After woman learns of rare diagnosis, her cousins rally
At their Oct. 10 meeting, Board of Education members examined equity in North Haven schools, looked closely at the district’s student growth data and talked about a wage increase for teachers in North Haven High School’s Preschool Program.
When times are at their hardest, it’s good to know you’ve got family to rely on. Tara Merola and Crystal Thomas embody that statement.
“It’s going to be a long road for her because it’s difficult to manage your expectations around the prognosis because it’s so rare they don’t have a lot to benchmark against,” Merola said. “For example, Yale has only seen 10 of these cases.” According to the National Cancer Institute “for every one million people, one to two are diagnosed with synovial sarcoma per year in the U.S.”
BOE puts focus on student equity By Everett Bishop The Citizen
By Everett Bishop The Citizen
The women are working on organizing a benefit for their cousin, Brooke RoykaCiecierski, who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer only about a month ago.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Volume 12, Number 30
Brooke Royka-Ciecierski pictured with her husband, Dennis Royka, and their children Evan and Karlee. Photo courtesy of Crystal Thomas
Synovial sarcoma, the cancer Royka-Ciecierski was diagnosed with, is more common among young adults and can grow for years before it’s discovered by doctors. “We do think she had it for about eight years,” Thomas said. Thomas and Merola said that Royka-Ciecierski, who is 31, struggled with ankle
problems for several years before her diagnosis. However, these problems were attributed to sports and Royka-Ciecierski’s active lifestyle. “They always thought ‘you probably tweaked it.’ They did multiple tests and didn’t really see anything,” Merola said. “It wasn’t until after she had her second See Rally, A4
In a discussion of unfinished business from the August board meeting, board member Jennifer Cecarelli broached the subject of the student equity information that had been supplied to the board by Superintendent Patrick Stirk. Cecarelli had pushed for this information at the August board meeting saying that she wanted to make sure there was “a proportional number of kids in our classes” particularly when it comes to “racial balance.”
At the Oct. 10 meeting, Cecarelli shared some of the student equity information in regards to English Language Arts classes at NHHS. “79 percent of our student body is white yet 85 percent of those students are AP,” she said. “But if we look at African American, there’s 3.84 percent … but only 2.2 percent are AP. So just sort of see if we can figure out what’s preventing equalization of that proportionality would be terrific, especially among Latinx.” Cecarelli also asked about “what sort of discussions were planned” around this equity information in order to improve racial balance in classrooms. “It’s something that we’re just venturing into as well, so meeting with the high school administration and discussing that is really in the infancy stages at this See BOE, A4
Fife & drum corps marches into Ridge Road school By Everett Bishop The Citizen
to hear a sample of the genre.
Students at Ridge Road Elementary School recently learned about the history of military music when the Lancraft Fife & Drum Corps came to their school. The corps’ Oct. 10 presentation also was an opportunity to discuss the importance of fife and drum playing during the Revolutionary War and
Corps Treasurer Danny O’Mara explained to the kids that music was used as a According to O’Mara, fifes form of communication on and drums could tell troops the battlefield. when to retreat, when to prepare for battle and could “Drums were always used in even signal danger. communication and in the 1300s the Swiss started using The Lancraft Fife & Drum piccolos and fifes in the mil- Corps included the history itary,” he said, explaining of events leading up to the that the fife makes a very
shrill sound that can be heard for two miles even over cannon fire and gun fire.
See Corps, A7
Ridge Road students with the Lancraft Fife & Drum Corps. Photo by Everett Bishop, The Citizen
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
In Brief The North Haven Democratic Town Committee will host a “Pizza and Wine Fall Fun Fundraiser” on Sunday, Oct. 20, 5 to 8 p.m., at Giulio’s Restaurant, 126 Middletown Ave., North Haven. All are welcome. Costumes are encouraged. Donations are $30 for adults and $12 for children under 12. Proceeds will support the campaigns of Democratic candidates for municipal office. To purchase tickets, call 203-8231023 or donate online at donate-now and bring your receipt.
Poetry contest
Members of The North Haven Garden Club will be selling handmade birdseed wreaths that would make a wonderful gift for that someone who loves birds or for that hard-to-buy-for person in your life.
The North Haven Garden Club Youth Program will, once again, participate in The National Garden Clubs Annual Poetry Contest. The contest is open to students in North Haven from kindergarten to ninth grade. This year’s contest theme is "Ad-
Entries are due on or before Jan. 10, 2020. Mail entries to: The North Haven Garden Club, Attn. Cindy Golia, 12 Stanton Road, North Haven, CT 06473.
Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Record-Journal 500 S. Broad Street Meriden, CT 06450 NC-USPSBOX
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See Briefs, A16
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New and gently used coats of all sizes will be collected through Oct. 31. Donations will benefit The Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Victims, Veterans of America and homeless shelters across Connecticut.
For eligibility and contest rules contact Golia at
Fall coat drive
Scott Ward, a North Haven resident and specialist in bat rehabilitation, will share his knowledge with the Daytime Gardeners on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 10:45 a.m. to 12
Birdseed wreaths
ventures In The Garden." Five grand prizes will be awarded.
