Volume 17, Number 14
Friday, April 8, 2022
ACES director ‘astonished’ by financial support By Nicole Zappone The Citizen
After being canceled in 2020 and being held virtually last year, the ACES Foundation Gala – its 18th – was held in-person March 24 at Anthony’s Ocean View in New Haven. The gala “is one of my favorite events of the year,” said Timothy Howes, ACES deputy executive director. “It’s an evening where ACES employees, ACES business partners, ACES school districts, come together to support students with special needs and our magnet schools.”
Howes said he's amazed by the generosity he has seen. “There’s no doubt, on my drive home after each gala, I'm astonished every year how much it grows and grows,” he said. “We are very appreciative of the support that we receive from the ACES community.”
The ACES Foundation Gala, held March 24 at Anthony's Ocean View in New Haven, generated $170,000 for the cause.
North Haven-based ACES – Area Cooperative Educational Services – was founded in 1969. According to its website, back then, ACES had a staff of two and a miniscule budget of $70,000.
Photos by Nicole Zappone
See Gala, A5
Earth Day gathering, cleanup set for Saturday
Girl Scouts from Troop 60145 – Sammy Glynn, Caitlin Turchak, Mary Eisley and Hannah Marino – are pictured Saturday, April 2 during their cookie sale at Guilford Savings Bank.
Citizen report
In recognition of Earth Day, North Haven will celebrate the environment and efforts to protect it Saturday, April 9, 9 a.m. to noon, at North Haven High School. This annual, familyfriendly gathering, sponsored by the North Haven Conservation Commission, draws many local groups, and includes giveaways.
Nicole Zappone, The Citizen
Girl Scout cookies a hit at drive-thru event By Nicole Zappone The Citizen
Started as a grassroots project in 1927, Girl Scout cookies have become an icon of American culture. And while the pandemic hampered cookie sales, young scouts continued working hard to earn money for troop activities.
"In 2021, Girl Scouts engineered new ways to be successful in their cookie businesses and still used their cookie funds to power awesome experiences like camp, troop activities, and service projects in their communities," interim GSUSA CEO Judith Batty said back in January. "We're inspired by the resilience and ingenuity of our girls and can't wait to bring
this renewed girl-led innovation into the 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program. You may see cookies, but there is really leadership and adventure in each box."
Back in 2019, Conservation Commission chair Hugh Davis told The Citizen the goal of the event is to offer resources so “people can know better what's going on in town and in the area and hopefully become involved in some of these organizations.”
Girl Scout Troop 60145 of North Haven held a drive-thru cookie sale Saturday at Guilford Savings Bank on
The North Haven Land Trust will hold a document-shredding onsite Saturday. The cost is $10 for a small box/bag filled with paper items.
See Cookies, A11
See Earth Day, A2
The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
In Brief
The Sons and Daughters of Italy Lodge 2805 will host a ziti dinner and celebrate the music of Frank and Dean Saturday, May 14, 6 p.m., at St. Frances Cabrini Church Hall. Tickets are $25 ($20 for members). Email sueann.mentone@yahoo.com.
Vendors wanted The North Haven Garden is in the planning stages for its May Market. The annual fundraiser will take place May 7, 9 a.m. to noon, on the town green. Vendor spots are available for $20.
Good Friday The North Haven Public Works Department advises residents that refuse collec-
Earth Day From A1
Also, the Conservation Commission has identified town parks, fields, trails and public areas that need cleaning, and volunteers are sought for the effort. Those willing to help should meet at NHHS Saturday at 9 a.m. to pick up gloves and bags. As part of this town-wide clean-
www.northhavencitizen.com 500 S. Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450
The North Haven Sons and Daughters of Italy Lodge 2805 will host a Classic Car Show Saturday, Aug. 6, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., on the grounds of St. Therese Church, 555 Middletown Ave. Cars and motorcycles are welcome. Pre-registration is $15 ($20 day-of ). Free admission for spectators. The event will include food trucks, music and raffles. Rain date is Saturday, Aug. 13.
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Spring Fair Faith United Methodist Church, 81 Clintonville Road, will host its annual Spring Fair on Saturday, May 7. Tag sale/ vendor/craft space is available for $30. Contact Vicki LiPuma at 203-265-1070 or vicklip@ aol.com. See Briefs, A3
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To register a vehicle or to become a vendor visit northhavenlodge2805.club/carshow/ or contact John Giorgio (203-430-6549, jallstarelectric@aol.com).
Author talk Former federal agent Greg Dillon will discuss his book “The Thin Blue Lie: An Honest Cop vs. The FBI” Tuesday, April 12 at the North Haven Library. A North Haven resident for more than 30 years, up, residents and local businesses are encouraged to spruce up their properties and neighborhoods. For more information, email suedannenhoffer@aol.com. Earth Day is marked annually on April 22. First held in 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by EarthDay.org. The official theme for Earth Day 2022 is "Invest In Our Planet." Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence News reporter — Nicole Zappone Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener
Dinner, show
Car show
Dillon was a police inspector assigned to an FBI fugitive task force in Connecticut when he discovered FBI agents falsifying affidavits and attributing that information to Dillon and two investigators he supervised. Greg Dillon’s April 12 talk at the North Haven Library begins at 6:30 p.m. Registration is required. Visit northhavenlibrary.net.
