RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2012 Exhibitor's Manual

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07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies Dear Exhibitor,

Kepada Peserta yang terhormat,

Thank you for your participation in the upcoming show ALLPRINT INDONESIA 2012, 07 - 10 November 2012, Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia

Terima Kasih atas partisipasi anda dalam pameran ALLPRINT INDONESIA 2012, 07 - 10 November 2012, Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, Jakarta,Indonesia

The purpose of this Exhibitor’s Manual is to efficiently assist your company in preparing for your forthcoming participation in this exhibition. You are advised to study this manual carefully and thoroughly to ensure that all relevant matters are processed smoothly and arranged properly. You should have a copy of all forms for your reference, so that queries can be clarified immediately should they arise. Upon completion of the relevant forms, please return , via fax +62 21 6340140, 6342113, 63869154 to the respective companies stipulated on the top right hand corner of the forms. We would be grateful if you could observe closely the deadlines for submission. We will endeavour to maintain rates and prices quoted for all items contained herein. However , there is a possibility that these may vary depending on the availability of material or labor before the opening of the Exhibition. Should you have any queries , please do not hesitate to contact us. We thank you for your support and cooperation , and we look forward to seeing you soon. The Organizer Krista Exhibitions

Buku panduan peserta ini di tujukan untuk membantu persiapan dari para peserta dalam pameran tersebut. Kami sarankan untuk mempelajari buku panduan ini dengan teliti, agar proses persiapan pameran dapat berjalan secara lancar. Setiap peserta diharapkan memiliki salinan dari setiap form dari buku panduan agar dijadikan sebagai bukti untuk klarifikasi bila ada hal-hal yang tidak sesuai permintaan para peserta. Setelah menyelesaikan form dari buku panduan, kami harapkan para peserta mengirimkan kepada kami via fax pada : + 62 21 6340140, 6342113, 63869154 sebelum batas waktu yang ditetapkan. Kami tetap mempertahankan harga sesuai dengan yang tercantum dalam form buku panduan yang ada. Namun tetap ada kemungkinan perbedaan harga tergantung pada ketersediaan material dan tenaga kerja pada saat-saat sebelum Pameran dimulai. Demikian surat pemberitahuan kami. Atas dukungan dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan Terima Kasih.

Penyelenggara pameran Krista Exhibitions

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07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

The Exhibition Venue Dates And Exhibition Hours Build - Up And Dismantling Periods Special Design Stands and Upgrading Stands (Space Only) Supporting Contractors Working Exhibits / Noise Operating of Machinery or Exhibits Dangerous Materials Power Supply And Lighting (Form 13) Air - Conditioning Exhibit Heights And Weights Stand Cleaning Distribution / Sales of Promotional Literature / Goods Shipping And Move - In of Exhibits Cancellation of Exhibition Space Payment for Space Payment Guidelines Limitation of Liability Force Majeure Visas And Travel Information Currency Listing In The Exhibition Catalogue (Form 2) Listing In The Show Preview (Form 1) Advertisement In The Exhibition Catalogue (Form 4) Important Notice To All Exhibitors

Exhibition Forms : Form 01. Listing In The Show Preview Form 02. Listing In The Exhibition Catalogue Form 03. Product & Services Index In Exhibition Catalogue Form 04. Advertisement In Exhibition Catalogue Form 05. Indoor Outdoor Advertising Form 06. JOIN Indoor Outdoor Advertising Form 07. Exhibitor Badges Form 08. V.I.P Invitation Cards Form 09. Parking Pass Form 10. Stand Fascia Inscription (For Complete Shell) Form 11. Special Design or Upgrading of Stands Form 12. Furniture Rental Form 13. Electric Supplies Rental Form 14. Audio Visual Rental Form 15. Telephone & Faxcimile Rental Form 16. Compressed Air Supply Rental Form 17. Water Connection Form 18. Hotel Reservation Form 19. Interpreter Request Furniture Display Page 3 of 40

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07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

The Exhibition


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies




Dates And Exhibition Hours


Build - Up And Dismantling Periods

Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia 7 November 2012

09:30hrs - 11:00hrs Pukul 09:30 - 11:00 11:00hrs - 19:00hrs Pukul 11:00 - 19:00 09:00hrs - 19:00hrs Pukul 09:00 - 19:00 8 - 9 November 2012 10:00hrs - 19:00hrs Pukul 10:00 - 19:00 09:00hrs - 19:00hrs Pukul 09:00 - 19:00 10 November 2012 10:00hrs - 19:00hrs Pukul 10:00 - 19:00 09:00hrs - 19:00hrs Pukul 09:00 - 19:00

Opening Ceremony Pembukaan Pameran Trade Visitors Only Khusus Pengunjung Bisnis Exhibitors Only Khusus Peserta Pameran Trade Visitors Only Khusus Pengunjung Bisnis Exhibitors Only Khusus Peserta Pameran Trade Visitor Only Khusus Pengunjung Bisnis Exhibitors Only Khusus Peserta Pameran

a) Build - up / Pembangunan stand I) Exhibitors building their own stand may start construction 10 am on 04 November 2012. Peserta yang membangun standnya sendiri diperbolehkan memulai pekerjaannya pada tanggal 04 November 2012 pukul 10 pagi. II) Exhibitors using organizers’ stand service or a package stand may start work at 10 am on 05 November 2012. Peserta yang mengunakan stand standard dapat memulai pekerjaannya pada tanggal 05 November 2012 pukul 10 pagi. III) All stands to be completed in every respect including move in materials by 8 pm on 06 November 2012. Pembangunan stand harus diselesaikan secara keseluruhan termasuk memasukan barang pada tanggal 06 November 2012 pukul 8 malam. Note that on 04 - 06 November 2012, the halls will be closed strictly at 8 pm. Please inform your contractor regarding this deadline. Perhatian : pada tanggal 04 - 06 November 2012, ruangan hall akan ditutup pada pukul 8 malam. Harap informasikan kepada kontraktor anda mengenai pemberitahuan ini.

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07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

b) Dismantling / Pembongkaran Dismantling periode 7 pm on 10 November - 8 am on 11 November 2012. All exhibits, display materials heavy and stands must be removed from the exhibition area before 8 am on 11 November 2012. Rent will be charged on late removals. Masa pembongkaran pukul 7 malam pada tanggal 10 November 2012 - pukul 8 pagi pada tanggal 11 November 2012 Seluruh barang pameran (material yang di pamerkan, mesin-mesin berat dan stand) harus dikeluarkan dari ruang pameran (hall) sebelum pukul 8 pagi pada tanggal 11 November 2012. Bagi peserta yang melewati batas waktu yang telah ditentukan dikenakan biaya tambahan.


Special Design Stands or Upgrading stands (Space Only) a.) Exhibitor with special design stands or upgrading their stands will have to ask their contractor that they appoint to fill in Form 11 (Page 30). Exhibitor yang mempunyai stand dengan desain khusus ataupun stand yang bertingkat diharuskan untuk meminta kontraktor yang ditunjuk untuk mengisi Form 11 ( Hal. 30)

b.) Please appoint stand contractor from the list of our supporting contractors on Page 06. Dimohon untuk memilih kontraktor hanya dari daftar kontraktor - kontraktor pendukung kami, terdapat pada halaman 06 c.) Special Design Contractors are liable to Inspection Fee of USD 3/m2 from the stands that they build. Kontraktor - kontraktor yang mengerjakan stand dengan design khusus, dikenakan Biaya Inspeksi sebesar USD 3/m2 dari stand yang mereka buat. NOTE : Payment for Inspection Fee should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA, DEADLINE : one month before exhibition date ( October 7th 2012 ). CATATAN : Pembayaran Biaya Inspeksi harap ditujukan ke PT.KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA. TENGGAT WAKTU : satu bulan sebelum hari pameran ( 7 Oktober 2012 ) d.) Special Design of stand has to be sent to the organizer for approval before October 7th 2012. Desain khusus stand tersebut diharuskan untuk terlebih dahulu dikirimkan ke Organizer untuk mendapatkan persetujuan , adapun tenggat waktu pengiriman desain tersebut adalah sebulan sebelum hari pameran, tanggal 7 Oktober 2012. e.) Special Design stands are to abide by the Rules and Regulations of this Exhibitors’ Manu al. Stand dengan desain khusus diwajibkan mengikuti peraturan - peraturan yang berlaku dalam Manual exhibitor f. ) You may only appoint your own stand contractors according to the list of our supporting contractors, with the exception of electrics. All supporting contractors required to guarantee that they will complete preparation on time and accept liability for any damage or garbage clearance. Other contractors which is not listed as our supporting contractors are not permitted to enter the exhibition area. Anda dapat memilih kontraktor yang akan membangun stand anda sesuai dengan yang Page 5 of 40

