redeemer university college
PassPort to Your future
A christiAn university in hAmilton, ontArio
d a t e o f e n t r y
m a j o r
d a t e o f b i r t h
l a s t n a m e
f i r s t n a m e
TABLE OF CONTENTS A bout R e d ee m er Come for a Visit............................ 4 Your Campus................................ 6 Your Community.......................... 8 An A+ Destination...................... 45 Co-op and Experiential Learning.46 Off-Campus Studies................... 47 Your NEW! Address................... 48 Student Activities and Services. 50 Athletics..................................... 52 Admission Requirements.......... 58 Financing Your Education.......... 60
Y our De g ree Key Terms.................................. 10 Bachelor of Arts........................ 12 Art.............................................. 13 Business.................................... 14 English....................................... 16 French........................................ 18 History........................................ 19 International Studies................. 20 Music.......................................... 21 Philosophy.................................. 22 Physical Education..................... 23 Political Science........................ 24 Psychology................................. 25 Religion and Theology............... 26 Youth Ministry............................ 27 Sociology/Social Work............... 28 Theatre Arts............................... 30 Bachelor of Education............... 32 Bachelor of Science.................. 34 Biology....................................... 36 Chemistry................................... 37 Computer Science..................... 38 Environmental Studies.............. 39 Health Science........................... 40 Kinesiology................................. 42 Mathematics.............................. 43 Physics....................................... 44
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isit v a r o come f
per i ence … S tay for t h e E x
Visiting our campus is one of the best ways to experience “life at Redeemer.” On your visit you will get to: sit in on classes, meet faculty and students, tour the facilities and learn more about the programs and options available to you.
C a m pus V i s i t Days
are specific events scheduled throughout the fall and winter, and which include an overnight option – a great way to experience campus life!
P ersonal i z e d V i s i ts
are offered year-round for students and their families who would like a customized tour of Redeemer.
R oyal R ecru i t E vents
will give athletes the opportunity to learn more about our varsity teams. See page 52 for more details or visit for more information on dates and sports.
C areer , P arent an d Gu i d ance E vents
are designed for those with a keen interest in Math, Fine Arts, the Sciences, or our (Consecutive) Teacher Education program.
O t h er events : Find out more about Battle of the Bands, Executive Dinners for Parents Only, The A-May-zing Race, SHOUT! in the House - Youth Event and Summer Open Houses, at RSVPs are required for all events so sign up today!
your tour guides
F all 2 0 1 2 C a m pus V i s i t Days
Friday, October 19 (in conjunction with Sibling Weekend) Monday, October 22 (in conjunction with Sibling Weekend) Monday, November 19 Friday, November 30
W i nter 2 0 1 3 C a m pus V i s i t Days Friday, January 11 Friday, February 1 Monday, February 11 Monday, March 11 Friday, March 15
C areer an d Gu i d ance E vents :
Thursday, October 11 – Consecutive Education Open House Thursday, November 1 – Math Day Friday, November 9 – Fine Arts Career Expo (F.A.C.E.) Tuesday, November 13 – Sciences Day Tuesday, November 20 – Consecutive Education Open House Friday, December 7 – Guidance Counsellor Day Wednesday, January 23 – Consecutive Education Open House
F or P arents
Thursday, November 29 – Parents, Meet the President – Executive Dinner Thursday, March 14 – Parents, Meet the President – Executive Dinner
B lac k h i story m ont h celebrat i on
Friday, February 8, 2013 – SHOUT! in the House - Youth Event
2 0 1 3 S u m m er O pen House E vents :
Friday, May 10 - A-May-zing Race: a fun and interactive opportunity to check us out Friday, June 14 Friday, July 12 Friday, August 9 Learn more and register for your event(s) at RSVP is required for all events.
Your trip comes equipped with “tour guides” or University Rep resentatives. Their job is to help you plan you r trip—from Application to Enr ollment— including financial aid, course registration and the highligh t of your trip: CheckIn Day! They are here to guid e you through the entire proces s of becoming a Redeemer student. Redeemer’s University Reps focus on specific geographical territories. So whether you are a: high school, home-schooled, international, transfer, or mature student, we have a Rep for you . Go to UniversityRep to connect with the Rep that’s righ t for you.
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / v i s i t i n g
us p m a o ur c
C all
2013 fall n Ho m e i er m R e d ee
Redeemer’s 86-acre campus, built in 1986, includes the facilities to ensure that your studies are both productive and enjoyable. For example, classrooms are equipped with the technology to help you get the most out of your lectures and labs. Our academic buildings and residences are completely wheelchair-accessible, and there is Wi-Fi access across campus. But since we know that life at Redeemer is more than just classes, we also offer:
A rts • Studio Theatre • 1000-seat auditorium • Art gallery, art studios and music practice rooms A t h let i cs • Redeemer Sports Complex – 2 artificial turf sports fields, • •
including the dome for year-round play Athletic Centre – including a double regulation-size gymnasium and weight room Outdoor basketball, tennis and beach volleyball facilities
R es i d ences • 43 two-storey townhouse-style residences • Augustine Hall, a 3-storey apartment-style residence R ecreat i on • On-campus grocery store (The Market), reFresh Food • •
Court and Williams’ Fresh Cafe Student Recreation Centre Whaley Teaching Garden, an outdoor environmental lab and research area
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The physical facilities only tell part of the story of our campus. What really sets Redeemer apart is the staff, faculty and students working together as a Christian community that is supportive, caring and committed to your academic success. In fact, in the October 2011 Globe and Mail University Report Card, Redeemer was given an A+ for Campus Atmosphere, and ranked as Canada’s most nurturing and supportive university. Go to page 45 to see the complete details of the survey!
O t h er F acts & F i g ures : • • • • • • •
Home to more than 900 students from more than 50 different denominations, 9 provinces, 8 U.S. states & 11 other countries 51% of full-time students live on campus 16:1 student-to-faculty ratio Average class size is 24 students 80% of full-time faculty have their PhD or equivalent More than 3500 alumni…and counting Approximately 34% of alumni have gone on to over 120 different graduate programs at more than 90 different institutions worldwide
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u n it y m m o c y our
h a m i lton at - a - g lance
Redeemer’s campus is located in the Greater Hamilton Area of Ontario, about an hour’s drive from Buffalo, NY and downtown Toronto. Hamilton is one of Canada’s largest cities, featuring lots of diverse neighbourhoods, music and art festivals, shops and sports teams. Located on the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton is known as the waterfall capital of the world (see, complete with miles of hiking trails and hundreds of acres of conservation lands. The Ancaster Meadowlands, a shopping and entertainment district, is within walking distance of the campus, while downtown Hamilton is 20 minutes by bus from the campus.
For mo re about w information hat Ha m has to offer, v ilton isit www.t ourism hamilt
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C o m m un i ty E n g a g e m ent Hamilton is a diverse city with unique needs and opportunities. As Redeemer’s home for almost 30 years now, our students have been making a positive impact in the city’s various communities. There are many ways to get involved and make a difference here, like ministering to refugees, working with at-risk youth, or participating with the local arts scene.
Sam Kammin ga ‘12, enj evening at oys an one of Ham ilton’s month ly Art Crawls
opportunities to serve Redeemer grad, Steven Dykstra ’07, works with a series of downtown Hamilton support organizations to assess Redeemer’s existing involvement in the downtown core. He works to engage more Redeemer students in volunteering and service learning opportunities, including internships and co-op placements.
nts’ time and grow th an extension of stude as nt .” me ge ga en ty what they’re learning “I see communi to put into practice e anc ch a it’s — er at Redeem St. Baptist Church Youth Pastor, Hughson Mike Kleinhuis ‘99,
w w w . re d ee m er . ca
Key terms Y our F a i t h Redeemer is first and foremost a Christian university, so every course you take will invite you to integrate your faith into all aspects of your life.
De g ree P ro g ra m s Redeemer University College offers 14 honours majors, 46 majors and 37 minors leading to a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Education degree.
Y our U n i vers i ty University College: A name for an accredited undergraduate university that grants bachelor’s degrees. Liberal Arts and Science: A degree built on a general core of courses in addition to your specific major concentration. Bachelor’s Degree: A program of study, also known as an undergraduate degree, that normally takes four years of full-time study to complete.