An Easter weekend flower/ plant sale benefitting Northford Congregational Church will be held April 15 and 16, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and April 17, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the church, 4 Old Post Road. The Easter Bunny will be helping at the sale. In the event of inclement weather, the flower/plant sale will take place inside the church. For more information, email northfordcc@gmail.com.
tion for the week of April 11 will be unchanged. Refuse will be collected on Good Friday, April 15. The Transfer Station on Universal Drive and the Recycling Center on Elm Street will be open on Good Friday.
Plant sale
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bestlifehearingcenter.com The North Haven Citizen (USPS 023-595) is published weekly by Record-Journal, 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Record-Journal 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450
The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Briefs From A2
Square dancing The Temple Sweethearts Square Dance Club hosts workshops on Mondays, 1 to 3 p.m., at the Recreation Center, 7 Linsley St. The cost is $7. Call Jean at 203-2340665.
Tax deadline The filing deadline to submit 2021 tax returns or an extension to file and pay tax owed is Monday, April 18. Taxpayers requesting an extension will have until Monday, Oct. 17 to file. To speed up refunds, the Internal Revenue Service urges taxpayers to file electronically with direct deposit information.
Friday, April 8, 2022
Garden Club's announced the theme for their 2021-2022 poetry contest, "Sing with the Songbirds – Exploring the Glory of Nature." The contest is open to students in kindergarten through grade nine. Contact Cindy Golia at nhgccindy@yahoo.com.
Sculpture contest The North Haven Garden Club in conjunction with the Federated Garden Club's of Connecticut and National Garden Club are sponsoring a sculpture contest open to students in grades 4 to 8. Contact Cindy Golia at nhgccindy@yahoo.com.
Legion Post 76
Lions Club
American Legion Post 76 meets the third Thursday of the month. Call Phil (203298-8017) for more information.
The North Haven Lions have served the community since 1952. To be part of something meaningful, email northhavenctlions@ gmail.com.
Counseling Whether it is depression, anxiety, loss/grief, increased alcohol or substance use, relational difficulties, LGBTQ+ challenges, or other issues, North Haven Counseling Services is there to help. Contact Community Services at 203-239-5321, ext. 500.
Join the fight SURGE (Substance Use Resource Guide Entity) seeks new members. The group is dedicated to evaluating and addressing adolescent substance use in the area. Contact Victoria Prestileo, vprestileo@wheelerclinic.org; or Kara Sepulveda, KS@qvhd.org.
GROW YOUR BUSINESS Advertise with us. 203-317-2312
See Briefs, A4
Shredding event The North Haven Land Trust will hold a document shredding event Saturday, April 9, 9 a.m. to noon, at the North Haven High School parking lot, 221 Elm St. The cost is $10 for a small box/bag filled with paper items. This event is part of the Earth Day celebration that will take place at NHHS that morning. Your participation will support the Land Trust in its mission to protect land for future generations and engage community members in conservation actions. For more information, email Peter Madden at pmadden91@comcast.net.
Wreaths Across America volunteers work year-round to ensure military members laid to rest are remembered, their families and living veterans are honored, and the next generation is taught about the value of freedom. Visit wreathsacrossamerica.org to help.
Poetry contest The North Haven Garden Club in conjunction with Federated Garden Club's of Connecticut and National
Wreaths effort
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The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
Help restock the pantries
to Fidelco guide dogs and The Animal Haven, and support the Lions Recycle for Sight Program and Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation.
Red Cross
The North Haven Lions need help to restock the local food pantries. Please stop by our Second Saturday Service event Saturday, April 9, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at either of our two collection locations. Donations will be accepted at the North Haven Congregational Church, 28 Church St. (across from the Town Green), and at the Washington Commons Shopping Plaza, 117 Washington Ave. We are collecting non-perishable food, dog and cat food, pet treats and supplies, and old eyeglasses. These donations will restock the food pantries, provide supplies
The following items are most in need: Parmalat Milk, juice, canned fruit, jelly, mayonnaise (30 oz.), coffee, pasta sauce (24 oz.), rice, dried/ canned beans, dog biscuits, blankets and towels. Lions International is the world’s largest humanitarian service organization with over 49,000 clubs and almost 1.4 million See Restock, A10
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From A3
The American Red Cross urges individuals who have fully recovered and received a verified COVID-19 diagnosis to sign up to give convalescent plasma by completing the donor eligibility form at redcrossblood.org/ plasma4covid. Blood donation appointments can be made by visiting redcrossblood.org, calling 1-800733-2767 or enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device.
