A Redeemer University College Publication | Winter 2013 | Vol. 3 | Issue 2
This is we do it
Redeemer's Liberal Arts Advantage
opening lines
Redeemer’s vision for Christian higher education
1 2 3 4 5
New inter-disciplinary programs We will be exploring new or expanded inter-disciplinary programs (like the recently launched Health Sciences and International Studies programs) that connect and draw on our strengths, and that engage some of the most culturally influential and urgent needs of our wider world.
oung people who receive a Christian education remain committed to the faith and the church, to caring for others and to serving society, notes a study by Cardus, a Christian think-tank based in Hamilton. And our students, like all of us, are also called to be a witness for Christ’s lordship in our wider world. Redeemer’s goal is to provide, in cooperation with the church and other organizations, the learning and discipleship that will enable our next generation to become followers of Jesus and to be His hands and feet in our world today and in the years to come. The impact and urgency of Christian education is clear. Like our founders 30 years ago, we know that Christian education is a matter of being faithful in following Christ, seeking His truth, and serving Him. Looking back over these last three decades allows us to remember and recommit to the reasons we entered this venture of faith. We stand on the shoulders of those who worked sacrificially to establish Redeemer, and we remain deeply committed to that mission. This anniversary also gives cause for us to consider the future. How will we continue to develop Redeemer’s mission and impact for the next 30 years? There are five key initiatives that we aim to work out more fully in the coming years:
Strengthened collaboration between curricular and co-curricular programs We are strengthening the ties between what happens inside and outside the classroom, to help students both to succeed in their learning, and to apply that learning across our campus life and through experiential opportunities. Outward-looking engagement and partnerships We are working with churches, government agencies, Christian institutions and social service agencies to connect our students locally and globally. Such opportunities enrich our students’ learning, and provide service and leadership to our wider community. Blending online and residential communities We will address the impact of distributed and online learning by exploring how to use new technologies to expand and enrich our impact, in ways that will complement our residential and holistic educational community. Expanded facilities Our campus is built for 1000 students, and we are nearly at capacity. Already we are planning to build additional residences and we will soon need more space for our new and expanded programs. In all of these efforts, we will ask for your help with prayers, donations, collaboration, and in spreading the good word about Redeemer. We will need the continued support of the Christian community so that we can ourselves continue to support the Christian community. Thank you for your support, and may God bless and guide us as we follow and serve Him together.
Dr. Hubert Krygsman, President
Headline Page 4 “The truth shall set you free,” says Jesus in John 8. But what is truth? What is, in fact, the purpose of the Christian liberal arts model of education that is found at Redeemer. There are many practical benefits, but ultimately, it prepares students for a personal understanding of the Truth. Crossroads Page 8 The post-WWII immigration boom created an alphabet soup of distinctly confessional institutions like CLAC, ICS, CFFO and, eventually, Redeemer University College. What drove people to establish—sometimes at great cost—these organizations?
Page 13 The last fifteen years of Redeemer’s history has been marked by incredible growth in student numbers and facilities, as well as increased recognition in academia and the community. Looking back, we are overwhelmed by God’s faithful provision.
Impact Page 17 Redeemer students, staff, faculty and alumni are making a difference in many different communities.
Off-Garner Page 23 The Distinguished Alumni Award provides alumni an opportunity to recognize one of their own who has made significant contributions to the community. Roundabout Page 25 Redeemer welcomes a new Provost and Vice President Academic; from Hamilton to Armenia, Redeemer faculty are active in local initiatives; falling in love really does make you delusional; reviewing the men behind the movies; English Department celebrates 12 years of visiting poets. Around the Corner Page 34 See what’s coming up at Redeemer; mark your calendars for a cross-campus community celebration for all college constituents.
What’s Inside:
Associate Vice President, Marketing and Recruitment: Doriel Moulton Editor: Tim Wolfert ‘87 Designer: Juliane Van Huizen ‘08 Copy Editor: Richard Van Holst ‘86 Contributors: Doug Needham; Val Louter ’95; Judith Drost-Storey; Rachel Jancek; Peter Reid ’05; Micah Van Dijk ’05; Christine Giancola ’09; Deborah Bowen; Steven Dykstra, ’07; all other stories written by Marketing and Communication Services staff. Photo Credits: All photos taken by the Redeemer Marketing and Communications Services Department unless otherwise noted. Editorial Advisory Board: Doriel Moulton, Tim Wolfert, Valerie Louter, Julie Van Huizen, Brian Harskamp Printed in Canada by Blueprint Agencies. Tangents is published twice year by the Marketing and Communications Services Department of Redeemer University College in conjunction with the Alumni Association. Ideas and opinions expressed in Tangents may not necessarily reflect those of the editors, the Alumni Association or Redeemer University College. Letters and editorial comments are welcome, however we reserve the right to edit submissions for content or brevity. Editorial communication can be sent to tangents@redeemer.ca. Volume 3 Issue 2 Redeemer University College is a Christian liberal arts and science university offering courses and programs leading to a bachelor’s degree. Redeemer serves more than 950 students on its 86-acre campus, located in the Greater Hamilton Area, Ontario. Publications Mail Agreement #40040898 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Tangents Redeemer University College 777 Garner Road East Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4 tangents@redeemer.ca Tel: 905.648.2131 x4292 www.redeemer.ca/tangents
What is
Redeemer’s commitment to a liberal arts curriculum is rooted in the Truth
s mentioned in the last issue of Tangents, there has been a decrease in the number of colleges and universities in North America that provide a classic liberal arts education, one where students choose from a broad spectrum of courses from across the curriculum. Instead, universities have become much more focussed. This can be seen in the rise of the research university, and the increase in the number of narrowly defined professional programs that train students for specific professions or fields. Now in its 30th year, Redeemer University College has always offered a liberal arts and science program, an education that President Krygsman describes as “broadly-based… that leads students to explore all of the academic disciplines, and all dimensions of life.” At Redeemer, the liberal arts also reflects a faith commitment. As Dr. Krygsman says, “It presupposes a holistic view of life [that sees] meaning rooted, by faith, in Jesus Christ. He is what makes uni-versity possible.” In this issue of Tangents, Dr. Doug Needham, the newly appointed Provost and Vice President, Academic (see p. 28), outlines what drives Redeemer’s liberal arts curriculum, and Tim Wolfert, Communications Director, talks with several faculty and alumni about how those ideals are worked out in different disciplines.
To Love and to Serve:
A Rationale for a Liberal Arts Curriculum By Dr. Doug Needham In Luke 10:27, we are all called to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength and with all our mind, and to love our neighbour as ourselves. This call explains why Christians should pursue a liberal arts and sciences education: it helps students grow into the comprehensive love of God and equips them to know their neighbours fully. It promotes the development of the whole person and prepares students with the knowledge, character, and skills to do well in all that God calls them to do with their lives.
Working it out
Christian liberal arts and sciences education accomplishes more than training students for a career (and we don’t deny that this training is important, as one way our students serve God is through their vocation). It also prepares students to be good neighbours, loyal friends, devoted spouses, committed church members, loving parents, socially aware and responsible citizens, good stewards, and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ who proclaim the Kingdom of God wherever they are called.
“I have spent most of my career studying insect physiology,” says Dr. Chiang. “In research universities, many students now receive a very narrow training in the use of highly specialized equipment focused on only one aspect of the bug’s biology. But they lose sight of the bug because they are focused too much on how a particular technology applies to a particular process. The broader based biological education here at Redeemer encourages the student to see the whole bug, and how its biology is integrated into God’s amazing creation.”
In addition to taking a major in one or more subjects, our students take courses in a variety of other subjects to expand their horizons, giving them the opportunity to learn and think critically about subjects they may never have thought were important or that would never have interested them. Courses in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences all challenge students’ understanding of the world and help them develop their identities and a more defined sense of calling and purpose. To love God fully with our heart, soul, strength and mind, we need to understand God and His creation – and to love and serve our neighbours, we must understand them. As students study various subjects, they learn more of God and His creation so they may love Him fully. And they learn more about their neighbours—their history, their language, their social and psychological characteristics, their economics, their biology, etc.—so that they may love and serve them as best they can.
by tying it together By Tim Wolfert One of the key features of the liberal arts core at Redeemer is the broad range of courses all students are required to take. Taking all those courses outside an area of concentration means that there is less opportunity for specialization, but Dr. Gary Chiang, professor of biology, believes Redeemer’s approach leaves students better prepared.