Y our courses Core: The focus on liberal arts and sciences is developed through participation in a range of core courses. These foundational classes provide a background and context for everything else you will be learning. Within the core, you will have flexibility to choose courses which develop your gifts, inspire your imagination, and advance your calling. Concentration: In addition to a strong liberal arts and science core, you will choose a number of courses related to your field of interest. Referred to as your major and minor, concentration courses give you the opportunity to explore specific disciplines in depth. Electives: Courses that fall outside the core and concentration requirements. Electives give you the opportunity to study topics you are curious or passionate about. Semester: An academic period of 16 weeks. There are 2 full semesters at Redeemer: Fall (September through December) and Winter (January through April). Selected courses are also offered during the Summer. Courses last for the duration of a semester and require 3 hours of class per week. Credit: University courses are measured in credits. At Redeemer, a semester-long course is worth three credits.
Y our De g ree O pt i ons Combined Honours: A double major at the honours level. Honours Major: The most intensive study of a specific subject area, consisting of 16-20 courses. An honours major is recommended for students considering graduate studies or professional programs.
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Four-Year Major: An in-depth study of a subject area, consisting of 14-18 courses in a specific area. General Major: The study of a chosen area of specialization, consisting of 10-12 courses. Minor: A foundational study of a chosen discipline which complements your main area of study and consists of 6-7 courses. Service Area: Service areas provide opportunities to augment a major with an investigation of 2-4 courses.
P re - P rofess i onal P ro g ra m s Redeemer’s small class sizes, research opportunities and reputation provide a strong foundation as you prepare for your career. These defined areas of study, called preprofessional programs, allow you to complete your undergraduate degree at Redeemer and then continue your education at another university or professional organization to complete their requirements.
R e d ee m er offers pre profess i onal pro g ra m s i n :
• • • • •
Accounting, for those who wish to pursue a CA, CMA or CGA designation Medicine or Dentistry Law Seminary Engineering - students can complete one year at Redeemer then transfer directly to another university Nursing
While you
Off-campus study options available
these passport Keep an eye out for ar in colour, it stamps! If they appe ogram-specific: means there are pr
Co-op programs available
Internships available
First-year scholarships available
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arts of B ac h elor For a complete description of all academic programs, visit the Academic Calendar, available at
Majors A rt B us i ness
Accounting General Management Marketing Business & Computing
Literature Emphasis Writing Emphasis
E nv i ron m ental S tu d i es Humanities Emphasis F renc h H i story Hu m an i t i es Internat i onal S tu d i es
International Relations International Development World Cultures
Mus i c P h i losop h y P h ys i cal E d ucat i on
P ol i t i cal S c i ence
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / calen d ar
P syc h olo g y
Clinical Focus Experimental Focus
R el i g i on an d T h eolo g y
Youth Ministry
S oc i al S tu d i es S oc i olo g y S oc i olo g y – S oc i al Wor k
Social Work Concentration Sociology Concentration
S oc i al Wor k T h eatre A rts
Save th e Date
Bachelor of arts
F.A.C.E .
Caree r eve Fine Ar nt ts Care er Exp Friday, o Novem ber 9, 2 in conju 01 n James ction with the 2 Street Art Cra wl
program options
A r t General Major S t u d i o A r t Minor | A r t H i s t o r y
Redeemer is an open and supportive place to explore the relationship between artistic practice, creativity and faith. You won’t just learn techniques, but also how art is central to the whole person.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts
• • •
• • •
The only art degree to be offered by a Christian university in Ontario Develop your skills in our modern studio classrooms and iMac design lab Showcase your work or attend other art shows by local and international artists in the Redeemer Art Gallery Participate in local art events like the James Street Art Crawl Publish art in Redeemer’s creative publication, The Minstrel Exhibit a Senior Year Art Show
C ourses i nclu d e :
Computer Art, and more.
Figure Drawing; Painting; Sculpture; Art History;
C areers : Art students at Redeemer have gone on to work as practicing artists, designers, photographers and art teachers. They have also pursued further studies in art therapy, art history and aesthetics.
FUN FACT: Juliane Van Hui zen ‘08 is a Redeemer graduate and the Creative Services Manager responsible for designing this passport you now hold in your hands! She was assisted by Jenna Bos ‘13, a student designer and a current Redeemer Art maj or. (See page 61 for Jenna’s student statement.)
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / art
Bachelor of arts
program options
A c c o u n t i n g Honours Major, Four-Year Major G e n e r a l M a n a g e m e n t Honours Major, Four-Year Major M a r k e t i n g Honours Major, Four-Year Major B u s i n e s s & C o m p u t i n g General Major B u s i n e s s General Major; Minor Sma l l B u s i n e s s M a n a g e m e n t Minor
C o - op P ro g ra m
nce in this five-year Gain invaluable work experie t-month paid eigh two s ude incl program which ning into practice work placements. Put your lear international or l in small businesses, nationa not-for-profit and s, ncie age t firms, governmen organizations.
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P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • The Redeemer Business program will teach you essential business • •
theories, models and concepts. The hands-on experiences will provide you with valuable exposure to the marketplace and work practices. Your learning experience will feature small interactive classes, team work, case studies, computer simulations, projects for actual clients, field trips, presentations, and interactive training experiences. Through all this, the Redeemer Business program will equip you to become a passionate employee, manager, employer, or entrepreneur — eager to serve God and others.
Master ’ s P ro g ra m s
Redeemer’s high academic standards will effectively prepare you for subsequent education, including the MBA or Master of Accountancy. Advanced standing of up to one year may be granted based on business courses taken at Redeemer.
A ccount i n g Des i g nat i ons
Courses taken at Redeemer are recognized towards the requirements for all three of Canada’s professional accounting designations: Chartered Accountant, Certified Management Accountant and Certified General Accountant.
n a m e Kevin Ad ema ‘01 occupation Managing
alumni stateme
Director, Incipit Integrated Communications ( s t a t e m e n t To day’s definition of success is not a product of just su bject matter exce llence but ultimat ely, a diverse framew ork that possesse s the aptitude to absorb, filter and dissemi nate toward grea ter outcomes. St udying at Redeemer ac hieves this thro ugh the culmina tion of continuous excelle nce in learning, maintained servitu de and Christian ethics – fully equipping tomorrow’s leader s.
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Bachelor of arts
program options
L i t e r a t u r e c o n c e n t r a t i o n Honours Major, General Major; Minor W r i t i n g c o n c e n t r a t i o n Honours Major, General Major; Minor Join people who share your passion for language and literature, and are committed to using these gifts to the best of their ability. Redeemer’s English program will help you develop a love of literature and an appreciation of the writer’s craft as you explore the many aspects of the language’s history and development. By taking advantage of these many opportunities, you will also develop your writing skills.
alumni statement ‘05 n a m e Sam Martin Creative Writing sistant Professor of As n o i t a p u c c o r ty, Iowa, and autho llege in Orange Ci Co rn te es hw rt No at le Tabernacle and tion: This Ramshack fic of ks boo o tw of
A Blessed Snarl.
vision Christ-centred deemer’s Re t n e m e t a t s view, enabling me epened my world broadened and de e ously: to engage th and teach courage to write, think, e fullness through th ken and beautiful world in all its bro of stories. writing and reading
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P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Find out how literature still speaks powerfully in the contemporary world • • • • •
of mass media Enjoy readings by Canadian poets at Redeemer throughout the year. The Canada Council of the Arts Poetry Reading Series allows for personal interactions with award-winning writers Attend local readings and performances from the Hamilton Poetry Centre, to the Eden Mills Festival to the Stratford and Shaw Festivals Gain valuable experience with Redeemer’s student paper, The Crown Contribute to Redeemer’s creative writing publication, The Minstrel Participate in off-campus study programs like the Crandall-Oxford Program in England
C ourses i nclu d e : Children’s Literature; Literature and the Environment; British Novel; Creative Writing; Journalism; Medieval English Literature; Shakespeare; The Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis; Canadian Historical Fiction; World Literature in English, and more. C areers : Redeemer’s English graduates have gone on to work as freelance writers, teachers, professors, poets, editors, journalists, and communications professionals. An English degree can also open doors to many careers in business and the arts.
