Cambridge City Art Fair 2014 Fair Guide

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Buy high-quality traditional, modern & contemporary art & sculpture from ÂŁ75 to ÂŁ10,000+

2014 Fair Guide

A word from the team... It’s hard to believe that’s it’s been almost a year since Cambridge City Art Fair joined the major art fairs calendar last November. Lots of exciting new developments have been taking place behind the scenes since then, all of which will firmly establish this wonderful event as the quality art fair for the East of England.

Contents 2

Welcome Message from the Red Dot Events team


Charity partner: AccessArt


Buying Advice


Talks & Presentation Programme


Event Layout


Full Exhibitor List


Exhibitor Details

One of our on-going missions for Cambridge City Art Fair is to bring a vast array of highquality art that wouldn’t be available for sale in the region otherwise. So, we have brought you the best dealers and galleries from around the UK and they will be showing traditional work from the 18th Century right through to exciting contemporary art by some of today’s leading artists.

Cambridge City Art Fair 2014 is organised by: Red Dot Events Limited 9 Caxton House Broad Street Great Cambourne Cambridgeshire CB23 6JN

We also want to encourage arts learning and, perhaps, de-mystify the art industry a little. With that in mind, we have developed a programme of talks & presentations that will take place on the Saturday & Sunday of the art fair. If you want to learn more about how to start your own collection you should consider signing up to one of our informative talks. Take a look at pages 8 & 9 for more information.

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Our thanks, as always, to our wonderful staff, volunteers, partners, sponsors, advertisers and our wonderful Selection & Advisory Committee, all of whom contribute to the ongoing success of this event.

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© 2014 Red Dot Events Limited © All images remain the copyright of the contributing artist


Cambridge is a world-renowned, sophisticated, culturally-rich city that sits at the heart of the region, so it is the perfect host for this event. We are tremendously grateful for the support & encouragement we have received from certain companies and organisations in the region, as well as the thousands of people that came along last year and will, hopefully, do so again this year.

We want you to enjoy Cambridge City Art Fair, engage with the visual arts, buy something wonderful for your collection, tell your friends all about it and come again, year after year. Most of all, we hope you enjoy the fair! Craig, Fleur & Marlo

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Our Charity Partner Visual arts education charity AccessArt is very pleased to be the Official Charity Partner for Cambridge City Art Fair 2014. AccessArt is the UK’s leading provider of online resources that support visual arts teaching and learning. Aimed at teachers, facilitators, students, creative practitioners, and home users, our unique resources are designed to inspire and enable. AccessArt was founded in 1999 by Paula Briggs and Sheila Ceccarelli, graduates of the Royal College of Art. Paula and Sheila continue to manage and direct the organisation today. AccessArt is now a membership organisation with many 1000’s of members across the world and is proud to have reinvented itself as a self-sustaining arts organisation. AccessArt works in partnership with a wide range of art galleries, museums, arts organisations, community groups, schools and individuals and the AccessArt website is a dynamic community. Creative practitioners highlight and share their creative practices via the site, helping to create a rich pot of ideas to inspire teachers and learners of all ages and abilities. The site now contains over 500 resources that are unique to AccessArt, covering developing sketchbooks, drawing exercises and approaches, painting, sculpture, textiles, printmaking, design, craft, installation art, and photography.

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Subject to status. Terms and conditions apply. Applicants must be at least 18 years old. Own Art is an Arts Council England initiative operated by Creative Sector Services CIC, (trading as Creative United) a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales under number 08280539. Registered address: 2-6 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6YH. Own Art is funded by Arts Council England in partnership with Creative Scotland and Arts Council of Northern Ireland.


