Woman This Month - October 2023

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Bahrain Edition PARENTING WELLNESS INSPIRATIONS FASHION www.womanthismonth.com Teaching Kids About Body Safety The History Behind Pinktober and Why t’s ee e 5 Beauty Products o ’ll o e Miss Universe Bahrain ane a o Environmental Scientist & Budaiya Hub Curator ar es halil In Her Shoes r h a a Mohammed Buhamood all War ro e ook ook BEAUTY | FASHION | HOME | WELLBEING | LOCAL ISSUES October 2023 | Issue 243

Sepia, ochre yellow, fresh whites, rich chestnut, chocolate brown, terracotta and cinnamon brown take our wardrobe straight into Autumn. Farah Baig explores the best of Bally and ETRO for some inspo.

he eather is nall ooling do n in the region, and ith the onset o tober s anti i ated m kin s i e lattes omes another e iting a tor the hanging o ardrobes e re read to t a a o r bright s mmer ts and ste into all ith m h lo ed seasonal h es, bea ti ll inter reted b big ashion brands

his month, e re arti larl enti ed b the e o ati e olle tions o the reno ned brands all and E et s e lore the brands r n a olle tions e re s re o ll nd ins iration, and erha s e en some o these ts in o r loset er soon

ETRO Fall/Winter 2023

E s reati e dire tor, ar o e in en o, reates a om elling dialog e ith the olle tion he roots o E are in abri and rint tartans, ra atteria moti s and, o o rse, aisle All o it omes ba k this season ramed b a ne sense o re ision, b a s hedeli ro li it or shar ts and the rh thm o atterns hings ome together instin ti el , as long billo dresses are aired ith droo , h nk knits, and androg no s tro sers and ests are mingled ith silk blo ses ailoring is tall and re ise, in o lent abri ations e ktie moti s s arm on en elo ing oats ith ontrast rints on the inside enim ants eek a boo, hinting, indeed, at a radi al look E being a hole orld, elements o home rnishing are borro ed, ith blankets ra ed on light dresses

ringes dan e along the hem o h nk olos and s ar es, hile a li e gi es arg le knit a three dimensional harm

fashion Womanthismonth.com 66 September 2023

BALLY Autumn/Winter 2023

he olle tion as n eiled in a arade inding thro gh the orridors and gardens o a histori ilanese residen e he olle tion elebrates a modern take on the master l iss ra tsmanshi o leather goods and a essories that stret h ba k to the mid th ent r

A strong, ele ated silho ette or omen merges tro es o Holl ood ast and resent ead o ear statements or da and night re e t the b gone grande r o a in i s asa degli Atellani, as its dark ood bal strades, s rolled iron ork, mosai oors and o lent marble re la es reate a ri h dialog e ith the season s a t mnal alette

El si e hara ters embod a inemati all re, as a d alit o om ort and modern elegan e abo nds str t red leather oats and so histi ated tailoring is la ered ith ne ga ge ribbed knit ear and silk

ama se arates to reate ontem orar e ressions o e ortless l r he gold

A emblem and be elled all ell, and nostalgi to h o ar hi al rints ombine the rigo r o smart tailoring and leather se arates

abri s in l de ord ro s ede, embossed thon and li ard e e t leathers, l sh shearling, ilted atent and el et tone ashed denim and instri ed English ools add elements o ontrasting as al and ormal ear, li ted b harmonio s a essories in e el tones o b rg nd , o hre and dee o ean bl e

he a essories olle tion reates a bold o nter art to the silho ette, sing lassi al E ro ean and estern in en es in ta tile nishes rom el et and s ede thigh high boots in so t earth tones, to bright embossed ro and atent handbags and eekender st les

fashion Womanthismonth.com September 2023 67


Narjes Khalil has always had a tendency to compile information and eagerly document life around herself whether through photography or collecting information. These skills helped her in her professional journey, and have led her to being an Environmental Scientist and Curator of Budaiya Hub.

In this inspiring chat with Farah Baig, she talks about environmental projects in Bahrain and the impact of mangroves, and shares her advice for young women pursuing a career in the environmental field.

When did you frst ta e an interest in environmenta science?