Kevin Langendoen credits the broad scope of courses that he took as part of the science program at Redeemer for the success he has experienced since graduating in 2012. “The various courses and subjects I have taken, like computer science, chemistry, environmental science, mathematics and business, provided me with a well-rounded education and a rewarding career at a chemical engineering company. It was this diverse education that gave me the skills to take on many different tasks and projects for a wide range of clients and industries with the goal of environmental stewardship.” Dr. Derek Schuurman, associate professor of computer science, agrees that the breadth of education that a student receives is important, but not just to form “well-rounded” students. There are deeper, fundamental issues at play as well. “Computer technology is a cultural activity that is value-laden, one in which humans must exercise responsibility. The technical content of the study of computing should not be separated from its economic, aesthetic, social, legal, moral and faith aspects. The question is: what values and ideologies are we teaching and learning?”
Truth and the purpose of a liberal arts education At its heart, a liberal arts education is always working to identify all the subtle nuances, broad themes and various connections of a particular subject and relate them to a larger picture of what is true. That emphasis on a comprehensive examination of all subjects meshes seamlessly with Redeemer’s reformational and integrative approach to scholarship. Dr. Kevin Flatt, associate professor of history, grew up with a very deep personal commitment to Christ, but says that he had “no real sense that my faith had any overarching implications for the actual content of my schoolwork.” Once he started at Redeemer, he was exposed to a deeper understanding of worldview, particularly as found in the writings of his colleague, Dr. Al Wolters. That understanding helped Dr. Flatt resolve tensions and questions he had in his thinking. “The concept of “creation-fall-redemption” gave me a narrative through which I could organize the whole cosmos and everything in it; and the idea of “grace restores nature” helped me understand that redemption restores things to their properly-created purpose. That vision transformed me from the inside out to seek Christ’s lordship in all of life, as Redeemer’s coat of arms says – Agnus Dei, Omnium Rex (Lamb of God, King of All).” That’s a message that Hank de Jong ‘99, now the Executive Director of EduDeo Ministries, sees as essential. “Teaching about creation and the fall, about good and evil, brings students to a realization of God’s redemption of all things through Jesus Christ. It reveals how they can be part of this grand story, impacting their families and communities with the message of the Gospel. It’s a foundational perspective I first learned about at Redeemer and have now had the privilege to witness being shared in classrooms across the globe.” That idea of Christ’s lordship over all life can have very practical implications as well. For the Department of Education, the challenge is encapsulated by the question of what it means to teach Christian-ly in any school, whether or not it is funded by the government. Dr. Dirk Windhorst, assistant professor of education, points out that teachers are trained “to open up spaces for elementary students to experience the wonders of God’s entire created reality,” no matter if it is a school where the Bible is not taught, or in a school where the Bible is taken for granted.
Dr. Schuurman has written a book that examines in greater details how different disciplines are needed to get to the Truth of a particular subject. In Shaping a Digital World -- Faith, Culture and Computer Technology, Dr. Schuurman provides a brief theology of technology and situates computer technology within the big picture of the biblical story. As an engineer trained in a public university and working in industry, I struggled with what it means to be a Christian in engineering. My book opens with the question: “What do bytes have to do with beliefs?” and then proceeds to explore this using the main Biblical themes of creation, fall, redemption and restoration. This book is an example of the kinds of scholarship we can do at Redeemer that would be much more difficult to do elsewhere. I am thankful for the 4-month sabbatical in the fall of 2010 which allowed me to concentrate on the book. The preface thanks a variety of Redeemer colleagues who helped me explore what it means to articulate a Christian approach to computer technology. This is yet another example of how Redeemer is a place where professors from different disciplines working out of the same faith commitment can help each other. - Dr. derek Schuurman
The concept of “creation-fallredemption” gave me a narrative through which I could organize the whole cosmos and everything in it; and the idea of “grace restores nature” helped me understand that redemption restores things to their properlycreated purpose. That vision transformed me from the inside out to seek Christ’s lordship in all of life. -Dr. kevin flatt
There is much about the vision of a liberal arts education that can be summed up in Christ’s words from John 8:32: The truth will set you free. At Redeemer, education is a search for truth, for meaning, that is found in Jesus Christ. “All things find their meaning and purpose in Him, and that gives us the calling and privilege to study anything, because it all leads us to know Him more,” notes President Krygsman. As he sees his student teachers searching for this Truth, even in a regulated secular field such as public education, Dr. Windhorst points out that the process itself can be freeing. “The key to the teachers’ success in this lies in their hearts,” he says. “To what extent are they willing to allow the Spirit to produce in them the dispositions against which there is no regulation in the Education Act: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control? The fifth chapter of Galatians, in which the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit is described, also reminds us of the freedom we have in Christ, and this freedom is what makes the arts and sciences truly liberal.”
Driven by a Vision Reforming, shaping and supporting Christian university education in Canada
n the years immediately following World War II, thousands of Dutch immigrants settled in southwestern Ontario. These “settlers in a new land� took little in the way of physical possessions with them but, besides carving out a life for themselves and their families, they established hundreds of churches, scores of Christian schools, and several distinctly confessional organizations such as CLAC (the Christian Labour Association of Canada), the CFFO (Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario), and what would become CPJ (Citizens for Public Justice). It was also among this group that the idea of starting a Christian college in Ontario, one with a distinctly Reformed perspective, took root. It would take a while to establish, but, through much hard work and sacrifice, Redeemer University College would open its doors in 1982, a direct result of the work of this group and its descendants.
As Redeemer marks its 30th Anniversary this year (and as many of these sister organizations note their own significant milestones), Tangents looks back to explore what drove this group to establish, often at great cost, these institutions.
Redeemer's Original Faculty
Dr. Harry Van Dyke is Emeritus Professor of History at Redeemer, and one of its original faculty members. His research interests include the culture-forming work of post-WWII Dutch immigrants, and he notes that it was a fervent faith, informed by a distinct worldview, that drove their efforts: It was their vision of the lordship of Jesus Christ over all areas of life. It was the vision that had deep roots in the 19thcentury revival in the Netherlands of the Reformed religion: the rise of a reborn Calvinism, explicated and elaborated by men like Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck and others. It was the vision that had spawned an enthusiastic, at times aggressive, trend to engage culture by establishing separate Christian organizations. Back in the old country they had learned in church and in their youth organizations, at school and in the press, that all the key areas of a modern society need to be claimed for Christ...to be blessed with the gospel of reconciliation, renewal, and obedience to God’s life-enhancing ordinances as revealed in the Bible and in creation. It was a vision that May Drost saw and lived out. Now retired and living in Sarnia, ON, Drost spent her career teaching in Christian schools, and was on Redeemer’s first Board of Governors. “My parents came to Canada in 1948, ingrained with that Kuyperian vision. Although church was the first priority, schools were a close second for them, and I too embraced this vision. It fed and watered my desire to be culturally engaged, and my involvement further bred my commitment. It was if I swallowed it with my cereal!” But Drost also notes that the commitment wasn’t all “faith and goodness.” “We were all immigrants of a pretty defined community, and we shared the same lifestyle,” she says. “There were times when it was difficult to tell if we were responding to a call to be culturally engaged, or if we were simply establishing a communal identity based on culture and ethnicity.”
...all the key areas of a modern society need to be claimed for Christ...to be blessed with the gospel of reconciliation, renewal, and obedience to God’s life-enhancing ordinances as revealed in the Bible and in creation. -Dr. Harry Van Dyke
Throughout the 1950s and 60s, many Christian elementary and secondary schools were established across Ontario in response to this desire to claim education for service to Christ. The commitment to that vision of Christian education soon led to the next step – establishing a Christian college. Dr. Van Dyke notes that by the 1970s, there were several historical and social factors that led to an interest in establishing what would become Redeemer. There was:
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Alarm in the (Dutch reformed immigrant) community at the fact that a sizable percentage of young people enrolling at public universities were giving up on the faith; A long-held desire to create the missing link of the Christian education system: A biblically faithful undergraduate university education. A sense of pride in being Canadian. After all, why should our students head to the States in order to attend Calvin, Trinity, or Dordt? and A long-standing belief that God brought us to Canada not just to better ourselves, but to make a contribution to our adopted country.
