Red Butte Garden
Enjoy spooky décor, fun activities, and spectacular fall foliage at our annual family-friendly fall celebration.

October 17-30
Get tickets, check out theme nights, and more at redbuttegarden.org/events/bootanical
Quercus texana (Nuttall's oak)
Photo by Glenn Eurick
Garden guests exploring the R. Harold Burton
Water Pavilion Garden
Photo by Dave Titensor
Kate Randall
Mindy Wilson
Jason Baker
Savhannah Carpenter
Glenn Eurick
Kristan Jacobsen
Scott Dressel-Martin
Kate Randall
Dave Titensor
Mindy Wilson
Leslie Hanna

This summer Red Butte Garden and Arboretum was recognized for excellence in two high-profile aspects of our work, horticulture and concerts. First, Salt Lake Magazine readers voted the Garden #1 Best Live Music Venue in the magazine’s annual Best of the Beehive contest. Then, the Coloradobased nonprofit Plant Select honored us with its annual Showcase Garden Award for our promotion of waterwise gardening and sustainable plants. Across departments we exchanged high-fives, because both awards tell us we’re living our mission: connecting people with the beauty of plants and living landscapes.
David Classen, Chair
Kym Buttschardt, Vice Chair
Curt Crowther, Secretary
Lisa Andrues
Troy Aramburu
Steve Barth
Brandi Bosworth
Carolyn Buma
Maura Carabello
Gary Christensen
Chelsey Curtis
Shaleane Gee
Greg Graham
Jeff Herring
Lindee Nance
Jamie Rubin
Laura Snow
JoLynda Stillman
Vicki Varela
Beverly Vargo
Kamrin Wilson
Emeritus Board Members
Sandi Behnken
Everything we do helps people benefit from time spent in nature together. Our fall BOOtanical event leads guests along story-based adventures through the gardens. The Garden’s horticultural experts teach plant-care classes. And educational initiatives help both teachers and students embrace the science of living landscapes. Even weddings in the Fragrance Garden and concerts, performances, and films in the Amphitheatre are rooted in mission too. Events like these enhance guests’ attachment to place and sense of community. They are meaningful and memorable, in part because of the settings we’ve cultivated, and can be a gateway to lifelong enrichment through all the Garden offers and teaches.
This is what you make possible with your investment in the Garden. We cannot thank you enough. Come to the fall plant sale and pick up some great new plants you won’t find anywhere else, savor the breeze out of Red Butte Canyon at one of the last shows of the year in the Amphitheatre, or just enjoy the gardens in their full fall bloom. We cannot wait to see you here again, enjoying the Garden in the ways you like best.

Derrek Hanson, Executive Director
We acknowledge that this land, which is named for the Ute Tribe, is the traditional and ancestral homeland of the Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Tribes. The University of Utah recognizes and respects the enduring relationship that exists between many Indigenous peoples and their traditional homelands. We respect the sovereign relationship between tribes, states, and the federal government, and we affirm the University of Utah’s commitment to a partnership with Native Nations and Urban Indian communities through research, education, and community outreach activities.
Don’t miss BOOtanical October 17-30.

Make the Most of Second Spring
Fall in the Garden brings an outburst of color and interest that rivals spring’s famous beauty and blooms. Just look at the Shirley S. Hemingway Four Seasons Garden on a fall morning, with its stunning ornamental grasses, fall-blooming perennials, ornamental fruits like rose hips and crabapples, and trees and shrubs lit up in autumn hues.
Want to amp up the fall interest in your own garden and get a head start on spring? Fall is prime time to put in cool-weather specimens and plants that will look great every autumn.
“ You’ll extend the bloom season for your own enjoyment and for the benefit of pollinators and wildlife, ” says Crystal Kim, associate director of of horticulture.
Continued on the next page

Cooler weather means less stress on young plants as they acclimate in the ground, and more time to establish healthy roots before the hot temps to come.
“Our Annual Fall Bulb and Native Plant Sale in September is one of the best local sources for your fall garden,” says Kim, who coordinates the spring and fall sales, major fundraisers that support our horticultural work.
Here's her expert advice on getting the most out of your fall garden.
Fall Planting How-Tos
• Focus on fall-blooming perennials, including native plants, to provide a source of lateseason nectar and pollen for pollinators.
• Make sure you get plants into the ground about six weeks before the ground freezes, to allow plenty of time for root growth. In our climate, that means you can plant as late as November.
• Any new plants should be well watered to start. Continue watering if fall weather is warm and dry. Roots will continue to grow, so keep them well-hydrated to support root growth and to help establish the plant.
• Plant spring-flowering bulbs now for spring bloom. Winter provides the necessary chilling period for bloom development. Plant bulbs at a depth of two to three times their diameter, with the pointed end facing up. Once planted and watered in, bulbs will start growing new roots.
• Apply a layer of mulch around newly planted specimens to conserve soil moisture and help prevent plants heaving out of the ground during freeze-thaw cycles. Leave a few areas of bare soil to provide places for native groundnesting bees to overwinter.
Left: Crystal Kim, associate director of horticulture
Right: Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' (Karl Foerster feather reed grass) and Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' (Purple Dome aster) growing in the Four Seasons Garden
Top Picks for Fall Interest

Try fall-blooming perennials like

Ornamental grasses—silvergrass and feather reed grass —are especially beautiful in fall.

Daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs, such as snowdrops, dwarf iris,
Fall Bulb & Native Plant Sale
Friday, September 27, 1-7:30pm
Saturday, September 28, 9am-3pm
Red Butte Garden Amphitheatre
Support the Garden! Spring flowering bulbs, organic garlic bulbs, ornamental grasses, flowering perennials, and the best selection of waterwise and native plants in one location . Free entry through the Amphitheatre gates.

Asclepias tuberosa with pollinator
hyacinth, and Grecian wildflowers.
Utah natives such as penstemon , gayfeather, hummingbird trumpet, globemallow, and buckwheat.
aster, Japanese anemone , upright stonecrop, goldenrod, and toadlily.

Botany Bins Make a Gift and Game of Science
By Mindy Wilson
When Emery County teacher Marti Snow introduced one of Red Butte Garden’s Botany Bins to her second-graders last spring, it lit a spark in students and teacher alike. Colorful, imaginative, immersive, the “Polleneighbors”-themed curriculum-in-a-box got everyone excited and engaged about a critical aspect of our ecosystem.
“The kids were like, ‘We know what honeybees need, what colors they like, and now we can tell our parents, ‘This is what kind of plants we want to plant for honeybees, this what we want to plant for butterflies and hummingbirds,’” said Snow. “I was learning with the kids, and it was really fun for me too.”
Red Butte Garden’s Teacher Resources, including Botany Bins, deliver science education to about 15,000 elementary school students annually, helping under-resourced educators around the state teach Utah core science standards.
“I feel like if you really get a teacher, you get every kid who comes through their classroom,“ said teacher resource coordinator Heather Paulsen, who led development of the “Polleneighbors” bin. “I love being able to spark that excitement and curiosity and joy and confidence in engaging with the natural world. When kids feel confident in their ability to make observations and
Left to right, Ferron Elementary school teachers Cari Guymon and Marti Snow learn about Botany Bins at a teacher workshop in Emery County last spring.

understand the world around them, that creates a connectedness to their own environment and a love for this place they’re in. And once you have a love for the place you’re in, you understand and advocate better for that place as well as other places around the world.”
Snow says she’s grateful to Paulsen and the Garden for giving her creative, engaging, high-quality instructional materials and curriculum she wouldn’t have had time or budget to produce herself.
“It could not have been more perfect for using in the classroom,” Snow said. “Next year I will feel even more confident—and excited.”

Red Butte Garden and Arboretum & Teton Gravity Research present
Monday, September 16
Red Butte Garden Amphitheatre Gates open at 6pm redbuttegarden.org/events/teton-gravityresearch-ski-film
Tickets on sale now!

The “Polleneighbors” Botany Bin includes 3D-printed “pollen,” preserved pollinators, a garden “catalog,” and other fun hands-on activities and lesson plans. With it, students learn to cultivate a garden that attracts and supports pollinators, and why that’s important for our ecosystem.
“Red Butte is a beautiful garden with lots of our plants represented. The Garden focuses on water conservation using many Plant Select plants and shares our mission of promoting and introducing sustainable plants to the market. I cannot express enough how great the Red Butte team is—knowledgeable, engaging, and passionate about plants.”
—Ross Shrigley, executive director of Plant Select

Garden Wins Plant Select Award Ballet
September 10
Enjoy popular performances of both classic and contemporary works, featuring internationally acclaimed choreographers Gerald Arpino and Caili Quan.
Tickets and additional info at redbuttegarden.org/ events/ballet-west
Red Butte Garden and Arboretum won Plant Select’s Showcase Garden Award this summer, in recognition of its efforts to introduce and promote sustainable plants to the public. Plant Select ® is a Colorado-based nonprofit that seeks out and distributes plants designed to thrive in high plains and intermountain regions.