07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR PT. SINAR SURYAGEMILANG INDAH Address : Jl. P. Tubagus Angke Blok. VV No. 21 C Jakarta 11460 - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 5668511, Fax : +62 21 5686187 Email : Website :

SUPPORTING CONTRACTORS PT. CITYNEON PRIMA MANDIRI Address : Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran, Blok. C4 Jakarta 14410 - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 6414630 , Fax : +62 21 6414634 Email : Website :

PT. WANINDO PRIMA (INDOPRIMA) Address : Jl. Haji Aseni 88, Komp. Kopti - Semanan Jakarta 11850 - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 54376477 , Fax : +62 21 54376475 Email : Website :

PENTAWIRA Address : Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran. Kav C. 2-3 Jakarta 10620 - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 6450030 , Fax : +62 21 6450031 Email : Website :

PT. SAPTA MARGA JAYA Address : Jl. Kayu Mas Selatan V Blok G No.81 Jakarta Timur - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 47867478 , Fax : +62 21 47867609 Email : Website : -

PT. MOVINDO TATA NUSANTARA Address : Jl. Tanah Lot LC 1/16, DaanMogot Baru Jakarta 11840 - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 5445479, 5443095 , Fax : +62 21 54375032 Email :, Website : PT. CITRA PRATAMA SEWU Address : Ruko Plaza de Lumina Blok B/1 Jakarta 11850 - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 5419988 , Fax : +62 21 5452702 Email : Website : -

PT. DIMENSI EXPO PRATAMA Address : Jl. Pintu 3 Pertamina, No. 28, Plumpang Jakarta Utara - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 43925463, 43925509 , Fax : +62 21 43925463 Email : Website : CV. KREASI MITRA SARANA Address : Arena PRJ - Pasar Gambir Blok D8 Jakarta Utara - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 35978987 , Fax : +62 21 35978987 Email : Website : -

PT. TEKNIKA MADYA REA, CV Address : Jl. Malaka Raya No.114, Duren Sawit Jakarta - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 86608745, Fax : +62 2186608745 Email :

SURYA PAMERINDO Address : Jl. Bandengan Selatan, Gg. Yusuf, No. 10 Jakarta Utara - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 66698316 , Fax : +62 21 66698316 Email : Website : -

PILAR DIMENSI Address : Jl. Karet Pasar Baru Barat I No. 33, Tn. Abang Jakarta 10220 - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 57974335 , Fax : +62 21 57974335 Email : Website : -

PT. GEGET GIGIT Address : Jl. Rambutan Kav. 39 a, Pejaten Barat, Ps. Minggu Jakarta - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 7996552 , Fax : +62 21 79190876 Email : Website :

ARTMOSFER Address : Jl. Boulevard Selatan Sq. Garden Apt. A, Blok B/121 Jakarta - Indonesia Phone : +62 21 48701800 , Fax : +62 21 48701700 Email : Website : -

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07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

ada pada daftar supporting kontraktor kami, kecuali instalasi listrik. Seluruh supporting kontraktor diwajibkan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaannya tepat waktu dan bertanggungjawab terhadap kerusakan dan kebersihan. Kontraktor lain yang diluar daftar supporting kontraktor, tidak diperbolehkan untuk memasuki area pameran. g.) No exhibitor or agent may use the exhibition hall, ceiling, pipes, fixtures, floors or wall in any way (i.e. nailing. wiring or fixing of any exhibits to any existing structures is strictly prohibited). No exhibitor or his contractor may use any wall belonging to any other stand. Peserta, agen maupun kontraktor dilarang menggunakan fasilitas hall (dinding, pipa, peralatan hall, lantai dengan cara apapun (seperti memaku, mengebor, atau lainnya). Peserta atau kontraktornya dilarang menggunakan dinding stand milik peserta lain. h.) No stand, exhibit, floorcovering or lighting shall extend beyond the exact dimensions specified in the exhibitors’ space contract. e.g. fascia boards may not project into the aisle, nor can furniture or plants be placed in the aisles.It is not permitted to bridge gangways in any way with standfitting, nor to place exhibits or floorcoverings in the aisles. the exhibitors must lay floor covering over the whole area of the stand, taped down on all edges. Ukuran stand, barang-barang pameran, karpet atau pencahayaan tidak diperbolehkan melewati ukuran yang telah ditetapkan dalam kontrak aplikasi. Sebagai contoh, papan fascia tidak diperbolehkan diletakkan pada koridor, begitu juga furniture, tanaman, barang-barang pameran dan karpet. Dilarang membuat jembatan penghubung dengan memakai rangka atau cara apapun juga, diluar area stand. Peserta harus menutupi seluruh area stand mereka dengan karpet dan memastikan bagian tepi penutup lantai terpasang rapi dengan plester. i.) All exhibitors, contractors or agents are responsible for the dismantling and removal, by stated deadlines, of any stands he has constructed. Setiap peserta, kontraktor atau agen bertanggung-jawab atas pembongkaran dan pemindahan barang masing-masing stand setelah pameran berakhir, sesuai dengan jadwal yang ditentukan. j.) All exhibitors with special stand design or who will upgrade stands, please be aware that their appointed contractor must tidy up the back wall of stands with white paint / coverings. The company logo is permitted to be place only on one side in stand area, unless the company logo is located in the center area of the exhibitor’s booth. Peserta yang membangun standnya sendiri, atau yang akan mengupgrade standnya, kotraktornya diharuskan untuk merapikan dengan menutup dengan mengecat putih dinding belakang standnya. Untuk pemasangan atau penempatan logo perusahaan hanya diperbolehkan di satu sisi, kecuali pemasangan logo diletakan di tengah-tengah area stand. k.) Exhibitors building their own stand must submit a drawing of their stand design with dimensions to the show organizers for their approval.This drawing should be attached to form complete with the name of the stand contractors. Maximum height of stand structures inside the halls is 4.5m. It is not permitted to exceed 4.5m without the organiser’s written permission. All stands must have one third of the frontage on each side open, or fitted with transparant material. Peserta yang membangun standnya sendiri wajib untuk menyerahkan gambar desain stand dan ukurannya kepada penyelenggara untuk mendapat persetujuan. Gambar tersebut diharuskan menampilkan nama kontraktor yang di pilih.Tinggi sebuah stand maksimal 4,5 m. Tidak di perbolehkan melampaui ukuran yang telah ditetapkan tanpa izin tertulis dari Page 7 of 40

07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

penyelenggara. l.) Double-decker stands of more than one storey high. Detailed plans must be submitted to the organizer in advance for approval. Upper storeys may not exceed a total of 6m in high and occupy no more than 30% of the ground floor area. Upper storey space will be charged at 50% of the “raw space� price. Double-decker stands a minimum floor size or space for more one storey must be 36 sqm. Stand bertingkat satu atau lebih dari satu tingkat maka akan dikenakan biaya 50% dari biaya normal, sebelumnya wajib menyerahkan gambar desain stand dan ukuran nya kepada penyelenggara untuk mendapatkan persetujuan. Tingkat atas tingginya tidak diperbolehkan melebihi 6m dan hanya diperkenankan menempati 30% dari area stand. . Stand bertingkat atau lebih dari satu tingkat harus memiliki luas area sebesar 36 sqm. m.) Contractors not abiding by the Rules and Regulation set in this Exhibitors’ Manual book will strictly not be allowed entry into the exhibition hall. Kontraktor - kontraktor yang tidak mematuhi peraturan dan ketentuan yang terdapat pada Buku manual exhibitor akan dikenakan sanksi yaitu tidak diperbolehkan untuk memasuki tempat pameran.


Working Exhibits / Noise


Operating of Machinery or Exhibits

The organizer reserves the right to determine the acceptable sound level and extent of demonstrations of working exhibits in the event of complaints from other exhibitors. The organizer reserves the right to terminate any working exhibit deemed to be dangerous or unsuitable for any reason. Penyelenggara memiliki hak untuk menentukan level suara yang dapat diterima dan batas demonstrasi pengaktifan mesin / material / barang pameran bila ada peserta lain yang memberi keluhan. Penyelenggara memiliki hak untuk mengakhiri cara kerja mesin / material / barang pameran bila dipertimbangkan ada faktor bahaya yang akan ditimbulkan atau ada yang tidak sesuai tanpa alasan apapun.