Bat program
The wreaths measure 10 inches in diameter and come in a mesh bag with a A make-and-take bat house festive decorative bow for workshop will follow the dis- easy hanging. They are cussion for those who wish priced at $15 each. Smaller to assemble a kit prepared wreaths are $5, and ornaby Daytime Gardener Walt ment-size wreaths are $2. Brockett. Mixed wreath baskets are Guests are welcome to paravailable for $25. ticipate in the workshop. A $5 guest donation is appreci- The order deadline is Nov. 30. ated. A $10 materials fee is required from those who To place an order, contact wish to assemble their own Cindy Golia at 203-314-5807, bat house., or For more details and to reg- message the garden club on Facebook. ister, call 203-239-1557. p.m., at the Recreation Center, 7 Linsley Ave.
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DTC fundraiser
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
Letters to the Editor Rodriguez for BOE True advocate Editor :
Editor :
I am writing to endorse Frederick Rodriguez for Board of Education.
Re-electing Patricia Brown for Board of Finance is an easy decision. Why? Because during her tenure she has reduced our taxes and fought back against over-development. Her extensive experience in finance throughout her career and success on the board is a win for our town.
Mr. Rodriguez is running for public office for the first time, and as an expert in technology and cybersecurity, I believe he would be a great asset to the BOE.
Final edition for political letters: Oct. 25 No political Letters to the Editor will run after the Friday, Oct. 25 edition. The election will be held Tuesday, Nov. 5. Political letters are limited to 100 words. Email letters to news@; mail to 500 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 or fax to 203639-0210. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact you for verification.
ballot for Patricia Brown and hope you will too. Theresa Ranciato-Viele North Haven
universities. Since 2007, she has served on North Haven’s Board of Finance. She has volunteered for community and national organizations that are important to her. Sometimes Pat volunteers for educational, fun func-
Frederick has an impressive work history, and with two young children, one of whom is currently attending Ridge Road, I am confident he will work hard to provide all students with the best and safest educational opportunities.
As a resident for over 25 years and a community volunteer, Patricia has dedicated her time to the environment, social justice, HIV/AIDS and the Special Olympics.
Sally J. Buemi North Haven
SALE PRICES Over 36toYears combined neirepxe denibmoc sraeY 63 revO NOW IN.ecEFFECT schools, research centers, I look forward casting myexperience. NOW IN Financing EFFECT Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*,government Sump Pumps,Financing ,spmfacilities uAvailable P pmuS ,*eand etnarauG nettirW elbarefsnarT ylluF
This letter is in support of First Selectman Mike Freda and the entire North Haven Republican slate in the November election.
See Letters, A12
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Mike Freda continues to bring economic development into our community, stabilizing our tax rate, which will continue for many years to come.
Editor :
The team is made up of boards and commissions that have contributed in making North Haven one of the best towns in Connecticut. Our public safety, public works and schools provide excellent service to our residents while maintaining a very reasonable tax rate.
Maureen F. Cunningham North Haven
Editor :
I am voting for Pat because she gets involved.
- Spring Saving Brilliant Basement tnGoodbye eGoodbye m eshasaB tTo naTo iWinter llirWinter B - Spring ForSay 30Say years, Pat Brown IntoInto Savings!! Patricia's an advocate for the
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Brown for BOF
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The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
BOE From A1
point,” said Superintendent Patrick Stirk. “I think that’s where we’re going to begin and move from there. We were just going to act on the data as a whole.” Stirk said that the school also was planning on looking at student equity misalignment in other departments and to see if the school could figure out why there may be a misalignment in various departments and classes. Stirk and Assistant Superintendent Melinda McKenna later presented information
on the district’s Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium scores that track growth data of third to eighth grade students in regards to English Language Arts and mathematics. SBAC scores are set by the state for individual students. These scores act as “growth targets” and students need to either meet or exceed these targets in order to achieve growth on their SBAC scores. “The average percentage of target achieved accounts for the amount of growth made towards the target,” said Stirk. “So on average from grades 3 to 8, 64.6 percent of our students met 100 percent of their ELA target and
69.1 percent met it in math.”
Over the last three years, North Haven schools SBAC scores have seen steady improvement. In regards to North Haven schools’ district reference group, which ranks North Haven against surrounding school districts, North Haven public schools ranked fifth for growth rate Just before the meeting adin ELA and eighth for growth journed, Director of Finance and Operations Pam Mangirate in mathematics. ni brought forward a motion “We’re pleased with our to increase the wages of the number of students at goal preschool teachers at and above but we’re also NHHS. pleased to see that we’re
cer, Merola said that amputation is “still on the table” for Royka-Ciecierski.