Gold Star monument This spring, one year after breaking ground, the Connecticut Gold Star Families Memorial Monument will be dedicated. A celebration marking the structure’s completion is scheduled for Saturday, April 23 at 1 p.m. Located at Veterans Memorial Park in Berlin, the monument honors Gold Star Fam-
ilies and the legacy of their loved ones who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the United States military.
CTPrepares The CTPrepares mobile app provides information and alerts in emergency situations, and incorporates text messaging, email, and social networking. Also, the app allows residents to communicate with family members during an emergency. The app can be downloaded on Apple and Android phones.
CT Safe The CT Safe mobile app allows citizens to report on suspicious activities within their communities. The app can be downloaded on Apple and Android phones.
Crisis network The Adult Crisis Telephone Intervention and Options Network is available to people in distress 24/7, 365 days a year.
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The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
Gala From A1
Now, ACES school districts number 25, all of them in south central Connecticut. "We meet the educational needs of our member districts by acting as both a Local Education Agency (LEA) and as a regional service agency," ACES states on its website.
More than 320 people attended the 2022 ACES Foun-
See more photos from the ACES gala on Page 6.
"As a Local Education Agency, we operate schools designed to meet the specific needs of the region; currently special education and Interdistrict Magnet schools. As a regional service agency, we develop solutions to the most pressing needs of our member school districts. From school-based technical assistance to programs that advance the education workforce, we work hand in hand with state officials and local educators to improve the quality of teaching and learning."
dation Gala, and some $170,000 was raised. “This was our most successful event,” ACES Education Foundation Development Coordinator Janice Saunders said.
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This year, gala funds will be used to create an outdoor playground area for special needs students at ACES Village School in North Haven.
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The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
Bill would return unclaimed property By Andrew Brown © The Connecticut Mirror
Lawmakers in Connecticut are considering a legal change this year to enable the state to automatically return so-called unclaimed property to hundreds of individuals every year.
more than $2.3 billion in unclaimed property — in the form of forgotten bank accounts, insurance payments and more — but returned less than 37% percent of that amount to its rightful owners, according to a Connecticut Mirror investigation published earlier this year.
From 2000 to 2021, the state treasurer’s office collected
See Property, A7
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The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Property From A6
In response, Connecticut Treasurer Shawn Wooden announced several changes to the unclaimed property program in February, which made it easier for people to find and reclaim their money. But Wooden, who was elected to the office in 2018 and is in his first term, is also pushing for legislation this year to enable his office to automatically cut checks to people. The state’s Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee held a public hearing this week on SB 379, which would give the Connecticut Treasurer’s Office the ability to track down the owners of uncashed checks, missing insurance policies and forgotten security deposits and reunite those people with their missing money. The legislation, for the first time, would offer the treasurer’s office access to gov-
ernmental data from state agencies such as the Department of Revenue Services, the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Department of Labor. The treasurer’s staff would then use that information to locate any individual with unclaimed property valued at less than $2,500, verify their identity and send them checks.
Friday, April 8, 2022
That happens frequently. People move and forget to update their contact information with a company, or they are unaware they are listed as a beneficiary on an insurance policy. The state is meant to safeguard that money until the owners can be found.
Anyone with unclaimed property valued above that amount would still need to file paperwork with the state to certify they are the rightful owners.
For most of the program’s history, the treasurer’s office listed the owners of the unclaimed property in newspaper ads. That notification process transitioned in 2016 to an online database, which is referred to as the CT Big List.
Still, the change would be a dramatic advancement for Connecticut’s unclaimed property program, which the state has operated in a similar fashion since the 1930s.
The current system, however, still relies on individuals, businesses, nonprofits and local governments to seek out their missing money on their own.
The program requires banks, utilities, insurance companies and other financial institutions to turn over assets to the state if they lose track of the individual or entity the money belongs to for more than three to five years.
That has not always resulted in the best outcomes. “We are working to have as many property owners as possible put their cash back in their pockets. These enhancements make the process of reuniting rightful
owners with their unclaimed property easier and faster than ever before. And by authorizing automatic payments, many families may be receiving some muchneeded and unexpected money back,” Wooden said at a press conference last week. Wooden’s support for the bill should provide some momentum in the legislature, unlike past years, when his staff opposed other reform efforts.
property program and the millions of people, businesses and other entities with missing money. “Hopefully, we can get it across the finish line,” Zupkus said. Rep. Mary Mushinsky, DWallingford, agreed and explained her frustrating experience with the unclaimed property program. In past years, Mushinsky tried to reclaim a security deposit that was collected by an electric utility, she said, but she was never able to get that money back from the treasurer’s office, despite filing repeated claims.
