2023-2024 Catholic Update Catalog and Order Form

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2023–2024 800-325-9521 Liguori.org Catholic UPDATE 1973 2023

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• Spiritual growth

• Family life

• Catholic social teaching

• Catholic basics

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Catholic UPDATE 1973 2023 1973 REDEMPTORIST MINISTRY. LIGUORI, MO PHOTOCOPYING PROHIBITED. Liturgical Music Sing Well, Pray Twice Orin JOhnsOn

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To help you better educate and inspire parishioners, Catholic Update can:

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C1906A C2008A C1904A C2011A C1706S


C1712A Advent and Christmas Signs and Symbols: A Creation of Believers

C2011A Advent Day by Day: A Mission To Rejoice In Possibilities

C0911A Advent Day by Day: A Season of Surprises

C2111A Advent Longing: Day by Day Reflections

C1411A Advent Pilgrims: A Day-by-Day Walk

C9111A Celebrating Advent in Your Home

C1312B Christmas Crèche: A Franciscan Tradition

C8912A Christmas Watch: What Are We Waiting For?

C1511A Encounter Divine Mercy: Advent Reflections With St. Faustina

C1611A The Gift of Advent: Daily Reflections for Waiting

C1811A God Is with Us Already and Not Yet: Daily Advent Reflections

C0112A Holy Day vs. Holiday: Making Christmas Less Commercial

C2012A The Holy Family

C0212A The Incarnation: Why God Wanted to Become Human

C0101A Jesus Christ: Why the Word Became Flesh

C1911A The Joy of Advent: Grace Through Waiting

C1711A The Light of Advent: A Season of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy

C1111B St. Nicholas: The Original Santa Claus

C1812A The Origin of Christmas Traditions: A Window to Our Faith

C2112A Twelve Days of Christmas with Thomas Merton


C0704A Acts of the Apostles

C0705A Adam, Eve, and Original Sin

C9112A The Beatitudes: Finding Where Your Treasure Is

C0902A The Bible and Prayer: Themes From the Synod

C1406A Celebrating God’s Word: How Catholics Read the Bible

C1803A Choosing and Using a Bible: Pray, Study, and Discern

C0312A Finding the Heart of Jesus’ Life: Looking at Jesus in the Gospels

C8911A Finding Your Way Through the Old Testament

C1305A Four Faces of Jesus

C8305A How the Gospels Were Written

C0106A How the Spirit Guides the Church: Two Views in Matthew and John

C9403A How to Read the Resurrection Narratives

C8203A How to Understand the Bible: Examining the Tools of Today’s Scripture Scholars

C0502A In the Desert With Jesus: Biblical Themes of Lent

C0807A Introducing St. Paul the Apostle: His Life and His Mission

C1206A Jesus’ ‘Mighty Deeds’ of Healing in Mark’s Gospel

C9010A The Lectionary: Heart of the Bible

C1104A The Lord’s Supper: Ancient Story, New Beginning

C9612A Our Father: The Prayer Jesus Taught Us

C8412A A Popular Guide to Reading the Bible

C1306A Scripture and Tradition: Revealing God’s Plan

C0605A St. Mary Magdalene: Redeeming Her Gospel Reputation

C8904A The Whole Bible at a Glance: Its ‘Golden Thread’ of Meaning

C2202A What Did Jesus Mean? Unpacking the Bible


C1106A The Abundance of God and Our Christian Response

C1912A Angels: Servants of God, Guardians of the Faithful

C9511S El Año Litúrgico: Como los cristianos celebran el tiempo

C9112A The Beatitudes: Finding Where Your Treasure Is

C1406A Celebrating God’s Word: How Catholics Read the Bible

C0001A The Christian Family Tree: Celebrating Jesus Together

C0710A Creationism: What’s a Catholic to Do?

C0909A The Creed: Gateway to Grace

C9005S El Desafío Fundamentalista: Sugerencias para una respuesta católica

C0604S ‘Dios Es Amor’: Resumen de la primera encíclica del Papa Benedicto XVI

C8808A Eight Good Reasons for Being Catholic

C1003A Evolution and the Catholic Church: Are They in Conflict?