Ballet West artists Amy Potter & Jordan Veit |
Photo by Beau Pearson
From left, Guy Banner, horticulturist, and Marita Tewes Tyrolt, director of horticulture

What Will Be Your Legacy?
Help keep the Garden growing with a legacy gift through your will.
A legacy gift honors the donor’s life with a charitable gift to a chosen party, cause, or organization. Legacy giving is a lasting investment in Red Butte Garden and Arboretum, advancing our mission to connect people with plants and the beauty of living landscapes. When you include Red Butte Garden in your estate plan, you ensure the continued growth of the garden for future generations.
For more information, please contact Natalie Cope, director of philanthropy, at 801.585.5658 or natalie.cope@redbutte.utah.edu
Everyone Loves Surveys!
We know surveys aren’t everyone’s favorite, but your feedback as valued Garden members is important to us. Your input will give us essential insights on how we can better meet your expectations and enhance the value of your membership.
For your privacy, the survey is completely anonymous.
Once you've completed the survey, you may enter to win an opportunity drawing for great prizes.

We thank you for your continued support and hope you agree that membership matters!

Enjoy the cooler weather and take in the Garden's views. Mallard duck family enjoying the Water Pavilion pond
Anaphalis margaritacea (Pearly Everlasting)
Celastrus scandens 'Bailumn' (Autumn Revolution™ Bittersweet)
Join us in welcoming these talented people to the Garden’s full-time staff.

Jenna Hall
Horticulturist II
BS in wildlife ecology and management, Utah State University
BS in plant biology, University of Utah
Jenna is passionate about conservation and habitat restoration. While obtaining her degrees, she worked at several water conservation gardens around Utah, as well as a collections aide at the Natural History Museum of Utah and a lab tech at the U. She is ecstatic to join the Garden's horticulture team.
Alex Nickel
Pronouns: They/Them
Guest Services Coordinator
BS in psychology and political science, University of Utah
Alex has extensive customer service experience and brings a humanistic and empathetic approach to their work. “I have a multitude of interests, including music, art, and writing. I love how multi-faceted Red Butte Garden is, as well as the community it brings.”

Alicia Fuller-Nerney Garden Programs Educator
BS in human development and family studies, University of Utah
Alicia began her journey with the Garden in 2022 as a School Programs intern while also working at the Visitor Center front desk. She is wildly creative, using students’ passions and creativity as the focal points of her teaching. She is thrilled to provide children with meaningful experiences that foster lifelong connections to the Garden and the world around them.

Christine Matthews
Education Outreach Coordinator
BS in elementary education, University of Utah
Christine has dedicated the past decade to both formal and informal education. She began her career as an elementary school teacher, spending summers teaching at the Garden’s summer camps. It was here that she discovered her passion for informal science education, leading her to transition into outreach education. Christine is thrilled to join our education team and looks forward to bringing the Garden’s magic to students across Utah.
The following donors have made gifts to Red Butte Garden and Arboretum to honor and remember friends or loved ones. Thank you for your generous tributes.
In Memory of R. Endo
Joni D. Endo
In Honor of Sherrie Harbrecht
Hillary Weitzel
In Memory of Ellie Mihaopoulos Korologos
Debra B. Davis
In Memory of Kathleen Portsche Godbe
Cindy Oliver
Susan Godbe Rawson
Stephen Godbe
Gifts made between 5/2/2024-6/25/2024

Top: Stephanie Saint-Thomas
Bottom: Glass Art Guild of Utah
Please visit our website and social media for more Garden event information.
Featuring a range of naturethemed media by Utah artists including photography, watercolor, oil, pastel, mixed media, and more. Admission not required to shop.
AUG 30-SEP 30
Stephanie Saint-Thomas Mixed Media Paintings
Artist Reception Saturday, September 7, 2-4pm
NOV 7- DEC 21
Glass Art Show
With the Glass Art Guild of Utah
Artist Reception Saturday, November 9, 2-5pm
OCT 5 & 6
Bonsai Show Sat, 9am-5pm Sun, 9am-3pm
With the Bonsai Club of Utah
NOV 2 & 3
Orchid Show Sat, 9am-5pm Sun, 9am-3pm With the Utah Orchid Society
Red Butte Garden Outdoor Concert Series
Tickets still available at redbuttegarden.org/concerts
SEP 10
Ballet West in the Garden Tue, gates open 5pm, curtain 7pm
Garden members $45
Public $50 redbuttegarden.org/events/ ballet-west
SEP 16
Teton Gravity Research presents: Beyond the Fantasy TGR’s latest ski film premiere. Live music and prize giveaways. Mon, Gates open at 6pm, film at 8:30pm
Garden members $22
General public $27
Tickets: redbuttegarden.org/ events/teton-gravity-researchski-film
SEP 21
Intermountain Hoop Dance Competition Sat, 9am-4pm
Grand Entry 9:15am Competition begins 9:30am
Free admission through the Amphitheatre gates redbuttegarden.org/events/ hoop-dance
SEP 27 &28
Fall Bulb & Native Plant Sale Fri, 1-7:30pm & Sat, 9am-3pm
Free admission through the Amphitheatre gates redbuttegarden.org/events/ fall-plant-sale
OCT 17-30
BOOtanical Adventures in Wonderland
BOO Days 9am-5pm
Regular Garden Admission | Free for members
BOO Nights 6-9pm
Garden members $13 | Flex $18
Public: $16 | Flex $21
U students, staff, & faculty receive $1.50 off public price
Theme Days
All Abilities Day: Oct 26, 9am-12pm
Pride Night: Oct 27, 6-9pm
Timed-entry registration
Opens Oct 1
redbuttegarden.org/events/ bootanical
NOV 1-DEC 31
Rock Your Membership
Enter to win a Concert Donor Club package for two. redbuttegarden.org/events/ rock-your-membership
Museum Store Sunday
Members save an additional 10% on gift shop purchases.
DEC 7 & 8
Gift Shop Holiday Sale
Members save an additional 10% on gift shop purchases.
DEC 7 & 8
Holiday Open House & Art Fair
Sat & Sun, 10am-5pm 19 local artisans with handmade gifts for the season. Free admission thanks to Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts & Parks (ZAP) program.
Call for Entries!
To vend your original, handcrafted art, apply by Sept 28. redbuttegarden.org/events/ holiday-open-house-callfor-artists
Please check our website for more information or to make your reservation. redbuttegarden.org/planyour-garden-visit/garden-tours