There was also a new generation of Kuyperian visionaries, many born and educated in North America, who were keen to advance this Kingdombuilding work. They wanted to build on their own experiences and education and see a Christian college established in Ontario.
I am thankful and proud to have belonged to the founding generation of Redeemer, and am filled with hope for the future as I look at the new generation which is now taking over. -Dr. al Wolters
Dr. Al Wolters, who would later join Redeemer’s faculty, had been a committed proponent of Christian higher education since his undergraduate days at Calvin College. “I was inspired by the teaching of Prof. Evan Runner, and by the mid-seventies was myself a Senior Member (professor) at the graduate Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. It seemed to me that there was a need for an undergraduate counterpart of the ICS in Ontario.” It was a belief shared by many others. Before he became Redeemer’s second president in 1994, Justin Cooper already had an affinity for the Dutch immigrant community in Ontario. “These people were much more serious about living out of a Biblically-based Kuyperian vision than were the groups I was aware of in the United States.” In 1976, as a young graduate student at the University of Toronto, he had been elected to the board of OCCA (the Ontario Christian College Association). But he couldn’t believe the Ontario’s government’s stated policy at the time, which was that there was no place for Christian undergraduate universities. “I was both incredulous and incensed, and a conviction arose in me that the honour of Jesus Christ should not stand for this.” But in spite of the desire and commitment, it was difficult to proceed. “The government of Ontario, as well as the universities, opposed our efforts,” notes Rev. Dr. Henry De Bolster, who was elected as Redeemer’s first president in 1980. “Even within the Board of OCCA a division occurred around the question of whether or not a college should be affiliated with a university or should become an independent institution.” In the end, it was decided to establish a college that was not operated by a church denomination, or affiliated with a public university, or supervised by the secular state. No, it would, as Van Dyke points out “be a college run by a free and voluntary society – a college of the people, a college of a community of believers.”
Over its thirty years, thousands of people, churches, foundations and businesses have continued to support Redeemer and the Kingdom-vision that it represents.
1982 Opening Convocation
Rev. John Zantingh served on the Board for many years, twice as its chair. He believes that was an important decision, one that helped Redeemer in the long run: “What made, and still makes Redeemer possible is the support we receive from so many in the community, the widespread care and backing from those Kuyper called the kleine luyden – the ‘little people’.” Being committed to a cause is one thing. But there was much that needed to be done to institute a new Christian undergraduate university in Ontario, and the challenges were great. Dr. Dick Kranendonk certainly understood the magnitude of the task. He was already deeply involved in Christian education at the elementary and secondary levels through his work on a local Christian school board, the Board of Ontario Alliance of Christian Schools and the Board of Christian Schools International when he became the first full-time Director of Development for Redeemer. “I knew that the enterprise that would become Redeemer was an uphill battle, but I was excited about both the challenges facing us and the importance of bringing Christian higher education back to the province of Ontario.” What carried Kranendonk through the challenges, “was the vision so clearly stated in Colossians 1:15-23: the supremacy of Christ in everything, and our call to be servants in pursuing that vision in every way we can. There were ups and downs, advances and setbacks, but through it all, the vision of the Kingship of Christ kept us committed.” And that commitment has always been there, even before
2012 Opening Convocation
Redeemer was established. In 1975, Andy Langendoen was a successful business person in St. Catharines, ON. “The Lord had blessed me, and in response, I was looking for a way to give something back, so I talked with my pastor.” As a result of that conversation, Langendoen offered to finance a study into the feasibility of establishing a Christian college in Ontario, and his pastor—Rev. Henry De Bolster—would end up being its first president. Over its thirty years, thousands of people, churches, foundations and businesses have continued to support Redeemer and the Kingdom-vision that it represents. For Harry Voortman, that support is both an investment and a way to be obedient to God. “I believe it was God’s plan to bring this about,” he says, “and it was a natural thing to support Christian higher education. Teaching with a clear Christian biblical foundation for students who would go on to serve in society is a perpetual investment in young people for the future.” May Drost agrees. She and her husband Wayne have seen all five of their daughters spend at least some time in a Christian college. “I want to say emphatically that it cost us nothing! It was never a so-called sacrifice because the payback has always been so tremendous. I have been amazed at how many Redeemer grads have gone on to live lives of creative commitment to our Lord. This is due in no small part to the Christian education they received. So it’s not sacrifice at all, but investment!" “From a human perspective some might say that I gave up much larger salaries available in industry and commerce,” notes Dr.
... but there are more Reformed heritage holders out there than there are Dutch. -Dr. Alexandre Dauphin
Kranendonk. “However, earning large salaries and vesting large pension entitlement did not drive me. The satisfaction of knowing, in spite of errors and failings on my part, that I did what I could to advance the Kingdom far outweighs all other considerations.” That Kingdom vision certainly never was, nor does it continue to be, exclusive to Dutch immigrants. A native of Haiti, Dr. Alexandre Dauphin has seen two of his children study at Redeemer, and he now serves on Redeemer’s Board. “I value Redeemer as well as the Reformed heritage; ... but there are more Reformed heritage holders out there than there are Dutch.” It’s something that Drost also notes as important for Redeemer as it matures. “We have to keep moving forward,” she says, “and avoid the trap of being a closed community. I am delighted that Redeemer has such a strong public profile in Hamilton and elsewhere, and I hope that it will continue to work with both reformed and non-reformed Christians to advance the Kingdom of God.” Redeemer was built on a vision that was nurtured in a particular context. As the generation that established it and the churches, schools and other confessional organizations passes into Glory, what will happen to it? Rev. Zantingh is optimistic, in part because of what Redeemer is and does: “Redeemer itself is a testimony to that vision, and the perspective taught here encourages its expression. How that drive is worked out, God only knows, but the call to engage culture for Christ remains strong.” Dr. Wolters agrees: “I am thankful and proud to have belonged to the founding generation of Redeemer, and am filled with hope for the future as a look at the new generation which is now taking over.” “The dream was to establish a college that would operate under the lordship of Jesus Christ, without compromise, in its basis and principles, in its organization and pedagogy, in its daily instruction in classroom and laboratory,” concludes Dr. Van Dyke. “That is what made our pioneer founders, often people of modest means and often limited formal education, step forward in faith. That was the miracle we saw happening before our eyes, now thirty years ago. What a reason to celebrate, with joy and thankfulness.”
A Venture of Faith The continuing history of Redeemer This year, we are celebrating God’s faithfulness in the creating and sustaining of Redeemer University College for 30 years. Above all, we recognize that this is a venture that has relied, and continues to rely on His provision. The last issue of Tangents looked at the events that led to the Pioneer Class in 1982, and Redeemer’s first 15 years. In this issue, we look back at the last 15 years.
A Time of Growth
edeemer’s second 15 years began with what is likely, after the granting of the original Charter and the beginning of classes in 1982, the most significant event in its history. On June 25, 1998, the Ontario government passed Bill Pr17, An Act Respecting Redeemer Reformed Christian College. This change to the original Charter (the piece of legislation governing how the institution is operated) allowed Redeemer to grant Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees, instead of the Bachelor of Christian Studies. I removed what had been, for some, a concern about the university-level education provided. “God has taken that question mark and replaced it with an exclamation point!” proclaimed President Cooper at the time. That was the beginning of a decade-and-a-half of incredible growth. Enrollment doubled, from less than 500 students at the end of the 1997-98 year, to almost 1000 now.
For a campus originally designed for 500 students, this growth started to strain some of the facilities. To accommodate this rising tide of students, a series of capital projects were undertaken. 2000 Augustine Hall, a 3-story, 72-bed residence, is opened, and the Whaley Teaching Garden, named in honour of the property’s previous owner, is established. 2005 The South Wing Addition, including the new Peter Turkstra Library, is added, dramatically changing the face of the campus and increasing the teaching capacity through several modern lecture halls and classrooms. 2010 The Redeemer Sports Complex opens. The new domed facility is one of the largest of its kind in Ontario, and the existing outdoor soccer field is improved as well. 2011 The Administrative Wing is completely renovated. Staff offices are better organized, leading to greater efficiencies, and less running around for students and guests.