My journey into environmental science all began ith m interest in tion As a kid, as obsessed ith stories abo t magi al orlds, strange reat res and breathtaking lands a es t s like that as ination and that sense o onder mor hed into ho see the real orld toda as something e all magi al look at nat re, o r en ironment and this big bl e lanet ith the same a e and onder or those hildhood stories sim le goal as, and still is, to kee learning abo t it all

What are some o the di erent environmenta pro ects ta ing p ace in ahrain?

d lo e to tell o abo t the e iting en ironmental ro e ts ha ening right here in ahrain irst and oremost, there s the a orestation am aign that s been making ite an im a t o e lain, the re lanting trees that are ell s ited to o r en ironment it s not st abo t adding some greener hese trees are strategi all hosen to

ombat the rban heat island e e t, attra t birds and ro ide m h needed shade E er time dri e aro nd, an t hel b t look o t or those distin ti e green metal oles that mark the am aign s rogress

eaking o green initiati es, m reall ro d to mention a ro e t e ki ked o at the dai a H b alled ind s at the ark he idea behind it as to get eo le o t to o r arks, engage them in n a ti ities and em hasise the im ortan e o them as omm nit s a es

hat s e en more e iting is that this ilot ro e t has e ol ed into a ollaboration ith the Habitat s ational ide A orestation ata olle tion ro e t e re orking together to assess the needs o o r arks and identi the best s ots to lant more trees t s like a nat ral e tension o the a orestation am aign, and belie e it ll make a signi ant im a t

ou have a specia interest in mangroves What ma es them so specia ?

angro es hold a s e ial la e in m heart,

PEOPLE | interview
68 September 2023

and m reall e ited to share h the re so im ortant or o r en ironment ahrain s mangro es, the Avicennia Marina s e ies, ha e gi en me something tr l al able a sense o omm nit ith eo le ho share a gen ine assion or the en ironment

hat s in redible abo t mangro es is ho the demonstrate the inter onne tedness o nat re hese ama ing oastal e os stems ha e some remarkable alities that make them stand o t or starters, the an absorb to o r times more arbon dio ide rom the en ironment than tro i al rain orests o, the la a r ial role in hel ing ombat limate hange b red ing greenho se gases he are a b stling habitat or ario s s e ies, rom intering birds to shrim and sh

o, hen o see the l sh mangro es here in ahrain, it s not st a bea ti l sight it s a testament to the o er o nat re in bringing e er thing together rom e ologi al balan e to h man onne tion

What can you te us about udaiya ub and your ro e as its curator?

he dai a H b is a gro o o ng eo le that are art o the lobal ha ers omm nit nder the orld E onomi or m orking on ro e ts hi h aim to make a ositi e hange in the omm nit he sha ers in dai a H b are an ama ing and ins iring gro and ontin e to learn rom ea h and e er one o them tr l eel blessed to be aro nd and art o s h an ama ing omm nit

aking on the role at the dai a H b has been ite the o rne as a roa hed last ear to oin as the i e rator, ollo ing a re ommendation rom someone, ho am grate l or, hi h rom ted the o er t as an entirel ne e erien e or me, b t kne dee do n that anted to hallenge m sel and embra e something entirel di erent so it as an instant es

his ear, hen as oted into the role o rator, it as another ne e ted t rn ll admit that had some initial on erns, b t also had a lear goal in mind to reate a s a e here o ng eo le an onne t, share their ideas and sim l ha e a great time an ins ire at least one erson d ring m time in this role, ll onsider it a s ess

ow did you pursue your environmenta career academica y?

ha e been blessed ith the o ort nit to st d en ironmental s ien e earned m a helor s degree rom the ni ersit o ortsmo th, here reall honed m resear h skills e del ed into e er thing rom terrestrial and resh ater habitats to en ironmental monitoring te hni es

ring m st dies, dis o ered a strong interest in biodi ersit Es e iall a ter the eld ork ond ted a ross the , alta and ala sia hose e erien es solidi ed

m assion or nderstanding and rote ting biodi ersit

o you have any advice or young women wishing to pursue a career in the environmenta fe d?