Buying Advice Cambridge City Art Fair provides you with an opportunity to select and acquire great art and live with it, experience it in your own environment, get to know it, share it with others- all with the reassurance of buying from professional dealers and galleries who have spent years, decades, carefully selecting talented artists worthy of your investment. The art world can seem to the outsider like a secretive, unfamiliar and intimidating place. But it doesn’t have to be like that. We believe that great art should play an important part in everyone’s life. To make that happen for you, we aim to make buying art at Cambridge City Art Fair a safe and supportive experience for all, whether expert or novice. The combined knowledge and experience of the galleries and dealers exhibiting at Cambridge City Art Fair will ensure that you are able to find the perfect piece of art to suit you and your needs, even if you don’t know what you are looking for yet! When you wander through the two halls that accommodate the art fair, you will discover high quality art from the 18th and 19th centuries, wonderful modern art from the 20th century and exciting contemporary work by some of today’s leading British & international artists at a range of prices. So how about some tips on ‘how’ to buy?

The big secret is- there is no secret...

The most important thing to know about buying art, either as a one off or as the start of a collection, is that there’s no list of things that you need to know before you jump in. If you see a piece of art that you absolutely love and you want to buy it, then buy it! You don’t need to have credentials or a degree in Art History to start a collection, you just need to have a desire to collect and the means to pay for it. The more you expose yourself to art and the ‘art world’, the more you will be able to evaluate what is fundamentally good art, what suits your taste and how to build & develop your collection. If you are collecting for investment purposes then you will need to research as much as possible and, more importantly perhaps, build relationships with good quality, experienced dealers and galleries who can advise you further.

“The art world can seem to the outsider like an impenetrable, unfamiliar and intimidating place. But it doesn’t have to be like that. We believe that great art should play an important part in everyone’s life.” in the hope that your collection will increase in value over time, make sure that you like what you buy. It is you that will live with the art for many years so it has to be something that you are confident you will enjoy.

Ask questions!

One of the major benefits of buying art from an art fair that has a selection process, like Cambridge City Art Fair, is that you know that the work on display has already met stringent criteria based on quality. Even so, if you have questions about a piece of work or the artist responsible just ask the dealer or gallery selling the work. The chances are, they have established a good relationship with the artist over a period of time and have invested themselves in that work because they believe it has merit. Don’t be nervous about asking ‘stupid’ questions- there’s no such thing! You could ask questions about the artist: What are their credentials? Where have they exhibited? What is their training? Can you see the artist’s CV? Or you could ask about the work: When was the art produced? What is it’s provenance, it’s history? What method and materials did the artist use?

Set a budget

Like you would with any major purchase- set a budget. Be realistic with your budget- if you are looking for a huge, signature piece for your home then you should already know that £200 will be unlikely to get you what you need! However, if you are looking for a small framed print for a corner somewhere in your home then you should have lots of choice at £200.

Cambridge City Art Fair features work that begins at a very affordable £75 and goes all the way up to £10,000 and beyond. Be prepared for the possibility that you will see something that you absolutely love but is completely beyond your budget. Whatever you 6 If, however, you are collecting for your own enjoyment fall in love with, know that you have options available.

The ‘Own Art’ scheme

Many of our dealers and galleries participate in the Arts Council funded ‘Own Art’ scheme which gives you an opportunity to pay for the art you love in 10 interest free instalments. We encourage those dealers and galleries to put a small sign up in their stands indicating that they are part of the scheme, but if you don’t see a sign- ask anyway. Don’t miss the ‘How To Buy Art’ talk on Saturday which is co-presented by Stephanie from the Own Art scheme.

Know your own ‘taste’

As mentioned above, if you are collecting for your own enjoyment in the hope that your collection will increase in value over time, make sure that you like what you buy. You should get into the habit of exploring different styles and periods, researching artists and exposing yourself to art. Visit local museums and galleries to see what appeals to you. You might find that a certain colour resonates with you or that you have a penchant for abstracted landscapes. The simple act of looking at art will enable you to identify what art you like and, therefore, what art you should buy. You can educate yourself and develop your taste over a period of time but it should always come down to whether or not you actually enjoy a piece of art.


Prints often offer an affordable option when buying art but it’s not quite as simple as buying a reproduction of an image.

