Reddam House High School Newsletter

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Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 24, Issue 12 | 10th May 2024

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

It is hard to remember the start of Term 2, which has had such miserable weather that we’ve been experiencing these last two weeks. One feels for the students who have had sports practices and fixtures cancelled due to the unplayable conditions. Despite that, last weekend, Ms Squadrito reported that “our netball season got underway, marked by a whirlwind of excitement and changing weather conditions at the Randwick netball courts. Thirteen Reddam teams demonstrated pure resilience, determination, and enthusiasm for the sport, pushing through challenging circumstances. Despite the tough conditions, our teams secured six victories, showcasing their grit and perseverance. Round 1 laid a fantastic foundation for an exciting season ahead.”

Also on the weekend the Year 12 Drama students attended the Year 12 Drama Camp at the Collaroy Centre. This was a fantastic two days away where the students could immerse themselves in important foundation work to kick start their HSC Group Performances. They received workshops from Swoop Physical Theatre, a performance from Shock Therapy Arts, and workshops from their teachers, Mr Hodgson and Ms Gilsenan. The energy and drive exhibited by the students were impressive, and an excellent work performance was created.

On Sunday night, Max Gerler attended the Yom Hashoah Commemoration, addressing the audience, including Holocaust survivors, several MPs, his family, and the community. The evening commemorated 80 years since the Holocaust in Hungary. Max was asked to represent the “next generation” as part of his role on the Sydney Jewish Museum Youth Committee.

His speech is the last one in the link. - 2024 Yom Hashoah Commemoration

The principal of Moriah had this to say, “Max was a standout. He was articulate and spoke with passion and conviction. Max did impress the audience and is truly a credit to Reddam House and the community.” Congratulations Max

We held the first of three Parent/Teacher/Student evenings on Tuesday night. While short and sharp, they create an opportunity for parents, teachers, and students to connect and share vital information on how the student is tracking and what strategies need to be implemented, if any, in moving forward. This collaboration is essential for a student to achieve their maximum potential.

Year 10, Year 11, and Year 12 students had a Drug and Alcohol Seminar with Paul Dillon. He has been working in drug education for over 25 years and works with many school communities nationwide, giving regular updates on current drug trends to ensure that students have access to good quality information and best practice drug education. His seminars are well-received, and his advice is practical, helpful, and life-changing. For further information and reading, please go here.

Last Friday, our students in Year 9 had a presentation from The Butterfly Foundation on body image, particularly the impact of unrealistic appearance ideals and expectations. Today, the Kingsford Legal Centre will present information on sexual harassment – what it is, where and why it happens, legal complaint options, and how to get help, including supporting others.

Year 8 students also had a presentation from The Butterfly Foundation entitled ‘Let’s Talk About Body Image in a Digital World,’ which explored social media's role on body confidence and self-esteem.

The Year 7 students participated in a ‘Respectful Relationships and E-safety workshop.’ This presentation outlined vital strategies for building healthy and respectful student relationships, emphasizing the importance of making friends, understanding boundaries, effective communication, conflict resolution, respect, inclusivity, digital etiquette, online reputation, bullying, and how to seek support.

At this week’s assembly, the Women’s Empowerment Portfolio spoke to the students about the incident at a Melbourne School where Year 11 students had ranked girls in derogatory terms. It was emphasised how disrespectful and hurtful this was and that this or any similar behaviour would not be tolerated at Reddam. I thank Attica Geritis (Year 11) for her strength and leadership.

This week, we welcomed Dr Prue from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ( as our guest speaker for Year 7 parents and students on Thursday night. The event proved a valuable opportunity for families to explore strategies for optimising study habits and maximising academic potential.

Throughout the evening, families engaged in discussions that encouraged a thoughtful assessment of the changes that could be implemented to help students move confidently and efficiently toward achieving their personal best. Dr. Salter's expertise provided valuable insights into key areas, including the home study environment, effective organisation and management of resources, strategies for successful homebased learning, handling distractions, and managing the high school workload.

Families also accessed a video outlining essential steps in high school studying, covering topics such as making study notes, self-testing to reinforce learning, and practicing effectively. We encourage parents to review the session's slides and handouts with their students, fostering open discussions about the identified areas that may benefit from positive changes. For additional study skills tips from Dr. Salter, families can visit

We extend our gratitude to Dr. Prue Salter for sharing her expertise, and we encourage our entire school community to leverage the valuable insights gained from this study skills evening. Together, let's empower our students to thrive academically and reach their full potential.

On Wednesday evening, the Music Concert Club attended its first classical concert of the year. Year 9-12 students attended the Opera House to see the Sydney Symphony Orchestra performing Tchaikovsky’s 5th

Symphony and Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto featuring internationally acclaimed Uzbek pianist Behzod Abduraimov.

Mrs. Wood and Mr. Golan accompanied the students and were proud of their engagement with this extensive Romantic and 20th Century repertoire program. The students particularly enjoyed the expressive and exciting conductor, Han-Na Chang. For more information on joining any or all of Concert Club’s events, please contact Courtaney Wood. New members are always welcome.

Also, on Wednesday evening, it was the Regional Finals of Rostrum - all students competing had to have won their previous heat, so the standard was incredibly high. Jethro Jensen competed in the Senior event, and Amber Sher and Bella Swil competed in the Junior section. In addition to their prepared speech, they had to prepare a three-minute impromptu speech on topics including "Coding Tomorrow's Possibilities," "Rich Picking," and "Double Vision".

While our Reddam participants did not progress to the State finals, they were outstanding.

Yr 11 Physics students have joined up with the Music Department this week to help them in their studies of sound. Mrs. Wood explained the different methods of sound production of a variety of instruments and demonstrated features of the harmonic overtone series while Mr. Lebescont helped students to understand how manipulations of these sounds impacted the frequency and how to channel their curiosity into further investigations for their assignment this term.

Year 7 students have been learning about separation techniques in Science. They put their skills to the test and have created some very unique scents as a gift to their very deserving mums. We hope you enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Wishing all the incredible mothers in our school community a day filled with love, joy and cherished moments, Happy Mother's Day!

Stay dry this weekend and enjoy the week ahead.

Dave Pitcairn

Last week, our guest of honour at the ANZAC Assembly was Captain Mathew Shand, Royal Australian Navy. CSC.

Captain Shand is the current Fleet Command Safety Officer in the Royal Australian Navy.