Find class descriptions and register online at redbuttegarden.org/ adult-education or call 801.581.8454
SEP 19
Soil and Spirit: Seeds of Purpose, Nature's Insight, & the Deep Work of Transformational Change
Speaker - Ian Williams Thu, 6-7:30pm / $25
SEP 18
Designing the Internal Landscape
Wed, 5:30-7:30pm
Dive deeper and join Ian Williams for a workshop the night before his talk.
Garden members $65
General public $44
SEP 3 & 10
Native Seed Collecting Tue, 5:30-7:30pm
Garden members $48
General public $60
SEP 4 & 5
Ornamental Grasses
Wed & Thu, 6-7:30pm
Garden members $39
General public $48
SEP 11
Your Landscape 101: Welcome to Utah Wed, 6:30-8:30pm
Garden members $32
General public $39
Bulb Forcing Sat, 10am-12pm
Garden members $52
General public $65
Fused Glass Panel with Flowers Sat, 9-11am & 1-3pm
Garden members $44
General public $55
SEP 1, 15, 29
Mindfulness Meditation with Maurena Grossman Sun, 9:30-10:30am
Garden members $10
General public $12
Red Butte peak looks over the lower waterfall pond.
SEP 1, 15, 22
Yoga & Sound Bath with Kristin Vance
Sun 9:30-10:30am
Garden members $12
General public $15
SEP 4, 11, 18, 25
Awake in the Moment with Charlotte Bell
Wed 10:30-11:30am
Garden members $10
General public $12
SEP 5, 12, 19
Qigong with Sifu Toni Lock
Thu 9:30-10:30am
Garden members $10
General public $12
SEP 5, 12, 26
Yoga & Qigong with Sarah Elizabeth Garza-Levitt
Thu 5:30-6:30pm
Garden members $10
General public $12
SEP 9, 16, 23, 30
Qigong & Tai Chi with Emily Yeates
Mon 9:30-10:30am
Garden members $10
General public $12
Forest Bathing with Chris Newton
Garden members $25
General public $30
NOV 16
Youth Glass Art Workshop
Ages: 8-18
Sat, 10am-12pm & 1-3pm
Garden members $40
General public $50 redbuttegarden.org/kidsclasses/youth-glass-artworkshop
Boredom Busters
Fun, free, nature-inspired activities for families to do at home. redbuttegarden.org/ freegardenevents/boredombusters


Visitor Center 801.585.0556
Website: www.redbuttegarden.org
Comments: 801.581.5754 or email pr@redbutte.utah.edu
Opt out of printed newsletters. Email membership@redbutte.utah.edu with "NEWSLETTER OPT OUT” in the subject line. We’ll take care of the rest.
Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts & Parks (ZAP) Program for your support.

Red Butte Garden is one of the largest botanical gardens in the Intermountain West and, together with the University of Utah, a state arboretum. The Garden is renowned for its plant collections, themed gardens, almost 590,000 springtime blooming bulbs, awardwinning horticulture-based educational programs, and a world-class outdoor summer concert series.
Copyright © 2024 Red Butte Garden. All rights reserved.
A mink enjoys a crayfish lunch near the Water Pavilion.
A morning stroll along the Garden's Dumke Floral Walk.
300 Wakara Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
To connect people with plants and the beauty of living landscapes.