During these last 15 years, Redeemer’s academic program continued to grow as well, providing students with more options, and giving faculty access to different opportunities for research and teaching. 1999 Redeemer is recognized by NSERC (National Sciences and Research Council) as being eligible for grants, allowing faculty to tap into Canada’s largest research funding body. 2000 Another change to Redeemer’s charter sees the institution’s official name changed from Redeemer Reformed Christian College to Redeemer University College. 2003 Redeemer’s Charter is amended again to allow it to grant the Bachelor of Education degree. 2009 The beginning of CLEAR, Redeemer’s continuing education program, which offers courses, workshops, lectures and excursions for the community.
Redeemer’s profile in the community also continued to increase. As Ancaster, now part of the amalgamated City of Hamilton, grew, Redeemer took an active role in development discussions and decisions. And Redeemer and its students have become much more active in neighbourhoods across Hamilton.
2001 HSR (Hamilton Street and Rail) begins service directly to Redeemer’s campus. 2006 Kitty Murray Lane is upgraded, giving Redeemer a second entrance. 2007 Employers hiring Redeemer co-op students become eligible for the same provincial tax credits that employers are given for hiring students from publicly-funded universities. 2009 Redeemer is eligible for federal and provincial grants to fund a series of capital projects. This marks the first time Redeemer has received such grants. 2011 Thanks to a grant from Stronger Together, Redeemer Downtown—a community support organization—is established to coordinate activities addressing the needs of Hamilton’s core.
Looking Back
s Redeemer closes this anniversary year, it looks back on its first thirty years with a deep sense of gratefulness, first and foremost to God who has provided so much, but also to the thousands of His faithful followers who have supported Redeemer over the years. Redeemer’s former presidents, both of whom have been at the very heart of all that Redeemer was and has come to be, note that this too needs to be recognized:
When I look back on what has been established these 30 years I am utterly flabbergasted. So much has happened. It certainly was not always smooth sailing. Mistakes were made, difficulties encountered, many tears were shed, but by the grace of God we succeeded. I will always, with much gratitude, thank the many people who made Redeemer a reality and who stood with us all these years with their prayers and support.
2001 HSR (Hamilton Street and Rail) begins service directly to Redeemer’s campus
2003 Redeemer’s Charter is amended again to allow it to grant the Bachelor of Education degree.
I do not want to finish without mentioning the sacrifices the staff and faculty made, the love of their work and their constant willingness to promote the institution. At times we wondered where we would find a faculty and administrators who would be so enthused about the College and the principles on which it had been established. The Lord provided, and He continues to provide and bless. When I look at what goes on today at Redeemer, I close my eyes and say my prayers, thanking God for all He has allowed us to do in the furthering of His Kingdom and the glory of His Name. Rev. Dr. Henry R. De Bolster President Emeritus
2006 Kitty Murray Lane is upgraded, giving Redeemer a second entrance
Looking back, I have a deep sense of gratitude to God for these developments and all that flowed from them, because, despite many years of delays and setbacks, He made it abundantly clear that we were following His path. Again and again, He answered our prayers and blessed our work, making a way and opening doors toward academic and government recognition that seemed unyielding. The development of Redeemer has truly been holy ground. It has been tremendously rewarding to play a part in this and to see how God has enabled Redeemer’s academic program and witness to grow and flourish, serving more and more students and contributing to a larger scope of Christian scholarship and community service. I thank the Lord for this opportunity of a life time and pray for His continued blessing on Redeemer. Soli Deo Gloria! Dr. Justin D. Cooper President Emeritus
Redeemer’s next thirty years will undoubtedly be as exciting and interesting, but they will also certainly be different. What will remain the same is Redeemer's committment to the mission that has guided it from the beginning: To offer university-level education which is Scripturally-directed…from a Reformed Christian perspective…that equips students for service and leadership under the Lordship of Christ. Thank you for being partners with us on this mission. We covet your support— the prayers, talents and gifts that you have always provided—as we move on to serve Him in this continuing venture of faith. www.redeemer.ca
ver the years, Redeemer has been blessed with great relations with elected officials from all levels of government. We are fortunate to count as friends both the federal and provincial representatives of the Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale riding in which Redeemer resides.
I expect you know that in wedding anniversaries, the thirtieth is known as the pearl anniversary… and when you hear the word “pearl,” I expect your thoughts may turn, as mine do, to “the pearl of great price.” Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. - Matthew 13:45-46 There is deep meaning in this parable. The merchant doesn’t just stumble upon the pearl by accident. He finds it because he is searching. And when he finds it, he responds with a total commitment. These words resonate both for Redeemer and for its students. The kind of education which Redeemer has provided to so many over the past three decades is in itself much like a pearl of great price. It too requires diligence and commitment, while offering great rewards. As you mark this important moment and embark on yet another year of faithful service, please accept my congratulations and my most sincere best wishes for the decades to come. Ted McMeekin, MPP Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale Minister, Community and Social Services
Celebrating the years. �rst
30 Envisioning the next years. 30
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While the past 30 years have been an incredible journey of faith and achievement for Redeemer, I believe the next 30 will be even greater. That’s because Redeemer has grown so much in stature. It has become a leading institution of higher learning—not only in the Calvinist Christian community—but in southern Ontario and Canada. From my involvement with Redeemer and observation over the years, this reputation has been earned by the right balance of careful nurturing and forward-looking leadership. Redeemer University College is a credit to the growing community of Ancaster and the greater Hamilton area. As a resource for ideas and innovation, Redeemer is important to the economy of the region. I’m pleased that the federal government helped support the world-class labs and research facilities that are part of this economic impact and academic leadership. May the breadth and depth of ways that Redeemer is a witness for Him in our community and our world continue to grow for another three decades and beyond. David Sweet, MP Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale Chair, House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology
The Fruit of Your Support
Redeemer alumni engage culture in their communities
his 30th Anniversary has provided Redeemer the opportunity to check in with many of its alumni, to reconnect with them and to hear the impact of their time at Redeemer. Many described how their Redeemer experience was so transformative; they talked about how they were led to a deeper spiritual walk, were called to service or ministry, or learned how to truly integrate faith with living.
One of our alumna, Anita Plat-Kuiken, spoke at the Redeemer anniversary event in London last October. Although she attended Redeemer for only one year (1993-94), she talked about the importance of that year: “I met a lot of friends that year; people like me, the same age, with similar backgrounds and experiences, and we were able to talk about and DO life together. Christian community cannot be undervalued, because it’s there that you learn to pray, and you learn to see God in the stories of others, and that’s how you learn.” Alumni also serve as inspiring examples for current students. Last month, Rachel Brouwer ’05 returned to campus to speak in chapel about her work with the International Justice Mission (Canada). Later Rachel reflected on her time at Redeemer: “I never felt that I was spoon-fed easy answers in my studies. Rather, I was challenged to think deeply and critically about the society and world that I live in, and how I am called by God to respond to the needs around me. In my final year, a recurring theme in my studies that I struggled with was the injustice and marginalization of various people groups. This interest led me to an internship with International Justice Mission Canada and eventually full-time employment there, educating Canadians about victims of violent injustice and oppression. Redeemer opened my eyes to see a world beyond myself and gave me the tools to engage effectively in it.” Thank you for your contributions that support our students. They are multiplied by the impact that each graduating student will have in our communities around the world. Judith Drost-Storey is Redeemer’s Development Director
t r o p p u r S e m ee d One last chance to E R give this year!
Did you know that your gifts help Redeemer students develop the skills they need to impact and shape our world? Help us raise this next generation of culture makers by participating in our fiscal year-end fundraising drive. Watch your mail for our Spring Appeal, which offers a one-to-one match, doubling the impact of your gift. To participate, please visit www.redeemer.ca/support or call 1.877.779.0913 Thank you for your support!
