16亿美元 HP's Third-quarter Retained Profit is $1.6 Billion 佛山埃申特公司举办拓展培训活动 Foshan Ascend Holds Training Activities



珠三角将建造最大纸品销售市场 Zhujiang Corner to Construct the Biggest Paper Market 罗兰公司将在路演中展示金属喷墨技术 Roland Company to Bring Forth Metal Inkjet Technology in Roadshow




珠澳跨境区天威耗材商务基地落成 Dedication of the Print-Rite Tower 纳思达欲推自主产权打印机产品 Ninestar to Release Printer Products Based upon Its Intellectual Property Rights

2009年珠海耗材展与同期的电子展闭幕 Zhuhai Remax Concluded with Simultaneous Electron Show 印度学生发明蔬菜汁为原料的环保墨水 Indian Student Invents Environmental Friendly Ink Using Vegetable Juice as Raw Material 无锡佳腾八年商标维权 Wuxi Jiateng's 8 Years Trademark Rights Maintaining


概念打印机无需墨盒和色带 Concept Printer Does Not Need Ink and Ribbon

台湾打印机市场喷墨多功能机表现最佳 Multifunction Inkjet Printer Performs Best

Future Graphics Imaging Corporation Releases Compatible Products for HP and Dell Future Graphics公司发布惠普和戴尔全新兼容产品系列



方正全线代理三星中低端打印机业务 Founder Becomes Samsung Low and Middle Printer Business Agency





埃申特2009年新品发布暨技术研讨会开幕 Ascend Holds Technology Seminar at Zhuhai


Tel 86-10-5126-5580 Fax 86-10-5885-8747

惠普预测明年PC业逐渐复苏 打印机相对落后 HP Forecasts Gradual Recovery in PC Industry

En Ch Note: Recharge Asia is the f irst and original bilingual publication for the recharger industry in English and Chinese. The following symbols denote the language in which the article appears: En English Ch Chinese





Publisher’s Note: We, at Recharge Asia, welcome comments to any of our editorials or content. Send comments, including sender’s name, address & phone number to: Sunny Sun, Publisher, via email to

Art Diamond

Art Diamond President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC) Mr. Art Diamond is a 52-year veteran of the imaging industry, having worked in this field continuously since 1955. He

is currently President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC). DRC is a high technology consulting, publishing, and trade show management firm that formed in 1968. Now headquartered in Ojai, California, DRC is a chemical engineering consulting firm involved in toner, ink jet, and imaging media production and marketing. Read his article “Compatibles and All That Jazz” p12

Scott MacKenzie

Scott MacKenzie Manager of Market Analysis Scott MacKenzie is the manager of market analysis for West Point Product. A recognized industry speaker and contributing

editor to a number of trade publications, he joined West Point Products in January 2009. He is responsible for market

research and analysis, working closely with the firm's senior management and marketing teams. MacKenzie holds an honors degree in English and economics from the University of Toronto, as well as a post-graduate certificate in marketing management and is a 2012 MBA Candidate at the Rotman School of Management in Toronto, Canada. Read his article “How Green Are You?” p18

Kam Woon

Kam Woon Kam Woon is an Australian with more than 15 years experience in the remanufacturing industry in the South East Asia

region. He has worked with industry leaders like Static Control Components, Inc and Delacamp Australia Pty Ltd, and he is now based in Jakarta to manage Indonesia’s first inkjet ink factory, PT Malindo Imaging Technologies. Read his article “Introducing Recharge Asia office in Jakarta ” p24

Mike Josiah

Mike Josiah Division of Uninet Imaging Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at Summit Technologies, a division of Uninet Imaging. A global distributor of toner, OPC drums, wiper blades and other supplies. An industry veteran since 1987, Mike is a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification Committee as well as an STMC trainer. He regularly contributes articles and teaches seminars at association meetings and trade shows.

Read his article “Remanufacturing the Ricoh Sp-1000F Toner Cartridge” p57

RechargeAsia offers to announce your 2010 fairs, trade shows and conferences free of charge. Simply send us your conference information on a regular basis. In appreciation, we shall be happy to provide you with free copies of our international magazine for distribution at your event. Please contact: Jessica Hao Email:





Message from the Publisher Dear Readers: It’s been a busy month and a busy year! While appreciating the golden leaves of fall, one can’t help but feel a certain nostalgic sadness the year is so quickly passing us by. Despite the financial meltdown and struggling global economic climate, many of the companies we have interviewed, like Print Rite, G&G, and Beijing Laser, are surprisingly pleased with their sales figures, boasting increases of 20-30%. This gives me a glimmer of hope that the remanufacturing industry, while constantly changing and reinventing itself, is alive and well. For this issue, I had the pleasure and good fortune to sit down and chat with Print Rite’s CEO, Mr. Arnald Ho, and his General Manager, Ms. Iris Ho. His insight and perspective on the industry’s direction, as well as a preview of the new Print Rite Tower, proved to be truly fascinating. Be sure you read this month’s CEO on the Go, an interview with Mr. Arnald Ho on p.40. I am also thrilled to share with you that RechargeAsia has opened an office in Jakarta, Indonesia, to promote and support RechargExpo South East Asia, which will be held next year in Jakarta. I must pause here to express my sincere gratitude to our industry friend, Mr. Kam Woon, for his extended support. Mr. Woon and his company have gone that extra mile to support Recharge Asia and RechargExpo’s successful cooperation with Festival Komputer, the largest computer show in Indonesia. So mark your calendar now: RechargExpo South East Asia will be held next year at the beautiful Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on July 14-16, 2010. We are pleased to be co-locating and co-promoting RechargExpo SEA with Festival Komputer Indonesia. If you would like to learn more about our newly established Jakarta office and updates on RechargExpo South East Asia, please read Mr. Woon’s article on p.24. In it he shares his personal experience and feelings toward this beautiful and culturally diverse country, with its population of 215 million and its 10,000 islands scattered across the South Seas. In addition to these pieces, be sure to enjoy our other feature articles as well. West Point Products’ Mr. Scott Mackenzie questions “How Green are You” on p.18 and Diamond Research’s Ceo, Mr. Art Diamond, delves into patent rights, the point of first sale and the Jazz photo case in “Compatibles and All That Jazz” on p.12. Happy reading!

Ms. Sunny Sun Publisher





Compatibles and All That Jazz Exhausting Patent Rights, Point of First Sale and the Jazz Photo Case Art Diamond, Diamond Research Corporation It’s a mission for rechargers the world around. With a growing number of remanufactured toner and ink jet cartridges flowing into global markets, it is possible that original equipment makers (OEMs) might exercise their rights under the Jazz Photo Case in an attempt to stem that tide. But are those rights valid and enforceable? More of these remanufactured products are using compatible cores rather than the OEM-built product as the spent cartridge. These compatibles are replacing OEM cores that are either scarce, expensive, or costly to collect. For rechargers as well as OEMs, they represent a second problem. While these are two separate concerns, they both introduce legal and patent issues that must be resolved. THE JAZZ PHOTO CASE The decision in Jazz Photo Corp. v. ITC modified an earlier ruling in Hewlett-Packard v. Repeat-O-Type Stencil Mfg. Corp. In that Repeat-O-Type case, argued by Los Angeles-based attorney Edward F. O’Connor, the Federal Circuit found that a patent holder loses its rights upon the first sale of a cartridge. Therefore, there can be no patent infringement by any recharger who might repair or refill those cartridges. The patentee’s rights are said to be exhausted. The Jazz Photo case later modified that ruling by finding that the loss in patent rights only applies if the first sale was made in the United States. If, however, the first sale was made on foreign soil, any refilled or remanufactured products would indeed be infringing existing U.S. patents, provided they violated applicable patent claims. However, the Jazz Photo decision is viewed as flawed and problematical by some legal experts. Their objections are based partly upon the fact that establishing the point of first sale is an unfair burden placed upon the accused party rather than on the patentee, who has documented proof of each transaction.




NINESTAR IN THE SPOTLIGHT Renowned intellectual property (IP) attorney Edward F. O’ Connor, Chair of the litigation practice of the Eclipse Group law firm, recently suggested that a decision by the United States Supreme Court (Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc.) disagrees with the Jazz Photo decision. He has now petitioned the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on behalf of clients Ninestar China, Ninestar U.S. and Town Sky, requesting an en blanc (full court) review to certify, in the alternative, to the US Supreme Court. On the heels of an August 17, 2009 ruling by the International Trade Commission (ITC) reducing the penalty for importing remanufactured Epson ink jet cartridges, Ninestar Technology is now in the spotlight. Having won a more than $9 million reduction in penalties. The outcome of Mr. O’Connor’s petition on behalf of Ninestar, et al, could have a profound impact on the ink jet and toner cartridge remanufacturing business worldwide. Los Angeles IP attorney Robert A. Schroeder (Sheldon Mak Rose & Anderson) points out, "In the last few years, the US Supreme Court has handed down a series of decisions in patent cases, all of which have narrowed the rights of patent owners and overruled Federal Circuit precedents. It is very probable that we have not seen the last of this trend and, if the Court reviews a decision in Jazz Photo or a similar case, it is likely that the exhaustion doctrine will be extended to cover foreign sales. Logically, this extension should apply only where the device was patented in the foreign country, but the rule is likely to be less complicated and treat all foreign sales as an exhaustion of patent rights as to the devices sold. Of course, the US Supreme Court takes on a small number of the cases it is asked to review and no one can predict when that will happen." THE COMPATIBLES Refilling spent OEM cartridges is one issue, but importing newlybuilt compatible cartridges is an entirely different matter. Consider, for example, the issue of unauthorized compatible cartridges being produced largely in foreign countries. Thus far, OEMs have fought compatible ink jet cartridges, but they have been relatively mute regarding the flow of compatible toner cartridges into the United States. Will the dire economic conditions that threaten sales of OEM supplies now trigger a new wave of patent, trademark, or intellectual property lawsuits? Attorney Robert Freedman, a Partner with Tharpe and Howell in Los Angeles, looks at the situation f rom a business






Compatibles and All That Jazz Continued

perspective. “You have the large, generally well organized incumbent OEM’s,” he writes, “faced with diminished revenues due to the economy and a loss in market share to smaller, unorganized Asian firms. These manufacturers are piggybacking on OEM technology and product designs. In light of these market driven dynamics, you can expect the OEM’s to ramp-up their legal attacks to obtain injunctive relief and statutory damages, particularly against the smaller companies who are viewed by the OEM's as the ‘low hanging fruit’.” And, if it becomes necessary to identify and segregate spent compatibles from original OEM cores, will this create chaos in the market for empties? Will it also boost the price of “legal,” or permissible, empties? Are compatible cartridge builders creating a monstrous problem that could cause irreparable harm to the remanufacturing industry here in the U.S. by poisoning the pool of legitimate empties? A COMMON THREAT “Infringing compatible toner cartridges present a common threat to both OEMs and rechargers alike Legitimate vendors find it impossible to complete with products that blatantly infringe intellectual property,“ says Charles Brewer, an independent consultant who follows the digital supplies industry. “Companies that clone the OEM product invest nothing in R&D or due diligence. As a result, they can market products at artificially low price points.” Brewer contends that “Infringing products are also giving the third-party supplies industry a bad name with channel partners and distributors. The OEMs have made it clear that they will be equally aggressive in their pursuit of manufacturers that market infringing products and the channels that sell these bogus products to end users. The channels have become increasingly concerned about selling non-OEM supplies, which could be a huge problem for the aftermarket.”

In the short term, with prices as low as $12 to $15 for a finished cartridge, these compatibles are capturing market share from both players. In the long term, infringing compatibles are disastrous for the industry. Not only do they drive prices down, they also make the channel uneasy about carrying legitimate third-party supplies. “Distributors have begun to shy away from third-party cartridges,” says Brewer “because they are concerned about lawsuits. Infringing cartridges just exacerbate the situation.” To make matters worse, infringing empties might be polluting the stock of cartridge cores and thereby putting legitimate remanufacturers at risk. Clearly, the specter of a poisoned pool of spent cartridges holds formidable legal and logistical consequences for the entire remanufacturing community. INFRINGING vs. NON-INFRINGING COMPATIBLES Industry Consultant Graham J. Galliford agrees that these are relevant issues, but points out that there is a difference between infringing and non-infringing compatibles. “There are, in fact, at least six types of cartridge being sold into markets worldwide,” notes Galliford, listing: • OEM virgins • OEM non-virgins • Remanufactured OEMs • Non-infringing compatibles • Infringing compatibles • Remanufactured infringing compatibles “Those infringing compatibles that copy the OEM product, or violate OEM IP rights, should more properly be classified as counterfeits,” claims Galliford, “particularly if they also infringe the trade dress of the original product. As such, they put at risk of legal action any individual or organization that makes, uses, or sells such a product.” “In addition,” Galliford continues, “spent compatibles that infringe OEM patents will prove toxic to the vast pool of empties upon which rechargers draw for their livelihood. Not only are they difficult to cull out from the legitimate OEM cores, but if remanufactured, they place the recharger at risk of legal action.” The situation regarding non-infringing compatibles is less clear. “Distinguishing infringing from non-infringing compatibles is not trivial and, of course, non-infringing compatibles utilize their own originators’ IP. This adds further dimension to the problem,” Galliford concludes. A NON-INFRINGING COMPATIBLE Micro Solutions Enterprises (Van Nuys, California) just released a series of non-infringing compatibles that exemplify the best approach to supplying the toner cartridge aftermarket. These cartridges are based upon MSE’s proprietary remanufacturing









Compatibles and All That Jazz Continued

processes that conform to the permissible repair doctrine. They are compatible with HP LaserJet P2035 and P2055 products and are supplied with a Smart Print Chip. According to Mr. Craig Faczan, MSE’s Marketing Manager, “The term ‘compatible’ can have different meanings in different contexts. Some people take ‘compatible cartridge’ to mean ‘a new (newly molded and patent infringing) cartridge’ while others simply use the word compatible as Webster’s Dictionary defines it. That is, ‘designed to work with another device or system without modification’.” MSE offers “Premium Compatible Cartridges™” says Faczan, “that are neither produced with infringing components nor are they ‘newly molded cartridges’. Using our unique manufacturing processes coupled with proprietary components and patented technology, we manufacture a product that performs better than other remanufactured products and is still ‘compatible’ with OEM cartridges in quality, performance and reliability.” “At MSE, we respect the OEMs’ position and their legal rights to protect their innovations. Similar to the OEM mentality, MSE develops patents and patent-pending technologies (28 in total)

IN MEMORIAM George Wagner, 1928-2009




and, we enforce our legal rights to protect them when we find an infringing product. Through our engineering and innovation, we develop products that are superior and protect these competitive advantages to the fullest extent.” Faczan conluded with this observation, “I think it is just a matter of time before the OEMs crack down on counterfeit, ‘new’ compatibles.”

内容纵览: 日前,HP对11家墨水生产企业展开诉讼,而爱普生 与纳斯达的专利官司也已经打到洲联邦法院,兼 容再生 与原装耗材企业的诉讼和纷争似乎从未停止过。 Art先生 作为影像耗材领域内的知名专家和研究学者,特 在本文 中就对耗材行业影响深远的几大知名诉讼,邀请 相关法 律专家共同解析,相信文中的观点和意见,会帮 助再制 造企业在面临相关问题时,有所借鉴。

On Tuesday, October 20, in front of 45,620 fans at Angels Stadium in Anaheim, the New York Yankees sewed up a stunning 10-1 victory over the Los Angeles Angels. At the moment the last man was called out, the crowd went wild and with a happy smile, George Wagner left our world. Wearing his NY Yankees baseball cap and surrounded by his loving family members, this faithful Yankees’ fan left Duxbury, Massachusetts for Heaven’s golden pastures. George Wagner leaves behind his wife, Freja and his three daughters: Anne (Mrs. Joseph Ryan), Emilie (Mrs. Charles Berkley), and Ms. Frajie Wagner. As President of Chemical Images Company, George supplied resins and co-polymers to toner plants throughout the industry. Prior to forming his company in 1980, he was a VicePresident of Phillip A. Hunt Corporation. His educational background includes a bachelor of science degree in chemistry from Muhlenberg College (Allentown, Pennsylvania), with g raduate studies at the Universit y of Cincinnati.

Wagner was instrumental in deciphering the exceptional bi-modal and co-polymer based resins from Japan that were revolutionizing the toner industry in the 1980s. He helped American chemists and engineers develop competitive polymers which gave toner unique release properties from the hot fuser rollers in copiers and printers. A tough business man, George was one of the backbones of the toner industry. He was a straight arrow. Backed by an insatiable desire to read the printed word and a remarkable memory bank to store the data, he was resolute in his convictions. Amazingly, he could back them up with hard facts. An ex-WWII paratrooper, George Wagner was a f riend to many, a mentor to his associates, and an icon to an industry. Knowing him was a blessing; missing him brings us great sorrow.






How Green Are You? Does your company have a means to gauge its environmental efforts? American consumers do. By Scott MacKenzie Manager of Market Analysis The imaging aftermarket has traditionally employed two key benefits in its marketing message: a cost advantage relative to the OEM, and the environmental benefits associated with reusing empty cores. During the industry’s initial growth period, these two benefits fueled the industry’s marketing efforts at a time when quality was still a considerable challenge for many firms. When the industry’s overall quality improved as remanufacturing organizations matured, the environmental message began to take a back seat to the more intriguing and differentiating message of product quality. Organizations that once touted their environmental efforts were now focusing more of their energy, particularly on the marketing front, on product quality and performance. It was a natural progression in a maturing industry working to convert OEM users to aftermarket imaging supplies. In recent years, and most notably in the last 24 months or so, the environmental marketing message has experienced a renaissance, and is being used on a much larger scale than in the past. This time around, the environmental message has extended beyond environmentally focused firms like remanufacturers to businesses of all kinds, and the message seems to be resonating with end users as never before. As a result, firms of many different types, from manufacturing to retail to government agencies, are adopting what they themselves deem to be “green” policies and procedures aimed at lessening their environmental impact and improving their corporate images. The extent to which this desire prevails and effects buying decisions is debatable, as some research indicates that while the majority

of sur vey respondents do state that they would rather purchase products p r o d u c e d b y “ g r e e n” companies, the premium they would be willing to pay in order to do so is often times limited. Even so, the potential to benefit f rom this perceived consumer preference seems to have strong appeal to companies all over North America and the world,




with firms scrambling to fulfill new “green mandates” set in the interest of satisfying end-user expectations. The increased power of green marketing over the last twentyfour months is a positive thing for the remanufacturing industry, but it comes with a set of nuances that must be considered carefully. Most notable is the fact that since it was first used by the remanufacturing industry, green marketing has become much more complex. This, of course, is due in large part to the fact that so many industries have now jumped on the green marketing bandwagon. As a result of this increased popularity and the diluted messages that have arisen from it, the original messages being delivered by remanufacturers are now being challenged, in some cases rightfully so, by the messages delivered by the OEMs. What was once an unchallenged strength for the aftermarket is now on shakier ground. OEMs have begun to focus their own marketing machines on appealing to users with a green agenda, while at the same time denouncing the broad, sweeping and often diluted environmental claims made by some remanufacturers. With this in mind, one could question just how effective the traditional message is Unfortunately for some, the answer to this question is a bit of a moving target. The basis of the traditional environmental message being broadcast by the imaging aftermarket centers on the reuse of parts from used toner and ink jet cartridges. The argument being used is that remanufacturers divert considerable amounts of waste from landfill, as well as eliminate the need to burn additional fossil fuels in the production of new cartridge cores by reusing those parts and cores. For years, this argument stood unchallenged, with few

remanufacturers seeing a need for a more detailed explanation of their environmental efforts. Nevertheless, this argument has until recently positioned remanufacturers well against their OEM competitors. More recently, however, its very basis has been challenged by the aftermarket’s detractors in light of the renewed focus on environmental sustainability among consumers. In essence, the remanufacturing industry now needs to step up the sophistication of its message to counter veiled accusations of “green washing,” or claiming environmental benefits that as an industry it cannot prove. Not surprisingly, this challenge has come from OEMs, and will have to be counteracted effectively if the aftermarket is to continue using environmental advantages as part of its marketing efforts. In short, times have changed, and the imaging aftermarket will need to change with them by either stepping up its environmental initiatives in new ways






By Scott MacKenzie

How Green Are You?


(toner with bio-content and more robust collection and recycling programs spring to mind) or by providing evidence to its former claims in order to maintain its traditional environmental advantage. The challenge being posed to the aftermarket is daunting for several reasons. First and foremost, the messages being crafted by the OEMs are captivating, and has been perceived well by consumers. Complicating matters further is the fact that the bar has been raised in terms of what will pass as believable and what will be dismissed as “green washing.” Fortunately there are resources available to remanufacturers needing to navigate this new eco-marketing landscape. When considering campaigns targeting US-based consumers, the United States government, and in particular the Federal Trade Commission, is a valuable resource. The US government first made an attempt at ranking environmental initiatives over a decade ago when it promoted its “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” campaign. In this ranking, the government came up with the tag line and developed the universally recognized “chasing arrows” logo to represent the practices. The list itself is extremely well known by consumers and businesses alike as likely the most recognizable environmental campaign in history. Relatively unknown to consumers, however, is the fact that the order in which the three practices are listed is not accidental. The US government has made the assertion, backed by research, that the three are ranked in terms of their benefit to the environment. According to the standard, reducing use of goods ranks higher on the list than reusing, since it involves no negative environmental impact in the creation of the good. Reuse, in turn, ranks higher than recycling because although reuse does involve some use of energy to produce the original good, it eliminates the need to reproduce another good from the original materials. Recycling, ranking third, requires energy to break down the good in question to its raw or near-raw form. Without a doubt, all three practices are beneficial, but the argument for which is more beneficial has been well structured by the government. Despite this, however, the order of the three practices has recently been challenged, with certain firms contending that recycling should have equal billing with reuse. While the fallout from changing the semantics of the ranking is debatable, the reasoning for the argument is fairly transparent. The argument came from an OEM, contending that its own cartridge recycling efforts should be considered on par with remanufacturing. While this assertion may be considered selfserving, it provides evidence to the fact that success in environmental marketing is not necessarily measured by the effectiveness of the environmental initiative itself, but the power of the message being crafted. For the time being, the remanufacturing industry maintains its advantage in this regard, but will need to develop its message in other ways as well. The Federal Trade Commission has put together its own guides to




deal with environmental marketing claims f rom the marketer’s perspective as well as from the enduser’s perspective. Both are valuable tools to businesses considering the use of environmental marketing claims to win business in the United States. In its guideline to marketers and advertisers entitled “Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims” available on the FTC website (, the Federal Trade Commission deals at length with the concept of environmental marketing and its effect on its targets. The purpose of the document, as laid out early in the document, is to give marketers and advertisers a set of general rules and guidelines for establishing modest yet effective environmental marketing claims. In short, the document is meant to address and discourage “green washing,” a term developed to represent the often exaggerated and at times completely false or unfounded claims of companies looking to take advantage of the recent focus on environmental issues. The document is organized like most other US government documents, and does a respectable job of defining and discouraging several potentially deceptive marketing practices, suggesting more ethical alternatives for each. Several sections of the document contain useful guidelines for remanufacturers, including sections offering insight on Qualifications and Disclosures, the Distinction between the benefits of Products, Packaging, and Services, the

Overstatement of Environmental Attributes, Comparative Claims, and Marketing Claims. Though each of these sections focuses on a specific aspect or type of environmental marketing, the prevailing message throughout the document focuses on discouraging any type of hyperbole or exaggeration in environmental marketing claims, and encouraging the use of statistical and factual information. It is a noble message, and is one that fits well with the FTC’s mandate to protect the interests of American consumers. Moreover, though the FTC’s guidelines are not in many cases enforceable by law, manufacturers are wise to adhere to them based on the fact that educational efforts are also being undertaken by the FTC to benefit consumers, arming them with a critical framework to evaluate environmental marketing claims. In its document entitled “Facts for Consumers: Sorting Out ‘Green’ Advertising Claims,” (available online at the










By Scott MacKenzie

How Green Are You?


FTC aims to explain its guidelines to marketers in terms geared toward end-users. The document explains some of the guidelines it has laid out for marketers and advertisers, and then encourages consumers to read product labels, packaging, and advertising with a critical eye toward environmental claims. It then goes on to arm the end-user with some facts about environmental advertising as well as a strategy to pick poorly constructed environmental marketing apart. Finally, it encourages consumers to seek out the context in which the environmental advertising is framed. This last strategy provides consumers with some power to decipher advertising, and is worthy of note for marketers and advertisers. If followed, this strategy would allow consumers to almost immediately dismiss any claims that are not based in comparison or backed up statistically. In other words, it allows users to quickly identify and separate solid environmental marketing claims from claims that are mere “green-washing.” As stated above, whether any company decides to follow the guidelines laid out by the FTC is entirely up to the management of that company. The guidelines are not legislative rules, so enforcement is lackluster. Even so, strategically speaking it may still be a good strategy to follow these guidelines in order to appeal to the widest possible audience of users. American consumers are becoming increasingly educated about environmental marketing and skeptical of exaggerated claims, making adherence to the FTC’s environmental marketing guidelines a good strategy for remanufacturers the world over. With an increased focus on environmental marketing among manufacturers and consumers alike, the traditional environmental marketing messages employed by the imaging aftermarket are being challenged. To maintain the advantage the remanufacturers have claimed since the aftermarket ’s inception, intelligent companies will need to take a critical approach to its message, finetuning it to combat the claims now being made by the OEMs and satisfy its target audience of consumers.

内容纵览: 随着当前整体的经济环境发展,对于环保产业和 产 品的环保特性的关注正在逐步加强,后市场领域 企业的 营销重点也在随之改变,尽管之前耗材再制造商 认为他 们对于转移相当数量的废物堆填区,帮助重复使 用某些 关键部件,并有效减少新的墨盒生产所增加矿物 燃料浪 费等方面做出了巨大的环保贡献,但是耗材产品 和生物 化学的进步,为耗材再制造领域的环保标准和效 果提供 了更大的空间和更为严格的要求。事实上,美国 政府尤 其是联邦贸易委员会已经根据这一新的形势,提 出了一 些新的相关准则。





Editors’ note: Be sure to read Mr. Woon’s next article about Indonesia, “Indonesia—The Emerging Tiger in Asia”, a detailed and fascinating review of Indonesia’s booming political and economic scene, including comments on terrorism as well as facts & figures about the country & ASEAN. Look for it in our December 2009 issue of Recharge Asia Magazine!

Introducing Recharge Asia in Jakarta By Kam Woon Yes! Recharge Asia has just opened an office in Jakarta! RechargExpo, previously held annually in Singapore, will move to Jakarta in the summer of 2010 and I am very fortunate to be part of the team to bring this event to my country. My country? Those of you who know me know that I am not Indonesian; but I have been living and working here since this past January and this is my country now. I belong here, I love it here and I want to share with you all my thoughts about this beautiful, dynamic and exciting place. Over the next few months, I will write a series of articles about Indonesia that will cover the political scene, the business opportunities, the custom and culture, the popular tourist destinations and a guide for your first visit here. Of course, I will also introduce you to the remanufacturing industry leaders in Indonesia who are shaping the inkjet and laserjet recycling market here.

Recharge Asia, Jakarta office Apartment Pesona Bahari TK 02A Jalan Mangga Dua Abdad Jakarta 10730, Indonesia Tel: +62 21 612 5668 Fax: +62 21 612 5658 This is Recharge Asia’s office located at Mangga Dua, the very heart of all the recycling activities in Jakarta. We are only a few minutes walk to the Mangga Dua Mall where dozens of 24



refill centers are located. If you want market information about this industry in Indonesia, you just have to visit this Mall and the adjoining buildings to see it all. You will, of course, need a translator if you don’t speak the local language

Inside Mangga Dua Mall The Indonesia that I have come to know and love is not the country portrayed by the media to be engulfed by radical religious violence and terrorism. The Indonesia that I know and love is fun, peaceful, progressive, democratic, vibrant, stable, complex ….. yes, its normal. To understand what I mean by normal, I will conclude this short introduction with some extracts from a strategic foreign policy paper published in Australia recently, looking at the bilateral relationship between the two countries. “We need to think of Indonesia as a normal country, grappling with many of the same challenges as other large, stable, middleincome developing democracies such as India, Mexico or Brazil.” “Indonesia will be a middle-income developing country making slow headway in lifting living standards and consolidating democratic governance.” “… pluralism remains the bedrock fact of Indonesian society. Australians have lost sight of this in recent years, inclining instead to suspect Indonesians of militancy and zealotry. But in the new democratic world of normal Indonesia, its underlying social diversity will be the foundation of pluralistic politics.”