Mr. Pitcairn, distinguished guests, Reddam Staff, and Students – thank you for the invitation to speak today.

I acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land, and we gather the Gadigal people and other people and families connected to the land in the area we know as Woollahra. I pay my respects to their elders, past and present, and thank them for caring for the land and waterways from which the Australian Defence Force deploys.

On the 25th of April 1915, 109 years ago, a group of volunteer Australian and New Zealand soldiers found themselves wading ashore before dawn at a small beach on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey - now known as Anzac Cove. They were members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and called themselves Anzacs. Many of these men were only teenagers, some as young as 16. All were anxious to prove that as the representatives of their new nation, they would not be found lacking in courage and military ability and that they could acquit themselves at least as well as the soldiers of the older, more established countries of Europe. The events of the first Anzac Day are the unbreakable and permanent foundation for our nation-building.

At the time of Gallipoli, the Australian nation was only 14 years old and had yet to form an identity to call its own. It believed it had achieved nothing great or heroic from the national standpoint but was about to be called upon to do so.

For eight months after the first landings, the young Anzacs underwent a 'trial by ordeal.' 34,000 Australian and New Zealand soldiers were killed or wounded at Gallipoli.

Young Australians earned a reputation for courage, self-reliance, and mateship in that terrible battle at Gallipoli, as well as the associated hospitals and training camps. The experience, as tragic as it was, drew Australians together as a nation and established an Australian character that set standards for all the soldiers, sailors, and airmen who followed.

The scale of the First World War was unprecedented and shook Australia and the world to its core. Over 70 million soldiers, sailors, and eventually airmen were mobilized, including 416,000 Australians. This was at a time when Australia's population was only 4.9 million. Men and women left everything behind to travel to far-off lands to protect the things they held most dear. They were ordinary people who did extraordinary things in extraordinary circumstances.

Anzac Day is about holding on to the story of people and the lessons they have left us. Their stories of bravery and sacrifice have developed into a deeper faith in ourselves, our democracy, and what it means to be Australian. They have taught us to endure hardships through mateship and loyalty, show courage, be bold, believe in ourselves, and stick together.

Sadly, World War 1 was not the “war to end all wars.” Since then, members of the Australian Defence Force have continued to answer the call to serve their country. This year will mark the 83rd anniversary of the loss of HMAS Sydney in battle with the German raider Kormoran off the coast of Western Australia, with the loss of all 645 crew. From 1950 to 1953, 340 Australians died defending the Republic of Korea. On the 13th of November 1965, Warrant Officer Kevin Wheatley was awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously after he died in action, refusing to leave a wounded mate behind in the jungles of Vietnam. More recently, in Afghanistan, 42 Australians died serving their country. Sadly, even today, the conflict impacts people in various parts of the world terribly.

Remembering the men and women who fought for their country….our country is to respect their memory and their sacrifices (including that of their families). By remembering, we remember the lessons learned at such a high cost. By remembering, we can hopefully avoid further tragedy and instead strive for peace. That is why Anzac Day is so important. Lest we forget.

1 - Tyler Gruenpeter (Y10)

Music News

Please continue to prepare your entries for this year’s major competitions, and do not forget to make your submissions on time!

Instrumental Competition

• Please enter via the link below, and ensure that all entries are submitted by 10am on Thursday, July 18. Specific details are also included in the entry form, to be read carefully before selecting pieces for entry.

• Entry Form:

Composition Competition

• Entries are due by 5pm on Wednesday, August 21.

• Further information and the entry submission form can be found at the following link:

Year 7 Piano Duets

Year 7 piano duet ensemble meets on Thursday morning before school. We have 14 very talented students who are eager to work on and complete their duets so they can perform for their school and families! Tang and May have prepared Bach’s Badinerie, and we might be lucky to hear them perform

very soon. Other couples are working on either jazz or classical repertoire. The enthusiasm from some of the students has been infectious. They are enjoying a fun and productive year of music-making!

Bondi Sound Sessions... scan below to find out more...

Sport Fixtures - 11th May 2024



Saturday 11th May

Perry Park | Alexandria - 53 Maddox St

Year 4 TIGERS vs St Spyridon White 9.25am Ct 4 (Semi Final) If win - Final vs Proball Liberty @ 11.15am