From A1
child that the pain began to increase substantially.” Joint pain as a result of synovial sarcoma is common, as the cancer grows in muscles or soft tissue and “joints such as the wrist or ankle,” according to the National Cancer Institute. In order to stop the spread of the can-
Hearing the news of this rare form of cancer, coupled with it being left untreated for years and the thought of possible amputation, would take a hefty toll on most. But Merola and Thomas know that their cousin isn’t just anyone. “She uplifts everyone around her,” said Merola. “If she wasn’t that way, I think we would all be crying
“Based on their current enrollment, based on the income that’s projected for this year and offsetting their budget that we put together, they have a projected year end balance of about $1,780 and a 2 percent increase to the three employees would be $1,700,” said Mangini. “They were very grateful for the consideration of a 2 percent increase.” The board moved to a vote for the proposed increase and the motion passed unanimously.
more than we do. She makes us laugh, she makes jokes. She sees the light in this situation and the hope.” Thomas said that when they made a GoFundMe page for their cousin, “people would write sappy things.” “She’s like ‘I don’t want to hear it,’” Thomas said. “She’s pretty much saying she’s going to beat this.” See Rally, A9
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achieving more on the growth target,” said McKenna. “Students individually and collectively as a group, if you look over that three-year span, you can see incrementally that we’re getting stronger in terms of children kind of improving against themselves.”
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The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
Does Your Business Need COMMENTARY requires a Marketing Makeover? Democracy our participation ENTER THE...
By Sally J. Buemi
I was just thinking about the upcoming municipal election here in North Haven on Tuesday, Nov. 5. All five polling places will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mr. Freda is running unopposed for the First Selectman’s seat, and it is also a certainty that myself and Mr. Pieper will maintain our seats on the Board of Selectmen. However, there are many good reasons why voters should be motivated to get to the voting booth this election season. There are other crucial boards that will be contested this year. I am referring specifically to the Board of Finance, where four candidates (two from each party) are seeking three available seats; and the Board of Education, which, likewise, has four candidates vying for three open seats.
from RJ Media Group
$3,000 Marketing Makeover Branding Digital Advertising Print Advertising Social Media Advertising And More! Winners will be announced November 18th on our facebook page! This sweepstakes is luck of the draw and open to any business that needs a marketing makeover! Record-Journal | | The Cheshire Herald | | Homebase Digital Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen | North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times
And then there is the Board of Education, which is made up of nine individuals, serving six-year terms, elected to ensure that our approximately 3,200 school kids get the best possible education in a safe learning environment. The BOE has exclusive authority to spend the money the BOF gives them to do this daunting task, currently about $54.5 million. I think that’s worth going to the polls for, don’t you? And there are other positions on the ballot this year as well, such as Planning and Zoning, Zoning Board of Appeals, Police Commission and Fire Commission. The Fire Commission should be of particular interest. So I urge my fellow citizens to do two things; after all, real democracy requires citizen participation and effort.
First, educate yourselves in the weeks ahead about the Why is the Board of Finance candidates. Learn about all so important? Well, a careful of them with an open mind. reading of our Town Charter There will be newspaper articles and NHTV programs makes it clear that the BOF is where the real action takes to assist you, including my new show, “Speaking Freely place. with Sally.” Some candidates The purpose of local govern- may come to your door. ment is to provide services Second, on Nov. 5, no matter (education, police, fire, garbage pick-up, snow-plow- what the weather, make that trip to your polling location ing, library and recreation) and exercise your precious directly to town residents. and cherished right to vote. That takes money. And if you see a candidate standing at the polls, give And the BOF recommends him or her a quick smile, or just how much money (voteven a thank you, for their ed on at referendum). And willingness to run for office, the BOF sets the mill rate for their efforts to make that determines how much each taxpayer will contribute North Haven a better place for all our citizens. to the effort. So we want the best people, Please feel free to contact me at sbuemi5@comqualified to make tough choices between the wants and needs of our town; to Sally J. Buemi is a provide the best services at North Haven selectman. the lowest possible cost.
The North Haven Citizen |
Corps From A1
war in its presentation and played songs for the youngsters including “Yankee Doodle,” “Road to Boston” and “Grandfather’s Clock.” Members also explained the significance of those songs to the time period. The presentation fit in perfectly with what fourth and fifth graders were preparing to do next: research projects based on the Revolutionary War. “They need to know about where we came from, that there’s a bigger picture other than themselves,” said Sheryl Holle, a teacher in the fourth and fifth grade Integrated Day program. Students will be asked to pick a specific topic related to the war and complete a research project to share with the class. Topics could range from battles, to key figures in the war and even drum and fife players like the Lancraft Corps. Caitlin Fletcher, another fourth and fifth grade ID teacher, said that she believes these projects and exposing students to their country’s history will help them “become better citizens of the world.” “There’s so much that we assume that they know and there’s so much they assume that they don’t know,” she said. “I’m surprised about how much they knew just talking at the event now.” At the end of the event, O’Mara made sure to tell the students about the importance of learning about American history. “It’s important for the rest of your life to realize that these people, who were not soldiers here in America, were willing to stand up against the tyranny of the king of England who didn’t want to let go of his control,” said O’Mara. “The words liberty, freedom and independence are very important.”