Save th e Date F..A.C.E . Care er ev Fine Ar ent ts Care er Exp Friday, o Novem ber 9, 2 012
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Bachelor of arts
program options French
Honours Major, General Major; Minor
Studying French at Redeemer will introduce you to the beauty and richness of the language as it is used in Canada, Europe and Africa. You will learn to speak and write French confidently while exploring the various francophone cultures around the world.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Opportunities to study French language and culture in Quebec and/or the • • •
Sorbonne in Paris French majors in the concurrent education program can be placed in one of the numerous French immersion schools in the Golden Horseshoe Social and cultural activities in French A fully-equipped language lab
C ourses i nclu d e : French Theatre and Poetry; French-Canadian Literature; French Civilization; French Literature by Christians, and more. C areers : Redeemer French graduates have found employment as development workers in francophone countries, teachers in Christian and public schools, bilingual employees at libraries, national parks, media outlets and a host of businesses and service organizations.
h c n e r f 18
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Bachelor of arts
program options
H i s t o r y Honours Major, General Major; Minor The History program at Redeemer enables you to place culture in context as you experience God’s unfolding story. Through a wide range of course offerings, you will develop critical thinking, organization, research, and presentation skills.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Study off-campus with programs like the Crandall-Oxford Study • •
Program in England Dialogue with visiting scholars and experts at guest lectures Join the History Learning Community for day trips and evening excursions
C ourses i nclu d e : Totalitarianism in the Twentieth Century; History of Film; Religion, Culture and Conflict in Modern Africa; Eastern European History; Vietnam War in U.S. Culture and Film; Islam in Europe, and more. C areers : Redeemer’s history grads are well-qualified for careers in politics, international organizations, public service, higher education and notfor-profit organizations. History majors can pursue graduate opportunities in a wide variety of areas, including journalism, international public policy, library and information science, law and seminary. Dr. Hubert emer’s President, Fun fact: Rede tory major! Krygsman, is a his
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Bachelor of arts
International Studies
program options
I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d i e s Honours Major (International Development, International Relations, World Cultures), General Major; Minor Enter the field of International Studies by engaging in course material that enables you to understand the complex global issues of economy, justice and development.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Study tropical agricultural development in Costa Rica through the •
Au Sauble Institute Combine service and practical learning through internships with organizations like the Laurentian Leadership Centre, World Vision, and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
C ourses i nclu d e : God and Global Order, International Relations, Introduction to African History; International Political Economy; Social Justice; World Religions; Modern Middle East; World Literature Written in English, and more. C areers : The International Studies program is designed to help prepare students for careers in government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international business, or cross-cultural evangelism, that require understanding of international issues.
intern ationa l studie s 20
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Bachelor of arts
program options Music
General Major; Minor
The Music Department at Redeemer offers you a comprehensive program of group performance, private lessons and courses in theory, history, and literature.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Access to several grand pianos, a 26-stop Baroque organ and • •
harpsichord Use of soundproof keyboard lab, large recording studio, theatre auditorium, and practice studios Participation in a range of musical ensembles, from choirs to orchestral groups to jazz ensembles
C ourses i nclu d e : Conducting; Folk and Popular Music; Philosophy of Music in the Church; Choral Music, and more. C areers : Studying music at Redeemer provides you with a solid foundation for a career in performance, music education, or church music ministry. Several of our graduates have also gone on to study in advanced degree programs around the world.
c i s mu
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Bachelor of arts
program options Philosophy
General Major; Minor
Philosophy is the study of thought and understanding and an exploration of how we know things. It seeks to answer how we ought to live as individuals and as part of a community. At Redeemer, you will be challenged to think as a Christian while critically engaging the dominant ways of thinking in our culture.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Kuyper’s Café offers ongoing conversations with fellow students, faculty •
and guests about the things that matter most in our lives. Explore the relationship between the Bible and philosophy, and the contours of a Christian worldview
C ourses i nclu d e :
Philosophy of Religion; Modern Philosophy; Aesthetics; Modern Political Theory; Philosophical Ethics; Environmental Philosophy, and more.
C areers : Some philosophy grads pursue graduate degrees in the field in order to teach at the university or college levels. Philosophy also provides an excellent foundation for pursuing a career in law or Christian ministry.
ideas. In just about ancient t no is er em de Adam Philosophy at Re Hero Culture, Dr. r pe Su d an y ph so eatures of his course Philo great mythical cr e th of me so s tain America Barkman explore redible Hulk, Cap Inc e Th , an rm have to say our age – Supe – and what they es ro he ok bo c and other comi about our culture.
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Bachelor of arts
Physical Education
program options
P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n Te a c h i n g P r o g r a m P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n General Major; Minor Re c r e a t i o n General Major; Minor C o a c h i n g Minor
Honours Major
Through athletics and recreation, you will explore human movement in a way that honours how you were made and that deepens your enjoyment of sport and play.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Field studies, seminars, internships and experiential learning opportunities • Excellent learning and practice facilities, including a kinesiology lab • Fundamental activity courses in various sports, i.e. gymnastics, outdoor •
education, and fitness training On-campus employment in the Athletic Centre or at Redeemer’s Summer RAYS Camp
C ourses i nclu d e : Anatomy and Physiology; Physical Health and Fitness; Nutrition; Coaching; Sociology of Sport; Outdoor and Experiential Education, and more. C areers : Redeemer graduates have gone on to work as recreational therapists, kinesiologists, teachers, activation directors, sports ministry coordinators, and more. The Physical Education program, combined with a minor in biology, is excellent preparation for graduate studies in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and other allied health professions.
d e s y ph
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Bachelor of arts
Political Science
program options
P o l i t i c a l S c i e n c e General Major; Minor Your world is changing rapidly and studying political science at Redeemer will help you develop a Christian context for understanding and shaping change on a local and a global level. You will learn to support your passion for justice with the call to love God and your neighbours.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Off-campus study programs in North America, Latin America and • •
Jerusalem A semester in Ottawa studying and interning at the Laurentian Leadership Centre The Social Justice Team organizes events and an annual conference that provide opportunities to put into practice some of what you learn
C ourses i nclu d e : International Relations; Canadian Foreign Policy; Ancient and Medieval Political Theory; Political Ideologies, and more. C areers : Graduates from the Political Science program have pursued leadership roles in government, business, labour relations, law, ministry and academics. Others have worked as researchers, professors, union representatives and corrections officers.
i c s i pol
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / pol i t i calsc i ence
Bachelor of arts
program options
C l i n i c a l P s y c h o l o g y Honours Major E x pe r i m e n t a l P s y c h o l o g y Honours Major P s y c h o l o g y General Major; Minor Psychology is the study of why people feel, think, and behave as they do. Underlying these motivations are fundamental assumptions about what it means to be human, and to see and appreciate each individual as a whole person created in the image of God.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Gain hands-on experience and possible future employment by • •
completing an internship for course credit Participate in “Psychchats” – a series of one-hour presentations on current topics in psychology led by guest speakers, faculty, alumni, or senior students Join faculty and students for discussion and film nights relevant to different aspects of psychology
C ourses i nclu d e : Developmental Psychology; Abnormal Psychology; Health Psychology; Personality; Forensic Psychology; Theories of Counselling, Psychology of the Will, Psychology of Spirituality, and more. C areers : Redeemer psychology graduates have found employment as counsellors, addiction counsellors, intake workers, psychometricians, managers of day care facilities, support therapists, child and youth workers and personal support workers.
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Bachelor of arts
Religion and Theology
program options
R e l i g i o n a n d T h e o l o g y Honours Major; General Major; Minor Y o u t h M i n i s tr y General Major M i s s i o n a n d M i n i s tr y Minor The Religion and Theology major is designed to help you understand the development of Christianity within its global and historical context. You will be challenged to deepen your faith as you explore a wide variety of topics including theology, biblical studies, ethics, missions and ministry and contemporary faith issues. The Youth Ministry Major allows you to explore your passion for youth in a practical learning environment. Learn from professors who have spent many years in Christian ministry in a variety of settings, especially with youth. You will also grow personally and professionally through two ministry internships. The Mission and Ministry minor will challenge you to place your faith squarely in the context of a diverse and changing world. This minor will give you the tools, knowledge and passion necessary to bring the Gospel to your community and beyond.