Democrats and Republicans voiced support for the legislation during the committee hearing this week, arguing the state needed to make it much easier for people to re- “The amount of time I was claim their lost money. spending was not worth the amount of money I would Rep. Leslie Zupkus, RProspect, said the legislation get back,” she said. was a big step in the right di- While many lawmakers rection for the unclaimed
See Property, A8
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The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
Don’t forget to protect your finances online, too number and one symbol. Cyber security experts recommend changing your By Jeff Jolly passwords as often as every three months, as long as During periods of crisis, cyyour replacement passwords ber criminals often increase are sufficiently strong. Contheir attacks, taking advansider using a password mantage of chaos to pry informa- ager, which makes it easier tion from unsuspecting victo generate and recall strong tims. Here are some steps passwords. you can take during these turbulent times to protect Antivirus software your identity and finances online: Hackers are constantly look-
Strong passwords A password is considered strong when it consists of 10 or more characters, a combination of upper and lower letters with at least one
ing for ways into personal computer systems. The best antivirus software providers stay one step ahead of the scammers, but you need to enable updates for maximum benefit. Keep your antivirus program current to
reduce your vulnerability to these attacks.
Secure Wi-Fi Avoid logging in to financial accounts when you’re away from a trusted Wi-Fi connection. Public Wi-Fi may not be secure, which means any personal or financial information you enter during a public Wi-Fi connection may be easily compromised. At home, double check that your router is properly encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.
Monitor accounts Keep a close eye on your checking, saving and investment account activity. If you notice anything strange,
Property From A7
voiced appreciation for the new bill, there were a few people who advocated for several tweaks to the draft legislation.
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Ron Lizzi, who has advocated for reforms to Connecticut’s unclaimed property program for several years, told lawmakers that the legislation could be improved with a couple of simple changes.
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Two-step authentication Many financial institutions offer the option of two-step authentication to discourage fraud. When you opt into this added layer of security, you will have to go through an extra step to verify it’s you when accessing accounts. It may take another minute of your time, but it’s worth the security of knowing you’re making it much harder for hackers to breach your accounts.
Lizzi, a Bethany resident, asked lawmakers to ensure that businesses, nonprofits and local governments with unclaimed property can benefit from the automatic payments too. As written, he warned, the legislation may limit the automatic payments to individuals. Some lawmakers are also concerned, however, with the security of issuing checks to people through the mail.
Stop before you click Be wary of spoof emails and online ads that seek access to your passwords and other sensitive information. Many spammers use fake return addresses that are easy to spot, but others have adopted more sophisticated schemes to get you to engage. Jeff Jolly, CFP, is a Private Wealth Advisor and Sr. Vice President with Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, in North Haven. He specializes in fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 16 years. Contact him at 203-407-8188 ext. 330. ford, said he wanted to have “greater certainty” that the unclaimed property would be returned to the right people. As a result, he argued that lawmakers should review the legislation so they could have more confidence that the checks would go to the right addresses. This story originally appeared on the website of The Connecticut Mirror, www.ctmirror.org.
Sen. John Fonfara, D-Hart-
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The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
just a few blocks north of the Johnson Mansion
A whimsical, interactive Easter experiance by the Producer of The Magical Elf House. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Cottontail and the Cottontail family. Crafts, games and, of course, a very special hunt! Reservations required for hourly event. Limited to 25 children, ages 3-10 per block. Celebration begins at 10 a.m. Last celebration is at 3p.m.
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Record-Journal • RDS Media • Sam’s Place The Music Center • Xtreme Temp Catalyst Art Studio • Colony Diner Restaurant Infinite Nutrition • Design House Interiors Prizes will be awarded. All pics will be displayed at the event for judging.
Color this bunny and drop off at Colony Diner in Wallingford by April 7th to be entered in the contest.
CHILD’S NAME___________________________ AGE______PARENT’S PHONE #__________________________________
The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
TriCircle is accepting applications for two memorial scholarships, each valued at $2,500. Applications are open to Connecticut residents who demonstrate a commitment to furthering their studies. Visit tricircleinc.com/scholarship. The application deadline is Thursday, April 28.
The North Haven Garden Club’s Junior Gardeners Club is returning. The JGC program introduces youngsters to the joys (and hard work) of gardening and is open to North Haven residents in first through 12th grade. Learn more about the North Haven Garden Club and the Junior Gardeners Club at the town’s Earth Day celebration Saturday, April 9 at North Haven High School.
TriCircle recognizes that the epidemic of substance use exists here in our state and, tragically, thousands of wonderful people have died due to the disease of addiction. We are honored to continue this scholarship opportunity originally created in memory of Michael F. Gagnon II. For more information, email christine@tricircleinc.com, or stop by the TriCircle office at 6 Way Road, Middlefield.
From A4
members world-wide. Concern for childhood cancer, diabetes awareness, the environment, hunger and vi-
sion are LCI’s primary goals. And, through Second Saturday, the North Haven Lions engage in these projects for our local community and have been serving our town since 1952.
For more information about our activities, or to be part of something meaningful, contact Ed Cohen, North Haven Lions Club president, at northhavenctlions@ gmail.com. — Press Release
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The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
Members of Girl Scout Troop 60145 outside Guilford Savings Bank.