Saturday 11th May

Perry Park | Alexandria - 53 Maddox St

Year 3 CELTICS vs Inner City Tigers 8.30am Ct 3

Year 5 BUCKS vs Big Dream 12 12.10pm Ct 2

Year 9 WARRIORS vs All Blacks 3.50pm Ct 3

Year 10 NETS vs The Bullets 3.50pm Ct 4


High School

Girls – Sunday

Reddam U16s v Pagewood, Lyne Park, Rose Bay 11.00am

Reddam U14s v Bye


Open v Riverview, Parade Ground No.6 Grand Parade Centennial Park 12.00 noon

16R v Riverview, Parade Ground No.6 Grand Parade Centennial Park 11.00am

16E v St Patricks College, St Patricks College No. 3, 9.00am

15R v Sydney Boys High School, McKay Field No. 3 Centennial Park 9.00am

14R v Riverview, Parade Ground No.6 Grand Parade Centennial Park 10.00am

14E v St Patricks College, St Patricks College No. 3, 3.00pm

13R v Riverview, Parade Ground No.6 Grand Parade Centennial Park 9.00am

13E v Riverview, Parade Ground No.6 Grand Parade Centennial Park 8.00am


Under 9s

Reddam City V Maroubra Thunder 10.00am Coral Sea 1A

Reddam United V Easts Torino 10.00am Queens Park 2B

Reddam Gunners V Pagewood Titans 10.00am Jellicoe Park M5

Under 10s Reddam City V Maroubra Underdogs 11.00am Coral Sea 2B

Under 11s Reddam City V Pagewood Green Gators 12.00pm Jellicoe Park 2B

Reddam Utd V South East Eagles 12.00pm Heffron Park 1B

Under 12s

Reddam City V Queens Park Everton 1.00pm Queens Park 1A


Reddam 1 v Bondi Phoenix,1:15pm

Reddam 2 v Randwick Rugby, 1:15pm

Reddam 3 v Double Bay Diamonds, 1:15pm

Reddam 4 v Mascot, 1:15pm

Reddam 5 v St Catherines, 12:00pm

Reddam 6 v Double Bay Diamonds, 12:00pm

Reddam 7 v Randwick Rugby, 12:00pm

Reddam 8 v Randwick Rugby, 12:00pm

Reddam 9 v Kambala, 10, 11:00am

Reddam 10 v Kincoppal, 11:00am

Reddam 11 v Bondi Phoenix, 11:00am

Reddam 12 v Maccabi, 11:00am

Reddam 13 v Randwick Rugby, 11:00am

Reddam 14 v Saints, 10:00am

Reddam 15 v BYE, 10:00am

Reddam 16 v Randwick Rugby, 9:00am

Reddam 17 v BYE, 8:00am

Reddam 18 v Bondi Phoenix, 9:00am

Cross Country

Sydney Boys High School Championships Centennial Park 9.00am

Sport Results - 3rd-5th May 2024


Year 3 CELTICS vs Sydney Hoopstars Boas 29 - 26

Year 4 BOOMERS vs Proball Liberty 2 - 11

Year 7 FLAMES vs Sydney Hoopstars Lynx 27 - 30

Year 6 STORM vs Sydney Hoopstars Mercury 8 - 9

Year 5 BUCKS vs MPB 33 - 18

Year 10 NETS vs KHY Astronauts 56 - 27

Year 9 JAZZ vs Inner City Cyclones 31 - 30

Year 8 MAVERICKS vs All Blacks 27 - 36

Year 8 NUGGETS vs Inner City 15ers 20 - 27

Year 9 WARRIORS vs Big Dream 29 - 27

Year 10 NETS vs KHY Astronauts 56 - 27


High School

Girls – Sunday

Reddam U16s v Washed Out

Reddam U14s v Washed Out


Open v SHORE, Washed Out

16R v SHORE, Washed Out

16E v Newington, 1 - 7

15R v Sydney Grammar, Washed Out

14R v SHORE, Washed Out

14E v Newington, Washed Out

13R v SHORE, Washed Out

13E v SHORE, Washed Out


Under 9s

Reddam City 20 Easts Venezia 0

Reddam Gunners 2 Maroubra Knights 12

Under 10s

Reddam City 7 Easts FC Villa 4

Under 11s

Reddam City 17 Easts Ibiza 1

Under 12s

Reddam City 3 Easts Berlin 1


Reddam 1 v Randwick Rugby n/a

Reddam 2 v Reddam n/a

Reddam 3 v Reddam n/a

Reddam 4 v BYE

Reddam 5 v Randwick Rugby, 13-13

Reddam 6 v Kambala, 5-19

Reddam 7 v Mascot, 3-15

Reddam 8 v Mascot, 19-20

Reddam 9 v Reddam 10, 25-7

Reddam 10 v Reddam 9, 7-25

Reddam 11 v Mascot, 40-6

Reddam 12 v Rose Bay Secondary, 11-15

Reddam 13 v St Catherines, 1-28

Reddam 14 v Mascot, 18-9

Reddam 15 v Mascot, 2-4

Reddam 16 v Maccabi, 11-2

Reddam 17 v Double Bay, 1-24

Reddam 18 v Marrickville, 3-23

Upcoming Tours

Art & Cultural Tour USA 2024


All expressions of interest should be sent to:

South of France - French Immersion

All expressions of interest should be sent to:

Hamilton Island Art Retreat

The itinerary is available here.

Registration form is available here

All expressions of interest and regirstration form submissions should be sent to:

CASE Space School - Now Launching!

Reddam House is excited to announce our participation in CASE Space School International StudyProgram during July 2025. All Reddam House students are invited to join CASE Senior Space Schooland visit NASA in the USA!

Always at the forefront of innovation, the space industry is the most stimulating environment toinspire the next generation of STEAM-skilled leaders prepared to take on and succeed in ourinnovation-hungry world.

Demonstrating its robust academic content, CASE study programs are the only international STEAMstudy programs to have successfully obtained University of California (UC) GPA 5.0 approval. Allparticipants will be eligible to receive a GPA 5.0 academic transcript to differentiate their applicationinto top tier universities at home or internationally.

This immersive, engaging and inspiring learning experience is a wonderful opportunity for studentsto learn beyond the classroom and be inspired by the opportunities that lie ahead!

For further information visit: or contact Andrea Elias via her email

London, Paris, Barcelona Tour 2025

Please view the itinerary here

Registration form is available here.

For further information please contact Laurellen Symonds:

Upcoming Opportunities/Careers News

Year 12 Careers news

Cadetships Australia talk for interested students lunchtime Tuesday 14/5 in C2.

Please note Technology cadetships have been cancelled for next year but there are still business cadetships available.

Come to the presentation if interested.


Work experience will run from Wednesday 27/11/24 to Monday 2/12/24 this year.

More information will be forthcoming.

Sydney Quantum Academy is running a Virtual Quantum Tech Camp in May 2024.

Therea re 20 subsidised places available for students in year 9 – 12.

The camp costs $400 USD per student however this has been fully subsidised and will not come at a cost to the student.

Please click on the EOI link below to register your students.


The HSC and Careers Expo 2024 is back in 2024, celebrating 16 years! With over 10,000 attendees expected, the Expo will be held over three days – Thursday 30 May, Friday 31 May and Saturday 1 June, 9am-3pm at The Winx Stand, Royal Randwick Racecourse. This year, the Expo will host over 100 exhibitors and include seminars on a wide variety of topics, covering:

• HSC English and Maths

• Course, career, study, employment and training advice

• Subject selection advice for year 10 students by UAC

• ATAR advice for years 11 and 12 students by UAC

• How your results are calculated information from NESA Students need to book online and entry is $15.

If you are interested in applying to Oxford or Cambridge University post the HSC you may be interested in this:

We wanted to send a quick update for students looking to embark on our Minds Underground 2024 Essay Competitions and / or Summer Schools to stretch students ahead of applications to a wide array of degree courses e.g. Law, Medicine, Architecture, Engineering:

Minds Underground Essay Competitions

· We are really excited to see continued interest from students internationally and have already had a great number of entries across the 16 subject categories!

For those still looking to submit, the deadline is approaching on Wednesday 3rd April – the competitions are free to enter

Essay guidelines are available on each specific competition page in the link above, with prizes awarded for each category

2024 University Application / Oxbridge Prep Summer Schools

· We have an early bird discount running on our Summer Schools until April 1st! Students are also more than welcome to use the school discount code SUMMER10.

