FM World 19.6.14

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VOL 11 ISSUE 12 19 JUNE 2014


11 | Hounslow’s feeding futures

20 | Going postal

24 | Retail energy control




06 FMs will disappear as ‘robotics take over’, summit is told 07 Employers urged to help get workers more active 08 Manchester Town Hall and Central Library 09 Think Tank: What is the biggest issue facing FMs in 2014? 10 Business news: Graeme Davies on specialist asset managers buying PFIs and PPPs 11 Compass arm works with council in £6m venture 12 In Focus: Tony Sanders, managing director of professional services at Interserve

14 Finbarr Murray on the heroes of NHS catering 15 Five minutes with Neil Howe 50 No Two Days

MONITOR 33 Insight: Market intelligence 34 How to: Procuring manned guarding 35 Comment: Health and safety and CSR 36 Technical: Grease management in kitchens 39 Technical: International FM: the real challenges 40 Technical: Electrical risk awareness

28 | Security services


The changing face of the workplace: Academics and workplace specialists debated the future for FM at the recent IFMA Workplace Strategy Summit


Family affair: At the Petchey Academy in East London, the Gilbert family is proving that a passion for FM can be passed down the generations


You’ve got mail: The mail room remains a soft target for terrorist threats, but many methods exist to guard against attack by post


Retail energy management: By its very nature, controlling energy expenditure in a retail environment is an exacting science


Safe and sound: Ensuring business continuity should involve a security strategy based around both online and physical security needs

REGULARS 42 45 46 47 48

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SUBSCRIPTIONS BIFM members with FM World subscription or delivery queries should call the BIFM’s membership department on 0845 0581358 FM World is sent to all members of the British Institute of Facilities Management and is available on subscription to nonmembers. Annual subscription rates are UK £110, rest of world £130. To subscribe call 020 8950 9117 or email fm@alliance-media. – alternatively, you can subscribe online at subscribe/ To order the BIFM good practice guides or the FM World Buyers’ Guide to FM Services call James Harris on 020 7880 6229. EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Simon Ball, business development manager, Interserve ⁄ Martin Bell, independent consultant / Lucy Jeynes, Larch Consulting / Nick Cook, managing director, Avison Young ⁄ Rob Greenfield, group SHEQ director, GSH ⁄ Liz Kentish, managing director, Kentish and Co. ⁄ Anne Lennox Martin, FM consultant ⁄ Peter McLennan, joint course director, MSc Facility Environment and Management, University College London ⁄ Geoff Prudence, chair, CIBSE FM Group ⁄ Chris Stoddart, director of FM, Regent Street Direct ⁄ Jeremy Waud, managing director, Incentive FM ⁄ Jane Wiggins, FM tutor and author ⁄ Chris Wood, FM consultant Average net circulation 11,920 (Jul 12 – Jun 13) FM World magazine is produced using paper derived from sustainable sources; the ink used is vegetable based; 85 per cent of other solvents used in the production process are recycled © FM World is published on behalf of the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) by Redactive Publishing Ltd (RPL), 17 Britton St, London EC1M 5TP. This magazine aims to include a broad range of opinion about FM business and professional issues and articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the BIFM nor should such opinions be relied upon as statements of fact. All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, transmitted or stored in any print or electronic format, including but not limited to any online service, any database or any part of the internet, or in any other format in whole or in part in any media whatsoever, without the prior written permission of the publisher. While all due care is taken in writing and producing this magazine, neither BIFM nor RPL accept any liability for the accuracy of the contents or any opinions expressed herein. Printed by Polestar Stones ISSN 1743 8845


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have come to realise that the most enjoyable part of the World Cup is everything that happens before the first ball is even kicked; that magical time before the tournament when everything seems possible; where snatched conversations around the water cooler reveal even the unlikeliest of colleagues as the biggest fan of Adam Lallana’s work rate, or how the quiet bloke in accounts is, in fact, a staunch proponent of Argentina’s solid 5-3-2 system. It’s a time to succumb to that uniquely heady sense of expectation tinged with patriotic delusion. And of course it’s all that hope, all that innocent, glorious hope that gets us in the end – before Germany go on to win (vs Argentina on penalties, I reckon). Given the value of office space and the often dramatic ways in which its use is increasingly determined by ever-changing IT, it’s easy to wonder whether we’re witnessing a similar period of great anticipation followed by crushing disappointment; a time of infinite possibility in workplace productivity, borne of technological revolution, which is soon to be tempered by the ugly reality of brutal cost vs occupancy equations coming our way in the months and years ahead. The cost of running offices – in particular the cost of empty desks, is looming ever larger on the boardroom agenda. Meanwhile, new legislation coming into effect at the end of this month will, if a recent YouGov/Croner report is to be believed, lead to a quarter of employees asking their employers for flexible working arrangements. As the way in which work changes to this new reality, so must the workplace adapt. Will we reach a tipping point? Will the way that some businesses downsize their office portfolio around a new flexible working paradigm become the standard for that sector – forcing competing businesses to adopt the same approach, and a much reduced office portfolio? It’s easy to underestimate the role of the office. It gives a business a place in which it belongs, a place from which it can develop a sense of corporate cohesion. How can businesses hope to offer the new generation of digital natives that sense of togetherness when offices are just touchpoints rather than destinations? For all the investment in ‘smart buildings’, with workspaces designed to eliminate desk-based working in favour of ad hoc ‘sit-and-go’ networking (both social and technological), there’s still no sign that we’re headed for a resolved state of digital maturity any time soon. Far from it, in fact. We’re all redefining the workplace every time we redefine our workflows – the latter typically the result of business models under seemingly endless revision. The dizzying fluidity that all of this suggests, coupled with those new figures that again throw the potential impact of flexible working into the melting pot, do not make for a stable scenario. That’s certainly what it feels like at the moment – a period of excitement caused by new and empowering ways of working that could in fact end up with knowledge workers (in particular) forced into ‘flexibility’ instead of benefiting from it when they need it. So – a worrying time for those of us with a perhaps overly fond view of what an office provides to a business? Perhaps. But then, if England win the World Cup, it’s not as if we’ll care.


“The cost of running the office, in particular the cost of empty desks, is looming ever larger on the boardroom agenda”

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FMs will shrink as ‘robotics take over’, summit is told FM as an industry may be considerably smaller in 10 years’ time, a gathering of professionals heard last week. Adapting workplaces to accommodate more flexible forms of working could result in a decline in the traditional office environments within which FMs are usually associated, delegates at IFMA’s Workplace Strategy Summit in Reading, Berkshire, were told. Chris Kane, CEO of BBC Commercial Projects, explained: “As things like robotics take over, the [FM] industry will shrink.” Marie Puybaraud, director of global workplace innovation at Johnson Controls, said the digitisation of the industry was inevitable, but she added: “I don’t think the industry is ready to hear that it won’t survive in the long term.” Other delegates said that although robotics could lead to fewer FMs in roles focused on building engineering, this would not lead to the obliteration of the profession completely. Instead, it will result in the emergence of more FMs who are focused on a hospitality-style of service akin to hotels or the airline industry. Francesca Jack, director of strategy at AECOM, said: “You will still need FMs, but their role will be more integrated and combined with other functions such as IT.” Other news at the summit included the announcement of an IFMA-accredited learning tool for children that is to be piloted in the US and considered for rollout in Europe. Nancy Sanquist, IFMA

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fellow and trustee of the IFMA Foundation, told delegates that “the Mars program” was an interactive game that revolved around what a facilities manager would need to do on a space station. It was devised by an ex-NASA scientist who joined a learning organisation in Washington DC and brought it to the attention of IFMA. The programme is aimed at high schools so that young people can learn positive messages about FM early in their education – boosting

Chris Kane predicts that automation will see the FM industry “shrink”

the possibility of their taking up careers in the profession, Sanquist said. Other topics discussed included intergenerational issues,

co-working, workplace trends and health and well-being. See our event report on pages 16-17 for more.


Councils must set up strategies to manage assets Councils may not be getting the best value for money from its local government estate, according to the Audit Commission. The commission, set up to protect the public sector finances, is calling on councils to have a “strategic approach” to managing surplus assets, which are estimated to be worth £2.5 billion. Surplus property is treated as ‘operational’ in government accounts, but councils do not use it to provide or support services. Surplus assets are potentially worth five times as much as “assets held for sale”, according to the Audit Commission. This group of property was valued at £500 million. Audit Commission chairman Jeremy Newman does not advocate a “wholesale sell-off” of council-owned land and property. “What we are highlighting is a group of assets that do not provide immediate benefit to local

Councils are sitting on surplus properties that are costly to maintain

communities, but still require councils to spend money on maintaining them.” The Audit Commission’s report, Managing Council Property Assets: Using Data from the VFM Profiles, encourages FMs in local authorities to “consider whether assets are in the right place, whether they should keep, sell, or transfer them, and how much they should invest in building, buying and

maintaining property.” English councils spent £5.6 billion on operating and maintaining their premises. Newman continued: “Councils should ask themselves – do we have an appropriate estate? In order to extract the most value from their assets, councils should not sit on valuable land and buildings that can be better used as a resource to support their wider service and strategic objectives. “This might mean selling or transferring them, or investing in them to make them fit for purpose. Ultimately, councils know their population and their associated needs. They require the freedom to choose the approach to managing these assets that best suits their needs.” The value of the complete estate has shrunk by nearly a third since it was measured by the Audit Commission in 2005, down to £169.8 billion in 2012/13.

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BRIEFS FM already “integrated”

Employers urged to help get workers more active The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) is campaigning for employers to find ways to support staff to be more physically active during the working day. The CSP said that a more active workforce could reduce their risk of developing musculoskeletal problems like back and neck pain and more serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and stroke. Investment in staff health and wellbeing also makes good business sense for employers, says the society. In a survey conducted by the CSP, one in five people said that they worked through their lunch hour every day.

Nearly half of those who do take lunch will eat their meal at their desk, according to the survey. More than four in 10 have cancelled evening exercise plans because of work. According to the Health and Safety Executive only 30 per cent of employers provide any exercise opportunities such as fitness classes or a subsidised gym membership. Prof Karen Middleton, chief executive of the CSP, said: “Fulltime workers spend a significant bulk of their week at work, or travelling to and from it. Finding ways to build in time to do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity, five times a week,

can be a challenge. “Free facilities like outdoor gyms, or simply going for a brisk walk at lunchtime, can help people to be more active during the day. You could also consider getting off the Tube a stop early or parking farther away from work. Middleton added: “Aside from the human cost, the price of inactivity for employers can be vast, with higher sickness absence costs and lower productivity. “It is in everybody’s interests to find ways to tackle the enormous problem of inactivity in the UK and we would encourage people to take responsibility for their own health.”



One in five steals money from the workplace One in 12 UK workers employed in the hospitality sector has stolen money from tills in the workplace. A survey conducted by security products provider Versapak found that almost a fifth of UK hospitality employees have admitted stealing money they have received as tips from customers, rather than sharing it equally with co-workers. More than half of the 2,107 workers questioned believed that splitting tips was an unfair system, preferring to keep tips they have made themselves. Eight per cent of respondents also said that they had intentionally short-changed a

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customer to pocket the difference. Leon Edwards, group managing director of Versapak, said: “It is no secret that the cultural practice of tipping at such establishments as bars, hotels and restaurants is becoming an ever-prevalent part of British society. Whilst positive for the economy and employees, it

can pose a whole host of problems for business owners and managers attempting to keep track of the money coming in and going out of the business. “Whilst many may refuse to believe their employees would ever attempt to steal money or conceal tips given to them, our study highlights that it is an increasing problem within the hospitality industry. By having sufficient measures in place, such as our cash bags, to protect against this type of behaviour, businesses can protect loyal members of staff who would never dream of stealing to also get the tips they deserve.”

The vision of an integrated workplace may already be coming into focus, according to research. A study by outsourcing group Mitie, which examined trends of FM as a strategic function and changing building service needs, found that many organisations are already moving towards an “integrated workplace function” and away from single FM, HR and IT services. Nearly two-thirds (65 per cent) of respondents say FM, property, IT and HR have either already come together in their organisations, or they will do over the next five years.

Barriers to office sharing There is “great scope” for more sharing of premises in the public sector in order to reduce office space, but usually the occupation of a department or agency’s property is “jealously guarded”, according to a report. The research carried out by online workplace portal,, states that the creation of shared facilities open to other agencies seems a logical next step, but the barriers are mainly “historic and cultural” rather than technical. The research was pointing out that there are “enormous efficiencies and savings” to be made by reducing office space and introducing more mobility and home-based working.

Fellowship status for Clout Ismena Clout has been awarded an honorary fellowship of the BIFM. Honorary fellows are appointed by the BIFM board and Clout is only the 12th person to be awarded the accolade. She is also the youngest recipient in the institute’s history. The immediate past chair of BIFM has been recognised for her “exceptional contribution” to the institute through her volunteering and for recognising and nurturing new talent for the institute. During her tenure as chairman (20122014), Clout was an integral part of the team that created the institute’s current medium-term strategy, which is now being implemented. FM WORLD | 19 JUNE 2014 | 07

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Rowland wins at Global FM Awards 2014


Bailey turns a page at library NG Bailey has completed and handed over the paper archive area of Manchester Central Library, part of the transformation of Manchester’s Town Hall and Central Library. Hundreds of the library’s most historical paper documents have been returned to the archive following the extensive work to refurbish the lower ground floor archive area as part of Manchester City Council’s project to transform the Grade II* listed buildings. The work included the renovation of the library’s paper storage rooms to better preserve the library’s paper archives. It was a requirement for National Archives’ standards to be met. This included installing powered racking and heating and lighting controls to satisfy and enable control of stringent environmental conditions. The NG Bailey team steadily brought temperature and humidity down to stable conditions over a three-month period. The conditions in the rooms are being controlled using a Building Management System (BMS), allowing the Manchester City Council team to monitor conditions at a minute level to spot any potentially damaging environmental changes as soon as they occur. Mike Darlington, managing director of NG Bailey’s Engineering division, said: “This project has been a real opportunity to use our expertise, installing state-of-the-art, 21st century services, into a preserved Grade II* listed building. “It has also been an exciting challenge to meet the standards required as the building is listed. We had to work really hard to install the modern facilities and air conditioning within an existing fabric that couldn’t be touched. Our design and construction teams worked extremely closely with the client and English Heritage to achieve the results. “Alongside this we had to control the humidity of an area with floors made out of concrete – so securing a stable environment with such a porous material was a big achievement for us.” 08 | 19 JUNE 2014 | FM WORLD

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The Government Cabinet Office’s Deborah Rowland has been honoured in the Global FM awards of excellence. Rowland took the Platinum Award of Excellence for her work in creating a central FM strategy to assist the government in reducing the budget deficit. By doing so she has proved that facilities management is the enabler for achieving significant running cost efficiencies across the public sector estate, according to Global FM. Greg Wood, of the Washington County sustainable Cleaning Program and a member of the IFMA, was awarded the Gold Award of Excellence. ARSEG (French Facilities Association) received the Silver Award of Excellence in FM. The awards focus on promoting “the strategic value and progression of facilities management” around the world. Global FM is the worldwide alliance for member-centred facilities management organisations. Rowland was also selected as FM of the year at the BIFM awards last year. Our interview with her was featured in the 1 November 2013 issue of FM World.