How IBM Offset the Impact of a Down Economy on Event Attendance Part 1

“Conceptions of Indonesia as a country struggling economically, dysfunctional politically, in turmoil socially and reeling from a seemingly never-ending series of man-made and natural calamities are now misleading.” “Indonesia in 2008 is a stable, competitive electoral democracy, with a highly decentralised system of governance, achieving solid rates of economic growth, under competent national leadership, and playing a constructive role in the regional and broader international community.” Please follow me for the next few months while we walk this journey


together towards RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010 in my country, Indonesia. I invite you to visit my country next year for RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010. I invite all my friends, suppliers and customers to support this event. Hey, there! SCC … Future Graphics … Uninet … Jadi … Magnetone … Apex … LG … and all my other suppliers … I’m calling you to register NOW! Hey there! Jusprint … Laser Explorer … Laser World … PTS … Delsan … Fastline … JMD … RVA … Needink … Cartridge World … Indocart … Oliser … Adiwarna … Synus Tonerindo … Golden Optimal

… Tanachai … PCT … ICT … VMax … ACM … Royal … Opal … Jet Tec … Garuda … and all my hundreds of friends from the remanufacturing industry … I’m calling you to book your tickets early! Call me, email me, text me …. I will wait for you here … and I will buy you a drink and take you to the best places around the city … and I will even pay! About the author: K a m Wo o n i s a n Australian with more than 15 years experience in the remanufacturing industry in the South East Asia region. He has worked with industry leaders like Static Control Components, Inc and Delacamp Australia Pty Ltd, and he is now based in Jakarta to manage Indonesia’s first inkjet ink factory, PT Malindo Imaging Technologies. Mr. Woon may be contacted at: Kam Woon PT Malindo Imaging Technologies Indonesia’s 1st bulk inkjet ink factory located at Bogor, West Java Email: Website:

RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010 Jakarta, Indonesia July 14-16, 2010










MFPs Continue to Lead the Way in the Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market A key bright spot in the overall hardcopy peripherals market worldwide continues to be the color laser multifunction peripheral (MFP) market. This segment had another solid showing in a challenging economic environment with unit shipments declining just 6% year over year in the second quarter of 2009 (2Q09). As color continues to penetrate the overall hardcopy market, the MFP market is weathering the current economic downturn better than its single function counterparts, as products continue to make the transition towards multifunction. Overall, the worldwide hardcopy peripherals market declined 21% year over year in 2Q09 to 24.1 million units. Shipment value declined 23.2% over the same time period to $11.6 billion. In the current economic environment, vendors are focusing on offering cost cutting and/or productivity enhancements to customer’s existing document infrastructure as well as driving managed print services. “We are seeing increased shipments for devices that were priced below $300, ” said Phuong Hang, program manager, Worldwide Hardcopy Peripheral Trackers. “And the major vendors are emphasizing innovative cost savings – including extended warranties and/or extended supplies agreements – in the advertising. They are trying to entice buyers with savings on both devices and supplies over a three-year period.” Technology Highlights The inkjet market continues to be the dominant technology segment with 16.6 mllion units shipped in 2Q09. The color inkjet MFP segment showed the second highest growth rate among all technology segments behind color laser MFPs with –13% year-over-year growth. The monochrome laser market remains the largest technology segment in terms of value at $4.2 billion and has the largest potential regarding MFP opportunity. This segment has the lowest rate of MFP penetration of all major non-impact segments. Color laser penetration continues to increase, driven up by the market performance of the global color laser MFP market. Although, it had a negative growth rate this quarter, this segment continues to outperform the overall hardcopy peripherals market. Regional Highlights United States – Given the economic uncertainties, the U.S. market has remained in relatively good shape compared to other regions. The U.S. was the decisive leader in terms of overall value in 2Q09 ($3.9 billion) and ranked number two in terms of unit shipments (5.7 million). Yearover-year shipment growth in the U.S. was third best after Japan and Asia/Pacific while its value growth was second best after Japan. Western Europe – The second quarter hit Western Europe rather hard 28



with unit shipments down 23% year over year, which is approximately 10 points lower than the previous quarter. Despite a difficult quarter, the region is still number two in terms of value ($2.7 billion) but has slipped to third in terms of unit shipments (4.8 million). Central Europe, Middle East, Africa (CEMA) – Once the fastest growing region in the hardcopy peripherals market, CEMA has now become the hardest hit in terms of growth rates. In 2Q09, unit shipments declined 44%, while value declined 57% year over year. Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) – This region leaped into the leading position in terms of shipments with 6.1 million units shipped in 2Q09, yet maintains its fourth place rank in terms of value with $1.7 billion. The year-over-year growth rate for APeJ was second only to Japan’s. Japan – Japan enjoyed the best year-over-year growth rate in shipments (–3%) and value (–10%) in Q209 when compared to the other regions. Vendor highlights HP – Despite losing nearly 4 points in unit market share and declining 28% year over year in 2Q09, HP continues to be the undisputed leader in printing with twice the market share of its nearest competitor in the worldwide hardcopy peripheral market in terms of shipments. As with most vendors, HP’s 2Q09 laser shipments were streamlined to correspond to the challenging market conditions, resulting in an one-point loss in the total laser market share. Canon – Canon, the second leading vendor, outperformed all others in the top 5 category, increasing its stake in the overall hardcopy market to 20% in 2Q09 from 17% in 1Q09. On a worldwide level, Canon’s shipments declined 8% compared to the other vendors in the top 5, whose unit shipment growth ranged from –13% to –32%. Canon was the only vendor in the top 5 that showed positive sequential growth (5%), an impressive climb from a –25% quarter-over-quarter loss in 1Q09. Epson – Epson retained its third place rank in the total hardcopy market as well as in the worldwide inkjet segment in 2Q09. Epson was the second best performer among the top 5 in the overall market, with –13% year-over-year growth compared to the market average of –21%. Epson gained 1 point in total market share. Brother – Brother remained the distant fourth vendor, gaining 1 point in total market share to 6% in 2Q209. Among the top 5, Brother's overall performance in the second quarter was average, achieving a better year-over-year result than HP and Lexmark, while falling behind Canon and Epson. On a worldwide level,








MFPs Continue to Lead the Way in the Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market

Brother’s inkjet and laser segment suffered a bigger year-overyear and quarter-over-quarter loss in 2Q09, with numbers ranging from –18% to –32% compared to +6% to –11% in 1Q09. Lexmark – Lexmark maintained its 5% share and position as the fifth largest vendor in the overall hardcopy market, with 1.1 million units shipped in 2Q09. Lexmark’s 2Q09 total laser shipment showed a slower year-over-year decline in 2Q09, down 13% versus 18% in 1Q09. True to its mission, Lexmark continues to focus on laser while exiting the lower end inkjet segment. In 2Q09, laser shipments accounted for 29% (up from 21% in 1Q09) and inkjet 70% (down from 78%) of all Lexmark-branded devices. Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market Share and Year-Over-Year Growth, Second Quarter 2009


U.S. Hardcopy Peripherals Market Share and Year-Over-Year Growth, Second Quarter 2009

Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, August 2009 Notes: IDC tracks A2-A4 devices in the Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Hardcopy Peripherals include single-function printers, printer-based multifunctional systems (MFPs), and single-function digital copiers (SF DC). Data for all vendors are reported for calendar periods. For more information about IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, please contact

Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker











Solid Long-Term Growth for Color Laser Printers and MFPs in EMEA as Uncertain Economic Conditions Persist The hardcopy peripherals (HCP) technology segments currently showing the most encouraging long-term growth rates in EMEA are color laser multifunction peripherals (MFPs) and printer devices, with a 12.1% CAGR (2009–2013), according to IDC research. These strong double-digit growth rates come as good news to the HCP market in EMEA, particularly as other technology segments in this market come under increasing pressure f rom both the ongoing macroeconomic situation and longer-term industry trends such as the transition from monochrome to color, increasing levels of print consolidation, and the shift from single function printers to MFPs in both the home and office environments. The overall EMEA HCP market will continue to struggle to deliver little more than modest growth. Total HCP shipments in EMEA are expected to achieve 2.0% CAGR over the five-year forecast period. A number of high volume technology segments are expected to continue declining, including color inkjet printers (-16.6% CAGR) and monochrome laser printers (-2.5% CAGR). However, these segments have been shrinking for some time, and the decline rates are the anticipated result of longer-term industry trends beginning to unfold. “New devices are becoming faster with higher monthly duty cycles, increased paper management, and greatly improved connectivity levels, and as a result organizations will continue to replace multiple older devices, which are often single function monochrome printers, with a single new device, often a color MFP,” said Julio Vial, research manager for European Printers at IDC EMEA. Leigh Worthing, senior analyst at IDC covering Western European printing markets also pointed out that, “In the short to medium term, the increasing prevalence of managed print service engagements being signed by print vendors will also add significant momentum in driving several key industry trends, particularly print device consolidation, growth in the installed base of networked MFPs and higher levels of color*-capable devices deployed.” The growth in managed print services is a significant industry phenomenon, especially within developed IT markets such as Germany, France, and the U.K., and is itself being driven, at least in part, by the ongoing recession and frozen credit markets as organizations switch to the utility billing models that often require no large-scale upfront capital investments. Commenting on the significant potential for the increase in color laser shipments across a number of the emerging markets in




EMEA, Mitri Roufka, research director, Imaging and Hardcopy Devices, IDC CEMA, said “Many of the largest markets in the CEMA region, such as Russia, Turkey, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UAE, and the Czech Republic, are still far from saturation, offering growth potential at 15.7% CAGR for color laser devices in the next five-year period.” He also pointed out that vendors have been working hard in these markets to educate end users about the business benefits of using color, a message that is certainly finding resonance with end users, particularly at a time when the prices of both color devices and associated color consumables are being driven down. By technology segment, IDC’s latest EMEA forecast also shows:

• The color inkjet MFP segment will increase to 29.2 million unit shipments, or an upside CAGR of 4.45%. • The color laser MFP segment also shows vigorous growth, with shipments increasing from 1.1 million units to 2.5 million over the forecast period, thus providing a crucial growth engine for the HCP market in EMEA. • Color laser printers are set to show CAGR of 8.1% from 1.9 million to 2.8 million units, with a key driver of sales proving to be price erosion. • High-end color systems will see a slight improvement in shipment levels by the end of the forecast period, with a CAGR of 2.1%. This figure actually represents an encouraging recovery for the segment when set in the context of the recent contraction in high-end color systems shipments, which occurred as businesses cut investment heavily in the purchase of these extremely high value products. IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker tracks A2–A4 devices in the quarterly hardcopy peripherals market. Hardcopy Peripherals include single-function printers, printer-based multifunction systems, and single-function digital copiers (SF DC). For more information about IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker in EMEA, please contact








How to Change Social Media Marketing 1-2 Recent years, the Social Media (Social Media) is more and more accepted by the field of marketing, there are more and more brands began to conduct social media marketing campaign. However, most enterprises, and even many professional Digital Marketing companies do not realize that Social Media must not just portals, vertical sites other than the “media channels.� Social media to a large extent even changed the pattern of marketing. So social media marketing is how to change it? First of all, marketing from a one-way communication into a two-way conversation. This is what I have been saying from the Communication to Conversation change. Social media consumers to become more rational, the ability to access all kinds of information is growing. So, listen to the voices of consumers than to force them to accept the brand's message far more important. A brand can make better products than the competition, but in front of consumers, no matter how good the product is there is room for improvement. Social media for businesses and consumers to provide such a direct dialogue with the opportunity to make their products closer to consumer demand. Secondly, the social media also made the enterprise itself fully exposed to the public eye. All along, the companies attach great importance to packaging of their products brand image, brand hidden behind the enterprise. Now consumers can easily know the product from Which companies who work in this enterprise, they can be easily and employees of this enterprise and even the boss of direct dialogue. Corporate Communication (Corporate Communications) and corporate social responsibility (Corporate Social Responsibility) than at any time become more important, as long as you do, consumers will be able to see. In addition, PR and marketing in particular, the relationship between the EPR has become increasingly close. Because in the areas of social media, companies are involved in many activities are no longer just the traditional sense of marketing, while the content contains a lot of public relations, but also includes parts of CRM and even ERP. For businesses, to very good use of social media must be coordinated public relations departments and marketing departments, to break the segments between the two departments is a trend in the future of marketing. Social media will be like a side of a magnifying glass, and its role is to enable brands, products, and enterprises themselves more clearly presented in front of everyone. Enterprises do not just to establish a special department to write Blog, in the market themselves on Facebook or Twitter. But to the communitybased media as a need to adapt to the new environment. This new environment is not complicated rules of survival: manufacturing a good product, listen to the voices of consumers are willing and 34



consumers, the media, partners and your competitors engage in a dialogue. 1. Social media marketing routine Before seeing a from the Association of National Advertisers reported that there are already two-thirds of marketing personnel in the use of social media to carry out marketing activities, the main tools they use, including Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and LinkedIn. While in the country we have different social media tools, but also staged a similar trend: more and more brands began video, SNS and other means to increase and user interaction, thereby enhancing the effect of network marketing. eMarketer just released a separate report also showed the same trend. And the report further pointed out that in the coming year, the use of social media marketing penetration will reach 82%, becomes a majority of companies use conventional marketing tools. Brands and agencies use of social media

The chart below the data inside a little more interesting. From the figure we find that, in fact, most people still recognize the role of social media. They also did not participate in society because of the media enter the halls, or is worried that the real effect of the implementation of them. Brands and agencies do not accept the reasons for social media: Brands and agencies to assess their social media marketing, results-based approach: These statistics illustrate








How to Change Social Media Marketing? Continued

a problem is that social m e d i a i s n o l o n ge r a hooded mystery concept. Advertising / PR agency may no longer have no chance to take the word Social Media to attract c u s t om e r ’s a t t e n t i on , because the customers already understand its role, and know that it i s a m a t t e r o f co u rse marketing. Social Media into Marketing Campaign in a variety of essential parts. The agency currently going to be considered or resolved is how to be more effective implementation of social media marketing, how to be more effective and objective measure of the effect of social media marketing. Otherwise, is bound to rapidly reduce and other agents competing chips. 2. Social Media Marketing ROI Very often, we talk about social media marketing, when it would be more afraid to talk about ROI. Because, until now, we do not yet have a relatively complete and is most recognized evaluation criteria. But in social media marketing has been widely used in the United States, Social Media has brought many companies, the real business value. According to Wetpaint and digital information companies Altimeter (Charlene Li created a company) research found that participation in social media, most of those companies which in the past 12 months, revenues increased 18%, while those companies involved in the least decline in sales over the same period 6%. The study observed and evaluated the 100 most valuable brands in over 10 categories of social media activities, including Blog, Facbook, Twitter, Wiki, forums. 100 brands assigned to the final score of 127 points ranging from 1, in which the highest score of the 10 brands are: 1. Starbucks (127) 2. Dell (123) 3. eBay (115) 4. Google (105) 5. Microsoft (103) 6. Thomson Reuters (101) 7. Nike (100) 8. Amazon (88) 36



9. 10.

SAP (86) Yahoo! / Intel (85)

We can see that these companies are basically the high scores have a fixed team, responsible for brands in social media activities. There a number of successful social media team will also put the community-based media strategy be extended to the entire company's various divisions, so that the entire company aware of social media marketing is to help the company an indispensable tool to achieve business goals. These social media marketing success of the company also has a common feature: they are social media activities are based on a fair and based on an interactive dialogue. This is different from traditional digital public relations and corporate Blog, as early oneway communication. In this study, all of the brands involved in social media are based on the depth and breadth of the different is divided into four different types: an insider, and butterflies, critical and outsiders. • Experts: that is, those to the core of social media into their marketing strategy to send the grant, many of them are active in social media. Of their social media activities are generally fixed by a team of social media to drive and be able to get a company-wide recognition and participation. • Butterfly: Yes, those brands have realized that they need to participate in a variety of social media activities, but they are less successful. In general, such a company in social media activities in the lack of depth. • Picky person: This brand is only a very few focused on social media tools, but also for the limited participation in social media also tend to come from within an enthusiastic propagator of social media. • Outsider: These brands only in a handful of occasional social media, they fear the risk may be afraid to participate in more social-oriented media activities. They are already studying how social media marketing accomplish something. For different industries, for social media participation is also not the same. Overall, media-and technology class companies are more adept at using social media. The financial, food, beverages, clothing, consumer goods, etc. Most companies have only just started trying this new approach to marketing. Of course, there are Starbucks and Nike, as such an exception. 3. A rational assessment of social media The same as we know, many companies have felt the power of social media, but it does not quickly put into Social Media Marketing. They mainly have two concerns: first, controllability of uncertainty, here is mainly to deal with possible negative public opinion of the control; Second, without proper impact assessment system, and thus there is no way to effectively assess the effectiveness of the final .








How to Change Social Media Marketing Continued

In many cases, the second concern is more worse, because for the negative public opinion, and enterprises have fear, but there are a few to cope with the number of experiences. However, to try to convince businesses unable to assess the effectiveness of a marketing approach, it is extremely difficult. MarketingSherpa’s survey data also illustrates this point. Some ways to reduce this concern: • Only as a public relations or marketing strategy in the supplement; • The success of related case studies; • Zero-cost or very low-cost test; • Perceptual understanding of social media; However, these methods seem somewhat minimal and taste. Really impressed social media marketing companies, or an effective evaluation system and the visible and palpable ROI. Abroad in this respect, in fact, already have a lot of substantive progress. As Radian6 such a professional social media measurement services, has been recognized many enterprises, but this old Nielsen data analysis service providers have also launched BuzzMetrics service to offer its customers such as the socialization of media analysis. Abroad, the vast majority of mainstream social media tools are an open application Interface (API) to facilitate third party access

to data, while the foreign corporate clients on social media is also more in-depth understanding, which are fees for these high social of media measurement services, the development of space. At home, we face a different environment: the largest BSP is a Sina blog, the most popular SNS is a happy network users to the most Microblogging tools Tang letter surging, they have a high market share and representation. At the same time they are very closed, the third party is difficult to obtain from them more valuable data. In fact, some domestic companies have also launched called “public opinion, the monitoring system” or other names of similar products, but mainly for the domestic forum for data monitoring, its comprehensiveness, impartiality and authenticity are very difficult to guarantee. In such circumstances, another more feasible approach is to combine the assessment of business other marketing system and use some available data in the social media marketing, comparison of before and after the evaluation. Than the establishment of an independent third party assessment of the number of physical and chemical tools is much easier to achieve. Combination of website evaluation. Official website of the company, brand sites, product sites, Blog, and other business activities of the site measurements: from the social media tools, traffic, number of responses, bounce rate changes and so on. AWstats local log analysis tools such as Google Analytics, or third-party analysis of such a service can be very good to complete this task. Combination of search engine. Social media tools are generally more friendly to the search engines. In general, the enterprises through social media can be more easily obtained in the search engine advantage. Related keyword search volume, SERP ranking, related sites included the number of backlinks and so on. This time, you can use Google Search Insights, as well as a number of other search engine analysis tools. In addition, a number of specialized search Blog and BBS search engine can be used as auxiliary. Combination of traditional marketing KPI. Increase brand awareness, sales volume increases, customer satisfaction improved, enterprises, these are the fundamental purpose of all marketing, social media marketing is also nothing more than this. Therefore, analysis of these data can reflect changes in social media on the contribution of business marketing. In addition, like the StartPR, SocialMention of these free tools, while relatively simple, it also has high practicality. Hoped that more domestic sites to open up its data so that we can see that more suitable for the Chinese market appears similar tools.










CEO on the Go An Interview with Mr. Arnald Ho of Print-Rite Holding Ltd. By Sunny Sun

He is one of the most successful pioneers in the global imaging industry. He created an enterprise built upon his broad vision and business acumen. His rare courage and willingness to take calculated risks has propelled Print-Rite to a leadership position among the top imaging materials suppliers. Arnald Ho’s name and image seems to be much larger than life–a giant among China’s aftermarket firms! Mr. Ho was among the first to build a large-scale cartridge remanufact- uring plant in China, with a monthly production capacity of 500,000 individual products in more than 8 categories. His operations cleared a path for rapid growth of the Chinese

aftermarket. I believe every successful entrepreneur has an unusual story to tell, and Arnald Ho is no exception. His courage and unconventional coolness in dealing with challenges is greatly admired by his peers, his competitors, and his subordinates. He has endured many legal battles and accelerated his company’s growth by employing guerrilla strategies. Although a popular industry figure, there is a certain mystique about him that triggers our minds—causing us to wonder what issues occupy his busy brain. I was fortunate this October to have the opportunity to interview him and his right hand, General Manager, Ms. Iris Ngo, to share with us his visions and plans for the future.

Recharge Asia interview with Print-Rite PRINT RITE’S NEW PRINT-RITE TOWER Print Rite recently set in place a stepping stone toward future growth by completing construction in October on its Print-Rite Tower in the Zhuhai-Macau Cross-Border Industrial Zone. This project comes at a time when the world economy is just emerging from a major recession. We asked Mr. Ho: What was the dominant reason for building this new tower? 40



Mr. Arnald Ho: Chairman of Print-Rite Holdings Ltd. He said the Print-Rite Tower will serve as one of Print Rite’s largest research centers. Its purpose will be to advance aftermarket imaging technology and support sales and technical service operations for the firm’s large pool of 4,000 to 5,000 customers around the world. The Print-Rite Tower comprises two buildings occupying a parcel of 8,177 m 2 (square meters) in size. Construction of the 11-story main building is now complete with a total floor space of 24,728 m 2. Dedicated floors include a call center that can accommodate over 100 staff members to serve Print Ritecustomers. Other floors are reserved for VMI ( Vendor Managed Inventory) suppliers and will be equipped with state-ofthe-art distribution facilities. Print-Rite Tower will serve as a business hub for commerce, trade, new product exhibits, meetings, training operations and seminars. In the future, it will house customer service centers, marketing, storage and distribution and will become the base for new product development. In discussing new technologies in the aftermarket that will enable Print Rite to compete with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), I raised questions about the recent buzz regarding soybean-based toner that may lead to a game change in the aftermarket. Recycled products, from the start, are environmentally friendly. How close are we then to truly green toners and ink jet inks based upon soybeans, corn and other crop products? I asked Arnald Ho, how he perceives this trend, and, whether he sees it potentially becoming the main stream of all aftermarket imaging products. In response, he raised an interesting point, one


that never crossed my mind. Mr. Ho questioned whether using crop-based products is the most environmentally friendly thing to do. I asked why he took that position. “Because you compete with the food chain, for one reason,” said Mr. Ho. “For another, the way you process the soybean is not necessarily less energy-intensive than using toner resins derived from crude oil pumped from the ground, refined and converted to resins in downstream synthesis operations.” Others might argue that a renewable resource, such as a harvested vegetable, is a sustainable feedstock and is preferred from a political standpoint because it avoids the necessity to import foreign oil, however, the importance of this argument will vary from country to country. surprising to learn that the flow of crowds in that large square, on average, is 150,000 people each day! We all know the Chinese government is one of the richest in the world. It has huge cash reserves and is able to maneuver these funds to steady smaller countries when they are shaken by financial quakes. Therefore, if the Chinese government encourages aftermarket laser and inkjet cartridges in its purchasing program, you can imagine the power of such a consumer! WHAT MESSAGE DO YOU SEE COMING FROM THE OEMs TO THE AFTERMARKET? Iris Ngo: General Manager of Union Technology International (MCO) Co. Ltd. (UTec)

HOW LARGE IS THE CHINESE AFTERMARKET? No one knows how large the China aftermarket is today, or what is its growth potential for the future. But we all know that China is huge, simply considering the population base which, at 1.3 billion people, is four times the size of the United States. I recently visited Beijing’s TianAnMen square along with other tourists; it was

Print-Rite's Booth in Exhibition

Mr. Ho believes that not every aftermarket company sued by the OEMs will settle. Many, when challenged, will cease and desist those actions that the OEM claims violate or infringe their intellectual property. Hewlett Packard and other OEMs, for example, unlike Epson, will not persist in the legal battle, Mr. Ho observed, as long as the alleged infringer stops doing what the OEM finds offensive, abusive, or illegal. WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR SMALL AND MID-SIZED COMPANIES IN OUR INDUSTRY? As an industry veteran who has weathered many storms in his company’s growth, Mr. Ho had this advice for those who are new players in our industry. He suggested that they find their niche and begin by manufacturing one product, or offer one service. In other words, “Do one thing, and do it well.” If your offerng is consistent, reliable and performs a valuable function, it will help you gain a secure position in the market place. To survive and to grow, it is key to find your niche, with one product line that makes your product unique or its quality excel. In Chinese there is the saying “You cannot run well before you know how to walk fast and steady.” Therefore, his advice to those who are small is to find something special to offer to your customers. “Continue to ensure that offering is consistent, reliable and of good quality and it will lead you to steady growth,” said Mr. Ho.





Remax Zhuhai 2010: Through the Eyes of a Trade Show Organizer By Sunny Sun From the size of the crowd at Zhuhai Remax this year, you could tell immediately that the imaging materials aftermarket is a recession resistant industry. On October 14, a pleasant, sunny southern morning, I strolled into the Remax exhibition hall in the Southern part of the City of Zhuhai, To my pleasant surprise I encountered the rush of a bustling crowd. Now in its third year, Zhuhai Remax attracted more than 280 exhibitors, many with large and beautifully decorated display booths. The event drew its complement of visitors. G&G’s unique ancient pagoda was outstanding. Static Control Components provided an easily accessible booth that allowed their staff to greet visitors in a grand manner. The crowds were upbeat and enthusiastic, with many visitors busy with meetings and negotiations. All of this makes one wonder whether Remax’s Zhuhai show is gearing up to the scale of a major global Expo. Foreign buyers, sellers and visitors have come to realize that this event provides easy access to the many Zhuhai factories, large and small, in the immediate area. Print-Rite with its thousands of overseas-based customers supported the show and attracted a large crowd to its newly-built Print-Rite A Tower. I must say the crowds were impressive, despite the fact that the Exhibition Hall, located in south Zhuhai, is far from the city’s business center. Still, the attendance beat any other international show, in my opinion. Indeed, the turnout again demonstrates the fact that the Chinese market offers huge growth potential. It is large, it is unique, but it is also tough to penetrate. Any foreign company that wishes to build a market in this region must find its niche and focus on its opportunities. It must explore and understand the culture. It must establish suitable market channels, rather than copy others or compete on price alone. China’s economy is on a fast track, consistent with its industrial and economic growth. This expansion equates to a large consumption of printing consumables along with ever increasing business activities. It is for this reason that many firms have focused on China’s domestic market and its appealing growth. Zhuhai, in particular, has become the center of China’s, if not the world’s, remanufacturing hub. This small, neat and clean city continues to evolve as a cartridge remanufacturing capital with its preferential policies and financial support for those small and medium-size rechargers it shelters. A supply chain has gradually evolved in Zhuhai that provides a timely and efficient service to the remanufacturing community. It has demonstrated its ability 42



to absorb the demand for remanufactured products while US and European markets have slowed down. We may ask, “What makes this show so special that it attracts large crowds in competition with ReChina in Shanghai and World Expo in the United States?” Three years ago, we heard comments that this show was going to hit a dead end. Two years ago, we heard comments that this show was going to become a local industry gathering, attracting only local visitors, or even factory workers, to fill up the floor. That this year’s Zhuhai show was a success demonstrates the organizer’s excellent promotion efforts and the support of not only the industry’s leading companies, but large numbers of the industry media, and the City of Zhuhai as well. We have to say the organizer has given the industry a top quality trade show. On the other hand, consider the issues and expectations of the Exhibitors. Did the show bring them tangible sales? Or, does this matter less than the broad exposure their products enjoyed to so many prospective consumers? There is no doubt that the clamorous buzz and excitement on the exhibit floor makes one feel good, and seems to justify the money spent. This is the typical effect of mass psychology: I’m glad I’m here because everyone seems to be attending! It is apparent that Remax Zhuhai is growing strong and starting to make substantial inroads into the industry’s trade show landscape. It is apparently taking away Exhibitors and Visitors alike from competitive shows in Shanghai and will likely impact future shows scheduled in 2010 for Macau and Handan City. The questions in many minds are: How big is the Chinese market? And, can it support several industry Expos? We have all heard complaints from Exhibitors about the exhaustion they feel at having to either attend or exhibit at that many shows not only in China, but in every corner of the globe. Having the options to take part in so many industry shows suggests a healthy sign of the industry’s vitality. As for show organizers like myself, the competition is growing larger and more intense. The game is on to see who is going to bring in the most visitors or be the one to catalyze the most business deals.