The courses should be particularly valuable for any students aspiring to UK Russell Group Universities, Oxbridge, Ivy League, and Medical Schools.

We cap class sizes at 15 pupils to encourage debate and discussion, and classes will be tailored to the students joining and their specific course / university of application.

· We have been working closely with our Summer School hosts to design each subject specific series of 8, 1.5 hour masterclasses, and have re-vamped our website to showcase sought-after skills that are developed for each subject e.g. critical analysis, problem solving, and example “hot-topics” covered to

push students beyond the syllabus. The full course outlines are available when you click on each subject image.

Attention all girls in Years 7-12!

Join us for our upcoming ‘Girls Who Build’ career information sessions, where you'll gain valuable insights into the diverse opportunities available in the construction industry.

During these sessions, you'll have the chance to hear directly from the Women of ADCO and learn about a wide range of roles, including:

Carpentry apprenticeships and site supervisor roles

Design Managers and Design Coordinators

Project Engineers and Site Engineers

Graduates, Cadets, and Interns

Estimators and Contracts Administrators

There's a place for you in construction! Don't miss this opportunity to explore different career paths and discover where your passion lies. If you have never heard of the jobs above, you have even more of a reason to attend.

Apprentice carpenters & site supervisors

Design Managers & Design Coordinators

Project Engineers & Site Engineers

Graduates, Cadets & Interns

Estimators & Contracts Administrators

University Clinical Aptitude Test | UCAT

UCAT PREPARATION (For Year 10, 11 and 12 Students)

• 6 April 2024: Intensive UCAT Preparation Workshop (Live Online Interactive)

• UCAT Readiness Courses Advanced (UCAT only) OR Comprehensive (UCAT + Interview)


27 April 2024: Advanced Skills Masterclass Webinar


11 May 2024: Casper Test Masterclass Webinar

MEDICAL INTERVIEWS (For Year 11 and 12 Students)

• 20 - 21 April 2024: Headstart Medical Interview Workshop: Live Online Interactive


• Students, teachers, and parents are invited to attend.


FREE Admission


• 4-day attendance program in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane

• Age: 14 - 18 years old students

The "Future Doctors Australia" program. This engaging and high-impact 4-day program WILL provide young people with a unique opportunity to gain medical work experience in a safe and structured environment. Participants will be able to spend time with current junior and senior medical students. They will also have the rare opportunity to spend time with more senior clinicians and various medical specialists. You will get to learn about clinical's specialist's relevant fields of work, ask them questions, and learn some hands-on skills from them. Spots are strictly limited Tell me more...

ACADEMIC INSIGHTS PROGRAM (11-day residential program in Sydney)

Medicine, Psychology, Veterinary Studies, Creative Writing, Engineering, Business Management

• Age: 13 - 18 years old students

• Spots are strictly limited

This immersive Academic Insights 11-day summer program provides ambitious high school students with an unrivaled experience studying undergraduate-level subjects at the University of Sydney. Enrolments are open to students Australia-wide (13-18 years of age). Spots are strictly limited. Tell me more...

UCAT registrations opened on 5/3/24 for Medicine

Applications close 17/5/25

Test period 1/7/24 to 9/8/24

Cost $325


ATTENTION YEAR 12 wishing to apply to Medicine:


11 May, 9 June or 27 July 2024

NIE will be conducting an interactive and informative training webinar designed to provide students with the guidance and support they need to feel well-prepared for the Casper Test.

ENROL to Secure Your Spot!

What else is on at NIE?

10 - 11 August 2024: 2-day Intensive Medical Interview Training Workshop

23 June 2024: Intensive UCAT Preparation Workshop

16 June 2024: Advanced Skills Verbval Reasoning Webinar

Medicine, Healthcare and Other Subjects Work Experience Opportunities

* Future Doctors Australia Program (Limited spots)

* Academic Insights Program (Limited spots)

University Admissions Centre | Careers News

Although many students apply directly to institutions for early offers, please remind them that not all institutions make early offers and not every course is available through these schemes. They should always aim for their dream course, even if it is not part of an early offer scheme.

A few things to note:

• International students will be able to apply from 17 April. They need to select 'International application' from the 'Apply or log in' drop-down on the UAC website.

• All IB students can now complete a UAC application as we have received their student data from the IBO.

• All interstate students should wait until 1 August to apply as UAC won't receive their student data until later in the year. I'll let you know if this changes.

Course preferences

While applications are open, please remind your students that not all courses are available to select within their application. However, they can still submit an application with at least one preference and then come back later to list additional courses when they become available.

Universities have until 1 August to have all 2025 courses available for selection in the application.

Starting an application: essential info

This year, students need the following details to start their UAC application:

Personal email address: For security reasons, when students start their application they will need to register with a personal email address and a password. They'll then be sent an email to validate their details. Once they've done that, they will use their email address and password to log in to their application.

Year 12 student number and UAC PIN: NSW and ACT students – We emailed UAC PINs to NSW and ACT students on 3 April using the email addresses NESA and ACT BSSS have on file. If any students didn't receive this email, please ask them to call UAC. Also remind them to register a personal email address in their NESA Students Online account.

Interstate and IB students: These students also need to enter their Year 12 student number and UAC PIN. Their UAC PIN is their date of birth: DDMM.

Students need to enter their Year 12 student number and UAC PIN early in the application. These details identify them as a 2024 Year 12 student, which means they'll be able to apply for an early offer through the Schools Recommendation Scheme.

Unique Student Identifier (USI): At the request of institutions, this is now a mandatory field for domestic applicants who are Australian citizens. Students can quickly and easily create their USI or check if they already have one

Please scroll through and expand the University cards or website cards of choice to review content.

Univeristy of New South Wales | UNSW

Key Dates

Upcoming events for your students

Explore our new Events page to view our upcoming events, now compiled in one spot for you, your students and their parents. Registrations are now open for our Year 10 Info Evenings and Faculty Info Evenings:

• Year 10 Information Evenings: 9 & 14 May

• Law & Justice (Law Admission Test): 15 May

• Arts, Design & Architecture: 22 May

• Science: 29 May

• Business: 5 June

• Engineering: 12 June

• UNSW Canberra: 26 June

Register here

Portfolio Entry Workshops

July | Online & On Campus

Parent's Information Evening

1 August | OnlineOpen Day

7 September | On Campus

Info Week


Pre-order your guides

We will be doing two mail-outs this year, one in May and one in July. Please note that we are only able to send out full boxes of guides. Deadlines are below:

• May mail-out: Wednesday, 1 May

• July mail-out: Monday, 1 July

Unfortunately, we are not able to send out the smaller Quick Guides this year, which have a focus on Year 10 & 11. Please feel free to email me if this is something you'd be interested in for 2025.