Only a third of FM firms hold supplier info Only about 30 per cent of FM providers have comprehensive information on all of their suppliers, according to a survey. Research by Trade Interchange – an organisation set up to help businesses reduce the costs, risks and complexities associated with managing a large supplier base – reported that just under a third of those asked admitted that they held full information on less than a quarter of their suppliers. The report goes on to suggest that the finding may in part be explained by the fact that FM providers tend to have a smaller number of “core” suppliers and a second tier that they use less frequently. Researchers surveyed the top 50 FM providers in the UK. Respondents included business development managers, heads of FM, a supply chain director, head of procurement, commercial director, director of operational solutions, among others. They were asked questions relating to five key areas: Suppliers and managing information, information gathered, access and reporting, issues and challenges, and plans and perceptions. The research can be found at

EU FM coalition launched An EU FM Coalition to educate decision-makers and stakeholder groups on the importance and impact of FM has been launched by the International Facility Management Association (IFMA). The coalition, formed of FM organisations and IFMA, was launched at this week’s European Facility Management Conference in Berlin, Germany, in conjunction with World FM Day on 4 June. The EU FM Coalition promises to help shape public policy, provide industry perspective and highlight the connection between FM and important public sector goals like energy efficiency. An IFMA statement said: “As the number and influence of facility management professionals continue to grow throughout Europe, the EU FM Coalition is poised to become the pre-eminent public advocacy body for facility management within the Union.” Gareth Tancred, chief executive at BIFM, said: “We are pleased to lend our support to this initiative, which aims to give FM a collective voice when engaging with the EU. By partnering with colleagues on the continent we are able to ensure that we can collaborate on common agendas and represent our members on decisions in key areas of legislation.” The full list of FM organisations that took part in the launch includes: IFMA, EuroFM, the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM), the Romanian Facility Management Association (ROFMA), the German Facility Management Association (GEFMA), the Bulgarian Facility Management Association, the IFMA Foundation, and IFMA chapters in Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

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WE ASKED 100 FMS… World FM Day, celebrated this year on 4 June, was intended to raise the profile of the profession. Now in its seventh year after its inauguration in 2008 by Global FM, the day is an opportunity for individuals and associations to showcase the value of FM in today’s workplace. This year’s theme was “Connected FM, Connected World – Global Knowledge Sharing”. The focus was on how we connect with our own organisations, how FMs understand their clients – and how the profile of the wider industry could be grown. As we did last year, FM World asked FMs across the globe to help us paint a picture of the most important issues they face. You can see this year’s results on the right. Nearly four in 10 told us that the biggest issue they are up against is maintaining levels of service while cutting costs – that’s a 6 point rise compared to the 2013 poll.

But that was the only notable shift from last year’s results, with an even spread of responses citing procurement, energy efficiency, flexible working or compliance with legislation as the key focuses for FM teams in June 2014. One respondent said the world is still coming to terms with the fact that it needs to rely on renewable energy in the near future. Developing efficient bulk energy storage to manage peaks and troughs in demand is the focal point for this FM. “Ultimately, there is no alternative to wind, wave, tidal, solar, bio-mass and energy storage and the sooner we are entirely selfreliant on them the better.“ This year we introduced a new category into our snapshot poll regarding introducing social value goals into organisations. However, not one respondent said that it

“Please select what you think is the biggest issue facing facilities managers on June 4th 2014…” ■

Working more effectively with colleagues in procurement 5%

Understanding how new forms of IT are affecting my role 3%

was the most pressing issue they currently face. One FM was disappointed that social value was not at the top of the agenda. “It’s what all our boards and senior managers espouse, yet it seems lower on everyone else’s dayto-day priorities for real action. “Clear direction and leadership should bring this to the fore – it’s critical for long-term sustainable growth.”

Introducing social value goals into your processes – the outcomes of which can then be measured 0%

Helping my organisation to become more energy efficient 7%

Understanding the impact of flexible working on the services I provide 8%

Communicating more effectively with my clients/ customers 8%

Maintaining our levels of service while cutting costs 39%

You can share your thoughts with us by joining FM World Think Tank: or email

Ensuring that my organisation is compliant with relevant legislation 7%

Adapting our FM model to changing corporate circumstances 23%


Happy workers escape ‘productivity toxins’, says survey The happiness and wellbeing of workers should be “at the heart” of an office, delegates at a conference have heard. Tim Oldman, co-founder of Leesman, which measures the effectiveness of corporate workplaces, told the British Council for Offices conference that for too long businesses have failed to recognise and measure the relationship between employees and the physical environment. According to Leesman data, almost half of the 55,000-plus respondents to its workplace survey said their offices did not enable them to work productively, leading Oldman to warn of the dangers of “productivity toxins”. He defines a “productivity toxin” as any element of the workplace that breeds frustration

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and ultimately leads to workers disengaging with their place of work. Shawn Achor, a Harvard University lecturer and a

psychologist who has studied what makes people happy, was also speaking at the conference. Achor said that finding positivity was important as a route to

productivity and success, and told the audience that negativity spreads like “secondhand smoke. Happiness needs to be precursor to success, rather than the other way around”. Some companies have now begun to bring in talent chosen on the basis of an optimistic outlook and approach to life, according to Achor, because these people deliver good results once in the business and outperform those who, while they may have better technical skills, do not have the same level of positivity. The BCO Annual Conference brings together the BCO’s membership – a mix of senior figures in organisations responsible for designing, building, owning, managing and occupying offices in the UK. FM WORLD | 19 JUNE 2014 | 09

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PPP/PFI market offers sure return for asset buyers GRAEME DAVIES

The near-£100 million sale of two public private partnership projects by Balfour Beatty (see page 11), at a huge premium to the value attributed to them within Balfour’s own accounts, highlighted the continuing demand in the secondary markets for quality PPP and Private Finance Initiative assets by specialist asset managers. Such projects –Balfour sold its

University Hospital of North Durham and its Knowsley Building Schools for the Future projects for a combined £97 million – can be very attractive to specialist fund managers who want to take them on to run for their safe income returns. In an era when traditional ‘safe’ investment havens offer weak returns owing to low interest rates, the relative comfort of multi-year contracts – often with

increases either built in or linked to inflation – can be alluring. This is why in recent months we have seen new issues launch on the stock market to raise funds to plough into infrastructure such as the John Laing Environmental Infrastructure fund, which joins its sister fund, the John Laing Infrastructure Fund, which listed on the market in 2010. Other venerable publicly quoted funds in this area include the longest-established public fund, HICL, which holds almost 100 investments valued at £1.5 billion. But what does the spate of sales of assets onto the secondary market tell us about the state of the market? First, it must be noted that Balfour Beatty’s sales may be partly influenced by the state of flux at the wider group, which recently issued profit warnings and saw its CEO resign. Although it was at pains to point out that

Contract wins

NEW BUSINESS Shepherd FM has won a £5 million contract to deliver reactive and planned preventative maintenance to 27 properties across an office provider’s London portfolio. Executive Offices Group has entered into a five-year partnership with Shepherd, whose team will be based out of its new, contemporary and high-spec flagship headquarters at One Euston Square. Balfour Beatty has been appointed to deliver up to £180 million of infrastructure works for Heathrow Airport. Over the next three years the international infrastructure group will work with Heathrow to maintain and upgrade Terminals 1, 2 and 4. It will provide expertise in design, engineering, construction, mechanical 10 | 19 JUNE 2014 | FM WORLD

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FM services provider Bellrock has secured a maintenance contract with shoe manufacturer Ecco. Under the terms of the deal, Bellrock will be responsible for all planned and reactive maintenance services for its 37 UK outlets. Bellrock’s FMIC (Facilities Management Intelligence Centre) is to manage Ecco’s accredited supply chain.

Security services provider OCS has won a deal to provide front-of-house security and stewarding for the arena at The O2 in London. The contract will run for five years and starts on 4 June.

Palmaris Services has taken a twoyear contract extension with the Forge Shopping Centre in Glasgow. Palmaris won the extension after successful work upgrading and integrating CCTV, intruder and fire systems, combined with the restructure of manned guarding to allow for remote CCTV monitoring at night.

Imtech has been awarded a threeyear contract to provide mechanical, electrical and building fabric maintenance services for two police constabularies. Following a joint procurement exercise by Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies, Imtech was handed the contract and will work across a portfolio of 130 properties, including two County Headquarters buildings.

Mitie has extended its relationship with communications company Vodafone UK to provide integrated FM for the next five years. The contract has a total value in excess of £250 million and will see Mitie deliver services including fabric and engineering maintenance, energy management, security, cleaning, mailroom and courier, workplace management, helpdesk, landscaping, waste and pest services.

and electrical capabilities, and Building Information Modelling (BIM).

the proceeds of the latest sale will be recycled into existing projects at an earlier stage. In essence, for a company such as Balfour, which is more focused on the early-stage gains to be had from taking a project from drawing board through construction to completion, the long-term management of assets for their annuity-like returns is less appealing. This is where the secondary market plays a vital part. It picks up completed assets and sets about managing them as efficiently as possible to maximise long-term returns. The issue for private investors is that gaining access to this attractive alternative source of income is still difficult, because for every publicly quoted HICL or John Laing fund there are many privately held groups such as Dalmore (Balfour’s buyer) with big infrastructure portfolios. This evolution of the PFI and PPP markets has drawn criticism from politicians of all persuasions, especially given the fact that some private operators – and Balfour is not alone in this regard – have made considerable profits selling on their interests in vital public infrastructure that they were paid handsomely to build in the first place. But the shift of infrastructure assets on to secondary market players is so well established that it is unlikely to be halted. And as the relative hiatus in government spending on infrastructure in the past five years is only beginning to show signs of easing, it will be some time before another flood of assets reaches maturity, which probably means competition for secondary assets will only intensify in the short term. This is likely to push values up and tempt more sellers into the market. Graeme Davies writes for Investors Chronicle

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Compass arm works with council in £6m venture School meals provider Chartwells has formed a joint venture with the London Borough of Hounslow. The Compass Groupowned firm has joined with the council to provide food and caretaking services worth an expected £6.1 million a year. The venture, ‘Chartwells, Feeding Futures with London Borough of Hounslow’, has been awarded a Pan London Framework Agreement – which enables schools and local authorities across London to receive the service – for four years. Up to 65 primary and special schools in Hounslow, Hillingdon and Ealing will come under this London Framework Agreement from 1 August 2014 and 300 council employees will TUPE to Chartwells. Schools that are part of the venture will have access to a range of benefits from September 2014, including the introduction of menus accredited with the

Chartwells will serve up meals and food education to schools across Hounslow

Food For Life Bronze Standard Catering Mark. This standard recognises healthy, freshly prepared, ethically sourced menus, free from undesirable additives and trans fats. Marketing materials and a range of food-based activities will be offered to enhance the dining experience for pupils. In addition to relaunching catering for pupils, Chartwells will develop its teams in the


wider school community. Catering teams will have opportunities to develop through craft training and undertake a range of e-learning courses, building on their culinary and service skills. Nutritional support will be available to schools from Chartwells’ dedicated nutrition team, who will advise on topics such as special diets and allergens. Master classes will also be offered to teachers, and community cookery classes are being introduced for children and parents. Chartwells is also investing £250,000 in a central kitchen in Hounslow to produce meals for schools in the borough that do not have kitchens. This will also be a training centre for students and parents, supporting schools in delivering cookery as part of the national curriculum and helping families to develop their culinary skills for use at home.

Mitie to light up Tesco Mitie has been awarded a multimillion pound lighting contract by Tesco. The four-year deal will see Mitie deliver lighting maintenance and repairs to Tesco’s 929 stores throughout the UK, and emergency lighting tests in 1,500 Tesco Express stores. The firm’s experience in delivering maintenance and energy savings was key in securing the deal, says Mitie.

Shield gets university deal The Shield Group has been awarded a £3.6 million contract with Bournemouth University over 10 years. The security firm is to provide 13 skilled security guards to patrol the university’s two campuses, where it will manage student residences and lecture halls, with responsibilities covering static guarding, reception services, entrance protection and car park management.

ISS number one, says jury


Balfour Beatty disposes of assets to net £51m International infrastructure group Balfour Beatty has announced the disposal of two of its major assets. This includes its 50 per cent interest in the University Hospital of North Durham public-private partnership project (“Durham”) and its 100 per cent interest in the Knowsley Building Schools for the Future (BSF) project (“Knowsley”) for a total consideration of £97 million, generating total gains on disposal of £51 million. Balfour Beatty was involved with the design, build, operation and maintenance of these assets. These transactions are “in line with Balfour Beatty’s strategy

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Funds raised from selling the Durham PPP will be invested in other core projects

to recycle equity invested in its portfolio, and further demonstrate the quality of the investment portfolio and its ability to generate value for shareholders”, says the group.

The proceeds will be used to invest in new and existing projects, in areas that align with the group’s target geographies and market sectors. The sale of Knowsley for £42 million is unconditional and is expected to complete soon. The sale of Durham for £55 million is subject to the right of the co-shareholder to exercise its rights of pre-emption at the proposed sale price. Completion is expected by mid-July. Both are being acquired by funds managed by Dalmore Capital Limited, with consideration to be paid in cash in full on completion of each deal.

ISS has been ranked the best global outsourcing provider by an independent industry jury. The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) selected the facility services provider as the world’s best outsourcing provider. The association assessed the participants on parameters such as growth, customer references, organisational competencies, and management capabilities. The entire list of rankings is published in a special edition of the Fortune 500 magazine. The IAOP jury panel included independent researchers from universities and business schools as well as industry and customer representatives. FM WORLD | 19 JUNE 2014 | 11

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THE ISSUE: The FM-supplier relationship THE INTERVIEWEE: Tony Sanders, managing director of professional services at support services firm Interserve

Added value is the X factor New research by consultancy Business Services Growth (BSG) says 40 per cent of FMs are “frustrated” by the FM buying process, finding the procurement of services “too time-consuming”, “complicated”, “bureaucratic”, and “very long-winded”. It reveals that owing to this dissatisfaction, FMs are looking for other suppliers before their contracts with current clients expires. Other research seems to back up the opaque relationship between client and supplier. A survey by Trade Interchange, which helps organisations reduce the costs, risks and complexities associated with managing a large supplier base, asked FM providers for their top three challenges when it comes to managing supplier information. Respondents said holding incomplete information was the greatest problem for them, followed by out-of-date details and difficulty getting data from suppliers. This would only seem to back up the BSG’s assertion that the procurement exercise is time-consuming and makes the relationship between FM and supplier difficult.

Poor communications Tony Sanders, managing director of professional services at support services firm Interserve, says: “Relationships can suffer when it is unclear exactly what the client 12 | 19 JUNE 2014 | FM WORLD

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expects or when requirements change during the contract term.” According to Sanders, only clear communication can ameliorate this, the benefits of which would inevitably trickle down into other areas of the business. He says: “Unless [what the client expects is] communicated clearly from the outset, and throughout the facilities management team with everyone fully aware of the client’s strategic goals, it is unlikely that the client will feel entirely satisfied.” Andrew Shaw, managing director of BSG, feels the onus is on the supplier to make the relationship work. “The balance of power lies with the client these days. So suppliers need to work out how to respond,” he says. Shaw thinks suppliers should find ways to be “more proactive towards helping their clients while also delivering the daily service” and should seek to offer more to “stand out from the crowd”. It all comes down to content. Shaw says: “Suppliers must start to think about how they develop relationships with FMs online by providing information, advice, tools and insights that clients find valuable.” Sanders agrees. “[It] is about structuring a partnership based on the client’s strategic needs rather than focusing on the quicker and easier cost-cutting measures.”

The market has also changed. Sanders says it is veering towards the creation of “lean, internal management teams, required to pass on responsibility for tactical and operational delivery to the supplier”.

Growing maturity This approach may be a reflection of the growing maturity of the contracting organisations in delivering facilities services, says Sanders. But he also points out that it does “need to be considered carefully by each organisation when assessing its appetite to relinquish day-to-day control of service delivery”. Sanders adds: “Overall, the industry needs to work closer with its clients to develop beneficial relationships that deliver added value, enable the right improvements to be made and contribute to the long-term success of the client’s business.” Previous surveys conducted by Interserve show that the industry has been focused on taking out cost, but recently he feels “there has been a subtle shift towards finding ways of delivering services differently”. Though some customers are still unwilling to rank issues like innovation at the top of their priority list when outsourcing, “it is increasingly seen as a vital part of service delivery” he adds.