There are many different types of print: engravings, lithographs, screen prints, aquatints, linocuts and woodblock prints are some of the most common types. For several of those methods, the artist uses a specific method to create an original image on a surface like wood, metal or stone, applies colour and then creates a print onto paper. These types of print are still produced by the artist’s hand and will, most likely, be limited to a small run. There are other types of print that do not necessarily involve the artist in the reproduction process, such as lithographs and giclée prints (digital prints using inkjet printers). Always ask what type of print it is before you buy it. It is important to only buy limited edition prints, whether lithograph, giclée or any of the ‘artist hand’ methods.

The chicken or the egg?

Which comes first- the chicken or the egg? The sofa or the painting? The art or the interior design scheme? Our advice would always be to base your interior design around the art that you already own rather than buying art to match your design scheme. Having said that, so many people decorate their homes and then turn their attention to the art that they need. If that’s where you are, please come along and enjoy Cambridge City Art Fair. With so much quality art available to buy in one place, this is the perfect opportunity for you to find something that will match your home.


Talks & Presentations Programme We are very pleased to introduce our programme of FREE talks & presentations for Cambridge City Art Fair 2014. The talks take place in the Meeting Room accessed directly off the main first floor landing, to the right of the Welcome Desk. These talks, delivered by respected members of the art community, will give visitors an opportunity to learn about many different aspects of art, including acquisition, conservation and even inspiration. Although the talks & presentations are free to attend for visitors to the art fair, places are strictly limited. All available places will be allocated on a first-comefirst-served basis. Check at The Welcome Desk for details. Saturday 11 to 11.45am How To Buy Art Presented by Marlo Gilbert, formerly the Director & Curator for The William Merrill Gallery in Los Angeles & Stephanie Allen from the Own Art Scheme. Are you considering investing in a piece of fine art? Are you looking for a painting or sculpture to place in your home, business or purchase as an investment? For the uninitiated, buying art can be a daunting process. Starting out with so much selection and no strategy can quickly lead to overload. This talk will help you successfully navigate your way through the aisles of the Cambridge City Art Fair. It will also provide useful knowledge that will help you talk to the galleries with confidence. Even the savvy collector can walk away with a few tips. Stephanie Allen will explain how the Own Art Scheme can help you to spread the cost of original art into manageable, interest-free monthly repayments. Saturday 12 to 12.45pm The Fry Public Art Gallery Collection Presented by Gordon Cummings, Honorary Secretary of The Fry Art Gallery Society in Saffron 8 Walden.

The Fry Public Art Gallery was opened in 1987 and houses an impressive number of paintings, prints, illustrations, wallpapers and decorative designs by artists of the 20th century and the present day who have local connections and have made a significant contribution to their field. There is an emphasis on those Artists who settled in Great Bardfield between the early thirties of the last century and the death in 1983 of John Aldridge RA who had lived in the village for fifty years. The Gallery was built in 1856 to house the collection of Francis Gibson, a local Quaker businessman, and the building passed by descent to the Fry family, who lease it to the Fry Art Gallery Society. Saturday 1 to 1.45pm Conservation of Art on Paper: How To Look After Your Collection Presented by Penny Jenkins ACR, Accredited Member of The Institute of Conservation (ICON). All artworks slowly age with time. Some patination of materials can add a certain charm but under the wrong conditions, drawings & watercolours will fade and papers can go biscuit brown. A 19th Century landscape full of rich indigo blue tints can become a pale shadow of itself, if exposed to light or damp over a generation. Fortunately, modern techniques & materials are much more robust and there are plenty of sensible measures you can employ to help protect artworks from internal and external harm. Discover the dos and don’ts of caring for contemporary works of art on paper in a domestic setting. Penny Jenkins ACR is an accredited member, listed on the Conservation Register of the Institute of Conservation ( and has over 30 years experience as a specialist paper conservator working with private collectors, auction houses and Institutions. Formerly London based, she now lives & works in Cambridge.