Pengoperasian mesin / material / barang pameran. a) Moving machinery must be fitted with safety devices and these safety devices may only be removed when the machines are not in operation and not connected to the source of power. Pada waktu memindahkan mesin harus mengunakan alat yang aman dan hanya boleh dipindahkan saat mesin tidak beroperasi dan tidak terhubung dengan sumber listrik. b) No motors, engines, contrivance or power-driven machinery may be used without adequate protection against fire risk. Dilarang menggunakan mesin / material / barang pameran yang tidak terlindung dari bahaya kebakaran. c) No moving machinery may be operated within 0.5m of the gangway. Tidak diperbolehkan mengoperasikan / menempatkan mesin, keluar dari batas stand. d) Any fumes or exhaust deemed by the organizer to be excessive must be extracted or deducted away from other exhibitors and visitors. Debu atau bau gosong berlebih yang mengganggu harus dibersihkan dan dikeluarkan dari ruangan agar tidak mengganggu peserta lain dan pengunjung.

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07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies


Dangerous Materials


Power Supply And Lighting (form 13)


No naked lights and lamps or temporary gas or electrical fittings may be used in the exhibitions building without the prior permission of the organizer. Use of spray paint equipment within the halls is forbidden. Tidak diperbolehkan ada lampu tanpa wadah, gas atau pemasangan listrik yang membahayakan dalam gedung pameran tanpa izin sebelumnya dari penyelenggara. Dilarang menggunakan peralatan cat semprot dalam hall.

220 volts single phase, 50 cycles; 380 volts three phase, 50 cycles. All electrical work must be carried out by official contractor. Because of the occasional power fluctuations sensitive equipment needs a voltage regulator. Exhibitors requiring electrical power for stand building purposes are requested to submit form 13 before 05 October 2012. Power supply orders made on site (from 04 November 2012 onwards) will be charged 50% extra, supply will be given the night before the opening of the exhibition (06 November 2012). Daya listrik yang tersedia bertegangan 220 volt satu phase dan 380 volt tiga phase. Seluruh pemasangan listrik harus dikerjakan oleh official kontraktor karena kekuatan fluktuasi peralatan yang sensitive memerlukan pengatur tegangan volt. Peserta yang memerlukan fasilitas listrik harus memesannya dengan menyerahkan form13 sebelum 05 Oktober 2012. Jika peserta memerlukan fasilitas listrik untuk tujuan pembangunan stand harap memberitahukan penyelenggara. Pemesanan fasilitas listrik yang dilakukan saat pembangunan stand (mulai 04 November 2012) akan dikenakan tambahan 50% dari harga normal dan dikerjakannya pada malam hari sebelum acara pameran (06 November 2012).


Air conditioning will operate in the hall during the open period of the show only. No air conditioning will be provided during preparation or dismantling periods. AC diaktifkan hanya pada saat pameran berlangsung. Selama masa pembangunan dan pembongkaran ac tidak diaktifkan.

10 Exhibit Heights And Weights

Exhibitors should notify the organizer of any item of machinery over 3 metres high, or exceeding one tonne in weight. Peserta harus terlebih dahulu memberitahu penyelenggara jika tinggi mesin melebihi 3m atau beratnya melampaui 1 ton. Exhibits on stand service or package stands may not exceed the fascia height of 2.5 m without the written permission of the organizer. Bagi peserta yang memilih stand standard atau stand paket tidak diperbolehkan memamerkan barang melebihi tinggi fascia (2,5 m) tanpa izin tertulis dari penyelenggara.

11 Stand Cleaning

The organizer will be responsible for cleaning the stand carpets and gangways each day of the exhibition, free of charge. Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning their own exhibits and furniture. Page 9 of 40

07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

Penyelenggara bertanggung-jawab atas kebersihan karpet stand dan koridor selama pameran berlangsung dan tidak dikenakan biaya. Peserta bertanggung-jawab atas kebersihan masingmasing barang yang dipamerkan dan furniture.

12 Distribution/ Sales Of Promotional Literature/ Goods

Promotional literature may not be distributed or fixed to walls outside their exhibition stand area. Promotional product may not be distributed or sold outside their exhibition stand area . The organizer has full authority to suspend such activity and if the exhibitors will be given a penalty. Peserta tidak diperbolehkan membagi atau menempelkan barang-barang promosi / selebaran maupun menjual barang-barang promosi diluar area stand. Panitia berhak menyita dan akan menjadi milik penyelenggara dan jika peserta didapati membagi atau menempelkan barangbarang promosi / selebaran maupun menjual barang-barang promosi diluar area stand akan dikenakan sanksi.

13 Shipping And Move-in Of Exhibits

One approved freight forwarding contractor have been appointed as handling and clearing agents for this exhibition in Indonesia. Full documentation, details of procedures, scheduling of dates and cost estimates will be sent exhibitors by this companies on request: Penyelenggara telah menentukan jasa pengiriman (forwarder) untuk menjelaskan perincian prosedur pengangkutan barang dan penanganannya dalam pameran ini. Kelengkapan dokumen, langkah-langkah prosedur, jadwal dan perhitungan biaya akan dikirmkan kepada peserta oleh perusahaan yang ada dibawah ini :

Official Freight Forwarder : V P N , PT Free Trade Logistics, PT Duta Garden Square Blok. A.9 Jl. Husein Sastranegara - Tangerang 15124 Tel. +62 21 70767332, 54370666 Fax.+62 21 55910793, 54370566 email. Contact : Mr. Andy Mulyadi

Official Freight Forwarder : AGILITY FAIRS & EVENTS, INDONESIA Gambir Expo, Blok D No. 1-3, Lt.2 Arena Pekan Raya Jakarta, Kemayoran Jl. Benyamin Sueb, Jakarta 10620, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 2664 5170, 5172,5173,5174 Fax.+62 21 2664 5171 email. Contact : Mr. Richard Lim

Official Freight Forwarder : H - XPO MANDIRI INTERNATIONAL, PT Komplek Griya Kemayoran Unit FC - 06 Jl. Industri Raya No. 9 - 11, Gunung Sahari, Jakarta Pusat - 10720, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 625 1021, 625 1024 Fax.+62 21 625 1028 email. Contact : Mrs. Lita Ismiyani

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07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

The documents must be returned to the shipping contractor specifying : “ALLPRINT INDONESIA 2012� - with notification of exhibitors name, hall and stand number, as the consignee. Dokumen diatas harus dikembalikan kepada forwarder dengan keterangan : Penerima : ALLPRINT INDONESIA 2012 Tempat : Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Jakarta Nama peserta : Hall no. stand :

14 Cancellation Of Exhibition Space

In the event of the organizers agreeing to any request for release from the contact, the exhibitor will be liable for all, or part, of the cost stated in the contract in accordance with the following scale : Pada waktu penyelenggara menyetujui pembatalan, peserta bertanggung-jawab atas seluruh biaya yang tertera disesuaikan dengan skala berikut ini Cancellation period Liability of Exhibitor Cancellation 271 days or more before the show 15 % of total stand cost Pembatalan 271 hari atau lebih dari 271 hari sebelum acara 15% dari harga stand Cancellation between 270 and 181 days before the show 40 % of total stand cost Pembatalan antara 270 - 181 hari sebelum acara 40% dari harga stand Cancellation between 180 and 121 days before the show 60 % of total stand cost Pembatalan antara 180 - 121 hari sebelum acara 60% dari harga stand Cancellation between 120 and 61 days before the show 80 % of total stand cost Pembatalan antara 120 - 61 hari sebelum acara 80% dari harga stand Cancellation 60 days or less before the show 100% of total stand cost Pembatalan 60 hari /kurang dari 60 hari sebelum acara 100% dari harga stand The scale of charges will apply only from the date the organizer receive written notice. In additionto this scale, the exhibitor will be liable for any specific costs incurred on his behalf by the organizers.These terms cannot be varied under any circumstances. Skala pembayaran ini dihitung dari tanggal penyelenggara menerima kontrak keikutsertaan peserta pameran. Sebagai tambahan pada skala ini, peserta bertanggung-jawab untuk setiap spesifikasi biaya tambahan jika ada sesuatu yang terjadi. Kondisi ini tidak dapat diubah oleh kadaaan apapun.

15 Payment For Space

The payment schedule for space only, stand service or package stands is as follows : Jadwal pembayaran untuk space yang dipilih, adalah sebagai berikut : a) 30% as down payment upon confirmation of participation. 30% sebagai uang muka. b) Balance by dates specified on the contract. Sisa pembayaran disesuaikan dengan tanggal yang telah ditentukan pada kontrak. Where the application is made after the balance date specified on the contract, the total cost shall be payable with return of the contract. Jika uang muka dibayarkan setelah tanggal yang telah ditentukan, maka seluruh biayanya di bayarkan sekaligus. Page 11 of 40

07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

The total cost represents only the payment for the site, details of which are set out on the space contract and all other goods and services required by the exhibitor shall be paid for by the exhibitor in addition thereto. Total biaya hanya ditujukan untuk pembayaran tempat. Barang-barang sewaan dan servis diluar kontrak akan dikenakan biaya tambahan. Exhibitors will not be allowed to occupy their space or stands if the payment terms specified on the contract are not followed. These terms cannot be varied under any circumstances. Peserta tidak diperbolehkan menempati tempat mereka bila jangka waktu pembayaran yang telah dispesifikasikan pada kontrak tidak diikuti / jika belum dilunasi. Jangka waktu ini tidak dapat diubah oleh alasan apapun. Interest at the rate of 2% per month will be charged on any amount outstanding for a period exceeding 14 days after the due dates for payment until payment is made. Bunga rata-rata 2% perbulan dari total secara keseluruhan akan dikenakan pada peserta apabila pembayaran terlambat dilakukan setelah 14 hari dari batas waktunya.