But innovation has to be linked to the strategic planning process as well as how it will support the customer to continually improve, says Sanders. “It is more than just technology,” he adds. “Sometimes it requires only a small change in a process or the way people work together.” And he is convinced that there is “a significant drive to encourage innovation” within the FM industry especially because of “increased competition, greater commoditisation, the requirement to reach higher standards for less, and to achieve better productivity”.

Longer-term contracts Sanders also points out another significant trend – the value placed on building longer-term contracts. In 91 per cent of cases, as identified in research by Interserve with Sheffield Hallam University, longer-term contracts were seen to provide more benefits than shorter term ones in building relationships. Shaw sums it up. “People say that this is a relationship business, and they are right – but the dynamic has changed,” he says. “It’s buyers that find suppliers these days, not the other way round. So the winners will be the suppliers that add most value – especially before the procurement cycle begins.”

11/06/2014 15:16

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The image above was shot with an Avigilon HD Micro Dome camera.

09/06/2014 17:17



FM University Local Consultant Estates Authority

Finbarr Murray is director of estates and facilities at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust


he adage that FMs only get involved T when something is broken or when the lights go out is a view that is now being challenged by facilities professionals In the NHS, facilities is a very visible service – we clean, repair, maintain, build, porter, secure, run receptions and, of course, cook. Though cleaning is by far the biggest task within the NHS and directly links to numerous care quality standards and infection control, catering is really the unsung hero. In a foundation trust like East Kent the pure logistics of the catering operation are truly impressive. We order, store, cook

and then serve high-quality food to a huge volume of patients, visitors and staff. Last year we served well over a million hot meals to patients, each having to be delivered to the same quality standard and temperature. We must also cater for different religions and dietary needs. We have menus with some 40 options ranging throughout the day and evening and for 365 days a year. So while the small army of facilities staff in our catering

and retail teams arrive early and leave late, it’s interesting that the service has a very definable link with our business and is fundamental to successful outcomes. Simply, patients can get better quicker through eating good food and it’s our job to make sure they get that food. In East Kent we can be proud of the catering service we run; it can be hard work and has required significant investment of time and money, but when we receive great comments about the quality of the food and we can link that back to patients making faster recoveries, it becomes very real and well worth the effort. We’re also supported by great FM partners and suppliers,

including those local suppliers who can source local products through the seasons. The trust’s nutritionists and dieticians work very closely with the facilities team and absolutely demand the highest standards. Their challenge rightly helps to ensure that we not only produce the volume required, but that the nutritional and calorific levels are also right. So as we continue to pull FM into the limelight, there are some services that are already out there flying the flag and are so integral to the business that we should be celebrating these early successes whenever we can.

BEST OF THE WEB Views and comments from across the web Keeping ‘outside FM staff’ on the inside (BIFM group) Norman Abrahamsen: The aim is not to bring contractors’ staff in from the cold, but to develop one team, one company ethos from the start. Look at the perceived differences and tackle them head on. Success is in strength of management. Ian Jones: I took my team – and that means internal and external including the security staff, the night 14 | 19 JUNE 2014 | FM WORLD

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cleaners and the guy that washes the dishes, about 140 people – to the top of The Shard as part of our Christmas festivities and then to a pub that I’d hired for the evening. I treat service providers the same way as I treat my own staff and as a result have a great team. Glen Hibberd: One of the more successful methods I have been involved in was to run some problemsharing workshops in small mixed groups at the start of the contract. It’s a

great way to compel two groups to work together. This was followed up with weekly Friday happy hour with BBQ. It helps maintain the atmosphere generated from the workshop. Peter Titus: We’ve been providing the Intelligent Client Function and FM function for three years to a City law firm. We all act as one team with one shared vision. There are 6 resident contractors on site (08.00 to 19.00) with 39 operatives

between them. Nobody worries about who they are employed by, they all work for the client with a shared customer service ethos. Some of the team are on their third transfer under TUPE but they still all pull together for the client site. Energy efficiency – key barriers to investment (BIFM group) Denise Booth-Alexander: I have no doubt that [proven methods of measuring success]

would be likely to increase uptake in the public sector should a mechanism be available to allow us to easily access such partnerships. There have been some tabletop evaluations of the possibilities in this regard and London already has a scheme underway on the local government front. John Moore: How often is environmental change planned to gain business image to be green, or to gain efficiency and savings?

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FMWORLD BLOGS Building the bridges of understanding – People & Place Chris Kane, Beyond the Workplace On Wednesday I witnessed something quite special – a group of people with authentic commitment and passion underpinned by decisive leadership. I came away from the first BIFM/CIPD roundtable content in the knowledge that we had participated in a real dialogue on how we could jointly shape our understanding of the rapidly changing world of work. Here is a cross section of points raised by a wonderfully diverse group: The future is all about helping people to connect and collaborate. The way we do work today is really broken. It’s not all about the numbers. Try to give something back to society. How do we champion better work? How can we bring more science and art to the discussion? Organisations will get more porous. Problem-solving communities are the way forward. How do we build a human capital measure? The business treats us as silos. What we leave behind for the generations to follow should be a consideration. We’re now shaping an action plan based on these productive exchanges. This would not have been possible without the initiative of BIFM and the courage of its leadership and that of the CIPD to engage with pace. So ‘Beyond the Workplace’ is taking shape. With BIFM and CIPD as our founding partners we will reach out to encourage participation in a “Big Conversation” and start building bridges of understanding. Read the article in full at

Why office designers must view workers as consumers Francesca Jack, Aristotle said, “Man is by nature a social animal”. Never has this rung so true – in an age dominated by digital and social media we are constantly online. By 2020, millennials will have grown up in a digital world. Mobile technology has facilitated a revolution in the way we work. Work can now follow people, wherever and whenever they choose. Despite this increased flexibility, organisations still prefer to bring their staff under one roof to encourage a cohesive culture. At the same time millennials have taken the workforce by storm, bringing with them their expectations of what the workplace should be, driven by those in the technology, media and telecoms sector; the modern office is far from being simply a place in which to get the job done. However, these fundamental changes – a faster-paced, less formal environment with a stronger social agenda – are coming together to have an impact on the traditional view of the office. In current flexible-working environments around 40 per cent of floor space can be given over to places where people can collaborate, eat, play and learn. In addition to this are the implications of providing other services. On-site food, shopping, personal care, and health and fitness are becoming increasingly common. We need to re-think office design, putting employees, or perhaps consumers, at the heart of the workplace. We need to build a holistic system of services, technology and places to enable productivity. Putting an individual’s experience first will force the enabling functions of an organisation such as HR, IT and FM to work closer together. The way I envisage the office of the future is much more like a hotel, or city quarter, where 9-5 desk-based drudgery will be consigned to history. Read the article in full at

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FIVE MINUTES WITH NAME: Neil Howe JOB TITLE: Senior legal author and auditor, Cedrec

Plans to exempt self-employed workers from health and safety requirements are disappointing. They can only lead to confusion and complications. Generally speaking, the average rate of fatal injuries at work drops year on year. The provisional Health & Safety Executive figures for 2012-2013 show 148 fatalities in main industry – agriculture, manufacturing, construction etc – but of those, 49 were self-employed. This sector has a far higher fatal injury rate than for employees, with 1.1 deaths per 100,000 compared with 0.4. So any plan to exempt self-employed workers from their health & safety requirements is disappointing, and can only result in confusion and complications – the very things the Deregulation Bill is supposed to remove. Those who do not pose a risk to others will never be subject to health and safety legislation. As it stands now, the self-employed are required by the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to make sure they protect others from harm resulting from their work activities. If they injure another person through their work, then the act will apply. Therefore, the proposed changes seem unnecessary. Any change could cause confusion between contractors and put self-employed workers, fellow workers and the public at risk. It’s a requirement that is clear and works well. All self-employed are covered, so there is no confusion. What will change is that self-employed people will be unsure if they are covered or exempt. People who clearly pose a danger to others will think they have nothing to worry about and won’t have to take safety precautions. There is also a risk of self-employed people who employ others believing that they are exempt from the law. FM WORLD | 19 JUNE 2014 | 15

11/06/2014 15:17



THE CHANGING FACE OF THE WORKPLACE IFMA’s first Workplace Strategy Summit was held two years ago in New York. The second took place in Reading, Berkshire last week, from where Herpreet Kaur Grewal reports

Professor Franklin Becker addresses delegates



eld at the University College London’s Wokefield Park facility, this year’s summit had as its theme “innovation on the edge”. It featured academics and experts in the fields of FM and real estate discussing the most recent ideas to emerge in workplace strategy. The event, supported by the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA) and BIFM. Attendees heard from and engaged with the presenters and other attendees from around the world in discussions on a range of issues related to work and the workplace in the 21st century. Professor Franklin Becker of Cornell University – known as one of the “founding fathers” of FM – began the conference by extolling delegates to consider an obvious truth: You must do your research. Too many companies were basing their workplace strategies on “fads” that are popular with other businesses rather than properly testing what their needs

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may be, said Becker. “Much of what passes for workplace strategies are better described as part of the world of fad and fashion,” he continued. Rather than adopting ideas popularised by companies like Google, without proper thought, organisations needed to carry out a more rigorous mixture of academic and practical research within their organisations on how workplaces should be designed, said Becker. The American academic told attendees that they had to “test, not guess” what worked for them. Workplace design should be based on a system of various

interrelated factors unique to each company such as technology and employee needs. “The fundamental premise of evidence-based design is straightforward,” he continued. “Better designed solutions, ones that are more likely to support valued outcomes, will result from using the evidence generated by high-quality, formalised and rigorous research processes.“ Becker cited the causes of a delay in transferring patients to a C-section operating theatre in an American special care nursery as an example of how more joined-up FM could even save the lives of children and mothers.

He explained how the Cayuga Medical Centre in New York cut the time it took for staff to carry out simple procedures such as finding the keys to the medication room or mixing antibiotics through a combination of better teamwork and communication. Lukas Windlinger, of Zurich University of Applied Science, presented research about spatial environments, job design and sustainability in the UK for the first time. He said that satisfaction, health and work performance could not be explained by spatial building parameters but depended on users’ perceptions – perceptions

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Marie Puybaraud of Johnson Controls

Lukas Wildlinger of the University of Zurich

which had to be tapped into in much more depth by companies, and which represented a recurring theme throughout the whole event. Windlinger concluded that users had to be more informed of what was available to improve their workspaces. For example, he said: “Occupants care for environmental issues, but are not aware of the possibilities to do so.” Integrating the purpose of a job with how an employee would carry it out in a workplace, he said, required “close co-operation/collaboration with HR and business lines/units”. Creating a much more peoplefocused workplace seemed to

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be the most pervasive theme of the conference. Chris Kane, CEO of BBC Commercial Projects, said that the workplace strategy sector had to embrace change and build bridges between the “people” side of the business and the ”place” side with other workplace specialists – otherwise the industry “will become as dead as a dodo”. He said: “It is no longer about servicing buildings or people contracts, it’s about enabling people to deliver greater agility, creativity and innovation.” Frank Van Massenhove, president of the Belgian Federal Social Security Service, has been credited with creating a

revolutionary workplace at the headquarters of the Belgian Social Security Ministry in Brussels. He regaled delegates with the vision of a workplace in which employees would get to choose their bosses rather than the more traditional paradigm of employers picking workers. Co-working was another popular theme, with some talking about how co-working space could trump the need for traditional offices and radically change the role of the FM, if not obliterate it entirely. New York-based workplace expert Melissa Marsh, CEO and founder of Plastarc, went as far as to tell delegates that the primary role of most FMs in co-working spaces of the future would be of “making communities and enabling people”. She said co-working spaces were “a new form of commercial space that filled long-existing needs” and the new generation of FMs would encompass “a holistic role of events organiser, tech liaison, knowledge manager and facilities expert”. More philosophically and generally, Christina Danielsson from Stockholm University, speaking on the Workplace Trends panel, said that companies should tap into the lessons of failure, and not fire employees who failed at certain tasks. “We are not open about failure, but it is a basis for a lot of knowledge and can help a company devise a workplace strategy,” she said.

Mission to Mars With a demographic time bomb still a key issue for FM, IFMA was enthused to be talking about its Mars City Project, which seemed to hint at the “grand vision” the organisation has for the profession’s future. The project is an IFMA-accredited learning tool that is to be piloted in the

US with rollout being also being considered for Europe. The Mars City project will be piloted in selected high schools in California, Virginia and Pennsylvania, possibly in areas of high youth unemployment. Nancy Sanquist, IFMA fellow and trustee of the IFMA Foundation, said: “At the least we want to get [young people] out of high school with a technical qualification and at the most we want them to go on to advanced degrees in FM.” The tool could help students gain qualifications for technical jobs such as plumbing to roles that involve devising workplace strategies, said Sanquist. Plans to take the initiative to Europe are still in development. Erik Jaspers, head of Planon, a product strategy and business innovation at FM and real estate software firm, is aiming to implement the plans in Europe. “We will have to build a minimal infrastructure here in Europe,” said Jaspers. “The tool could help to get more women into the technical trades, so early engagement of people in schools is a good idea. That’s important in every area of the West,” he said. Jaspers added: “In some areas like the Netherlands there is a surplus of FMs, but there’s a deficit in America. So we are thinking about whether we can globalise this profession to give young people the opportunity to work in America and come back.” There are also plans to take the programme to India and China. “We have a grand vision,” said Sanquist. The project highlighted the major role that technology and ‘gamification’ is likely to play in the future of the workplace and FM. It will be interesting to see whether the financial resources necessary to bring these initiatives to fruition are forthcoming. FM WORLD | 19 JUNE 2014 | 17

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Six years after we first profiled London’s Petchey Academy, FM Alan Gilbert is still in the role of FM – and he’s not the only Gilbert on site, as Martin Read reports


acilities management at the Petchey Academy in Hackney, London, carries a strong familial thread. FM Alan Gilbert was in charge at the start of the academy’s life six years ago and has been in charge there ever since. Brother Les is now assistant FM, while Les’s son Luke recently left to take up a post as assistant FM at a local school. Alan’s son Lewis is taking an apprenticeship in FM and has a placement at the academy. It’s truly a case of keeping FM in the family. The story hinges on Alan’s relationship with the students and the huge efforts the FM department makes to cater for what is a diverse spread of ethnicity. Alan and his team deck out the academy’s main atrium to celebrate various religious festivals. They are not asked to do this but choose to because they believe this leads to a multidisciplinary culture at the academy. Gilbert’s involvement includes specifying and procuring equipment, including the recent investment for the installation of 500 Craftsman lockers to Alan’s 18 | 19 JUNE 2014 | FM WORLD

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specification. The lockers needed to be as unobtrusive as possible and to be essentially vandalproof with hinges recessed and locks presented flush to door surfaces to make unauthorised entry extremely difficult. Carillion originally had the contract to maintain the air handling units, fire alarms, and other equipment. But that activity was recently brought in-house, with maintenance contracts for local contractors maintained by Gilbert. But Gilbert’s specification for lockers is only part of a management and maintenance culture that fosters student loyalty to the Petchey brand, which embodies high values of behaviour and respect for staff and peers. And then there are the ‘other’ Gilberts. Brother Les now takes on more of the day-to-day operational activity, including managing the cleaning team, to allow Alan to take on some of the more strategic work, dealing with contractors and academy staff. Then there’s Lewis and Luke – Alan and Les’s sons respectively. Both are already following in

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“For us, FM is about making connections with our students”

Left: Alan Gilbert (left) with son Lewis and brother Les and the recently installed lockers

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Right: The Gilberts’ latest theming is based around the World Cup

their fathers’ footsteps. Lewis Gilbert says: “While still at school here at the academy I worked a few half-term facilities jobs part-time, doing a bit of gardening and plumbing. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to do an apprenticeship in FM (which he is doing through the Westminster Kingsway College – he hopes to complete the apprenticeship within the next year). “I’d like to stay on here,” continues Lewis, “and then hopefully go into FM elsewhere.” “And there’s another family tie,” says father Alan. “Les’s son Luke also came here three years ago in a similar position. He was only 19 at the time. I put both Les and Luke on an NVQ Level 3 apprenticeship pilot at Westminster Kingsway and both passed.” Since then, Luke has gone on to take up an FM position at another local school, gained an IOSH accreditation and is enjoying his early years in the profession. As for Lewis, says Alan: “The plan is for him to gain all of the knowledge that Les and I have accumulated here.” When FM World first visited to profile the Petchey Academy in 2008, it only catered for pupils in years seven, eight and nine. But since 2012 the academy has catered for children from seven through to 18 years of age. When the sixth form was first introduced, the area designated for its use was quickly deemed unsuitable so the site of an undercover car park was used for a new building developed exclusively for the sixth form. “The new building has allowed our sixth form to develop a separate identity to the main building,” says Alan Gilbert.