C0604A ‘God Is Love‘: Pope Benedict’s First Encyclical in Condensed Form

C1704A God’s Gift to Us: Amoris Laetitia and Theology of the Body

C1512A Holy Year of Mercy: Time of Grace and Conversion

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C0010A How Catholics Understand Grace

C8710A How God Invites Us to Grow: Six Stages of Faith Development

C0106A How the Spirit Guides the Church: Two Views in Matthew and John

C0212A The Incarnation: Why God Wanted to Become Human

C8803A Infallibility and Church Authority: The Spirit’s Gift to the Whole Church

C0504A Islam: What Catholics Should Know

C0101A Jesus Christ: Why the Word Became Flesh

C1405A The Joy of Being Catholic

C9305A The ‘Last Things’: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell

C1801A Lighting the Way to Interfaith Peace

C9511A The Liturgical Year: How Christians Celebrate Time

C1012A The Liturgical Year: Simple Facts, Deep Truths

C1205A The Nicene Creed: What We Believe

C0409A Nine Things That Make Us Catholic

C9802A Opening the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

C1304A ‘Peace on Earth’: God’s Dream, Our Task

C1303B Pope Francis Commemorative Special Edition

C1710A The Reformation: Five Hundred Years Later, Continuing the Conversation

C1110A Sabbath Moments in a Busy World

C9307A The Sacramentals: Embracing God Through Creation

C1302B Sacramentals: A Treasury of Catholic Tradition

C1806A Sacred Symbols: An Invitation to Prayer

C1410A Saintly Sinners: Flawed but Faithful, Models of Holiness

C1306A Scripture and Tradition: Revealing God’s Plan

C1301A Ten Achievements of Vatican II

C8909A The Ten Commandments: Sounds of Love From Sinai

C8706A Ten Peak Moments of Church History

C9804A Ten Reasons to Be Catholic

C1208B Thanksgiving: It’s What We Do All Year

C9103A A Tour of a Catholic Church

C0509A Treasures of Vatican II: Our Compass for the Future

C1906A The Trinity: Exploring the Mystery Through Rublev’s Icon

C8807A The Trinity: Mystery at the Heart of Life

C1209A The Universal Call to Holiness: Empowering the Laity

C9303A Vatican II: The Vision Lives On! Thirty Years After the Council

C0503A We Believe in the Resurrection

C0601A What All Catholics Should Know About Eastern Catholic Churches

C8505A What Does It Mean to ‘Be Church’?

C8009A What Is ‘the Kingdom of God’?

C0708A What It Means to Be Catholic: Satisfying 12 Human Needs

C8612A What It Means to Be ‘Saved’

C9506A Who Is the Holy Spirit?

C8509A Who Is Jesus?

C1004A The Works of Mercy: Heart of Catholic Identity

C9501A The Death Penalty: Why the Church Speaks a Countercultural Message

C1804A Discovering God’s Message in Creation

C1112A ‘Economic Justice for All’: 25th Anniversary, Wisdom for Today

C1407A End-of-Life Moral Issues

C1605A Gospel Values in an Election Year...and Beyond: The Challenge of Discipleship

C9207A How Should We Think About the Poor? A Bishop Reflects

C1901A Human Trafficking: The Catholic Response

C2002A Immigration: Understanding the Catholic Call


C9808A Abortion: What the Church Teaches

C1007A Catholics and Health Care: They Go Together

C2104A Learning to See Through the Eyes of Mercy

C9011A 100-plus Years of Catholic Social Teaching: Guidance for a Troubled World

C1810A Oscar Romero: A Life Marked by Love and Liberation

C1810S Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez: Una vida marcada por el amor y la liberacíon

C1509A Pope Francis and the Environment: Caring for Our Common Home

C1709A Respect for Life and Human Dignity: Essential Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

C0412S El Sida y la etica consistente de la vida

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Catholic Update

C2001A Understanding the Poor: Insight and Action

C2007A Voting With a Catholic Heart

C8610A What Catholics Believe: An Overview of Catholic Teaching

C9907A What the Church Teaches About Homosexuality

C1105A What the Church Teaches About Immigration Policy

C0405A What Is ‘Just War’ Today?