16 Payment Guidelines

a) Please pay for exhibition space, telephones, catalogue advertising, billboards and seminars by cheque, bank draft or transfer made payable to “PT. Kristamedia Pratama”. Pembayaran tempat pameran, telepon, iklan katalog, papan reklame, seminar dan yang lainnya dapat dilakukan dengan cek. Seluruh pembayaran dari dalam maupun luar negeri atau transfer, mohon ditujukan kepada “PT. Kristamedia Pratama”. b) Order forms are equivelant to pro-forma invoice. Official invoice/receipt will be given once payment has been received b y the organizer. Formulir pemesanan dianggap sebagai tagihan sementara. Peserta akan menerima faktur asli dan satu kopian bukti pemesanan setelahpembayaran diterima.

c) Please be sure to check that you have paid in full for extra items before the show. Stocks of some items are limited. extra items ordered during the show build up period will be subject to 25% surcharge and must be paid in advance. Pembayaran pemesanan tambahan yang dilakukan sebelum acara dimulai harus diselesaikan sebelum acara. Stok dari beberapa item jumlahnya terbatas. Pemesanan tambahan yang dilakukan selama masa pembangunan akan dikenakan biaya tambahan 25% untuk furniture dan 50% untuk listrik, air, kompresor udara dan telepon yang harus dibayar dimuka.

17 Limitation Of Liability

exhibition. The organizer is Not liable for the exhibits, articles or other property whatsoever that are brought into the exhibition area by exhibitors, agents, contractors, guests or members of the public. The organizer will not be held responsible for any restrictions or conditions which prevent the construction, erection, completion, alteration or dismantling of stands or the entry, siting or removal of exhibits, or for failure of any services or amenities provided by the hall landlords or Page 12 of 40

07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

order third parties. Pada saat pameran berlangsung, penyelenggara dan panitia tidak bertanggung-jawab atas keamanan peserta, agen mereka, kontraktor dan undangan yang datang mengunjungi. Penyelenggara juga tidak bertanggung-jawab atas barang-barang pameran, artikel atau harta benda lain apapun bentuknya yang dibawa pada saat pameran berlangsung.

18 Force Majeure

The organizer is Not liable to the exhibitor by reason for any cancellation or part-time opening of the exhibition, either as whole or in part, or for any non-performance of their obligations under this contract or for any amendments or alterations to all or any the rules and regulations of the exhibition in each case to the extent that such occurrence is due to any circumstances not within their control. Penyelenggara tidak bertanggung-jawab terhadap peserta yang ingin membatalkan keikutsertaannya jika terjadi bencana alam atau sesuatu hal diluar kendali.

19 Visas And Travel Information

a) Immigration / Imigrasi I. Visitors are required to possess passports valid for 6 months beyond travel dates. Peserta wajib memiliki paspor yang berlaku selama 6 bulan melebihi tanggal berkunjung. II. Despite the recent relaxation of visa requirements for tourists, exhibitors are recommended to possess a valid business visa which can be applied for at an Indonesia embassy or through a consular representative. Peserta dianjurkan untuk memiliki visa bisnis yang berlaku yang dapat diajukan di kedutaan Indonesia atau perwakilannya. III. The organizer do not accept any responsibility for obtaining visas for exhibitors to travel to Indonesia. Penyelenggara tidak bertanggung-jawab untuk mendapatkan visa peserta yang ingin melakukan perjalanan ke Indonesia. IV. Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining their own visas in good time in advance of the show date. Any exhibitor cancelling participation in the exhibition due to failure to obtain visa be liable to cancellation charges as outlined in item 13 of the rules & regulations. Peserta bertanggung-jawab untuk mendapatkan visanya tepat waktu sebelum acara berlangsung. Peserta yang membatalkan tempat karena tidak mendapatkan visa harus bertanggung jawab untuk membayar biaya pembatalannya yang telah dijelaskan pada peraturan nomor 13. b) Health regulations / Peraturan tentang kesehatan There are currently no official health certificates required for Indonesia but any exhibitors intending to travel widely in Indonesia may wish to check with their health advisor. Tidak ada peraturan yang mengharuskan peserta dari luar negeri membawa sertifikat kesehatan ke Indonesia tetapi diharapkan peserta tersebut terlebih dahulu memeriksa kesehatan dengan penasehat kesehatan mereka. Page 13 of 40

07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

20 Currency

a) The US dollar is the official currency for all exhibition billing. Dolar Amerika adalah mata uang yang akan digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran untuk setiap transaksi pameran. b) Foreign currencies may be changed at hotels and banks. Mata uang asing harap ditukarkan terlebih dahulu. mata uang asing dapat ditukarkan di hotel dan bank.

21 Listing In The Exhibition Catalogue (form 2)

Exhibitors’ company profile will be placed in the exhibition catalogue. Please fill in form 2 completely and fax back to +62 21 6340140, 6342113, 63869154 or email to info@kristamedia. com. Any entries received after the deadline will be placed in the addendum page. Please note that deadline 05 October 2012. Peserta mendapatkan fasilitas pencantuman profil perusahaan dalam katalog pameran. Harap mengetik formulir dan di fax ke +62 21 6340140, 6342113, 63869154 atau email ke info@ sampai batas waktu yang ditentukan peserta tidak memberikan profil perusahaannya, maka profilenya akan dicantumkan pada halaman addendum. Batas waktu pengumpulan profil perusahaan dalam katalog pameran tanggal 05 Oktober 2011.

22 Listing In The Show Preview (form 1)

Exhibitors are given on entry in the show preview which will be distributed before or during the exhibition date. Please provide your company logo and product photo for this purpose. Please note that deadline is 05 October 2012. Peserta mendapatkan fasilitas pencantuman logo perusahaan dan foto produk kedalam show preview tanpa biaya tambahan dan akan di distribusikan sebelum atau pada acara pameran. Batas waktu pengumpulan logo perusahaan dan foto produk tanggal 05 Oktober 2012.

23 Advertisement In The Exhibition Catalogue (form 4)

Exhibitors who are interested in placing an advertisement in the exhibition catalogue is required to send in their materials before 05 October 2012. Please fill in form 4 and fax back to+62 21 6340140, 6342113, 63869154 or email to Peserta yang berminat untuk memasang iklan di katalog pameran dapat memberikan materi iklan sebelum 05 Oktober 2012. Harap mengisi formulir no.4 dan fax kembali ke+62 21 6340140, 6342113, 63869154 atau email ke

24 Important Notice To All Exhibitors

Please treat all order forms as a Proforma Invoice. Where payment is required, such order forms will serve legally as Proforma Invoice . Please send order forms before the stated deadline to the stated fax or email address. Formulir pemesanan berlaku sebagai tanda bukti pemesanan / tagihan sementara. Penyelenggara akan mengeluarkan faktur sesuai dengan formulir pemesanan tersebut. Kirimkan formulir pemesanan tersebut ke Nomor fax atau alamat email yang tercantum sebelum batas waktu yang ditentukan.

Page 14 of 40

07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

Power supply, compressed air, water connections orders made on site will be charged 50% extra, supply will be given the night before the opening of the exhibition (6 November 2012). Pemesanan listrik, kompresor udara, penyambungan air yang dilakukan pada saat persiapan pembangunan stand akan dikenakan tambahan 50% dari harga normal dan dikerjakan pada malam hari sebelum acara pembukaan (6 November 2012) The organizer will perform the maximum required for the overall security activities during the exhibition period . However, organizer will Not be held responsible for the lost or damages of exhibitorsĂ­ or visitorsĂ­ personal belongings during exhibition period. Penyelenggara akan melaksanakan kegiatan keamanan dengan maximal selama pameran ber langsung. Namun, mohon diperhatikan bahwa pihak penyelenggara tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan atau kerusakan yang terjadi pada peserta atau pengunjung saat pameran berlangsung. If you require any further assistance with the completion of this manual, please feel free to Krista Exhibitions. Bila anda memerlukan bantuan untuk melengkapi buku manual, silahkan menghubungi pihak Krista Exhibition untuk bantuannya.