tart b a ti el orking to ards o r goal ake harge o o r ath n est in o r ed ation and skills o don t ha e the a ess to st d the degree o are aiming or, onne t the dots that ill lead o there onsider enrolling in en ironmental o rses online, do ment hat o see and learn on the eld A kno ledge and a re iate the ork that has alread been done aro nd o , and arr on rom there

emember that e ort and hard ork tr l a o t here s a se ret do it ith a light heart on t take o rsel too serio sl En o the o rne it s m h more n and re arding that a

n the end, o e got to take that rst ste i e into the orld o en ironmental onser ation ith enth siasm, and o ll nd that it s a o rne orth e er moment

What advice wou d you give our readers so that they may ead a sustainab e i e?

hen it omes to leading a more s stainable li e, m ad i e is to start b thinking lo all t s one o the most e e ti e a roa hes e an ado t onsider b ing lo all so r ed and seasonal rod ts Embra e the timeless mantra o red e, re se, re le and seek o t lo al initiati es that romote s stainabilit

d also like to o er a ie e o ad i e that s lose to m heart take the time to tr l e lore o r s rro ndings is o er the onders right in o r o n ba k ard bser e the t es o trees that s rro nd o and a attention to the s e i bird s e ies that isit t s tr l as inating hat o an n o er hen o start looking losel

s there anything e se you wou d i e to add?

think, es e iall or those in this eld or interested in this eld, ho gro ith the eeling o anting to sa e the orld on t lose that it is a bea ti l belie on t lose sight o the a t that e are g ardians, stodians and aretakers o this Earth

But remember that while we can save the orld, e an t do it alone t s a gro e ort t s not one a tion, one ie e o ork o do, that ill ta kle biodi ersit loss t s a ombination o so man di erent e orts

n the ran, there s a erse that bea ti ll ill strates o r role as ste ards o the en ironment

And He it is ho has made o s essors on the Earth e m st embod this res onsibilit

astl , be honest and a thenti in o r en ironmental ork o it ith redibilit and a ommitment to doing it right r st that others ill do the same

PEOPLE | interview Womanthismonth.com September 2023 69
ضرلا فئلخ
يذلا وهو”


It has been an incredible journey for Miss a o b, ho nished r nner in last ear s competition before going one better this year. Considering that entering pageants was not something on her radar 18 months ago, her success has been staggering.

“I learned so much from last year, which gave me more conviction that I could be a representative for my country this time around,” she explains. “The beautiful thing about the Miss Universe organisation is that it helped me realise that I could reach out to my community and I could make a difference.”

Miss Yacoub is open about her struggles with social anxiety in the past, which makes her achievements even more remarkable considering the prism of scrutiny and recognition that such a title brings. She credits her communications coach, Hamad Al-Najjar, or the trans ormation and the on den e to project powerfully in the extremely important interview portions of the pageant.

“I also feel that being a mix of cultures – my dad is Bahraini and my mum is American –allowed me to develop a unique voice. On the global stage of Miss Universe, I can be there to also represent women or children that are mixed and who have a different outlook on life and culture.”

Miss Yacoub secured her success with her strong convictions on empowering women and girls, a cause incredibly close to her heart.

“As a woman, being part of this competition and actually wanting to do it and being allowed to is inspiring in itself,” she argues.

“I want to show that other Bahraini women can do it too and part of my platform is championing heroes in Bahrain. One person can’t really change the whole world, but you can change the whole world for one person at a time.”

Words and actions are two very different concepts, but Miss Yacoub’s focus is now on the latter and she has already made a tangible difference in the community through her social media platforms and public appearances. She already has a plan in place to travel the long road of clearing up misconceptions about women in the region and Bahrain as a whole.

“As much as possible, I want to share what women here represent and what Bahrain represents through actual facts and stories. People need to see how women are encouraged and I now have the opportunity to do that through the Miss Universe stage, showing those internationally what we all see here internally.”

Alongside her feminist voice, Miss Yacoub is an artist at heart and she strongly believes in championing children through art and expression.

“My desire is to create impactful experiences through working with children,” she asserts. “I do art classes and it is important to me as someone who grew up with a learning disability to convey that art that was a tool I used to overcome it and thrive later in life. Art will never cease to be relevant, and some children that may not think in a linear fashion may think in a non-linear fashion.”

Miss Yacoub is now preparing for the iss ni erse nal, hi h will take place in El Salvador on November 18. With such a powerful voice and determined goals, coupled with excellent support from her friends, family and team, it would surprise no one if she took the global crown too.