Friday, October 18, 2019
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The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
MOVE YOUR BUSINESS FORWARD RJ Media Group RJ Media Group means world class marketing solutions for your local business. No one covers more customers in your area. And no one offers more ways to reach them. Targeted Advertising in print, online and mobile platforms. Digital Solutions including SEO, social media campaigns, retargeting, reputation management and total website development. Direct Marketing solutions from custom mailings to email blasts. Expert Guidance from dedicated marketing professionals. To see how RJ Media Group can make your business more successful, contact Jim Mizener at 203.317.2312 or
Record-Journal | | Homebase Digital | Berlin Citizen Cheshire Citizen | North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times
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The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
Library Yoga series: Tuesdays, through Oct. 29, 5:30 p.m. Practice includes basic, vinyasa, gentle and restorative yoga for any level student. Presented by yoga instructor Tracie DiMaio. Meditation series: Wednesdays, through Oct. 23, 5:15 p.m. Johanne Vannelli from Peacefulmind, LLC, will lead a guided meditation that will help you pause, relax, find focus and be present in the moment. Marco Polo film: Friday, Oct. 18, 10:30 a.m. Follow the journey of two ordinary guys as they set out to follow Polo’s historic route. Concert series: Saturday, Oct. 19, 2 p.m. This concert will feature award winning choral and jazz ensembles from North Haven High School. That’s Weird: Monday, Oct. 21, 10:30 a.m. Transmission oil, underwear and whale kidney stones … what do they have in common?They are all strange objects collected by the Connecticut Historical Society. Registration required. Writing workshop: Monday, Oct. 21, 6:30 p.m. Join Susan Strecker for a writing work-
Rally From A4
As of Tuesday, Oct. 15, the GoFundMe effort had raised over $10,000 for Royka-Ciecierski. Meanwhile, Merola and Thomas are planning a Fight Strong benefit for their cousin slated for Saturday, Nov. 2, 1 to 5 p.m. Tickets are $40. There is no charge for those 12 and under.
shop on the seven essential elements of successful novels. Writers of all ability levels are welcome. Registration required. Tuesday Morning Movie: Tuesday, Oct. 22, 10:30 a.m. The Upside. A recently paroled ex-convict strikes up an unusual and unlikely friendship with a quadriplegic billionaire in this funny and warm-hearted buddy comedy.
Beecher & Bennett
Working with Connecticut Families since 1894.
Sugar program: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 10:30 a.m. Do you find yourself craving sugar or want something sweet after a meal? Learn how sugar effects the body, where it is hidden, and how to kick it. Presented by Ginger Tait, certified integrative health coach and registered yoga teacher. Registration required. New Haven’s Little Italy: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 7 p.m. The film “The Village” tells the story of the Wooster Square neighborhood, which for many years was a tightknit Italian-American enclave. Following the screening, there will be a Q&A with the film’s director, Steve Hamm, and Frank Carrano, who inspired the film. Registration required.
“There’s no words to explain her as a person. She’s just amazing,” said Thomas. “She’s an amazing mother, an amazing person, a great wife. Everyone loves her. You can’t help but do anything but smile and laugh with her.”
“She’s incredibly proud of her children,” said Merola. “Right now her highlight is watching her son play football. She’s the No. 1 biggest fan of her son, even with The benefit will be hosted at crutches and uncomfortable as she is. She’s still going to Bozzuto Farm in Northford. Food will be provided by An- work. She just wants to live her life." thony’s of New Haven and other local restaurants. Raf“When you want to cry, call fle baskets have been donat- Brooke,” said Thomas. “Beed by friends, families and cause you won’t cry.” local businesses.
In 1894 Henry W. Beecher and James M. Bennett came to New Haven and founded Beecher & Bennett, the funeral service company bearing their names. Starting from a simple store front at 280 Elm Street, they worked hard to make their business a success. Their dedication to helping Connecticut families in need, established the foundation for the principles Beecher & Bennett would carry forward to 2019, marking our 125th year in business!
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
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The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
Residents dress up town green for Halloween On Saturday, Oct. 12, members of the North Haven Garden Club Scarecrow Committee gathered at the town green to see the 15 scarecrows entered into the contest and their creators set up their creations. The scarecrows were all different themes, shapes and sizes and the ladies guided the entries and their crows to their designated spots. They came from nursery schools, elementary schools, the high school, young children, civic groups and families. They are tall, short, sitting and standing, all great and all very different.
It was a fun-filled couple of hours for the members of the club and the creators of the scarecrows, too. Judging took place on Monday, Oct. 14 and the winners will be announced soon. So stop by and walk through the display, which will be up until Nov. 2, and enjoy all the scarecrows and their different themes and names. Maybe next year you will create a crow too! -- Writeup by Cindy Golia; photos by Fran Notaro, Cindy Adinolfi and Rick O'Donnell.
Garden club joins Day For Kids North Haven Garden Club Youth Group and Junior Garden Club were thrilled to be part of Ulbrich Boys and Girls Club of North Haven’s first annual Day For Kids.
See Club, A12
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Marge Quinn and Betty East at the garden club’s table.