“It has a separate entrance so students can come and go separately from pupils in other age groups, and it allows them to study privately.” The academy also recently opened its new entrance hall, an extension of the original building. The hall projects a more secure and professional presence for students and visitors. “FM is not all about nuts and bolts. For us it is about making connections with our students as well. They’re our core. And for them we like to go beyond our remit.” Indeed, the Gilberts’ work for their students extends way beyond the typical cleaning, security and maintenance activity. “We like to ensure that there’s a sense of occasion,” says Alan. “Last year, our Christmas theme took three months of planning. We based it on The Snowman, and hung up more than 2,000 snowballs with snowflakes and Christmas lights, together with a huge snowman that our department created. It took us 16 hours to put up over a weekend. But the impact it had on staff and students was worth all the effort.” Things have certainly changed. “In our first year we just had a tree,” says Alan. “Next year they’re going to wrap up and suspend me from the ceiling,” jokes Les. The Gilberts are always trying to come up with new themes, and are currently embracing the World Cup. “We’ll be doing something for Eid in November,” says Alan. FM Petchey Academy case study: BIFM members can read FM World’s original case study at

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The modern mailroom can be a soft target for ill wishers of varying intents. But there are several technologies now available to reduce susceptibility to attack

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Prevention before cure “The mail route into any organisation is destined to remain the preferred method for anonymously targeting a person or individual associated with a particular company or facility,” says Richard Sheil, sales director at Todd Research. Whether a live or hoax device, by definition items sent this way require little resource. This is why, says Sheil, these attacks historically have been the preserve of bodies such as animal rights groups targeting pharmaceutical and medical research organisations. It’s worth noting that the risk from dissident terrorist groups has not

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system after an incident. “It’s rare that these procedures are implemented before an organisation has witnessed an incident, and by this time it can be too late,” says Griffiths.

Threats have evolved

gone away, as was demonstrated in February by the series of crude bombs sent to army recruiting offices. Sheil points out that the devices sent bore a Republic of Ireland postmark and were subsequently confirmed to be the work of the republican terror alliance known as the New IRA. But Antony Paul, marketing manager at Neopost Ltd, says the need to screen inbound mail and packages goes beyond terrorist threats and can include “disgruntled former employees or customers”. Moving into the realms of internal security, companies also need to be alive to what their own staff are doing. With the growth of the web and online shopping, firms need to assess their mail screening function to cover what staff are having

delivered to the workplace. Clearly, it’s more convenient for staff to have online orders delivered to the workplace than to home. But it’s the fact that by virtue of mail being enclosed in some form of a wrapper, the true contents of an item are unknown until it is open or has been scanned. James Griffiths, business development director, UK & Ireland, Pitney Bowes Global Mailing Solutions, picks up on this and talks about a human aspect of concern. “Companies are obliged to ensure the health and safety of their employees under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and mail screening forms an extremely important part of guaranteeing this safety.” But many firms only implement a mail screening

Of course,threats caused by inbound mail vary according to the recipient organisation and naturally some organisations will be more prone to mail threats than others. Griffiths notes that scientific research companies, government agencies and banks are all major targets because there are large numbers of people who may disagree with their work, and for these people, mail threats are a simple form of protest. It is because of this danger that every Foreign & Commonwealth Office around the world scans its mail. For many – in living memory – the threat and bulk of mail incidents were in the form of letter bombs but, reckons Griffiths, nowadays powder hoaxes tend to be used far more widely. “Putting a harmless powder – such as baking soda – in a package in the hope that the receiver will fear it’s ricin or anthrax can be extremely effective without actually inflicting any physical harm.” The power of a “hoax device” is important to appreciate. Letter bombs are not only a threat to the receiver – the sender is

“The mail route into any organisation is destined to remain the preferred method for anonymously targeting a person or individual associated with a particular company or facility”


t does seem peculiar that in our hyper-connected world we still rely so heavily on the movement of physical packages. Yet this reliance is if anything under-appreciated. With perpetual warnings about online security – the most recent headline-grabber being the Heartbleed virus that effectively opened a back door to passwords for hackers and which, allegedly, the USA’s National Security Agency was itself exploiting – the mailroom and security of inbound items seems to have taken a back seat. Although we live in an era of relative peace – in the West at least – firms do need to remember that if, for example a terrorist wants to cause disruption to an organisation, then all they have to do is put in the post a bomb or hazardous item such as anthrax and let the postman do the job for him; maximum effect with minimum risk to the sender.

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also putting him or herself at risk by creating the bomb. This is why companies must not be complacent about hoaxes. “If you consider that a powder hoax incident could result in the evacuation of a building, it quickly becomes clear how financially damaging these incidents can be. If inflicted on the London Metal Exchange, for example, it could cost multiple firms millions of pounds’ worth of losses,” says Griffiths. ”This is why powder hoaxes cause maximum impact with minimum cost, and no physical harm. Even so, firms can still be on the receiving end of other low-level threats such as razor blades, broken glass and basic explosives. Ultimately, says Paul, employers need to evaluate such risks using two key categories. “Firstly, there is a duty of care to protect employees and secondly [firms must consider] the cost associated with potential building damage or evacuation.”


Trained for handling Every organisation needs to detail a system for handling mail, but what that will be depends on the organisation, the threat and the volume of inbound mail to be screened. Sheil says evaluation of this is the important first step before the right screening equipment can be specified. Next comes staff training. Best practice means that all inbound mail should be screened using X-ray equipment operated by trained staff. Particular attention should be given to parcels arriving from random sources such as couriers and those wishing to leave mail for individuals at reception that may result in items circumnavigating the screening process, says Sheil. The key, though, is not the blind use of technology without good training for staff. As Griffiths puts it, “without

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properly trained personnel operating the technology, it quickly becomes redundant as the technology can’t work itself”. Sheil echoes this. “Any equipment deployed is of course only as good as the staff operating it.” He notes that a solid understanding of the operational capabilities of the equipment coupled with regular training in understanding the characteristics of possible threat items is essential. Misidentification can lead to unnecessary and highly expensive evacuations. By the same token, mistakes can let threats through. It’s also important that staff from the mailroom, security and anyone else involved in the process understands the nature of threats that can be encountered, how to deal with them and the actions needed to mitigate false alarms. Training isn’t a one-time deal. In many firms staff turnover is a problem and this includes those operating mail-screening technology. Griffiths believes it to be absolutely vital that all new staff are completely up to speed on training before they operate these machines. He adds that his firm’s portfolio of mail screening products features builtin training mechanisms that will test operators periodically. But what makes a package suspicious? Well that, according to Paul, is down to definitions that firms should refine so that suspicious packages can be reported to the appropriate authorities. Another key part of the process is to ensure that all staff attend a “safe or suspect” course, so that they can identify the telltale signs of suspicious packages even before they place it inside an X-ray machine; regular refresher courses are crucial. Because mail screening

goes beyond the mailroom, says Griffiths, firms should ensure that everyone inside an organisation could spot a suspicious package. Any guidance offered should follow a programme that involves training and certification in line with PAS97:2012 (http:// Importantly, where the alarm is raised over a suspicious package, staff should not panic but instead, think rationally and follow procedures that they’ve been taught in line

with PAS97:2012. Aside from training, mailhandling processes should be set up so that firms have a logical workflow based on PAS97:2012. For example, inbound mail should be scanned first, then sorted and then distributed. Paul recommends that all items are delivered initially to a central point and then passed through a dedicated screening device at this central location. Another step, and one that Griffiths recommends for those

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should be able to assist with this including the provision of radiation protection training and compliance with IRR1999 (Ionising Radiation Regulation 1999). Griffiths adds that regular servicing of X-ray machines will aid compliance with IRR1999. The Health Protection Agency can also offer guidance.

X-ray specs

that need added security, is to also consider having the mailroom offsite. Firms that do this (and those that don’t should consider it) need to use some form of delivery management software that will log and track deliveries and provide digital audit trails to refer back to. However, every building and situation is different, so it is vital that site-specific processes are written and followed. Separate actions for finding powders, explosives, sharps and so on should also be included in these processes, and the procedures should be reviewed periodically to ensure that they are still appropriate. Griffiths says a firm’s mail screening supplier should be able to offer reviews of procedures. Those needing further guidance can turn to the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) as well as counter-terror security advisers in organisations such as the City of London police. Organisations should also be aware of the legal requirements to operate X-ray equipment. Sheil says that good suppliers

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A number of technologies exist to assist mail screening and, says Paul, in its simplest form devices are available that exclusively identify metal within letters and parcels. But for the best protection against malicious items, he says that “an organisation really should invest in X-ray-based technology, and depending on the sizes of and volume of mail an organisation receives there is the choice of cabinet or conveyor-based technologies”. Cabinets are more costeffective, easier to operate and require a much smaller footprint than conveyors. Conveyors, by definition, are much more suitable for large items or high mail volumes. Many cabinet X-ray scanners are equipped with enhanced powder detection software that can identify ricin or anthrax. Todd Research calls its version “Enhanced Powder Detection”

and it gives a user greater ability to see items containing powder, which Sheil sees as a rising risk in the US. Paul also considers that being able to detect powders is very important to security. But, says Griffiths, customers with a greater volume of post may need a conveyor X-ray machine (akin to those used at airports) while those in high-risk premises should consider using a trace detection system – where a swab can be taken from the package and analysed in seconds to see if there are any explosives present. Additionally, software can be used with conveyors to aid the detection of liquid explosives. For Sheil it was the height of IRA activity in the 1970s and the need for government of the day to deploy equipment to combat the postal threat that helped his company develop a range of cabinet scanners capable of examining a single item or mail bag that helps a user to confirm mail as “safe or suspect”.

Supplier relationships Griffiths recommends that companies “pick a supplier wisely and should buy from a distributor that has a direct relationship with the manufacturer and a trackrecord in the sector”. For him, buying into products and service is not simply a matter of cost as there are other

“Putting a harmless powder – such as baking soda – in a package in the hope that the receiver will fear it’s ricin or anthrax can be extremely effective without actually inflicting physical harm”

factors such as response times for breakdowns, experience and customer base – “research is paramount to ensuring that you chose a secure company”. Allied to this is how the supplier consults with the client over the service needs before implementation. “If a potential partner does not offer this then it should set alarm bells ringing,” says Griffiths. Sheil adds that when choosing a supplier, companies should look not only at its history, but also whether it has experience of dealing with similar organisations in the sector, whether it offers a complete solution (from assessment of risk, capability of supplying the correct configuration of scanner, training), and the ability to support the equipment over its life. He puts this last point at the top of the list as continuing support involves a critical piece of an organisation’s security infrastructure. Support from the right supplier should also include advice on image analysis, as well as some of the typical signs associated with a potentially hazardous device. The cost of deployment for a given screening solution needs to be evaluated “in the context of major business disruption, or more importantly, the potential risks to employees and visitors”, says Paul. Suppliers should be able to offer financial options in the form of outright purchases, leasing or rentals. Leasing a screening device over a period of time can massively help in spreading the cost into an affordable payment cycle. Sheil concludes with a lesson that he has learned over years – that it is worth talking to other organisations that have had to deal with mailroom security to learn what they have implemented and how well it works for them. FM FM WORLD | 19 JUNE 2014 | 23

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How big a problem is energy cost control for retailers? Spencer Rigler, vice-president of Energy Management at Elster Energy ICT, says it’s one of the most important questions facing CFOs in the sector


he impact of energy costs continues to be a significant item in an organisation’s cost structure and it’s a pattern that is set to persist. In a global market competing for resources, energy prices will continue to rise and demand from new markets in Asia and other fast-growing economies is set to push them even higher in the future. Any increase in a major input cost such as energy hits any business hard. A business that operates on the two to 4 per cent margins often seen in retail will be hit even harder. In real terms, a retailer experiencing a ¤1,000 increase in energy costs must sell an additional ¤50,000 worth of goods to break even. That might be manageable for one year. It might be achievable the next. But it simply isn’t a sustainable method of handling the impact of energy price increases on profit margins, or of minimising the associated financial risks across the organisation – particularly when consumers are also being hit by energy price increases and wage stagnation.


How do you save energy? Reducing consumption, introducing energy efficiencies, optimising assets and negotiating

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management systems. Importantly, it recognises that insight and information are crucial to every stage of the process.

1. Energy visibility through energy zoning: Reduce consumption by up to 5 per cent

with suppliers – all of these play a critical role in keeping energy bills under control and improving a retailer’s financial, economic and competitive standing in the market. But businesses that do not have a complete view of their total power consumption – not to mention a detailed breakdown of how and where energy is being used across their entire estate – will struggle to achieve any meaningful kind of cost control. Where energy is a single line item on the budget, then it will inevitably go up. Even

where energy consumption can be viewed on a per-site basis, it is still impossible to effect meaningful change. As the old axiom says, what cannot be measured cannot be improved. Energy management can be a daunting task and calls for an effective and highly structured approach. To this end, the Pyramid of Energy Savings outlines five key stages to achieving a continuous, longterm and, most importantly, sustainable approach to energy cost reduction, and the role played by effective energy

If a business can’t tell where in its operations it is using what levels of energy, it can’t know where energy can be saved. Energy zoning – which gives organisations visibility about where energy is being used – is therefore the solid foundation of the energy-saving pyramid. For example, working with large, multi-site food retailers shows that typically, refrigeration accounts for 40 per cent of electricity use, lighting for 30 per cent and HVAC for 20. By equipping stores, warehouses, offices and ancillary sites with sub-meters, businesses can access this more granular information about energy consumption and begin to understand where to target energy-saving measures, culminating in energy savings of four to 5 per cent.

1. Identify quick wins: Reduce consumption by two to 5 per cent To gain valuable insight from metering data an energy management system will collect, validate, analyse and present data

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through a series of user-friendly, easily accessible and increasingly real-time reporting tools and dashboards. With this level of actionable intelligence, outlying consumption patterns can be identified and energy use issues highlighted to establish where immediate saving opportunities can be found. Eliminating the most obvious consumption sinks – either by investing in more efficient equipment, or making simple changes to use patterns – can have an immediate and sustainable effect on energy bills.

1. Measurement and verification: Reduce consumption by five to 10 per cent Having identified where energy savings can be made and implemented the necessary energy improvement project, it is essential to maintain momentum. With the quick wins won and savings seen, it is all too easy for a business to congratulate itself and see the job as done. In doing so, however, it runs the risk of “energy drift”, whereby initial gains are compromised as attention wanes and staff engagement diminishes over time. It is essential to avoid this drift by tracking progress and verifying the results of a continuing programme to ensure that savings are maintained over time. Recognise that energy management is a process that requires continuous monitoring and management to keep the programme on track; preventing drift accounts for two to 4 per cent savings alone.