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Long Journey rimage: The lg Pi Camino de Christian udents travel to st , se ur co is th er pilgrimage As part of day, 114 kilomet 6a r fo ain Sp in htseeing and Santiago mes. Worship, sig Ja . St ging of ay W e of this life-chan called th ction are all part fle re e al th on g rs rin pe times of discussed du builds on material experience, which itself. ip ahead of the tr classes that meet
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Mission/ministry conferences which count toward course credit • Study abroad through one of our off-campus study programs • Work alongside professors who have spent many years in ministry in a variety of settings
C ourses i nclu d e : Old and New Testament Studies; Ethics; World Religions; Theology in the Contemporary World; Religion and Film, and more. C areers : Graduates of the Religion and Theology Department have worked as teachers, pastors, professors, missionaries, chaplains, camp directors, youth ministry leaders and counsellors.
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Bachelor of arts
Sociology-Social Work
program options
S o c i o l o g y - S o c i a l W o r k Honours Major - Social Work Concentration S o c i o l o g y - S o c i a l W o r k Honours Major - Sociology Concentration S o c i o l o g y General Major; Minor S o c i o l o g y - S o c i a l W o r k General Major; Minor S o c i a l S t u d i e s Group Major S o c i a l W o r k Minor I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y M i n o r s Social Justice, Disability and Society, Criminal Justice
At the heart of Sociology and Social Work is a desire to understand the world and to make it a better place. As Christians, at the centre of our calling is to minister to the ‘least of these’ as Christ’s servants in this world.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Join the North American Association of Christians in Social Work • •
(NACSW) Participate in annual visits to correctional institutes, native centres and inner-city missions Become part of the Social Justice Club or the Help 2 Others (H2O) Club
C ourses i nclu d e : Social Movements; Urban Sociology; Popular Culture; Social Welfare Policy and Process; Disability and Society; Social Work Practice with Communities, and more.
C areers : Redeemer Sociology-Social Work graduates have found employment in schools, social agencies, not-for-profit organizations, mission and non-governmental aid organizations.
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Interns h i ps
inar is required An internship and integrative sem gy or iolo Soc in for all students who major in one of the ll enro who or k, Sociology-Social Wor select from a wide interdisciplinary minors. You may the Hamilton in range of placement settings with seas. over or n etow region, in your own hom
alumni statement n a m e Kristen Verhoog ‘12 Kristen took part in an inte rnsh
ip program for Rural Response for Healthy Childre n (RRHC) in Clinton, Ontario , where she assisted with the development of prevention materials, helping with Kinderg arten readiness programs, and researching and creating prev ention information handouts. s t a t e m e n t What if we acc epted people for who they are, not who society tells the m to be? We could have a community where everyone fee ls like they belonged. One never knows what can be lear ned from the people in their own community.
Bachelor of arts
Theatre Arts
program options
T h e a t r e A r t s General Major; Minor P e r f o r m a n c e General Major; Minor D r a m a t i c A r t Minor
e r t a e th
Explore the range of human experience through observation, analysis and performance. Because you were created to be fully alive, you will be challenged to think and respond authentically, whether you are on in the spotlight or working behind the scenes.
P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Participate in semi-annual mainstage performances • Encounter the Hollywood film industry through the Los Angeles Film • • • •
Studies Center Spend a semester studying drama in Oxford, England Attend theatre trips to the Stratford Festival, the Shaw Festival and to Theatre Aquarius Perform in the 1,000-seat Auditorium or the 70-seat Studio Theatre Participate in a four-month co-op placement at a local professional theatre
C ourses i nclu d e : Performance; Text and Presentation; Storytelling; Stage Production and Management; Playwriting; Postmodern Drama, and more. C areers : Theatre graduates have gone on to work as teachers, directors, actors/actresses, production managers and costume designers Save the Date F.A.C.E. Career event Fine Arts Career Expo Friday, November 9, 2012
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A scene from Morris Panych’s Seven Stories, Redeemer’s spring mainstage production.
alumni statem
ent n a m e Aaron Craig ‘11 statement The most im portant thing I’ll take away from my tim e at Redeem er is the co urage to purs what God ca ue lled me to do. This cour age flourished because it w as founded in faith, and fo stered by th incredible facu e lty and comm unity of the th eatre program There are alw . ays a million re asons not to ta ke a risk, but Redeemer af firmed all the reasons you sh ould. I’ve sinc co-founded a e small theatre company that has already pu on three wel t l-received sh ows.
of elor h ac B e d ucat i on Accredited by the Ontario College of Teachers as a Teacher Education Program provider, Redeemer places a strong emphasis on diverse practical experiences through in-school placements. You will be equipped to become a successful, reflective, and flourishing teaching professional. In addition to being qualified to teach in any public or Catholic school, many Redeemer graduates are well-suited to teach in independent Christian schools and may qualify for the Ontario Christian School Teachers’ Certificate.
program options C oncurrent or C onsecut i ve
There are two paths to completing Redeemer’s Teacher Education Program: The Concurrent Program enables you to integrate two degrees into five years of study. Along with the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree you are earning at Redeemer, you will take the education courses and practica necessary to also earn a Bachelor of Education. The Consecutive Program is a three-semester program open to students who have already completed a Bachelor’s degree at an accredited university.
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P ro g ra m H i g h l i g h ts • Attend numerous seminars and workshops presented by engaging •
professionals and experienced educators Develop a broad perspective on teaching in Ontario’s diverse schools by volunteering in our Reading Assistance Program/Literacy Enhancement Placement (RAP/LEP) program or by choosing a practicum in an inner-city, rural, international, First Nations, or private school Utilize our Teacher Education Resource Centre which contains curriculum documents, teaching materials, children’s literature and a range of educational software
Gra d e D i v i s i on
Redeemer’s Bachelor of Education Program will prepare you to teach at the Primary/Junior Level (Kindergarten through Grade 6) or at the Junior/ Intermediate Level (Grades 4 through 10). If you wish to teach at the Junior/Intermediate level, you must have at least six semester-long courses in one of the following teaching subjects:
• • • • • •
Dramatic Arts English French as a Second Language Geography Health & Physical Education History
• • • • • •
Mathematics Music - Instrumental Music - Vocal Religious Education Science - General Visual Arts
lumni stateme n a m e Dora nt Lee Bowald ‘10 occupatio n Teacher w ith the Tham es Valley School Board statement Redeemer pr epared me very well to teach all the different assi gnments I have been fortunat enough to be e given. The ex tra opportunit ies offered by Redeemer ou tside of clas ses and practi ca, such as th volunteer MV e P reading pr ogram in area core schools and various ed ucator confer ences held on campus, were an integral pa rt of my form ation as an ef fective - an employed - te d acher.
B ac h elor of sc i ence For a complete description of all academic programs, visit the Academic Calendar, available at
Majors Biology
H e a l t h Sc i e n c e s
C o m p u t e r Sc i e n c e
Mathematics and Physics
C o m p u t e r Sc i e n c e a n d Mathematics
Physical Education: Kinesiology
C o m p u t e r Sc i e n c e a n d P h y s i c s
P h y s i c a l Sc i e n c e s
E n v i r o n m e n t a l S t u d i e s :
Sc i e n c e S t u d i e s
General Science
Science Emphasis
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The Sciences, both teaching and research, are central to Redeemer’s mission. More than just the study of facts, figures, processes and procedures, they offer the chance to investigate God’s creation. Small class sizes, modern, well-equipped labs and the opportunity to work alongside faculty are just some of the advantages of studying science at Redeemer.
research opportunities:
Each summer, a number of Redeemer science students are hired to conduct research work. These are extraordinary opportunities for students, usually in their third or fourth year of studies, to work closely with faculty on original work that is often published in academic journals. Most of the research is funded by Canada’s Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) through the prestigious Undergraduate Student Research Awards.
n h Dr. Kevin Vander Muele triona Watt is working wit of use g kin ma is e In one of the projects, Ca Sh phs.” the “Edge ideals of Gra ebra to conduct research on theory, to explore the alg ph gra and a ebr alg ct tra abs in rk the wo of rse use her cou rk has made types of graphs. Her wo associated with certain graphs. spirograph-like circulant
Save the Date
For students interested in Engineering, Redeemer also has arrangements with Dordt College (Sioux Center, IA) and McMaster University (Hamilton, ON). Students enrolled in this program complete their first year of studies at Redeemer and then transfer directly into the engineering programs at these schools.