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The event took place on the North Haven Town Green on Saturday, Sept. 14. Along with other organizations and businesses of the North Haven community members of the North Haven Garden Club provided materials for the kids, both large and
small, to make a herb or a flower pot for their windowsill. The kids had the choice of herbs, which included basil, oregano, parsley, dill, thyme, cilantro, mint and tarragon and more or marigolds. Each child filled their pot with soil, sprayed the soil with a squirt bottle, added seeds and more soil and sprayed the soil again. Parents were advised to cover the pots with
Exceptional Service & Respect at a Difficult Time
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
In Brief Local theater
5K, breakfast
North Haven High School Drama presents "Almost, Maine," a romantic comedy about love, relationships and heartache: Oct. 24 at 6:30 p.m. and Oct. 25 and 26 at 7 p.m. Performances are at the high school. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door.
The North Haven Rotary will hold its annual 5K and pancake breakfast fundraisers on Sunday, Nov. 10. The 5K and fun run both kick off at 10 a.m. from the North Haven High School parking lot, with registration opening at 8 a.m. Proceeds benefit the Ulbrich Boys & Girls
Club of North Haven and other local charities. The pancake breakfast begins at 8 a.m. at the adjacent middle school, and includes an all-you-can-eat breakfast. There is live music, a book sale and events honoring veterans. Tickets are available at the door. Veterans eat free.
Letters From A3
Tireless advocate
Catholic speakers
the first topic in the series is “Prayer” and will take place The Father James F. Donaher Thursday, Nov. 21, 7 p.m., at Council No. 3733 of the St. Frances Cabrini Church North Haven Knights of Hall, 57 Pond Hill Road, Columbus has organized a North Haven. catholic speaker series. All The talks are free and open sessions are free of charge. to the public. No reservaPaul Caiafa, Grand Knight of tions required. For more inthe local Knights of Colum- formation, contact Paul Cabus Council, announced that iafa at 203-671-2942.
In all she does, Jennifer is kind, fair, respectful and committed to justice. She will use those qualities, in addition to her professional
Editor :
achievements, to continue to create a meaningful experience for all students and families in North Haven. Michele O'Connell North Haven
I encourage the citizens of North Haven to vote for Jennifer Cecarelli for Board of Education. I have known Jennifer for over a decade, and she has been a tireless advocate for students and families. She has been a teacher for 22 years and brings her classroom experience to the board. Beyond serving on the BOE, Jennifer is an active volunteer in the wider community.
Cindy Golia, Bene' Jablonski and Betty East.
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Members who assisted Cindy Golia, project coordinator and Youth Chair, were Betty East, Bene' Jablonski and Marge Quinn. North Haven Garden Club is a member of The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut Inc., New England Garden Clubs Inc. and The National Garden Clubs Inc.
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plastic wrap, which makes a mini greenhouse, place the pot in a sunny location and wait for the seeds to sprout.
A Classified ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’s easy on your wallet, too.
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
Fasano miffed about UConn president’s free tuition plan Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano has some questions about UConn President Thomas Katsouleas’ plan to offer a free tuition program for families with incomes of less than $50,000. He’s also miffed he wasn’t consulted first. Katsouleas revealed the free tuition proposal during his inauguration in Storrs on Friday, Oct. 4. The university released details about how the program would work late
Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 9.
Fasano, R-North Haven, said he found it “a little bit out of the norm for a new president” to commit to a free tuition program without reaching out to legislators. Wednesday, Fasano released a copy of the letter he sent to Katsouleas asking for details about the proposal. “Maybe he reached out to everyone but me,” Fasano said, “but not reaching out to the Senate Minority leader saying, ‘Hey, this is what I’m thinking, this is how I plan to pay for it,’ to go out
there and say it’s free. I doubt UConn professors are going to teach courses for free. “You’re a new president, you owe a certain amount of responsibility to the fiduciary not to play to the politics … of saying free, free, free.” Fasano’s letter to Katsouleas, who started his job at the university on Aug. 1, asks what the cost of the program will be and how UConn will pay for it. “While UConn’s spokesperson has indicated that these
costs are not clear yet, I cannot imagine you would announce these plans if you were not certain UConn could afford these new expenses,” Fasano wrote. “Second, I would like to know how you plan to pay for these initiatives. Will the UConn Foundation be covering these new costs? I understand that some UConn Foundation funds are already designated to be spent for specific purposes. I would like to know how much funding the UConn Foundation has in total and what all funds have been
designated for.” Fasano’s letter also asks Katsouleas whether he plans to increase tuition and other fees at the school over the next two to five years, and whether UConn will be seeking additional state funding. Fasano said he is concerned that tuition might have to continue to go up to cover the cost of the program. “Over the last six years, we’ve gone up on tuition for kids,” he said. “So, you know, is that what we’re going to See Tuition, A15
By Kathleen Megan © The Connecticut Mirror
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
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The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
level in those discussions,” said Michael Enright, a spokesman for the university.
funded via need-based institutional aid.