Pre-order now

Data to Discovery: Data Science for Science Teachers

Science teachers are invited to join the SciX@UNSW team on Thursday, 16 May to participate in our Data to Discovery course. This professional learning opportunity is NESA-accredited and will empower you to to support any student who may undertake data-driven research for their independent project.

Register now

UNSW Careers News for LAT

Registrations open: Monday, 13 May

UNSW LAT Info Evening: Wednesday, 15 May

Standard registration close: Friday, 9 August

Late registration close: Friday, 6 September (additional charges apply)

Test Day:

Monday, 30 September

UNSW Co Op Scholarship Program News

Applications for the UNSW Co Op Scholarship Program are now open.

You can find out more about this and access the application:

Your dedicated space, the Career Advisers page has tools and resources, and of course, FAQs for more nitty gritty.

Check out the new Co-op website

University of Sydney | USYD

Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Environmental Engineering)

The University of Sydney is offering a new Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Environmental Engineering)

Environmental engineers find solutions for protecting the environment. It is a critical discipline that integrates engineering, science, and environmental management. They evaluate project effects on air, water, soil, and noise, aiming to preserve the environment. They assess impacts, devise management

systems, develop technologies to monitor and reduce pollution and mitigate the impact of climate change.

Find out more about our new degree.


Applications Open – 4th March 2024

We encourage candidates to submit their application well before the closing date.

Applications Close – 9th September 2024

First Round Offers for Entry in 2025 – week beginning 23rd September 2024

(Unsuccessful and Priority Shortlist candidates notified)

Deadline for Acceptance of First Round Offer – 7th October 2024

Second Round Offers made from Priority Waitlist – 21st October 2024

Deadline for Acceptance of Second Round Offer – 6th November 2024

Please note these dates are subject to change.

There is a new reference template (attached), and we ask for one reference only -

Applicants are asked to provide a confidential reference to support their application from a senior academic member of staff e.g. Year Advisor, Director of Studies (or similar) or Year 12 teacher.

This information is also on our website and the application portal.

University of Technology Sydney | UTS

UTS STEM Discovery Day 17/5/24

UTS Health Discovery Day 3/7/24

UTS Business & Law Discovery Day 19/9/24

UTS Creative Industries Discovery Day 6/11/24

For information on registering for one of these days check the later editions of the Newsletter.

UTS Elite Athlete and Performers Program:

UTS Sport has supported Olympians, World and National Champions, and National and State level representatives, through their academic and sporting careers. University of Technology Sydney is

endorsed by the AIS Elite Athlete Education Network as an Elite Athlete friendly university. Aligned with the principles developed by the Australian Institute of Sport, UTS Sport recognises and continues to support the development of elite student-athletes in their high-performance sport and tertiary education through benefits and services such as the following:

• UTS Elite Athlete and Performer Special Admission Scheme (5 adjustment factors to any degree at University of Technology Sydney)

• UTS Elite Athlete Program (financial and academic assistance, strength and conditioning services, and high-performance sport facilities)

• High Performance Clubs (additional financial assistance and specialised training sessions for athletes competing for UTS High Performance Clubs)

UTS Business in demand

Through ensuring robust foundations in business concepts, flexibility in course customisation and exposure to real-world scenarios, discover why UTS’s Bachelor of Business has been NSW’s most popular business degree for the last 7 years.

Read more

UTS Business Society

University isn’t just about what happens in the classroom. The UTS Business Society is a student-run society that aims to enhance the university experience for Business students through facilitating opportunities for further learning, career progression and networking.

Find out more

Business at UTS College

Did you know a UTS College Diploma of Business can get students guaranteed entry, with 48 credit points, into second year of a UTS business or economics degree? It can also get them into a UTS degree in management or law!

Find out how

Bachelor of Management New Majors

Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship

This major is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive as innovators and entrepreneurs in today’s complex and dynamic business environment. The curation of key innovation concepts and theories allows for an immersive education experience which encourages adaptability, cultivates problem-solving skills and prepares students for a range of careers in various industries.

Sustainability and Social Impact

Suitable for students who are passionate about social entrepreneurship, sustainable development, and creating positive social and environmental impact, this major prepares students to lead change and make a positive difference in their communities and tackle broader societal challenges.

STEM Discovery Day: 17 May

Engage with the fields of Science, Engineering, IT, and Maths. Highlights include Crime Scene Simulation Lab tours, Data Arena demonstrations, and hands-on workshops.

Health Discovery Day: 3 July

Tailored for students interested in Nursing or Public Health. The day features interactive workshops and tours, led by UTS academics and research students.

Business and Law Discovery Day: 19 September

Ideal for students considering degrees in Law, Business, Management, or Accounting. Experience simulated classes and gain insights into student life and academic opportunities at UTS.

Creative Industries Discovery Day: 6 November

Discover careers in Product Design, Architecture, Fashion, Visual Communication, and more. This day includes workshops and tours that showcase our vibrant creative community.

What are the event timings?

Each Discovery Day runs from 10am to 2pm.

Where do we meet?

The meeting point is at the UTS Tower Building 1, Level 4 Foyer (15 Broadway, Ultimo) at 10am. Schools are required to organise their own way to the meeting point.

Can students attend by themselves?

No, students must be accompanied by a staff member. We encourage subject teachers or careers advisers to identify and accompany interested students.

Is lunch provided?

Lunch is not provided. Participants are welcome to bring their own or explore the various dining options around campus, including the UTS Food Court and Central Park Mall during their 45 minute lunch break. Is there a cost to participate?

The event is free of charge, offering an accessible opportunity for all students.

Macquarie University


Opens in Term 2


HSC Study Lab is an online learning and teaching resource for year 11 and year 12 students and teachers. These courses are based on the aims and objectives of the NSW syllabus and are available online 24/7.