Photos by Nicole Zappone, The Citizen
Cookies From A1
Washington Avenue. Eight scouts representing Green Acres and Clintonville Elementary schools participated, and troop leader Amanda Marino said it was a great day. The local scouts sold 150 boxes of cookies Saturday, which translates to about $135 in proceeds. They also collected $80 in donations. “The girls are raising money to take a trip to a petting farm and to help provide supplies and care for the animals at one of the North Haven animal shelters,” Marino said. “The girls would like to thank everyone who supported Troop 60145.”
Aurra Natale from New Haven stops for some Girl Scout cookies.
As she drove up to the cookie sale with her family Saturday, New Haven resident Aurra Natale asked, “Whose mom is that on the sidewalk cheerleading for cookies?”
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Brian Donnelly of North Haven did his part to help Girl
The Girl Scouts rolled out a Scout Troop 60145. new cookie in 2022 – Adventurefuls, an indulgent brownie-inspired treat topped with caramel flavored crème with a hint of sea salt.
nzappone@record-journal.com 203-317-2212
Girl Scout Caitlin Turchakmm and Christie Kehoe do a cheer.
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And Girl Scout cookie classics like Thin Mints, Samoas and Tagalongs are back as well, of course.
It was Christie Kehoe – “the coolest mom ever,” Natale determined.
The Best Food In The Game
The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
Crossroads celebrates one-year anniversary By Nicole Zappone The Citizen
For Montana Telman, a dream became reality the day she opened Crossroads, a coffee shop and bakery located on the Hartford Turnpike. “We originally opened on April 1 of 2021,” said Telman, who is just 24. “A lot of my friends joked, asking if this was the real thing, or if this was some April Fool’s joke.” When the pandemic hit, Telman was working as a personal trainer and a barista. Both sources of income went away, however, so Telman needed a Plan B. She and Taylor Adams, who manages Crossroads, previ-
ously worked together at another coffee shop, and enjoyed the business. “We thought about doing a shop of our own or even a coffee truck,” Telman said. “Our boss at our old job had fired us because he found out that we wanted to open a shop of our own,” she added. “We had to make this thing happen and I was lucky to have a good support team to make this happen.” Just two years out of college, Telman was unable to secure a loan on her own, but was lucky to have the backing of her mother, Kathi. See Crossroads, A14
PERSONAL INJURY CRIMINAL LAW FAMILY LAW JUVENILE LAW WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Crossroads coffee shop celebrated its one-year anniversary this month. Darian Wilkins, Montana Talman, Taylor Adams and Billy Brannigan are pictured. Photos by Nicole Zappone
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Special prizes will be awarded for: A13 Most Fish Caught, Longest Fish Caught, and Heaviest Fish Caught.
The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
Senior Center Boxed meals. Tuesdays, April 12 ,19 and 26. Each box contains five meals, individually-packed. Pre-register one week in advance by calling 203-239-5432. Finance meeting. Tuesday, April 12, 10 a.m. Ask the Nurse. Thursday, April 14, 10:30 a.m. Check your blood pressure, create a medication list, prepare for
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Step into Spring Cooking. Thursday, April 21, 1:30 p.m. Learn how to accomplish your health goals, lighten your favorite recipes and discover new foods for better eating. RSVP by Tuesday, April 12. Call 203-239-5432.
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Sat, April 18 9 AM—7 PM Brilliant BasementtnemesaB tnaillirB Waterproofing, LLC CLL ,gnifoSun, orpretaW April 19 10 AM—7 PM Letters Policy
Email letters to news@ will appear in print. Include a phone number so The Citizen thenorthhavencitizen.com. Letters are limited to 300 words. The can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. We re- Services p.m. on Monday to be Basement Waterproofing seciconsidvreS gnifoorpretaW tnemesaB serve the right to edit letters. Let- ered for publication the following Over 36 Years combined experience. . e c n e i repxe denibmoc sraeY 63 revO Friday. ters must be signed and names
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Please call for corrections at 203-317-2308 - after 5 pm call 203-317-2282 Ad#:1279573 Pub:A-RJ Date:04/12/13 Day:FRI Size:3X10.5 Cust:ADVERTISING DONATIONS Last Edited By:JPROTO on 3/18/15 2:58 PM. Salesperson:323 Tag Line:DAFFODIL TAG SALE Color Info:FULL A14 Friday, April 8, 2022 1279573 - Composite
The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Saturday, 18,Tent 2015 Under theApril Festival Hubbard MainTent Street UnderPark, the West Festival Meriden, CT • 9AM–2PM • Rain or Shine Hubbard Park, West Main Street, Meriden, CT For only $30 you can 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM rent a 10’x10’ single Join friends and
neighbors, get rid of that old dresser, lawnmower, Sonny’s comic& Join friends collection, Grandma’s neighbors, get rid of crock pot... you thatoldold dresser, lawn mower, Sonny’s comic know, the stuff you “are collection, Grandma’s going to use someday”... old CrockbyPot ... you or come to browse know, the stuff you and buy at the area’s “are going to use largest tag...sale. And someday” or come while you’re at it, takeat by to browse & buy a stroll through historic the area’s largest tag sale ... and Hubbard Parkwhile among you’re at it,blooming take a the 600,001 stroll through daffodils.historic Hubbard Park among the 600,001 blooming daffodils ...