C1208A Why Catholics Care About Religious Liberty

C2109A Why Me? Scriptural Answers to Suffering

C0810A Why Catholics Care for Creation

C9708A Why the Church Opposes Assisted Suicide

C8212A Your Conscience and Church Teaching: How Do They Fit Together?


C1610A Be Converted Anew— and Go Evangelize

C1908A A Catholic Response to Racism: Opening Wide Our Hearts

C9710A Cremation: New Options for Catholics

C1902A Crippled by Fear: Understanding the Scrupulous Mind

C0908A 5 Virtues for Hard Economic Times

C1401A Five Ways to Share Your Faith

C0304A Forgiveness in Our Church Today: Key to Healing

C1409A From Worship to World: Sent Forth as the Body of Christ

C2106A Grace and the Single Life

C9509A ‘The Gospel of Life‘: Pope John Paul II’s Pro-life Encyclical (An Abbreviated Version)

C1310B Halloween: A Season of Saints

C8710A How God Invites Us to Grow: Six Stages of Faith Development

C9208A Human Sexuality: ‘Wonderful Gift’ and ‘Awesome Responsibility’

C1507A Inviting Loved Ones to Rediscover Their Catholic Faith

C1501A Journey Through Grief: Finding Strength in Faith

C1808A The Joy of Sacraments: Reawakening Active Participation in the Faith

C1503A Learning to Forgive: Steps to Reconciliation

C2308A Liturgical Music: Sing Well, Pray Twice New!

C1304A ‘Peace on Earth’: God’s Dream, Our Task

C2309A Sacred Art: Epiphanies of Beauty New!

C0206A Seven Disciplines of Successful Catholics

C1403A Seven Lessons From Pope Francis

C2006A Spiritual Connection in Social Isolation

C0903A Spirituality: What’s Your Style?

C0609A ‘Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope’ in Condensed Form

C1208B Thanksgiving: It’s What We Do All Year

C9701A Understanding Sin Today

C0108A Vocations: How Is God Calling Me?

C1707A We Are Today’s Apostles: An Invitation to Small Faith Communities

C1208A Why Catholics Care About Religious Liberty

C8702A Why Must I Suffer?


C1606A Biblical Wisdom for Marriage: Road Map for a Lifetime of Love

C1508A Bringing Up a Moral Child: Guiding Faith and Behavior

C0406A Bringing Your Marriage Into the Church: Convalidation of Civil Marriages

C2301A Dorothy Day: Servant of God New!

C2206A Evangelization and Dialogue: Building Renewed Relationships

C1207A Faithful Simplicity

C2211A Preparing for Our Final Journey: Life is Changed, Not Ended New!

C1504A Responding to Tragedy With Hope and Love

C2205A Building a Christ Centered Family

C1708A Catholic Education: Excellent and Catholic

C0910A Catholic Schools: I’d Choose Them Again

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C1608A A Catholic Vision for Family Life: Christian Values in a Changing World

C9111A Celebrating Advent in Your Home

C9302A Celebrating Lent in Your Home

C1408A Faith-Sharing in the Family

C9504A First Communion: Joining the Family Table

C0908A 5 Virtues for Hard Economic Times

C1401A Five Ways to Share Your Faith

C1310B Halloween: A Season of Saints

C8209A Helping Our Children Grow in Faith

C1308A How to Raise Kids With Faith

C8506A The How and Why of Natural Family Planning

C9208A Human Sexuality: ‘Wonderful Gift’ and ‘Awesome Responsibility’

C9006A Interchurch Marriages: How to Help Them Succeed

C1507A Inviting Loved Ones to Rediscover Their Catholic Faith

C1510A Living Together Outside of Marriage: Does the Ring Matter?