Follow her journey on Instagram @lujaneyacoub and @ missuniversebahrain

PEOPLE | interview Womanthismonth.com 70 September 2023
After impressing with her confident outlook and determination to empower women in the region, Lujane Yacoub was recently crowned Miss Universe Bahrain. She spoke with Kristian Harrison about her life-changing achievement.
Scan to watch the video

SKAL Dinner

BIBFS Gathering and Trade Expo Indonesia 2023

Economic Majlis

Bahraint hismonth.com /gallery October 2023 71 bystander
SKAL International Bahrain hosted a dinner at Crowne Plaza Bahrain, Waves Restaurant. The Indonesian Embassy and BIBFS held a BIBFS Gathering and hte Dissemination of Trade Expo Indonesia 2023, with HE Ardi Hermawan, Indonesian Ambassador, at Swiss-Belhotel Seef. Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society and the Labour Market Regulatory Authority held an Economic Majlis with chief guest HE Nibras Mohammed Ali Talib, Chief Executive Officer of Bahrain’s Labour Market Regulatory Authority and speaker Hussain Rasool, Director of Communications at the Labour Market Regulatory Authority.


We may not have your typical autumn in the Middle East, but we sure can enjoy some of the season’s trends. When it comes to your lips this autumn, you’ll want to opt for warmer, more toned-down hues including shades of coral, brown and nude.

Make a statement with Milani Cosmetics’ Colour Statement Lipsticks which are available in a wide range of shades, from pretty pinks to radiant reds and everything in between. Infused with nourishing vitamins A and C, the Colour Statement Lipstick feels as good on the lips as it looks.

Grace your face with statement-making colours that will have your lips speaking volumes this season! Available at Lifestyle and milanicosmetics.com.


he weather i nally coolin down u t a id e ith autu n nally on it way in you ll want to refre h your eauty e ential and channel o e ea onal loo ot ure where to tart irl we e ot you


A magical fragrance is essential every autumn, and this season we have our eye on Hermetica Paris’ sensational eau de parfum, Jade888. This delightful fragrance evokes images o dense oliage and tangled ines, roli and untamed, like the lush forest of the Amazon. The key notes of this soft and verdant scent are the iris concrete, ginger oil and the lily of the valley accord. Its blend of complementary notes including blackcurrant, pink pepper oil, mandarin oil, pear accord, clary sage oil, jasmine accord, cedarwood oil, ambrette seeds absolute and musk cocktail make it a truly addictive scent for the season.

Second only to the sensational fragrance is Jade888’s stunning packaging. It’s beautiful green bottle and artistic boxes make it a wonderful option for gifting, whether to a loved one or, well… yourself!

Hermetica Paris continues its commitment to the en ironment e ha e re entl graded o r a on and packaging designs. Non-contractual pictures. Available at thesecretskin.com.

BEAUTY | news Womanthismonth.com


Most people shy away from discussing hygiene, but we’re quite the opposite! Why should sweating and remedies to deal with it be off limits? If you’ve got sensitive skin, and are looking for a deodorant made from clean and wholesome ingredients that gets the job done, check out Routine’s Superstar Deodorant.

You’ll say ‘hello’ to fresh armpits with this fragrant, natural deodorant balm. Routine’s Superstar deodorant is formulated with charcoal, magnesium and probiotics to absorb sweat and prevent body odour without interrupting the natural detoxifying process of the body. A touch of baking soda in this formula acts as a natural deodorising agent preventing irritation and darkening for even the most sensitive skin. The strong medley of Tonka, Vetiver and Cardamon make this a unique and om le blend ith a s i and gro nding s ent ro le that make it an essential in hot weather. While this deodorant is much needed respite for sensitive skin, it also works on other skin types making it ideal for those venturing into a clean beauty routine. We’re sure this will help on extra hot days and every day in between!

Available at thesecretskin.com.


After a particularly hot summer, your skin is sure to be in need of some TLC. Britishborn beauty brand, Dr.PAWPAW has announced the regional launch of a pioneering skincare collection that champions science and performance. The vegan, streamlined range including nine accessible, multipurpose solutions that are suitable for all skin types with its innovative trademarked formulation, PAPAYALURONIC™ , a new concept in skincare and an innovation in results.