Career events
This Fall, Redeem er will be hosting Career Events for students who ha ve a particular inter est in Mathematic s (Thursday, Novemb er 1) and Science s (Tuesday, Novemb er 13). Visit www.redeem for more informatio n and to register .
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / calen d ar
Bachelor of science
program options
B i o l o g y Honour Major, Four-year Major, General Major; Minor Pre-Medicine/Pre-Dental/Pre-Nursing Program S c i e n c e S t u d i e s Group Major; Group Minor
General Science Major
Learn to appreciate the complexity of life through practical lab training, discuss what it means to practice sound environmental stewardship, and see how your faith is interwoven through, and strengthened by, your studies.
Program Highlights • Gain valuable skills through on-campus employment as an assistant lab • •
technician, biology tutor, or summer science camp leader Study in our fully-equipped labs, the Whaley Teaching Garden, the Rooftop Greenhouse, or the Natural Regeneration Site Pursue off-campus studies at the Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies in Michigan, Washington or India, or travel to Belize or New Zealand with the Creation Care Studies Program
C o u r s e s i n c l u d e : Genetics; Ecology; Cell Biology; Microbiology; Plant Physiology; Forensic Biology; Survey of the Animal Kingdom; Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology; Neurobiology; Endocrinology, and more. C a r e e r s : Your studies in biology will provide an excellent foundation for entry into medical, nursing, dental or veterinary school. In addition, biology graduates have gone on to careers as university professors, researchers, conservation biologists, environmental consultants and lab technicians.
b 36
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l o i
y g o
bachelor of science
program options
c h e m i s t r y General Major; Minor c h e m i s t r y a n d P h y s i c s Four-year Major, General Major; Minor S c i e n c e S t u d i e s Group Major; Minor Chemistry explores the intricacies and structures of the physical universe, giving you a window to the marvelous beauty and order inherent in God’s creation. You will also discover the many practical applications of chemistry, and explore how it is essential in dealing with the many environmental problems facing society.
Program Highlights • Participate in NSERC Summer Research projects • Pursue summer co-op opportunities • Take environmental chemistry at the Au Sable Institute of Environmental •
Studies in the Great Lakes Forest of Northern Michigan Utilize our well-equipped labs and instruments for analyses (Spectrometers - Atomic Absorption, UV/Visible, Infrared; Gas Chromatograph, Ion Selective Electrodes)
C o u r s e s i n c l u d e : General Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Biochemistry; Physical Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry, and more. C a r e e r s : Among those who graduated with degrees in chemistry, there are now doctors, teachers, lab technicians, and environmental consultants. Graduates have also pursued further studies in chemistry, medicine, research, education, and technology-related fields.
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / c h e m i stry
Bachelor of science
Computer Science
program options Computer Computer Computer b u s i n e ss
S c i e n c e General Major; Minor S c i e n c e & M a t h Combined Four-year Major, Combined General Major S c i e n c e & p h y s i cs Combined General Major & C o m p u t i n g General Major (BA)
Redeemer’s engaging computer science programs will give you the tools and knowledge to be fluent in this rapidly evolving field. You can choose to study computer science as a stand-alone major, or combine your studies with physics, mathematics, or business.
Program Highlights • Take advantage of the dedicated computer science work centre, • • •
including the new robotics laboratory Learn to develop computer applications for business, government, individuals and charities Participate in opportunities for technical service projects Become a teaching assistant
C o u r s e s i n c l u d e : Programming in Python and Java; Web and Database Programming; Data Structures and Algorithms; Computer Organization and Assembly; Computer Networks; Issues in Computer Science, and more. C a r e e r s : Computer science alumni have gone on to work in industry as software developers, technical writers and information systems analysts. Others have entered the field of education or gone on to further studies in graduate school.
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / co m putersc i ence
bachelor of science
Environmental Studies
program options
E n v i r o n m e n t a l S t u d i es E n v i r o n m e n t a l S t u d i es
Four-year Major - BSc (Science Emphasis) General Major - BSc (Science Emphasis) or BA
E n v i r o n m e n t a l S t u d i es
Minor - BSc (Science Emphasis) or BA
(Humanities Emphasis) (Humanities Emphasis)
Environmental Studies gives you the opportunity to understand and respond to our world’s condition, to grow in your calling as a steward of God’s creation and to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to make informed decisions in order to initiate change. `
enviro nme studie ntal s
Program Highlights • Get hands-on experience at our on-campus Natural Regeneration Site or • • •
participate in NSERC Summer Research alongside your professors Broaden your experience by pursuing off-campus studies at Au Sable in Michigan, Washington or Costa Rica or at the Creation Care Study Program in Belgium or New Zealand Explore environmental issues in our fully equipped laboratories, the Whaley Teaching Garden or our Rooftop Greenhouse Join the Green Team, a club for students passionate about the environment
C o u r s e s i n c l u d e : Literature and the Environment; Environment and Society; Population, Food and Sustainability; Environmental Impact Assessment; Ecology, and more. C a r e e r s : Students have gone on to graduate studies in Environmental Studies and in Urban Planning. Others have gained employment in fields as diverse as outdoor education, waste management and environmental consulting.
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Bachelor of science
Health Sciences
program options Health Sciences
Honours Major
Redeemer’s Health Sciences program is designed to provide a solid academic foundation and applied knowledge to help you serve others in health care and health/wellness-related industries. The degree program will be a multidisciplinary study of health, wellness, and disease in human communities. Courses in the program will span the biological, environmental, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of health. Incorporating a Christian perspective, students will adopt a holistic approach to health and wellness, and it is this perspective and approach that makes the Honours BSc in Health Sciences program at Redeemer unique.
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / h ealt h sc i ences
professor sta tement n a m e Dr. H eather Stron g ‘02, Assista nt Professor Health Scien of ces statement The new Bac helor of Scien Sciences is an ce in Health exciting new direction for am looking fo Redeemer. rward to bein I g an integral pa rt of extendin Redeemer’s g mission of inte grating Chris tian faith wit exceptional sc h holarship to th e area of Hea lth Sciences.
Program Highlights • Take courses in Environmental Health and related topics at the Au Sable • •
Institute of Environmental Studies in Puget Sound, Washington Participate in an internship in either an applied or research setting connected to health and well-being Network and interact with professionals in the field of health sciences as you learn to apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired in the classrooms and labs
C o u r s e s i n c l u d e : Principles of Epidemiology; Inquiry of Issues in Health; Biomedical Ethics; Environmental Health, and more. C a r e e r s : You will graduate ready to capitalize on a variety of career opportunities, such as healthcare administration, health education and promotion with government health agencies, health research at community, provincial, or national levels, positions in hospitals and clinics, and work in non-profit organizations devoted to the betterment of health and serving others. This is a high growth industry, and Redeemer is poised to help equip students to serve their communities in meeting this demand.
health scienc es w w w . re d ee m er . ca / h ealt h sc i ences
Bachelor of science
program options Kinesiology
Honours Major
Redeemer’s Kinesiology program will challenge you to understand human movement and its relationship to sport, health, and mobility. With a strong foundation in biological science, the Kinesiology major combines exploration of nutrition, biomechanics, and physiology.
Program Highlights • Work with organizations that provide help to those with special needs • • •
through motor rehabilitation support and fitness leadership Learn in our fully-equipped metabolic, neuromuscular, biomechanical, developmental and psychomotor labs Completion of this program prepares students for Ontario Kinesiology Association (OKA) certification Enjoy opportunities for coaching, scorekeeping, and convening
C o u r s e s i n c l u d e : Biomechanics; Care and Prevention of Injuries; Assessment of Human Fitness; Anatomy and Physiology; Psychology and Philosophy of Sport; Special Populations; Nutrition, and more. C a r e e r s : A Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology is excellent preparation for a career in medicine, rehabilitation, fitness and wellness, science or law. Redeemer graduates have gone on to work as recreational therapists, kinesiologists, teachers, activation directors and sports ministry coordinators.