C7910A Ten Things You Should Discuss Before Marriage

C8010A Why the Church Is Granting More Annulments


C0802A Agony in the Garden: Understanding the Passion of Jesus

C0402A Ash Wednesday: Our Shifting Understanding of Lent

C0901S Cosas Ordinarias: El Significado Sagrado (Día a día a través de la Cuaresma)

C2003A Day by Day Through Lent: A Journey of Love and Redemption

C0901A Day by Day Through Lent: Ordinary Things, Sacred Meaning

C1601A Day by Day Through Lent: A Walk With the Saints

C2103A Easter: God’s Ultimate Christmas Gift

C9102A Lent: A Journey Into the Inner Self

C1210B Lent: A Simple Guide

C9702A Lent: Giving Our Hearts to God

C2203A Lent Day by Day: A Call to Love and Forgiveness

C1903A Lent Day by Day: Living Our Beliefs

C2102A Lent Day By Day: Seeing the Face of God in Others

C0203A Lenten Customs: Journey to Conversion

C2305A Miscarriage: Loss, Grief and Faith New!

C1609A Pope Francis on Love in the Family

C0606A Preparing for Marriage: 10 Tools for the Journey

C9210A Seeing Family Life as Holy, Warts and All

C2204A Easter Joy: Recognizing the Risen Christ

C1904A Easter Redemption: Celebrating the Power of the Resurrection

C1204B Easter Springs to Life

C9403A How to Read the Resurrection Narratives

C0502A In the Desert With Jesus: Biblical Themes of Lent

C1405A The Joy of Being Catholic

CULE40 Lent 40+ Deluxe Set

C9002A Lent: A 40-Day Retreat: Rediscovering Your Baptismal Call

C2302A A Lenten Guide: From Ash Wednesday to Easter New!

C9603A Lenten Stories From John’s Gospel: Baptismal Dramas of Water, Light, and Life

C0602A Letting God In: Daily Meditations for Lent

C1802A Living Out Lent Today

C2004A Mary at the Foot of the Cross: A Role Model for Peace

C0402S Miercoles de Ceniza: La nueva visión de la Cuaresma

C1502A Our Daily Lenten Journey of Grace, Conversion, and Renewal

C9204A Our Holiest Week: A Practical Guide to the Holy Week Liturgies

C1203A The Paschal Mystery: God’s Wonderful Plan

C1302A St. Thérèse’s ‘Little Way’: Our Guide Through Lent

C8802A The Way of the Cross: A Lenten Devotion for Our Times

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Catholic UPDATE 1973 2023 C2305A © 2023 LIGUORI PUBLICATIONS, A REDEMPTORIST MINISTRY. LIGUORI, MO 63057-9999 800-325-9521 LIGUORI.ORG MAY 2023 Miscarriage LOSS, GRIEF, AND FAITH BarBara HugHes

C0503A We Believe in the Resurrection

C1102A Wondrous Encounters: Day by Day Through Lent

C1702A Your Daily Lenten Journey With Fulton Sheen


C0512A The Annunciation: The Angel’s Message to Mary

C2210A Black, Catholic and Holy: On the Path to Sainthood New!

C8711A The Communion of Saints: ‘People Who Need People’

C8711S La Comunión de los Santos: ‘Personas que necesitan a otras’

C1705A Drawing Near to Our Lady Marian Devotions: Their History and Role in Strengthening Our Faith

C2101A The Eccentric Francis of Assisi

C2209A Fulton J Sheen New!

C1809A The Gift of Saints: How and Why the Church Canonizes Them

C0105A In Search of the Real Mary

C0807A Introducing St. Paul the Apostle: His Life and His Mission

C1107A Laughing With the Saints

C2004A Mary at the Foot of the Cross: A Role Model for Peace

C1404A Messengers of God’s Mercy: Saints John XXIII and John Paul II

C1607A Mother Teresa of Calcutta: Saintly Model of Persistence in Faithfulness, Prayer, and Love

C1810A Oscar Romero: A Life Marked by Love and Liberation

C1810S Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez: Una vida marcada por el amor y la liberacíon

C1604A Praying With Icons: Contemplating the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help

C1203B The Real St. Patrick

C0301A The Rosary of the Virgin Mary: Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae in Condensed Form

C9810A Saints: Holy and Human

C1410A Saintly Sinners: Flawed but Faithful, Models of Holiness

C2105A Seven Lessons of Mary


C9704A Godparents and Sponsors: What Is Expected of Them Today?