- rain or shine -
space that includes 1 table under the For only you Festival tent.$30.00 Adjoining can rentmay a 10’x10’ single spaces be rented space that includes an additional $30. 1for table under the Festival tent. Adjoining spaces Additional tables may be may be rented for an rented for your space(s) additional $30. Additional for $10may each. tables beSet-up rentedisfor $10 atyour 7AMspace(s) - with allfor items each. Set-up is at 7:00 toAM be- removed by 3PM. with all items to be removed by 3:00 PM No exceptions. (No Exceptions). HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ONLY HOUSEHOLD ITEMS NO COMMERCIAL ONLY +++++++++++++ VENDORS NO COMMERCIAL VENDORS
Chett Perrotti and Kathi Talman enjoy a beverage at Crossroads.
Crossroads From A12
“I’m a baby running a business and it’s hard getting a loan when you’re a young person,” said Telman. “We managed to do it, and with Taylor’s help, we were able to get this place open,” she said. Crossroads had been open for eight months before business really picked up, Telman said. “It felt more like a popup business, then a coffee shop at first,” she said. “We are just a bunch of kids working here and making it happen,” the young entrepreneur said. “At the end of the day, we are friends and all have the same goal for this place. I wouldn’t have it with any other team.”
See Crossroads, A15
Name: APPLICATION FOR SPACE Address: NAME: Phone: ADDRESS: Number of Spaces: PHONE: Number of Additional Tables:
Meriden Daffodil Festival / Tag Sale Box 40, Meriden, CT 06450 PLEASE REMIT P.O. APPLICATION AND FEE WITH CHECK PAYABLE TO: Deadline for applications is 4/13/19 Deadline for applications is 4/16/22 Meriden Daffodil Festival / Tag Sale P.O. Box please 40, Meriden, CT 06450 For more information call Doreen at 203-213-9041 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS DAFFODILFEST.COM4/10/15 For more information please call Doreen at (203) 630-4124 The Committee assumes no responsibility for damage, theft or loss... www.daffodilfest.com
Carnival Rides Open Weather Permitting
The Committee assumes no responsibility for damage, theft or loss ...... CARNIVAL RIDES OPEN WEATHER PERMITTING
The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Crossroads From A14
Adams agrees. “[W]e’re doing something great here,” the shop manager said. “It’s been crazy since the start, but we were able to manage and do great things.”
Friday, April 8, 2022
Advertise with us. 203-317-2312
Crossroads, 1878 Hartford Turnpike, is open Monday to Saturday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. nzappone@record-journal.com
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The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
Friday, April 8, 2022
Connex collecting funds for sanctuary
Through June 30, local residents can help make a difference in their communities by cashing in their spare change. As part of its Coinsfor-Change program, Connex Credit Union collects 5 percent from members and 7 percent from non-members and donates 100 percent of the fees collected to four charitable organizations.
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By Keith M. Phaneuf © The Connecticut Mirror
More than 30 state employee bargaining units have ratified contracts that would provide more than 40,000 workers with $3,500 in bonuses by July, along with three years of raises, the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition announced last week.
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The agreement negotiated by Gov. Ned Lamont’s administration and SEBAC — which includes three years of step increases and 2.5% general wage hikes annually — now heads to the General Assembly for consideration.
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“Participating in Coins-forChange is an easy way for folks to help worthwhile causes while putting a little
Connex’s North Haven Branch, located at 412 Washington Ave., will donate to the Road to Refuge Animal Sanctuary, which is committed to removing animals from toxic and/or desperate situations as well as saving animals from slaughter. For more information, or to learn how your local nonprofit or charitable organization can participate in the Coins-for-Change program, please contact Nelson North at nnorth@connexcu.org or 1-800-CR-UNION. — Press Release
Unions ratify contracts granting raises, bonuses
Prepare for power outages today
As part of Connex’s philanthropic initiative ConnexCares, Coins-for-Change supports four new charities each quarter and contributes more than $14,000 annually. It is available to anyone, including those who are not members of the credit union.
extra money in your pocket,” said Louise Nestor, director of marketing, Connex Credit Union. “Small change can really add up and help make a big difference in your local community.”
Also last week, an impending surge in state employee retirements continued to intensify, according to new data from Comptroller Natalie Braswell’s office.