Kinesio 42
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / K i nes i olo g y
bachelor of science
program options
M a t h e m a t i c s Honours Major, General Major, Four-year Major; Minor M a t h e m a t i c s & P h y s i c s Honours Major C o mp u t e r S c i e n c e & M a t h e m a t i c s General Major Pre-Engineering Develop strong techniques for solving problems and theorems. More importantly, explore mathematics in the wider context of a world created and sustained by God.
Program Highlights • Participate with faculty in NSERC-funded summer research in linear • •
algebra, graph theory, and simulation of cloud dynamics Work in well-equipped labs with mathematical software Become a Teaching Assistant
C o u r s e s i n c l u d e : Differential and Integral Calculus; Linear Algebra; Multivariable Calculus; Modern Geometry; Abstract Algebra; Graph Theory; Numerical Analysis, and more. C a r e e r s : Work towards becoming a programmer, consultant, computer or financial analyst or teacher. Graduates of the Redeemer mathematics program have gone on to pursue graduate work in geography, theology, weather patterns, and pure mathematics.
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / m at h e m at i cs
Bachelor of science
Physics & Physical Sciences program options
P h y s i c a l S c i e n c e s Four-year Major, General Major; Minor M a t h e m a t i c s a n d P h y s i c s Honours Major, General Major C o mp u t e r S c i e n c e a n d P h y s i c s General Major P h y s i c s Minor Physics is the study of the fundamental properties of matter and energy in the cosmos. As a Physics or Physical Sciences student, you will be exploring the principles underlying the physical world, all of which point to the complexity of God’s creation.
Program Highlights • Participate with faculty in NSERC-funded summer research in • • •
simulation of cloud dynamics and turbulence Engage in assistant teaching for elementary and secondary school interactive programs Pursue summer co-op opportunities Become a lab teacher’s assistant
C o u r s e s i n c l u d e : Newtonian Mechanics; Electricity and Magnetism; Thermodynamics; Fluid Mechanics; Numerical Analysis, and more. C a r e e r s : Our alumni have gone on to pursue graduate studies and conduct advanced research in areas such as meteorology and private sector industrial research. Other research and academic career opportunities are available in other physics, math, and computer science-related fields.
Phys ics 44
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A+ Dest i nat i on
When planning a trip, it is always good to read a couple of guides about the place you are visiting. In October 2011 The Globe and Mail published its annual Canadian University Report, a survey of student satisfaction. Based on the results, Redeemer was judged to be Canada’s most nurturing and supportive university. The distinction was earned through the excellent scores that Redeemer students gave their university across a series of categories:
Gra d e
C r i ter i a osphere*
Campus atm
Student reside Class sizes*
hing and lear
Quality of teac
Building and
Work/Play B
aching Style*
Instructors’ Te
d students*
Most satisfie
Gra d e
C r i ter i a
City Satisfact
ra Career Prepa
or Research Opp
ns Academic Cou
Course Regis
Reputation w
Recreation &
Information Te
eling* t
l Commitmen
tration* s
ith Employer Athletics chnology
B+ B+ B+
. this category criterion for at th in t, es d for high highest, or tie ore that was sc a es at ic *Ind
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / a - plus
co-op an d e x per i ent i al learn i n g Co-op education allows students to integrate their classroom learning with onthe-job work experience. At Redeemer, co-op students complete one or two work placements, ranging in length from 4-8 months, in a field relevant to their course of study.
C o - op B enef i ts • • • • •
Earn while you learn! Co-op students normally earn a salary during their work placement Accounting students may also be able to earn credit towards their CA designation Develop your skills with practical, hands-on experience Get a fresh perspective on your field of interest Make industry contacts for your future career
R e d ee m er offers co - op pro g ra m s i n : • • • • • • •
Accounting Marketing General Management Computer Science Natural Sciences Mathematics Theatre
For more information about the program please visit
E x per i ent i al L earn i n g O pportun i t i es
internships 46
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There are a number of other ways that you can integrate “in-the-class” learning and “in-the-field” work experiences. Internships and volunteer opportunities are great ways for you to experience and explore what is available in your field.
stu d i es
Where around the world do you want to go? Redeemer allows you to study at universities and organizations across the globe, all while fulfilling your academic requirements.
T ravel to : • Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies in locales such as Northern • • • • • • •
Michigan, the Florida Everglades, Washington’s Pacific Rim and South India. SPIN, in Nicaragua, in cooperation with the Nehemiah Center The Canada Institute of Linguistics in Vancouver Creation Care Studies in Belize or New Zealand The SPICE Program in the Netherlands The Laurentian Leadership Centre in Ottawa Oxford University in England The Sorbonne in Paris
G h ana – S tu d ents for Develop m ent The Government of Canada has provided grant funding for students to spend a semester in Ghana. While there, you will be working to develop and teach a literacy and business skills program for local market women. All travel expenses, accommodations, food and transportation costs are funded by the grant.
C C C U B est S e m ester
The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) BestSemester Program offers you a truly global educational experience. Some of the programs include study in Washington, DC, Los Angeles, China, the Middle East, Australia, Latin America and beyond. For more information on these and other programs, go to Find out more at
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dd r e s s A ! w e Y o ur n
LIVE at the heart of our vibrant Christian community—close to classrooms, academic resources, student events, athletic facilities, and the Recreation Centre. Living on campus will provide you with some of the most memorable experiences you will ever have as a Redeemer student, and your housemates will become some of your closest (and lifelong) friends. Redeemer students live in one of 43 two-storey townhouses or in Augustine Hall, a three-storey apartment complex on our safe and secure campus. Both facilities feature free WiFi access, parking and air conditioning, and come completely furnished with kitchen appliances, and all the furnishings you need to make your stay here pleasant and amenable to good study practices. Learn more at PoRCH
couches lIVINg RooM
dining table
to w n h ouse floor plan g roun d floor
to w n h ouse floor plan secon d floor
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / res i d ences
Year 1 & 2 students under 20 years of age are guaranteed a place in residence if housing applications are received by April 30.
n a m e Nicole Talsma ‘13
student statement
s t a t e m e n t Living on-campus for my first two years of
university is one choice that I will never regret! What
an opportunity it was to experience Redeemer’s warm and
welcoming community through unforgettable dorm dinners,
spontaneous game and movie nights, and weekly dorm
devotions. I was also able to form lasting friendships with
many of the members of my first-year dorm, three of
whom I am still living with now, in my fourth year!
DINING ON CAMPUS Whether you are planning a great dinner for your residence, looking for a light snack, or hoping to relax with friends over lunch, Redeemer offers fresh and flexible options to suit your tastes. The Market (Redeemer’s grocery store) Our on-campus grocery store features a wide selection of groceries, including local produce, chef-prepared meals and an ever-expanding selection for those with special dietary needs. Williams Fresh Cafe Williams offers gourmet coffees and teas, muffins, cookies and pastries. reFresh (Redeemer’s food court) The best on-campus meals anywhere are offered daily at reFresh. Hot entrées, pizza and waffle bar, soup, made-to-order deli sandwiches and salads, hot-off-the-grill hamburgers, poutine and chicken are all on the menu.
MEAL PLAN If you live on campus, you will buy and cook your food together with the others in your residence. Students from each residence shop at The Market, Redeemer’s on-campus grocery store, paying for the food with their residence card. Students then take turns cooking meals. Not a cook? Don’t worry -- Food Services offers cooking demonstrations, classes and nutritional sessions, or learn from your Resident Advisor or housemates. Redeemer offers a series of meal plans, each designed to fit your needs. All students in residence also enjoy a weekly Communal Meal and Midnight Breakfast during exams.
R / U C E x press As part of your meal plan, dining dollars are loaded on your R/UC Express card which can be used to purchase items at reFresh, Williams, and The Market. The amount on your R/UC Express card will vary depending on which meal plan you select. Off-campus students can take advantage of Redeemer’s great menu options by using the Convenience Cash option on your R/UC Express.