ReChina Expo 2009 is Ready to Roll ReChina Asia Expo 2009 will be held in Shanghai, China on Dec.2-4, 2009. More than 400 exhibitors (as of Oct. 23, 2009) and 9000 attendees from more than 70 countries and regions are coming to Shanghai, China to attend the world’s biggest event of printing consumables industry. 1. New Venue, Bigger Space This year, ReChina Asia Expo moves to a new venue, Shanghai New International Expo Center, one of Asia’s largest world-class facilities. ReChina Asia Expo 2009 will have two gigantic halls, increasing the total space by 30% since 2008. 2. More Exhibitors, More Visitors ReChina Asia Expo 2009 will be bigger than ever. More than 400 exhibiting companies and 9000 visitors from around the world will attend the three-day expo, the largest annual gathering of the industry. 3. New exhibitors, New Opportunities There will be more than 60 companies exhibiting for the first time at ReChina Expo 2009, ushering in new products, new technologies and new business opportunities. 4. Lyra and Recharger’s China Forum Jointly organized by Lyra and Recharger Magazine, the China Forum will be held on Tuesday, December 1, 2009, in conjunction with ReChina Asia Expo. This one-day event will provide in-depth information and analysis on the industry’s trends and forecasts. Top industry experts will share their insight and knowledge on how to survive and succeed in this competitive market. 5. ReChina Classrooms The organizer will provide some exhibitors and experts a classroom at the expo for press release and training of new products and technology, business cooperation project introduction, market analyzing seminar, management research and experience, printer consumables industrial knowledge education. The classroom will be equipped with presentation facilities, PPT, acoustic system, tables and chaires, carpet floor.

for details. 7. Transportation to Expo • From Shanghai Pudong International Airport It takes 7 minutes to go from Pudong International Airport to Long Yang Rd. Station by Maglev. You can also take airport bus No. 3 or 6 to Long Yang Rd. Station. If you take a taxi from the airport to the expo center, it takes about 30 minutes. • From Shanghai Hong Qiao International Airport Take bus No.807 to Song Hong Rd. station, then change and take Metro Line 2 to Long Yang Rd. station. If you take a taxi from the airport to the expo center it takes about 45 minutes. • From Railway Station (Shanghai railway station/ Shanghai South railway station) Take Metro Line1 to People’s Square Station, change and take Metro Line 2 to Long Yang Rd. Station. If you take a taxi from the railway station to the expo center it takes about 40 minutes. • From Long Yang Road Station It is 10-15 minutes walking from Long Yang Rd. Station to the Expo Center. During the show time, there will be free shuttle bus between Long Yang Rd. Station and the Expo Center. • From 2 Recommended Hotels (Sofitel Jinjiang Oriental and Holiday Inn) Both hotels offer free shuttle service to the Expo. See more info at our website, 8. Hotel Reservations • We have obtained special rates for ReChina Expo attendees at 2 luxury hotels, Sofitel Jinjiang Oriental and Holiday Inn Shanghai. Please contact the hotels directly to book your room. Please mention ReChina Expo to get your special rate. There will be free shuttle bus service to the Expo from these 2 hotels. For more

6. “Shanghai Night Spectacular”Dinner Party On December 3, 2009, the ReChina Expo organizer will host a“Shanghai Night Spectacular”Buffet Dinner Party at the ‘X Sensation’, a 360 revolving restaurant on the top floor of Sofitel JinJiang Oriental Hotel. Come enjoy the spectacular night view of Shanghai on the 47th floor restaurant. There will be a live band performance at the party. This is an excellent opportunity to relax and network. Tickets are limited. Please see our website 44








ReChina Expo 2009 Ready To Roll


information, please visit our website: • If you wish to choose other hotels, you can use or to make your hotel reservations online. 9. Visa Application and Invitation Letter For visa information, please visit our website www.rechinaexpo. com. If you need an official invitation letter from the Shanghai government, please contact Ms. Michelle Shen michelle@ Tel: 21 6289 5385 Mobile:159 2110 1028 10. Weather information: The average daytime temperature is 12-18℃ for December 1-4 in Shanghai. 11. Admission to ReChina Expo 2009 • For exhibitors: Get admission badges and Exhibitor Package at the Exhibitor Registration counter on Nov. 30 and Dec.1, 2009. Exhibitors shall send their attendees list to the organizer before Nov. 15th in order for the admission badges to be prepared in advance. • For visitors: 1. If you have received the admission badge of ReChina Expo 2009, you can enter the expo hall directly after presenting your business card and taking the show guide etc.




2. If you don’t have the admission badge, you can register onsite with expo ticket. 3. If you do not have a ticket, you can buy it at the onsite registration counter. 4. You can get f ree admission if you pre-register at www., and just use the confirmation email to collect your badge at registration. 12. Exhibitors’ preparation Exhibitors should read the Exhibitor Manual carefully and make preparations early. Since this year’s venue is different from last year’s venue, please prepare your logistics accordingly. Register for Free Admission to ReChina Expo 2009 http://www. Hotel Information How to Get a Visa to Visit China catalog.php?id=44 We wish you a pleasant and fruitful journey to Shanghai! Contact us if you need more help. Tel: 86-21-62895385 Email:







Epson Expands its Award-Winning Compact Photo Printer Line with PictureMate Charm The ultimate companion in photo printing has arrived with the release of the affordable, portable Epson PictureMate® Charm. Offering the same impressive features and results as previous models in the renowned PictureMate line, including superior photo quality, economical print costs, long-lasting prints, and powerful image enhancement tools, PictureMate Charm is the ideal solution for printing and sharing cherished memories at home or on the go. “Photo labs can be inconvenient and don’t always produce great results because they often sacrifice image quality in order to cut costs,” said Stacey Tieu, associate product manager, Consumer Ink Jets, Epson America Inc. “Epson’s PictureMate Charm is the best alternative because it delivers the features that are important to consumers – uncompromised quality and ultimate convenience – allowing them to print superior 4”x6” photos with true-to-life skin tones, amazing detail and sharpness in as fast as 37 seconds1 whenever and where ever they want.” Whether at home, at a party or traveling on vacation,

P i c t u re M a t e C h a r m c on s i s t e n t l y delivers durable, better-than-lab-quality prints that are smudge, scratch and water resistant. The beautiful, true-tolife prints last up to four times longer than traditional, film-processed photos, resisting fading up to 96 years under glass and over 200 years in dark album storage2. In addition, PictureMate Charm offers easy, one-touch printing with or without a computer. It features a 2.5” LCD screen to view and print photos, as well as remove red eye and select popular photo layouts and color tones such as black and white, sepia or color. PictureMate Charm also prints from all popular memory cards with built-in card slots3, and prints wirelessly from PDAs and digital camera cell phones with an optional Bluetooth® adapter4. PictureMate Charm delivers affordable prints on glossy and matte paper with Epson’s PictureMate Print Packs, which include ink and either 150 sheets of 4”x6” glossy paper or 100 sheets of 4” x6” matte paper. In addition, an optional, rechargeable battery is available for maximum portability to print photos outdoors or on the road. With its extreme versatility, PictureMate Charm is also a smart tool for many professional industries, including wedding photographers and medical or dental offices. Its high-quality photo output, long-lasting, durable ink, and ultimate portability allow photographers to instantly provide images to clients at events, while medical professionals can conveniently track a patient’s recovery through before-and-after photos without having to wait for them to be processed at a lab. Pricing and Availability PictureMate Charm ($149.99*) will be available on Oct. 20 through a variety of online retail stores and Epson’s retail site, About Epson America Inc. Epson America Inc. is the U.S. affiliate of Seiko Epson Corporation and a leading provider of digital imaging products that exceed the vision of its customers. The company’s extensive range of printers, scanners and 3 LCD projectors are renowned for their superior quality, functionality, compactness, and energy efficiency. The Seiko Epson organization is proud of its ongoing contributions to the global environment and for the second year in a row, been part of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index,










RECHARGEasia Epson Expands its Award-Winning Compact Photo Printer Line with PictureMate Charm

an indicator for leading companies in economic, environmental and social criteria. Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Epson and

PictureMate are registered trademarks, Epson Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark, and Exceed Your Vision is a trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. 1. Color photo without a PC in borderless layout measured from start of paper feed. Actual print time will vary based on system configuration, software, and page complexity. See for details.


2. Based on accelerated testing of prints displayed under glass in indoor display conditions. Actual print stability will vary according to media, printed image, display conditions, light intensity, temperature, humidity and atmospheric conditions. Epson does not guarantee the longevity of prints. For maximum print life, display all prints under glass or UV filter or properly store them. 3. Prints from CompactFlash® (Type I/II), Secure Digital (SD™), SDHC™ MMC, xD-Picture Card™ (Type M/H), Microdrive® and Memory Stick®. 4. Bluetooth adapter sold separately; please visit for ordering information. * Estimated street price For more information, please visit

HP Expands Printing Portfolio to Address Broader Customer Base in Eco-solvent Market HP today unveiled an expanded portfolio of HP Latex Printing Technology solutions designed to broaden production capabilities for a greater number of customers and provide a viable alternative to eco-solvent technologies. The offerings enable small and midsize digital print and sign shops, copy shops and photo labs to produce indoor and outdoor applications with ease while reducing their environmental impact. Additions to the portfolio include: • The HP Designjet L25500 Printer, which offers easy, lowmaintenance printing of a wider range of applications – from indoor point-of-purchase displays, exhibition graphics and interior décor like wall murals and fabrics to outdoor banners, bus shelters and vehicle wraps – than is possible with ecosolvent or traditional water-based printing alone(1) • Six Original HP printing materials compatible with HP Latex Ink printers, including two recyclable(2) substrates and three polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-free alternatives • The expansion of the HP Planet Partners program to include the HP Large-format Media take-back program in the United States and select countries in Europe(2) “Customers have been asking us for a versatile, cost-effective alternative to eco-solvent-based printing solutions for the production of a wider range of indoor and outdoor large-format applications, while reducing the impact of printing on the environment,” said Santiago Morera, vice president and general

The expanded HP Latex Printing Technology portfolio builds on the proven technology of the HP Designjet L65500 Printer. This printer has seen tremendous acceptance in the graphics market with more than 1.2 million m2 printed on installed machines since the printer’s general availability in August 2008. Unrivaled versatility, ease of use and printing with the environment in mind Available in 42- and 60-inch models, the HP Designjet L25500 Printer delivers unrivaled versatility(1) for a broad range of highquality and flexible, outdoor and indoor applications while meeting the needs of environmentally conscious customers. Existing low-volume print service providers (PSPs), such as early customer Tot.rètol of Igualada, Spain, can benefit from the HP Designjet L25500 Printer because it delivers prints with quality and durability comparable to eco-solvent ink technologies.(3) In addition, it prints a wider range of applications – from durable

manager, Designjet Large-format Printing Solutions, Imaging and Printing Group, HP. “The expanded HP Latex Printing Technology portfolio enables us to meet and exceed this demand for a variety of customers, allowing them to create a competitive advantage and seize new growth opportunities.” 50





outdoor signage to high-resolution, closeview prints – than is possible with ecosolvent or traditional water-based printing alone. “ The H P Designjet L25500 Pr inter has allowed us to expand our previously solventonly sign-making business with new applications and products, while still serving our core business for robust, durable output,” said Joan Torrents, general manager and owner, Tot.rètol. “We recently bid for a high-image-quality job for which our solvent printer was not an option due to the low image quality it offers. By using the HP Designjet L25500 Printer, as opposed to outsourcing, we were able to make an extremely competitive offer to acquire the new customer and still make a profit. The customer was satisfied with our printing service and we have become their first choice supplier.” The ease of use afforded by water-based HP Latex Inks and HP 789 Designjet Printheads enables an easy transition into largeformat or outdoor printing for entry-level sign shops, photo labs and digital printers thanks to unattended printing with no daily, manual printhead maintenance required,(4) user-replaceable printheads and an embedded spectrophotometer for accurate and consistent color across prints and between printers. Designed to reduce the impact of printing on the environment, HP Latex Inks produce odorless(5) prints that allow placement in point-of-purchase environments where odor is a concern. HP Latex Inks are non-flammable and non-combustible,(6) do not require hazard warning labels, and contain no hazardous air pollutants (HAPs).(7) Additionally, no special ventilation equipment(8) or external dryer is required and the HP Designjet L25500 Printer features the ENERGY STAR® rating, which demonstrates compliance with strict energy-efficiency guidelines. New optimized media selections for HP Designjet L25500 Printer HP also introduced six Original HP printing materials compatible with HP Latex Ink printers. These additions expand the portfolio to 19 printing materials, including seven recyclable(2) substrates and several PVC-free alternatives. • HP White Satin Poster Paper – a multi-layer, bright-white coated paper developed to provide durability and excellent image quality for indoor and outdoor advertising applications and can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs

• HP One-view Perforated Adhesive Window Vinyl – a selfadhesive vinyl, designed particularly for window graphics, with a perforated, black back film and white paper liner that provides stunning graphics on one side and a clear view from the other • HP Air Release Adhesive Gloss Cast Vinyl – a highperformance white cast vinyl with a gloss finish and an opaque permanent adhesive that provides clean removability, laminated outdoor durability up to five years(9) for vehicle and fleet graphics applications and a new HP Performance Warranty(10) when used with the HP Clear Gloss Cast Overlaminate • HP PVC-free Gloss Adhesive Film – a PVC-free alternative to monomeric vinyl that offers excellent performance in a white film with a gloss-satin finish and a permanent, repositionable adhesive for strong adhesion and outdoor durability as well as glass and all-purpose cleaner rub resistance(11) • HP PVC-free Wall Paper – a flame retardant,(12) strippable, pre-pasted wall paper with an ultra-smooth finish that provides vivid color, high-definition detail for close viewing and an odor-free alternative to PVC for wall murals and creative designs; provides up to 20 years display permanence indoors, away from direct sun;(13) easy-to-install paper also tears off easily and comes with an HP warranty for clean removal (14) • HP Light Textile Display Banner – a PVC-free, flameretardant,(15) uncoated polyester textile banner material that delivers long-lasting indoor image quality, dimensional stability during printing and is recyclable through the HP Large-format Media take-back program(2) HP also expanded the HP Planet Partners program to include the HP Large-format Media take-back program in the United States and select countries in Europe,(2) allowing customers to easily return and recycle prints produced with HP Latex Inks on HP recyclable media as well as Original HP 789 Latex Designjet Ink Cartridges and Printheads at no additional cost. Customers simply pack up the used media and HP pays the shipping charges and handles sorting and recycling. The HP Designjet L25500 Printer will be demonstrated publicly for the first time in the HP booth in Hall 8A G20 at VISCOM Germany in Dusseldorf, Oct. 1-3, and is expected to begin shipping this year and be available worldwide in early 2010. More information More information is available at: • HP Latex Printing Technologies: g_technologies • HP Designjet L25500 Printer: • HP large-format printing supplies and materials: designjet/supplies • HP Large-format Media take-back program: • HP Eco Solutions program:






New Ricoh Technology Removes Residue without Solvents or Water Ricoh Co., Ltd. (President and CEO: Shiro Kondo) has developed a technology that removes adhered residue (solder flux) without using solvents or water. This technology is based on the principle of using airflow to blast thin films each a few millimeters square onto the object to be cleaned and removing the residue from the object (*1 dry washing technology). Compared with the existing method, this technology reduces the environmental impact by up to about one tenth (*2). It also enables significant reductions in cleaning costs. This new technology is based on Ricoh’s proprietary dry washing technology that was introduced in 2006 to help remove toner from parts during the recycling of products. Further developments have made it possible to remove adhered residue. Ricoh has found practical application for this new technology with the cleaning equipment for the pallets used repeatedly during the automatic soldering of printed circuit boards. Pallets are generally cleaned with solvents or cleaning solutions, placing a burden on the environment and incurring disposal costs for the waste liquid. The introduction of this new technology enables the cleaning of pallets without solvents or water. The cleaning time (process lead time), which had previously taken more than two hours, has been reduced to less than five minutes in plants in Japan where Ricoh is conducting trials. The new equipment has been introduced at Shanghai Ricoh Office Equipment Co., Ltd. in China, a production site for printed circuit boards, and should be operational by the end of this month.




By introducing this equipment, we expect to reduce the amount of waste liquid by 1600kg a month. Eventually, we plan to introduce this cleaning equipment at other Ricoh Group domestic and overseas production sites. The Ricoh Group is working to reduce its environmental footprint at every stage of its business, from procurement to production and distribution, as well as at customer sites, through recycling and disposal. The Company will continue to take on new challenges with technological innovations in its efforts to realize a sustainable society.

(*1) The removed residue (flux powder) is collected by a dust collector. (*2) Solvent production and incineration. (*3) Consumables, electrical power, washing equipment production, etc. The range of values is attributed to the different cleaning methods, production scales and pallet sizes of the production sites.








Xerox Delivers Phaser 6140 Professional Color Printer New Xerox Printer Delivers Vibrant, Professional Color that’s Easy on the Budget High-quality color is no longer off limits to budget-conscious small businesses and workgroups with the introduction of Xerox Corporation’s (NYSE: XRX) Phaser™ 6140 color laser printer. Priced at $399, the Phaser 6140 produces vivid color documents by pairing 600x600x4 dpi image resolution with Xerox’s Emulsion Aggregate High Gloss (EA-HG) toner, which provides crisp text and uniform color. A variety of tools such as Adobe® PostScript® 3™, PANTONE® color-approved simulations and Xerox color-correction technology are also included to help manage color and ensure professional-looking color prints. “A small budget shouldn't mean you have to sacrifice making a big impression,” said Rick Dastin, president, Global Product Delivery Group, Xerox Corporation. “The Phaser 6140 delivers show-stopping color and performance at an affordable price.” With a paper capacity of 250 sheets and fast print speeds of 19 pages per minute (ppm) in color and 21 ppm in black and white,

the Phaser 6140 helps small offices produce high-quality color documents quickly and reliably. The printer's compact design is ideal for businesses with limited space. To boost worker productivity, the Phaser 6140 also includes: Pre-installed toner that helps users get up and running right away. Gauges on the front panel indicate if there is enough toner to complete a large print job. Optional features such as automatic two-sided printing, an additional 250-sheet paper tray and wireless network adaptor that allows users to build a printer that best suits their needs. The Run Black feature that keeps the printer running in black toner, even if the color toner needs to be replenished, ensuring users can keep printing. The printer also recognizes and automatically skips blank pages in a document, speeding up print time and reducing paper waste by up to 50 percent. Compatibility with a variety of operating systems including Microsoft 7 and Mac OS X 10.6. The Phaser 6140 is ENERGY STAR® qualified and part of the Xerox Green World Alliance - a worldwide initiative to encourage customers to recycle or dispose of supplies in a manner that minimizes impact on the environment. The Phaser 6140 has additional features including a builtin toner system that creates up to 80 percent less waste than comparable color laser printers and N-up printing, which enables users to print multiple pages onto one document. Availability The Phaser 6140 is available immediately worldwide through Xerox resellers, dealers and concessionaires, at com/direct. It comes with the Xerox Total Satisfaction Guarantee and a one-year on-site warranty.














Remanufacturing the Ricoh Sp-1000F Toner Cartridge By Mike Josiah and the technical staff at Uninet Imaging A division of Summit and Uninet Products

Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at Summit Technologies, a division of Uninet Imaging. A global distributor of toner, OPC drums, wiper blades and other supplies. An industry veteran since 1987, Mike is a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification Committee as well as an STMC trainer. He regularly contributes articles and teaches seminars at association meetings and trade shows. First released in March 2007, the Ricoh

Sp-1000F is based on a monochrome Ricoh 16ppm, 600 dpi multi-function engine. These machines can Print, Copy, Fax, and scan. The scanner is a 36 bit color scanner. These machines use the next generation of cartridge chips. Instead of a chip attached to the cartridge, they use a smart card type chip that is installed by the user into the machine. There is a slot on the machine just under the LCD display that houses the card. The card must be replaced each cycle. New replacement cards are available. The standard cartridge (US Version 413460, 413196 Europe) comes new with 145g toner, and is rated for 4,000 pages at 5% coverage. The machines based on this engine are the following: Ricoh Aficio SP 1000 Ricoh Aficio SP 1000S Ricoh Aficio SP 1000SF Ricoh Fax 1140 L Ricoh Fax 1180 L Required Tools 1) Toner approved vacuum. 2) A small Common screw driver 3) A Phillips head screwdriver 4) Needle nose pliers 5) Size T-7 Torx driver Required Supplies 145g Toner New Drum (In development) New Wiper Blade (In development)

Conductive grease

99% pure isopropyl alcohol Cotton swabs Soft, lint free wipes 1) Place the cartridge with the handle away from you. Remove the 2 silver pins. Pry them out with a small screwdriver. See Figure 1 Figure 3 proof variety as used in the old CX/PC cartridges. Just the normal T-7 bit. 3) Pry up one of the side panels, and separate the two halves. See Figure 4

Figure 1 2) Remove the silver Torx screws and plates from the right and left sides of the cartridge. See Figures 2 & 3

Figure 4

Figure 2 The Torx screws used in these cartridges are size T-7. They are not the tamper

4) From the right side of the drum half, take a small punch or screwdriver and drive the metal axle pin out. This axle is tight, it comes out easier if you pull it out with a good pair of pliers. Make sure you do it from the right side, (the keyed or large gear side), If you try and drive the axle out from the opposite side, the axle will not move. Remove the drum. See Figures 5 & 6 RECHARGEasia




Remanufacturing the Ricoh Sp-1000F Toner Cartridge


See Figure 8 NOTE: Be very careful not to damage or distort the thin Mylar Recovery Blade next to the wiper blade. If this blade is bent or damaged in any way, it should be replaced. 7) Re-install the two screws and the wiper blade. See Figure 9

10) Install the drum into the cartridge. See Figure 12

Figure 5 Figure 12

Figure 9

Figure 6 5) Carefully pry up the PCR, and remove. Be careful not to lose the white spacer on the PCR shaft. See Figure 7

8) Clean off all the old conductive grease f rom the PCR contacts, and replace with new. Remember, whenever using conductive grease more is never better. Only use a small amount. See Figure 10

11) Install the drum axle from hub side of the drum. Make sure the keyed end of the axle is inserted first so it fits into the keyed end (large gear)of the cartridge. When the axle has about 3/8� to go, turn the axle and press in until the keyed end is seated. See Figure 13

Figure 13 Figure 10 Figure 7 6) Remove the two wiper blade screws and the blade. Clean out the waste chamber.

12) On the toner hopper, note the location of all the gears. See Figure 14

9) Install the cleaned PCR. Make sure the spacer is on the contact side of the hopper. See Figure 11

Figure 14

Figure 8 58



Figure 11

13) Remove the four loose gears from the hopper. See Figure 15 14) Remove the gear from the fill plug area by pressing in on the tab. See Figure 16






Remanufacturing the Ricoh Sp-1000F Toner Cartridge


Be careful not to loose the contacts! Press in on the tabs on the back side of the holder to remove it See Figures 19 & 20

Figures 21 & 22 18) Remove the developer roller. See Figure 23

Figure 19

Figure 23

Figure 15

19) Remove the two screws f rom the doctor blade. See Figure 24 The doctor blade in these cartridges actually consists of two parts. A metal brace and the doctor blade itself, which is a very thin sheet of metal. Be very careful when handling the dr. blade as it is very easily bent.

Figure 16 15) Remove the screw and holder from the gear side of the developer roller. Press in on the tabs on the back side of the holder to remove it. See Figures 17 & 18

Figure 20 17) Pry off the metal bushing from both sides of the developer roller shaft. See

Figure 24

Figure 17 Figure 21

20) Remove the metal brace, being careful not to damage the alignment pins. The pin on the left side is normally tight so more care should be taken there. See Figure 25

Figure 18 16) Remove the screw, holder and contact from the right side of the developer roller. 60



Figure 22

Figure 25


21) Remove the Dr. Blade. Again, be very careful not to damage it. Clean the blade with a cotton swab and alcohol. See Figure 26

Figure 29

Figure 32

25) Replace the metal brace and the two screws. See Figure 30 Figure 26 22) Remove the fill plug from the hopper. See Figure 27

Figure 33 Figure 30

Figure 27 23) Clean out any remaining toner from the hopper. Make sure to get the feed roller clean also. It is not necessary to remove the roller, just make sure it is clean. See Figure 28

roller shaft and contacts. See Figure 34

26) Clean the developer roller with a clean lint free dry cloth. We do not recommend any chemicals be used at this time. See Figure 31

Figure 34 30) Replace the screw and holder on the gear side of the developer roller shaft. See Figure 35 Figure 31

Figure 28 24) Replace the cleaned Dr. Blade in the hopper. Make sure the lip is facing down, and the blade fits over the alignment pins correctly. See Figure 29

27) Replace the developer roller into the cartridge. The long metal shaft side goes to the gear side of the hopper. See Figure 32 28) Replace the metal bushings on both sides of the developer roller shaft. Make sure the tabs on the bushings fit into the slots on the hopper. See Figure 33 29) Clean and replace the conductive grease on the developer roller and the feed

Figure 35 31) Replace the screw, holder, and RECHARGEasia




Remanufacturing the Ricoh Sp-1000F Toner Cartridge


contact on the left side of the developer roller shaft. See Figure 36 Note that the feed roller contacts also run to the Dr. Blade. This helps ensure that the toner is properly charged throughout the hopper.

Figure 38

Figure 40 under the LCD display on the printer. See Figure 41

Figure 36S

Figure 39

Figure 36U 32) Fill the hopper with 145g 1000F toner. Replace the fill plug. See Figure 37 No seals are used in these cartridges. The OEM does not use them, and there are no provisions for one.

35) Install the two metal pins. See Figure 40 The cartridge is finished! 36) When packaging the cartridge do not forget to include a new smart card! The printer will not accept the cartridge as new without one. As stated in the beginning of this instruction. The card is to be installed by the end user, and the slot is located just

Figure 37 33) Replace all the gears on the hopper. See Figure 38 34) Place the two halves together. Install the metal plates, and screws. See Figure 39




Figure 41 Printing a Test page: The simplest way to test a cartridge is to make a copy. To do this place the original face down in the feeder. Press the copy key, number of copies desired and the start key.






Pelikan Hardcopy Announces New Unit Size A s on e o f t h e l a r ge s t i n d e p endent manufacturers of printing supplies in Europe, Pelikan Hardcopy is proud of its long-standing experience in the development and manufacture of products for the remanufacturing industry. Because of the high demand from our customers, we have decided to enlarge bottles sizes of some toners. The advantages are: master carton 3kg (6 x 500G bottles) easy stock handling reduction of stock cost New bottle sizes are available in 500 Gram:

• • • • •

HP CP 1215 / 2020 / 2025 HP 2700 / 3000 / 3600 / 4700 HP 1500 / 2500 / 4600 Brother HL-2030 / 2040 / 2070 (TN-2000 & TN-350) Lexmark Optra E210 / Samsung ML-1210 / 1410 / 1510 / 1610 / 1710 / 2250 • Lexmark Optra T-640 / 642 / 644 / T-630 / 632 / 634 • HP P1005 / P1006 / P1505 • Lexmark E-120 / T-520 / 522 / 620 / 622 / Lexmark Optra T-610 - 616 / Optra T420 All brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Contact Details Pelikan Hardcopy Production AG:

• HP 2600

UTec Appreciation to Remax Asia Pacific 2009 Remax Asia Pacific 2009 ended on 16 Oct with applause with record number of visitors. UTec’s environmental message was well received and recognized by visitors through the “Green” booth design, display of product safety and green quality management roadmap and factory tours for visitors to the cartridge recycling and waste treatment facilities at its manufacturing site. The fun photo taking and printing, entertainment shows, lucky draws, scratch and win, free gifts and refreshments at UTec booth have also successfully created a “More Than a Trade Show” experience for visitors. Another highlight event for UTec during Remax Asia Pacific 2009 is the Print-Rite Distributors Conference 2009 which was held in the new Print-Rite Tower on 15 Oct, 2009. UTec management shared with the Print-Rite distributors from different parts of the world about market trends as well as its business vision and future development plans. UTec also announced a series of programmes that aim at establishing a stronger and closer partnership with its distributors in 2010 in the promotion of Print-

suggestions and our appreciation to all our customers who have supported us throughout the years. UTec is committed to offering the best products and services to achieve a win-win partnership with all our customers. About UTec Located in Macao adjacent to Zhuhai, the capital of China’s printer consumable industry, Union Technology International (MCO) Co., Ltd (“UTec”) is one of the world’s best-known suppliers of top quality aftermarket printer consumables, serving customers in over 120 countries worldwide. UTec is renowned for its one-stop product offerings, strong technological capabilities, good quality and outstanding customer service. For more details, please visit

Rite branded products. In the conference, UTec also presented the 2009 Awards of Outstanding Distributor, Outstanding Growth Partner, and Value Partner. At the beer party that followed in the evening, all the guests enjoyed and had a wonderful time with unlimited drinks, live band performance and beer contest. Lastly, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all the visitors who have come to our booth and given us precious 64




Ninestar Rises at Remax Asia Pacific The 09 Remax Asia Pacific Exhibition had come to the end. This year is the 3rd year since the trade show moved to Zhuhai, and also the first time to hold in Zhuhai Airshow centre, which shows an increasing trend of exhibitors and visitors, moreover, a boom of the compatible consumables market. Ninestar had also achieved great success at the show. Zhuhai, as known as the City of Printer Consumables, has its own advantages in exhibiting. Visitors may visit factories during the show and entrepreneurs may gather advices from the visitors to improve. Most importantly, the show provides a platform to communicate and share information for the industry to achieve mutual success in business. During the exhibition days, Ninestar’s classical style booth has attracted many eyeballs from visitors, it is usual you see people stopped by and taking photo around the booth. Ninestar considers

the Expo as not only a place to exploit new business opportunities,

but more importantly, a great opportunity to thank our customers and partners. Delightfully, the Ninestar Welcome party held on 14th Oct night was so successful to provide our customers such an exciting and wonderful atmosphere to spend that great night together. The party started with a speech from vice president, followed by Sichuan opera face commutation and magic show. The balloon game also had pushed the party to the climax. That was really an exciting evening, which is memorable to all. This exhibition is way more meaningful for Ninestar than it used to be in 2009 as Ninestar had been voted by readers of the Recharger Magazine for Quality Leader in inkjet cartridges. Ninestar would like to take this opportunity to express hearty appreciation for all the old and new customers, for it’s all because of their consistent support that Ninestar could get this honor and shines at Remax Asia Pacific 2009.