PT. Kristamedia Pratama Krista Exhibitions Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 - Indonesia Tel. +62 21 6345861, 6345862, 6345002, 6334581 Fax. +62 21 6340140, 6342113, 63869154

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07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

LISTING IN THE SHOW PREVIEW Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)


Note: Please send your Photo product and your company logo by E-mail or CD (JPEG Format). Before 05 October 2012


o ot




05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220









u od


P of


g Lo


+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002



+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154 Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com After Deadline : * Company Data (Form 1, 2, 3) Will Be Placed In The Addendum * No More Entries One (1) Week Before The Exhibition

Page 16 of 40


seminar@kristamedia. com


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies




Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)


The information required below will form part of your entry in the exhibition catalogue This entry is FREE of charge. Please Fill in appropriately, as it will appear in the exhibition catalog




05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO

Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ HEAD OFFICE Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Country: ____________________________________Postal Code: ___________________________________ Telephone 1:________________________________ Telephone 2: ____________________________________ Fax 1:_______________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________ PIC:______________________________________________________________________________________ Position: ____________________________________Website:______________________________________ Line of Business (Maximal 80 words):__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ BRANCH OFFICE / AGENT / PRINCIPAL Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Country: ____________________________________Postal Code: ___________________________________ Telephone 1:________________________________ Telephone 2: ____________________________________ Fax 1:_______________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________ PIC:______________________________________________________________________________________ Position: ____________________________________Website:______________________________________ You can provide data of more Branch office / Agent / Principal details on another piece of paper. Thank you

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KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154 Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com


seminar@kristamedia. com


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

Product & Service

ndex in



Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)


This Product / Services Index will be used for Exhibition Catalog purposes How to fill this Product / Services Index 1. Please check the list provided in this book 2. Identity your company’s Product / Services 3. Fill in the form below 4. Fax back to us at + 62 21 6340140, 6342113, 63869154 No.

Product / Services
























05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154 Website :

Attention to


)________________________________________________________________ customercare@kristamedia. com Others__________________________________________________________________ (


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seminar@kristamedia. com


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

Product & Service P 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77.

ndex in

d d Cameras Waste disposal system Bending devices for printing plates Extraction plant for gases Playing platforms and presentation systems Waste water treatment Filling equipment Etching equipment for gravure Etch depth measuring devices Washing out units for letterpress Exposure meters Exposure control devices Coating machines for printing plates Production data processing Image and word processing systems Image processing software Image viewing devices Cad system Cd - technologies Colour management systems Computer to film systems Computer to plate systems Computer to press systems Database publishing Data archiving Databank services Computer to screen systems Database systems Densitometers Desktop publishing systems (dtp) Printing control stirps and test bars Darkroom equipment Burning in cabinets Printing plate processors Film processors Colour matching systems Colour extract and enlargement systems Colour management and test apparatus Film processing equipment Film exposers Filters (for filtrate liquid or gaseous substances) Electroplating facilities Design and make up systems Engraving machines for gravure printing Plate production Engraving machines for embossing plates Holographic systems Cameras, digital Conditioning equipment Printing down equipment for lettepress and Flexo platemaking Printing down equipment for offset platemaking Printing down equipment for Photographic films and papers Printing down equipment for Screen printing stencils Printing down equipment for Gravure printing formes Blankets for printing down units Laser technology for forme making Layout auxiliary equipment Illuminated and make-up tables Light integrators Light sources for reproduction Measuring and testing equipment Mounting and registering systems For printing formes Paste•up printing•down units Mounting systems for reproduction Optical equipment for reproduction Plate exposers Plotters Embossing formes and dies Programming units for reproduction Proof systems Raster image processors rip’s Editing systems , control systems Register systems Step and repeat machines (Photocomposing machines) Retouching systems Recovery plants for liquids and gases Scanners

78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.



Fonts Page make•up and layout systems Text recording machines Drying unit and cabinets Enlargers for reproduction Video systems Work flow systems Cylinder grinding machines

P g 86. Waste disposal systems 87. Exhaust air filtration plant 88. Extraction plant for solids and liquids 89. Extraction plant for gases 90. Waste water treatment plant 91. Addressing equipment for printed products 92. Waste paper disposal plant 93. Web viewers , web guides 94. Banding machines 95. Supplement inserting machines 96. Powdering devices 97. Production data procession 98. Ticket printing machines 99. Tin printing machines 100. Braille printing technology 101. Layboys 102. Sheet feeders 103. Sheet delivery units 104. Sheet decurlers 105. Sheet piling devices 106. Postage stamp printing presses 107. Envelope printing presses 108. Computer to press systems 109. Densitometers 110. Digital printing presses 111. Digital large format printing systems 112. Digital colour printing systems 113. Printing and die-cutting machines,Automated (combines) 114. Printing and embossing presses, combined 115. Print control strips and measurement bars 116. Printing presses for non-flat objects 117. Print blanket tension devices 118. Imprinting units 119. Continuous stationery glueing apparatus 120. Continuous stationery printing presses 121. Continuous stationery converting machines 122. Static eliminators 123. Dust removing equipment for printing presses 124. Label printing machines 125. Folders for web•fed presses 126. Ink milling and mixing machines 127. Colour measuring and testing equipment 128. Ink formulating systems 129. Ink agitators for printing machines 130. Color care system 131. Ink pre-setting systems , ink rollers 132. Cooling equipment for ink units 133. Ink feed and ink level control devices for ink units 134. Damping rollers 135. Damping fluid management systems 136. Damping units 137. Filters (for liquids and gases) 138. Flexographic proof presses

Page 19 of 40



Please fill in FORM 3 according to your line of business with the number in the bracket THANK YOU Mohon mengisi Form 3 sesuai bidang usaha dengan nomor yang tersedia Terima Kasih


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

Product & Service 139. Flexographic machines for package printing 140. Flexographic printing presses for newspaper 141. Flexographic printing presses 142. Flexographic rollers 143. Foil printing presses 144. Foil stamping machines 145. Conveyor systems (not floor conveyors) 146. Stationery imprinting machines 147. Blanket washing equipment 148. Letterpress sheet-fed presses 149. Letterpress web-fed presses 150. Letterpress platens 151. Holographic systems 152. Elevating platforms 153. Card manufacturing systems 154. Adhesive applicators 155. Conditioning equipment 156. Control devices 157. Compensating stacker 158. Laboratory printing presses 159. Varnishing rollers 160. Press control desk technology 161. Hole punches 162. Ventilation systems 163. Mailer machines 164. Measuring and testing equipments 165. Water marking machines 166. Numbering equipment for stationary, Security printing 167. Numbering units and machines 168. Offset proofing machines 169. Offset presses, sheet-fed 170. Offset presses, web-fed 171. Paging machines and equipment 172. Palletising equipment 173. Paper web moistening equipment 174. Moisture content measuring equipment for paper 175. Paper testing devices 176. Perforating machines 177. Perforating instruments and equipment 178. Embossed foil printing presses 179. Embossing machinery 180. Impression cylinders, gravure and flexo printing 181. Sheetcutter installed in printing presses 182. Doctor-blade grinding machines 183. Anilox rollers for flexographic printing 184. Control systems 185. Register control systems 186. Register systems 187. Cleaning machines for printing Formes and machine parts 188. Relief imitation printing presses 189. Reel splicers , reel reverses 190. Reeling machines for film web Winding up and unwinding 191. Rotary perforating units 192. Recovery plants for liquids and gases 193. Heat recovery equipment 194. Jogging tables 195. Noise reduction equipment 196. Cutting, punching and scoring rules 197. Shrink film packaging equipment 198. Screen printing devices and aids 199. Screen printing machines (sheet fed) 200. Screen printing machines (web-fed) 201. Frame for silk-screen printing 202. Screen washing equipment 203. Expanding shafts and couplings 204. Die stamping machines 205. Stacking and piling equipment 206. Pile turners 207. Strip wrapper banding machines 208. Tampon printing machines 209. Gravure proofing presses 210. Gravure presses, sheet-fed 211. Rotogravure presses, web-fed 212. Gravure cylinders 213. Dryers for printed products 214. Trying machines 215. Mailroom equipment for printed products 216. Viscosity control devices 217. Roller finishing machines 218. Roller washing machines 219. Non-stop rewinders 220. Security printing machines