1. Analytics: Reduce consumption by five to 10 per cent With quick wins made and the necessary measurement and verification systems introduced, a long-term project to reduce

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Potential reductions in energy costs, and equivalent sales increase required to deliver the same value to the business. Convenience store


Large format store

Approx. consumption

20,000 kWh/m

150,000 kWh/m

400,000 kWh/m

Approx. energy cost

£24,000 p.a

£180,000 p.a

£480,000 p.a

10% saving value

£2,400 p.a

£18,000 p.a

£48,000 p.a

Required sales at 4% operating profit




Required sales at 2% operating profit




energy consumption can be implemented with its focus on changing the way the business thinks about and consumes energy on a permanent basis. Analysing trends – and verifying that all assets are performing in the most energy efficient way – is essential to sustainable reduction in energy use. It also requires the ability to distinguish between consumption patterns caused by energy improvement projects and fluctuations caused by wider business changes. In-depth, rigorous analytics mean that employees at every level of the organisation – from store managers to the executive

team – have access to relevant energy usage and reduction analysis. Without this, attitudes and approaches to energy management can be siloed or disjointed.

1. Behavioural change: Reduce consumption by 4 per cent Achieving permanent behavioural change is the peak of the pyramid. Saving energy is not just a topdown process. Electricity, gas, heating and water are used every day by people on the ground, switching lights on, baking bread, carrying out maintenance or running stock checks. It is

Key stages in the energy-saving pyramid Behaviour of change Analytics Measurement and verification Identify quick wins Energy zoning

essential to encourage people to actively participate in the energy reduction programme once the initial euphoria has worn off. Retailers that have already installed energy management solutions and incentivised their staff to participate have observed the benefit of staff engagement in energy management; increased awareness and responsibility lead to important behavioural change. Saving on energy costs is an incremental and continuous task. But it isn’t an impossible one, and it doesn’t require wholesale transformation of the business. What it needs is information and insight from the right energy management solutions. What it offers is significant reduction in direct and indirect energy costs, improved competitive positioning, and reduced financial risk. And that puts it at the top of every shareholder’s agenda. FM COST CONTROLS

TOP SOURCES OF ENERGY SAVINGS 1. Actionable energy intelligence 2. Energy dashboards 3. Asset performance tracking 4. Energy project tracking 5. Advanced data analytics 6. Exception based alarm handling 7. Mobile energy data

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11/06/2014 15:38


Choose JTL to BUILD SKILLS IN FM JTL should be on every shortlist for developing skills in Facilities Management. From initial needs analysis through to Management Programmes at Level 5, you will find JTL offers a highly competitive solution to your training requirements. Talk to us about the newly available Level 2 Programme in Facilities Services that can be delivered as a part-funded Apprenticeship, or find out more about the popular ILM qualification in Leadership and Management. Arrange a no-obligation discussion by contacting Joanne Pusey on 07825 937611.

“A key development has been the introduction of the Intermediate Apprenticeship at Level 2.”


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JTL PROVES A WINNING CHOICE FOR FM CONTRACTORS Richard Allen explains why JTL is well-placed to serve customers according to their individual needs with quality training that is evolving to meet industry demand Engaging support from a training partner means having the confidence that delivery will live up to the earlier sales rhetoric. Approaching its 25th anniversary the charitable company JTL has been putting the needs of building services engineering first, with results on timely completions that run ahead of competitors. The company’s work in Facilities Management training is now engaged by an increasing number of businesses, with a range of offerings that suit employers and individuals at the differing stages of their careers. A key development has been the introduction of the Intermediate Apprenticeship at Level 2, which is aimed at those in one of the specific FM disciplines but who need to gain a broader prospective of the sector in preparation for promotion and development. This ladder to a career in FM takes between 12 to 18 months to complete, based on accredited prior learning and previous experience. There is a preference for those on the programme to have a minimum C grade in English and Maths, but any shortfall is addressed through a functional skills programme. Delivery is on-the-job accompanied by JTL-run workshops every four to eight weeks, depending upon the customised needs of each employer. Public funding is available to support the apprenticeship training for those

aged 16 to 24 – but otherwise the programme can be bought at a cost of approximately £600 per element. Progress from this level is then to Level 3 Facilities Management, which can again be tackled as an Advanced Apprenticeship. Alternative options include a Level 3 Leadership & Management programme, certificated by the Institute of Learning and Management, or a further Level 2 course linked to team building. Key to JTL’s approach is flexibility in meeting the needs of employers and the specifically identified needs of individuals the business has shortlisted for development. The Level 3 programmes takes 12 to 24 months to complete, again combining learning on-the-job that is monitored by a JTL trainer/assessor and time spent in workshops. As with Level 2, JTL personnel provide assessment by appropriately qualified staff and this can include NVQ accreditation for already experienced staff. Training is a worthwhile combination of hard and soft skills and, in the apprenticeship format, includes portfolio development that indicates that an individual has not only learnt a topic but can put that knowledge into practice. JTL has worked with leading employers quietly but confidently to develop its diverse offerings to the sector. This has recently seen the introduction of a Level 2 programme

for Cleaning, as well as short course programmes such as a 15-hour, two-day award in Awareness of Environmental Technologies. With a track record of industry leadership in training support for plumbers, heating engineers, electricians and those involved in engineering maintenance, JTL is best placed to provide a thorough and comprehensive service to FM managers and their sub-contractors. Unlike some others, JTL ensures that any surpluses generated through its training activities are ploughed back into training improvements and its thorough understanding of the components of FM make the company an obvious addition to businesses reviewing training plans for the future.

“Key to JTL’s approach is flexibility in meeting the needs of employers and the specifically identified needs of individuals the business has shortlisted for development.”


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responsible for Sodexo’s security, he also manages the security services provided for clients. “We have to make sure that our personnel are trained to the same high standards,” says Pears, “so that they can identify and respond to all types of potential threats, both physical and IT-related.”

Don’t write it down

SAFE AND SOUND For companies operating in the competitive world of FM services, high standards of security are vital for business continuity, says David Thorp, of the Security Institute



ecurity and risk management are important considerations for all modern enterprises and any organisation that fails to minimise the potential for attack treads a precarious path. For companies providing FM services, not only can poor security jeopardise business continuity, the knock-on effects of any interruption to

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their operation is likely to have repercussions for their customers and clients. A dedicated security and risk management department should be one of the cornerstones of an organisation’s infrastructure. And the key to having a secure operational structure is the configuration and implementation of security and risk management strategy.

This security strategy must also be able to react to multiple operational and even geographical factors to ensure ongoing consistency of service. This is something that Simon Pears, global security director at Sodexo, a member of The Security Institute and a ‘chartered security professional’ (CSyP) is well aware of. As well as being part of the team

Security provision has developed into so much more than the putting into place of security guards, CCTV and access control systems. Says Pears: “Cyber threats are now the most effective way to attack an organisation and the fact is that those with malicious intent are finding ever more sophisticated ways of using IT. Employees must be aware of the dangers associated with activities such as writing down or sharing pass codes and lending electronic devices such as laptops.” Also, with ever more sophisticated threats and opportunistic theft, “they also need to be given guidance about reporting suspicious behaviour.” While it is tempting to assume that security threats only come from outside an organisation, they are are just as likely to come from within. An insider threat can be posed by permanent employees, contractors, temporary staff, or even business partners. Top of the list for reducing potential vulnerability, is the need for a comprehensive personnel security regime; pre-employment and afteremployment screening; and the creation of a ‘secure culture’. However, Pears believes that too many FM service providers fail to adopt a “joined up” approach to physical and online security. “This often arises as a result of an outdated silo-based corporate structure that leaves an organisation highly vulnerable

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to loss of data and continuity of service,” says Pearrs, “and that’s something that could be prevented by adopting a convergence-based approach.”


Converging teams A converged approach to security highlights vulnerabilities within the three areas of physical, people and process risks that are possible across infrastructure, operations and specific events. It relies on the physical security and IT teams to better understand their respective roles and how where they are reliant on each other to keep business operations safe. To collaborate in combating sophisticated threats both functions must dovetail their capabilities to identify vulnerabilities. Once this issue has been addressed, a plan that combines manned guarding, technology, processes, safeguards, management and systems into a single integrated security risk framework can be developed. For facilities service providers, the knowledge and abilities of their employees are fundamental to their ability to operate to the highest standards and meet their customers’ expectations. This is as relevant in the context of security as any other aspect of business. So adequate training is necessary to make all employees security-conscious, and this should be considered a priority for building effective prevention, detection and response. It’s also important that this also extends to the top of the corporate hierarchy, as management of the converged approach must be led from the highest level to guarantee effective integration, oversight and budget allocation. Implementation of a company-wide security and risk management strategy is a complex task requiring skill, knowledge, attention to

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“Cyber threats are now the most effective way to attack an organisation and the fact is that those with malicious intent are finding ever more sophisticated ways of using IT” detail and the application of best practice. Pears says: “The challenges FM service providers face today are more complex and demanding than ever before. However, the good news is that there is a growing number of security professionals who can meet these challenges head-on.”

Respected discipline One of the misconceptions the security industry has countered over recent years is that it is not as important and relevant as established, recognised and respected disciplines such as law, education, medicine, accountancy and engineering. The security industry boasts a number of highly trained and experienced individuals who fully deserve a professional status that represents the vital role they play in keeping people and property safe. Given how important this role is, it is difficult to think of another profession with a greater level of responsibility. One development helping

to recognise this level of professionalism is the development in 2011 of the Register of Chartered Security Professionals, created by The Security Institute on behalf of The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP. Applicants for CSyP status must go through a rigorously staged assessment process. Candidates have to prove they have reached a minimum competence level in each of five defined areas – knowledge, practice skills, leadership, communications and professional commitment. They must also be of undisputed integrity and, once admitted, they are permitted to use the CSyP post nominal. Applicants for CSyP status have come from locations as diverse as the UK, Australia, US, Abu Dhabi, Tunisia, Dubai, the Czech Republic, and Spain. Of the 57 people having obtained CSyP status, security service providers employ 11, 19 are security consultants, six operate

within the public sector, and 21 are corporate heads of security. A further twenty people are currently working towards the designation. Simon Pears became a CSyP last year. Given the robust application process, he believes it represents a benchmark for everyone to aspire to. “Being a CSyP demonstrates to clients, employers, peers and the public an ability to perform to the highest standards,” says Pears. “We are required to undertake continuing professional development (CPD) on an annual basis and are obliged to act with integrity according to a defined code of conduct.” Although CSyP is being promoted as the security industry’s most prestigious designation, it is important to note that the sector is increasingly viewed as a viable career option with courses, qualifications and accreditations available for individuals at all levels. The Security Institute offers its Certificate in Security Management and a Diploma in Security Management, as well as degree courses offered by a number of universities. Facilities service providers are now in a position where their security cannot be left to chance, as the level and type of threats they face are constantly evolving. Simon Pears offers this advice: “Safety can only be achieved when processes are in place to keep it that way, so those that are serious about their own security need to ensure that the people they employ to carry out this important function have the ability to implement and maintain comprehensive security strategy that meets their organisation’s unique requirements.” FM David Thorp is managing director of The Security Institute

11/06/2014 15:18

Facilities Show 2014 17 – 19 June 2014, ExCeL London Stand Number: M930

Facilitating change •

saving space

saving cost

making your workspace work harder

Reinventing. Reinvesting. Redefining

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23/05/2014 09/06/2014 09:41 17:19

As a major sponsor at this year's Facilities Show, De-ice – one of the UK's longest-established and leading winter gritting and snow clearance specialists, will be hosting the new De-ice Arena.

now s w e Sho nd ic ard a dc r re nte the is wi th

In celebration of the World Cup, which will be taking place at the same time, the arena will become a 400 square metre replica football stadium, that will host a variety of entertainment and networking opportunities. Including: O Meet the buyers O Social media buying service O Penalty shoot out competition O VIP area O

And the sticker wall Further information:

De-Ice HPH.indd 1

De-ice will also be hosting an invitation only party from 4pm on 19th June, where the England team will take on Uruguay live at the Arena do Sao Paulo. To register your interest, go to the following link:

06/06/2014 14:15

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The figures on this page have been compiled from several sources and are intended as a guide to trends. FM World declines any responsibility for the use of this information.



VAT rates: Standard rate – 20% (from 4 January 2011) Reduced rate – 5% Zero rate – this is not the same as exempt or outside the scope of VAT

About a third of the UK workforce travelled less than 5km to work (from ages 16 to roughly middle age – 30-45) and this was particularly true for the younger end of that spectrum who take jobs closer to home (relying on public transport) and earn less.

Bank of England base rate: 0.5% as of 5 June 2014. The previous change in bank rate was a reduction of 0.5 percentage points to 0.5% on 5 March 2009. Source: Bank of England (

Consumer Price Index (CPI): The Consumer Price Index (CPI) annual inflation grew by 1.8% in the year to April 2014, from 1.6% in March. The largest contribution to the rise in the rate came from transport, particularly motor fuels and notably air fares, with other downward effects from the clothing and furniture & household goods sectors. An overall fall in the price of food was the largest offsetting factor. Source: (


National Minimum Wage The following rates came into effect on 1 October 2013: Category of worker

Hourly rate from 1 Oct 2013

Aged 21 and above


Aged 18 to 20 inclusive


Aged under 18 (but above compulsory school leaving age)


Apprentices aged 19 and over, but in the first year of their apprenticeship


33_insight.indd 33

Distance travelled to work

All categories: Age 16 to 74

All categories: Distance travelled to work


Less than 5km


5km to less than 10km


10km to less than 30km


30km to less than 60km


60km and over


Work mainly at or from home


No fixed place






155 135 115 95 75 55 35 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (ACTUAL) FCST FCST FCST FCST FCST


New work



Source: HM Treasury (

As earning power increases (ages after 40-44 and peaking at 45-49) the tendency is for journeys to work of between 10km and 30km. Homeworking or peripatetic working seemed to be an increasing SOURCE: NOMIS trend in each age category.





5000 2010




2014 EST

2015 FCST

Total construction output saw a 4 per cent increase in 2013 to £121.2 billion following a 5 per cent decline in 2012. New work increased by 5 per cent to reach £74.7 billion, and renovations work increased by 4 per cent to £46.4 billion. The residential sector saw output increase by 7 per cent in 2013 as its value share saw a marginal gain to 38 per cent of total GB output. During 2013 there was evidence of recovery in both building subsectors with growth in Q2 to Q3. Total construction output is set to grow by 6 per cent in 2014, and by 2018, it should be worth about £158 billion.

The interiors market was worth about £7.1 billion in 2013, having risen by between 2 per cent and 3 per cent a year between 2011 and 2013. In 2013 the commercial sector focused on refurbs and there was leap in estate rationalisation schemes in all areas of commercial activity; new-build was restrained in most sectors owing to developers’ reluctance to commit. As government spending cuts bit, the public sector also saw increased renewal work. The market should see annual growth rates of about 4-5 per cent, reaching £8.65 billion by 2018.



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Jot Engelbrecht is managing director of Octavian Security


rocuring an external security company is a difficult task for facilities managers in the logistics and distribution sector. Jot Engelbrecht, managing director of UK security company Octavian Security, examines what an FM must consider when securing manned guarding services


Security provision for the logistics and distribution sector is made more difficult by the continued movement of goods particularly where third parties are involved, where robust tracking facilities and proactive security companies are needed to ensure a professional service. Small, but high value items in warehouses can be easily concealed and so are often the items targeted in internal incidences of theft. Huge volumes of large and small parcels leave sites in vehicles and it’s a challenge to control what goes out, so vehicle searches are of paramount importance. Access and egress control is always a challenge owing to the high volumes of traffic – people and vehicles. It’s also difficult to keep goods under surveillance in big sheds. Manned guarding provision sounds simple, but there is a huge difference in the array of providers, and FMs need to know what company will provide the best service for them specifically.


ACS accreditation

A surprising number of businesses that we come into contact with are not aware of the Security Industry Authority’s (SIA) Approved

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Contractor Scheme (ACS). This annual auditing programme has been designed to heighten performance standards and help the private security industry to develop new opportunities, while better serving the needs of the customer. Companies taking part are assessed on 89 individual indicators of achievement. Of the several thousand companies that operate in the security field, only 750 are registered with ACS. Assuring that a provider adheres to its industry body’s quality standards can be a weight off of the mind (and possibly the insurance premium) of those responsible for procurement. The assessment covers reviews of strategy, processes, commercial relationship management, financial management, resources, people, leadership and corporate social responsibility.