This series will give Year 12 students the inside scoop on everything they need to know about universityfrom choosing a degree, navigating entry programs, and applying to study, to tips and tricks for reducing their stress levels and boosting wellbeing.

Tuesday, 7 May


Year 12 Guide to Uni

Tuesday, 4 June

6-7pm OPEN DAY

Saturday, 12 August

Keep a lookout for more updates and information to come.

Early Entry Info Session

Wednesday, 11 September


Transitioning from School to Uni

All sessions are recorded for easy access and reference for anyone who has registered.

Register Now

Australian National University | ANU

Applications open

13th May 2024

Applications close

20th May 2024

Deadline to provide all supporting documents

2nd September 2024

Early offers released

2nd October 2024

Early offer acceptance deadline (September offers)*

1st November 2024

Change of preference reopens for all programs except for Bachelor of Health Science

1st December 2024

Deadline to add Bachelor of Visual Arts or Bachelor of Design as a preference**

1st December 2024

Deadline to add Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Science and Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)Humanities and Social Sciences as a preference

15th December 2024

Change of preference closes for the rest of the programs (December round)*

19th December 2024

Offers released (December round, based on the better of your Year 11 and Year 12 results)*

8th January 2025

Offers released (January round, based on the better of your Year 11 and Year 12 results)*

30th January 2025

Final deadline to accept offers -December and January round (Academic + Scholarship) offers*

10th February 2025

ANU Orientation Week

17th February 2025

Classes commence

University of Melbourne |UniMelb

Applications open for the Hansen Scholarship Program, 2025 entry

The Hansen Scholarship Program aspires to nurture and significantly expand the horizons of Australian students who may otherwise struggle to access a high-quality university education through fully funded accommodation at Little Hall, tailored mentoring and extracurricular activities, and focused financial support.

Current Year 12 students across Australia who plan to begin their undergraduate degree at UniMelb in Semester 1, 2025 are encouraged to review the eligibility and selection criteria and start on their application. Those who apply before 3 March 2024 will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their application and resubmit by the closing date of 3 April 2024.

Join the team and current Hansen Scholars for an online information session to learn more about this rewarding scholarship on the 21 February.

You can download a copy of the program flyer here

Visit website

December and January offer round 1 outcomes

We're thrilled to share that we've offered 2,328 domestic undergraduate students a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) in the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) January offer round 1. We also offered 5,953 places in the December offer round, an increase of 956 offers on the same time last year.

The December offer round includes 1,103 offers to our inaugural Narrm Scholarship candidates, while 42 per cent of our overall domestic December round offers went to applicants eligible for Access Melbourne, our Special Entry Access Scheme.

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In December, we awarded Victoria’s highest-achieving VCE students with a Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship to study with us in 2024.

The Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship is one of our most prestigious awards for school leavers, offering a generous fee exemption, as well as a guaranteed CSP in their preferred graduate program, including the Doctor of Medicine and Juris Doctor (Law).

The Scholarship is offered to school-leaver applicants who have satisfied prerequisites (and any extra requirements) and achieved an ATAR or equivalent of 99.9 or above, with concessions for Bachelor of Music applicants and Indigenous students.

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Applications opening for the Hansen Scholarship Program

Current Year 12 students who have a demonstrated outstanding academic success, a resilience to adversity and a commitment to helping others within their community are encouraged to apply from 5 February 2024. Applications close 3 April.

The Hansen Scholarship Program is worth $108,000. Key benefits include a tailored academic and mentorship program and free accommodation at Little Hall residence for the duration of their three-year undergraduate degree.

Students, parents and careers practitioners who would like to learn more about the scholarship, hear from our current Hansen Scholars and get some tips on submitting a competitive application are invited to join us at an online information evening on Wednesday 21 February. Visit our website for full details on eligibility and benefits of this exciting scholarship program.

Learn more


the date:

Residential Colleges Open House

Future students and their families will be invited to tour our residential colleges on Saturday 11 May 2024. Event details and a formal invitation to register will be sent in the coming weeks.

2024 events for future students

View calendar

Young Scholars Class of 2025 welcome event

On Saturday 20 January, we welcomed over 400 new students into the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program. Students and their families heard from Professor Kwong Lee Dow, participated in a study skills workshop and met their new Class of 2025 cohort.

UniMelb future student events

Focus on Melbourne event series

Join us for a series of information evenings throughout May-June for prospective Y12 students and their families:

• Chat with our academic and professional staff at our Parkville and Southbank campuses

• Explore in depth 12 key study areas, including courses, majors, enrichment opportunities and career pathways

• Hear from panels of current students and alumni who'll share their unique Melbourne experiences.

Bookings open now. Visit our website for full event details.

View events

Meet Melbourne in regional Victoria and interstate

Our Future Students team are visiting select cities and towns in regional Victoria and interstate throughout July and August to meet with prospective undergraduate students to discuss their study options and the exciting campus life that awaits them at Melbourne.

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Open House at the residential colleges

Prospective students and their families are welcome to tour our University’s residential colleges for the annual Open House event on Saturday 11 May 2024. Meet staff, current residents and learn more about the generous scholarship opportunities.

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Outreach programs for Y10-12

STEAM Careers Online Forum

You're invited to this free Science Gallery forum focusing on transdisciplinary careers related to biotech. Students will hear from inspiring speakers and their unique career journeys. Register for you and your students to stream live on Monday 13 May 2024 at 1.30-2.30pm AEST.

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Invitation to the Endeavour Exhibition

You're invited to our flagship showcase for our engineering and IT students, spotlighting cutting-edge design and research projects crafted by our final year masters students in collaboration with industry, government, and the community. Wed 22 May, Melbourne Connect.

Register my students

University of Queensland

Monash University

5 Inspiring Resources to Make 2024 Your Best Career Year Yet!

As you juggle the practicalities of getting good grades or doing well at work, you may wonder the motivation behind it all and ask yourself, what am I passionate about?

To support you to find your passion and shape it into a career, NAB have compiled some inspiring resources to help kick start your self discovery.No matter your learning style, we've got something for you!

These resources include:

• Podcasts

• Interviews

• Blogs

Ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery and career growth?Head over to our blog now to explore these inspiring resources and take the first step towards a brighter future!

Click here to find out more!

Discover Monash events

Explore a variety of events for your students – from general info sessions to course sessions and campus tours.