C1905A Mystagogy: Deepening the Christian Experience

C0205S Una nueva mirada al R.I.C.A: Jornada para toda la parroquia

New Catholic?


C2110A Blessed Carlo Acutis: Saint in Sneakers

C2208A Blessed John Paul I: A Smile on the Face of Christianity

C1305B Celebrating Mary: Feasts of Our Lady

C0505A Communion of Saints: Key to the Eucharist

C1805A St. Joseph: The Christian Model

C0605A St. Mary Magdalene: Redeeming Her Gospel Reputation

C1111B St. Nicholas: The Original Santa Claus

C2304A New Catholic? Welcome to the Rest of Your Life New!

C9704S Padrinos y Madrinas: ¿Qué se espera de ellos hoy?

C1706A Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: The Catholic Faith Is Alive in the RCIA

C1706S Rito de Iniciacíon Cristiana para Adultos: La fe católica está viva en el RICA

C0904A Sacraments of Initiation: God’s ‘I Love You’

C0103A Sacraments of Initiation, Sacraments of Invitation

C1202A Ten Tips for Welcoming New Catholics: The Role of the Community in the RCIA


C1610A Be Converted Anew— And Go Evangelize

C1612A Being a Permanent

Deacon: Word, Altar, and Charity

C1807A Building Communion in Culturally Diverse Parishes

C1708A Catholic Education: Excellent and Catholic

C0910A Catholic Schools: I’d Choose Them Again

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Byrne Shortal

C2005A Creative Ideas for Building Up Your Parish

C1907A Evangelizing Our Youth in the Digital Age

C0304A Forgiveness in Our Church Today: Key to Healing

C1507A Inviting Loved Ones to Rediscover Their Catholic Faith

C1808A The Joy of Sacraments: Reawakening Active Participation in the Faith

C9108A Lay Ministry: Not Just for a Chosen Few

C1412A Many Faces, One Church: The Blessing and Challenge of Diversity

C9108S Ministerio Laico: No sólo para unos pocos elegidos

C0104A Parish Ministry Today: We’re All in It Together

C1706A Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: The Catholic Faith Is Alive in the RCIA

C1403A Seven Lessons From Pope Francis

C0508A Seven Secrets of Successful Stewards

C1909A Stewardship: Seeing Lazarus the Beggar in Those We Encounter

C9103A A Tour of a Catholic Church

C1209A The Universal Call to Holiness: Empowering the Laity

C1707A We Are Today’s Apostles: An Invitation to Small Faith Communities


C0902A The Bible and Prayer: Themes From the Synod

C1206B Eucharistic Adoration: Drawing Closer to Jesus

C0303A Examen of Consciousness— Finding God in All Things

C2010A God Stories: In The Telling We Ourselves Are Revealed

C2212A Henri Nouwen: Living a Happier, Fulfilled Life New!

C2006A Spiritual Connection in Social Isolation

C1505A Stealing Moments of Quiet: Finding God in Prayer

C1603A Ten Excuses for Not Praying

C2201A The Science of Religion: Power and Presence in the Sacraments New!

C1108B Why We Bless Animals



C2008A Exploring the History of the Sacraments

C1808A The Joy of Sacraments: Reawakening Active Participation in the Faith

C9308A Sacraments: It All Starts With Jesus

C0904A Sacraments of Initiation: God’s ‘I Love You’

C0103A Sacraments of Initiation, Sacraments of Invitation

C8304A The Seven Sacraments: Symbols of God’s Care

C8304S Los Siete Sacramentos: Símbolos de la Gracia de Dios

C9508A What Are Sacraments?

C9202A An Invitation to Prayer: A Guide for Deepening Our Prayer Life

C1312A Liturgy of the Hours: Sharing Your Day With God

C9612A Our Father: The Prayer Jesus Taught Us

C8103A Pathways of Prayer

C1910A The Power and Benefits of Meditative Prayer

C1002A Praydreaming: Key to Discernment

C0712A Praying for Christian Unity: 100-year Anniversary of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

C1604A Praying With Icons: Contemplating the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help

C0308A The Rosary: A Prayer for All Seasons

C0301A The Rosary of the Virgin Mary: Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae in Condensed Form


C0705A Adam, Eve, and Original Sin

C0607A Baptism: Our Lifelong Call

C9505S El Bautismo de Niños: Regalo a la Parroquia

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C9704A Godparents and Sponsors: What Is Expected of Them Today?