The university will also aggressively work to raise prido? Go up on [some] kids to “UConn has no plans to seek vate philanthropic dollars support other kids? additional dollars in its state that will help support the He added, “UConn just cried appropriation to fund it,” En- cost of the plan going forright said. “Rather, UConn is ward, Enright said. The inibroke. We had to give them — the Democrats did — give funding it at the outset by re- tiative will have no impact allocating money within the on the tuition paid by other them more money because universit y’s existing budget students, or their financial they couldn’t afford the aid packages, he said. fringe [benefits], so how are to our financial aid budget.” we affording free college? The program is estimated to At his recent inauguration It’s so easy to stand out cost about $1 million per Katsouleas said research there and say free, free, free, class that enrolls at the shows that a majority of but how are you going to school, the university said, Americans in some demopay for this?” adding that it expects begraphics see a top tier insti900 and 1,400 stutution as “not for them, as tween In a statement released Oct. for the elite and even a dents per class to come from 9 a spokesman for UConn scam.” said the plan was “foreshad- families with household incomes of $50,000 or less. owed” on multiple occaHe said he wants to reach sions by Katsouleas – in Of these students, about 75% out to those students who meetings with lawmakers think they can’t afford already receive awards that and in interviews with the UConn and give them a cover tuition, and in some media. cases, more than tuition. The chance to enroll. remaining 25% of students “President Katsouleas forewill receive supplemental fi- “Higher education is under shadowed the plan in a unprecedented pressure to nancial aid awards to bring number of places before it transform itself,” Katsouleas the level of commitment to was announced; he’s been said. “Although data continthe amount of tuition. meeting with members of ue to support the strong corthe General Assembly in relation between more eduWhile the UConn Foundagroups, by delegation, for cation and more opportunition raises money to pay for the past several weeks and ty, namely higher employthe program, the Connectioutlined the plan at a high ment rates, and lifetime cut Commitment will be
From A13
earnings, increasingly this is not the narrative experienced by a large portion of middle America.”
plan and another who hadn’t any — expressed strong support for the freetuition plan.
Another key Republican lawmaker, House Minority Leader Themis Klarides, RDerby, also has concerns about how the school will pay for the program.
Rep. Gregg Haddad, DMansfield and co-chairman of the higher education committee, said he was at a meeting with Katsouleas when he mentioned he was considering making a financial commitment to a certain pool of students.
“I think the bottom-line is that we have a multi-billion dollar deficit and we have to be very cognizant of where our money is going,” Klarides said. “Certainly education is a priority to all of us, but we also have elderly and children and housing and paying off pensions and all these things. These things have got to be prioritized and money is an issue.” But at least two Democratic legislative leaders — one of whom had partial advance knowledge of Katsouleas’s
“They had mentioned a commitment to students [with family earnings] under $50,000, so it wasn’t like I was completely unaware of it it,” he said, “but when they posed it to me, it was more like they were thinking about it — not something that was imminent. They asked me to withhold any public comment on it until after they made the announcement.”
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The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
Ave.; North Haven Health & Coffee, Donuts Racquet, 100 Elm St.; UPS and Trusts Customer Center, 456 Sackett Point Road; Community Attorneys George and Marc Services, Town Hall Annex, 5 Guertin of Guertin and Linsley St. Guertin, LLC invite the pubFor more information, ccon- lic to join them for the workshop, "Coffee, Donuts & tact Deb Zavarella at 203Trusts," on Saturday, 285-4675. Oct. 19, 10 a.m., at the Guertin offices, 26 Broadway, North Haven.
From A2
Donations may be dropped off at the following North Haven locations: Stop & Shop, 79 Washington
Registration is required. Seats fill up quickly. Call 203-234-7400 or email info@ guertinlaw.
Leaders, achievers scholarship NBCUniversal invites high school seniors to apply for the Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program, which recognizes students who have demonstrated outstanding community
service, exceptional academic performance and strong leadership skills. The award, funded by the Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation, is a one-time, $2,500 scholarship to be used toward undergraduate education-related expenses. Visit for details. The application deadline is Friday, Dec. 6, at 5 p.m.