Find out more

Year 10 Discovery Day

Students and parents can attend tailored sessions to learn about successful study techniques, family support, and what's required for a bright academic future.

Find out more

School Visit Week 2024

We're be offering school visit opportunities at our Caulfield and Clayton campuses in 2024. Secure your place now!

Book now

School holidays tours

We invite your students and their families to visit our campuses and join a tour with one of our students during the school holidays!

Find out more

Science Precinct ToursIf your senior students would like to see the Monash Science precinct, this is a great chance to tour our brilliant science facilities and student spaces, ask questions, and meet current science students.

When: July School Holidays

Register here

Science Tours for interstate and regional students

We are also offering extra Tour times and dates to interstate, regional and international students who may be visiting Melbourne during their school holidays and are keen to take a look around our Monash Science precinct.

Find out more

Book a 1:1 Appointment

We are offering 1:1 appointments with Monash staff and current students who can help with pathways and course advice, as well as step your students

Monash Scholars Applications

> 16 April – 6 May

Career Practitioners seminar

> 20 June

Monash Scholars program

Applications for the 2024 Monash Scholars program for Year 10 students will open on 16 April and close on 6 May.

Find out more

Information Evenings

We're coming to Peninsula, Warrnambool, and Mildura to talk to secondary students about any questions they might have.

Registrations open

Australian Catholic University | ACU

Key dates

Various dates – Discover ACU


Various dates – Guided visits



Various dates – Study at ACU


Various dates – Talk with Industry


18 June – Advisory Conference Webinar: Courses update – what’s new and what’s changed


24 July – Advisory Conference Webinar: ACU entry and pathways (including ACU Guarantee)


Bond University

Join us for Virtual Open Day, your exclusive snapshot of life at BondExperience Bond's deliberately different approach to learning at Virtual Open Day, streaming to you live on Saturday, 13 April from 2pm AEST.

Discover why the Gold Coast is Australia’s favourite classroom. From our personalised attention to our exceptional graduate outcomes, Virtual Open Day is the place to uncover everything Bond University has to offer.

Register now to gain early access to exclusive content about all the possibilities at Bond and unlock the livestream on April 13.


Univeristy of Western Sydney | UWS

School of Education - Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

Western's School of Education is offering a new undergraduate course, Bachelor of Education (Secondary), commencing in Spring semester.

This program builds secondary teaching knowledge with applied classroom practice for 80 days over the four-year program. Students can study two secondary education majors in a range of areas. Visit the webpage to discover more.

Find out more

The Yarning Circle - Edition #16

Don’t miss out on reading the Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Indigenous Leadership’s Autumn 2024 edition of The Yarning Circle.

This edition explores the success and excellence of Western Sydney University's Indigenous students, staff, researchers, alumni and elders.

Find out more by following the link:

Autumn 2024 Edition #16

Unlocking Careers in Sport and Health

Friday 17 May


Western Sydney University, Parramatta South Campus

Registration: Registrations are limited. As the event holds a maximum capacity, please register now to secure your spot to attend. You can register your school group for the event through the 'Register Now' button. Individual students and their parents/caregivers can also register to attend. Registrations close 3 May unless event capacity reached earlier.


Discover Western Webinar:

HSC True Reward, Pathways & Early Offer Information Session for Principals, Teachers, Career Advisers

Monday 13 May | 3.30pm - 4.15pm | Online via Zoom

Join us to learn how students can apply and receive conditional offers to Western, as well as explore pathways to University.


University of New England | UNE

Apply now to study online with a university that helps you respond to a rapidly changing world.

Change is a certainty. Just like COVID-19, unforeseeable events will change the way we live and work. Partner with a university that has a history of helping adults become future fit and respond to change.

We’ve been helping adults like you study from home, while they juggle work and life, for more than 70 years - that’s longer than any other university in Australia. In that time we’ve helped more than 100,000 adults achieve university qualifications from home so that they can respond to emerging technologies, changes at work, and new possibilities.

Choose from more than 140 courses, all of which are available online. All undergraduate courses for eligible domestic students have government subsidised fee support available, and we offer more than 60 postgraduate courses where eligible domestic students can save up to 84%.*

Trimester 1 starts Monday 26 February 2024.

Choose from 140+ courses now

Pathways Enabling CourseBecome university ready with UNE’s free Pathways Enabling Course - it's flexible and delivered entirely online. It's the only fee-free university entry course in Australia that also gives you two free units of credit, saving you up to $4,080.**

The Pathways Enabling Course will give you the skills and strategies for admission to over 25 undergraduate degrees, which you can then use to create a pathway to pursue your goals, wherever you want to go next.

Apply Online

If you have questions about a course or need assistance with applying online, feel free to contact us directly via the links below.

Apply online

SheCommerce apps open now

We’re looking for 125 female identifying Y9 students to join the 2024 cohort. This is an immersive and academic enrichment program for students to network and engage with current students, alumni and academics who are making a difference in industry and through their research.

Learn more

Open House at the residental colleges

Future students and their families are recommended to save the date for Saturday 11 May 2024, with more event information and registration details to be published in an upcoming edition of Careers Update.

Visit website

Festivals and Mega Days

Throughout the year, the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music will be hosting exciting activities designed for your students! It is a great opportunity for students to participate in masterclasses, rehearsals, and performances.

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Re-introducing the Melbourne School Enrichment Program

We're thrilled to announce the rebranding of our Melbourne Connect program to the Melbourne School Enrichment Program from 2024!

As a partner program offered to select schools in metropolitan and regional Victoria, our aim is to empower students with valuable insights and support as they transition from high school to university life.

An invitation will be incoming to eligible school inboxes for our program launch, along with a link to the comprehensive brochure detailing all the enrichment offerings. Don't forget to explore our revamped website for updated information as it becomes available.

Visit website

Admission update

Welcome to the Class of 2024 Extension Program students

We are excited to welcome 222 Year 12 students who have received offers for the 2024 University of Melbourne Extension Program, across 16 subject areas. Mathematics was the most popular subject, which is taught across seven School Centres and the Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES).

The Extension Program is for high-achieving students looking to further their academic potential. It's free to join and through the program students are able to study university subjects alongside their final year of high school.