Saturday 2 to 2.45pm How To Make Art Work For Your Business Co-presented by Susie Olczak, local Artist and Tim HIll, formerly of Taylor Vinters, an international legal firm with an office in Cambridge. Some time ago, Taylor Vinters embarked on a remarkable and inspirational art journey that started with the beginnings of a corporate collection to engage the staff and make a more positive working environment. and resulted in the appointment of Susie as their ‘Artist In Residence’. Susie has since produced many site specific pieces which have been exhibited at several of Taylor Vinters offices and have become part of their corporate branding. Hear about this mutually beneficial relationship and be inspired to start an ‘art journey’ for your business. Saturday 3 to 3.45pm Three Dimensional Art Presented by Laurence Broderick, the local Sculptor well-known for his sculpture of ‘The Bull’ in Birmingham Bullring. In his figurative and abstract, bronze and stone sculpture, Laurence Broderick draws inspiration from the female figure and wildlife, in particular the otter and endangered species. When learning of the plight of turtles, polar bears, rhinos and elephants due to man’s abuse, it had a profound and emotive effect on expressing his art. He is joint president of the International Otter Survival Fund, a global charity for the conservation of the otter, based on the Isle of Skye. The scale of work ranges from small bronze maquettes up to very large outdoor sculpture of monumental proportions. A selection of Laurence’s

beautiful sculptures will be available from Atelier Contemporary Art on Stand D2. Sunday 11 to 11.45am How To Buy Art Presented by Marlo Gilbert, formerly the Director & Curator for The William Merrill Gallery in Los Angeles. Are you considering investing in a piece of fine art? Are you looking for a painting or sculpture to place in your home, business or purchase as an investment? For the uninitiated, buying art can be a daunting process. Starting out with so much selection and no strategy can quickly lead to overload. This talk will help you successfully navigate your way through the aisles of the Cambridge City Art Fair. It will also provide useful knowledge that will help you talk to the galleries with confidence. Even the savvy collector can walk away with a few tips. Marlo now runs Blue Contemporary, based in Cambridgeshire, and will be showing her portfolio of Artists from the Americas on Stand D4. Sunday 12 to 12.45pm An Introduction to AccessArt Presented by Paula Briggs, co-Director of the local charity Access Art, our charity partner for Cambridge City Art Fair 2014. AccessArt is the UK’s leading provider of online resources that support visual arts teaching and learning. Aimed at teachers, facilitators, students, creative practitioners, and home users, their unique resources are designed to inspire and enable. The organisation works in partnership with a wide range of art galleries, museums, arts organisations, community groups, schools and individuals and the AccessArt website is a dynamic community. Creative practitioners highlight and share their creative practices via the website, helping to create a rich pot of ideas to inspire teachers and learners of all ages and abilities. In this talk, Paula gives a general, informal introduction to what Access Art does, how they do it and how people can benefit.


This talk by James Glennie, an experienced practitioner will briefly seek to explain, in simple terms, the difficulties of establishing good title in an international marketplace and demonstrate the importance of (and often dramatic effect on price) of good provenance. James Glennie is a qualified valuer with many years experience in the art valuation and auction field, fourteen of which were with international auctioneers Bonhams, where he established their national Museums Department. He left to establish Art & Antiques Appraisals Ltd in 2007, which, in addition to its private clients, receives instructions from many important institutions including The British Museum, English Heritage, The Supreme Court, & The Royal College of Art and The Church of England.


the web!

