01-21-2009 13:05
TOWN MANAGER PERFORMACE EVALUATION Compiled: November, 2008 The following rating is divided into three parts, each representing a major role of Southington's Town Manager. CHIEF EXECUTIVE:
Budget development and the execution of policy were areas in which members of the
Council relt the Town Manager docs a good job..-'
Personnel and supervision issues continue to present the Town Manager with challenges. The Town Manager needs to take a more interactive role with all departments, so that department performance can be jmproved. Overall his performance in this area is good.
The Town Manager excel~ at completing agenda items important to the Town's business
and his administration of policy is very good.
Council relations also continue to be the Town Managers strong suit. Reporting back to
the Town Council is not always as expedient as we would like.
Overall lUs performance in this area is very good.
Community relations are not always up to the standard we would like. Citizen relations
can be tense and at times we are not always happy with the way the Town Manager
handles citizen issues. Performance in these areas was fair.
The Town Manager's strongest trait is his relationships with other town administrative
leaders. He is well respected within the community of Town Managers. This 1S evident
by his active involvement with CCM.
Overall his performance 1n this area is good.