PAPAYALURONIC™ provides the nourishing and soothing effects of the papaya extract, teamed with hyaluronic acids which absorb into all layers of the skin for instant and long-lasting hydration, resulting in super soft skin. This incredible ingredient is used throughout the range. Its multi-depth result achieves both immediate and long-lasting hydration that protects the skin cells and promotes a healthy skin barrier, strengthening and plumping the skin.

The brand’s Rejuvenating Night Cream is just the thing you need this season. This nourishing cream soothes and hydrates the skin whilst red ing the a earan e o ne lines eing lightly fragranced with soothing chamomile, it effortlessly aids relaxation.


Awaken skin and create the ultimate all-natural dewy glow with the Living Luminiser from the clean beauty brand RMS Beauty.

This unique product is infused with Vitamin E, coconut oil that helps soften and smooth the skin and castor seed oil that delivers a boost of intense nourishment to the skin. The Luminiser helps highlight your favourite features without any grease or glitter while nourishing and illuminating your skin for a healthy, lit-from-within glow.

What makes this unique luminiser even more special is the fact that it is formulated with a farm-to-face recipe that contains all-natural, organic and foodgrade ingredients to your skincare. Available at thesecretskin.com.

Womanthismonth.com October 2023 73

Body Safety Rules For Kids

s parents, there are several conversatons ou need to have with our child the concept of ‘privates’ and inappropriate touching being an important one. This could be a tough subject to approach, but parentng columnist, uiam l assani, tells us how to address it in a wa that your child fully understands the concept and is able to keep themselves safe.

As they say, knowledge is power, right? And as parents, we teach our children about water safety and road safety. We make sure they wear their life vests; know that they must hold our hands and look both ways before crossing the street, and to never touch a hot stove. But are we taking the time to incorporate body safety into our parenting conversations?

I understand, it’s an intimidating topic to discuss. What should I say? How should I say it? I can’t even imagine anything bad happening to my child—it’s too scary to think about! These thoughts are common, but avoiding the conversation won’t do anyone any good. Keeping an open line of communication can make a world of difference in your child’s life.

Body safety skills can be taught throughout your child’s life by including the topic as part of dail conversatons. ere are seven steps ou can follow

1. Teach your children the proper names of their body parts.

As soon as your child begins to talk, name each body part correctly including the genitals. Explain to your child that their ‘private parts’ are the parts under their bathing suit. Note that a child’s mouth is also known as a ‘private zone’. Avoid the use of pet names to describe the genitals. This way, if a child is touched inappropriately, they can clearly state where they were touched.

2. Make sure there is a clear understanding of the word ‘private’.

Explain the terms ‘private’ and ‘public’ and stress the fact that ‘private’ means ‘just for you’. To create a correlation, you could perhaps share an example of how a toilet is a private place, exclusive to you when in use, but the kitchen is a public space because it is shared. Relate these terms to both spaces and body parts.

3. Explain to your child who they should talk to if they feel unsafe.

Teach your child that no one has the right to touch or ask to see their private parts, and if someone does, they must tell a trusted adult straightaway. As your child becomes older ears hel them to identi three to e trusted adults that form their ‘Safety Network’ who they understand that they could tell anything to and they would be believed.

LIFESTYLE | parenting Womanthismonth.com 74 September 2023

4. Make sure they have a clear understanding of safe vs. unsafe.

Talk with your child about the feeling ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’. Discuss times when your child might feel ‘unsafe’, for instance if they are being pushed down a steep slide; or ‘safe’ when they are snuggled up on the couch reading a book with you. It is important children understand the different emotions that are associated with feeling safe and unsafe.

5. Discuss what it feels like to feel unsafe. Discuss your child’s early warning signs when they feel unsafe, i.e. heart racing, feeling sick in the tummy, sweaty palms, etc. Let them come up with some ideas of their own. Tell your child that they must tell you or a person in their ‘Safety Network’ if any of their early warning signs occur. Reinforce that you will always believe them and that they can tell you anything.

6. Discourage keeping secrets. Instead, talk about ‘happy surprises’ such as not telling Granny about her surprise birthday party. Compare this with ‘unsafe’ secrets such as someone touching their private parts. Make sure your child knows that if someone does ask them to keep an unsafe secret that they must tell someone in their ‘Safety Network’ straightaway.