Learn more

Univeristy of Canberra | UC

Upcoming Course Webinars

UC is running a series of course-specific webinars throughout June that careers advisors, teachers and students are invited to join:


Secondary Education – Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses

Monday 10 June, 6pm – Register here

Primary Education – Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses

Wednesday 12 June, 6pm – Register here

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five)

Friday 14 June, 6pm – Register here


Master of Public Health & Master of Public Health (Extended)

Monday 10 June, 7pm – Register here

Bachelor of Human Nutrition

Tuesday 11 June, 6pm – Register here

Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science

Wednesday 12 June, 6pm – Register here

Curtin Univeristy

Curtin University (Medicine) - Casper Test Requirement

If any of your students will be applying to Curtin University (Medicine) this year, apart from the UCAT, applicants will also need to register and complete the Casper Test, which is conducted by Acuity Insights.

• Applicants will be ranked for the interview offer on the basis of their Casper score, UCAT score and ATAR.

• All applicants (other than Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders) must complete the Casper Test.

• School leavers and Curtin Course Switchers must sit the Undergraduate Casper Test. Non-school Leavers (Graduates) will have to sit the Postgraduate Casper Test.

• Casper scores are valid only for the next available admissions year. Applicants should only complete the test in the year immediately preceding their planned year of admission. Applicants re-applying for the Medical Entry in a subsequent year must re-sit the Casper Test.

• The Casper Test is held nationally and is sat online from home.

• Applicants are responsible for making their own arrangements to register for the Casper Test. Please refer to the Acuity Insights website to register for the test.

Available Casper Test dates are:

• 26 May 2024

• 23 June 2024

• 8 August 2024

All admission information for domestic and international students including details about the requirement to sit the Casper Test can be found via the Curtin University School of Medicine webpage.

Charles Sturt University | CSU

Charles Sturt University offers the Joint Program in Medicine in partnership with Sydney University. The two-year program runs on our Orange campus in regional New South Wales and is followed by three years of regional placements.

Those who wish to attend can book here. Charles Sturt Advantage (CSA) early entry program 2024/25 Following the release of the Universities Accord: Early Entry Findings we are now able to provide an update on the Charles Sturt Advantage (CSA) early entry program details for 2024/25.

This year the CSA program details will be as follows:

• Applications will open on the 1 May and remain open until the 31 August.

• There will be one offer round and offers will be sent in late September.

• There will be two types of offers released - students will either receive a firm offer or a conditional offer.

• A firm offer means a student must complete year 12 without the ATAR requirement. This will be the vast majority of the offers students receive.

• A conditional offer means you must meet the minimum ATAR requirements before receiving a confirmed place in the selected course. Offers will have the conditions clearly outline in the offer email.

• Application requirements remain unchanged, the program will consider the students year 11 results and answers to three x 150-word questions, with examples included in their responses demonstrating their soft skills.

To register interest in the program and to receive updates about CSA, please visit the CSA webpage and click on ‘Register your interest’ to complete the form. -Making it in media! workshops Are your students passionate about media, communication, journalism or news? Well, in 2024 we’ll be hosting two free interactive ‘Making it in Media’ workshops – and you, your students in Year’s 9–12 and their parents are all invited to attend!

Check out this video with content from our 2023 workshop!

What you need to know:

• We’re hosting two workshops on our Bathurst campus.Years 11 and 12 – Friday 21 June 2024 Years 9 and 10 – Friday 15 November 2024

• The full-day simulated media workshops will be hosted inside our cutting-edge TV studio and creative hub – which has just received a $4.6 million upgrade.

• Your students will get first-hand experience working in the world of news, journalism, media, advertising, PR, and content creation, alongside students from other schools.

• The events will be free and completely catered.

Register your interest or ask a question by emailing us at

CSA, or Charles Sturt Advantage, is our early offers program where your students could get a guaranteed spot in their chosen course before they sit the final exams. Last year we made almost 5,000 early offers! Applications will be closing on 31st August and we will have one offer round and offers will be sent in late September.

More information on CSA can be found on our web page here, including a full list of FAQs.

If you would like to hear more about CSA, we are running a CSA information session in two weeks on Wednesday 15th May at 6:30pm.

Anyone can register for this online sessions (students, parents or caregivers or teachers) - book your spot here

EducationUSA Australia Newsletter

Issue #1 April 2024


EducationUSA Australia is part of the U.S. Department of State’s network of over 430 international student advising centers in more than 175 countries and territories, promoting U.S. higher education to students around the world by offering accurate, comprehensive, and current information about opportunities to study at accredited postsecondary institutions in the United States.

We are your official source on U.S. higher education and provide free services to students, parents, and school staff across Australia. Our offices are in the U.S. Consulates in Melbourne and Sydney.


We are launching this newsletter series to keep you updated with programming. We aim to provide information and updates that will allow you to support students and their families in their aspirations to attend a U.S. college after high school.


• Who is EducationUSA Australia

• Sign up to our mailing list

• EducationUSA Australia updates

• Virtual office hours - every fortnight 11am - 1pm AEST

• Zoom Meeting Series - May 2 6:45pm - 8:15pm AEST General Info Session

• Ambassador Kennedy Short Video Message

• Common App Announcement - Prompts are remaining the same for 2024-25

• Standardized testing information and updates

• EducationUSA Australia resources: YouTube channel and Podcast series: Graduate in the USA


Career Edge: Attending an NYU High School Program

Learn more about NYU SPS’s precollegiate summer program Career Edge, including the large variety of classes and extracurricular opportunities open to high school students. Applications are now open!


Cornell University

Do you know students who might benefit from college-level summer study at Cornell? If so, please tell them about the Cornell University Precollege Studies Program, which offers rigorous online courses taught by top Cornell faculty.

As one of the nation's longest running and most highly regarded precollege academic programs, it gives motivated students the chance to

• Get a head start on their college journey while earning 3 to 12 credits

• Build college study skills during engaging Ivy League classes

• Prep for college applications with one-on-one admissions counseling

• Enhance their college applications with an impressive Cornell transcript

• Have fun connecting with diverse students from around the world

Students choose from dozens of three- and six-week online undergraduate Cornell courses in Arts and Architecture, Business and Hotel Management, Health and Humanities, International Relations, Psychology, Science and Technology, Sustainability, Veterinary Medicine, and more! More courses will be added in the coming months.

Courses are offered between June 3 and August 6, 2024. Limited financial aid is available.

The application is open now! We encourage students to apply as soon as possible because most of our courses fill before the deadline.

Thank You

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