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Who’s ready to make a joyful noise to the
Gospel music concert celebrates Black History Month
joyful noise was exactly what was made at SHOUT! In the House, Redeemer’s roof-raising night of music and monologues in recognition and celebration of Black History Month on Saturday, February 16. Several hundred people sang and danced along with artists who performed a range of gospel and worship songs. The concert, produced in association with Redeeming Music, a promotion company from Toronto, featured artists such as Sean Gibson, Samantha Whitney, Christopher Samuels, Heaven Sound, Sheldon Neil and The Way, and Victory International Worship. Interspersed among the acts was a series of monologues and speeches. Taniesha Chambers, in her portrayal of Rosa Parks, shared how one act of civil disobedience—refusing to give up her seat on bus to a white man—led to a major turning point in the fight for equality in Alabama. Zakiya Toby voiced and adapted reflections on the experiences of Mahalia Jackson, Maya Angelou and Aretha Franklin. “This was a fabulous night,” noted Redeeming Music’s Colvin Chambers. “It was wonderful to play for such a great crowd and for such a great cause. It was as inspirational as it was fun!”
“We are really excited that we could host SHOUT!”, says Doriel Moulton, Associate Vice President of Marketing and Recruitment at Redeemer (and featured soloist for Victory International Worship). “Our community of African-Canadian students at Redeemer is small but vibrant, and we are pumped to celebrate with them their heritage. It was so great to see so many people, from so many different backgrounds, join us for a great night of music that celebrated our community’s diversity through gospel music.” Some of the proceeds from ticket and CD sales will be used to create a bursary for an incoming student of African or Caribbean heritage. Several people also made donations to the bursary fund after the concert. The event was a great success, even though it had to be rescheduled because of a snow storm the week before. “We’ll be back next year,” says Moulton, “with an even bigger event – and a snow date.” For photos, video and other information on the event, please visit www.redeemer.ca/shout.
Doriel Moulton, Associate Vice President of Marketing and Recruitment
Over the February Reading Break, 22 students, staff and volunteers traveled on three different service and learning trips.
Students Learn and Serve Together over Reading Break The Timmins team
One team headed north to Timmins, ON, and partnered with the Mennonite Central Committee to learn more about First Nations culture, society, politics and environmental concerns. A second headed south, to sunny Nashville TN, to learn about faith and popular culture in Christianity and country music. And a third team stayed close to home, spending a week living in downtown Hamilton and learning about their own community. While students’ traveling for service projects is nothing new, there were some distinctive features about these trips that marked a new beginning for service-learning at Redeemer. First, all three trips took place within one day’s drive. This was a strategic decision, intended both to reduce student costs and carbon footprints, as well as to expose our students to the diverse cultures which exist here in Canada and nearby in the United States. Second, instead of focusing on acts of service, which may reproduce
Tristan Persaud,
a second-year student, reflects on his experiences on the Timmins service and learning trip:
the status quo, students spent the majority of the trip either participating with ongoing activities or meeting with community leaders. Having long, thoughtful discussions helped students better understand the complex issues in each community. For example, students shared (instead of served), a meal with First Nations people at the Friendship Centre in Timmins. Steven Dykstra is Redeemer’s Community Development Coordinator
The goal of the trip was to engage and educate ourselves about First Nations people, not just their culture, but their daily lives, their history, geography and politics. My hope was to show at least one person that I cared. The trip started by learning the history behind the land treaty that dictates the distribution of, and subsequent right to, land for First Nations people. We talked about what the treaty meant to the people who signed it and what it means to those nations of people today. We also went to the Nishnawbe-Aski Friendship Centre, to try as best as we could to strike up conversation with people we met there, and to try to form friendships. It was at the Friendship Centre that I experienced one of my highlights of the trip – drum playing. After the evening meal, a group of seven or eight teenagers organized themselves around a large drum in the middle of the room and began to play and sing. The feel of them hammering on this drum in unison, and singing in a way unlike any kind of music today can only be described as mesmerizing. It was the music of their people and these teenagers were taking hold of it, embracing their culture with passion! I will always remember the fantastic time I had in the presence of these great people. I will also never forget what I learned about the people who walked these lands before we ever arrived. It has instilled in me a desire to to seek truth and reconciliation for our brothers and sisters in First Nations communities.
A warm cup and a listening ear make a big difference Each Friday evening, a group of Redeemer students take a bus to downtown Hamilton and offers hot chocolate and a listening ear to the street involved community which gathers by the Salvation Army Soup Van. Justin Eisinga, a second-year student, shares an experience of this group, which calls itself “Deedz”: Several weeks ago, a couple of students in our group met Mark, who was spending his nights sleeping under a bank machine. The day we met him, Mark was at the end of his rope. Addiction to opiates and crack had taken its toll, leaving him hopeless. However, in crossing paths with us, Mark claims he felt the presence of God like he never had before. The students shared a message of hope with him, and encouraged him to look for a place to grow in knowledge and understanding of God. We introduced Mark to a friend of ours who lives downtown and attends a church near where Mark was sleeping. She brought him to church that Sunday, leaving him inspired and connected with a community that could help. Over the next weeks, Mark experienced a complete turnaround: he gave up drugs and got a job. Mark told us that God had given him a renewed strength and hope because of the loving words and actions we shared with him. It was in that moment that I realized a miracle had occurred simply because a few people had a conversation with this weary soul. It is stories like this that encourage me to continue giving up my Friday nights to spend time with people downtown. Mark asked me to share his story so that others could be reminded that our God is a God who continues to turn people around. In telling our own stories, we can alter the life path of others. Please pray for Mark and the countless others whom we have met, and will continue to meet, in our sharing and listening of stories in downtown Hamilton.
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With piles of Stones Conference seeks reconciliation and indigenous justice
s highlighted by the Idle No More movement, Canada’s relationship with its First Nations communities is strained and stressed. The relationship between Native Canadians and the church is not much better. Can we bridge the divide of history and culture and achieve healing? On February 9, Redeemer explored those themes of reconciliation and indigenous justice by hosting a one-day conference entitled reForming Relationships. About one hundred people engaged in conversation, learning, and listening with indigenous people of the area. This conference was organized in connection with the dynamic artwork series “Kisemanito Pakitinasuwin—The Creator’s Sacrifice” by Cree artist Ovide Bighetty. This series of 17 paintings depicts the familiar Easter story from an Aboriginal perspective. The day began with a great pile of stones. Before the conference began, the planning team consecrated the stones and prayed over them. As people arrived, they were given one of the stones, which would serve as a witness to all that occurred that day. Many indigenous people believe stones to be the oldest living things in the world, worthy of the same respect one should give to elders. Lori Ransom, an ordained elder of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, a member of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, and Senior Advisor for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada offered the keynote address on “Why Reconciliation Matters: The Church’s Role.” There were also a series of workshops in the afternoon on land rights, land claims and other topics related to reconciliation and indigenous justice. The day ended with the exchanging of the stones that had been carried by each participant. Attendees shared observations on what they had learned, exchanged stones, and then left the stones in the middle of a large medicine wheel in the centre of Redeemer’s Art Gallery. Placed together in a cairn, they became a witness to the determination of the participants before God the Creator to keep reforming relationships with His help. These stones will be placed in a memorial garden as an acknowledgement of Redeemer’s intent to continue to honour the land, the First Peoples who continue to inhabit it and the relationships that God intended to exist between all His peoples. Rachel Janecek is Director of Continuing Education and helped organize the conference.
Building Bridges
Restorative Justice at Redeemer In most communities, even Christian academic ones like Redeemer, people do “bad” things once in a while. When that happens, people get hurt and the entire community can be damaged. In working with situations where harm has occurred, or there has been a break in community of some kind, Student Life has begun to explore ways to bring about a better outcome than that achieved through a purely punitive response. The result has been the introduction of a practice known as restorative justice. “Instead of focusing on punishment, restorative justice holds core values of participation, respect, honesty, humility, interconnectedness, accountability, empowerment and hope,” explains Dr. Karen Cornies, Dean of Students. “It focuses on repairing the harm, restoring broken relationships and rebuilding the community.” Under specific circumstances, the Restorative Justice Process can be used to address violations of Redeemer’s Student Code of Conduct instead of the traditional process. Through this process, all involved parties meet and determine together a series of positive actions. These are written into a binding agreement between participants, and Student Life staff follows up to ensure the actions are completed by the agreed upon date. “Participants are given the opportunity to collaboratively learn from mistakes through active restoration in matters of misconduct or significant relational stress,” says Dr. Cornies. “It promotes the reconciliation of those who have been injured or estranged, encourages students to take responsibility by holding them accountable for their actions—including making restitution for damages—and enables the restoration of an individual to his or her place in the community.” This option was recommended when the Student Conduct Code was reviewed last year and will take effect in September, 2013. In cases where restorative justice fails to address adequately the harms caused, students will face the traditional judicial process and be subject to the terms of the Student Code of Conduct. For more information, visit www.restorativejustice.org.