Reopening of VOX

7. Empower your child to speak up if something feels wrong. Discuss with your child when it is appropriate for someone to touch their private parts; for instance, a doctor when they are sick (but making sure they know you must be in the room). Explain that if someone does touch their private parts (without you there) that they have the right to rml sa , o or to and o tstret h their arm and hand.

Reinforce to your child that they are the ‘boss of their body’ and they do not have to kiss or hug a person if they don’t want to. Explain that we all have a ‘body boundary’ This is an invisible space that surrounds our body, and that no one can enter another person’s body boundary unless they allow it.

LIFESTYLE | parenting Womanthismonth.com September 2023 75
While this may be a tough topic for you to approach with your child, make sure you take
Cineco The Reopening of VOX Cineco was held at City Centre Bahrain.


The colour pink has become synonymous with breast cancer awareness, a cause that can be recognised and supported through the pink ribbon. This ribbon has evolved into a powerful symbol of hope and solidarity among those affected by breast cancer, their families, and the community at large. The colour ink is a reminder that breast an er is a signi ant health iss e that deserves attention and support. Breast cancer awareness campaigns have played a vital role in educating the public, encouraging early detection, and raising funds for research.

The journey towards widespread breast cancer awareness has been a long and impactful one. It began in the early 20th century when organisations like the American Cancer Society started spreading information about it. In 1985, the pink ribbon was introd ed as the o ial s mbol o breast an er a areness Since then, numerous organisations and individuals have joined the cause, organising events, fundraisers, and awareness campaigns to educate the public and raise funds for research.

Breast cancer awareness campaigns have had a profound impact on society. They have helped reduce the stigma associated with the disease, encouraged open conversations about breast health, and empowered women to take charge of their well-being. These campaigns have also raised billions of dollars for research, leading to advancements in treatments, diagnostics, and support for those affected.

hile signi ant rogress has been made, challenges remain, underscoring the need for continued efforts to ensure that all individuals have access to timely and accurate information about breast health. Access to timely healthcare and screenings can sometimes be a barrier to early detection and treatment. In addition, while awareness campaigns have been successful, social media and other channels can

sometimes lead to misinformation among the public. Addressing these challenges requires continued advocacy, education, and research.

Here are four meaningful steps that you can take to support Pinktober:

1. Offer Support to Breast Cancer Warriors – This could be through volunteering your time, assisting them with tasks while they undergo treatment and being of emotional and mental support.

2. Support Research Initiatives – This could be through time volunteered, fundraising or personal donations. Think Pink Bahrain is a non ro t organisation that a ti el

supports the cause in the Kingdom.

3. Raise Awareness of Free Mammograms or Checkups – At times, people may be unaware of the facilities available to them. Spark up a conversation with the women in your life and discuss healthcare establishments which offer checkups and support.

4. Start Your Own Donation Drive – There are several ways in which you could raise funds for the cause as a member of the public. We’ve recently seen great community involvement through step challenges, bake sales, craft sales and more. Get your friend and family to ‘sponsor’ you cause and donate the proceeds to a registered charity at the end of October.

One of the key messages of breast cancer awareness is the importance of early detection. Mammograms, clinical breast exams, and selfexaminations are essential tools in identifying breast cancer at its earliest, most treatable stage. The earlier breast cancer is detected, the greater the chances of successful treatment and survival. Pink campaigns emphasise the need for regular screenings and self-awareness.

Through the power of pink, we can continue to make strides in the ght against breast an er and offer hope to those affected by this disease.

thinkpink Womanthismonth.com 76 October 2023
Breast cancer awareness is a cause that has been embraced worldwide, symbolised by the colour pink. This month, we shine a light on the history and need for Pinktober.

Toyota Commercial Safety

Toyota Commercial hosted an event to launch its new safety initiative in collaboration with the General Directorate of Traffic and Partner Businesses. It also announced a new discount campaign for its commercial vehicles, including free health check for life.

Networking Meeting

Bahraint hismonth.com /gallery October 2023 77 bystander
The British Chamber of Commerce hosted a business networking lunch meeting at The Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence and Spa, which featured HE Abdulla Bin Adel Fakhro, Minister of Industry and Commerce, discussing the latest developments of the FTA with the UK.