This talk will be delivered by the British Artist Alan Halliday, represented by Camburn Fine Art on Stand C7/8 in the Large Hall. Alan Halliday is an internationally established British artist. He has been a professional artist for more than 30 years, holding more than 100 exhibitions in the USA, Europe, India and the Middle East. His paintings are in the collections of the following London museums: Victoria & Albert Museum; the Theatre Museum, The Museum of London as well as several Oxford colleges and the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, USA. His paintings are also acquired by collectors worldwide. Trained at the Courtauld Institute of Art at London University, (1970-74), in 1982 Halliday was awarded a doctorate in the history of art by Oxford University. His first mentor was John Piper, the distinguished British neo-romantic painter. Piper encouraged the young artist to build up an extensive archive of sketchbooks to draw on for future use and summed up Halliday’s style: “an arrangement of painted marks, all on the surface and yet all in depth”.

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Presented by James Glennie of Art & Antiques Appraisals (find them on Stand A7 in the Large Hall), formerly of international auctioneers Bonhams.

Sunday 2 to 2.45pm A Talk By Artist Alan Halliday


Sunday 1 to 1.45pm Good Title & Provenance In The Art Market

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Fair Layout

Disabled Access: Stairs & lift up from ground fllor at level threshold on Peas Hill side entrance (see red arrows for directions)


Exhibitor List Gallery


Genre & Nationalities

Aceo Gallery A10 Contemporary, British Art & Antiques Appraisals A7 18th, 19th & 20th Centuries, British & International Art Hound London, The G6 Modern & Contemporary, British Artists Of Russia F1 Contemporary, Russian Atelier Contemporary Art D2 Contemporary, British Blondes Fine Art G4 20th Century, British & International Blue Contemporary D4 Contemporary, British & Artists from The Americas Byard Art A4 Contemporary, British Camburn Fine Art C7/C8 Specialist in paintings by British Artist Alan Halliday Carina Haslam Art F3 Contemporary, British Clifton Fine Art B4 Modern & Contemporary, British Cobbold & Judd Fine Art G2 Contemporary, British Darryl Nantais Gallery, The C2 Contemporary, British Edge Fine Art A3 Modern, British Eleven & A Half C1 Contemporary, British Fine Art Escape F4 Contemporary, Serbian & former Yugoslavian Francis Iles Gallery F2 Contemporary, British Gallery JKL C6 Modern & Contemporary, French Hammond Smith G5 Modern & Contemporary, British Imagine Gallery G3 Contemporary, British & International Josephine Harpur Gallery B2 Modern & Contemporary, British Lilford Framing & Gallery A8 Contemporary, British Lime Tree Gallery E3 Contemporary, British & Swedish Linda Blackstone Gallery, The A1/A2 Contemporary, British & International Lynne Strover Gallery C5 Modern & Contemporary, British Mandell’s Gallery Norwich B3 Modern & Contemporary British Neville Contemporary Art A5 20th & 21st Centuries, British One Church Street Gallery B8 Contemporary, British Oriel Fine Art B1 Modern, British Primavera E2 Contemporary, British Saffron Walden Gallery, The B7 Contemporary, British & International Sarah Samuels Fine Paintings D1 Contemporary, British Sheridan Russell Gallery C3/C4/D3 Contemporary, British Stephen Lacey Fine Art G1 Modern & Contemporary, British & International Victory Gallery, The A9 19th & 20th Centuries, British Westcliffe Gallery, The E1 Modern & Contemporary, British & International Woodbine Contemporary Art B5/B6 Contemporary, British & International

Wrapping Station

We have a free wrapping service for all art sales that take place during the art fair provided by The British Shop. The Wrapping Station is located in the Council Chamber. The British Shop will be able to deliver your newly acquired art to your home or office too. Ask them for details.

Café & Wine Bar Our gastro-café is located in the Small Hall this year and we have a wonderful new wine bar behind the stage in the Large Hall, called ‘The Green Room’ where you can relax whilst deciding which lovely pieces of art to 12 buy! Both facilities are managed by CateringFor, the team behind The Blue Lion in Hardwick.