Client testimonials

It sounds obvious, but one size does not fit all in the security industry. The logistics and distribution sector has many security challenges that are not found in other industries, so it is crucial that the security company appointed should have specific experience and the testimonials to prove it has happy customers. Testimonials can offer detailed

information about a security business’s relevance to a brand that may not come out from pitch meetings. For example, the logistics and distribution industry requires officers with good verbal and written English and IT skills as they often have to carry out administration duties, which can involve the use of radios and computers.


Financial stability

The past few years of recession have seen many security companies go out of business. The sometimes sudden cessation of services following the bankruptcy of providers can mean an immediate collapse of security provision, as operational centres and even phones are taken down. This can not only be damaging from the point of view of sudden lost security, but also in terms of damage to the guarded company’s brand as it has to resolve issues such as officers not being paid, and having to explain the situation to customers whose products are being handled at the depots.



It is crucial that security companies should remain ahead of the curve on technology, gaining an advantage on risk. And any security company working with a significant logistics and distribution brand must have a 24-hour control centre. Most good security companies will have officer-and-vehicle tracking devices centralised at a control centre, but as technology advances, so too does the capability of the officer to report incidents and procedural information from anywhere on

site during the shift. Facilities managers should ask about a security company’s technological capability, not just for the technology itself, but how easily officers can interact with it on the ground. Security companies have become quite innovative where on the ground, real-time reporting is concerned; one pioneer now even uses a mobile app to report site incidents, notifications, KPI reports, breaking news and specific management reports.



Another simple but important element for FMs to note is that they will be provided with a local contract manager to look after their account. This will be someone nearby, with local and industry specific knowledge who can be called upon in person to deal with any issues. This will also help with a security company’s capability to supply relief cover at short notice.


Employment issues

An external security provider will deal with all TUPE considerations, removing the burden from the brand for which they are working as the staff become the employees of the provider, releasing the company from the burden of employing its own staff. If it is happy with its staff, that’s good as they are guaranteed continuous employment. If it is not happy, retraining at the provider’s expense will be vital – and so a provider’s willingness to do this and deal with any disciplinary procedures in line with the brand it is working for – is important to ascertain from the outset. FM

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Richard Jones, IOSH head of policy and public affairs


ll employees should work in places where their wellbeing is supervised, but to what extent should CSR and health and safety be part of the same agenda? Richard Jones says it’s just enlightened self-interest


The UK has a long history in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and arguably first saw it enshrined in health and safety law with the Health and Morals of Apprentices Act 1802. Today, many nations have legal protections for work-related health and safety. We have the Health & Safety at Work Act and supporting regulations. As a minimum, organisations must be legally compliant – CSR begins where the law ends. For example, it’s important to make sure workers in developing world supply chains, which may not be covered by effective regulation, are protected. It means firms taking responsibility for their impact on society. The European Commission urges enterprises to “…have in place a process to integrate social, environmental, ethical human rights and consumer concerns into their business operations and core strategy in close collaboration with their stakeholders”. It says CSR can bring benefits in terms of risk management, cost savings, access to capital, customer relationships, human resource management, and innovation capacity.

Driving forces In recent decades, CSR and sustainability have become increasingly prominent. There are a number of forces driving this:

35 Comment.indd 35

Increasing globalisation – leading to complex and sometimes unregulated supply chains spanning national and economic boundaries. Organisations need reliability and so seek to extend their risk management processes into their supply chain through procurement standards and auditing; ● Stakeholder demand for transparency and accountability – resulting from frequent corporate scandals (Enron, WorldCom) and more recently, the horsemeat, phone hacking and MP expense scandals; and ● Corporate reputational management – the desire to protect the brand, a growing opportunity and challenge in the world of social media. ●

CSR is on the government’s agenda too. We’ve seen a couple of important recent developments, including the introduction of the requirement for a strategic report, in regulations under the Companies Act, covering non-financial performance, which also now requires companies to report on human rights issues. This is a subject on which the government has clearly outlined its expectations from business, as well as recently consulting on a Corporate Responsibility Action Plan, encouraging businesses to

go beyond legal compliance. Many occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals, in addition to their OSH responsibilities, also have environmental and corporate risk remits, some operating under CSR and sustainability job titles. Shocking industrial disasters such as the 2013 Rana Plaza garment fsctory collapse in Bangladesh, which killed 1,100 people and injured 2,500, have amplified public calls for action. Allowing workers to be killed and injured by work damages all our futures.

Business gains Benefits from going beyond legal compliance and incorporating health and safety in the CSR/ sustainability agenda, include: ● Reputation, competitive edge, staff and business retention, and stakeholder confidence, e.g. from investors, regulators and insurers; and ● Return on investment and improved supply chain management, leading to better productivity, reliability and quality.

Gains from integrating OSH in CSR/sustainability reporting can include: Providing risk management information to investors; ● Increasing awareness of risks and opportunities; ● Emphasising link between financial and non-financial performance; ● Streamlining processes, reducing costs and improving efficiency; ● Informing long-term management strategy and business plans; ● Enabling performance ●

comparison (internally and externally); and ● Helping manage and communicate environmental, social and governance performance. Europe recently moved to improve corporate transparency in non-financial reporting, introducing a new framework that amends the Accounting Directive. This applies to all large public companies and will affect about 500 such organisations in the UK and around 6,000 across the EU. As the UK brought in new narrative reporting requirements last September, UK companies should be well placed to comply with this transposed law, due in 2016. In terms of international reporting standards, the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines on sustainability reporting are expected to work on improving their OSH requirements in their future editions. Also, looking to the future, it is possible that stakeholders may stimulate demand for a certificatable standard on CSR that provides improved transparency and assurance to stakeholders. Scanning of the horizon shows globalisation, climate change, ageing populations, new technologies and new working arrangements will all require socially responsible management. Given our globalised economy and that supply chains can be unregulated, it is clear that CSR and health and safety must be part of the same agenda. The challenges of sustainability in a changing world are complex, but having a safe and sustainable global workforce is crucial to success. FM FM WORLD | 19 JUNE 2014 | 35

11/06/2014 15:20



Gary Nicholls, MD of Swiftclean Building Services


at may be off the menu, but that doesn’t stop airborne fats, oils and grease collecting in your kitchen extract ductwork. Summer is the best time to tackle this, says Gary Nicholls, MD of Swiftclean Building Services


During the summer months many buildings have a shutdown period, while others will have many of their usual occupants away on holiday. This alone would make it a good time to carry out some essential specialist cleaning. But there is also another seasonal reason to tackle the removal of airborne fats, oils and grease (FOGs) from the ductwork that runs from extractor fan to canopy in a commercial kitchen. At this time of year the ambient temperature outside causes a rise in the duct temperature and a change in the consistency of accumulated grease deposits in the kitchen extract ductwork. These deposits, which are flammable even in the colder temperatures of winter, become even more combustible in the summer, simply because of higher temperatures within the ductwork. This represents a significant fire risk, but one that us fairly easily diminished by some timely kitchen extract fire safety cleaning.

industry guide to good practice for the internal cleanliness of ventilation systems, issued by the Building and Engineering Services Association (B&ES). This may be easier said than done. In the past, ductwork systems were sometimes installed without inspection hatches being placed at regular intervals. If this is the case, not only will you need an expert to inspect the ductwork for you, it will also require them to retrofit the necessary quick release inspection hatches so that future inspections and cleaning can be conducted more easily.

Step 2 If there is a significant grease layer close to or above 200 microns, the next step is to clean it off. If your ductwork has not been cleaned in the past year it is likely that it will have significant FOG deposits, which are a natural result of cooking; no matter how healthy the menu. If the kitchen is heavily used, you may need to clean as frequently as once a quarter; an expert will be able to

advise you on this. FOG removal is a specialist fire safety task that must be carried out in accordance with TR/19, Every part of the grease extract system must be completely cleaned to remove the fire risk created by the grease layer. It is essential that you have sufficient access to achieve this, so it may be necessary to install inspection/cleaning hatches if they are not already installed.

Step 3 The third step is to ensure that you have certification to demonstrate that you have complied with the TR/19 guidelines. A specialist should provide you with post-fire safety clean documentation, with clear photographic evidence of cleaned surfaces that indicates that TR/19 and fire safety control measures have been complied with. You must, of course, keep this up to date and an expert can advise you on a planned preventative maintenance programme to keep control of the fire risk. Such a programme would depend on how many hours a day your kitchen is used or what the rate of grease accumulation is, in order to meet TR/19 guidelines. It is important that your building is compliant with TR/19 for buildings’ insurance purposes too. There have been a few incidents in recent years of insurance companies refusing to pay out following devastating

Step 1 Look at the ductwork to determine the extent of the FOG build-up and then test the thickness of any grease accumulations using the wet film thickness test, as recommended within TR/19, the leading 36 | 19 JUNE 2014 | FM WORLD

36 Grease management.indd 36

“If a fire does occur, being able to provide documentation showing that cleaning was carried out to TR/19 standards will be important ”

fires in cases where cleaning to TR/19 had not been carried out at the recommended intervals. This is perhaps not surprising, as forensic fire investigators tell us that in 25 per cent of fires investigated that have involved commercial kitchens the fire has been made worse by the presence of grease deposits in kitchen extract ductwork. The ductwork itself can help to spread the fire farther through the building, sometimes to residential areas –posing a threat to life and limb. Despite this finding, fire statistics don’t yet record how many fires were exacerbated by FOGs in the kitchen extract ductwork. Swiftclean is campaigning to have this recorded in the statistics so that targets to reduce incidences of fires can be set. If a fire does occur, being able to provide documentation showing that cleaning was carried out to TR/19 standards will be important as it helps to demonstrate clear compliance and that you have not been negligent. Because the appointed responsible person can be prosecuted for negligence and face severe legal consequences, this documentation can offer essential protection to that individual. The penalties for negligence can include imprisonment, especially if there has been a fatality. Kitchen extract ductwork is largely out of sight, but it can still be kept front of mind. Hidden grease deposits – or their removal – should be a high priority, appearing on every FM‘s to do’ list at this time of year. Inspect, clean and comply proactively now, and you can relax and enjoy a grease-free summer. FM

11/06/2014 15:20

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09/06/2014 17:33



Stan Mitchell, CEO of Key Facilities Management International


tan Mitchell, chairman of the BSI and ISO committees for facilities management, talks about his experience of challenges facing companies that establish a presence abroad


Perception of FM abroad It might come as no surprise that this is the first challenge, particularly when you travel to some of the more distant places around the world as we have done within Key Facilities Management. Whilst this question is an old chestnut for some, it is a new one for others. Suffice it to say there is nothing that is different regarding the initial interpretations that we haven’t experienced in the UK and have to therefore educate and establish a better understanding as a result.

Investment This you might think is fairly obvious from the outset for any organisation considering moving into foreign parts, but it is something that is not fully appreciated by many. Perhaps where the surprise comes in this context is not so much from the financial perspective but from the true resource requirement for people and time. This, of course, ultimately equates to cost but is much more of a surprise to many, particularly when the market welcome that is expected does not materialise. In some of the 20 markets in which we operate there have been several instances where we have witnessed significant re-planning and even withdrawal by organisations that might be

39 Technical.indd 39

considered the major players in Europe when they find they have little or no traction after one or even two years in foreign markets. Where inadequate research is carried out regarding the market and what makes it tick – including those many cultural nuances that exist – it can be a painful experience.

Supply chain This is perhaps one of the biggest challenges, particularly in the emerging economies. Whereas you might be able to assume a level of competency where individuals or organisations present themselves as service providers, you fail to undertake your due diligence at your peril. In countries where an electrical safety certificate is created on a notepad taken from the pocket of the consultant on the spot, or where the use of kerosene to clean rooftop tiles (used by workers on the roofs wearing flip-flops and having the occasional cigarettes with no safety fall equipment to be seen) is deemed not to be a problem by management when challenged, it becomes evident that you may not be using the best supplier. But there are entrepreneurs who see the opportunity to do things better – and it is these people and organisations that you need to seek out.

Safety There are too many horror stories to mention regarding the approach to safety in many countries in which you might consider operating. It does, however, highlight that in the UK at least, where we often complain about the amount of workplace legislation that exists, we are in the main truly focused upon the welfare of the individual. Having said that, there are many emerging economies that are adopting and adjusting the regulatory frameworks developed in Europe and the US and are therefore benefiting from the knowledge and experience that has been gained over many years. The downside, however, where this is the case, is that in many of those countries where good legislative frameworks have been developed, there is inadequate policing and auditing of the standards.

Standards Standards, as we know, are more often than not based upon subjective measurement. They are also dependent upon longterm thinking when it comes to procurement. It is a reminder to us as professionals of the need to measure performance and standards as well as articulate, in the right language (and I don’t mean English or equivalent), the long-term cost associated with the procurement through to the operation and maintenance. Standards are also relevant to the market and, of course, the organisation. It is therefore important that we do not assume that what we deem appropriate in Europe or the US is always

going to be applicable elsewhere in the world.

Culture and communication Add both of these aspects of working internationally into the mix and you not only need to do your homework, but you need to listen and learn. What people hear, particularly where English is not their native language, and what they understand are often two different things. We are fortunate in the UK that English is the international language, but we will make a huge mistake if we assume that our use of the English language, which varies dramatically from region to region even within the UK, is easily understood in the context in which we might deliver it.

Rewards So having painted perhaps a rather bleak picture of some of the challenges that will face the individual or the organisation choosing to venture abroad, I can also conclude that it can be tremendously rewarding in financial terms, but perhaps more importantly in cultural and educational terms for those of us who come from so-called developed countries. For me, the experience that I have gained over 20-plus years working internationally by far the greatest reward has been the experience, the cultural learning and most of all the people with whom I have had the pleasure (and the occasional challenge) to work from around the world! FM Key Facilities Management International ( currently operates in more than 20 countries in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia

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11/06/2014 15:20



Andrew Pitt, HM Specialist Inspector for the Health and Safety Executive


t often takes an accident to make people step back and look critically at what they actually do. Here, Andrew Pitt of the Health & Safety Executive, offers advice on formulating your organisation’s safety strategy


Electrical systems are a necessary part of the modern world, but too often the risks associated with work on, or near such systems are considered only for the electrical trades. Almost all trades associated with facilities management are likely to be exposed to electrical risk. For some, an element of electrical work will be part of their everyday activities and yet they may never have received any formal training in electrical safety. Most people are aware of the risks from electricity but do not appreciate the danger. Even the slightest contact with mains voltage can be fatal. The most recent safety statistics published by the HSE for the UK are positive, identifying a reduction in the number of workplace fatalities. But the injury rates for skilled trade occupations are statistically higher than for the average employee. Many people will have received an electric shock at some time in their lives and chances are they will not have suffered any lasting effects.

Safety policies Do you adequately manage the electrical safety of your employees? The risks from electricity are foreseeable in the workplace, but if the risks are not 40 | 19 JUNE 2014 | FM WORLD

40 Technical Electrical Risk.indd 40

managed properly there is a real risk of people being killed. In most organisations, managers and supervisors will answer the above question with a definite “Yes”. Yes, we have electrical safety policies and procedures, yes, we only employ competent people and appoint contractors who know what they are doing and, yes, safety is at the heart of our activities. And although this is both positive and welcome and genuinely felt, taking the time to think more critically about this question is likely benefit everyone.