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vities i t c a student
an d serv i ces
At Redeemer, we believe in educating the whole person. This means that your university experience will be more than just books and classes. Amazing events, dorm activities, trips and student clubs supplement your academic learning. Find out more at
We believe that receiving a warm welcome, feeling a sense of belonging, and contributing to your new community are the first steps towards success at Redeemer University College. Through the LAUNCH Orientation program, we provide you with some of these opportunities. Check out for more details.
Get Involve d - Ma k e a D i fference
Help shape the Redeemer experience for yourself and others by participating in, organizing or leading various events. Every September, Redeemer hosts Club Showcase, an opportunity to get information about all the different clubs and activities - a perfect way to discover how you can become involved!
L A U N C H O ly m p i cs
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / launc h
M i n i stry an d Wors h i p
Living out your faith at university does not fit into neat and tidy boxes. When you ask a Redeemer graduate how his or her faith deepened during their time at Redeemer, you will hear stories about campus worship, late night conversations, mission trips, classroom discussions, leadership opportunities, or dozens of other possible memories.
At Redeemer, you will alw ays find the support you nee d to help you academically, personally, and spiritually . Our amazing Student Life staff are the tour guides tha provide services for interna t tional, mature and commu ter students. Some of the services offered by Studen t Life guides include: The Academic Support Pro gram - to help you thrive aca demically, through seminars, workshops, tuto ring services and other act ivities The Writing Centre – providi ng you with a writing special ist and trained tutors Health and Counselling Ser vices – to provide access to counselling for the different issues you may fac e along your journey Disability Services – to hel p students with identifiable challenges reach their full academic potential Career Counselling – to hel p you discover your gifts and prepare for your vocation ISAAC (International Studen t Acculturation Advisory Clu b) – to help international students inte grate into the Redeemer com munity and adapt to a new country. Safety and Security Team
– to ensure that the campus
is a safe and secure place To find out more about the se and other services for stu dents, check out dentservices.
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i t e l h at
Get ready for an amazing and challenging varsity experience! The Redeemer Royals compete in the CCAA (Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association) against some of the top colleges in the country. The Royals compete in league play in the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) West Division, and their exhibition and tournament schedules have included trips to B.C., the East Coast, San Diego, Ottawa, and New York. Redeemer’s athletic history is filled with Hall of Fame inductees, All-Canadians, and medal winners. From our humble beginnings we have built a medal-winning tradition and want to see you become a part of it.
R ecent P rov i nc i al Me d al H i story • Volleyball: 2 medals in the past 3 years • Cross Country: 9 medals in 14 years • Badminton: 2 medals since its reintroduction 3 years ago • Soccer: 1 medal (Provincial Gold) in past 5 years For more information about each of our varsity teams, their program goals, recent achievements, and where each team is headed, visit or request a Varsity Program Brochure by emailing
w w w . re d ee m erroyals . ca
R oyal R ecru i t E vents
Not only are we looking for elite athletes, we are looking for athletes with high moral character and great leadership abilities. Royal Recruit Events are your opportunity to learn more about our varsity teams. Fill out the ‘Become a Royal’ form online at, and you may be invited to meet with the coaches, train with the team, and potentially compete for an Athletic Scholarship.
A t h let i c S c h olars h i ps
Redeemer recognizes and celebrates athletic ability for its contribution to the varsity teams and to the entire campus. To attract elite athletes with Christian values and a strong desire to pursue the highest level of excellence in their sport, the Athletic Department offers a number of scholarships, including five awards for incoming first-year students. For more information about the Redeemer Athletic Scholarships visit
V ars i ty T • Volleyball ea m s • Basketbal • Soccer l • Indoor So • Badmintonccer • Cross-Countr y
w w w . re d ee m erroyals . ca
i ence T h e U lt i m ate F an E x per erience and become a Loyal Be a part of the ultimate fan exp er bership program for Redeem Royal! This is an opt-in mem like g swa h Wit als. Roy ir the t students and fans to suppor uzelas, you will be sure to fit t-shirts, bags, scarves, and vuv loudest) fan bases in the right in with one of the best (and province!
“ W h atever you d o … ”
Being an athlete, coach, or fan at Redeemer means so much more than just who wins the competition. With an emphasis on Respect, Redeemer is focused on being the leader across the province when it comes to fair play, good sportsmanship, and respect for others as we strive to live counterculturally. At Redeemer you will see athletes wearing Respect bracelets, fans with Respect logos on their t-shirts, Respect banners in the gymnasium, and an atmosphere of caring for others across the campus. “Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord.” - Colossians 3:23
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C a m pus R ecreat i on
There are so many ways you can get involved in sports and activities at Redeemer. If you are interested in playing or staying active at a less competitive level or even just for fun, Redeemer has an extensive Campus Recreation program. You can represent Redeemer on one of our many extramural teams (including hockey), or just play for the fun of it with friends on an intramural team. Whatever your interests, there is always something going on for you to get involved in. If you have any questions about Campus Recreation, email our Campus Recreation Coordinator at
C a m pus R ecreat i on A ct i v i t i es
Intramural activities include sports and activities such as indoor soccer, dodgeball, ball hockey, beach volleyball, basketball, and European handball. One of the great things about Redeemer is that you will likely find others who share your interests. Redeemer’s Student Life Department, and Student Senate sponsors clubs for students interested in activities as varied as Tae Kwon Do, outdoor activities, ballroom dance and free-run/tricking.
S tay A ct i ve
OK, so not everyone is a varsity athlete, however, there is a wide range of athletic and recreational opportunities for all students at Redeemer. Being active is fun and a great way to stay balanced as you study. From pick-up games to intramurals and extramurals, you will find all sorts of ways to connect with other students and stay active. Being involved will help you develop a healthy lifestyle that includes opportunities for leadership, service and character building.
w w w . re d ee m erroyals . ca
es i t i l i fac
Redeemer’s Athletic Centre
is fully equipped with treadmills, elliptical machines, stationary bikes, and free weights. The Centre has two full-size squash courts, lighted tennis courts, a gymnasium, as well as outdoor basketball and beach volleyball courts.
The Redeemer Sports Complex
opened its world-class soccer facilities last Fall. The Complex includes two artificial turf fields, each with lights and bleachers, and a fieldhouse with change rooms, washrooms, offices, and concessions. The stadium field is covered with an inflatable dome for use all year long. Students enjoy access to all of Redeemer’s athletic facilities for free!
w w w . re d ee m erroyals . ca
he t w o foll Links Website: www.Redeem Facebook: www.facebo RedeemerRoyals Twitter: m/RedeemerRoyals #RUCRoyals & #Whatev eryoudo Youtube: www.youtub Royals - check out the videos: What it means to be a Royal, 2012 Varsi ty Highlights, and Best Fans in the Provin ce!
w w w . re d ee m erroyals . ca
rt passpo
e d ee m er R to g n i A pply Begin your trip at and submit your online application now. Check the list below for deadlines and to ensure that you have all the necessary pieces for your application.
A ppl i cat i on C h ec k l i st :
Online Application – $40 Fee (waived if your application is received by January 31) Personal Recommendation Official Transcript(s)
Home-Schooled Students additional requirements:
Learning Portfolio ACT or SAT scores
U.S. Students additional requirements
ACT or SAT scores
International Students additional requirements Specific Admissions Requirements on the next fold-out pages.
ACT or SAT scores (if applicable) TOEFL (if applicable)
F all T er m A d m i ss i ons Dea d l i nes : January 31 February 15 March 31 April 30 April 30 June 15
Last date for $40 application fee waiver Leadership and Entrance Athletic Scholarship Financial Aid Application Residence Application Notice of Acceptance & Enrollment Deposit Enrollment deposit becomes non-refundable
W i nter T er m A d m i ss i ons Dea d l i nes November 30 November 30 November 30 November 30 December 15
Application deadline Financial Aid Application Residence Application Notice of Acceptance & Enrollment Deposit Enrollment deposit becomes non-refundable
w w w . re d ee m er . ca / apply
If you are interested in p a specific program, th ursuing ere may be additional c ourses requ ired. listed below are for Gr The ones ade 12/4U university p reparatory courses.
irements u q e r admission
ENG4U 5 additional 4U/M courses 65% average in the above 6 courses
1 year General CÉGEP Provincial Examination Grades
Other Provinces
Average of 65% in 5 or 6 senior level courses Meet provincial requirements for university acceptance
Home-Schooled or ACE Programs
Composite score of 20 on ACT or 940 on SAT (critical reading and math) Grade 12 equivalency At least 5 Grade 12 Level subjects, including English Learning Portfolio (download from
R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R S T U D E N T S O U T S I D E c anada United States
Secondary School Diploma Composite score of 20 on ACT or 940 on SAT (critical reading and math)
British System of Education
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Average of “C” on 5 subjects in both “O” and “A” levels
Meet country requirements for university acceptance English Proficiency Requirements Visit for more information
Q uestions ?