Oasis Releases MICR Toner for HP 64X MICR toner for the HP P4515 Oasis Imaging Products, Inc. has released a new MICR Toner for the HP P4515 LaserJet Printer Cartridge (#CC364X). This new toner was developed with the help of the industry’s leading MICR Toner manufacturers and the feedback of the Oasis Imaging Product Development Group. The HP P4515 LaserJet Printer, with an incredible 62 Pages Per Minute capability, 1200 dpi, and the reliability of being a Hewlett Packard product provide an absolute must for the large network group. HP has continued their ability to upgrade and provide faster machines without sacrificing the reliability that has earned them the premier position in the printer marketplace. This new MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) Toner

(# P5MT101100 ) meets the ISO 1004 standards for printing set down by the American Bankers Association. In addition to the MICR toner, Oasis offers a full line of products to remanufacture the HP P4515 printer cartridge. Oasis also offers a full line of cost effective MICR toners for all of your HP Printers and Multi-Functional Devices. If you need assistance in finding the right MICR toner to meet your needs, feel free to contact one of our Technical Representatives and they can direct you to the correct product to meet you requirements. To order, or for more information about replacement products offered by Oasis go to





Dave Connor Named New Vice President of Engineering at Ecrm ECRM today announced the retirement of Mike Zembko and named his successor. Mr. Zembko has directed ECRM's engineering effort since 1989 when he was appointed Vice President of Engineering. Dave Connor has now been appointed to take Mr. Zembko’s place as the new Vice President of Engineering. For more information, visit About Mike Zembko Mike Zembko joined ECRM with extensive experience in the Printing and Publishing Industry. Previously, he had spent 16 years with Compugraphic, during which he developed some 35 products

including various typesetters, imagesetters, publishing systems, and workstations. His accomplishments enabled him to advance from Senior Engineer to Director of Engineering at Compugraphic, and became a well respected technical leader in the industry. He moved to ECRM as VP of Engineering in 1989 and continued a series of important product developments. Most notable of these were color scanners and proofers, color imagesetters, thermal platesetters, and an extensive family of violet platesetters for newspaper and commercial printers. He is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where he earned a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering and a Masters Degree in Physics. About Dave Connor Dave Connor has been an engineering manager for more than 20 years (the last 14 with ECRM) and has held managerial positions of increasing responsibility. For the past 7 years, he has worked closely with Mike Zembko as his deputy manager of the ECRM engineering effort. Over the years, he has specialized and demonstrated considerable skill in product development, program management, and technological innovation in managing electrical, electronic, mechanical, and optical engineering projects. He is also ECRM’s resident expert in electronic manufacturing and international regulatory compliance. Dave Connor graduated from Southeastern Massachusetts University in 1987 with a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering and joined ECRM after working at Perception Technology (speech response systems), Raytheon (RSL Signal Processing), and Laser Science, Inc. (commercial laser systems).

the development of an extensive family of highly reliable ECRM products. He developed a strong engineering organization, and participated as an integral and valued member of the ECRM senior executive team. His leadership, technical expertise, and practical wisdom have been a guiding light that has enabled ECRM to serve our customers with affordable, reliable, yet innovative production tools for the last two decades.” “Upon Mike’s retirement, Dave Connor was the obvious choice to fill the role as leader of ECRM's engineering effort. Working closely with and mentored by Mike over the years, Dave has exhibited remarkable skill in organizing and managing complicated product development projects, as well as effectively directing prompt and efficient engineering support of ECRM products in the field. His cross-functional management skills and his ability to develop and focus new technologies into reliable products in an ISO 9001:2000 environment have become extremely valuable to ECRM’s product development. Dave’s leadership and strong, well-rounded technical efficiency will enable him to continue Mike's legacy that has made ECRM a company that ‘Competes by Design’.” About ECRM ECRM Imaging Systems is a global leader in imaging technologies for the graphic communications industry. For over four decades ECRM has successfully applied a broad range of optical, imaging, laser, and digital-electronic technologies to meet the business needs of its customers. Today, ECRM is the patented flatbed violet laserimaging technology leader. The Massachusetts-based company has sold and supported more than 5,000 computer-to-plate devices and over 27,000 imagesetters in 110 countries around the world. ECRM's Tewksbury, MA facility is ISO 9001:2000 certified and is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in research and development, design, manufacturing, service, and support. For more information, go to

Comments from Rick Black, CEO of ECRM “We are sad to see Mike Zembko retire. He has been one of the most competent and effective engineering program managers that I have ever had the pleasure to work with. He has been a most valuable contributor to ECRM’s success, while overseeing 66




Ian Goddard Joins Static Control Aftermarket Pioneer Will Guide South East Asia for Technology Leader Static Control is pleased to announce the appointment of Ian Goddard as Managing Director of Static Control South East Asia. A veteran of the aftermarket, Goddard is a high-profile industr y professional with more than twenty years of experience. Most recently, Goddard was Managing Director for Innotex Precision Limited, a subsidiary of Print-Rite Holdings Company. He held this position for more than eight years, successfully guiding the company to substantial growth during this time. Goddard’s background is technical. He holds an electromechanical engineering degree from De Montfort University in the United Kingdom, and his MBA from Boston College. With

time served in world-class organizations such as British Petroleum, DCI and Mills Computers, Goddard has a wealth of experience and business knowledge that he will bring to full use at Static Control. According to Ed Swartz, CEO of Static Control: “We have been in South East Asia supporting our customers for many years. More recently, we have made significant new investments in both our Hong Kong and Zhuhai facilities. Ian Goddard has the experience and the talent to lead our operations there, knows the area and is also very well-known throughout the industry.” Goddard said: “Static Control is a world-class manufacturing company. You need to see it to believe it. The investment is enormous, but it ’s the passion for what they do that is so meaningful. It’s all about the customer. I am very excited about being on board at Static Control and building on the foundation already established in South East Asia. I am really looking forward to making my contribution to what has become the global technology leader for the aftermarket.” For more information, contact: or

Dedication of the Print-Rite Tower Formal dedication of the new Print-Rite Tower was held at Zhuhai Park in the Zhuhai-Macau Cross-Border Industrial Zone on October 15, 2009. A large number of printing industry officials participated in the ceremony and helped celebrate this auspicious occasion. The Zhuhai-Macau Cross-Border Indusrial Zone is the first of its kind established with the approval of the State Coucil. This region operates as a free trade zone, as an area under the administration of taxation authorities, as an export processing zone, and as an exclusive port. Print-Rite will use this imposing structure as a new base to provide valued customers worldwide with faster, round-the-clock, express business services. The PrintRite Tower will also conveniently connects Zhuhai and Macao with the rest of the world. The new Print-Rite Tower comprises two buildings on a parcel of land of 8,177 m2 (square meters). The total floor area of 24,728 m2 is now complete with dedicated floors for a call center which can accommodate over 100 Print-Rite staff members to service customers. There are also floors equipped with sophisticated distribution facilities reserved for VMI suppliers. Print-Rite Tower

will be a business hub for commerce, trade, new product exhibits, meetings, training and seminars. In the future, it will become the central facility for Print-Rite’s customer service, marketing, storage and distribution operations. It will also serve as the company’s base for new project development. At the event, Board Chairman Mr. Arnald Ho extended his warmest welcome to all guests, forecasting that the printing consumables industry will grow stronger and stronger day by day after the current financial crisis subsides. Completion of the PrintRite Tower proves that his team is very confident and optimistic regarding the future development of Pint-Rite and the entire printing industry that it supports.. This inauguration ceremony is a major milestone in Print-Rite’s outstanding history. It further strengthens the firm’s prominence as an experienced, innovative and well-managed organization. PrintRite Tower is a new base and will mark the beginning of promising journey into the future. For more information please visit our website:





Future Graphics Imaging Corporation Releases Compatible Products for HP & Dell FGIC Releases Superior Formula Toner for Remanufactured HP P4014/P4015/P4515 Monochrome Cartridges

F G I C R e l e a s e s Co m p at i b l e R e p l a ce m e nt C h i p s fo r Remanufactured Dell 3130 High Yield Color Cartridges

FGIC, the global leader in Comprehensive System Solutions is pleased to release an improved toner for the HP P4014/P4015/ P4515 monochrome cartridges. Thoroughly tested at the FGIC Research and Development center, the newly formulated styrene-acrylic-based compatible 4515 toner repeated ly demonstrates outstanding fusing characteristics, providing greater density and yield. To see the test data, please contact your FGIC sales rep. The newly formulated toner for 4515 is also part of a Comprehensive System Solution for this engine, which includes OPC, wiper blade, chip, and seal. All of the critical components were developed or specifically selected to work in conjunction with each other for this engine. The new toner for HP P4014/P4015/P4515 monochrome cartridges is in stock and ready to ship from convenient FGIC locations all over the globe.

FGIC, the global leader in the distribution of quality aftermarket supplies, announces the first-to-market release of compatible replacement chips for the Dell 3130 high yield color cartridges. Released in 2008, the Dell 3130 was a faster (26ppm color), lower-priced replacement for the 3110. Although HP retains 40-50 percent market share, the proliferation of OEMs in the entry-level segment provides great opportunities for remanufacturers. FGIC remains a leading distributor of quality matched systems for non-HP remanufactured printer cartridges. Compatible replacement chips for Dell 3130 high yield remanufactured cartridges are in stock and ship from convenient locations all around the globe. Compatible toner for the 3130 will be available shortly.

Hi & Bestech Company Announces the Release of New Universal Chips Hi & Bestech company announces the release of new universal chips to be used for Olivetti MF 201, 201+/250+ and 350+ copiers. The mentioned copiers have their dedicated OEM chips. Now Our R&D engineers strive to provide one chip to operate all regions around the globe and different models. The chips and compatibility we supply are for:

As an industry partner for chip solutions, our team is composed of qualified engineers with more than 20 years on chip solution and mass production. Hi & Bestech chips are full emulation with 100% functionality but unique circuit and firmware design from OEM chips for Intellectual Property protection and are fully RoHS compliant.

For more information about Hi & Bestech company (Taiwan), please E-mail:









PTi® Releases Replacement Cartridges for Brother TN360 & DR360

California based Printing Technology, Inc. (PTi®) is pleased to announce the release of its new line of compatible replacement cartridges for use in Brother® HL2140, HL2150, HL2170, MFC7440N, and MFC7840W printers and multifunction devices. The release includes separate cartridges that replace the toner unit (TN360/TN2110) and the drum unit (DR360/DR2125). “We have noticed a significant increase in requests from dealers selling within the SOHO market and specifically for Brother multifunction printer supplies,” says Tim Purugganan, P Ti®’s Vice President – Marketing. “PTi® recognized this need early on and has been offering recycled Brother® cartridges for over 10 years. With the TN360 and DR360 releases, we now provide 20 different Brother®

toner and drum cartridge combinations for use in over 100 devices… A nice niche opportunity for our dealers!” N o w i n i t s 2 0 t h ye a r, Pr i n t i n g Technology Inc. (PTi®) is an industryleading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of premium inkjet, monochrome and color laser cartridges, fax, copier, and MICR cartridges as well as postage meter ink cartridges. PTi® is also active in enduser recycling programs and provides core brokering services to the industry. PTi® is proud to operate out of two USA production facilities (Chatsworth, CA and Mt. Pleasant, TN) and with a state-of-theart operational infrastructure is capable of


Los Angeles, CA - UniNet Imaging Inc, proudly announces the release of the most complete Lexmark replacement chip in the market, the Universal Superchip™ powered by Summit Technologies. This innovative and state of-the-art chip technology introduces maximum versatility and flexibility in which one chip does it all, and operates on more than 100 different models

worldwide such as Dell, IBM,ADP, Ricoh, Toshiba and more. UniNet’s Universal Superchip™ offers to remanufactures limitless benefits by being multi engine, multi brand, multi model, and multi region. It also provides lower inventory cost, higher reliability, resists firmware changes and hidden errors, minimizes product confusion, and requires lower power preventing errors 70



producing over 650,000 cartridges each month. PTi® keeps product quality its first priority by utilizing strict AQL standards, 3rd party testing, and STMC processing. PTi® staffs its own R&D engineering lab and distributes to more than 75 countries where its “High Resolution®” trademark is recognized worldwide. With a large inventory, PTi® can ship to 99% of the population in 2 days or less. PTi® also offers its customers marketing support and an extensive choice of custom packaging and private label options. For more information, contact PTi® world headquarters in

among other benefits making t h i s p ro d u c t a n e f fi c i e n t business solution. In addition, the Universal Superchip™ incorporates a workgroup design, total emulation, and high-tech quality assurance. The Universal Superchip™ is protected by the U.S. patents: 7,187,874/7,221,886/7,286,774/7,356,279/7,088,928/7,254,346/ 7,551,859. Other U.S and international patents are pending. This universal chip works in all brands and models of printers in the T640, T630, T620 and T520 families of printers (except MICR).


Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces the release of a unique


solution for the Lexmark C770 and C780 Series color laser printers. These engines are the fastest color lasers in Lexmark’s expanding product line. For those familiar with these engines, you know how confusing the supplies options are for these printers can be. Each series offers three different yield cartridges, plus the Return program versions for a total number of 24 different toner cartridge part numbers. For the C770/C772/X772, the standard cartridge is rated at 6,000 pages, the high yield cartridge at 10,000 pages, and the extra high yield at 15,000 pages. The extra high yield cartridges will only work in the C772 and X772 models. The C780/C782/X782 series follow the same format with another 24 different toner cartridge part numbers including the 6,000 page Standard and 10,000 page High Yield cartridges. The Extra High yield cartridge which works only in the C782 and X782 is rated at 15,000 pages when used in the C782 and rated at 16,500 when used in the X782. UniNet is simplifying it by offering only two versions; a 10,000-page high yield and a 16,500-page extra high yield version. This is possible since the cartridges are essentially identical in both machines, and differ only in the amount of toner in the hopper. In addition, UniNet offers a chip that can be used in both the C770 and C780 series machines. The remanufacturer can now build one cartridge that will work in either machine, and reduce these 48 different part numbers down to a manageable eight part numbers. All these benefits represent a tremendous advantage making it an effective business solution for the remanufacturer.


Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces the launch of compatible toner cartridges for use in the Canon ImageRunner 5050, 5055, 5065 and 5075 series copiers. These monochrome copiers are rated at 55-75 ppm and offer full copier capabilities. These machines are fully networked and placed in high volume copying and printing applications. The toner cartridge is rated at 48,000 pages.


Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces the expansion of its Latin American capabilities with the op ening of a new subsidiary in Lima, Peru to service the growing demand for UniNet Imaging’s solutions in Peru and neighboring countries. UniNet appointed National Director, Jose Aguero to manage operations at the new facility.

The new subsidiary in Peru broadens UniNet’s means to offer local sales, distribution, and support services to its fast growing base of clients and prospects. Nestor Saporiti, president of UniNet Imaging Inc added, “UniNet’s expansion in Peru intends to further strengthen our product support capabilities to Peruvian clients and prospects while cutting down logistics costs and inventories.” UniNet Peru houses office and warehouse space to carry UniNet’s complete 15,000 product line, and is also conveniently located just 15 miles away from Lima’s International Airport ‘Jorge Chavez’. UniNet Peru SAC is situated at Avenida Salaverry 1059, Jesus Maria in Lima, Peru. To conta ct the off ices of this UniNet loc ation please dial +51-1-472-8989, fax +51 1 471-9272, and by email at josea@uninet. For further information, please visit the UniNet Peru website at


Los Angeles, CA - UniNet is proud to announce that Oscar Catalan and Alex Casillas, staff members of Uninet Europe’s Technical Support Team have been awarded STMC certification issued by The International Imaging Technology Council. This certification is one of the most recognized standards of excellence in the printer cartridge industr y. Uninet Europe Director, Hector Aguirre, Note: commented, “We are proud to be awarded this certification If yo u ha ve an y qu est ion ab ou t the rem an uf ac tur ing and to be active supporters of tec hn olo gy or if yo u ha ve oth er pu the standardization of product zz les yo u nee d to solve, you may con testing methods, as well as tact Recharge Asia M ag az ine for mo re hel p. W e als to continue raising the bar in o welcome you to sha re your experience maintaining product quality and remanufactur ing tips. and customer satisfaction Email: news@rechar throughout Europe and the world.” 如果您有任何关 For further information, please contact UniNet at + 1 (424) 675-3300 or visit

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术 我们,获得帮助。

我们也将非常高 兴的与您一起分 享 您关于打印耗材 再生方面的经验 和 心得。









Message from the Publisher 十一月, 临近年末,气势汹汹肆虐许久的经济危机的硝烟似乎终于有开始慢慢沉淀的 迹象,在历经了近二年市场严酷的竞争洗礼和优胜劣汰过后,在萧条和衰退的阴 影稍见缓和的背景下,许多企业的管理者终于可以暗自长出一口气,放松一下这 一年来紧绷的神经和咬紧的牙关,并感叹庆幸,自己的事业挺过了最初疾风骤雨 般的打击,可以有这样一个相对宽松的时间,去思考下来年的计划和愿景。而对 再制造耗材行业的许多企业来说,也恐怕是同样如此。 我们会很容易发现,越在临近年末,越会开始有这样或那样的统计数字开始 浮出台面,企业的盈亏自然是每个领导者最关心的,生产、销售和实际利润数字, 都在每个企业领导者心里有着最清晰的考量;行业内不同领域市场比重和份额的 分析数据,因为对来年的决策和计划起着举足轻重的作用,自然也少不了有心人 的关注;而过去一年内,同行伙伴,竞争对手的相关经营活动的报表和通报,也都需要仔细研究。 十一月,既是每个企业开始准备总结自己一年来经营成果,着手布置未来计划和安排的日子,也是行业的分析 和反思的举动逐渐开始热门的时候。所以,《亚洲再生业》杂志也特意为您搜集了与再生耗材行业息息相关的分析 文章和数据,希望能在这样的日子里,给您的事业提供些有益的参考,也可以更好的满足您迫切的阅读需求。 执行编辑 刘师同

追悼 2009 年 10 月 20 日星期四,美国影像化学公司(Chemical Images Company) 总裁乔治.魏格纳先生(George Wagner)离开人世。 乔治.魏格纳先生于上世纪八十年代创立影像化学公司,为整个影像耗材行 业提供树脂和高分子聚合物产品。乔治.魏格纳先生是碳粉领域的知名专家和技 术骨干,他的离去对整个影像耗材行业来说无疑是一个巨大的损失。 亚洲再生业杂志深切悼念这位优秀的领导者和真挚的朋友!






Trends in CISS Development in 2009

2009连续供墨的发展方向 肖珂 连供是连续供墨系统的简称,一根 根小小的墨管,一组整齐的墨水盒,是 国人智慧对喷墨打印的卓越贡献,也是 原装喷墨打印机制造商的大敌:它以低 廉的价格,广泛的适用性迅速占领了市 场,“让打印耗材不再耗财”是它的座 右铭;同时,它的迅猛发展也给市场带 来了无序竞争的伤害:几番价格战的云 消雾散,生产厂家发现利润空间已经微 乎其微,不但影响了企业的创新和发展, 甚至威胁到了企业的生存。人们不禁要 问,连供路在何方? 要回答这个问题,我们必须来分析 一下连供系统的优势和缺陷: 优势方面有三个词可以概括:价格 低廉、使用方便和扩展性好:首先,连 供系统的最大优势就是价格,尤其是单 张打印成本非常低廉;其次,连供系统 一旦安装好使用非常方便,省去了频繁 更换墨盒的麻烦,一套连供系统在不加 墨水的情况下几乎与 20 套墨盒的打印 量相当;最后,扩展性好是指连供产品 可以引申出一系列应用,增加喷墨打印 机的特殊功能。 缺陷方面主要是:不够稳定,经常 有报道说连供系统堵塞了喷头、断线、 漏墨等质量问题;服务指导不到位,连 供系统相对于墨盒来说,无论是安装方 法还是使用方法,均较复杂,它实际上 类似于打印机相伴而生的一个近似设备 的装置,是需要安装和调试的,而往往 很多客户得不到连供供应商的指导,在 使用尤其是第一次使用连供系统时属于 瞎蒙状态,给自己和连供系统的第一次 亲密接触带来不良的体验感受。最后, 连供系统受制于喷墨打印机制造商,需 要随着墨盒体系的变动而不断更新;而 连供的生产商往往一直采用同样的设计 思路和生产工艺,同质化相当严重。 综上所述,我们发现连供的几个发 展方向是: 一、继续保持低价的竞争优势:价 格往往是最有力的武器,在与原装墨盒 的不断较量中,性价比的优势一直是连 供引以为骄傲的。但是,在同质化严重 的同行竞争中,这种价格优势对每一个 74



厂家来说都是微弱的,只有通过整合上 供的发展从历史层面上看,也是要符合 下游产业链,才能获得更多的竞争优势。 这个大趋势:原装耗材要是不存在了, 二、 积 极 发 展 新 的 合 作 模 式, 解 打印机制造厂商将无以为继,那么谁还 决产品安装服务等问题:从 2008 年的 会给这个社会提供打印机及相关产品 市场经验看,连供系统已经作为打印机 呢?同时,我们认为在家用照片打印领 销售商增加销售量,完成销售任务的促 域,首先是照片级输出要求很高,包括 销手段之一,这是一个很好的信号,我 对产品保存期限的要求,采用原装耗材 们可以设想:一个以打印机销售商为 可以很轻松的达到几十年甚至上百年的 网络的连供系统销售平台,是要远远有 保存期限,这是使用廉价墨水的连供系 效于单纯的耗材销售渠道的,它通过直 统无法比拟的,而且家庭应用领域一般 接与新打印机销售相关联,成为了“打 打印量不大,一套墨盒可能要用上半年 印机伴侣”,这本身就是一种胜利。因 以上,为了保证打印机不出现堵塞的危 此,积极发展与打印机销售渠道的合作 险,我们也建议这样的客户选择原装耗 模式,是未来的发展方向之一,通过这 材;兼容耗材也具有自己的生存空间, 种具有技术背景的合作伙伴,尤其是针 尤其在需要稳定性高的商业应用领域, 对性很强的关联产品销售伙伴,还可以 兼容耗材以适中的打印成本、较好的稳 积极探索服务标准化,让客户在购机的 定性、能通过更换快速解决问题的应急 同时享受到专业的售前导购、售中安装、 预案,一直占有稳定、大量的商业应用 售后指导的全方位服务。 客户;办公用户、行业用户及打印量较 三、利用产品的高扩展性,积极探 大的家庭用户,则是连供的最大客户群, 索连供与新的打印应用领域相结合,形 专门针对他们设计好产品和营销策略, 成新的价值增长模式,解决产品差异化 是连供系统长盛不衰之道。 的问题;实际上,连供产品的高扩展性 在当前金融危机的大环境下,开源 目前还很少有厂商注意并利用好:大家 节流已经深入人心,随着世界经济的复 都用同样的内墨盒、同样的管线、几乎 苏,连供系统的发展将会迎来一个春天, 千篇一律的外置墨盒,里面装的也是一 我们如何把握这样的机遇,如何通过技 成不变的墨水。但是,打印机本身是具 术创新、产品创新和销售创新在竞争中 有 各 种 应 用 价 值 的, 如 热 转 印 到 T 恤 脱颖而出,将是每一个企业家所应当思 等纺织品上,直接或转印到瓷器、玻璃 考的。 上, 喷 墨 技 术 的 广 泛 Content Survey 应用前景一直为业内 人士和技术专家所称 Curre ntly, the conti nuou s ink-s uppl y syste m in 道, 目 前, 中 国 科 学 China market owns low price, the easy to use , good 院化学研究所在喷墨 exten sion and so on super ioritie s; The flaw s are 技术的扩展应用上也 mainly: insufficiently stable, the quality problem and 走 在 了 前 列: 防 伪 墨 the lack of service instruction. RechargeAsia magazine specially invited the well-known CISS expert: Ke 水、 胶 印 墨 水、 导 电 墨水等一系列高科技、 Xiao to analy ze China 's curre nt CISS mark et in 高附加值的科研成果, detail for readers, and as for the market tendency 让 大 家 看 到 了 一 个 喷 and the trend in the near future, Xiao proposed bold and creative forecast including the combination with 墨技术全新的未来! 四、 和 谐 共 赢 的 new printing domain, simplification of the technical 科 学 发 展 观: 原 装、 progr am and so on. We believ e all these will be 兼 容、 连 供, 一 个 都 helpf ul to all reade rs who conce rn China ’s CISS 不 能 少! 当 今 社 会 是 market. 和 谐 发 展 的 社 会, 连






The Winner Who Survives the Lawsuit Struggle

从诉讼斗争中走出的强者 ——臧晓钢谈纳思达专利应诉 作为耗材企业龙头老大的纳思达, 这几年来飞速成长,强劲的技术优势, 自有专利的耗材产品,产品质量在通用 耗材界渐渐处于领先地位。纳思达全球 品牌总监臧晓钢在谈起企业成长的时候 都避不开“专利”二字。 在专利大战里成长 臧晓钢认为,是全球专利大战的磨 砺,才成就了纳思达的快速成长。 2006年2月17日,日本爱普生公司 利用美国关税法337条,在美国国际贸 易委员会(ITC)发起了主要针对中国墨 盒制造企业“337调查”。在日本,爱 普生状告珠海纳思达十项专利,最终达 成和解。当时情况很危险,一边是爱普 生,一边是惠普,它们都启动了“337 调查”。爱普生启动的“337调查”在 3月,随后惠普在6月也启动了 “337调 查”,不过惠普相对低调,外界知道的 并不多,也没有太关注。 而在遭遇“337”案之前,中国已 经成为世界打印耗材的制造中心,其中 墨盒的产量占据了全球总产量的60%, 纳思达和格力磁电产量的90%都出口到 海外,对原来打印耗材巨头爱普生、惠 普、佳能造成严重冲击。“纳思达当 时承受着巨大的压力,开始了抗诉, 这也是肩负着国家的荣誉和民族产业的 利益。”臧晓钢说,“由于纳思达积极 应诉,使中国墨盒企业的产品得以在美 国市场继续销售了近20个月。在为纳 思达赢得利益和不断改进技术时间的同 时,也为中国耗材行业赢得了喘息的机 会。” 臧晓钢接着说:“2006年始的337 案件将纳思达推向了风口浪尖,单挑全 球行业巨头。对手都是在全球排在200 强以内的公司,但是纳思达对自己的专 利产品非常有信心。而且这样的产品在 美国市场、在全球市场的销售已经大获 成功了,在日本市场,在欧洲市场也已 经被法律所认可,是不侵权的产品,应 诉是基于一个坚实的创新专利技术的一 个基础。” 76



诉讼大战,越打越多 对于“337调查”,臧晓钢定义为 完全的贸易保护主义,应诉避免不了。 “从此,专利官司越打越大,从美国的 ITC打到了联邦巡回法院,打到了美国 专利商标局和美国海关。也从美国蔓延 到了日本、英国和德国,成了真正的专 利全球大战。”至今纳思达还在这个没 有硝烟的市场战争中战斗,战况也异常 惨烈。 在美国,ITC不顾专利商标局认为 爱普生部分专利无效的质疑,不考虑涉 案大量的事实证据,发出了普遍排除 令。并且,在不考虑法律被动原则,又 将ITC对兼容墨盒的普遍排除令扩大到 了再生墨盒。之后,ITC又向纳思达开 出了1千万美元巨额罚单,而纳思达已 于日前想美国地方法院正式提起诉讼。 在日本,东京地方法院也质疑爱普 生专利的有效性,要求爱普生同纳思达 墨盒产品的日本代理 “和解”,爱普生 不得不签署“和解协议”。使纳思达的 墨盒产品得以独家在日本市场销售。 在德国,专利商标局也裁决爱普生 的专利无效,现爱普生将德国专利局告 到地方法院。 在英国,爱普生已撤销对纳思达代 理商的6项专利侵权诉讼,目前,只有 二项专利在英国伦敦高等法院等待着开 庭审理,又将是一个漫长的过程,没有 结果的专利纠纷。 在中国,爱普生的相关专利已被国 家专利复审委员会裁决为专利无效,在 北京第二中级人民法院也被裁决为专利 无效,现爱普生将此案上诉到北京高等 法院,正等待着裁决。 3年多来纳思达为专利诉讼付出高 昂的成本,应诉费用已超过1500万美 元。但应诉为纳思达换取了多个市场的 驻留时间。“2008年,纳思达日本市场 墨盒销量从97万上升到870万,欧洲市 场从2700万升至3300万,美国市场虽 然从1400万大幅减少至650万,但也在 恢复当中。”