Following procedures Health and Safety Executive inspectors will investigate more serious incidents in a year than most managers or supervisors will encounter in their entire working careers. Having all the procedures and policies in place is necessary but they must also be followed. Unfortunately, electrical accidents do happen in organisations that have robust policies and procedures and employ only competent people as well as those that don’t. Often simple precautionary measures including adherence to good working practices and the reinforcement of those measures in the work place, coupled with the ability to identify

electrical risk would have made a significant difference to the outcome. Having policies, procedures and systems to assess competence for electrical safety is a good place to start. Putting the intent of these high-level requirements into practice effectively is what can make the difference. Being able to recognise electrical risk and put in place measures to mitigate those risks is key. Managers and supervisors must think carefully about what is really meant by competence. You should not assume that your always trusted “go-to person” is necessarily the right one for the job. Even the most experienced people can be out of their depth if sent to the wrong place or are provided with the wrong information. Consider who is best (not just available) for a particular task, but think also about the planning, information, supervision, instruction and support that is needed to create a safe working environment before work starts. Most importantly, re-enforce and check the workplace to ensure that these things are being done well and without exception.

Identify hazards The built environment and working practices have changed significantly since the Health and Safety at Work Act came into being some 40 years ago. The basic principles for safe working for all trades exposed to electrical systems have not changed significantly since electrical installations were first installed in buildings.

Identify the presence of electrical hazards and understand how the dangers may be realised by the work activities planned.


electrical equipment or services whenever it is practical to do so; ● Never touch any exposed conductors or connectors or reach inside equipment without first testing it is dead; ● Never expose live parts unsafely during work activities including testing; and ●Always follow safe systems of work, regardless of pressure of work or time constraints. The IET recently published a code of practice for Electrical Safety Management. This provides simple self-assessment tools and guidance to facilitate a systematic assessment of the processes in place for the management of electrical safety. Even organisations that are confident that they have robust systems may find the results of an honest assessment interesting reading. The message that health and safety is everyone’s responsibility may be very familiar within facilities management. It is, after all, enshrined in the Health and Safety at Work Act, which is itself 40 years old this year. At the heart of health and safety is a system that ensures that policies are translated into procedures that can be implemented by people who are competent, work in a controlled environment and are able to undertake work safely. FM For further information see HSE publications GS38, HSG85 or visit the HSE website at http://www.hse.

11/06/2014 15:21

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09/06/2014 17:36


BT Murrayfield Stadium is the venue for the BIFM Scotland Region’s annual All About FM! conference RISING FMS

FM Careers Conference 2014 The FM Careers Conference 2014, hosted by Rising FMs, has been confirmed for 10 July at the University of the Arts London. The conference (which is free to attend) gives delegates the chance to meet and network with employers, recruiters, training providers, consultants and other professionals who can assist them on their career journey. Delegates will also get the opportunity to attend a number of exciting keynote presentations, talks and workshops. It is open to everyone within, or interested in careers in FM. All ages and experience will be catered for, from school pupils to career switchers. The event aims to continue the work of BIFM in making facilities management (FM) a career of choice, attracting new talent to the FM profession, demonstrating the clear progression pathways that exist and showing the global breadth of opportunity the profession offers. It will also address FM careers in the future – looking at what skill sets are required, considering the emerging and developing careers in FM. Organisations interested intaking part should contact to request an information pack. Delegates can register for this free event, which runs from 16:0021:00 on 10 July 2014, through i

outstanding personal and professional performance in FM. The judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding qualities, including the drive for success, commitment to the customer and knowledge of the core business, combined with an overriding understanding of the impact of FM in achieving the overall business objectives. Previous winners include: o● 2013: Deborah Rowland: Cabinet Office ● 2012: Wendy Cuthbert: Barclays ● 2011: Chris Stoddart: Cushman & Wakefield ● 2010: Julie Kortens: Channel 4 Television ● 2009: Andy Ractliffe: Amey i Entries close at midnight on Friday 27 June; view the full criteria at


Last chance This is now your last chance to submit your entry in the coveted ‘Facilities Manager of the Year’ category for the 2014 BIFM Awards. The award recognises 42 | 19 JUNE 2014 | FM WORLD

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Glittering prizes Join us for the FM industry’s most prestigious night of the year as we celebrate the amazing achievements of the finalists

and announce the winners of the 2014 BIFM Awards. This is the evening to be inspired, and network with more than 1,200 other guests. The ceremony takes place on 13 October at The Grosvenor House Hotel, London. Tickets options are: ● Individual tickets - £250+VAT ● Tables of 10 - £2,400+VAT ● Tables of 12 - £2,760+VAT By booking early you can guarantee a prime position at the event. The evening includes champagne reception, dinner, awards ceremony with celebrity host and further entertainment. i Confirm your place(s) now at, email or call the team on +44 (0)1279 712 640


All about FM! 2014 The BIFM Scotland Region is holding its annual ‘All about FM!’ conference and exhibition at the BT Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh, on 30 October. Tickets are now available from allaboutfm2014 and priced at: ● BIFM members: £55+VAT ● Non-BIFM members: £65+VAT ● Exhibitors: £500+VAT Running from 08:45-16:30, the agenda includes ample networking opportunities, a pitch-side tour of Murrayfield and includes: ● Fergus Ewing MSP, Minister for Energy, Enterprise & Tourism: Mr Ewing will speak about issues within his ministerial portfolio, specifically about energy and enterprise and how this affects FM; ● Colin Cloud, Channel 4’s Forensic Mind Reader: ‘Be All You Can Be’ from “One of the greatest thought readers of all time”; ● John McGurk, head of Chartered Institute of

11/06/2014 15:21

Please send your news items to or call +44 (0)1279 712 620

Personnel and Development (CIPD) Scotland: ‘Trends in the Workplace and Working Environment – Impact on People, Practices and Workplace Design’; l Simon Toseland, head of H & S, Workplace Law: ‘40 Years of H & S in 40 Minutes’; l Bob Bannister, lead consultant, iManage Performance Ltd: ‘Take control of your outsourced contracts – how to take control of managing outsourced service providers’; l David Walker, AEGON UK, head of property, procurement and facilities services: ‘A collaborative business model – change management, knowledgesharing and driving successful outcomes’; and l Beth Goodyear, FMHS Consulting: ‘Raising the bar in FM – effective ways of improving service standards’. The conference will be hosted by Michael Kenny, chair of the Scotland region. BIFM chair Julie Kortens, and Gareth Tancred, BIFM CEO, will also be speaking.The event is capped at 140 delegates so early booking is advised. Thanks to headline sponsor FES FM Ltd, and conference partners Reintec and Mitie Client Services for their support. i For further details of the conference visit SC2014


Wales on the map The new BIFM Wales region is now officially active, following its successful inaugural event held at the BIFM Award-winning Millennium Centre on 5 June.

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Mark Morgan BIFM CFO and Company Secretary


he BIFM’s strong recovery in 2012 was followed up by stable performance in 2013 that showed a significant shift in our focus to align with the Medium Term Strategy (MTS). We moved on from the challenging work done in 2012, to restructure the business in light of the economic trading difficulties following 2011, and in 2013 looked to build a platform from which to invest in the future and put the building blocks in place to enable BIFM to align with its new ‘Mission, Vision and Values’.


Performance overview The actual surplus for 2013 was £107,275 compared with the surplus of £297,773 delivered in 2012, representing an increased investment in people and processes. Sponsorship and Regional/SIG events have remained consistent in line with the last few years and are, only now, starting to show signs that the economy is recovering. Membership income grew to £2,255,119 (from £2,064,891 in 2012) and our Joint Ventures (BIFM Training and FM World) managed to deliver almost 100 per cent of their budgeted contribution, despite continuing increasing competition in their respective markets. Our Awarding Organisation saw student income grow from £139,739 in 2012 to £233,132 in 2013 (+67 per cent growth) following the launch of levels 2, 3 and 7 and the introduction of more Recognised Centres. Overall turnover in 2013 was £3,374,939 (2012 £3,136,075) representing growth of over 7.6 per cent. The institute did increase its running costs in 2013, but these increases were in line with budgeted expectations and approved board investment plans. Investment for the future The board continued to support the executive as we strive to deliver aggressive targets and reach new audiences. To this end we have seen budget sign off by the board for institute revenue development investment of £100,000 in 2013, increasing to £250,000 in 2014. This, coupled with the support for the necessary infrastructure capital expenditure investment, sends a strong message that the board are not prepared to rest on their laurels, but are keen to see the institute raise its profile and make a significant impact on business, the economy and society as set out in our vision. Outlook Over the last 18 months we have looked to invest in the people, processes and infrastructure to assist in the delivery of our medium to long-term goals. Whilst keeping an eye on the underlying net assets and cash reserves, we will, having received the support of the board, continue to invest accordingly as we build a stronger proposition that satisfies the needs of our members, individual and corporate, in the UK and overseas. The board meets again in August to discuss our annual cycle of progress against the MTS and to ensure we are headed in the right direction in what are very fast moving and rapidly changing times. With the landscape moving at such a rate, of one thing you can be sure – our MTS, albeit based on a three-year cycle, will continue to evolve on an annual, if not, quarterly basis.


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20/06/2014 12:09


Speaking on the launch, Roger Smart, chair of the Wales region said “I am delighted to chair the BIFM’s newest region, supported by a great committee of volunteers who all have the same aim – to improve professionalism within various FM elements for our members. As we go into this new venture together, we will strive to inform and educate the value of BIFM to building owners and users, and staff responsible for the operation of the buildings through collaboration with other BIFM groups, the sharing of good practice and many special events hosted at some of Wales’s most iconic and impressive facilities. This is a great opportunity to firmly place Welsh FM on the map.” Visit for further details on the new region i


East region forges ahead Roy Parrish, the founder and managing director of Ranne Creative Interiors, has been appointed chairman of the BIFM East Region committee. He will serve in the role for two years. “I’m keen to lead the BIFM East region and bring some real momentum to the area,” said Parrish. “We boast some of the finest, and most interesting facilities in the UK. From the Norman Foster-designed Willis building and Tolly Cobbold brewery in Ipswich to the technology and science parks, together with the war memorials and the world-leading universities of Cambridge, and Audley End and Colchester Castle, to the factory village at East Tilbury. There are some amazing facilities that we could visit and witness facilities management at its very best.” The East region committee also includes: Rob Farman from myfm as deputy chair north, 44 | 19 JUNE 2014 | FM WORLD

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Nicola Anderson from Portakabin as deputy chair south, Danny Bodewes from Interserve as secretary, events co-ordinator Mark Lopez from De-Ice, and treasurer Julian Fris from Neller Davies. Other comittee members of the committee are: Alfred Jeanroy, Andrew Bainbridge from Murray Edwards College, Jo Clarke from Granta School, Mark Scadding from Amaryllis, Daniel Agyekum at Anglia Ruskin University, and Allison Kingsbury from Cambridge University. i Learn more about the East region at


BIFM/NEC guides BIFM has announced the launch of NEC for FM – a suite of contract documents and guides published in partnership with NEC Contracts to support good practice in FM procurement. The suite has been recognised and endorsed by the FM Category Board of the Cabinet Office UK, as well as the Crown Commercial Service, which provides centralised commercial and procurement services for the government and the UK public sector. NEC contracts have three key characteristics: ● Their use stimulates good project management of the relationship between the two parties to the contract, hence of the work included in the contract. ● They can be used in a wide variety of commercial situations, for a wide variety of types of work and in any location. ● They are clear and simple documents, using language and a structure that are straightforward and easily understood. i Visit for more information. BIFM members qualify for 10 per cent off the product using the discount code NECFM14


o you ever feel invisible to your organisation, unless something that affects the building goes wrong? How do you demonstrate the value of FM, and convince others that it’s not just another cost centre but a function that can deliver a positive impact on the bottom line? One of BIFM’s main aims is to raise the profile of the FM industry, and the BIFM Executive Programme – which offers a series of challenging, highlevel CPD briefings – aims to empower those working at or aspiring to senior positions to make an impact at board level. Courses to run this year in London include:


● Introducing & Leading Change in FM | 9-10 July Feel like you’re always responding to change without the chance for input? This two-day course will enable you to contribute to decisions on how change is planned. ● Exploring Innovation in FM | 28 July or 3 Nov We review models of FM innovation, what they’ve delivered and how they may apply to your organisation, teaching you how to develop a business case and FM Innovation Plan for your own organisation. ● Strategic Procurement in FM | 17-18 Sep Effective procurement of FM has a major impact on an organisation and has direct effects on the bottom line. Use this two-day session to review your procurement strategy and identify opportunities for improvement. ● IOSH Safety for Senior Executives | 23 Sep Managing risk is a key issue for senior management, and this course aims to provide you with an understanding of your health and safety responsibilities and enhances your strategic thinking and risk management practices. ● FM Governance & Risk | 8 Oct Managing risks adds value to the organisation and beyond financial reporting, corporate governance also applies to policies, procedures and processes, including corporate social responsibility and business continuity planning. Learn how to identify and manage FM risks. ● Property Management & Maintenance Strategy | 3-4 Dec The selection and management of property, its fabric and services has a big influence on profitability. Gain a strategic overview of the needs of property management and maintenance develop an effective strategy. i For further information, including fees please email info@ or call 020 7404 4440

11/06/2014 15:22

FM DIARY INDUSTRY EVENTS 10 July | BIFM AGM The institute’s annual general meeting. Venue: Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, London N1C 4AA Contact: or visit – you can register to attend by visiting www.surveymonkey. com/s/14_AGM 19-20 November | Energy Management Exhibition Supported by BIFM. Exploring the latest measures to reduce energy consumption. Venue: ExCeL, London. Contact: Jason Franks at 0208 505 7073 or visit CHANNEL ISLANDS BRANCH 9 July | Guernsey networking event From 5.30pm. An opportunity to meet others in the FM industry for drinks and conversation. Venue: Guernsey Yacht Club Castle Emplacement St Peter Port Contact: Email Naomi Fry at naomi. 10 July | Jersey networking event From 5.30pm. Full details to follow. Venue: Jersey Royal Yacht Hotel – Drift Room Contact: Email Naomi Fry at naomi.

Send details of your event to editorial@fm– or call 020 7880 6229

From 9AM. A presentation on collaborative working in BIM and FM environments. Venue: Edward Brooks Barracks, Cholswell Road, Abingdon OX13 6HW Contact: Email Sophie Buck at or visit www. homecollaborative IRELAND REGION 27 June | IKEA site visit From 2pm. Ireland Region Northern branch. Venue: Holywood Exchange, 306 Airport Rd W, Belfast BT3 9EJ Contact: Email Dan Uprichard at or visit 14 November | Ireland conference Hosted by Jim Fitzpatrick, the BBC’s recent business editor. Presentations TBC. Venue: Titanic Building, Belfast Contact: Email Stephen Welch at LONDON REGION 24 June | London region golf day The qualifying event for the national finals in Manchester. A team of four costs £300. Individual entry is £75, including breakfast, lunch and high tea. Venue: Highgate Golf Club, Denewood Road, London N6 4AH Contact: Don Searle at

EAST REGION 26 June | Get the most from your membership From 5.30pm. A chance to meet the new committee for the east region and to find out about future regional events. Venue: Marconi Building Room 102, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Contact: Email Nicola Anderson at or visit 21 July | Regional golf qualifier Qualifier for the national finals in September. Venue: Brocket Hall Golf Club, Welwyn, Hertfordshire AL8 7XG Contact: Email Mark Lopez at HOME COUNTIES REGION 2 July | Collaborative working in BIM and FM environments 45 | 8 MAY 2014 | FM WORLD

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7 August | Rising FMs and London Region annual QuizCrawl A great way to meet other FM professionals in the annual QuizCrawl. Full details to follow. Venue: TBC (lots of pubs!) Contact: Email Patrick McCrae at MIDLANDS REGION 8 July | Regional golf qualifier Qualifier for the national finals in September. Venue: Drayton Park Golf Club, Centenary Drive, Drayton Park, Tamworth, Staffordshire B78 3TN Contact: Email Nicola Lathbury at NORTH REGION 26 June | West Yorkshire networking event From 5pm. Venue: University of Bradford.