Chick Flicks, Video Games and Battling Bands Redeemer students spend a weekend Engaging Culture
n his book Culture Making, Andy Crouch identifies four common responses Christians have towards culture: we either condemn culture and withdraw from it, analyze it and critique it intellectually, copy it and make Jesus the content without changing the form, or we consume it as it is presented to us. This January, Redeemer students spent time interacting with culture and learning how to use these four responses appropriately as part of the Engaging Culture weekend. The group’s weekend started with 27 Dresses, a movie of the “chick flick” genre. After the movie, a panel that included Dr. Jonathan Juilfs of the English Department, Dr. Brenda Stephenson of the Psychology Department, and Kristin Van Dyk from the Registrar’s Office discussed whether the idea of romantic myth, as is often portrayed in this genre, exists at Redeemer. On Saturday, attention turned to video games. Ryan CreightonHenson owns a boutique video game company and is perhaps best-known for creating a video game with his five-year-old daughter called “Sissy’s Ponycorn Adventure.” Ryan talked with students about violence in video games as well as how video games could be used more often as an educational tool.
Later that evening, the Redeemer community gathered for the sixth annual Battle of the Bands. The Lanterns featuring Justin Eisenga, Jozef and Alex Teeuwsen, Adam Rudy, and Jeff Becker won the judges’ pick as well as The Peoples’ Choice Award. They will now travel to Brock University to compete in a provincial competition with other universities. The Engaging Culture Weekend is just one step in students learning about and responding to our culture. However, Andy Crouch argues that ultimately, “The only way to change culture is to create more of it.” Redeemer students can change culture if they understand it, respond to it appropriately, and ultimately embark on creating it. That process—Culture Making—is a noble calling and we want to encourage students to create more of it, to the glory of Christ. Go to www.redeemer.ca/engagingculture for more information and links to Ryan’s talks. Micah van Dijk is the Activities and Orientation Coordinator at Redeemer University College.
Off Garner
A Future in History
Professor Helen Vreugdenhil
RAMP hosts History evening
n January 21, the Redeemer Alumni Mentoring Program (RAMP) hosted a History Department event for alumni, students and faculty. The evening included a history program update, a panel discussion and small group discussions over a casual dinner. Five history alumni working in the fields of law, museum administration, labour relations, teaching and development shared their post graduate education and work experiences with 22 history students. Professor Helen Vreugdenhil '87 shares her feedback: “RAMP was a great success. It was a pleasure to look out over tables crowded with current students eager to get to know the alumni and to hear about their varied experiences. There were so many topics being discussed. For me, the most enjoyable aspect of it was reconnecting with alumni; the people who attended were all very generous with their time and attention. At the end, Jim Payton and I suddenly realized that while our students had gone—classes to attend, practice to make, reading to do—our alumni were still there and they seemed
in no hurry to leave. We had a wonderful conversation about their memories, and about the changes and growth that the History Department has experienced. I have heard since from students how happy they were that they decided to attend – and from two who told me that they were sorry they did not, now that they had heard from people who were there what a good time they had! I am eager to work with the Alumni office on another event which can showcase the alumni of the department.”
Seeking Nominations for
Distinguished Alumni Award Are you ready, alumni? You read in the last issue of Tangents that Alumni Council has been working on a new award. Well the time is here! Introducing the Redeemer Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni Award! The award will be given each year to an alumus who has excelled in his/her field of study and has made a significant impact on his/her community. Any Redeemer alumnus can be nominated (other than those working at Redeemer and those on the Alumni Council or Board of Governors). The first award will be presented in April 2014. For more details and a nomination form, visit www.redeemer.ca/alumni. Nominations will be accepted by Valerie Louter in the Alumni Office from September 1-December 31, 2013.
Mentors Needed for IEC Hamilton’s Alumni Mentorship Program IEC Hamilton is running a youth-focused program which consists of a variety of career exploration activities designed to encourage youth to look at their community in a way they may never have before. A.M.P. will provide exposure to different careers options available to them, while also connecting them to people they can trust to advise and guide their educational choices. Redeemer alumni are needed to get involved with local high school students, helping them learn their way to a career. We have several options available to suit almost any schedule. From classroom talks to workplace visits, even one-on-one mentoring. Whatever your interest, we have something for you. To sign up or for more information contact Project Manager, Susan Clarke. By email: susan.clarke@iechamilton.ca By phone: 905.529.4483 x226
l a n o s r Pe h Touc
Dr. David Speicher ‘03 was awarded a Ph.D. from Griffith University in Australia on December 11, 2012. David and his wife Rebeca (married October 22, 2011 in Cambodia) currently live in Brisbane, Australia. Dr. Speicher is a research fellow at the Griffith Health Institute. His research focuses on the early detection of HIV and opportunistic viral infections in Australia, India, and Papua New Guinea.
David and Rebeca on their honeymoon.
It’s Comforting to Come Home. Waterdown’s family Funeral Home for four generations...
Mark Nyman ‘07 and his wife Jerilee welcomed their baby girl, Averie Janelle into their family on December 18, 2012.
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Early on Family Day, Kyle Spyksma ‘01 and Ruth Pallant Spyksma ‘02 welcomed Paul Richard into their home! They thank God for a safe delivery and a healthy baby boy.
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Joanne (7), John (5), and Sarah (1) pose with their baby brother.
Why can’t they get the weather forecast
right? D
r. Kyle Spyksma, assistant professor of mathematics and physics, is in the last of his five year, $75,000 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant that is supporting his research in the field of fluid dynamics. His most recent work has been studying models of turbulence in airflow, using statistical analysis to refine weather or climate models. He explains that he and his colleagues “test the realism of different unrealistic models, and try to find the balance between simplicity and accuracy.” Dr. Spyksma’s research has supported seven summer student research positions through the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) program. In collaboration with Emeritus Professor Vince van Dijk and four USRA students, he has published three journal articles in both fluid dynamics and quantum mechanics. Dr. Spyksma’s most recent paper has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Physics of Fluids. Entitled “Quantifying effects of hyperviscosity on isotropic turbulence,” the study was co-authored with Moriah Magcalas and Natalie Campbell, two of his summer research students at Redeemer. NSERC grants are extremely prestigious and highly competitive federal grants. Redeemer University College currently supports two other NSERC Discovery Grant award holders as well: Dr. Edward Berkelaar and Dr. Kevin Vandermeulen. Christine Giancola is a Research Officer at Redeemer
18 t h AnnuA l A lum n i & Fr i e n d s GolF to ur n Am en t September 14, 2013, 8:00 am Knollwood Golf Club, Ancaster (New Course)
3 0 th A n n i v e r s A ry edition
“Please join us on Saturday, September 14! Save the date and get your foursome together. Stay tuned for the reveal of special 30th Anniversary bonus deals. Proceeds from the tournament will support the Alumni Student Awards Program.” - Brian Dijkema ‘04, 2013 Golf Committee Chair
More info coming soon to www.redeemer.ca/alumnigolf
Dr. Doug Needham Appointed as Provost and Vice President, Academic
edeemer University College is pleased to announce that Dr. Doug Needham has been appointed Provost and Vice President, Academic. The appointment took effect January 1, 2013. He succeeds Dr. Jacob Ellens, who retired last year.
Dr. Needham received his B.ArtSc. (Honours) in 1987 and his Ph.D. in Psychology in 1992, both from McMaster University. He is widely respected by faculty, staff, and students for his teaching in psychology and for his work in the many academic administrative roles he has had at Redeemer.