臧晓钢分析说,从一系列的案例中 可以看出,纳思达仅仅在美国受政治因 素的影响,在ITC受到了不公的裁决, 在其他国家和地区的专利诉讼中都处于 有利的地位。面对实力悬殊如此之大的 跨国专利大战,纳思达尽管已付出了不 菲的专利诉讼费用,但并没有被这巨大 的压力打垮,反而逆势快速地成长着。 因为在这场专利大战中,不断改进产 品,增强专利,锻炼出一支很强的专利 队伍,从此步入了快速发展之路。 专利战中越打越强 臧晓钢回顾这几年的“337调查” 应诉历程,坚信一条:只有拥有自主知 识产权才是中国打印耗材行业未来的阳 光大道。 他介绍说,到目前为止,纳思达 拥有包括知识产权律师及专利工程师在 内的专职知识产权工作人员几十人。并 聘请一批欧美日等国的著名律师事务所 和专利事务所为长期知识产权顾问。已 经基本建立起了完善的知识产权管理制 度、专利研发与申请流程审批制度、专 利奖励制度等,并已基本实现了专利管 理的网络化和电子化建设。” 而纳思达成功研发出了耗材用芯 片,是纳思达快速发展的基础,也为兼 容耗材产业的发展带来新的契机。是目 前国内唯一掌握耗材最核心芯片技术的 通用耗材企业。在兼容墨盒领域里,纳 思达全球第一个采用 “微压控制阀技 术”,取代了墨盒过去传统使用的海绵; 纳思达在行业内首先推出墨盒的色体分 离技术,解决了墨盒的残墨量问题。 此外,纳思达积极与大连理工大 学合作,以“产、学、研”相结合的模 式成立珠海联合研发中心,成功开发出 “新型喷墨打印机用耐候性特种染料墨 水”,形成了四项核心技术专利。产品 性能达到了国际先进水平,产生了巨大 的市场价值。 臧晓钢说,“专利战是最高层次的 市场竞争策略,众多案例表明,发起诉 讼的一方不一定是市场的最终赢家。纳


思达没有倒下反而更强。对国际市场的 影响力更大、知名度更高,新产品出的 更多、专利增加的速度更快。” 据了解,三年半的时间里,纳思 达销售额翻了一倍,产品从当初的墨 盒,已发展为四大支柱产业并驾齐驱。 目前,纳思达的墨盒市场份额仍是全球 行业的第一,成像卡盒和耗材芯片也成 为了行业的老大,在全球的销量快速跃 居市场的前列,墨水产业在大连理工大 学的支持下,技术也处于全球领先的位 置。 臧晓钢说,通过加强自主研发和同 全球著名的国际跨国公司进行了专利授 权的合作,纳思达成功拥有了全球行业 中最强的专利技术平台,可以合法使用 的专利数量超过2.5万项,为产业继续

高速发展打下了坚实的基础。 另一方面,纳思达在ITC判决之 前,就宣布对Epson涉案专利进行无效 申诉,专利战一直没有停止过,范围还 在扩大。在整个过程中,纳思达收集了 许多证据,目前几个关键的专利还在等 待美国专利局的判决,只要一个关键证 据起作用,将可使局面发生反转。 从专利官司中走出的强者 专利官司越打,生意做得越大,这 条潜在的商业规律在纳思达身上再次得 到印证。在与国际巨头旷日持久的全球 专利大战中,纳思达不仅没有倒下,反 而成长为全球最大的打印耗材制造商之 一。 日本行业协会最新统计的一份数据

显示,纳思达的产品平均市场售价为原 装耗材的85%-90%,其销售排名现在 也上升至第5位。不仅在日本如此,纳 思达的墨盒销量在英国市场也曾占了行 业市场份额的一半。更惊人的是,纳思 达在过去3年多的时间里销售收入实现 了两倍多的增长。纳思达的三大核心产 品墨盒、成像卡盒、集成芯片均已成为 全球第一。其中墨盒全球市场占有率为 20%,成像卡盒市场占有额为10%,集 成芯片甚至高达70%。为了更好的完成 从耗材到打印机的逆向扩张,纳思达已 经开始上市的准备。 臧晓钢透露,纳斯将于3年内完成 上市,融资用于产业链的上下游并购整 合。而在成像卡盒领域,纳思达已经获 得联想投资的巨额注资。

RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010 will Move to Indonesia

在印尼见证新的奇迹发生 ——东南亚国际打印耗材展2010年移师雅加达 日前,亚洲再生业正式对外宣 布,一年一度的东南亚国际打印耗材 展(RechargExpo Southeast Asia)将于 2010年7月14日-16日在印度尼西亚首 都雅加达举办。这将是暨之前在新加坡 成功举办三年之后,东南亚国际打印耗 材展首次改变展会地点。 本次东南亚国际打印耗材展将选 择在雅加达最大的展览中心“雅加达会 展中心” (JCC) ,与印度尼西亚最大的 知名的电脑、IT、办公用品展 (Festival Komputer Indonesia) 同期举办。两大展 览的合作,无论是在人流量,访问量和 观众的专业素质,以及展览规模都将达 到空前的规模,双方有意将本次的展会 打造成印度尼西亚首屈一指的知名展会。 之所以在历经三年之后重新选址在 印尼,不但体现出亚洲再生业公司一直 以来对东南亚市场所持有的坚定信心, 也更多的契合了国内外诸多具有远见卓 识的企业和领导者对于深耕东南亚市场 的迫切需求。而印尼近年来在东南亚经 济领域中的出色表现,也让他成为亚洲 再生业在决定2010年展会地址时的最佳 选择。据《印尼罗盘报》讯,根据东盟

各国第二季度国内生产总值(GDP)数据 显示,所有的东盟成员国均已经走出衰 退。经过季节调整,泰国经济第二季度 增长2.3%,新加坡经济在第二季度年 率增长20.7%。印尼则是全球少数取得 产出创纪录增长的国家之一,第二季度 增长达到了4.1%。 为将本届的展览会办成名副其实的 精品展会,亚洲再生业除了将继续以往 展会的推广和宣传手段之外,更加重了 在东南亚尤其是印尼本地的宣传和推广 力度。2010年,亚洲再生业将在东南

亚各国进行大规模的路演宣传活动。此 外,为了更好的让整个耗材行业深入的 了解印度尼西亚的各个方面的情况和市 场信息,亚洲再生业还特别与印度尼西 亚当地的知名企业合作,在雅加达建立 自己的办公室和记者站,直接负责当地 的信息搜集反馈和展会的宣传推广,这 无疑为2010年东南亚国际耗材展的成功 举办,提供了最牢靠的保障。 印度尼西亚得天独厚的自然地理条件 印度尼西亚拥有人口2.24亿 RECHARGEasia





(2009),是世界第四人口大国。有100 多个民族,其中爪哇族47%,巽他族 14%,马都拉族7%,印尼华人5%。印 度尼西亚语(Bahasa Indonesia)为官方语 言。印度尼西亚语、华语和英语为通用 语言。 首都雅加达(Jakarta),人口为916 万,是东南亚人口最密集的城市之一。 印度尼西亚是世界上拥有海岛最多 的国家,被称为千岛之国,因而海陆交 通十分便利,轮船货物运输十分发达, 是东南亚地区著名的海港国家。 印尼中央统计局数据显示,2009 年1-4月,共有189万外国游客到访印 尼,较2008年同期增长1.53%。其中 4月份入境游客总数为48.71万人次, 比去年同期增长6.10%,较3月份增长 4.73%。 印度尼西亚的经济发展 经过与印尼国会第十一委员会商讨 之后,印尼政府日前将原先建议的2010 年度经济增长率从5%改为5.5%。印尼 专家认为明年经济增长率作出这种调 升,不但突显出国家具有积极发展的决 心,也同样证明了2009年一年来,印尼 的多项经济恢复优惠政策切实发挥了实 际的作用。《印尼商报》7月7日消息, 印尼政府投资协调署(BKPM)表示, 2009年上半年,印尼吸收外资达53亿 美元,比2008年下半年增长25.5%。 BKPM主席鲁德菲称,吸收外资保持快 速增长表明印尼在很多领域具有竞争 力。今年前8个月,印尼国内投资总值 为12.89万亿盾(14.3亿美元);外国直接 投资为103.68万亿盾(115.2亿美元),同 比上升41.7%。外国投资已超过印尼投 资统筹机构定下的54.3亿美元的全年目 标。 尽管印度尼西亚遭受了1998年最严 重的东亚金融危机,但当前仍印度尼西




亚然有有高达59万亿美圆的外汇储备。 如前所述,从2009年至2013年,印尼 的国内生产总值实际增长率预计平均约 为5.0%,许多分析家认为,其私人消 费的强劲增长和高水平的外国投资增 长,意味着印尼市场时机已经成熟,这 也是为什么全球许多知名公司,正在寻 求扩大其资源投入到印度尼西亚及周边 东南亚市场的原因。换句话说,但相对 于全球各地,东南亚可能是当今新的销 售和营销场所的最佳选择,尤其是印度 尼西亚一直以来低廉的劳动力成本,对 外来投资具有很强的吸引力。事实上, 根据国际货币基金会的报告显示:“尽 管全球环境日益恶化,印尼的经济增长 表现仍然强劲。” 印尼国家银行(BNI)经济研究主任 托尼(Tony A Prasetyantono)预计印尼 经济增长率2012年可达到7%,2014年 或能达到8%。印度尼西亚的进口上升 至2008年的26.8万亿美元,比去年增长 了42%,出口增加了34万亿美元,实现 了29%的增长。 印度尼西亚的影像耗材市场 根据IDC2009-2013年亚太区(不 含日本)打印管理服务市场(MPS)分析与 预测显示,尽管目前经济形势低迷,东 南亚市场的该行业仍将以两位数的速度 增长。该地区的打印管理服务市场预计 将以15.5%的复合年增长率(CAGR)增 长,从2008年的4.2亿美元增长到2013 年的8.6亿美元。其中,中国、印度、 印度尼西亚和马来西亚这4个新兴经济 体的打印管理服务市场预计未来五年将 快速增长;在澳大利亚、韩国和新加坡 等成熟市场,虽然增长速率减缓,但仍 将继续增长。 IDC预计2009年至2013年,打印管 理服务市场的复合年增长率(CAGR)将 达到两位数,尤其是在中国、印度和印 度尼西亚。IDC认为虽然印度尼西亚仅 占整个亚太区(不含日本)打印管理服务 市场份额的3.5%,但该国非常希望引进 先进的打印管理服务模式,并正在寻求 已在周边国家部署行之有效的文件管理 解决方案。印度尼西亚打印管理服务市 场预计同比增长18.6%。同时,IDC 的

研究发现在亚洲和太平洋地区只有59% 的粉盒和62%的墨盒用户使用原装产 品。在2008年,打印机耗材市场比去年 同期增长了约5%,达到4600万单位。 激光碳粉市场依然保持着强劲的增长, 比去年同期实现了18%的增幅,增加超 过900万单位。特别是在印度尼西亚、 泰国,用户更愿意选择使用价格低廉的 第三方产品,尤其是低成本的再生产品 /服务。

东南亚国际打印耗材展是东南亚地区影 像耗材行业复印机、打印机领域唯一专 业展会 2009年6月24日,在新加坡会展中 心,2009年新加坡中东-东南亚国际复 印、打印耗材展如期拉开帷幕。在此 次展览中,复印机产业链产品成为新亮 点,复印机展商大增,使得该展览成为 亚太地区唯一凸显复印机特色的耗材 展。本届展会是在全球均遭受到经济危 机的冲击的背景下举办的,但展商普遍 反映收获不小。东南亚国际打印耗材已 经在新加坡连续成功举办三届,不但受 到了行业内的广泛关注,更得到了来自 全球的多家知名兼容耗材企业和媒体的 大力支持。展会的规模不断扩大,效果 日益显著,其影响力几乎覆盖了全球影 像耗材行业。展会内容包括了墨盒、硒 鼓、色带、相片纸、墨水、墨粉、灌 装机、墨粉生产线、连续供墨设备、空 盒、复印机、打印机配件、复印机配 件、版纸、油墨、技术服务等不同领域 的兼容再制造影像耗材产品。 2010年东南亚国际打印耗材展将走 入他的第四个年头,亚洲再生业将全力 使本次的展会在印度尼西亚获得更大的 成功,我们也真诚的邀请您一道加入, 共同见证这个奇迹的发生。 Recharge Asia Magazine






How to Change Social Media Marketing

社会化媒体如何改变营销市场 一、什么是社会化媒体营销? 最近的1,2年,社会化媒体(Social Media)越来越为 市场营销领域所接纳,也有越来越多的品牌开始通过社会化 媒体进行市场营销活动。但大部分企业,甚至很多专业的 Digital Marketing公司并没有意识到Social Media决不仅仅是 在门户网站、垂直网站以外的另一个“媒体渠道”。社会化 媒体在很大程度上甚至改变了整个市场营销的格局。那么社 会化媒体是如何改变营销的呢? 首先,营销从一种单向的传播变成了双向的通话。这 也就是我一直在说的从Communication到Conversation的改 变。社会化媒体让消费者变得越来越理性,获得各种信息的 能力也越来越强。所以倾听消费者的声音比强迫他们接受品 牌的信息要重要得多。一个品牌可以比竞争对手作出更好的 产品,但是在消费者面前,再好的产品也是有改进余地的。 社会化媒体为企业提供了这样一种和消费者直接对话的机 会,可以让自己的产品更接近消费者的要求。 其次,社会化媒体也让企业本身充分暴露到了公众面 前。一直以来,企业都很注重包装其产品的品牌形象,把企 业藏在品牌后面。现在消费者轻易就可以知道产品出自哪家 企业、哪些人在这家企业工作,他们可以很容易的和这家企 业的员工甚至是老板进行直接的对话。企业传播(Corporate Communications)和企业社会责任感(Corporate Social Responsibility)比任何时候都显得更为重要,只要你做,消 费者就能够看得到。 另外,PR特别是EPR和市场营销的关系也变得越来越 紧密。因为在社会化媒体范畴,企业所参与的很多活动不再 仅仅是传统意义上的市场推广,而同时包含了很多公关的内 容,还包括了CRM甚至是ERP的部分。对企业来说,要很好 的利用社会化媒体,必须要协同公关部门和市场部门,打破 这两个部门间的区隔是市场营销未来的一种趋势。 社会化媒体会像一面放大镜,它的作用是让品牌、产 品以及企业本身更加清楚的呈现在所有人面前。企业要做的 不是仅仅建立一个专门的部门来写Blog,在Facebook或者 Twitter上推销自己。而是要把社会化媒体作为一种需要去适 应的新的环境。这种新环境的生存法则并不复杂:生产好的 产品、倾听消费者的声音、乐于和消费者、媒体、合作伙伴 以及你的竞争对手进行对话。 二、社会化媒体营销的常规化 之前看到的一份出自美国国家广告协会的报告中指出, 已经有三分之二的营销人员在利用社会化媒体来进行市场营 销活动,他们所使用的主要工具包括Facebook、Youtube、 Twitter以及LinkedIn。虽然在国内我们有不同的社会化媒体 工具,但类似的趋势也在上演:越来越多的品牌开始通过视 频、SNS等手段来增加和用户的互动,从而提高网络营销的 80



效果。 eMarketer刚刚公布的另一份报告也显示出相同的趋势。 而且这份报告还进一步指出,在未来一年内,使用社会化媒 体营销的普及率将达到82%,成为一种为大部分公司所使用 的常规营销手段。 品牌和代理公司使用社会化媒体的情况

下面图表里面的数据更有意思一点。从图中我们发现, 其实绝大部分的人还是承认社会化媒体的作用。他们还没有 参与到社会化媒体中的原因是不得其门而入或者是担心真正 执行起来的效果。 品牌和代理公司 不接纳社会化媒体的原 因: 品牌和代理公司评 估其社会化媒体营销效 果的方法: 这些统计可以说明 的一个问题是,社会化 媒体不再是一个蒙着神 秘面纱的概念。广告/公 关代理公司可能再也没 有机会拿Social Media 这个字眼来吸引客户的 眼球,因为客户们早已 经了解它的作用,并知 道这是理所当然的营 销手段。Social Media 成为各种Marketing Campaign中必不可少 的部分。 而代理公司目前所要考虑的或者说要去解决的,是如何 更有效的执行社会化媒体营销,如何更客观有效的衡量社会 化媒体营销的效果。不然,必然会迅速减少和其它代理公司 竞争的筹码。







三、社会化媒体营销的 ROI 很多时候,我们 在说社会化媒体营销的 时候,会比较害怕谈 论ROI。因为到目前位 置,我们的确还没有一 套相对完整和被大多数 人所认可的评估标准。 但是在社会化媒体营销 被广泛应用的美国, Social Media已经为很 多公司带来了真正的商 业价值。 根据Wetpaint及 数字资讯公司Altimeter (Charlene Li所创建的 公司)的调研发现,参 与社会化媒体最多的那 些公司在过去12个月里面收入增长了18%,而参与最少的那 些公司同期内销售额下降了6%。 该项调研观察并评估了100家最有价值的品牌在超过10 类社会化媒体中的活动,包括Blog、Facbook、Twitter、 Wiki、论坛等。100个品牌最后的得分从1分到127分不等,其 中得分最高的10个品牌为: 1. Starbucks (127) 2. Dell (123) 3. eBay (115) 4. Google (105) 5. Microsoft (103) 6. Thomson Reuters (101) 7. Nike (100) 8. Amazon (88) 9. SAP (86) 10. Yahoo!/Intel (85) 我们可以发现,这些得分高的公司基本上都有一个固定 的团队来负责品牌在社会化媒体中的活动。其中有一些成功 的社会化媒体团队还会把社会化媒体战略推广到了整个公司 的各个部门,让全公司意识到社会化媒体营销是帮助公司达 成商业目标不可或缺工具。 这些在社会化媒体营销上获得成功的公司还有一个共同 特点:他们在社会化媒体上的活动是基于公平和互动的对话 基础上的。这有别于传统的数字公关和早期的企业Blog那样 的单向传播。 在这次调研中,所有的品牌都根据参与社会化媒体深度 和广度的不同被划分到四个不同的类型中: 行家、蝴蝶、挑 剔者和局外人。




● 行家:是指那些把社会化媒体纳入他们核心市场战略 的批派,他们在很多社会化媒体中都很活跃。他们的社会化 媒体活动一般是由一个固定的社会化媒体团队来驱动、并能 够得到全公司的认可和参与。 ● 蝴蝶:是指那些品牌已经意识到他们需要参与各种社 会化媒体的活动,但他们比较少成功。一般来说,这样的公 司在社会化媒体中的活动都缺乏深度。 ● 挑剔者:这样的品牌只专注于很少的几个社会化媒体 工具,而且对社会化媒体的有限参与也往往来自于内部某个 社会化媒体的热心传播者。 ● 局外人:这些品牌只在少数的几个社会化媒体中偶尔 出现,他们因为担心有可能的风险而不敢参与更多的社会化 媒体活动。他们已然在研究如何在社会化媒体营销方面有所 建树。 而对于不同的行业,对于社会化媒体的参与度也不尽 相同。总体来说媒体类和科技类公司更善于利用社会化媒 体。而金融、食品、饮料、服装、消费品等行业中的大部分 企业都还刚刚开始尝试这种新的营销方式。当然,也有像 Starbucks和Nike这样的例外。 四、社会化媒体的理性评估 像我们知道的一样,不少企业已经感受到社会化媒体的 力量,但却并没有很快的投入Social Media Marketing。他们 主要会有两种顾虑:第一是可控性的不确定,这里主要是对 于可能出现的负面舆论的控制;第二是没有合适的效果评估 体系,从而没有办法有效的对最后效果进行评估。 很多时候,第二种顾虑是更要命的,因为对于负面舆 论,企业虽然害怕,但多少还是有一些应付的经验。可是要 说服企业去尝试一种无法评估效果的营销方式,难度非常 大。MarketingSherpa的调研数据也说明了这点。 一些方法可以减少这种顾虑: ●只作为公关或者市场策略中的补充; ●相关的成功案例分析; ●零成本或者极低成本的测试; ●感性理解社会化媒体; 但是这些方法多少都有些隔靴搔痒的味道。真正能打动 企业进行社会化媒体营销的,还是一个行之有效的评估体系 和看得见摸得着的ROI。国外在这个方面,其实已经有了不少 实质性的进展。像Radian6这样专业的社会化媒体测量服务已 经得到了很多企业的认可,而Nielsen这样老牌的数据分析服 务供应商也推出了BuzzMetrics这样的服务为其客户提供社会 化媒体方面的分析。 国外绝大部分主流的社会化媒体工具都开放了应用接口 界面(API)方便第三方获取数据,而国外的企业客户对社会 化媒体也有更深入的认知,这都为这些收费高昂的社会化媒 体测量服务的发展提供了空间。在国内,我们面临不同的环 境:最大的BSP是新浪博客、最热门的SNS是开心网、用户 最多的Microblogging工具是腾信滔滔,它们有很高的市







场占有率和代表性。但同时它们都非常封闭,第三方很难从 它们那里获得较多有价值的数据。 其实,一些国内的公司也推出了叫做“舆情监测系统” 或者是其它名字的类似产品,但主要是针对国内论坛的数据 监测,其全面性、公正性和真实性都很难保证。在这样的环 境下,另一种可行性更高的办法是结合企业其它市场营销的 评估体系、并利用一些可以得到的数据在社会化媒体营销前 后的对比进行评估。这比建立一个独立的、数理化的第三方 评估工具要容易实现得多。 结合网站评估。对企业官方网站、品牌网站、产品网 站、企业Blog以及其它的活动网站的测量:来自社会化媒体 工具的流量、回复数量、跳出率变化等等。AWstats这样的本 地日志分析工具或者Google Analytics这样的第三方分析服务 都可以很好的完成这项任务。

结合搜索引擎。社会化媒体工具一般都对搜索引擎比较 友好。一般来说,企业通过社会化媒体可以更容易的在搜索 引擎中获得有利地位。相关关键词的搜索量、SERP排名、相 关网站的收录数、反向链接等等。这个时候,可以用Google Search Insights以及其它一些搜索引擎分析工具。另外,一 些专门搜索Blog和BBS的搜索引擎也可以作为辅助。 结合传统营销KPI。品牌认知度提升、产品销量增加、客 户满意度提高,对企业来说这些才是所有营销的根本目的、 社会化媒体营销也不外乎如此。所以对这些数据的变化分析 也能体现出社会化媒体对企业营销作出的贡献。 另外,像StartPR、SocialMention这类免费的工具虽然相 对简单,但却也有很高的实用性。希望更多的国内网站能开 放其数据,让我们看到更适合中国市场的类似工具出现。

IDC Estimates: China‘s Printing Peripheral Device Market Continues to Fall but Remains the Industry Bright Spot

IDC预计:2009年中国打印外设市场继续下滑 但是市场发展仍有新亮点 IDC最新发布的《中国打印外设市 场季度跟踪报告(2009年第二季度)》 显示,2009年上半年中国打印外设整 体市场出货量约为423万台,销售额约 为87.8亿元。随着经济环境的恢复, 2009年第二季度中国打印外设市场有所 回暖,但是上半年的出货量和销售额与 去年同期相比,仍然分别下降了11%和 14%。其中单功能打印机出货量占市场 的主体,达到63.9%,但相比2008年上 半年下降4.9个百分点,多功能打印外 设比例呈逐渐上升趋势。 IDC中国计算机系统研究部高级分 析师陈颖认为,在当前的经济环境下, 中国打印外设市场形势仍然不容乐观。 根据IDC的预测,2009年中国打印外设 市场相比2008年仍将继续下滑,整体市 场出货量增长率为-3.5%。但是,在未 来一段时期中国市场发展仍存在以下几 个亮点:

出速度快、打印质量清晰美观的优势, 因此一直以来牢牢吸引着办公市场的用 户。然而,随着喷墨技术的改进,针 对企业用户的商务喷墨产品(简称“商 喷”)成为了今年打印外设市场最热的 话题之一。

1.商务喷墨产品与激光打印产品展开 激烈竞争 在当前中国打印外设市场,激光 打印机通常是采购办公设备时的首要选 择。从性能上看,激光打印机具有输




喷墨打印产品主要厂商爱普生、惠 普都明确提出了“商务喷墨”的概念, 并在今年推出了面向中小企业等商务用 户的系列喷墨产品,包括打印机和多功 能一体机。从产品上看,为了满足办公 用户的需求,这一类型的喷墨产品在输


出速度上都有了较大提升,与普通的激 光打印机相比也毫不逊色。例如爱普生 ME OFFICE 80W和惠普 Officejet Pro 8000都实现了每分钟30页以上的黑白 或彩色输出。此外,相比激光打印机, 彩色输出也成为了“商喷”产品有力 的竞争优势。当前彩色激光打印外设产 品,特别是彩色激光多功能一体机的价 格仍居高不下。商喷一体机在实现多种 功能及彩色输出的同时,价格却低廉了 许多,为企业用户提供了新的选择。 2. 农村医疗项目的推进为针式打印机市 场发展带来新的机遇 针式打印机虽然在全球范围内已经 逐渐淡出市场,但是由于中国政府及行 业的特殊需求,在中国市场一直保持了 较稳定的增长。即便是在经济环境恶化 的2008年,其他技术类型单功能打印机 市场销售都出现负增长的时候,针式打 印机仍然实现了6%的年度增长率。

随着邮政储蓄、金税工程等项目采 购的结束,对针式打印机的市场需求有 所降低。然而医疗卫生和基本医疗服务 体系的不断改善,例如新型农村合作医 疗的开展,需要对包括针式打印机在内 的基本医疗设备进行大幅投入。中国医 改在2009年开始全面启动和整体推进, 在推进新型农村合作医疗制度的同时, 需要改善农村卫生服务条件,增加县医 院、乡镇卫生院以及村卫生室等基本医 疗设备等的投入和建设。因此,迅速扩 大的社会保障覆盖面将为针式打印机市 场发展带来新的机遇。 3. 打印管理服务市场发展前景看好 随着打印外设产品及价格竞争日益 激烈,厂商的硬件利润不断下滑。为了 获得更高的利润,耗材销售已经成为各 厂商重点关注的领域。然而近些年来, 在传统保修维修服务的基础上,具有全 面解决方案特点的打印管理服务,已经

在中国市场出现并逐渐推广,成为了厂 商大力推广的一种新型服务产品。 打印管理服务一方面可以有效的维 护和加强厂商与客户的联系,另一方面 也使得企业用户能够更高效的管理其打 印成本。在当前的经济环境下,企业用 户对成本控制的考量可能会带来对打印 管理服务接受度的大幅提高。 此外,打印设备与复印设备的硬 件融合也促进了打印与复印相关服务的 融合,加剧了输出设备市场的竞争,进 而推动了打印管理服务的发展。除硬件 厂商外,一些渠道和软件供应商也开始 通过提供打印管理软件或定制化打印服 务,尝试推广打印管理服务。IDC认为 在未来几年中,在硬件厂商、渠道和软 件供应商的相互竞争与合作下,中国打 印管理服务市场将保持高速的发展。





China’s laser printer market research report for the second quarter in 2009

2009年第二季度中国激光打印机市场研究报告 作者:桑伟斌 一、市场概述及主要观点 1. 市场概述 打印机市场作为一个相对比较稳 定的领域,在第二季度也有了一些新变 化,随着低价产品的不断推出,个人用 激光打印机的市场也在拓宽,尤其是学 生毕业季的来临,使得这个方面的需求 增长很快,加上在环保人士的推动下, 更节能高效的产品要求也被提出,这些 都给打印机市场带来了新的活力。 对于品牌关注方面,惠普的领先地 位依然牢固,无论是在黑白激光打印机 领域还是在彩色激光打印机领域,惠普 都有绝对优势。另外佳能也是行业中的 强势品牌,也占有不低的用户关注度, 其他联想、三星、富士施乐等品牌也都 排名靠前,具体市场情况如何? 2. 主要观点 ●惠普作为领导品牌继续引领行 业。 ●大品牌在黑白激光领域和彩色激 光领域都在扩大优势,品牌排行趋同, 小品牌生存压力大。 ●第二季度七大区域关注度比例 中,华南区关注比例最大,华北和华东 排名二三位。 ●价格关注中,1000-2000元价格 段是关注度最高的区域,物美价廉还是 用户的购物首要标准。 ●市场价格研究中发现,市场价格 总的趋势依然是向低价调整,但幅度不 大。