C9505A Infant Baptism: Gift to the Parish

C9002A Lent: A 40-Day Retreat: Rediscovering Your Baptismal Call

C9603A Lenten Stories From John’s Gospel: Baptismal Dramas of Water, Light, and Life

C9704S Padrinos y Madrinas: ¿Qué se espera de ellos hoy?

C8903A The Sacrament of Baptism: Celebrating the Embrace of God

C0904A Sacraments of Initiation: God’s ‘I Love You’

C0103A Sacraments of Initiation, Sacraments of Invitation


C0505A Communion of Saints: Key to the Eucharist

C0610A Eucharist: A Short History

C0310A Eucharist: Heart of the Church

C1206B Eucharistic Adoration: Drawing Closer to Jesus

C0507A Finding Jesus in the Eucharist: Four Ways He Is Present

C9504A First Communion: Joining the Family Table

C1409A From Worship to World: Sent Forth as the Body of Christ

C1701A Getting More Out of Mass

C2306A Holy Communion: Who is Invited? New!

C8709A How ‘All of Us’ Celebrate the Mass

C9010A The Lectionary: Heart of the Bible

C9511A The Liturgical Year: How Christians Celebrate Time

C1012A The Liturgical Year: Simple Facts, Deep Truths

C0305A The Liturgy of the Eucharist

C1104A The Lord’s Supper: Ancient Story, New Beginning

C1211A Nine Reasons for Going to Mass: Thanksgiving Every Sunday

C1203A The Paschal Mystery: God’s Wonderful Plan

C9609A Real Presence in the Eucharist

C1103A The Roman Missal: Embracing the New Translation

C0109A The Real Presence: Jesus’ Gift to the Church

C9209A The Sacrament of Eucharist

C0904A Sacraments of Initiation: God’s ‘I Love You’

C0103A Sacraments of Initiation, Sacraments of Invitation

C8908S Siguiendo la Misa: Explicación de cada paso

C9903A Sunday Mass: Easter All Year Long: John Paul II’s ‘Celebrating the Lord’s Day’ (Dies Domini ) in Shortened Form

C8608A Ten Reasons for Going to Mass

C1109A A Walk Through the Mass: Why We Do What We Do

C0208A Why I Go to Mass


C1703A The Benefits of Reconciliation: The Hidden Treasure That Is Confession

C0303A Examen of Consciousness— Finding God in All Things

C1303A Examine Your Conscience With the Ten Commandments

C0008A How to Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation Today

C1503A Learning to Forgive: Steps to Reconciliation

C1602A Reconciliation: Coming Home to God

C8603A The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Celebrating God’s Forgiveness

C0906A Sacrament of Reconciliation: Celebrating the Mercy of God

C8909A The Ten Commandments: Sounds of Love From Sinai

C9008A Ten Tips for Better Confessions: The Gift of Reconciliation

C9701A Understanding Sin Today


C9510A Confirmation: A Deepening of Our Christian Identity

C9704A Godparents and Sponsors: What Is Expected of Them Today?

C9802A Opening the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

C9704S Padrinos y Madrinas: ¿Qué se espera de ellos hoy?

C0904A Sacraments of Initiation: God’s ‘I Love You’

C0103A Sacraments of Initiation, Sacraments of Invitation

C9506A Who Is the Holy Spirit?