Energy assistance The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program is a state and federally funded grant program which assists families in the New Haven region with fuel expenses for their primary source of heat. This program is designed to provide energy assistance to individuals and families who meet the federal pover-
ty guidelines. Eligibility is determined based upon the total income and assets of the applicant’s household. This service is available by appointment for North Haven residents. Appointments are available Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., in the Community Services office, located in the Town Hall Annex Building, 5 Linsley St. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call Community Services at 203-239-2566, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
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Notice is hereby given that the Inland WetFind what you’re looking lands Commission will hold a Public Hearfor, with ing on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 7:00 P.M., at the Mildred A. Wakeley is Connecticut’s munity and Recreation Center, 7 Linsley most comprehensive Street, in Room #2 at 7:00 p.m. to consider the following application. A copy of this noonline job board, offering tice is filed in the Town Clerk’s Office. hundreds of the best jobs 1. #I19-13 Application of United Technologies Corporation, Pratt & Whitney Division, with top local companies Applicant, MDC Coastal 9, LLC, Owner, relative to 409 Washington Avenue, (Map 90, in almost every industry Lot 6), seeking a Permit to Conduct Regthroughout the state. Find ulated Activity. Plan Entitled: Ecological Risk Based Remediation, United Technolothe right job, right here, at gies Corporation, 409 Washington Avenue, North Haven, Connecticut, Former Pratt & Whitney Facility, Permitting Plans. Prepared by: Fuss & O’Neill. Dated: September 2019. Scale: 1”=50’. IL-80 Zoning District. Frank H. Bumsted, Chairman R222777
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WELFARE DEPARTMENT AUCTION NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: The following person(s) are owners of said properties removed from the sidewalk after same was removed by the Marshal following a lawful eviction. According to the General Statutes, State of Connecticut, Section 47a-42(c), these goods will be auctioned on Friday, October 24th at 10:00 a.m. at CubeSmart Self Storage, 453 Washington Ave. North Haven, CT. Minimum bidding for the lot will start at $190.00 All Monies to be paid in cash immediately following the auction. Elaine Neish & John Doe 11 Village St North Haven, CT 06473 All items belonging to the above party will be disposed of at 10:30 A.M. that same day if no sale is made at auction. There will be no exceptions made whatsoever. Dated this 7th day of October 2019. Town of North Haven Rob Snurkowski Welfare Department R222929
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Send resume - For busy mental Hunting & Fishing, PEZ $550+. 860.930.4001. com for more info. LOST Fishing pole at to Keith@lipperinternahealth practice in Dispensers, Costume Black Pond, on West Hartford. Exp. Jewelry, Broken Jewelday, October 10, re- AARON’S BUYING with or familiarity ry, Gold & Silver JewelPet Services ward. (203) 605-1603. w/medical billing a Old Machinist Tools, ry, Gold & Silver Coins, Apartments For Rent must! Fast paced Military Items, Swords Lathes, BenchTools, and friendly work- SOUTHINGTON - Lrg. & Bayonets, Helmets & Hand Tools & more. Lawn and Garden ATTENTION DOG ing environment w/ Patches, Medals & Uni5 rm apt., 2nd fl., off (203) 525-0608. Open 8–5 Monday OWNERS! competitive wages forms, Pocket Knives, st prkg, near Rt 84, all Obedience Classes & health benefits. Lighters & Pipes, Founthru Friday. Call Us. appls., no pets/smkg, Starting Oct. 7th, Email resume to: tain Pens, Mechanical $1,300 incl. utils. exMONDAY Evenings at ALWAYS BUYING Pencils, Fraternal Order 203-238-1953 cept gas heat, AC & TV. Cheshire Parks & Rec. CASH PAID attn: Julia Items, Religious Items, Call (860) 628-8386. 10 week course Vintage Electronics, Industrial Items, WinBeginners - 6:15pm Musical Instruchester Items, Sikorsky Help Wanted Novices - 7:15pm ments, Amps, Ham Items, Pratt & Whitney $150. Pre-Reg online Equipment, HiFi, Items, Colt Items, Naor call Chesh. Parks Radios, CB, Guitive American Items, & Rec at 203-272tars, Audio EquipVintage Electronics, 2743, 9-4, AFTER ment, Antiques. Slot Cars, Toy Trucks, MATERIALS 5pm Call Instructor 860-707-9350 Matchbox & HotDISTRIBUTION Bruce Giannetti wheels, Barbie’s, Folk Screened Topsoil $25 203-235-4852 Art, Statues, Bronzes, per yd; Sand-$15 per Trains, Cameras, Mid yd; Millings-$10 per yd; Century Modern FurANTIQUES - Always niture, Straight Razors, Screened Millings $14 buying old; Toys, Shaving Items, Political per yd; Clean Fill $8 military, jewelry, art, Items, Comic Books, watches, musical per yd: $100 minimum Sports Cards & Autoinstruments, signs, delivery. No pickup truck graphs…& THE LIST arcade games, service. Minimum 16 yd GOES ON! So please cameras, pre 1970 pickup at our yard. Call ChemScope is looking for an Industrial Hygienist to give us a call at your sports memorabilJim @ 860-982-4819 for earliest convenience. ia, plus more. One service locations throughout CT. Must be able to travel Grassy Hill Auctions delivery item or entire estate 203-868-1816 - Grassy contents. Call 860- Emilie Buchwald VERY NICE to and complete jobs located anywhere in CT within 30 718-5132.
Industrial Hygienist
BUYING MACHINIST $25/yard delivered, TOOLBOXES - Tools 3 yd, $100 min. delivery & tooling, contents of Call Jim 860-982-4819 machine shops, home workshops and small lathes. Call anytime Miscellaneous For Sale 860-985-5760 116 DVDS - Great condition, all for $6-0. 203237-6807. RENOVATING A HOME? - Quality tile for sale! Price negotiable! Call 860-729-7658.