Doug understands and shares deeply the Reformed Christian faith and Redeemer’s Vision, Mission, and Statement of Basis and Principles. -President Krygsman 26
He has served as Assistant and then Associate Professor of Psychology at Redeemer since 1992 and as Dean of Sciences and Social Sciences since 2002. He has served on nearly every Redeemer faculty committee, and in 2010 he was appointed Associate Vice President, Academic. Dr. Needham has been instrumental in a number of new initiatives at Redeemer, most recently in leading a new Enrolment Management Team, launching a new B.Sc. (Honours) in Health Sciences and establishing an Office of Faculty Development. “Both the Search Committee and I are impressed with what Dr. Needham brings to this role,” says President Krygsman. “Doug understands and shares deeply the Reformed Christian faith and Redeemer’s Vision, Mission, and Statement of Basis and Principles. He knows Redeemer and its needs well, and is well-equipped to assist the university in implementing a holistic, Biblically-directed vision of learning, a dynamic and collegial academic leadership team, and programs for faculty and program development, quality assurance, and accreditation. I am grateful for his contributions to Redeemer’s leadership team to date, and we are eager to work with Dr. Needham in advancing Redeemer’s mission going forward.” “I feel truly blessed and very honoured to be appointed and to be a part of the new senior leadership team at Redeemer,” notes Dr. Needham. “There are many faculty development initiatives that I am looking forward to developing over the next few years, and I also hope to collaborate more with our Student Development division to expand educational opportunities for our students.”
Dr. Asatryan led his workshop for many groups including the clergy and lay leaders at Gevorkian Theological Seminary a theological school-college of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the city of Vagharshapat in the Republic of Armenia.
More than honesty Developing a principled economy
hen the Soviet Union collapsed, it freed many of its former colonies from a controlled, centrist economy. But it also plunged these countries into a period of virtually lawless and misdirected economic development as they moved to free-market economy. Dr. Vahagn Asatryan, a native of Armenia, saw first-hand how this led to rampant corruption and unethical business practices. Now associate professor of business at Redeemer, Dr. Asatryan sees the necessity of providing a more values-based model of doing business. “Citizens in these newly-developed countries need to be given the skills and training to fight the corrupt practices that are part of their everyday life,” says Dr. Asatryan. Thanks in part to grant he received from the CCCU (Council of Christian Colleges and Universities), he has developed a curriculum that provides a customized Christian business education for business people, students and government employees in these emerging countries. Last summer, Dr. Asatryan went back to Armenia and led several groups, including the heads of the country’s credit unions, through the program. Called 360⁰ Virtuousness, this program takes a very intentional approach to Christian principles such as justice, honesty, generosity and humility. “We show participants the redemptive nature of business,” explains Asatryan. “Throughout the long chain of the business cycle, and with the many suppliers, customers and even competitors that business people meet on the way, there are opportunities to advance character development, which research shows is more effective than regulatory approaches.” Plans are underway to expand the program to other countries such as Bulgaria, and Dr. Asatryan is also adapting the program for use in the North American context. “My goal is to offer in-house workshops and resources to companies,” he says. For more information on the program or how to bring it to your group or company contact Dr. Asatryan via email: vasatryan@redeemer.ca.
Can trust in a relationship make you delusional? Dr. Laura Luchies
Trust fools you into remembering that your partner was more considerate and less hurtful than he or she actually was.
hat’s part of the findings that Laura B. Luchies, assistant professor of psychology at Redeemer, and a team from Northwestern University (Evanston, Il) discovered in the first research to systematically examine the role of trust in biasing memories of transgressions in romantic partnerships. People who are highly trusting tended to remember transgressions in a way that benefits the relationship, remembering partner transgressions as less severe than they originally reported them to be. People low on trust demonstrated the opposite pattern, remembering partner transgressions as being more severe than how they originally reported them to be.
“One of the ways that trust is so good for relationships is that it makes us partly delusional,” said Eli J. Finkel, co-author of the study and professor of psychology at Northwestern. Dr. Luchies, lead author of the study, points out that the current psychological reality of your relationship isn’t what actually happened in the past, but rather the frequently distorted memory of what actually happened. “You can remember your partner as better or as worse than he/she really was, and those biased memories are important determinants of how you think about your partner and your relationship,” she said.
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Says Luchies: “If you talk to people who really trust their partner now, they forget some of the negative things their partner did in the past. If they don’t trust their partner much, they remember their partner doing negative things that the partner never actually did. They tend to misremember.” “Trust and Biased Memory of Transgressions in Romantic Relationships” was published earlier this month in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. In addition to Luchies and Finkel, co-authors include Jennifer Wieselquist; Caryl E. Rusbult of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Madoka Kumashiro of Goldsmiths, University of London; and Paul W. Eastwick of the University of Texas at Austin.
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Preaching magazine names hearing the old testament as top book Hearing the Old Testament: Listening for God’s Address, edited by Craig Bartholomew and David Beldman '05, has been selected by Preaching magazine as one of “The Year’s Top 6 Books in Biblical Studies.” In its remarks, the magazine noted that “it is a very helpful book…[that] will be immensely valuable for preachers.” The book was also named the best book of Biblical Studies in Old Testament for 2012 by Byron Borger of Hearts and Minds Books. In the book, Dr. Bartholomew, the H. Evan Runner Chair and professor of philosophy and religion and theology, and Beldman, part-time lecturer in religion and theology, examine various aspects of theological interpretation on each section of the Old Testament. In it, several world-class scholars—including Dr. Al Wolters, to whom the book is also dedicated—discuss how contemporary Christians can better hear and appropriate God’s address in the Old Testament.
Dr. Craig Bartholomew
Hearing the Old Testament: Listening for God’s Address is available at the Redeemer Campus Bookstore and through Amazon.com.
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A different kind of movie review Dr. Adam Barkman, associate professor of philosophy, not only enjoys seeing movies, he likes looking at what goes into them. That interest has led to new books coming out this year on two of Hollywood’s most popular and influential directors. The Philosophy of Ang Lee is an edited volume that focuses on philosophical issues raised in the films of the acclaimed movie director (Life of Pi; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). Dr. Barkman was asked to lead this project because of his background in philosophy, pop culture and Asian philosophy. It is being published by the University Press of Kentucky and is set for release in May. The Culture and Philosophy of Ridley Scott is also set to be released in the spring of 2013, by Lexington Press. As with the Lee volume, this collection focuses on philosophical themes in the films of Ridley Scott (Gladiator; Blade Runner, Alien). “I’m especially excited about this volume,” notes Barkman, “because it’s my first editing collaboration with my wife, Ashley Barkman” (Ashley is a part-time lecturer at Redeemer). -Christine Giancola
Dr. Adam Barkman
There's Something in the Water... Redeemer Students discover E.Coli Contamination in Hamilton Streams
hrough a unique instructional initiative, a group of Redeemer students have identified one of the likely sources of high levels of E. coli and coliform bacteria found in a number of the streams that lead to Hamilton’s Cootes Paradise.
Greg Beekman presents the findings of the watershed study
As part of a project-based learning approach to his Analytical Chemistry class this semester, Dr. Darren Brouwer's students performed water quality monitoring of the Chedoke Creek. Throughout the fall, students sampled sites along the Chedoke Rail trail and analyzed the water. Their research identified one point—the Mountview Falls—as having significantly higher levels of contamination. The nature of the contaminants, along with the characteristics of the catchment area above Mountview Falls led the class to identify the pollution as most likely caused by “cross connections” between sanitary and storm sewers in residences on the mountain. Representatives from Hamilton’s public works department, the Royal Botanical Gardens, the Bay Area Restoration Council, the Hamilton Conservation Authority and A Rocha, a local Christian environmental group that includes Peter Scholtens ’x96, were present when the class presented the research. “Peter is the one who suggested that Redeemer sponsor a research project looking into contamination,” says Dr. Brouwer. This project was made possible in part from an Instructional Development Grant, awarded to Dr. Brouwer by Redeemer as a way of encouraging alternative methods of teaching and learning. “This was an example of project-based learning,” notes Dr. Brouwer. “We identified a real-world problem and just dove into it, learning as we went along. We don’t know all the issues in what is a very complicated problem, but our goal is to contribute one piece to the larger discussion." For many of the students, it was a great opportunity to get out of the classroom and do some “real” research, even if it meant collecting samples in the cold and the rain, and spending countless hours counting coliform colonies in petri dishes. Jared Van Huizen a thirdyear student from Trenton, ON, noted that the project was more than just an assignment. “I call Hamilton my home now,” he says. “I love the city, especially its natural beauty, and this is one way I can be involved, to help.”