“This historic agreement will help ensure all residents and businesses in Connecticut can rely on the vital public services provided by the state’s workforce,” the coalition wrote in a statement. “It is a vital step in resolving the current staffing crisis that is the consequence of decades of disinvestment and austerity.” “This agreement provides a clear message to our state employees that we value their contributions to our residents while also providing a solid platform from which to recruit the next generation of public servants to our ranks,” Lamont wrote in his statement. The tentative deals call for 2.5 percent general wage hikes this fiscal year and in See Unions, A17
The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
each of the next two. There also would be step increases in each of the three years for all workers not currently at the senior-most level. Full-time workers would receive a $2,500 special payment immediately after legislative ratification of the deal, to cover the current fiscal year, which began last July 1. They also would receive another $1,000 payment on July 14. Part-time workers would be eligible for pro-rated special payments. Now that unions have ratified their contracts, details will be provided to the legislature’s nonpartisan Office of Fiscal Analysis, which will assess the short- and longterm implications of the agreement. But while total costs of the deal aren’t known yet, the package already has polarized Democrats and Republicans.
“It’s politics, pure and simple,” Madison Republican Bob Stefanowski, who lost the 2018 gubernatorial race to Lamont and is seeking a rematch this year, said in early March when the CT Mirror first disclosed the tentative wage agreements. “Governor Lamont wants the union vote next November, and he will do everything in his power to get it — at the expense of everyone else in Connecticut.” Lamont and many of his fellow Democrats in the legislature’s majority say the package is essential to ensure an ongoing surge in senior state employee retirements doesn’t get out of hand. Officials have been warning of a surge in retirements since 2017 when a concession deal with unions tight-
According to data released Friday from the comptroller’s office, 2,086 workers have retired so far this calendar year, and another 1,330 have filed written notices of their intentions to retire before July 1. The 3,416 retirements and planned retirements combined is up 10 percent from just one month ago. And the number of full-time positions authorized in the state
“The state has to live within its means just like the families and businesses we serve and represent,” Lamont added. “But this is also a unique situation where state employees did extraordinary work during a paradigm-altering pandemic, inflation has concurrently increased, and the state workforce could potentially undergo significant changes due to retirements and uncompetitive wages.”
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Providing $3,500 in bonuses for about 43,000 workers is roughly $150 million, and Republicans say this is little more than the Democratic governor buying labor support as he campaigns this year for reelection.
The state had 2,056 workers retire two years ago and 2,656 in 2021.
budget for the Executive Branch, which includes most state agencies, already is down 10.6 percent from one decade ago.
From A16
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Friday, April 8, 2022
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Find great local eats - MenusCT.com Adelphia Café 476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 203-535-0149 Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises.
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Friday, April 8, 2022
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Help Wanted
Notice is hereby given that the North Haven Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 7:30 p.m., at the Mildred A. Wakeley Community and Recreation Center, 7 Linsley Street, in Room #2 at which time and place opportunity will be given to those who wish to be heard relative to the following application: PUBLIC HEARING: 1. #22-02 Application of Jennifer Caldwell, Applicant & Owner, relative to 69 Kimberly Circle, (Map 96, Lot 19), per Section, requesting a front yard setback variance of 3.3’ to permit a front yard setback of 46.7’ where 50’ is required. R-20 Zoning District. Joseph P. Villano, Secretary R250590 Help Wanted
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Text or call Peter at 860-846-0216 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and start as soon as tomorrow morning. HANDYMAN - Looking for someone to do handyman jobs & yardwork. Apply to: PO Box 373, Middlefield, CT 06455-0373 OFFICE POSITION We are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person who has strong customer service skills and computer knowledge to work in our Self Storage office. Self Storage experience a plus. Secure facility with long-term tenant base. Part Time: Friday 9-5pm and Saturday 8-5pm (can be alternate Saturdays). Call 203-605-1494.
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Town of Cheshire seeks qualified candidates for FT, 35 hr/wk position involving administrative support to Town Planner & various land use boards. Bachelor’s degree required. Excellent benefit package. Starting hourly rate: $25.60/hr increasing to $26.11/ hr on 7-1-22. See the Town’s web site for job announcement & job description & details on how to apply prior to 4-20-22 deadline. Town of Cheshire is EEOE, M/F/D/V.
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The Town of Wallingford is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Assistant to the Animal Control Officer to perform highly responsible work in the enforcement of local and State ordinances, regulations and statutes pertaining to municipal animal control activities. The position requires a H.S. diploma or equivalency plus 2 years of experience as an animal care worker in a kennel, animal control facility, veterinary hospital or boarding facility or State of Connecticut certification as an Animal Control Officer and 6 months of experience as an animal care worker. Must possess and maintain a valid State of Connecticut Motor Vehicle Operator’s License and must be able to be “on site” within a 30-minute period when responding to all calls from the Wallingford Police Department. $22.48 to $26.66 hourly plus an excellent benefits package. Apply to: Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. Application forms will be mailed upon request from the Department of Human Resources or may be downloaded from the Department of Human Resources Web Page. Phone # 203-294-2080 Fax #: (203) 294-2084. The closing date for applications is April 18, 2022. EOE.