Wood Fuel Heating Equipment CLEAN FIREWOOD
$200 per cord. Cut, split and delivered. (203) 376-2805.
days. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to 15 Moulthrop Street, North Haven, CT 06473. Duties: Conducts PCM Analysis using company provided testing equipment. Receives and analyzes air samples both in the lab and in the field, oversees the collection of samples, and communicates the results of analysis. Conducts preabatement inspections to ensure samples are collected in compliance with regulations and job specifications. Performs pre-inspection planning by surveying sites and determining the scope of inspection. Maintains and inspects scope and test kit, including logs. Tests reference samples and maintains lab supplies. Educational Requirements: Bachelor’s or Bachelor’s Equivalent in Environmental Engineering or Chemistry.
“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”
CLEANEST FIREWOOD IN CT! - $200 a cord delivered. Discount over 4 or picked up. Mike, (203) 631-2211.
DEE’S ANTIQUES Buying Collectibles. Jewelry & Silver. China. Glass. Military. Musical. Anything Old & Unusual. Single item to an estate. 203.235.8431.
***NEED EXTRA CASH?*** Always buying coins, gold, silver, antiques, collectibles, estate & broken or unwanted jewelry. Live auction & estate services. Rick’s Antiques & Coins, 428 N. Colony Rd., Rt. 5, Wlfd. 203.269.9888. ricksantiques
Classified Advertising Call 203-238-1953
The North Haven Citizen |
Please & Thank you.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Businesses & Services Attics and Basements Cleaned GARY WODATCH
Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430
Home Improvements
Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs Welcome. 203.237.2122
Specializing in roofing, siding, kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, basement remodeling. Senior citizen discount Insured. Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937
Junk Removal
JIMMY’S MASONRY Over 28 years of exp. IF YOU Mention Stonewalls, patios, This Ad sidewalks, chimneys, FALL Yard pool areas, fireplaces, Clean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. storm damage (860) 274-4893. **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc Plumbing WE CAN REMOVE GEORGE J MACK & ANYTHING SONS - Servicing the Entire house to Meriden area since 1 item removed! 1922. Toilet, faucet, FREE ESTIMATES sink & drain repairs. Sr. Citizen Discount Water heater replacements. 15% Sr citizen LIC & INS. disc. Member of BBB. 203-535-9817 or 203-238-2820. 860-575-8218
Power Washing
Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237-4283. CT Reg #601060.
If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins. CT# 569127
POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning on THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279
CLEAN & REMOVE Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more. *FALL YARD Clean-ups* FREE ESTIMATES. LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218.
GUTTERS PLUS 25+yrs. Exp. Call today for Free estimate. 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887
Handyperson AAA - Handyman Service. If it’s broken, If it’s cracked, If it’s rotted, WE CAN FIX IT. One call does it all, 30 yrs exp. Patrick (860) 3789813, HIC.0655666. HOME DOCTOR - 48 years exp. in all trades, we do small odd jobs to remodeling, former US Navy, 15 years, Senior discount. Ins. #640689, 203.427.7828.
Home Improvements AHEARN BUILDERS Additions, Decks, Siding, Doors, Windows, Remodeling. 860.346.0409
FOR HOUSE CLEANING - We do whole cleanings: homes, apts, office. Hate cleaning? We love it! (203) 826-6637.
Get Listed. Get Results.
Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237-4283. CT Reg #601060.
Cleaning Services
Electrical Services
JM Lawn Care Lawn Mowing, Fall clean-up. Comm. & Residential. 860.796.8168
JT’S LANDSCAPING LLC - Fall cleanups: leaves raked, cleaning gutters, all your Fall landscaping needs. Residential, commercial at Reasonable pricing. #616311. Licensed & insured. Call JT’s 203-213-6528
Masonry HAVE DUMP TRUCK. Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Attics, basements, garages, appliances & more. Any questions?
Landscaping Gary Wodatch Landscaping. Hedge&tree trimming. Trim overgrown properties. Calls returned. #620397. 860-558-5430
A Classified ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’s easy on your wallet, too.
ALEX MASONRY - 30 yrs. exp. Patios, Ret. Walls, Steps, Brick, Stone, Chimneys. #580443. 203-232-0257 or 203596-0652
ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS, DECKS & REMODELING. 203-639-0032 email: info@ gonzalezconstruction Fully Licensed & Insured Reg #577319
Looking for a friend? Find litters of critters in Classifieds.
Yalesville Construction Roofing.Siding.Gutters. Skylights. Chimney Re- Specializing in all phases of residential & pair. Flashing. #0649808 commercial roofing. 203.510.3830. lmmasonSenior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937
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Tree Services Gary Wodatch LLC Tree Removal All calls returned. CT#620397 Quick courteous service. Office 203-235-7723 Cell 860-558-5430
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, October 18, 2019
SANS SOUCI Restaurant and Lounge This Fall, Sans Souci is celebrating their
25th Anniversary!
Jack Cut 14 oz. ...................... $24.50 Queen Cut 20 oz. ...................$29.95 King Cut 26 oz. ..................... $34.95
Tuesday Special! 5 Courses for $14.95 Thursday night is $6 Martini Night
2003 N Broad St. (Berlin Turnpike) Meriden, CT Closed Mondays • 203-639-1777
Prime Rib