ndex in



221. Winding shafts 222. Work flow systems 223. Counting equipment 224. Zigzag folders 225. Cylinder correction equipment for gravure printing 226. Cylinder racks P 227. Waste disposal systems 228. Exhaust air purification units 229. Packing machines 230. Extraction plant for solid and liquids 231. Extraction plant for gases 232. Addressing equipment for printed products 233. Waste paper disposal plant 234. Bonding machines , banding machines 235. Steel rule die-making machines 236. Loading and unloading devices for Guillotines and guillotines systems 237. Supplement insertion machines 238. Production data processing 239. Block-making machines, block stacker 240. Sheet gluing machines 241. Sheet feeders 242. Sheet delivery units 243. Sheet piling devices 244. Book embossing presses 245. Book block feeder 246. Book block nipping and smashing press 247. Book casemaking machines 248. Book jacketing machines 249. Book manufacturing lines 250. Book forming and pressing machines 251. Book back rounding and pressing machines 252. Book back gluing and back lining machines 253. Bundling machines 254. Bundle presses 255. Wire and plastic binding machines 256. Wire stitchers 257. Three-knife trimmers 258. Corner rounding machines 259. Back stripping machines 260. Cashing-in machines 261. Continuous stationery 262. Destackers 263. Label manufacturing machines 264. Labelling machines for printed products 265. Sewing machines 266. Fold burning-in machines 267. Folding and plasting units 268. Folding machines 269. Nipping press 270. Filters (for liquids and gases) 271. Foil sealing machines 272. Conveyor systems (not floor conveyors) 273. Collating machines for printed forms 274. Gilt edge machines 275. Stitcher-folder-trimmer 276. Elevating platforms 277. Calendar block making machines 278. Headbanding and backlining machines 279. Card manufacturing systems



Please fill in FORM 3 according to your line of business with the number in the bracket THANK YOU Mohon mengisi Form 3 sesuai bidang usaha dengan nomor yang tersedia Terima Kasih

Page 20 of 40


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

Product & Service

ndex in

280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334.

Laminating machines , stitching machines Perfect binding machines Glueing machines Adhesive applicating machines and devices Bookbinding Glue feeding systems Conditioning equipments Compensating stacker Varnishing machines, lacquering machines Straight knives Press control desk technology Bookmark ribbon machines Ruling machines Hole punching and eyeleting machines Hole punches Ventilation systems Mailer machines Measuring and testing equipment Metal corners Rivetting machines Numbering units and machines Cloth cutter Paging machines and equipment Palletising equipment Paper drilling machines Moisture content measuring equipment for paper Cardboard cutters Perforating machines Perforating instruments and equipment Embossing formes and dies Control systems Index tabs cutting and printing machines Jogging tables Gathering and stitching machines Noise reduction equipment Cheque•book making machines Cutting, punching and scoring rules Guillotines and guillotine systems Jacketing machines Expanding shafts and couplings Inside lining machines Pile stackers Die-cutting formes for bookbinding & print finishing Stacking and piling equipment Pile turners Strip wrapper banding machines Splitting saw Drying plants Trying machines Mailroom equipment for printed products Endpapering machines Work flow systems Counting equipments Zigzag folders Gathering and collating machines

P 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360.

v g Package production Waste disposal systems Packing machinery Tally-roll manufacturing machines Arm stitchers Collapsable box gluer Stripping equipment Autopasters/splicer Band saws Steel rule die-making machines Web guides Cup making machines Flocking machines and plants Cardboard lining machines, Box covering machines Coating machines and devices Production data procession Bag making machines Bending machines Beermat making machines Letter-file-making machines Expanding files making machines Compact-disc sleeve making machines Sanitory towel making machines] Cover making machines Diagram multiplex reel•making machines Can manufacturing machinery from paper,Card, cardboard

361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423.



Automatic printing, folding and closing machines Printer-slotters Duplicate book making machines Ice cream cone wrapping machinery Static eliminators Label making machines Thread knotting machines for tags Folding and glueing machines Folding box making machines Folding box wrapping machines Folding box printing and stamping machines Folding box glueing machines Folding carton prefeeder Fibrous material moulding machine Carton windowing machines Moisturised wipe making machine Flame welders for watertight packaging Conveyor systems (not floor conveyors) Folding box lining machines Face towel making machines Gumming apparatus and machines Piston operated stamping machines Tube slicing and dividing machines Tube winding machines Impregnating machines Edgeboard protector manufacturing lines Edge glueing machines Lining machines, laminating machines Till roll making machines Adhesive applicating machines and devices Composite can manufacturing machines Conditioning equipment Circular knife Circular shears Envelope feeder Straight knife Slitting and cross cutting machines Ventilation systems Knife grinding machines Plant for metallizing Palletising equipment Paper towel making machines Paper serviette making machines Paper handkerchief making machines Fibre drum manufacturing lines Cardboard plate making machines Paraffining machines, Waxing machines and plants Embossing machinery Embossing and punching machinery Embossed foil printing machines Cross cutting machines Control systems Creasing and scoring machines Combination creasing, scoring, Slitting and cross cutting machines Reel slitting and rewinding machines Reeling machines for film Web winding up and unwinding Rotary cross cutting machines Rotary cutters Rotary die cutting machines Sack making machines Box making machines, carton making machines Box lining and converting machines Slotting machines

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Please fill in FORM 3 according to your line of business with the number in the bracket THANK YOU Mohon mengisi Form 3 sesuai bidang usaha dengan nomor yang tersedia Terima Kasih


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

Product & Service 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452.

Cutting, punching and scoring rules Lever-file making machine Cutting machines Stationery production machines Seal making machines Expanding shafts and couplings Expanding shafts insertion and withdrawal devices Punching forms Die-cutting machines Embossing plate Stacking devices for folding carton blanks Stacking and piling equipment Pile turners Helical slitting machines Wallpaper making machines Deep drawing machines for paperboard Toilet paper-making machines Carrier bag handle glueing machines Carrier bag making machines Tray making machines Shipping bag making machines Corrugated board making machines Corrugated board converting machines Non•stop rewinders Winding shafts Nappy making machines Work flow systems Counting equipment Cotton wool cutting machines

M 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503.

l / u l Packing materials Baryta paper Powdering materials Sheet printing papers, two-side machine coated Book cover materials Accounts book papers and card index board Chemicals for pre-press production phases Chromo duplex board Chromo board Chromo triplex board Decorative papers, document papers Wire and plastic bindings Printing inks Printing formes for flexographic printing Printing formes for letterpress Printing formes for offset printing Screen printing formes Printing formes for gravure printing Printing aids Printer’s varnishes Printing blankets India and bible papers (thin stock) Letter copying papers Vegetable parchment Backlining papers, one-time carbon paper Electronic papers Continuous stationery papers Label and wrapping papers Inks for graphic design and retouching Fine papers and board Damping water additives Format printing papers, uncoated Photographic materials for reproduction Gilt edge material Gummed papers Blanket washing and rejuvenating solutions Cast-coated papers, cast-coated boards Stitching wires and clamps Cartridge boxes Identification systems Super-calendered papers Impregnated papers Ink-jet papers Index board Laminated foils Adhesive tapes and foils Adhesives and glues Copy papers Circular knives Art paper and board Plastic film

ndex in 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545.



Map papers Straight knives Laser printing papers Layout materials Fluorescent inks Dyeline copying paper Machine tapes Matrix boards Metal film Metallized paper, metallic papers Metallic powder and paste pigments Mounting foils Rivets, eyelets Nacreous lustre pigments Pigment papers, poster paper Postcard board Hot-stamping foils Embossing formes and dies Printing doctor blades Relief imitation materials Papers for web printing, uncoated Papers for web printing machines coated On both sides Cutting sticks Carbonless copy papers Self-adhesive materials for printing Security papers Screen printing chemicals and material for Stencil making Screen printing inks Screen print fabrics Screen printing aids Sleeves Typewriting papers Special papers , synthetic papers Thermosensitive papers Toner Papers for fly leafs Roller coverings Roller washing and treating solutions Corrugated board unprocessed papers Book printing papers Newsprint papers Pulp board

S v 546. Training and further education 547. Consulting 548. Data processing service 549. Trade directories 550. Trade and technical literature 551. Technical dictionaries 552. Trade magazines 553. Financial services 554. Used machinery dealers 555. Business branch software 556. Management information systems 557. Machine mounting 558. Multi-media services 559. Management software 560. Industrial associations



Please fill in FORM 3 according to your line of business with the number in the bracket THANK YOU Mohon mengisi Form 3 sesuai bidang usaha dengan nomor yang tersedia Terima Kasih

Page 22 of 40


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

dverti ement in



Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)






05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO



Outside Back Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Opposite Inside Front Cover Opposite Inside Back Cover Full Page

( ( ( ( ( (

) USD 2,200 ) USD 1,600 ) USD 1,500 ) USD 1,250 ) USD 1,200 ) USD 950 T



___________________________________ ___________________________________


Full Page Width x Height Trim Size 145mm x 210mm Type Area 130mm x 200mm MATERIAL DEADLINE: 05 October 2012 PLEASE SEND US YOUR ADVERTISEMENT MATERIAL ON CD IN JPEG Should you need Design services, Advertisement Design Cost : USD 150/ page