Catholic Update 10 Liguori Publications CALL 800-325-9521 ✞ VISIT Liguori.org
Catholic UPDATE 1973 2023 C2306A SIDNEY DE ALMEIDA SHUTTERSTOCK © 2023 LIGUORI PUBLICATIONS, A REDEMPTORIST MINISTRY. ONE LIGUORI DRIVE LIGUORI, MO 800-325-9521 LIGUORI.ORG PHOTOCOPYING PROHIBITED. JUNE-JULY 2023 Holy Communion A the Last Supper, Jesus gave his disciples the bread of life and the cup of eternal salvation, instructing them to “do this in memory of me” (Luke 22:19). For two thousand years, Christians have heeded our Lord’s command by celebrating the holy Eucharist. By sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ, the Mass is a meal of fellowship and unity—a communion of the faithful and with God—and a memorial of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross through which he conquered sin and death and reconciled us to God. WHO IS INVITED? Fr. Byron Miller CSSr


C1606A Biblical Wisdom for Marriage: Road Map for a Lifetime of Love

C0406A Bringing Your Marriage Into the Church: Convalidation of Civil Marriages

C2303A An Examen for Married Couples and Families: Questions for Reflection and Examination New!

C8506A The How and Why of Natural Family Planning

C1506A In Defense of Traditional Marriage

C9006A Interchurch Marriages: How to Help Them Succeed

C1510A Living Together Outside of Marriage: Does the Ring Matter?

C0707A Natural Family Planning: Key to Intimacy

C0606A Preparing for Marriage: 10 Tools for the Journey

C9605A Sacrament of Marriage: Sign of Faithful Love

C9705A The Spirituality of Marriage: Becoming Signs of God’s Love

C0210A 10 Questions About Annulment

C7910A Ten Things You Should Discuss Before Marriage

C0905A 10 Tips for Married Couples: Love for the Long Haul

C8010A Why the Church Is Granting More Annulments


C9601A Anointing the Sick: A Parish Sacrament

C1206A Jesus’ ‘Mighty Deeds’ of Healing in Mark’s Gospel

C1501A Journey Through Grief: Finding Strength in Faith

C8702A Why Must I Suffer?


C2009A Choosing a Vocation: Priestly and Religious Life Amid Crisis

C1010A Father, Sister, Brother, Deacon: Is God Calling Me?

C1307A Five Guidelines for Discerning Your Vocation

C9707A Sacrament of Holy Orders: Priesthood in Transition

C0108A Vocations: How Is God Calling Me?


C9511S El Año Litúrgico: Como los cristianos celebran el tiempo

C9505S El Bautismo de Niños: Regalo a la Parroquia

C0307S Cambios en la Misa la Nueva Ordenació General

C8711S La Comunión de los Santos: ‘Personas que necesitan a otras’

C0901S Cosas Ordinarias: El Significado Sagrado (Día a día a través de la Cuaresma)

C1807S Construyendo comunión en parroquias culturalmente diversas

C9005S El Desafío

Fundamentalista: Sugerencias para una respuesta católica

C0604S ‘Dios Es Amor’: Resumen de la primera encíclica del Papa Benedicto XVI

C9106S ¿Han madurado nuestras imágenes de Dios?

C0402S Miercoles de Ceniza: La nueva visión de la Cuaresma

C9108S Ministerio Laico: No sólo para unos pocos elegidos

C0205S Una nueva mirada al R.I.C.A: Jornada para toda la parroquia

C1810S Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez: Una vida marcada por el amor y la liberación

C9704S Padrinos y Madrinas: ¿Qué se espera de ellos hoy?

C1706S Rito de Iniciacíon Cristiana para Adultos: La fe católica está viva en el RICA

C0412S El Sida y la etica consistente de la vida

C8304S Los Siete Sacramentos: Símbolos de la Gracia de Dios

C8908S Siguiendo la Misa: Explicación de cada paso

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Making Disciples: Matthew’s Gospel and the Christian Community C1201A Rediscover Lent: Day by Day C1204A Faithful Citizenship: A Matter of Conscience C0707A Natural Family Planning: Key to Intimacy Just .25 each! C1210A Kateri Tekakwitha and Marianne Cope: Two New American Saints C1302A St. Thérèse’s ‘Little Way’: Our Guide Through Lent C1309A The Healing Work of Vatican II
‘Light of Faith’: Key Themes From Pope Francis’ First Encyclical C1311A Advent Day by Day: Opening Doors to Joy C1402A Finding Our Way Again: Daily Lenten Reflections
for only a penny! C0706A What Catholics Should Know About Solidarity Just .03 each! C1402A Finding Our Way Again: Daily Lenten Reflections Just .01 each!
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