对于在激光打印机市场的关注度对 比上,惠普的领先优势是巨大的,超过 六成的用户将关注度投向了惠普,这充 分证明了惠普在激光打印机市场上有超 强的号召力,而对于整个激光打印机市 场来说,品牌的集中性也是更加明显, 在这个有比较高的行业门槛的领域,很 难容下新进入者的竞争。 在排名前十的品牌中,排在第二位 的是佳能,它的关注度为9.5%,佳能作 为打印机行业的元老,也保持着比较高 的关注度,虽然和惠普的差距比较大, 但也领先于其他的品牌。联想作为国产 品牌进入了三甲的行列,6.5%的关注 比例也显示了联想在中国市场的品牌影 响力。三星、富士施乐、兄弟的关注比 例分别为6.3%、5.6%和3.5%,这些品 牌也在市场中有较强的用户影响力,它 们的产品对于整个激光打印机市场来说 也是重要的组成部分。另外排在第七到 第十位的品牌分别是柯尼卡美能达、利 盟、方正和爱普生,它们的关注度都比 较低,都在2%以下,这几个品牌在用 户的关注中影响力较小。还有其他品牌 共占有关注度1.4%,说明除了前十大品 牌,其他品牌的关注比例很小。 2. 黑白激光打印机

二、市场结构研究 黑白激光打印机市场的关注度格局 和整体市场比较接近,惠普依然占据老 大的位置,54.3%的关注比例将它和其 他品牌的差距拉开了很大。佳能处于第 二的位置,佳能的关注比例为18.7%, 这使得佳能自己形成了第二集团,与前 面和后面品牌的差距都比较远。三星以 7.7%的关注比例位列前三,但它与后面 品牌的关注度相差不远。 联想、富士施乐、兄弟关注度分别 为5.7%、4.8%和3.1%,它们形成了黑

(一) 品牌结构 1. 整体




白激光打印机品牌关注的第三集团,这 些品牌在行业中有一定的影响力,但各 自所占的市场份额不高,属于市场的重 要组成部分。另外还有其他排名靠后的 品牌关注度都比较小,市场被大品牌挤 压的比较严重。 3. 彩色激光打印机

彩色激光打印机市场惠普一家独 大的现象更加明显,惠普的用户关注度 达到了62.5%,优势明显。佳能和三星 两大品牌形成第二集团,它们的关注度 都在10%左右,属于市场中的强力竞争 者。其他品牌的关注度都比较低,在前 三品牌的影响下,其他品牌受到用户的 关注比例受到了挤压。 (二) 区域结构 1. 七大区域关注度分布

第二季度中国七大区域激光打印机 关注比例分布如上图,整个市场的关注 度集中在华南、华北和华东区域,这三 大区域的关注度都在20%左右,其中华 南区域第二季度的关注度最高,达到了 26.2%,华北和华东的关注比例分别为 19.8%和17.3%,对于经济比较发达的 区域,关注比例普遍比较高。 另外,华中、东北、西北和西南的 关注比例都在10%左右,其中西北和西 南的关注比例分别为7.2%和6.5%,这 几个区域的关注比例由于受地方经济发 展程度和人口密集程度的影响,要在短 期内有所改变比较困难。


2. 主流品牌七大区域关注度排行 2009年第二季度七大区域最受关注的十大激光打印机品牌排行

从七大区域不同的品牌排行我们可 以看出,惠普和佳能在全部的七大区域 都保持了领先的地位,这两大品牌在用 户中的影响力确实非常大。三星在大部 分区域保持着自己第三的位置,但联想 和富士施乐也在给三星制造着压力,这 几个品牌占据了第三到第五的位置。 兄弟、柯尼卡美能达、OKI处于各 区域排行榜的六到八位的位置,这三个 品牌的位次在不同的区域有所不同。另 外,方正、STAR、爱普生分别处于各 个排行榜的靠后位置。 (三) 价格结构 1. 不同价格段关注比例分布

从上图可以看出,用户关注的主要 价格段还是集中在2000元以下的价格 段,其中1000-2000元价格段的关注比 例达到了36.2%,而小于1000元的价格 段关注比例也达到了24.7%,可见对于 较低价格的产品,用户的关注度还是比 较高的。 对于2000-3000元和3000-6000元 两个价格段,关注比例分别为10.6%和 11.7%,对于大于6000元的价格段,关 注比例为16.7%,由于激光打印机有些

产品的价格很高,很多关注度较高的产 品处于这个价格段,因此对于高价位段 的关注度也比较高。 2. 4月-6月不同价格区间关注走势

第二季度的3个月期间,用户对不 同价格段产品的关注度也在发生变化, 其中趋势比较明显的就是小于1000元 价格段的关注比例呈现一种下降的态 势,与此对应的是1000-2000元价格段 的关注度上升,出现这种趋势应该和激 光打印机的特点和暑期的促销有关系, 一些以前相对价格较高的产品降价到了 1000-2000元价格段,高性价比也吸引 用户将更多的目光投向了这一价格段。 另外,大于6000元的价格段也有关 注度上升趋势,这也是受有些价格比较 高的彩色激光打印机的价格下调,吸引 了不少用户的关注。其他2000-3000元 与3000-6000元价格段的关注比例变化 不大。 三、市场价格研究 (一) 价格指数研究 我们的价格趋势分析主要采取多层 加权指数统计方法,通过对价格指数的

分析,能了解不同产品价格走势以及整 体市场价格发展趋势。

从上图可以看出,在第二季度的三 个月中,除了4月的价格指数曲线略有 上扬的趋势,其他月份的价格指数都是 下降趋势,这也与整个市场均价走低的 大趋势相符合。5月与6月两月的价格指 数都在四周内下降了1%左右。 (二) 平均价格研究

2009年第二季度的激光打印机均价 一直处于下行的通道中,从4月的均价 3669元到6月的3616元,这一方面是受 新品进入市场,老产品调价的影响,也 是市场的需要,激光打印机以其良好的 性能倍受用户的认可,但价格始终是影 响激光打印机市场扩大的重要阻碍,因 此不断降低售价成为了大势所趋。 (三) 细分价格研究 1. 黑白激光打印机市场均价

黑白激光打印机是激光打印机市场 的主力,也是用户使用最多和最关注的 产品,它的均价也相比彩色激光打印机 低的多,这也正是黑白激光打印机和喷 墨打印机在市场中激烈竞争的资本。4 月黑白激光打印机的均价为2105元,6 月为2068元,虽然走势是价格下降,但 下降幅度不大。






2. 彩色激光打印机市场均价

彩色激光打印机属于打印机中的高 端产品,其价格一直较高,但它的有些 性能已经被彩色喷墨的打印机所拥有, 因此也受到了一些冲击,均价从4月的 8504元下降到6月的8425元。

视,激光打印机向这种面向普通大众的 需求来设计产品的方向发展,将会是扩 大市场的最佳方向。 (三) 价格变化趋势预测 从第二季度的价格段关注来看, 用户还是更趋向于低价的产品,但对于 比较高性能的产品,用户往往也会愿意 多投入一定资金来购买高性能的产品, 1000-2000元价格段第二季度关注度最 高就是一个很好的证明,如何将性能与 价格调整到用户认可的范围,这是众多 厂商要重点考虑的问题。


入了众多老百姓的生活,如何将激光打 印机的渠道更广的覆盖到个人用户,将 打印机作为一种必备的家电来看待,将 是厂商渠道拓展的方向。

根据中国激光打印机市场的变化以 及关注格局和价格走势,我们可以做出 以下预测: (一) 品牌结构趋势预 从品牌上来看,打印机市场的格局 是非常稳固的,尤其是位置靠前的两大 品牌,惠普和佳能,它们已经在用户中 建立了强大的影响力,属于行业中的领 导品牌。三星、联想、柯尼卡美能达等 二线品牌的市场竞争还在继续,在现有 情况下,这些品牌想从混战中脱颖而出 也不容易。 (二) 产品发展趋势预测 激光打印机的性能优良是被用户公 认的,加上后期的耗材及维护费用相比 喷墨打印机有优势,市场前景是非常好 的,随着现在对于高效低能耗产品的重




(四) 渠道发展趋势预测 对于渠道的发展,打印机市场还是 比较传统的渠道,这使得用户感觉打印 机离自己生活很远,其实打印机已经进

Content Survey * HP continues to lead the industry as the leading brand. Especially in the color laser printer market, HP’s dominant phenomenon is more obvious . The concern level of HP users has achieved 62.5%, but the two big brands Canon and Samsang already formed the second group, whose concern level is about 10% respectively and are the powerful competitor in China laser printer market * big brand is expanding the superiority in both the black and white laser domain and the colored laser domain, whose brand rank orients to be the same. The small brand lives under a high pressure * In second quarter and among the seven great areas, the South China attention proportion is biggest, North China and East China place the second and the third respectively. In the three months of second quarter, except that April’s price index curve have the slightly rising tendency, the other months’ price index is in the downward trend, which also is consistent with the major trend of the overall market average declining. * In price attention, the 1000-2000 Yuan sections are the highest concerni ng level regions, so excellent in quality and reasonable in price is user's most important standard for shopping. Simultaneously, the price of consumable is also to become an important reference item which affects consumer purchas es. * In the market price research, we find that the general tendency of the market price is still to the low price adjustment, but modest.






A3+ Commercial Jet market to be Changed

A3+商喷市场即生变局 传统A3+幅面喷墨打印机市场将不 再平静。多年来爱普生、惠普以及兄弟 等打印巨头在市场占有率争相夺冠,也 推动着中国耗材市场的翻天覆地的变 化。当人们提高了成本意识时,悄然地 发现市场格局也正在发生着变化。 喷墨打印技术升级带来的产品性 能提升、由于金融危机带来的企业成本 意识的提升,是推动这一变化的两大引 擎。相关数据显示,A3+幅面喷墨打印 机的用户主要集中在图形设计、广告、 图表等行业领域。对这些行业中的中小 企业而言,如何在全方位降低从采购到 使用的整体成本的同时,找到真正适合 自己工作需要的打印机一直是一个令人 挠头的问题。

线之后,在商用喷墨产品上的推广力度 日渐增强。凭借“微压电打印技术+颜 料墨”的底层通用技术组合,爱普生很 好地解决了长期以来困扰喷墨打印机发 展的一系列瓶颈“速度慢、成本高 ⋯ ⋯”,并在“节能、环保、低打印成 本、高打印品质”做了一系列技术革 新,使得商喷产品在2009年逐渐体现出 了“高速度、高品质、低成本”的新特 征,正在颠覆着人们“家用选喷墨,商 用选激光”的固有认识。 A3+商喷,乱世将现?

设计师林峰正因为当初的选择左右 为难。这位东莞某知名玩具集团前任首 席设计师,3年前辞职创立了一家小型 工作室,凭借多年的人脉积累和设计经 验,目前已经发展成为一个有着10多名 员工且在业界小有名气的工作室。为了 完成打样、提案等各项图像、文件输出 工作,林峰在工作室成立之初购买了一 台黑白激光打印机和一台A3+彩色喷墨 打印机:前者主要是打印一些日常工作 文档,后者则主要用来输出CAD等设计 图纸。 时过境迁,当初的黄金搭配正逐

在业内分析人士看来,与A4喷墨 打印机相比,A3+幅面喷墨打印机虽然 市场需求比较平稳,但用户对于打印机 的需求正在向专业性功能满足而转变, 因此A3+喷墨打印机绝对算得上是一个 市场需求有潜质、单机利润率较高的细 分市场。与具备同类功能的彩激、大幅 面喷墨等产品动辄上万、十几万的价格 比较起来,A3+幅面商喷产品在购买价 格、使用成本等方面具备绝对的优势。 在更加强调“发展文化创意产业”、强 调“提升产品工业设计水平”,提升中 国制造水平的今天,专门为图形设计、 广告、图表、建筑设计提供服务的A3+ 幅面产品,市场潜力不可小觑。 惠普再次成为了第一个“试水 者”。2008年12月,惠普推出了拥有 青花瓷外观的Office jet K7108试水A3+

渐成为今天的烦恼。首先是两台机器之 间的来回切换,不仅繁琐、降低工作效 率,而且很容易出现“想打黑白却打出 了彩色”或者“想打彩色打出的却是黑 白”的情况。其次,3年前看起来性能 优越的A3+喷墨打印机,现在无论在打 印速度还是在耗材成本上,都无法让人 满意。 2008年以来,特别是经过2009年 上半年的快速发展,商用喷墨打印技术 的成熟和相关产品的渐次推出,让我们 看到了解决这一问题的曙光。提到商用 喷墨打印机,不得不提的就是爱普生和 惠普两大品牌。这两大巨头之中尤其值 得一提的是爱普生。在放弃了激光产品

幅面商喷市场。这款以设计、财税、金 融等特殊行业为目标用户的A3+商喷产 品,以A4黑白打印25页/分钟的优势在 市场中博得了很好的反响。在2009年3 月,一口气推出4款具备A3+幅面打印 功能的兄弟公司,是另外一股不可小觑 的力量。 应该说,惠普、兄弟等推出的A3+ 新品,在解决“打印速度、打印成本” 等方面取得了不错的成绩。但由于受到 墨水技术水平和打印头技术原理的限 制,一直未能解决A3+幅面产品主要用 户群对CAD线条图“保存性、防水性” 等方面的需求。这不得不让我们将目光 转向一向以墨水技术领先的另一大打印

黄金搭档还是“trouble maker”?




巨头—爱普生。 爱普生或将出手 众所周知,和微压电打印技术一 样,“颜料墨”一直是爱普生的一大 杀手锏。根据档案法等相关法律规定, CAD线条图、建筑工程设计图纸需要 进行长时间的保存备案,同时这些相关 的图纸也会在工厂、工地等比较复杂的 条件下使用,对文件的保存性、防水性 有着很高的需求。而惠普、佳能等以染 料墨为主的有关产品,很难满足这一需 求,而可以彻底解决这一问题的答案, 只有爱普生的颜料墨。 爱普生在A3+幅面图像级打印市场 拥有SP1390、EX3等诸多经典产品的 打印巨头,近日也将推出满足用户CAD 和文本打印需求的A3+商务喷墨产品, 而这一产品,也将纳入到ME Office商 喷产品线之下,从而填补ME Office系 列商喷产品无A3+幅面产品的空白。毫 无疑问,在很好地解决了“保存性、防 水性”等问题后,凭借“微压电打印技 术”、“双黑墨打印头”等先进技术, “以省为荣”的ME系列A3+新品,在打 印速度、成本控制方面的表现同样十分 值得我们期待。

佳能腾彩PIXMA iX7000 A3+喷墨打印机

HP Officejet 7000在服装间的应用






STMC Certification: Compete More Effectively Using Technical Terms

STMC认证:依据技术条款进行有益竞争 我们正在进入全球经济低靡年度的 最后一个季度。经济衰退给这个行业带 来了喜忧参半的局面。 降低生产率等同于减少打印量。世 界各地许多业内人士都说利润见少。 同时,国际贸易委员会(ITC)的 调查表明潜在购买者的数量急剧增长。 采购代理商到处寻找低成本的新的替代 品。对于始终提供优质影像产品的公司 这是一种从未有过的更好的教育。 通过测量,提供性能优质的产品 可抗击当前激烈的竞争,尤其是高价格

全称The Standardized Test Methods Committee)成立于1999年,以鼓励和 培育企业使用标准测试方法测试再制造 成像卡盒为目标。STMC制定并采用标 准、编辑指导单色成像卡盒再制造测试 的指南。 STMC的另一项任务是培训最终用 户或买方,使他们在购买成像卡盒时了 解这些测试方法。该委员会建立了一个 程序,引导企业制定认证计划,使他们 能够正确地持续地使用这些测试方法。 STMC认证表明生产的产品和产品



(OEM)都不断吹嘘自己高价位高质量 的优势和直销售的成就。 最近,各方面的信息都说明成像 卡盒的买卖双方都对STMC认证产生了 爆炸性的兴趣。STMC认证正在世界各 地扎根。今年6月,南美洲、美国、日 本、亚洲和墨西哥的企业都要求进行 STMC认证。 STMC认证如此抢手,甚至还有些 人盗用它。国际贸易委员会(ITC)负 责管理这一重要项目,并十分认真地保 持整个工作程序。最近,总部设在纽约 的一家再制造商盗用了加州一家公司的 STMC认证,试图把纽约州的一个大合 同搞到手。盗窃和诈骗都是愚蠢的商业 行为,但可以理解他们对得到认证的渴 望。在时日艰难的情况下,为了生存把 企业与产品分离。有越来越多的企业、 城市、州、要求把STMC认证作为政府 采购的必要条件。 实现认证并不难。但是要求企业必 须有设备、测试方法并经过不到一天的 培训。一旦被训人员能够熟练地掌握测 试方法,该企业也支付了必要的费用就 能被认可。培训、设备和成本费用都不 超过5000美元。这是一个独特的代价很 小的荣誉品牌。 已证实STMC项目能够盈利。认证 的公司越来越多,现实中获得的客户或

带来收入,因为高端产品值得高价。这 就是说,生产者把质量放在第一,廉价 产品无法与其竞争。 取得这个认证比较容易。需要通过 四个步骤就能成为符合STMC的企业: 1. 接受培训 接受认证培训教师的培训。(培 训教师名单、设备和标准清单可在网站 www.i-itc.org查到)。 2. 必要的配备 在认证培训教师到达前,应先拿到 试验方法并认真阅读,确保现场有必要 的培训教材和设备。所需要的文件和设 备以及购买文件和设备方法可在www. 查到。 3. 取得认证 认证培训教师演示并指导企业的技 术人员正确理解试验方法和正确使用设 备。这需要花费几个小时的时间才能完 成,时间取决于接受培训人员的准备和 基础。通过培训和演示企业人员能正确 地使用测试设备。学员还要向培训教师 提交一份报告。如果培训教师批准,就 发送到评审员Lester Cornelius 和 John Wyhof博士那里。如果培训教师或评审 员不批准这个报告,会给出进一步的说 明,纠正其错误。待企业采取纠正措施 之后,评审员再次审核,合格后批准。 然后他们给国际贸易委员会(ITC)


发送电子邮件,通知公司已成功实现 STMC认证。 4. 收到STMC标识 企业被批准认证后,还会收到标志

什么是STMC? 标准测试方法委员会(STMC, 92



和独特注册号码。要求企业必须使用规 定的测试方法和标志。还必须支付1000 美元的认证和许可费。认证有效期为4 年,之后该企业必须再次提交一个测试 文件,证明自己有保持了STMC测试能 力,申请延长其认证和许可。 政府采购要求做STMC 美国材料实验协会(ASTM)与 会者Ray Kifer(F05主席),Mitch Schwartz 和 John Wyhof博士讨论测试 方法。 1997年至1999年,美国有几个 州。过了该行业的新法律,这些州需 要购买再制造的打印机成像卡盒。虽然 这是一个伟大的胜利,但也带来了新的 障碍。政府采购程序有“低价者中标” 的规则。因此,在采购到最便宜成像卡 盒的同时买到的也是最低质量的成像卡 盒。买家因此而不满。 这些州所有的采购机构都曾有过买 到劣质再生成像卡盒的经历。议员们理 解为什么再制造产品是好的,而买家的 经历却都是坏的。 当出现这些问题时,业内活跃 人士做出了反应。美国材料实验协会 (ASTM)在西雅图的一次会议上,业 内人士决定对关注的质量问题采取行 动。他们在罗切斯特理工学院国家资 源回收和再制造中心(RIT)召开了会 议。 来自40多个公司的代表出席了这次 会议。当天活动的高潮是表决建立一个 委员会,以寻求技术上合理的适应性强 的测试方法。新的标准测试方法委员会 正式成立了,Lester Cornelius 先生当 选为委员会主席。 加入Lester Cornelius先生测试方法 领导小组的还有John Wyhof博士,他是 美国材料实验协会(ASTM)国际F05 商用影像产品委员会的主席。Wyhof博 士和Lester Cornelius起草了草案,它 是实现认证的蓝图,后来这份草案成为 STMC指南。测试方法包括测量图像密 度、底灰(背景)、打印量和包装的完 整性。


STMC的成员讨论了指南及其测试 方法,而且快速地一致通过。STMC指 南可以在国际影像技术委员会的网站上 www.i - itc.org查询。 刚开始,培训公司只有Lester Cornelius 和 JohnWyhof博士。但是, 对培训的需求迅速压倒了2名男子汉。 现在除了Wyhof博士和 Cornelius先生以 外还有12名授权的培训教师可以进行培 训并对企业认证。这些培训教师通过年 度培训检验自己的能力。 在2003年,STMC成员投票赞同成 为国际影像技术委员会(国际贸易委员 会)的成员。这一举措铺平了标准测试 与认证程序联合方式的道路。 STMC的彩色项目 2003年在国际贸易委员会的会议 上,明确了STMC仅对单色激光产品, 还没有委员会可以满足迅速发展的喷墨 产品的需求。 面对这个问题,再生技术国际公司

的Marcel Kunz先生很快抓住了机会, 他自告奋勇担任委员会主席。 经过6个 月的工作,STMC喷墨委员会成立,其 20多名成员为确定STMC喷墨测试指南 而忙碌。 基于墨水和墨粉的彩色成像产品 都存在很多单色主机产品没有涉及的问 题,所以彩色测试协议更复杂。美国 材料实验协会(ASTM)喷墨技术主席 Ray Kifer先生连续工作制定喷墨标准化 试验所需要的文件。 Cornelius 和Wyhof博士只是STMC 程序的审核员。他们从最新接受培训的 企业收到测试报告后,评估并确定这个 企业在认证培训教师不在场时是否掌握 了STMC的测试方法和实验。他们还负 责对证书已过期的企业进行复核。 目前全球已有几十个国家的120多 家企业获得了STMC认证。 STMC是第一个被普通市民,特别 来自大机构和政府的受过教育的消费者 主动接受的测试。这是原始设备制造商

(OEM)开始认同并采用ISO测试方法 的5年之前。ISO测试方法在很大程度上 被批评过于复杂和昂贵。 许多联邦机 构、州、市、自治区的采购机构已经将 取得STMC认证纳入了投标要求。 国际贸易委员会(ITC)每周收到 平均10个客户呼吁,公共机构和政府采 购要求STMC认证。他们大多是首次购 买成像卡盒,都想要购买通过STMC认 证的墨盒。 更多信息请拨打国际贸易委员会 (ITC)的电话702-838-4279,或登 录http://www, STMC喷墨委员会会议





Electrostatic Printers and Consumables Technology Knowledge

静电复印机与静电复印机耗材知识(一) 静电成像技术及其应用范围 静电成像是当今最熟悉的应用最广 泛的用于输出和复制文件图纸的技术。 由于依托这项技术最早开发的产品是静 电复印机,所以也普遍称其为静电复印 技术,或简称为复印技术。 现在越来越多的产品应用了这项技 术,如果仍称之为复印技术很局限,也 不便于与其它几种同样被广泛应用的复 印和打印技术,例如喷墨技术、热敏技 术等区别,所以多数情况下被称为“静 电成像技术”。静电成像技术是当今随 处可见的静电复印机、激光打印机、激 光传真机、静电制版机、数字式多功能 一体机和数字印刷机的技术基础。 静电成像技术是利用光电导和静电 效应这两个本互不相干的现象相结合实 现图文再现(复制)的一种新型的摄影 方法,即利用静电和某些具有光电导特 性的材料在光的作用下从绝缘体变成导 电体这一原理进行照相并以硬拷贝(复 印品)形式快速输出的技术,它是二十世 纪最伟大的发明之一。静电成像过程由 充电、曝光、显影、转印、定影和清洁 六个经典步骤组成了一个有机的过程。 以洁净、简便地操作方式输出或再现精 确、完美的图文。 这项技术的实用化改变了千百年来 人们形成的办公方式和理念,堪称办公 革命的里程碑。静电成像技术的发明者 是美国纽约专利事务所的一名律师切斯 特 · 卡尔逊(Chester Carlson) ,后来他 带着这项技术成为加入了美国施乐公司。 静电成像过程的六个经典步骤 静电成像过程由六个经典步骤构成 一个完整的过程。这六个步骤是: 充电(Charge) 在无光照的情况下,光导体表面呈 绝缘状态。电晕器放电将空气击穿,或 用充电辊使光导体表面均匀充电。 光导体也称为感光体、光电导材 料、光导材料等,将其做成圆筒状就称 为光导鼓或感光鼓。一般光导体厚度为




20μm,介电强度约30v/μm,以避免 介电击穿。 光导鼓在暗处时,即在无光照的 情况下具有较高的电阻,表面呈绝缘状 态。它在暗处并处在某一极性的电场中 进行充电,静电荷被保留在光导鼓表 面,使表面均匀地带上一定极性和数量 的静电荷。这个过程也称为表面带电过 程,实际上也是光导鼓由原来不具备感 光性到具有较好的感光性的敏化过程。 不同的光导材料制作的光导鼓具 有不同的导电性,应充不同极性的电

相对较高的迁移率,以便能在很短的复 印过程中穿过光导体的厚度; ·光导体必须有较低的陷阱密度, 保证前一个潜像所捕获的电荷不会残留 下来去损坏后一个潜像; ·光导体还必须耐用、无毒无害、 成本低。

荷,即每支光导鼓只允许一种极性的 电荷(空穴或电子)“注入”,而阻止 另一种极性电荷(电子或空穴)的“注 入”,因此N型半导体一般充负电,而 P型半导体则充正电。 P 型半导体的主要载流子是“空穴” , 比较容易 “注入电子” ,如果光导鼓表 面充负电荷,则易于发生中和,充电效 率会非常低。当对 P 型光导鼓充正电 时,由于 P 型半导体中负电荷不能移动, 光导鼓表面的正电荷吸引界面上的负电 荷,而且不会发生中和,光导体表面带 上正性电荷。反之,用负电电晕对 P 型 光导鼓充负电时,则由于光导层及共界 面处感应产生正电荷,对于 N 型感光鼓, 则由于其主要载流子是电子,若对其充 正电时,其充电效率也是极其低的。

图像。 在静电复印技术中采用的所有显影 体系都有着共同的特征,即带电的色调 剂粒子沉积到光导体上时,受到电场变 化的限制,因为在曝光过程中,感光体 的局部电荷密度发生了变化。 色调剂也被俗称为墨粉。是静电图 像着色的聚合物粉末状的粒子,其直径 约5~10μm。 静电成像显影剂有多种分类方法。 按组份分为单组份显影剂和双组份显影 剂两大类。按显影时所带电性分为正电 性显影剂和负电性显影剂。按是否有磁 性分为此新闻显影剂和非磁性显影剂。 双组份显影剂包括载体和色调剂两种组 份。载体的主要作用是携带色调剂,它 本身没有显影作用。单组份显影剂只有 色调剂一种成分。一台复印机或打印机 是使用单组份显影剂还是使用双组分显 影剂是由机器的设计结构和多种参数决 定的,所以单组份显影剂与双组份显影 剂不能随意替代。

曝光(Exposure) 在模拟式复印机中由图像反射的 光照射到已经充电的绝缘状态的光导体 上,便形成静电潜像。在光导体上由电 荷构成的图像与最终形成的墨粉图像呈 镜像关系。在数字式复印机中由激光器 发射的光照射到已经充电的绝缘状态的 光导体上形成静电潜像。 曝光光源的能量密度及波长必须与 光导体的感度相匹配。因此,在静电复 印中对光导体性质的要求是严格的: ·光导体必须能保持较高的表面电 荷密度和相当高的内电场; ·光导体必须有较高的量子效率, 以便能实现光子转换为电子-空穴对; ·光导体必须对一种电荷载流子有

显影(Developing) 将色调剂(墨粉)送到潜像区,在光 导鼓表面电荷电场力的作用下,色调剂 便附着在静电潜像上,将其转变成可视

转印(Transfer) 通过电晕器在纸张背面充电,充电 电荷与墨粉粒子电荷的极性相反,使光 导体上已经显影的色调剂转印到纸上。 纸张背面的电荷有两种作用,第一, 电荷产生的静电力将纸张吸引到光导体 表面,使纸张与墨粉粒子紧密接触;第 二,电荷产生的静电力把墨粉粒子吸引 到纸上。也有一种将墨粉图像转印到转 印带上,再由转印带转印到纸上的。