Contact: Richard Keane at

Contact: Email Ian Fielder at

9 July | Summer ball Sponsored by Norland Managed Services. Pre-dinner champagne reception sponsored by Foundation Recruitment, followed by dinner and a live band and disco. Charity raffle sponsored by Lantei Compliance Service. Venue: Hilton Hotel, Deansgate, Manchester Contact: or visit


14 July | HSE guidelines on Legionella control Speakers include Silvana Cannarile of Leeds Metropolitan University and David Sykes of Guardian Water Treatment. Venue: Leeds Metropolitan Uni Contact: Email Michael. 4 September | Building better buildings An interactive debate on the good, the bad and the ugly of architectural design. Have you managed a building which fit in any of this criteria? Venue: Hallmark Cards, Bingley Road, Heaton, Bradford, West Yorkshire Contact: Email Sue Gott at sgott2@ or visit SCOTLAND REGION 30 October | All about FM! 2014 conference The Scotland region’s annual conference, including talks from Fergus Ewing, Minister for Energy, Enterprise & Tourism, Simon Toseland, head of health and safety at Workpalce Law, David Walker of Aegon UK and John McGurk, head of CIPD Scotland, as well as BIFM CEO Gareth Tancred and BIFM chairman Julie Kortens. Venue: Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh Contact: Email Michael Kenny at SOUTH REGION 30 July | South region and education sig joint event An event to highlight the issues around providing facilities supporting learning and attainment within an educational background. Venue: Sussex University

11 July | Regional golf day The qualifier for the finals event. Venue: Orchardleigh Golf Club, Frome, Somerset, BA11 2PH Contact: Gareth Andrews at gareth. SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS 26 June | Women in FM – going global – the challenges and opportunities International speakers talk about the challenges of working abroad. Venue: Mace Macro, 155 Moorgate, London EC2M 6XB Contact: Email Jackie Furey at 1 July | East region and sustainability – Low energy buildings including Passivhaus From 9am. Presentation on a fabric first approach to low energy buildings. Includes site visit. Venue: Sportspark, University of East Anglia, NR4 7TJ Contact: Visit mgnhzlt 8 July | Women in FM – Tech talks featuring BIM and safe water systems Deborah Rowland talks about BIM and the Government Soft Landing Process. Steve Bracher from Evolution Water speaks about Safe Water Systems. Venue: TBC Contact: Email Jackie Furey at 10 July | Rising FMs – Careers Conference Speakers present their stories to highlight the options and opportunities in the industry. Venue: University of the Arts London building Contact: Visit www.fmcc. 12 August | Women in FM Treasure hunt and summer social More details to follow shortly. Venue: To be confirmed Contact: Email Jackie Furey at 12 November | Women in FM Annual conference More details to follow shortly. Venue: To be confirmed Contact: Email Jackie Furey at FM WORLD | 19 JUNE 2014 | 45

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Call Jack Shuard on 020 7880 8543 or email For full media information take a look at

FM innovations ▼ Flowcrete UK at Facilities Show 2014 At Facilities Show 2014 decision-makers from across the facilities management industry will be able to find out how Flowcrete UK is making it easier to choose and install the right floor. On stand N915 Flowcrete UK will be showcasing its wide range of advanced resin flooring solutions that have been designed to meet the diverse, often challenging, demands that the managers of industrial facilities have to consider when specifying floors. For locations that need to meet the highest levels of hygiene Flowcrete UK has created the antimicrobial system Flowfresh, which has the Polygiene® additive incorporated throughout the resin material, meaning that it can eliminate up to 99.9 per cent of the bacteria on the floor. W:

▲ De-ice at Facilities Show 2014

▲ Toshiba AC wins commendations

On Wednesday 18th June at 12.35, De-ice and leading defendant insurance law firm, Plexus Law and its Accident & Health Team will present ‘Don’t get caught offside: Show snow and ice claims the red card!’ at the 2014 Facilities Show. The keynote presentation will address the duty owed to members of the public and to employees when it comes to severe winter weather. It will also take the cover off the practical aspects when it comes to winter maintenance solutions. Don’t forget the De-ice After Show Party Come along to the Fox@ExCeL on Thursday 19 June to cheer on England in their World Cup tie against Uruguay - doors open at 4pm.To get a ticket in advance please sign up at party. Don’t forget to collect your ticket from the De-ice Arena at the show! and

Toshiba Air Conditioning, a division of Toshiba Carrier UK, has been highly commended in the Cooling Industry Awards 2014. It was highly commended for the Toshiba Training Initiative and in the Air Conditioning Innovation of the Year category for the company’s SMMSi VRF range. It is believed to be the most efficient VRF system in the market at part-load conditions. Toshiba’s refrigerant leak prevention and management systems have also been shortlisted in the same category. The technology, which attracts BREEAM points, is being adopted by a growing list of national end users who are keen to eliminate the possibility of refrigerant leaks from their buildings. T: 0870 843 0333 W:

▼ Team leaders take off at Heathrow with NVQ apprenticeships Team leaders at OCS’s Vector Park site in Feltham ‘graduated’ in June from a new HIT training scheme. OCS has over 1,400 staff based in and around London Heathrow Airport and the qualification (Team Leading Intermediate Apprenticeship Level 2) is mandatory for all the company’s airside and non-airside supervisors. Delivered by HIT Training, this was the first pilot group of its kind with OCS. Not only do the qualifications represent individual success for the OCS employees, but the rollout of the scheme at London’s Heathrow and Gatwick Airports also marks a strong commitment by the company to developing its people. W:

▲ New Jangro catalogue – the buyers’ A-Z New from Jangro is its 2014-16, 164-page, full-colour illustrated product catalogue. Containing approximately 4,300 products including nearly 500 new lines, it remains the most comprehensive janitorial supplies and safety product directory. There are new washroom paper products and dispensers, air fresheners, hand soaps and industrial cleansers. Exclusive to Jangro are the popular Premium and Contract ranges of floor care and laundry products that have expanded too. There are new workwear products, specialist floorcare machinery and recycling bins. Jangro is the UK’s leading group of independent distributors of hygiene, cleaning, janitorial and catering supplies with 41 privately owned, regional depots. T: 0845 458 5223 E: W:

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▲ Opale Launches Progressive Relationship Advancement (PRA) Opale Management services has launched Progressive Relationship Advancement (PRA), a new process for initiating and repairing long-term FM outsourced contracts. After completing two years of engagement and research with multiple clients and suppliers, testing their findings with the BIFM, Opale identified a requirement for a different procurement and change methodology that sets the foundation for FM contracts that last beyond 10 years. It has now deployed their approach with clients and is already seeing success in repairing troubled relationships and shortly will be using this thinking in initial tender engagements. MD Neil Longley said: “There needs to be a better foundation on which to build longer-term FM relationships; a different approach that releases the market desire to have long-term relationships that suit the client’s need within the limitations of more traditional engagement processes. PRA process does that with success.”

11/06/2014 15:23




THE JOB NAME: Nigel Fernandes JOB TITLE: Facilities manager ORGANISATION: Bilfinger HSG Facilities Management Ltd JOB DESCRIPTION Overseeing the FM services at Deutsche Postbank AG London Branch

What attracted you to the job?

I started working at Deutsche Postbank in 1999 as a security supervisor and got involved in covering the administration department. In 2005, the bank outsourced the administration department to Rollright FM, later acquired by Bilfinger FM. Given my knowledge of the department, I was asked if I would like to work directly for Rollright. So, in 2006, I took over as facilities manager.


TOPIC TRENDS learning how to delegate tasks to my team. In the past, I struggled with delegation, preferring to get things done myself as soon as they were asked for. But since being diagnosed with cancer, I have been training my assistant manager and my team to take over the responsibilities of the department. If you could give away one of your responsibilities to an unsuspecting colleague, what would it be?

A lot of the younger generation initially think that FM is a desk job, and don’t understand that the job can be very hands-on. I really enjoy seeing the look on their faces when a toilet gets blocked and they realise it’s their job to unblock it. Any interesting tales to tell?

We recently repainted the two main external fire exit doors. I asked the security officer to print off two ‘wet paint’ signs for us to pin up. But no one is round here on a Sunday, he said, as he confidently leaned straight back onto one of the freshly painted doors. My top perk at work is …. His uniform was ruined, not to I work with directors from two mention that the door needed WHAT SINGLE PIECE OF great companies who listen to another coat. ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO A my opinions and issues, and Which FM myth would you YOUNG FACILITIES MANAGER work with me to get the job like to put an end to? STARTING OUT? done. Last June, at 40, I was You don’t need a degree to be diagnosed with terminal cancer “Be prepared to deal with the an FM. You just need the will of the lung and lymph nodes. unexpected at all times” to watch, listen and learn from My team and directors have everyone... A cleaner can give been supportive, and coming you as many useful pointers as a director can. to work really takes my mind of what is going on in my body, and keeps me from getting depressed. I had If I wasn’t in facilities management originally been given three to four months to live id probably be …. but, thanks to a new drug Crizinotib, which is only Running a small bar on a beach somewhere in Italy. available to five per cent of people in the world, I have probably another three or four years to live. What’s been your career high point to date?

From October 2012 to February 2013 the bank fully refurbished the premises, floor by floor. The facilities department had to do all the physical moves of furniture, telecoms and IT equipment etc as well as take responsibility for security and work to a very tight schedule. We worked very hard physically and mentally, mostly seven days a week. It was worth it. The place looks amazing and the client is very happy. It broadened my knowledge in all areas, especially the technical side of running a building. Your biggest career challenge so far?

The FM needs to answer to both the client and the line manager, who often have competing demands. So there’s the need to find a balance there. I work through challenges by using positive thinking and

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Ensuring compliance with legislation





Introducing/ working with new forms of IT

5 8

Working on energy-efficiency initiatives

7 9

Adapting to flexible working



Do your friends understand what facilities management is?

I think FM has grown tremendously over the last few years. So it’s not just my friends who know about it, but the millions of others who interact on some level with the industry. You only have to look at the signage on most commercial vehicles in major cities to know that FM is needed everywhere.

Maintaining service levels while cutting costs



How do you think facilities management will change in the next five years?

More and more facilities companies are being set up. They know budgets are getting tighter and so they tender for the work at cost, hoping to earn profits from add-on work. Whereas the established, professional companies know that this is not sustainable. I think a lot of the new companies will fall by the wayside.

Adapting FM to changing corporate circumstances

8 10

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Call the sales team on 020 7324 2755 or email For full media information take a look at

12/06/2014 14:28

REGIONAL CONTRACTS MANAGER – PROPERTY & FACILITIES SERVICES £31,678 pa + £1,500 London Weighting, 1 year fixed term contract London, SE1 The Salvation Army is the largest and most diverse provider of social welfare in the UK after the government. We are currently looking for a Regional Contracts Manager to work in our Property & Facilities Service. Working as part of a small team, you will manage contracts and compliance, source local contractors and reduce cost, risk and time to the front line. In doing so, you will be responsible for improving the working and delivery of FM and building services.

management environment. You will be expected to travel throughout the region. All applicants must be able to work within the Christian ethos of The Salvation Army. We offer 25 days annual leave plus 8 bank holidays and Pension. To apply, visit CVs will not be accepted. No agencies please. Closing date: 30 June 2014 at 3pm. Interviews: 10 July 2014.

To be successful you will need experience in a contract and supplier management role, within a property, building and/or facilities

Promoting equality in the workplace. The Salvation Army is a registered Charity.


on the move


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HOLIDAY! CELEBRATE! After all, if we took a holiday – some time to celebrate – it would be... it would be so nice. Well it would, wouldn’t it? Of course not. Sober up now. Because in absolute certain fact, “holiday fever” can apparently cost employers almost £500 per member of staff. Such is the extraordinary claim of travel agency, which spoke to 1,885 full-time employees who had been abroad on holiday at some stage in the past 12 months. When asked, “How much time, approximately, did you spend thinking, daydreaming, planning, researching and/or booking your holiday abroad whilst in the workplace before your last trip?” the average answers stated by those taking part accumulated to 32 hours in total. Respondents were only asked to take the hours into account when they should have been working, as opposed to designated breaks. We won’t trouble you with the salary-based calculations that result in the £500 figure suggested, but there’s nothing in the story about the productivity benefits that accrue from workers actually having a holiday and recharging their batteries, or how interaction with colleagues about their holidays can be positive. No, instead it’s all employers “clearly losing out” from workers whose “productivity levels plummet” before and just after a holiday. Sheesh. Happy holidays!

A timely piece of research from storage and information management firm Iron Mountain suggests consumers doubt that the recently publicised “right to be forgotten” will work in practice. Consumers say that they now deal with so many organisations, online and offline, they no longer know who holds what information on them. Close to half (45 per cent) believe information held on paper – letters, completed forms and so on – would be covered by data protection laws, despite two-thirds (64 per cent) feeling that information on paper is easier to destroy than information held about them online. Proposed EU data protection reforms are a good

first step to better protecting consumers,” says Christian Toon, head of information risk for Europe at Iron Mountain. “However, our research suggests that consumer attitudes have shifted. They no longer trust organisations to comply with a request to delete personal data. “Organisations can help overcome this pessimism by educating consumers on their policies and procedures. Whether you hold personal information on paper, online or in an electronic database, you need to know what you hold, where you hold it, and how to delete or destroy it securely when asked to do so – and to do so in a way that is transparent and accountable. For many firms the first step is to digitise important paper documents so the data can be merged into a central database. Then to archive historical or physical documents, securely destroying the records the company is no longer entitled to keep and establishing retention schedules to manage the archived information. “Firms have much to gain from building trust before the law obliges them to do so. Trust builds loyalty and loyalty drives sales.” Iron Mountain surveyed 1,257 adults in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK.

WORLD CUP RUNNETH OVER Every major sporting tournament is a potential facilities management headache, not least when there’s a need on occasion to provide television monitors, cater for colleagues staying late or arriving early to watch the game, or even to put on an event themed around the tournament itself. With this year’s World Cup tournament being held in Brazil, the likelihood is that most office workers will work through their lunch hour to get to a local venue for matches kicking off at 5:00pm. And in the case of England, that‘s just the one match (vs. Costa Rica – Tuesday, 24 June). All other England games, should they progress, will kick off out of normal office hours in the middle of the evening, late at night, and mostly at weekends.

Which is a shame. Because the really rather work-friendy nature of this year's tournament means we’ve been deprived of those news stories about productivity across the country plummeting as workers exit the workplace for the nearest pub. Even for tournaments where games kicked off at breakfast or lunchtime, apocalyptic projections of productivity shortfalls never came true. But of course, scare stories work and can spread fears that never materialise – just like the Millennium Bug (remember that?). As for today's offices, with requests for flexible working increasingly an obligation on employers, the move to management by output would make such predictions increasingly absurd.




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CELEBRATE SUCCESS 13 October, The Grosvenor House Hotel, London Join us for the facilities management (FM) industry’s most prestigious night of the year as we celebrate the amazing achievements of the finalists and announce the winners of the 2014 BIFM Awards. Be inspired. Mix and mingle with the stars, over 1,200 guests. Book your seat. Take your place.


For tickets and tables visit today! | +44 (0)1279 712 640 | #BIFMAwards DON’T FORGET! ENTRIES FOR THE ‘FM OF THE YEAR’ CATEGORY CLOSE ON 27 JUNE 2014

BIFM Awards123x186.indd 1

03/06/2014 17:33

Accelerate your FM prospects To speed up your FM prospects ACT FAST and join the BIFM today. If you want to get on in facilities management, get into the BIFM. As Britain’s leading association for our profession, we’re here to advance your cause. Use our extensive network of training and expert advice to progress your career.

BIFM accelerate NEW 186x123.indd 1

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Gain invaluable knowledge and contacts at our industry leading events and specialist networks. Increase your standing through our recognised professional qualifications and accreditations.

Profit from the latest professional and industry news – online and in print. Take your opportunity to shape your industry’s future by getting involved in everything from regional committees and local events to national strategy planning. And make it your first priority.

T: 0845 058 1358 E: 2/8/10 12:13:00

09/06/2014 17:24

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09/06/2014 17:23

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