Contact Recruitment at any time. We would be happy to answer any questions you have.
EDUCATION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Bachelor of Education Concurrent Program
Apply after 1 full-time year at Redeemer Minimum GPA of 6.5 on a 12.0 scale EDU 021 - Classroom Observation
Bachelor of Education Consecutive Program
Separate application requirements (See Requires a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university
Biology Chemistry Calculus and Vectors
Advanced Functions (recommended) Mathematics of Data Management (recommended)
Chemistry Calculus and Vectors Physics (recommended)
computer science
Calculus and Vectors
21 years of age before end of academic year Have not attended school on a full-time basis for at least two years Demonstrate potential for academic success through letters of reference, college entrance test scores and/or transcripts for any secondary school work
French (recommended)
environmental studies
Biology (science emphasis option) Chemistry (four-year science major only)
Transfer credits may be granted for liberal arts and science courses Students with fewer than eight four-month courses at a postsecondary institution are considered based on high school and college/university grades
health sciences
Biology Chemistry Calculus and Vectors
Biology Chemistry (recommended) Advanced Functions (recommended)
Calculus and Vectors Data Management or Geometry (recommended)
Physical Education
Biology (recommended) Physics (recommended)
Calculus and Vectors Physics (recommended)
Transfer Students
Minimum C- (60% or 4.0 on a 12.0 scale) average
Bible Colleges
Minimum B- (70% or 7.0 on a 12.0 scale) average
Colleges of Applied Arts & Technology
Minimum B- (70% or 7.0 on a 12.0 scale) average
Email: Phone: 905.648.2139 x4280 Toll-free: 1.800.263.6467 Fax: 905.648.9545 Address: 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada L9K 1J4
w w w . redeemer . c a / appl y
Where Else Can you Find Help?
financing y our edu c ation As you have seen throughout this Passport, Redeemer is a great place to study for your degree. With 46 majors to choose from, small classes with opportunities to interact with faculty and students from more than 50 denominations, this is an environment that is committed to equipping you for a successful future. To make your Redeemer education affordable, we provide a range of scholarships, bursaries and on-campus employment opportunities. For example, if you have a 77% average or higher, you will automatically be awarded at least $1300 in entrance scholarship money. In addition to these resources, Redeemer students qualify for federal and provincial loans, including OSAP, and external funding.
H o w R edeemer Can H elp Redeemer offers several programs to help reduce your costs and make a Christian university education accessible: • Scholarships are awarded to students based on academic achievement, athletics, volunteer service or leadership gifts • Bursaries are based on financial need and do not require repayment • On-Campus Employment gives students the chance to earn while you learn • The Redeemer Student Fund Loan is also based on financial need, and 20% of the loan is forgiven for each academic year you complete
Redeemer students do qualify for the government student financial aid programs in Canada (including OSAP) and the U.S. As well, some employers, churches, community organizations, and businesses offer scholarships or bursaries to students pursuing post-secondary education.
Automatic Entrance Scholarships All students are automatically considered for entrance scholarships based on the average of their best six Grade 12 university preparation courses in their two most recent terms of study. Value of Automatic Entrance Scholarships Board of Governors (90%+): $3,600 Presidential (85-89.9%): $2,600 Honours (80-84.9%): $1,800 Merit (77-79.9%): $1,300 Academic Achievement Scholarships $2,500 each, renewable up to 4 years In addition to the Entrance Scholarships, Redeemer awards 10 students with high grades who have a completed application for admission submitted to Redeemer by March 31. Leadership Scholarships Applications for Redeemer Leadership Scholarships (20 available at $2,000) and SunLight Foundation Leadership Scholarship (3 available at $2,500) are due by February 15.
So What Are The Costs? Tuition
Full-time tuition................. $14,290 for the 2012-2013 academic year
Residence & Food Plan
Residence........................... $4,392 Food Plans Available: Bronze.................................$2,040 Silver...................................$2,240 Gold.....................................$2,440
Other Expenses:
Student Fees...................... $505 (full-time) Textbooks and Supplies*... $1,000 (approximately) *depending on your program
N e x t S teps and S c enarios Redeemer will work alongside you and your family to help you identify all possible resources for financing your education. The best place to start is, where you will find all the information you need to help you with this decision. You will also find real examples of how some 2011-12 students financed their education. These are real students (we changed their names), and their scenarios are typical. Learn how: • Rebecca, a student from Ontario, received $21,031 in financial aid • Neil, from New York, obtained more than $17,500 in loans and grants • Micah paid less than $3,900 in out-of-pocket expenses and • Elizabeth, from BC, was able to earn more than $6,000 in scholarships alone We look forward to showing you just how truly affordable a Redeemer education is!
s Advantage le Tax Credit ts are eligib en ym ition pa ch hi w s, In Canada, tu it ed ndable tax cr ble. for non-refu me tax paya co in er w lo to ed us be can e tuition, the The higher th x credit. larger your ta portion can Any unused ied forward rr either be ca s, or to future year parents— to d re er transf up to d which can ad ngs! vi sa nt significa
n a m e Jenna Bos, ‘13
ment student state
s t a t e m e n t Since my very first year at Redeemer, I’ve been blessed to receive financial aid through loans,
scholarships and on-campus employment, allowing me to stay in a place where I am growing both as an artist and as a
Christian. I’ve not only been able to receive a university education in a faith-based institution, but have been deeply
impacted by the continuous encouragement and support of the wider Redeemer community.
w w w . redeemer . c a / finan c ing
soo u o y see
n! So how are you enjoying your trip so far? We hope that this passport has given you lots to think about, and that you are ready to take the next step on this grand adventure! Next stop: Come visit our campus - whether as part of a scheduled visit event, or your own personalized tour - campus visits are a great way to experience what Redeemer is all about. On pages 4 and 5 you will find more information on how to sign up for these events.
In the meantime, contact us if you have any questions about anything that you’ve read. Connect with us through social media, or chat with one of our University Reps at your school or church. Or, visit the Redeemer booth at one of the many college/university fairs that we will be attending this year. Blessings as you continue towards making Redeemer University College your destination of choice for your undergraduate degree!
doriel moulton
Associate Vice President Marketing and Recruitment
WeB: emAil: Phone: 905.648.2139 x4280 toll-Free: 1.800.263.6467 /redeemer
tWitter /redeemerUC
youtuBe /redeemerUC
PleAse contAct me And send inFormAtion to: (PleAse Print cleArly)
Male Female
Cell Phone: Home Phone:
Email: Home Address:
City/Town: Province/State: I am a: Student
Postal/Zip Code:
Parent Guidance Counsellor
Pastor/Youth Leader Other Current high school: I am in grade: 12
11 10 9
Program of interest: Please check the co-curricular activities that interest you:
Athletics & Recreation Arts & Culture Service and Leadership The church I attend is:
B a c h e lor of a rts Art Business english environmentAl studies French history humAnities internAtionAl studies music PhilosoPhy PhysicAl educAtion PoliticAl science Psychology religion And theology sociAl studies sociology sociology – sociAl Work sociAl Work theAtre Arts
B a c h e l o r o f e d u c at i o n concurrent ProgrAm consecutive ProgrAm
Bachelor of science Biology chemistry comPuter science comPuter science And mAthemAtics comPuter science And Physics environmentAl studies heAlth sciences horticulture mAthemAtics mAthemAtics And Physics PhysicAl educAtion kinesiology PhysicAl sciences science studies
777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4 T. 905.648.2139 x4280 | 1.800.263.6467