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Join us for a premier day of golf in support of Christian university education! Contact Annetta Skelly: 905.648.2139 x4246 | golf@redeemer.ca www.redeemer.ca/golf
Christian Bok, 2009
Julie Berry, 2012
Jeramy Dodds, 2010
Twelve years of Canada Council Poetry Readings Prestigious literary visitors to Redeemer’s campus
ince 2001, thanks mainly to an annual grant from the Canada Council for the Arts, Redeemer has had the honour of hosting a number of Canadian poets from all across Canada. The poets have typically come to campus on a Thursday afternoon, giving a reading of their poetry, signing books, and interacting in question-and-answer sessions with students, professors, and others from the community, before moving on to read for the Hamilton Poetry Centre that evening in downtown Hamilton. There was an auspicious start to the first year of the program. In 2001-02, Redeemer was privileged to host Robert Kroetsch and Don McKay, arguably Canada’s most gifted and influential living poet. In the second year of the series, Michael Crummey, from Newfoundland, and Michael Redhill, from Toronto, both rising stars who have since met with considerable acclaim and wider public recognition, participated. The other particularly colourful reader that season was George Elliott Clarke, now Toronto’s poet laureate and a professor at the University of Toronto. Through the next ten years, Redeemer was visited by poets from BC to Newfoundland; poets just starting out and poets well-established; poets who have won the Governor General’s Award, the Griffin Prize and other prestigious awards. Some (like John Terpstra and Pier Giorgio di Cicco) were people of Christian faith; some were stridently otherwise. For students, meeting these poets “in the flesh” and finding out from their own lips about their working styles, their philosophies, their influences, their hopes and their struggles has always been exciting and encouraging, and often eye-opening. Poetry is alive and well in Canada! For a complete listing of poets who have visited Redeemer, visit www.redeemer.ca/poetryseries. Dr. Deborah Bowen is Professor of English at Redeemer University College
Royals Round-Up One of the most successful and exciting seasons ever is coming to an end as the Redeemer Royals clean out their lockers after a record breaking 2012-2013 varsity season. Here is a look back at a winter to remember for the Royals. Basketball Both teams made gigantic strides in 2012-2013. Under new head coach, Jamie Girolametto, the men’s team won a record 7 games, and the Lady Royals captured 6 wins after not recording a win in the past 7 years. The Royals were rewarded for their efforts with awards at the OCAA (Ontario College Athletic Association) Championship awards banquets. Jesseca Brown captured the West Division Rookie of the Year award, was named a 1st Team All-Star and to the All-Rookie team after having one of the best seasons ever by a Redeemer women’s basketball player. She broke, by one, Anita Kralt’s Redeemer record for points in a season and her 17.2 points per game tied Kralt '03 for the best points per game average. Men’s player Calvin Turnbull was named a 2nd team OCAA All-Star. Turnbull led the league in offensive rebounds, was in the top 12 in scoring and averaged a double-double throughout the season. Badminton Julie Koopmans finished third at the West Regional Championships, and followed it up with a fourth-place finish at Provincials. Volleyball The Lady Royals made it back to the OCAA Playoffs in 2012-2013 for the first time since 20062007. They defeated the Algonquin Thunder in a playoff crossover before upsetting the East Division Champions Durham Lords in the first round. The Royals eventually lost the Bronze Semifinal match to Cambrian College in a tough five-set match. Curtiss Straatsma had a recordbreaking season and was named a 1st-Team OCAA All-Star.
Expectations were high for the men’s team – they entered the 2013 OCAA Men’s Volleyball Championship as the second seed from the West Division. Unfortunately they were bounced in the quarterfinals by their cross-city rivals from Mohawk. They did manage to re-group, and defeated the Niagara Knights to win the OCAA Bronze Medal. Three players were named OCAA All-Stars: Jake Klassen, David Klomps, and Eric Heidbuurt. For more information, please visit www.RedeemerRoyals.ca Peter Reid, Sports Information and Marketing
Going out on top Wayne Harris Named top Men’s Volleyball Coach in Canada
en’s volleyball Head Coach Wayne Harris has been named the top men’s volleyball coach in Canada by the Canadian Colleges Athletic Association (CCAA) at their National Championship Awards Banquet.
This year, the Royals were ranked as high as second place in the CCAA national rankings. They won the bronze medal at the provincial championships after finishing their season with a 14-4 record.
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When asked what winning the award meant to him, Harris said “It means that we did some very, very good things in our program this season and that we played this game we love with passion, precision, and purpose. It means that I was able to work with outstanding, ‘coachable’ young men and an excellent co-coach. This award belongs to the 16 of us who shared a vision and worked tirelessly towards building the team we became.” It is a fitting end to the season, and to the career of Coach Harris, who plans to step down after the season. He finishes his Redeemer coaching career with 57 wins, 3 provincial medals and 2 OCAA Coach of the Year awards in just 5 seasons. Athletic Director Dave Mantel applauds Harris for his time and impact as a member of the Royals Coaching Staff. “Every student-athlete that we’ve asked has praised Harris for his leadership, knowledge and attitude towards them,” said Mantel. His co-coach this year, Brad Douwes '10, will become head coach next year. The award also marks the first time a Redeemer coach has been named the CCAA Coach of the Year. For more on Coach Harris and the award, visit www.redeemerroyals.ca.
around the corner
Upcoming Events at
Redeemer For updates and more detailed information, please visit the News and Events section of Redeemer’s website at www.redeemer.ca/news.
Continuing Education at Redeemer has much to offer this winter and spring, including: April 22: Hemorrhaging Faith Panel and Discussion – A Youth Worker Evening Workshop. A look at why and when young Canadians are leaving, staying and returning to the church. June 10 & 12: Fiddler on the Roof Learn more about one of the most beloved musicals of all time through an evening lecture on Redeemer’s campus, followed by a trip to see the show at the magnificent Stratford Festival. Go to www.redeemer.ca/CLEAR for further details or to register.
Other events: April 21: Redeemer’s Alumni Choir performs A Service in Leipzig at MacNab Street Presbyterian Church in Hamilton at 7:00 pm. The concert will also include choral, organ and instrumental works by Bach, Schutz, Pachelbel and Walther. May 25: Class of 2013 Commencement – Celebrate with Redeemer's newest alumni. Featured speaker for the event is Rev. Rita Klein-Geltink '04. The graduation ceremony begins at 2:00 pm in the Auditorium.
Online or In Print
The Choice is Yours
Looking to learn more about what’s going on at Redeemer? On April 15, Redeemer will be launching a new e-newsletter that will provide news and updates about what is happening on campus. Beyond the Bubble will be published 6 times per year and include reflections from President Krygsman and stories about how Redeemer’s faculty, staff, students and alumni are making an impact beyond our campus. To sign up for this newsletter, send an email to bubble@redeemer.ca with the word “subscribe” in the subject line, or visit www.redeemer.ca/president.
We want to give you the choice of how you would like to receive Tangents. If you would prefer to read the magazine online, visit www.redeemer.ca/tangents. If you would like to be taken off the Tangents mailing list, email us at tangents@redeemer.ca. We will remove you from the hard copy mailing list, but we will send you an email each time a new issue of Tangents is published, with a link to that issue. A Red eem
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RedeemeR UniveRsity College presents
Homecoming Please mark your calendar and join us for our
Homecoming celebration on Saturday, October 5, 2013. We want to celebrate the contributions that so many make to Redeemer, and to share what's new in our community. We have a full roster of events planned for parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of Redeemer. The afternoon and evening schedule includes:
• Varsity soccer – Go Royals! • Seminars for adults – hear about what’s new in faculty and student research; learn about the ways in which alumni are engaging culture • Activities for kids • Childcare - 18 months-3 years • Annual General Meeting • Faculty reception - connect with your favourite faculty from the past and present • Dinner • Faculty Artists' Concert with special guests Stay tuned for more details at www.redeemer.ca/homecoming. We look forward to seeing you on campus!
redeemer university college a christian university in hamilton, ontario
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∫∫ Career Preparation ∫∫ Campus Community 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4 T. 905.648.2139 x4280 | F. 905.648.9545 | 1.800.263.6467