Autos Wanted
Highly skilled mechanic needed in the repair and maintenance of all types of motor vehicles including heavy construction equipment. The position requires 6 years’ experience in the repair and maintenance of mechanical equipment with a minimum of 2 years repairing heavy construction equipment. Technical or trade school training may substitute for up to 3 years’ experience. Must have own tools. $31.85 to $38.28 per hour, plus an excellent fringe benefit package. Apply to: Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. Forms will be mailed upon request from the Department of Human Resources or may be downloaded from the Department of Human Resources Web Page. Phone #: 203-294-2080 Fax #: (203) 294-2084. Closing date will be April 25, 2022 or the date the 50th application is received, whichever occurs first. EOE.
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Friday, April 8, 2022
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GUTTERS PLUS 25+yrs. Exp. Call today for Free estimate. 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887
HAVE DUMP TRUCK. Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Attics, basements, garages, appliances & more. Any questions?
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IF YOU Mention This Ad SPRING Yard Clean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN REMOVE ANYTHING Entire house to 1 item removed! FREE ESTIMATES Sr. Citizen Discount LIC & INS. DUMPSTER RENTALS 203-535-9817
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#1 CHEAP Sm. Yard Mowing. Spring Clean-Up. Light Hauling. Sr. & Veteran disc. 203.600.3836. Mike’s Helping Hands.
If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins. CT# 569127
CLEAN & REMOVE Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more. *SPRING YARD Clean-ups* FREE ESTIMATES. LIC & INS. DUMPSTER RENTALS 203-535-9817
Painting Wallpapering
LUNO MASONRY - We deal in all types of masonry, repairs & new projects, decks. Refs. avail. Free ests. Lic. HIC0643330 & Ins. Call 203.770.9273.
HOME DOCTOR - 48 yrs exp. Odd jobs & remodeling, former US Navy, 15 yrs, #640689, 203.427.7828.
A&A LAWNCARE - Free ests. Tree, shrub & debris removal. Dumpster rentals. Call & ask for Jim, 203-237-6638. ACCEPTING - New customers for wkly mowing, thatching, spring cleanup, stone & mulch. Ryan 860.515.1302
OVER 28 YEARS EXP Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. (860) 274-4893.
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING & POWER WASHING. Call today and save a spot to refresh your home. Lic.& ins. W/ proof of both. Policy # GLP1088962. Reasonable rates, NO JOB TO SMALL, Free estimates. Professionally handling painting jobs for over 30 years. Services and 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Call 203-500-3251 or email louisciarleglio@ gmail.com for inquires and further details
Insurance claim.storm damage.roofing.siding. gutter.chimney flashing. Office:203.754.3071 Cell:203.510.3830 Stormshieldct@gmail. com HIC.0664452
Roof Repair or Replacement, Chimney Repair, Skylight Replacement. Free est. CT #0651199 (860) 877-3006 ROOFS “R” US - Local for 50 + year. Family owned. Owner Navy Vet. Call 203-427-7828 HIC#640689.
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JT’S LANDSCAPING LLC - Spring CleanUps, we specialize in weeding all types of beds, mulching, top soil work, pruning, hedges & trees, & all your landscape needs. Residential & commercial. Lic. #616311. Call today, 203-213-6528.
PATIOS, WALKWAYS, Stonewalls, Steps, Concrete, Repairs, Etc. Free Ests. #0648556 203.808.6886 arnoldsmasonry.com
ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS When quality Counts 3 Year Guarantee Meriden, CT . Fully Ins. Lic.#575852
GEORGE J MACK & SONS - Servicing the W. BOOBER MASONRY Meriden area since Over 35 Years Experience 1922. Toilet, faucet, All Types of Masonry sink & drain repairs. CT License #626708 Water heater replace(203) 235-4139 ments. 15% Sr citizen disc. 203-238-2820.
Since 1867
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Moving and Storage
Power Washing A-1 QUALITY POWERWASHING Low Rates Call Dennis 203.630.0008
POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning on THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279
Call Monday thru Friday 8:30AM - 5PM RT RELOCATION Your moving and storage specialists. Call for a free estimate. 833-668-3978.
Painting Int. & Ext. Gutters Cleaned Free Ests. Ins. Refs. Rodrigo, (203) 565-7745.
Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential & commercial roofing. Senior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937
Friday, April 8, 2022
The North Haven Citizen | northhavencitizen.com
43 Candee Road • Prospect, CT 203-387-2267 • Email: Info@Holidayhilldaycamp.com Or Visit Us Online: HolidayHillDayCamp.com
Join our Crew for Outings! Employment starting as early as May 1 Positions May 1st to September 30th and weekends Flexible Schedules LOOKING FOR: Activities Directors, Catering Staff, Lifeguards
WORK Join our Camp Team! Employment starting June 27 Camp Dates are 6/27 to 8/19
Competitive Rates Fun Place to Work Work Outside and with Kids All Summer Great Resume Builder Build Life Skills LOOKING FOR: Camp Counselors, Life Guards, Martial Arts, Wood Working, Yoga
Visit HolidayHillDayCamp.com to Apply Today!