Aceo Gallery- Stand A10 Harpenden, Hertfordshire 07528 579781 Contemporary, British

Art & Antiques Appraisals- Stand A7 Holt, Norfolk & London 01263 711150 18th, 19th & 20th Centuries, British & International

Exhibitors Details

The Art Hound London- Stand G6 London 07958 704359 Modern & Contemporary, British



Artists Of Russia- Stand F1 Rochester, Kent 01634 843081 Contemporary, Russian

Atelier Contemporary Art- Stand D2 Great Cambourne, Cambridgeshire 07733 584059 Contemporary, British

Blondes Fine Art- Stand G4 Widford, Hertfordshire 07519 639386 20th Century, British & International

Blue Contemporary- Stand D4 St. Ives, Cambridgeshire 07428 113712 Contemporary, British & Artists from The Americas

Byard Art- Stand A4 Cambridge 01223 464646 Contemporary, British

Camburn Fine Art- Stands C7 & C8 Loire, France 07774 165621 Specialist in paintings by British Artist Alan Halliday

Carina Haslam Art- Stand F3 Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire 01494 866914 Contemporary, British

Clifton Fine Art- Stand B4 Bristol 07815 810302 Modern & Contemporary, British



Cobbold & Judd Fine Art- Stand G2 Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk 01206 262646 or 07967 254603 Contemporary, British

The Darryl Nantais Gallery- Stand C2 Linton, Cambridgeshire 01223 891289 Contemporary, British

Edge Fine Art- Stand A3 Much Wenlock, Shropshire 01952 728202 Modern British

Eleven & A Half- Stand C1 London 0207 377 6144 Contemporary, British

Fine Art Escape- Stand F4 Girton, Cambridgeshire 01223 969995 or 07764 335027 Contemporary, Serbian & Former Yugoslavian

Francis Iles Gallery- Stand F2 Rochester, Kent 01634 843081 Contemporary, British

Gallery JKL- Stand C6 East London 07739 596 826 Modern & Contemporary, French

Hammond Smith- Stand G5 Cambridge E- 07973 483231 Modern & Contemporary, British



Imagine Gallery- Stand G3 Long Melford, Suffolk 01787 378786 Contemporary, British, & International

Josephine Harpur Gallery- Stand B2 Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk 01359 269692 or 07946 523285 Modern & Contemporary, British

Lilford Framing & Gallery- Stand A8 Canterbury, Kent 01227 766616 Contemporary, British

Lime Tree Gallery- Stand E3 Bristol & Long Melford, Suffolk 01787 319046 Contemporary, British & Swedish

Linda Blackstone Gallery- Stands A1 & A2 North London 07808 612193 Contemporary, British & International

Lynne Strover Gallery- Stand C5 Fen Ditton, Cambridgeshire 01223 295264 Modern & Contemporary, British

Mandell’s Gallery Norwich- Stand B3 Norwich, Norfolk 01603 626892 Modern & Contemporary, British

Neville Contemporary Art- Stand A5 Winchester, Hampshire 01223 295264 20th & 21st Centuries, British



One Church Street Gallery- Stand B8 Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire 01494 863344 Contemporary British

Oriel Fine Art- Stand B1 Cambridge 01223 356356 Modern, British

Primavera- Stand E2 Cambridge 01223 357708 Contemporary, British

The Saffron Walden Gallery- Stand B7 Saffron Walden, Essex 01799 524700 Contemporary, British & International

Sarah Samuels Fine Paintings- Stand D1 Chester, Cheshire 0785 449 0220 Contemporary, British

Sheridan Russell Gallery- Stands C3, C4 & D3 Borehamwood, Hertfordshire 0208 953 0908 or 07985 469620 Contemporary, British

Stephen Lacey Fine Art- Stand G1 London 07966 927971 Modern & Contemporary, British & International

The Victory Gallery- Stand A9 Saffron Walden, Essex 01786 838402 19th & 20th Centuries, British


The Westcliffe Gallery- Stand E1 Sheringham, Norfolk 01263 824320 Modern & Contemporary, British & International


Woodbine Contemporary Art- Stands B5 & B6 Uppingham, Leicestershire 01406 330693 Contemporary, British & International

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