定影(Fusing or Fixing) 将墨粉熔化并渗入纸内,使墨粉图 像永久地固定到纸上。 要求墨粉具有一定的软化性,以适 应定影器;又要求墨粉具有良好的流变 性,定影时能够顺利聚结、扩散并最终 渗入纸中;还要求墨粉具有足够的硬度, 以避免显影时在光导鼓上发生定影。 清洁(Clean) 清洁是为了开始下一个复印过程。 用电晕器、清洁灯使光导鼓放电,除去表 面的残余电荷;同时采用清洁刷或刮板, 清除光导体上的所有残留的墨粉粒子。 一般要经过三步完成,第一,光照 时光导体放电,消除光导体上的残余电 荷,降低对墨粉粒子的吸附作用;第二, 用交流电晕使墨粉粒子的电荷趋近于 零;最后,用刮板消除残留的墨粉粒子。 曾有文章介绍静电成像有八个步 骤,拜读后知道文章的作者把静电复印 机的工作步骤与静电成像的步骤混淆 了。静电复印机是根据静电成像原理设 计的,但是在产品设计时为保证产品 的可靠性和易操作性,在墨粉图像从光 导鼓上转印到纸张上以后,设计了一个 将纸张与光导鼓分离的动作,作者将其 人做事一个步骤。另外,将光导鼓完成 图像转印后必须进行的清洁步骤,即清 洁光导鼓表面残留墨粉和清除表面残余 电荷的工作分成了清洁和消电两部分。 所以,应该看到六个经典步骤是这对静 电成像原理而言的。理论上,静电成像 也有很多分支,例如放电成像法、NP 法、KIP持久内极化法、TESI静电转移 成像法等。 在实际应用中,无论是各公司的产 品,还是每个公司的产品在总体设计、 各子系统的设计、参数和各子过程选用 的材料等都有一定的差异, 所以在市场 上看到的产品之间无论是零配件还是墨 粉、光导鼓很少可以互换。而恰好是这 些设计上和选材上的差异是决定了他们 具有不同的体积、功能和价格。 静电成像技术的发明是办公革命的里程碑 当今天人们享受着复印机、打印 机、传真机和轻印刷机这些改变了办公




方式的革命性技术的快捷与方便时,却 很少有人会联想这项技术的发明人是 谁?发明目的就是为了使文件变得更简 易快捷吗?发明过程是怎样的? 1936年,在美国纽约贝尔实验室和 P. R Mallory 公司专利事务所工作的律 师切斯特.卡尔逊(Chester Carlson) 是物理学博士,也是一名发明爱好者。 他注意到当需要文件副本时只有一种基 于银盐照相的直接影印的复印方法,成 本较高而且工作周期是几天。因此,他 想发明一种能快速经济地复制文件的机 器。他跑遍了纽约的各个图书馆,搜 寻有技术书籍。最初他把研究重点放在 把照相技术与复制技术合成上,然而, 当他饱览群书之后,觉得在此方向很难 有所突破。一天,他在朋友的工厂里, 一位来自匈牙利的工程师向他展示了一 种当光线增强时能够产生导电性质的物 质。切斯特·卡尔逊受到启发,把研究 重点转向了静电复制技术领域。 1937年,卡尔逊将以下两种想法 揉合在一起:1. 对带电的绝缘体利用其 光导电性,有选择地放电,形成静电潜 像。2 用带有静电的粉体对潜像进行显 影。卡尔逊将光导电性和静电学结合起 来是一个非凡的功绩。那时,人们对于 物质静电带电机理的认识还很肤浅,只 限于经验性,而且在固体物理学中几乎 被人忽视。在卡尔逊发明的那个时期, 绝缘体的光导电性也是人们尚未研究的 一门科学。 从卡尔逊的文章中可以看到,卡尔 逊非常熟悉采用带电粉体对静电图像显 影的早期试验和专利。例如,他查阅了 Lichtenberg 到Selenyi的带电粉体显影 的历史文献。1777年,Lichtenberg摩 擦树脂饼后,将尘土撒在上面,能观察 到呈现的形状图形。1936年,Selenyi 论证了一种电子影印记录系统,在该 系中,通过栅极控制流到绝缘体表面的 阴极电流,在绝缘体上写出“电子图 形”,再用绝缘性粉体对图像显影。 很难说清卡尔逊是怎样想起来使用 薄层光导绝缘体形成静电潜像的。根据 卡尔逊的叙述:“电化学系统所包含的 许多难点使查尔逊得出一个结论,电化 学系统所需要的相当大的电流与感光体

效应所得到的微小电流是不相容的。考 虑到感光体作为一个能量控制元素,卡 尔逊意识到,通过提高电压,能增加由 系统控制的能量。而电化学系统很难达 到这一目的。1936年,在美国出现的传 真扫描静电图像是利用粉体显影法显影 的。这是Selenyi研究成果的实际应用。 按照这一思路,卡尔逊在后来几年中, 一直研究在光导性绝缘层上形成静电潜 像的方法,并由此导致他发明了静电复 印技术。” 到1937年,卡尔逊已经设想出他自 己称为静电复印技术的方法。 1938年10月22日,切斯特·卡尔 逊在纽约市的一个名叫“阿斯多利亚” 的酒吧里租了一个房间作为实验室,并 和他的助手一个名叫奥特卡尼的德国物 理学家开始了有一次静电复制技术的试 验。他们在暗室中用棉布在一块涂有聚 晶硫磺的锌板(即光导材料)上摩擦, 使之带有静电,然后把 “10、22、 38、ASTORIA”写在玻璃片上(即原 稿),接着对硫磺板进行曝光。作为光 导材料的硫磺在曝光时电阻率迅速降 低,表面电荷依光线的强弱程度或消失 或部分消失,而对应玻璃片上被字迹遮 盖部分的电荷却依然存在,于是硫磺层 表面就形成了一个静电潜像。此时,切 斯特·卡尔逊在硫磺板上喷撒了带有 相反电荷的四氧化三铅粉末(红铅粉 末),此时,硫磺板上清晰地显现出 “10、22、38、ASTORIA”字样,接 下来,卡尔逊将纸覆盖在硫磺板表面, 让纸张与粉末图像接触,然后再利用电 极电场力的作用,使硫磺板表面上的粉 末图像转移到纸面上,最后经过加压和 加热,使图像永久地粘结在纸上,这就 是最初的静电复制技术。 1938 年 10 月 22 日 这 一 天 被全世界公认为电子摄影技术 (electrophotography)的诞生日,而纽 约的阿斯多利亚(ASTORIA)酒吧也因 此而闻名。 1939年4月申请专利,1942年获 专利权。最初,他们选用的感光体是纯 硫,将硫熔化并涂到一张金属板上,然 后使用较高光敏性的纯蒽薄膜板作为感 光体。(此处提到的光敏性,至少要低


于现在所用光导体的104数量级)“采 用软质材料,如棉制手帕或丝手帕”, 对感光体“强烈摩擦”使其带电。另一 种方法是将一块透明的导体板与感光体 平行放置,在光照条件下,使二者之间 加上电压,当取消光照后,就能使光导 体表面充电,然后移走外加电压,再对 感光体曝光形成潜像。例如,将感光板 放到一台照相机的后面,使原稿图像聚 焦在感光体上。用罩有纱布或细目筛网 的罐头盒将粉体撒到潜像上使其显影而 成为实像。通常选用粉体树脂(定影需 要),但也用硬树脂胶、松香树脂胶、 普通松香、火漆、染色石松子粉体、滑 石粉、炭粉等。对撒上粉体的感光体板 “用微弱气流吹拂,或用喷嘴以适当的 气流将感光板上浮著的、没有受到静电 力吸附的分体吹走”。然后,精心地将 一张纸放到感光板上,用毡块或海棉胶 垫压在纸上,使感光板上的粉体图像转 印到纸上。为了提高转印效果,可在纸 上用一些胶粘剂,如普通水、蜡或其它 软性和胶粘性材料。产选用的定影方法 是将树脂或蜡熔化在纸面上。 从1940年开始,卡尔逊争取人们 对其发明在商业化方面的支持,他曾 与20多家有名的公司接触,如RCA、 Remington Rand、GE、Eestman Kodak、IBM等公司,但是都没有获得 成功。这些公司认为,用硫磺末作为 “介质”,从技术上看不够成熟。此 外,他们还对生产复印机的市场前景不 看好。实际上,在那时需要复制的文件 并不很多。但卡尔逊没放弃,继续钻研 完善他的静电复制技术。 卡尔逊单独工作到1944年,在此 期间他进一步发展了上述复印方法,并 取得了第一台自动复印机的专利。这台 机器开机后鼓状感光体转动,先经过充 电刷使表面均匀带电。充电刷时由绒毛 辊与金属条构成,金属条能泄放掉任何 电荷。原稿从垂直的狭缝进入机内与光 源前面的感光体接触实现对原稿曝光, 原稿曝光后感光体表面形成静电潜像, 然后原稿与感光体分开,与原稿落入原 稿收集器。在显影系统中,毛刷转动使 粉体粒子飘浮起来,与静电潜像电荷极 性相反的粒子被吸收到感光体上,从鼓

的1/4圆周处供纸,先到湿辊(便于转 印),再到感光体上将粉体图像转印到 纸上,转印后的纸张经过定影器后排出 机外,即得到复印品。定影器是两块加 热片。感光体转印后,用毛刷清洁,再 重复上述过程。 1944年,卡尔逊与俄亥俄州的 Battelle Memorial巴特尔纪念研究所达 成专利协议。该研究所出资对卡尔逊 的这项发明进行技术改进并成立了以 Roland Schaffert为领导的复印方法小 组。1947年纽约州罗切斯特的一家生产 相纸的哈罗依德公司里有一位名叫John Dessauer的研究室主任向该公司总裁 Joe Willson推荐了登载《无线电新闻》 上关于卡尔逊静电复印的一篇文章。 Joe Willson看到这项技术的巨大商业价 值,他们决定将公司投注于此种复印技 术中,就向巴特尔研究院购买了开发和 销售卡尔逊发明的全部专利权。那时美 国军方也对此技术应用在军事照相方面 有兴趣。哈罗伊德公司和美国军方的资 金推进了这项技术的进步。其主要表现 为1948年10月,在美国Detrot的召开光 学学会年会上巴特尔研究所和哈罗伊德 公司第一次公开发表了这种静电复印过 程。从此静电复印技术走向坦途。 在巴特尔研究所加入到卡尔逊方 法研究的10年里,创造了许多基础性 的发明,使自动化的复印机得以实现。 例如,Bixby发现利用真空镀膜方法将 非晶形硒蒸镀在铝板上,可以得到比硫 或蒽光敏性高得多的光导性绝缘体。硒 的专利权限限制了竞争者的出路,直到 后来发明了一些新的感光体才打开了局 面。在巴特尔研究所还发明了电晕充电 装置,此装置取代了卡尔逊的摩擦充电 方式。Walkup 发明了删控电晕充电装 置,这种装置大大减小了由于过分充电 而破坏感光体的现象。Walkup和Wise 发明了瀑布显影方法。在瀑布显影法中 载体和色调剂两种粉混合在一起,其中 载体粒子比色调剂粒子大得多。经过精 选的载体和色调剂的表面材料能使大部 分色调剂都带上同一极性的电荷,由此 与载体产生静电吸附。载体带着吸附的 色调剂瀑布式地流过静电潜像,是色调 剂沉积在潜像上。Roland Schaffert发

明了静电转印方法,它在普通纸的后面 进行电晕充电,由此将色调剂吸引到纸 上。这些发明构成了第一台自动复印机 的心脏。 为了让公众更形象地理解静电复印 技术,卡尔逊和哈罗依德公司商定摒弃 “电子摄影”这个专业术语。他们采纳 了俄亥俄州州立大学一位古典语言教授 的建议,创造了xerography这个词。这 个词源于希腊语,其中词根xero的意思 为“干”,graphy的意思为“书写”, 合起来就是“干写”或“干印”,与人 们熟知的摄影技术中的“冲印”相对 应。现在通译为“静电复印”。 1948年,哈罗依德公司向市场推 出第一款的产品时,又创造出了一个单 词“Xerox”作为复印机的商标,中国 人给了它一个非常美好的中文翻译“施 乐”。1959年,世界上第一台几个过程 连贯工作的自动化复印机Xerox 914型 复印机全面推向美国市场,该机复印速 度为7张/分钟。914指复印用纸张为9× 14英寸。而后,哈罗依德公司决定将复 印机的商标作为本公司的名称,正式改 名为“Xerox Co.施乐公司”。 在静电复印机问世的早期,首要问 题是开拓有市场的产品,因而获得了很 多经验性的信息,但这些信息不适合发 表在科学杂志上。1965年出现了两本权 威性的著作,一本是Roland Schaffert 的《静电复印技术》,另一本是John Dessauer和Harold Clark合著的《干式 复印法及其相关过程》。这两本书都提 到了当时人们对静电复印技术的两个有 趣看法:第一,一小部分被称为“静电 复印技术的研究者们”凭着直觉认为, 静电复印各个子系统都存在着重要参 量。第二,人们难于承认这种复杂的方 法是复制文献的最好方法。当时人们进 行了广泛的研究,以寻求其他简便的、 廉价的方法,但都未获得成功。到今天 为止凡是自认为有新想法能简化静电复 印方法的人们都应该读一读这两本书, 那是先驱者走过的路。70年来,静电复 印技术作为美国乃至世界科技史上的一 个里程碑,不仅给施乐公司带来了巨大 的财富和声誉,也改变了人们的办公方 式,将“快乐施予人类”。(续)





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惠普佳能联手助企业优化文印管理 惠普公司与佳能公司扩展业务,实 现25年以来成功的战略联盟,既通过加 强渠道合作的方式,帮助大客户实现数 字化管理流程。惠普将企业文印产品、 服务、解决方案与深厚的IT管理经验相 结合,以优化基础结构、管理文印环 境、改进文档流程的方式,为用户提高 工作效率,降低办公能耗做出贡献。 具体操作如下: 惠普打印成像集团成立新的全球业务部门 为进一步发展全面文印管理服务, 惠普IPG集团宣布成立一个新的专职 业务部门——“企业文印管理事业部 (MES)”,由惠普公司高级副总裁 Bruce Dahlgren和亚太区副总裁Pierre Mirlesse负责,团队成员在制造业、金 融业、公共事业等多个领域内执行,为 客户定制服务、软件、解决方案,以及 包括推广惠普、佳能产品、设备等。 惠普和佳能以联盟方式推出产品组合




建立在25年以来成功合作的基础之 上,惠普和佳能的扩展联盟发挥了两家 公司文印领域的优势,帮助客户实现节 约成本,提高工作效益。 佳能型号齐全的多功能办公系统设 备与惠普在激光打印/多功能一体机、网 络打印管理、IT整合、流程管理等领域 的结合,企业用户可以得到最完整、丰 富的产品与服务。 新的产品帮助客户准确的选择需 求的硬件设备。中小型企业可以从惠普 “专业型激光打印机系列”中选择具有 专业性和低成本产品;大型企事业从惠 普“企业级激光打印机系列”中,选择 管理性和可扩展性的产品。如: HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4520/4525 企业级彩色激光打印机 系列,为大客户提供具有大量文档处理 和保密功能的彩色打印。 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020/4025企业级彩色激光打印机 系列,拥有IT流程管理体系,可为中小 企业实现网络化的打 印服务,客户可实时 做出醒目的的彩色商 务信函和市场推广材 料。 拥 有 易 用 控 制面板和精确馈纸 技术的HP Scanjet Enterprise 7000n Document Capture Workstation;及 HP Scanjet Enterprise 9000馈纸式扫描仪可 优化文档工作流程, 一键式实现自动化, 都可利用惠普精确馈 纸技术,在与电脑相 连时充分确保原件的 完整存档。 HP Jetdirect ew2500无线打印服 务器使企业通过网络 实现共享打印;以及

HP LaserJet P4015/P4510 打印系列配 备的HP LaserJet CC364XD Black 双包 装硒鼓为高印量企业降低打印成本。 惠普助力渠道伙伴 通过新的模式,惠普在打印成像领 域的渠道伙伴得以在“办公文印方案合 作商”的项目框架下,向客户提供优化 架构和打印管理的服务,为客户改善工 作流程。这一模式包括: 一系列硬件、耗材和服务产品,提 供合同化定制的价格与组合。 经认证的解决方案,包括合作伙伴 培训、产品来源、以及“惠普解决方案 商业伙伴项目”中精选出的“独立软件 供应商(ISV)”所提供的技术支持等。 在操作工具和项目上更多的投入, 使合作经销商能为他们的客户提供全面 文印管理服务。 向渠道伙伴提供”惠普绿色之道” 生态解决方案及相关工具共同帮助用户 在降低对环境影响的同时节省成本。 惠普的文印管理服务 通过战略性的调整,惠普帮助企业 把握机会提升效益成绩显著。全球技术 公司3M近日与惠普打印成像系统集团 签署了第二个5年全面文印管理服务合 同。3M公司全球首席技术官Ernie Park 说,“经过认真考查,决定继续选择惠 普公司作为合作的伙伴,在过去5年文 印管理中,我们公司在降低成本、减少 对环境影响等方面表现了突出的业绩, 所以很高兴双方的合作得以延续。” 为提高企业的办公文印环境, 惠普公司通过“全面文印管理服务 (Managed Printing Service)合同”向客 户提供如下的产品服务: 惠普打印成像安全中心(HP Imaging and Printing Security Center),提供专业的软件工具包,帮 助客户有效管理整个文印系统的安全 性,通过灵活的、基于公司政策的管理 方式,快捷的制订文印安全守则、监控 打印设备输出。







以高可靠性著称的惠普Designjet大幅面打印系列产品加 入企业文印阵营,以“基本印量+实际印量”的合同方式为 实施全面文印管理的客户提供服务。 提供多项办公文印解决方案 随着数字化信息量增长,全球化的公司需要创新的技术 管控大量的文档,并将信息转变为有意义的文档。惠普延展 了打印解决方案序列,使客户快速的实现文档在数字化、物 理化两种方式下的高效传输。 惠普为3M澳大利亚公司设计文档管控与恢复流程管理软 件,帮助3M公司管控订单等文件,提升了文档恢复能力, 加快行政流程。 通过250多次的技术升级,HP Exstream 7.0 企业级文件 自动化技术以多样化的方式向客户提供定制化服务,有效降 低了文档的处理时间和制作成本。 此外,惠普还发布了最大规模的新型文印流程解决方 案: ·公共事业领域 惠普社会服务项目流程处理加速器,帮助在项目管理流 程中管控关键文件和电子文档,减小错误概率。 惠普法律案件流程加速器,帮助法庭工作人员从源头上 迅速捕捉并处理关键信息,顺畅管理大量流动的纸面文件和 电子文档。 惠普法律强制执行流程记录解决方案,帮助克服纸面文 件的流失和错置问题。 惠普教育文档电子化流程管理方案,使教职员工能够更 加安全的获取、索引、存档、传输学生信息和人事类文档。 ·制造及批发行业 惠普信用申请自动加速器,帮助自动化财务操作系统的 信用审批流程顺畅执行。 惠普制造业考勤表收集加速器,迅速、高效的合成远程 工人考勤表数据。 ·服务业 惠普通讯、传媒及娱乐业开户加速器,为电信、电报等 行业客户提供服务合同的标准化流程。 惠普保险索赔传送系统,帮助保险公司缩短流程周期、 提升索赔处理的效率。 通过14个授权合作伙伴和45个认证解决方案,惠普“解 决方案商业合作伙伴项目”提供全线创新性的认证伙伴解决 方案,例如由惠普和EPSoft软件公司共同开发,可为企业内 部行政提供打印管理、定额监控、成本分配、细节报告等多 项智能服务。 惠普公司数十年来在环保方面领先业界;在产品设计、 回收、再利用等多方面表现业绩突出;现在又与佳能合作开 辟耗材服务新领域,为中国办公耗材领域提供实用易行的多 项解决方案,联手强强合作得到了市场的赞誉。





Epson Releases New ME OFFICE 510 to Market

爱普生ME OFFICE 510精彩上市 在中国占有绝大比例的中小企业,正成为办公打印品牌 关注的重心。近日,爱普生推出一款千元以下的便携型商务 复印一体机。这款多功能一体机不仅集合了打印、扫描、复 印三位一体的功能,配置 1.5英寸全中文液晶导航面板,而且 拥有1-99页多页复印、25%-400%自动缩放这些通常只有中 高端复印机才拥有的复印功能,全面满足SOHO办公用户和 小型办公用户日常复印需求的同时,大大提高了工作效率, 为中小企业的日常办公提供了高效的解决方案。

爱普生ME OFFICE 510商务复印一体机 匀而可能造成的浪费,更加有效地为用户节省成本。 爱普生ME OFFICE 510采用了爱普生最新推出的T109 DURABrite Ultra全色颜料墨水,每支黑墨仅需49元,每支彩 墨仅需55元。相比前代产品,新T109墨盒的打印成本能直降 40%,大大节约了企业的办公成本。 防水耐光颜料墨 普通纸上印刷级打印效果

爱普生ME OFFICE 510商务复印一体机 上市价格:980元 便携复印王 爱普生ME OFFICE 510拥有强大的复印功能,无论在速 度、功能以及操作的便携上,都远远超越了同级别的桌面激 光复印机一体机。 ME OFFICE 510的复印实现了又快又省,黑白复印速度 高达每分钟32页,一支随机T109黑墨约可实现1200份双面 身份证复印;在多页复印方面,ME OFFICE 510可选择1-99 页多页复印功能,跟普通桌面复印机1-10页的复印量相比有 着很大的优势,用户不必再为大量复印时需要反复操作而烦 恼,一键即可搞定,大大提高办公效率。此外,ME OFFICE 510还可以实现从25%-400%的缩印和扩印,用户完全可以 根据需求自定义进行缩放复印。 而上述的这些功能,都可以在ME OFFICE 510配备着1.5 英寸全中文液晶屏的面板上轻松操作实现。多达12个控制按 键,使得每项复印功能都一目了然,操作更便捷。 分体墨盒越用越省

爱普生ME OFFICE 510墨盒四种颜色全部使用了 DURABrite Ultra颜料墨水,每个颜料颗粒都包裹在树脂中, 无论是在普通纸,还是其他介质上,均可使打印的内容防 水、耐光、不洇染,色彩经久不褪色,再配合爱普生微压电 打印技术,可以轻松地在普通纸上实现印刷级打印效果,为 您在客户面前争取最佳商务形象。 爱普生DURABrite Ultra颜料墨水防水的特性,还可以 免除因纸张受潮无法打印的烦恼。即使在空气潮湿的沿海城 市,或者阴雨连绵的季节,用户亦可无忧使用。 爱普生DURABrite Ultra颜料墨水在耐光抗臭氧上有着出 色的表现,用户的重要打印文件可以长久保存。同时,因为 爱普生DURABrite Ultra颜料墨水不洇染的特性,使得普通纸 正反面都可以打印,对于企业内部办公可以节省不少纸张。 作为一款多功能一体机,爱普生ME OFFICE 510同样还 具有专业的扫描功能。滤除底色、去除网纹轻松实现。加上 方便的快捷打印方式设置、实用的Epson Web-to-Page等 软件,这款机器在扫描、打印等方面让用户用起来更为得心 应手。作为爱普生“节能环保”理念下的产物,爱普生ME OFFICE 510打印时的功耗只有11W,约是普通激光打印机的 三十分之一,大幅节省电费开支省电更环保。拥有这样的一 台复印一体机就相当于拥有了一台桌面复印机+一台扫描仪+ 一台彩色喷墨打印机。一机多能,效率倍增。

爱普生ME OFFICE系列商务喷墨机为用户提供了经济科 学的四色分体墨盒,ME OFFICE 510也不例外。用户在用完 了某一种颜色之后,只需要更换相应颜色的墨盒。这种分体 式墨盒的设计,有效避免了传统一体式墨盒因颜色使用不均





Remanufacturing HP LaserJet P2035/2055 Toner Cartridge

HP LaseerJet P2035/2055粉盒再生 2008年11月,P2035/2055系列打 印机面市,此系列打印机是基于30-35 页/分钟打印速度,1200DPI分辨率的 引擎,标配内存P2030系列是16M, 2050系列是64M。2个不同容量的粉盒 可用于这系列打印机,CE505A的容量 是2300页,CE505X的容量是6500页。

1320的粉盒增加了难度,但仍是可以克 服的,它的粉盒两部分是通过销钉进行 连接,类似于HP1160/1320。需要从废 粉仓的顶部打2个小孔,以便于把销钉 顶出去。2个销钉孔的位置几乎是相同 的,所以和1320的处理方法相同。 这系列机器包括以下打印机:

P2030只能使用CE505。图1和图2显示 这2个不同容量粉盒的差异,CE505的 粉盒设计与HP 1160/1320类似,但是 不能互换。感光鼓的驱动齿轮完全是新 系统,驱动齿轮是活动的,采用一个圆 球和连杆结构。见图3。粉盒的组装上 没有使用螺丝,所有的塑件连接都是用 塑料熔接,这个看起来较比糟糕,比

P2035 P2035n P2055d P2055dn P2055x 这 个 粉 盒 的 销 钉 非 常 类 似 HP1160/1320粉盒。最好的移除销钉而 不损伤粉盒的方法是切2个小孔(在不 同的位置),与HP1160/1320处理方法 的相同。 1.通过撬开遮光板未端的塑料柱可 以将感光鼓遮光板卸下。注意弹簧的位 置,这个弹簧可更换。见图4、5。

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 1

Figure 4

Figure 8

Figure 2

Figure 5

Figure 3 102



2.在粉盒的两端图示的位置各钻一 孔,如图6、7、8、9。 3.用表体改锥插入小孔,将销钉拔 出。见图10。

Figure 9 4.分成粉仓和废粉仓两部分。见图 11。 5.用扁一字改锥将OPC销钉拔出 废粉仓固定孔,再用钳子拔出。见图



Figure 10

Figure 14

Figure 18 11.重新安装清洁过的PCR注意,原 厂的PCR在黑色导电支架端有一点导电 硅脂。见图20。

Figure 11

Figure 15


Figure 19

Figure 16 Figure 12

12.重新安装OPC DRUM和轴销 钉,在轴销钉的末端应涂一点导电硅 脂,在插入轴销钉前,应将原有的硅脂替 换掉,请确认轴销钉被完全插入。见图 21,22。


Figure 20 Figure 13 OPC驱动端支承板是一次性熔接 的。见图15。 6.缺下感光鼓,见图16。可以看到这 完全是个新的驱动系统。

Figure 17 8.卸下2颗固定螺丝后,卸掉清洁刮 板。 9.清洁废粉。见图18。 10.在清洁刮板的刀口上涂上润滑

13.使用美工刀将粉仓封条端的边 盖上的2个塑料柱的突出部分柱切掉。 见图23。 注:粉仓两端的边盖固定点都是用塑 料柱熔接的,打开端盖的仅有的方法是 小心的切开熔接的塑料柱,我们发





HP LaseerJet P2035/2055粉盒再生

15.用一个扁一字改锥插入粉仓边 盖的缝隙,用力撬开边盖,你可以听到熔 接的塑料柱断裂的声音。见图25。

见图28。 19.清洁粉仓中残余的碳粉,注意 粉仓刮板的密封处有些粘性物质,如果有 粘有碳粉,可以用酒精擦拭。见图29。

Figure 21

Figure 25 16.卸下磁辊。见图26。 17.卸下磁 辊驱动齿轮。见图27。

Figure 29 20.从粉仓的磁辊开口处加入碳 粉,如果是“A”粉盒,加入110克碳粉, 如是“X”粉盒,加入230克碳粉,这个 粉盒没有加粉口。见图30。

Figure 22

Figure 26

Figure 30 21.如果你需要加密封条,粉仓中有 一个白色的塑料板需要卸下,见图31。 这个塑料板是用双面胶粘附的,可以用改 锥轻轻撬开。

Figure 23 现左边盖(非齿轮端)是最适合这么操作 的。 14.使用3/32的钻头在熔接的2个柱 子位置钻2个孔,注意在钻也时保持钻头 平直,使用慢速档钻孔,钻孔的深度不超 过去1/4。见图24。

Figure 27 18.卸下粉仓刮板及2颗固定螺丝。

Figure 31

Figure 24 104



Figure 28

22.重新安装白色塑料板,如果粘 性不好,就重新更换一个好的双面胶, 这个塑料板是帮助控制粉仓中碳粉的流



Figure 32

Figure 35

Figure 39

Figure 36

Figure 40

Figure 37

Figure 41

Figure 38

Figure 42

23.重新安装粉仓刮板及2个螺丝。 见图33。

Figure 33 24.清洁导电端边盖上原有的导电 硅脂,更换新的导电硅脂。见图34。

Figure 34 25.重新组装粉仓部分,安装磁辊 驱动齿轮,插入磁辊,转动磁辊直至磁辊 完全套入驱动齿轮,安装边盖前,先将磁 芯定位面插入驱动端端盖的定位卡槽, 这个是帮助磁芯定位。见图35,36,37。 26.用2个螺丝沿着之前打的孔拧入 固定边盖,留下顶部的第3个孔是不做 处理的,我们测试过这2颗螺丝已经可 以固定边盖而没有问题。见图38。 27.将粉仓与废粉仓合并在一起,确