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154 Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com The Price is not include of V.A.T 10% Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA

Page 23 of 40


seminar@kristamedia. com


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies



dverti ing

Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)





05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO




( ( ( ( (

MIN. QTY (Same Design)

) X - Banner 80cm x 180cm ) Mini - X Banner 25cm x 40cm ) Hanging Banner 90cm x 175cm ) Vertical Banner 90 x 600cm ) Floor Brand Image, diameter 80cm

1 2 5 5 2


piece piece piece piece piece T

USD 194 USD 58 USD 79 USD 132 USD 150 C


___________________________________ ___________________________________ The price stated above is for the 4-day event. It already includes the cost of putting them up around the exhibition ground. Spots to be determined by the Organizer. MATERIAL DEADLINE: 05 October 2012 PLEASE SEND US YOUR ADVERTISEMENT MATERIAL ON CD IN JPEG Should you need Design services, Design Cost : USD 100/type

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154 Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com The Price is not include of V.A.T 10%

Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA

Page 24 of 40


seminar@kristamedia. com


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies




dverti ing

Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)



( ( ( (



05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO




MIN. QTY (Same Design)


) Hanging Banner 60cm x 170cm 5 piece ) Vertical Banner 60cm x 600cm 5 piece ) Floor Brand Image, diameter 100cm 2 piece ) Backdrop Opening Ceremony T

USD 96 USD 147 USD 225



___________________________________ ___________________________________

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220

The price stated above is for the 4-days event. It already includes the cost of putting them up around the exhibition ground. Spots to be determined by the Organizer.

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002

MATERIAL DEADLINE: 05 October 2012

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154


Telephone Facsimile

Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com The Price is not include of V.A.T 10%

Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA

Page 25 of 40


seminar@kristamedia. com


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies



Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)


1 Stand 2 Stand 3 Stand 4 Stand 5 Stand 6 Stand 7 Stand 8 Stand 9 Stand 10 Stand 11 Stand 12 Stand 13 Stand 14 Stand Dst...

9 Sqm 3 Badges 18 Sqm +1 27 Sqm +1 36 Sqm +1 45 Sqm +1 54 Sqm +1 63 Sqm +1 72 Sqm +1 81 Sqm +1 90 Sqm +1 99 Sqm +1 108 Sqm +1 117 Sqm +1 126 Sqm +1

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16




05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO

Badges Badges Badges Badges Badges Badges Badges Badges Badges Badges Badges Badges Badges Badges

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002

Request for additional badges will be charged at USD.5 per badge & badge bag

Yes, I will be needing additional badges


+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154 Website :

Amount of badges needed ___________pieces. T



___________________________________ ___________________________________ The Price is not include of V.A.T 10%

Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA

Page 26 of 40

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com


seminar@kristamedia. com


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

. .P


Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)






05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO

Name: ____________________________________________Position: _______________________________ Company: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Country: ____________________________________________Postal Code: __________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________________Fax: __________________________________ **************************************************************************************** Name: ____________________________________________Position: _______________________________ Company: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Country: ____________________________________________Postal Code: __________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________________Fax: __________________________________ **************************************************************************************** Name: ____________________________________________Position: _______________________________

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154 Website :

Attention to

Company: _______________________________________________________________________________


Address: _________________________________________________________________________________

customercare@kristamedia. com

Country: ____________________________________________Postal Code: __________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________________Fax: __________________________________ You can provide data of more V.I.P guests on another piece of paper. (Maximum VIP guests)Thank you Page 27 of1040


seminar@kristamedia. com


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies




Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)


Please Type clearly the police number of the car(s), which will be operate during exhibition day 07 - 10 November 2012. For 9 sqm - 18 sqm 27 sqm - 36 sqm 45 sqm - 72 sqm 81 sqm - up




05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO

= 1 free = 2 free = 3 free = 4 free

For additional per 1 police number = Rp. 100.000,-/Car and Rp. 50.000,-/Motorcycle * Cross if unnecessary POLICE NUMBER CAR AND MOTORCYCLE

*Mobil/Motor *Mobil/Motor

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile


+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154


Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com


Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA

Page 28 of 40

seminar@kristamedia. com


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies







om lete


Please Fill in ther Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)


PLEASE TYPE in CAPITAL LETTERS the company name that would be written on the stand fascia




05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO



KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com

Leni Page 29 of 40


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies






This form is for exhibitors building or upgrading stands using NON-Official Contractor (Official Contractor : Sinar Suryagemilang Indah) Please Fill in ther Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)






05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO

If you are building your own stand or using a contractor for stand construction and/or interior decoration (including the Contractor), please fill in the following details: Name of appointed Contractor _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address of appointed Contractor _________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________________________________ Fax:_________________________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________Position:_______________________________ Mobile Phone:_____________________________________________________________________________

PLEASE SEE THE RULES & REGULATION ON PAGE 05 Non-Refundable Inspection Fee payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA : USD 3 per sqm Terms and Conditions : 1. Both Exhibitor and its contractor shall observe and comply with the rules and regulations contained in this manual. 2. The Organizer reserves the right to reject and cease any Booth Fitting Works to be carried out in the event such submitted booth drawings do not comply with the rules and regulations. 3. The Organizer reserves the right not to enterteain any forms received after the deadline stated above. 4. Contractor passes will be issued by The Organizer at Organizer Office 5. Details of PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA’s Bank Account for transfer of payment : ACCOUNT NAME : PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA BANK NAME : BANK CENTRAL ASIA CABANG GAJAH MADA JAKARTA ACCOUNT NO. : 0123021107

6. The Price is not include of V.A.T 10%

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com

Leni Page 30 of 40


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

F Please Fill in ther Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)




please tick your choice

CODE F - 01 F - 02 F - 03 F - 04 F - 05 F - 06 F - 07 F - 08 F - 09 F - 10 F - 11 F - 12 F - 13 F - 14 F - 15 F - 16 F - 20 F - 21 F - 22 F - 23 F - 24 F - 25 F - 28 F - 29 F - 30 F - 31 F - 32 F - 33 F - 34 F - 35

ITEMS PRICE/UNIT Reception desk (100 x 50 x 75cm) USD 37 Coffee round table (dia. 60cm,(H)75cm) USD 45 Glass round table (dia. 100cm,(H)75cm) USD 45 Easy chair USD 19 Upright chair USD 16 Lockable counter (90 x50 x75cm) USD 37 2 Tier counter display table (75, (H) 100cm,(W) 90cm) USD 122 3Tier counter display table (50, 75 100cm,(W) 90cm) USD 171 Display cube. 50x50x50cm (small) USD 32 Display cube. 50x50x75cm (medium) USD 37 Display cube. 50x50x100cm (Tall) USD 74 Fan, Industrial ((H)120cm) USD 110 Refrigerator USD 122 Shelving ( 100 x 30cm, 3 units/set) USD 37 o Shelving 45 (100 x 30, 3 units/set) USD 74 Display panel board (1set=3unit, (W)100cm) USD 56 Showcase counter (100 (L) x 50 ( W ) x100(H) ), no light USD 98 Showcase counter 2 Tier (100 x50x100), no light USD 146 Square showcase (50 x 50 x 200), with light USD 171 High showcase (100 x 50 x 200), with light USD 195 Bar stool (100cm) USD 25 Sofa (for 1 person) USD 74 Halogen lamp (150watt) USD 74 Meta Hi-lite (150watt) USD 74 Brochure rack USD 37 Coat hanger USD 86 Plantation USD 25 Folding door (100 x 200cm) USD 122 Water dispenser (including 4 gallons of water + cups) USD 86 Alumunium frame 1m (to hang leather/cloth/S hangers) USD 25




05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com

Total Amount

The Price is not include of V.A.T 10% Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance.

Note: Onsite order are liable to 50 % surcharge, and must be paid in advance.

Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA

Page 31 of 40



07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies



Please Fill in ther Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)




please tick your choice

CODE E - 01 E - 02 E - 03 E - 04 E - 05 E - 06 E - 07 E - 08 E - 09 E - 10 E - 11 E - 12 E - 13 E - 14 E - 15 E - 16 E - 17 E - 18 E - 19 E - 20 E - 21 E - 22 E - 23 E - 24

ITEMS Spotlight 100W, 220V Long Arm Spotlight @100W Down Light @50W Halogen @300W Halogen @500W Flourescent light 40W,220V Socket / plug 2 Amp/1 phase,220V 4 Amp/1 phase,220V 6 Amp/1 phase,220V 10 Amp/1 phase,220V 13 Amp/1 phase,220V 15 Amp/1 phase,220V 16 Amp/1 phase,220V 16 Amp/3 phase,380V 20 Amp/ 1 phase, 220V 20 Amp/ 3 phase, 380V 25 Amp/ 1 phase, 220V 25 Amp/ 3 phase, 380V 32 Amp/1 phase,220V 32 Amp/3 phase,380V 60 Amp/3 phase,380V 100 Amp/3 phase,380V Connection of exhibits

PRICE/UNIT USD 64 USD 74 USD 64 USD 201 USD 283 USD 64 USD 19 USD 47 USD 64 USD 82 USD 97 USD 105 USD 126 USD 141 USD 283 USD 167 USD 416 USD 192 USD 550 USD 217 USD 636 USD 857 USD1,366 USD 82




05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

Total Amount

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 Website :

The Price is not include of V.A.T 10%

These charges include provision of power points and electricity consumed, but they do not include direct connection to machinery etc... Which will be charge at USD 70 per connection if required.

Attention to

Note: 1.The shell scheme includes two (2) fluorescent tubes. Order only your additional requirement. 2.Prices include consumption (show hour only). 3.Onsite orders are liable to 50% surcharge, supply will be given the night before opening the exhibition and must be paid in advance. Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA

customercare@kristamedia. com

Page 32 of 40

Tressia Leni


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

S Please Fill in ther Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)





05 Oct’12



PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO CODE A - 23 A - 24 A - 25 A - 26 A - 27 A - 28 A - 29 A - 30

ITEMS VHS Player (min.4days) VCD Player (min.4days) DVD Player (min.4days) LCD Projector (min.4days) Sound System 1000 watt (min.4days) Screen 2 x 3 (min.4days) Screen 3 x 4 (min.4days) TV Plasma 42” (min.4days)

Price/unit/4days USD. 210 USD. 210 USD. 66 USD. 630 USD. 557 USD. 630 USD. 787 USD. 500

Total Amount

The Price is not include of V.A.T 10% KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 Website :

Attention to


Note: Onsite order are liable to 50 % surcharge, and must be paid in advance. Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA

customercare@kristamedia. com

Leni Page 33 of 40


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies




Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)





05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO



Yes, we wish to order the following telephones / fax: (

) Local city calls only USD 110 + calls extra


) Long Distance direct dialing Indonesian calls only USD 207 + calls extra plus USD 440 Deposit


) International Direct Dial (IDD) line USD 344 + calls extra plus USD 660S Deposit

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154 Note: Onsite order are liable to 50% surcharge, supply will be given the night before the opening of the exhibition and must be paid in advance. The Price is not include of V.A.T 10%

Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA

Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com


seminar@kristamedia. com Page 34 of 40


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies




Please Fill in ther Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)


Compressed air supply, USD.450 per point. 1. Air Consumption ________________1/min/CFM 2. Working pressure ________________bar/PSI 3. Size of fitting ________________




05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO

PLEASE INDICATE LOCATIONS OF THE AIR OUTLETS 1. Price quoted are meant for one (1) direct connection per machine only . 2. Normal operation pressure is 6-7 bar. 3. The standard air supplied is 3 degree pdp. 4. All connections to be h a quick release coupling. 5. Any requirement other than the standard order , to be quoted separately. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Compressed air will be delivered from air compressors located outside the hall , with the dryer unit , and delivered to your stand by an under floor delivery system . Supply is no totally “clean” . Exhibitors must provide their own filters if 100% clean , dry air is needed. For your information , the percentage of humidity and oil content is approximately 10% and 40ppm respectively. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to drain off the water residue regularly . 2. The Organizers reserve the right to supply any requirements in certain parts of the Hall by electricity driven individual compressors located at the stand due to the existing Hall limitations. However, this air supply may not have a dryer incorporated in the system . 3. Exhibitors who wish to bring their own electrically-driven and silent type compressors ( up to 1HP) are requested to first write to the Organizers . However , for safety reasons , any requirement needing larger compressors must be provided by the Official Contractor . 4. All connections to machines , if requested through the Official Contractor , must be carried out under the supervision of the Exhibitor’s staff . 5. Exhibitors are not permitted to cut or damage any equipment or fitting supplied by the Official Contractor , otherwise the Exhibitor must bear the cost of such damage . 6. If the standard supply shown in the Order form is not suitable for your purpose , please provide the Organizers directly with detailed specifications for s quotation. 7. All connections will be terminated in a quick-release coupling , type SH22/PH22 for 6mm to 12mm internal hose or SH24/Ph24 for 15mm to 20mm internal diameter hose. Exhibitors requiring other type of connection must provide their own fittings (both male & female) for attachment to the coupling or valve provided by the Official Contractor. Note: Onsite order are liable to 50% surcharge, supply will be given the night before the opening of the exhibition and must be paid in advance.

The Price is not include of V.A.T 10%

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 Website :

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. com


Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA Page 35 of 40


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

W Please Fill in ther Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)






05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO




Water inlet/outlet Inclusive of up to 20m length of piping Water inlet/outlet With supply of sink Every Additional Meter run of pipe











USD. 26

Total cost

Please mark position of water/waste point. POSITION OF WATER / WASTE POINT BACK WALL

The water supply provided come at ambient tempersture and normal household pressures and flow rate, which may vary at different locations within the Hall.The drainage is by gravity Flow. Exhibitors who have special plumbing requirements should state details below so that a separate individual quotation can be provided:

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone


+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002


+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113


-----------------------------------------------------------------------AISLE (Please state dimension of booth)


Website :

Attention to


Note: Onsite order are liable to 50% surcharge,supply will be given the night before the opening of the exhibition and must be paid in advance. The Price is not include of V.A.T 10%

customercare@kristamedia. com


Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA Page 36 of 40


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

S Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)





05 Oct’12

* We regard confirmation booking for Hotel reservation upon receiving form 18 from you. * Please inform us of cancellation minimal 7 days before date of check in. Failure of which, one room night Hotel cost / per booking will be charged to your credit card. Thank you for your cooperation.


OFFICIAL HOTELS - All Reservations and payments is to be made to the hotels

SWISS-BELHOTEL MANGGA BESAR USD 102,85 nett/room/night (single/double)**** Inclusive breakfast for 2 persons Free shuttle bus service to & from exhibition Free internet access in the room Airport pick up (USD 30nett/car/way)

SHERATON MEDIA HOTEL USD 96.8 nett/room/night (single/double)**** Inclusive breakfast for 2 persons Free shuttle bus service to & from exhibition Internet access (USD 17nett/day) Airport pick up (USD 19nett/car/way)

MERCURE JAKARTA KOTA HOTEL USD 88 nett/room/night (single/double)**** Inclusive breakfast for 2 persons Free shuttle bus service to & from exhibition Free internet access in the room Airport pick up (USD 30nett/car/way)

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154

Please pick me up from airport. (For airport pickup, please inform minimal 48hours before arrival time) Date

Flight Number

Arrival Time

Website : Confirmation Of Reservation : For Hotel Reservations made, down payment of cost of 1 night / room is to be paid as confirmed bookings to the appointed hotel. Reservations are not valid without the above mentioned payment. The above price does not include charges for Telephone or other expenses made during the stay in the respective hotels. Telephone and other bills are to be paid to the respective hotels. No

Name of Occupant

Check In Date Check Out Date Total Room Total Night


Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. Agustina Untari com


seminar@kristamedia. com Page 37 of 40


07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia

The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies




Please Fill in this Form Neatly.Thank You. Mohon mengisi Formulir dengan rapih. Terima Kasih. Company Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Country and Postal Code: _____________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________Website: _________________________________________ Signature of Confirmation

Stand Number

Signed By (Full Name)



Total Interpreter Female


Starting Date



05 Oct’12 PLEASE FAX BACK or Email Back THIS FORM TO


INTERPRETER ( ) English - Bahasa ( ) Mandarin - Bahasa


PRICE / DAY / NIGHT USD 55, -nett USD 55, -nett Ending Date Total Days

Total Cost

KRISTA EXHIBITIONS PT. Kristamedia Pramata Jl. Blandongan No.28 d/g Jakarta 11220 Telephone

+62 21 6345861, 6345862 6334581, 6345002 Facsimile

+ 62 21 6340140, 6342113 63869154 Website :

Note: The form should be completed in full. Time interpreter started: 10 am to 7 pm (07 - 10 November 2012) Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Payment should be made payable to PT. KRISTAMEDIA PRATAMA

Page 38 of 40

Attention to


customercare@kristamedia. Agustina Untari com


seminar@kristamedia. com

07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

Page 39 of 40

07 - 10 November 2012 (4-days exhibition) Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran,Jakarta, Indonesia


The 15th International Exhibition on Printing (pre-press, press, post-press) Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

Page 40 of 40

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