定2个压力弹簧定位正确,再插入连接销 钉,确认销钉可以轻轻的插入,以确认 粉盒在装入打印机时不会有干扰。见图 39,40。 28.安装感光鼓遮光板,确认弹簧安 装正确,见图41,42。

29.更换芯片。见图43。 周期性缺陷表 OPC Drum感光鼓: 75mm Lower Fuser roller加热组件下辊: 63mm





HP LaseerJet P2035/2055粉盒再生

Figure 43

Upper Fuser film定影膜: 57mm Registration roller注册辊: 43mm Magnetic Roller磁辊: 42mm Transfer roller转印辊: 39mm PCR充电辊: 38mm 状态信息表(P2030) 10.X Supply memory error粉盒内 存读取错误 13.XX Paper jam卡纸 50.X Fuser error加热组件错误 52.0 Scanner error激光器错误

P2050 Series 10.X Supply memory error粉盒内 存读取错误 13.XX Paper jam卡纸 21.X Print failure打印失败 41.2 Engine error引擎错误 50.X Fuser error加热组件错误 51.X Scanner error激光器错误 57. Fan error风扇错误 59.X Main motor error主马达错误

Comparison Tables of HP Printers & Toner Cartridges in Chinese Market

中国市场上HP打印机与成像卡盒型号对照表 鉴于当前的国内影像耗材市场,对于HP机型的普及和关注程度一直相对较高,亚洲再生业杂志根据客户的需求,收集了 HP系列在全球市场的大部分主要机型,及其配套的成像卡盒的型号,提供给再生耗材厂家借鉴参考。 表一至表六: 表一:



















Ascend Holds Technology Seminar at Zhuhai

埃申特2009年新品发布暨技术研讨会开幕 2009年10月13日,由佛山埃申特主办的 “致力彩鼓技术,谋求共同发展——埃申特 2009年新品发布暨技术研讨会” 在珠海德翰 大酒店隆重召开。本次发布会,埃申特公司邀 请了400多家全球的商家亲临会议,以增进相 互了解与合作,做到合作共赢。这是继去年同 样在珠海德翰大酒店埃申特举办的《充电辊技 术研讨会暨新品发布会》后的另一盛会。 佛山市埃申特办公配件有限公司陈总经 理首先致开幕辞,希望业内企业朋友风雨同 舟,奋力拼搏,希望相互促进发展。他表述了 公司的良好发展态势和经济的逐年提升。陈君表示对理解、 帮助和支持埃申特的广大朋友予以无尽的感谢。随后加迪公 司的董事长刘金祥致辞,感谢埃申特的诚挚邀请,也对加迪 公司的发展态势和在马来西亚的发展做了简介。埃申特、加 迪等行业领军企业在金融危机中逆流而上,在耗材行业做了 最好的表率,并且对未来的发展趋势都持积极乐观的态度。 下午,埃申特公司董事长刘江先生及加迪研发部陈经理 就彩鼓技术进行讲述,并对各自研发的新产品进行发布,引 起了现场阵阵掌声。此次新品发布会还设有现场技术交流及 答疑环节,与会人员都踊跃提问,反响强烈,现场气氛一片 活跃。发布会精心紧凑的安排,各位业内人士的聚精会神证 明了行业对新品及技术的关注和乐观看好,埃申特作为中国 耗材业的领军人物,其影响力非同凡响。

关于埃申特: 佛山市埃申特办公配件有限公司(广东省民营科技企 业)广东省诚信示范企业成立于2005年,下属工厂从2000 年始一直致力于打印机、复印机配件的研发、设计、制造及 销售。并企业拥有10000平方米的厂房、500多名的员工、 完善的机器设备、优秀的研发人员、专业的销售队伍。依靠 ISO9001-2000质量管理体系进行运作,制定严格的检验流程 以保证我们产品质量的稳定。 企业主要产品有打印机定影膜、充电辊、转写辊、供粉 辊、刮板、复印机清洁刮板、定影膜、清洁纸、充电辊、挡 粉片、搓纸轮、空瓶、上辊、灯管以及装粉机、离心机等多 种产品,产品已经通过ROHS认证。 企业立足于中国,进行 全球性经营。企业以“高质量新产品、优秀的服务、合理的 价格、提供称心满意的产品以满足客户的要求”为宗旨,广 纳四方贤才, 凭借强大的设计开发能力,完善的配套设备, 以及优良的品质,严格的管理,在激烈的市场竞争中不断发 展壮大。产品远销世界各地,受到客户的一致好评。 企业推出的打印机/复印机、定影膜、充电辊一经推出市 场就已经赢得众多客户的青睐,出口至亚、欧、美、非、大 洋洲等十几国家和地区。

发布会在接近尾声之际,刘江董事长提出希望和各大厂 家共同建立产品鉴定标准,并呼吁大家选择民族品牌,再次 强调公司目标“致力彩鼓技术,谋求共同发展”,最后代表 全体员工致谢。 发布会结束后,10月13号夜晚,埃申特办公配件有限 公司联合加迪影像科技(苏州)有限公司、珠海市易得美工 贸有限公司、珠海市奔码打印耗材有限公司、珠海市优泰科 技有限公司和珠海市汇威打印耗材有限公司共同设了答谢晚 宴,感谢所有的与会嘉宾,并设抽奖环节,现场气氛热烈。





2009年珠海 耗材展与同期的电子展闭幕 Zhuhai Remax Concluded with Simultaneous Electron Show 2009年10月14-16日,由再生时代文化传媒举办的中国 (珠海)国际打印耗材展会在珠海航展馆举行。包括各耗材 厂家,经销商,行业媒体和各行业协会在内的约280家单位参 加展出,展商构成中,90%来自中国大陆,10%来自包括港 澳台在内的境外企业。 相比2008年第二届的Remax亚太展,本届展会在展出面 积、参展商的数量有了很大增长。与上届一样的是参展商主 要来自中国大陆,尤其是珠海本地的企业居多,港、澳、台 及国外展商约占1/10左右。 本次展览同中国广州秋季广交会,香港环球资源展览同 期举办,展商和观众可以三地来回参观不同的展览,方便了 客户的行程。 在本届展会举办前一天,2009 premax 产业峰会在10月 13日9:00-17:30在珠海举行。RECYCLER出版人David Connett 做了《2009欧洲通用耗材市场增长20%原因大揭秘 及2010年走势》的演讲,高建华等受邀嘉宾做了《动态市场 环境下的营销策略》等演讲。同时,Remax学堂暨新产品发 布会14-16日在展会期间举办,SCC、珠海艾派克等公司在 大会期间做了演讲发言。 亚洲再生业杂志 珠海报道

印度学生发明蔬菜汁为原料的 环保墨水 Indian Student Invents Environmental Friendly Ink using Vegetable Juice as Raw Material 环保墨水是印度学生普珈(Pooja)和里迪(Ridhi)的课外发 明。现在她们已经用蔬菜水果榨取出六种颜色的墨水。 学生普珈说,她发现自己学校里有很多低年级学生有把 水彩笔放进嘴里的习惯,笔管里的墨水很可能被学生吃进肚 子里。而据她所知,墨水属于石油化工产品,里面含有对人 体有害的成分。舔食墨水肯定会影响孩子们的身体健康。发 明无毒无害的环保墨水就是解决这一问题的好办法。 两个女孩儿用了6个月的时间来研究哪些蔬菜水果榨的汁 儿在纸张和布料上的着色性更强,持久性更长。最终用甜菜 根、姜黄根粉、香菜等其他蔬菜水果发明出6种颜色的既适合 水彩笔又适合记号笔的环保墨水。 普珈和里迪对每一步试验进行了详细的记录,然后将环 保墨水和记录一同提交给多家大学试验室进行分析认证,结 果都得到了专家的肯定。她们的发明在印度浦那最近举行的 国家科学博览会上夺得了一等奖。女孩们还将带着她们的环 保墨水参加在美国亚特兰大举行的发明大赛。




无锡佳腾八年商标维权 Wuxi Jiateng's 8 Years Trademark Rights Maintaining 我国有影响的耗材企业无锡佳腾磁性粉有限公司于 1997年9月14日经国家工商行政管理局核准使用Heideberg 商标(第1099265号批复),核定包括如下商品:调色剂 (墨)、重氮调色粉(复印机用)、复印机专用墨粉、激光 打印机专用墨粉,均属耗材产品,在新加坡也注册了商标。 德国海德尔贝格尔印刷机械有限公司自称该公司是 世界上最大的成套印刷设备供应商,有24万个客户以 HEIDELBERG为商标,在中国早已注册了商标(第76125 号、第244472号、第500559号及国际注册第637070号), 无锡佳腾耗材商标与印刷机械仅差一个字母,有抄袭之嫌。 于2002年9月13日向国家工商行政管理总局提出申请,要求 无锡佳腾公司撤消这一商标。 国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会于2007年4月11 日发第1121号文,明确表示:经审查了所有证明材料,评审 委认为不能认定争议商标注册使用在调色剂等与印刷机不类 似的商品上会误导公众,损害申请人利益,争议商标的注册 未违反《商标法》第十三条第二款的规定,申请人的该项理 由我委不予支持。由于海德尔贝格尔印刷机械公司拿不出其 调色剂等商品在中国的在先使用证据,争议商标的注册未违 反《商标法》第三十一条之规定,申请人的该项理由亦不予 支持。依据《中华人民共和国商标法》第四十一条一款、第 二款及第四十三条的规定,评审委裁定如下:被申请人在第 二类调色剂等商品上注册的第1099265号“Heideberg”商标 予以维持。 2007年5月28日,一波未平 ,一波又起,申请人代理 公司——永新专利商标代理公司代理卡拉玛提克斯公司依据 《商标法》第四十四条(四)项规定,以连续三年停止使用 为由,申请撤消第1099265号(第二类)“Heideberg”商 标。2007年7月9日 国家工商行政管理总局发200701104文, 要求无锡佳腾公司提供2004年5月28日~2007年5月27日三 年内商品上使用该商标的证据。 最终:2009年国家工商行政管理总局商标局作出了决 定:经我局审查认为:无锡佳腾公司提供的商标使用证明有 效。卡拉玛提克斯公司申请撤销第1099265号“Heideberg” 商标理由不能成立。根据《商标法》第四十四条及商标法实 施条例第三十九条的规定,我局决定,驳回卡拉玛提克斯公 司的撤销申请,第1099265号“Heideberg”注册商标继续有 效。 争取到这一纸公文走了8年之久的路,但是佳腾终于维 护了自己的权利,这场对海外巨头企业的胜利,确实来之不 易,佳腾公司为中国耗材行业振兴民族品牌,提升企业形 象,敢于与海外大公司较量,树立了一个榜样。同时在维护 自己企业所拥有的自主知识产权上,佳腾公司作出了一定的 贡献。


惠普预测明年PC业逐渐复苏 打印机相对落后

方正全线代理三星中低端 打印机业务

HP Forecasts Gradual Recovery in PC Industry

Founder Becomes Samsung Low and Middle Printer Business Agency

惠普(HPQ-US)美国公布财务展望时说,个人计算机市 场将逐渐好转,明年的获利应达到分析师预估。 Lesjak评论惠普的IT支出会在2010年开始上升,惠普的 PC业务占整体营收达1/3,最近已能感受到产业景气逐渐回 温。 惠普首次财务官CathieLesjak估计,11月1日起的新会计 年度,营收将介于1170-1180亿美元,扣除一次性项目,每 股获利预计在4.20-4.30美元之间,符合ThomsonReuters分 析师调查。 据国外媒体报道,惠普虽对PC市场抱持乐观,但强调旗 下获利率较高的打印机相关业务,复苏速度相对落后。 Lesjak说,恢复速度较迟缓的打印机与墨水部门,营收 可能持平或仅增长2%。

概念打印机无需墨盒和色带 Concept Printer Does Not Need Ink and Ribbon Mini Giant小巨人是一款机器人打印机的概念,产品通过 “爬行”的方式打印,产品无须墨盒、墨粉和色带,打印过 程中只需要Zink专用纸,无论打印多大MiniGiant都可以通过 四角的移动系统在纸张上从上到下、从左到右移动,从而打 印出整张图片。这款产品由罗马尼亚设计师Paula Sumalan设 计。 Zink采用无墨打印技术,而且打印原理也有所不同,产 品的核心主要Zink专用纸上面,每一张Zink专用纸,都含有 黄、品、青三色染料晶体,平时它们呈无色透明状态,一旦 受热就会改变自身颜色,显示出图像和文字,Zink打印机并 不喷墨,因为这款打印机喷“热气”,所以他的外观做得非 常小巧,而且打印出来的每一张都能达到照片级的清晰度, 不易褪色。

最近,三星将其旗下中低端打印机产品线,全部交由方 正科技处理。除PC业务之外,方正科技越来越强化其在打印 机领域的地位。 “从产品的生产制造到渠道销售,从品牌的运作到市场 推广,方正科技都在具体操盘。”美国《TWICE》中文版 《TWICE中国》记者在独家专访时,韩国三星电子数码打印 事业部高级副总裁朴容焕(Y.HPark)表示,尽管此次三星 只是将中低端领域的4款打印机交由方正代理,但是,随着方 正在打印机领域的越做越强,三星将会把更多、更长的产品 线,交由方正代理。 方正全线代理三星中低端打印机业务,意图非常明显, 因为随着PC业务的利润率日渐走低的情况下,被佳能、爱普 生、HP、利盟、理光、富士施乐等洋品牌所强势垄断的打印 机及其相关联的耗材业务,其利润率颇为诱人,这就给像联 想、方正这样的国产打印机厂商,留下了足够的想像空间。 “在打印机领域,中国企业的话语权并不明显,但方正 科技希望今后会有所改观。”方正科技市场部总监张晓鹏如 此说道。

台湾打印机市场喷墨多功能机 表现最佳 Multifunction Inkjet Printer Performs Best 根据国际数据信息最新显示,台湾2009年第二季单功 能机出货量达82,714台,与去年同期相比仍减少23.4%。在 激光多功能机方面,出货量为15,065台,与去年同期相比有 39.2%的下跌,台湾激光多功能打印机整体出货量已连续两 季呈现下滑。 但在喷墨多功能机方面,在第二季度出货量为106,914 台,较上一季出货超过4成,与去年同期相比,仅有1.7%的 下跌,喷墨多功能机在台湾打印机市场中表现最为亮眼。 IDC台湾计算机外设分析师连颢尹指出:“以企业为主 要市场的激光多功能机,相比以消费性市场为主的喷墨打印 机,依然深陷不景气的泥沼之中,因此下半年各家厂商布局 将以政府标案以及旧客户的续约为主要方向。” IDC台湾计算机外设分析师严兰欣指出:“由于下半年是 打印机市场的传统旺季,第三季的重点会放在消费性市场。 以打印机产品来说,厂商会在中、低端产品多做销售,在价 格与促销会在第三季度会达到高峰。第四季的市场销售主要 来于商用采购,但在全球金融风暴阴影持续影响下,今年预 计会由国营企业与政府的采购独撑大局,企业支出预期将相 对保守。”







American Scientist Invents 3D Glass Printing Technology

Document Printing Outsourcing Saves Work Cost 30% Per Year

过去几年,3D打印机备受业界关注,打印过程也并不复 杂。操作人员只需把3D图形的数字文件输入打印机,该文件 会被切割成2D的横截面图。接着,打印机会打印出每个横截 面图,最后把他们的顶端黏贴在一起,就形成一个牢固的3D 物体。但是,科学家一直无法在玻璃上使用3D打印机。因为 他们一直没有找到有效的办法确保玻璃粉剂能吸收粘合剂。 可喜的是,最近美国华盛顿大学的科学家通过调整玻璃粉剂 和粘合剂的混合比例和加热温度,解决了这一问题,使打印 3D玻璃物体变为可能。 3D玻璃打印技术将在建筑和艺术领域大展拳脚。在建筑 领域,3D打印技术能完成模型的快速打印,以便帮助建筑师 通过迅速测试不同之类的玻璃,判断哪种设计最适合一定的环 境。一个环保主义者可在旧玻璃上打印图案,以实现玻璃的循 环使用。如果价格合适,人们便能自己制作玻璃器具了。

施乐57亿美元收购ACS 不再局限打印市场 Xerox Acquires ACS for $5.7 Billion 据国外媒体报道,施乐将以价值57.5亿美元的现金和 股票收购美国德州联盟计算机服务公司(Affiliated Computer Services,以下简称“ACS”)。 根据收购协议,每股ACS股票可兑换18.60美元现金和 4.935股施乐股票,合计约63.11美元。 ACS已发行股票约为9100万股,据此计算,该交易价值 为57.5亿美元。而施乐和ACS认为此次交易价值64亿美元。 此外,施乐还将承担ACS的20亿美元债务,并向ACS的 B股股东发行3亿美元的可转换优先股。 该交易有望于2010年第一季度完成,在交易完成后的前 3年,施乐预计将节省3亿美元至4亿美元成本。 ACS是《财富》500强企业之一,主要从事信息技术 外包。交易完成后,ACS将继续独立运作,由公司CEO林 恩·布洛杰特(Lynn Blodgett)负责。 施乐 CEO 厄休拉 · 伯恩斯 (Ursula Burns) 在一份声明 中称: “收购 ACS 有利于我们拓展业务,推动营收和利润增长。”

根据统计,一般公司用于文印输出方面的成本是企业营 业额的3%。3%是什么概念呢?假如企业年营业额为1亿元, 3%的成本就意味着每年要在文印方面花费300万元。而且 通过有效的文印管理,企业则可以降低10%~30%的文印成 本。对于提升净利润很困难的大企业来说,文印外包服务是 他们提升利润率简单有效的办法。 据Gartner报告《由于企业在削减成本方面所作的努力 而加速成长的文印输出设备管理服务》,大部分企业都在 考虑通过更换办公室内使用的产品或服务来削减开支,提 高工作效率。在这种背景下,预计文印输出设备管理服务 (MPS),也就是我们常说的文印服务外包的市场规模,到 2010年底将继续保持两位数的增长,从2007年的37.58亿美 元增长到至少41亿美元。 文印外包提升打印价值: 研究机构在对美国500家大型企业调研后得出的数据显 示:文件在企业的核心业务中的重要性是不言而喻的,有 83%的公司认为,文件对核心业务来说是非常重要的。公司 的员工认为在一天或者整个工作的过程中,37%的时间是花 费在文件的编写、起草、修改方面,每个人每天都需要处理 大量文件。在企业的各业务环节中,从市场部的产品目录、 直邮资料,到财务部的付款通知以及设计生产部门的用户手 册、技术资料等等各个方面都与文件有关。对一个企业来说 最根本的是三个方面:第一如何降低成本,第二如何维持并 提高业绩,第三就是改善工作质量、提高工作效率。从市场 方面讲,如果客户看到一份制作精美漂亮的产品宣传资料, 他可能会对产品感兴趣甚至购买产品。 例如某进出口贸易公司,其拥有员工近500名,各部门在 办公中用的最多的就是传真、打印、复印、扫描等功能,公 司先后配置了65台不同品牌、型号的传真、打印、复印、扫 描单功能设备以满足需求。在应用了外包服务之后,其原有 的65台输出设备被精简为34台,其中包括新增的13台富士施 乐DocuCentre-IIIC4400一体机,这台机器集成了传真、打 印、复印、扫描等功能。采用服务外包之后,该公司办公设 备的总体管理成本减少了5%,设备利用率从原来的2.1%提高 到3.5%,由于设备数量减少,还减少了大量的空间和能源。

把整个因特网都印出来需4500万个墨盒 Printing Whole Internet Needs 45 Million Ink Cartridges 据统计:如果把整个因 特网都印出来的话.将会用 掉 4500 万个墨盒,总计50 万公升的墨水。如果把这些 墨水换成燃油,足够让747 连飞 18000 英里(28800 公 112



里),从纽约不降落飞到 东京,而且还是绕远路 的那边。 如果把整个因特网 都印出来的话. 这本书会 重 12 亿英磅(5.44 亿公

斤),高 10000 英尺(3048 公尺)。 如果把整个因特网都用同一个打印 机印出来的话. 大约要花 3805 年——古 巴比伦人从公元前1800 年 开始印,现在差不多该印 完了。不过如果每个美国 人都有一台打印机,所有 人一起印的话,大约 6 分 36 秒就可以印完。




HP's Third-quarter Retained Profit is $1.6 Billion

Foshan Ascend Holds Training Activities

惠普公司发布了2009年第三财季财务报告,净收入为 275亿美元,比去年同期降低2%;实现净利润16亿美元,同 比下降19%。 惠普CEO马克·赫德在财报发布后的分析师会议上表 示,尽管惠普的美国和亚洲业务正在趋于稳定,中国业务也 增长强劲,但全球经济尚未开始复苏,欧洲市场尤其疲弱, 因此仍将对行业未来发展持谨慎的态度。 赫德还表示,虽然惠普打印机的市场需求有所提高,但 企业在IT支出方面的投入依然不是很大,并称目前尚未达到 整体商业环境出现反弹的程度。 惠普执行副总裁兼CFO凯西·莱斯雅克表示,公司的执 行力体现在服务部门利润创记录、中国市场收入获得两位数

日前,佛山埃申特公司 在新银盏拓展基地举行了一次 拓展训练。包括“华容道”、 “蜘蛛网”等别开生面的野外拓展培训项目让参与的员工大 开眼界,尽管许多培训项目充满了挑战性和危险性,但是员 工们依然积极参与,不畏艰难。队员从开始的无组织、无纪 律,到后来的学会了统一行动,每个人都自觉的融入到整个 这个团队当中,并在培训活动中取得了显著的进步。最终, 所有参加此次拓展培训的员工顺利并出色的完成了此次培 训,取得了活动的巨大成功。

增长和稳定的现金流,为推动长期的利润增长,惠普将继续 投资和提高运营效率。 第三季度,惠普美国收入增长8%至126亿美元,欧洲、 中东和非洲地区收入下降12%,亚太地区收入下降4%,分别 为99亿和50亿美元。如果不计汇率变动损失,美国收入实际 增长11%,欧洲、中东和非洲收入下降2%,亚太收入持平。 除美国以外地区收入占总收入的62%,金砖四国收入同比下 降6%,占总收入的10%。

罗兰公司将在路演中展示 金属喷墨技术 Roland Company to Bring Forth Metal Inkjet Technology in Roadshow 罗兰公司近日宣布 11月在英国举办一场大 幅面打印设备的路演, 对金属喷墨技术感兴趣 的印刷厂也可以借此机 会一睹一下这项神奇技术的芳容。 除了全新的金属喷墨技术以外,罗兰公司还将在路演中 展示包括Versa Camm SP-i系列和Advanced Jet AJ-740i在 内的新型打印机。 最新版的UV固化LEC-330打印机将在路演过程中为广大 观众进行纹理印刷、白墨印刷和上光油等现场演示。

此次的拓展培训,让相关参训员工受益非浅,具有一 定难度的培训项目,不但需要员工自身具有足够的勇气和自 信,还需要依靠整个团队的合作、以及充分发挥集体智慧才 能完成。通过本次拓展培训不但使每个员工对自身和所处团 队拥有了一种全新的认识和思考,也很好的激励了员工在以 后的工作当中,更加勇于面对压力和挑战,战胜恐惧,超越 自我,从而使整个埃申特公司团队的潜能得到更深层次的激 发,增强企业的凝聚力和协作意识。

珠三角将建造最大纸品销售市场 Zhujiang Corner to Construct the Biggest Paper Market 珠三角区每年的纸品产量达3000万吨以上,造纸工业总 产量走在全国前列。为了更好地发展纸业,近期,珠三角区 将建设占地100亩纸品销售市场,以推动该产业的展。这个市 场包括成品仓储、纸品贸易、机械配套销售、造纸原材料销 售、纸品加工生产、印刷机械和造纸机械等,市场的交易平 台达250个。 珠三角建设纸业市场,不仅可以促进地区纸品产业链得到 延伸,还可以通过第二产业的集群发展,推进第三产业的发展。 珠三角建设纸业市场,对于纸品加工产业的发展是很好 的机遇,一、是引导当地中小企业升级转型,引导行业的产 业链建设。二、是通过市场反馈的信息,使企业及时调整自 己的发展方向。三、是推动珠三角区纸品产业的规模化发展。





珠澳跨境区天威耗材商务基地落成 Dedication of new Print-Rite Tower 正值金秋十月,耗材行业采购浪潮席卷全球,伴随着广交 会,环球资源展,珠海打印耗材展的召开,行业龙头企业天威投 资建设的天威商务基地——天威大厦落成仪式在浓浓的喜庆和阵 阵的道贺声中拉开序幕。植根于珠海,天威大厦赫然屹立于珠澳 跨境工业区内成为天威第四大基地,并集天威的客服、营销和仓 储服务中心于此,和已有的南屏天威科技园、保税区园区以及正 在建设的斗门天威科技城,将作为天威服务全球客户的研发、管 理和生产中心,也是天威扎根珠海的四大基点。天威在珠海又迈 出坚实又响亮的一步,相信它的巨轮将隆隆向前。 落成仪式上,主持人郑重其事向全场海内外来宾诠释着这座

威的发展史上,具有里 程碑的意义。对于我们 的 2010 年 计 划, 我 们 是非常有信心的。 ” 香港生产力促进局 汽车及电子部总经理梁 伟明先生在落成仪式上 表示天威是业务创新和 知识管理的先锋,而处 于战略要地和有着专业设计的天威大厦,是知识创新和分享的理

天威里程碑似的建筑。天威控股有限公司董事长贺良梅先生分别 以中文、英文先后致辞,回顾天威的艰难的起步,曲折的发展, 到今天获得的巨大成就,并且表明天威对珠海耗材产业发展的 信心和扎根珠海发展的决心。2008年全球金融危机席卷全球, 2009年危机依然久久张狂在各个行业,当然也包括耗材行业, 天威没有打乱前进的脚步,天威大厦拔地而起,震撼了整个珠海 耗材行业,也给整个行业做了榜样,注入新的活力,让业内精英 们重新坚定了振兴耗材行业的信念。作为行业的领头羊,天威注 资建设的天威大厦落成无疑是今年年末珠海耗材业一大振奋人心 的消息,天威大厦本 身也会是最耀眼的一 颗明珠。 贺良梅先生谈 到, “如果顺利的话, 在 2010 年 第 一 季 度 可能着手建天威大厦 B。已经落成的天威 大厦 A 目前投资为 1500 万 美 金, 在 天

想空间。 天威大厦占地总面积8,177平方米,建筑面积24,728平方 米,目前落成的主楼共有11层。天威大厦由两栋多功能的商务楼 组成的天威大厦,据悉将配备国家级的实验室、符合国际信息保 安IS027001的数据中心、可 容纳过百座席的客户联系中 心,以及专为VMI供货商预 留的配送服务楼层,未来将 成为天威的客户服务中心、 营销中心、仓储物流中心和 新项目孵化的多功能基地。 地处珠澳跨境工业区,天威 大厦可享受园区特有的地理 位置及交通、基础设施配 套、政策、法制及人才等优 势,这些将为天威及其同伴 打造共享的商贸物业,提升 工作效率和加强彼此的商业 合作机会。

纳思达欲推自主产权打印机产品 Ninestar to Release Printer Products Based upon Its Intellectual Property Rights 在誉为“世界耗材之都”的珠海, 已拥有全球规模最大,最专业的打印耗材 产业群,珠海纳思达则是这个行业的佼佼 者,经过近几年的高速发展,无论是成像 卡盒还是墨盒的生产,都已成为了全球行 业市场的“第一”。随着纳思达兼容打印 耗材的产业规模持续扩大,其越来越感觉 到这一行业的局限性,被动性技术跟随的 特点,使兼容耗材行业永远受制于人。为 了打破这个局限,纳思达调整产业战略, 制订产业突围计划,开始了打印机的研 发,力求在未来5年之内将产业转型为自 主打印机带动下的耗材产业发展模式,成 114



为唯一一家有实力进军打印机市场的中国 企业。 日前,珠海市常务副市长刘小龙偕同 珠海市经贸局局长杨川、香洲区委书记尤 镇城等市区领导也莅临纳思达,重点对正 在进行的打印机研发项目进行详细调研。 纳思达公司董事长吕如松、总裁汪东颖等 领导就纳思达产业集团的经营情况和打印 机项目的进展情况作了详细汇报。 汪总指出,纳思达现已获得日本打 印机制造厂商注册和可合法使用的2万多 件打印机及耗材的基础技术专利的使用授 权,并同日本技术研发团队紧密合作进行

打印机和相关配套耗材的技术开发,第一 台拥有完全自主知识产权的中国制造的打 印机的问世已不遥远。同时,汪总还详细 介绍了未来打印机产业的战略规划和组织 架构,中国第一个打印机产业基地已初现 雏形。 刘副市长一行随后参观了纳思达公 司的成像卡盒工厂、墨盒工厂以及与大连 理工大学共建的精细化工国家重点实验 室——珠海中心,对纳思达在企业技术研 发、品牌战略、合资合作等问题上进行了 考察。





































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