Binz is the largest seaside resort city on the German island of Rügen. The city has steadily built a reputation for creating memorable holidays and is one of the most popular seaside resorts. It has gained its high reputation because of its long sandy beach, and crystal-clear waters which make it a perfect place to relax, unwind and sunbathe.


Kiel is the city to be in if you prefer spending your vacation scouring natural beauty. You can explore beautiful beaches and castles built during the ancient times on leisurely walks. Alternatively, you can witness boats assing b on the b siest arti ial ater a in the orld or e en be a part of the boat ride and experience a different side to the city. If you love life out on the water, plan your trip around the annual Kiel week which is the largest sailing event in the world, and gives tourists a beautiful experience of the city’s atmosphere and cultural variety.


Planning a visit to Germany? Drum up the excitement and explore the north for a change! Edwin DʼSouza shares his top ten locations when exploring the northern region of Germany.


Wismar being a small and quaint city located on the Baltic Sea Coast in northern Germany presents itself as an ideal destination for tourists. Despite its smaller size of 41.36 km², it is known for its history, culture and natural beauty. The most phenomenal aspect of this quaint destination is its Gothic architecture which attracts visitors for its uniquely ancient vibe – a sharp contrast to modern day aesthetics. Wismar is home to the stunning St. Mary’s Church and the Wassertor Gate. Its natural beauty, museums like the Phantechnikum museum make it a must-visit destination.


his is or e er one ith a s e i lo e or isiting and e loring medieval towns. Being surrounded by historic buildings and cobblestone streets, this city was once the capital of the Hanseatic League. The most highly recommended site to visit in the area is Holstentor which is a giant brick gate that was built in the 15th century. It is known to be a great spot for Instagram-worthy pictures. Besides, one can only imagine the fascinating feeling of entering a town through a giant brick gate!

Germany in Bahrain Womanthismonth.com 78 October 2023


hen eo le s eak o erman and its nightli e, the rst state that omes to mind is Berlin. Being Germany’s most populous city, it possesses the o ntr s most de niti e m se ms o them to be s e i , dining venues, art and above all memorable nightlife. Despite its city life, Berlin is also famed for its cultural highlights like the Museum Island located in the historic heart of Berlin. If you love a bit of sightseeing you must isit the randenb rg ate, hi h as b ilt in and remains one of Berlin’s signature attractions, or the Berlin Television Tower which is known to locals as Fernsehturm and stands at 368m in height.

Insel Poel

A perfect island for those on the hunt for a photogenic location, Insel Poel allows you to enjoy a spectacular view given that it’s one of the most picturesque locations in north Germany. It is known for its popular attraction, The Kirchdorf, a Village with an extravagant harbour surrounded by historic buildings. The local shops and the restaurants give tourists the true feel of Germany’s roots. The Charming Villages like Timmendor, with calming sandy beaches makes it a must-visit spot in the off season.


This charming island, located just 26.9km ride away from Stralsund, is known for being an immaculate natural attraction with beaches extending for miles and luxuriant forests making it the perfect destination for an outdoor trip. One of the most famous tourist attractions of the Island is the Leuchtturm Dornbusch an ancient lighthouse that provides a breath-taking view of the island and its scenery. Make note of this destination if you’re in need of a perfect escape from the busy city life.


Without a doubt, Hamburg is a must-visit when in Germany. It is a vibrant city with a fantastic blend of history, modernity and cultural backgrounds. Visitors get the opportunity to explore some of the best museums, historical landmarks like the St. Nikolai Main Church as well as the galleries. It is a city well known for its diversity expressed in historic and modern forms.

Müritz National Park

Nestled in north-eastern Germany is one of the most exciting outdoor experiences known to visitors, the Müritz National Park, which boasts 130 lakes. Being home to some of the most beautiful landscapes in the region it also holds the largest and most stunning lake in Germany known as Lake Müritz. Visitors get the opportunity to rent a boat and explore the lake on their own or go on a guided tour that educates them on the destination s ora and a na


Bremen is a renowned port city situated in northwest Germany. What really brings the city to life is the olden days charm and modernised surrounding. It also has one of the most famous landmarks known as the ‘Bremen Town Musician Statue’, that depicts a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster stacked on top of each other. The Kunsthalle Museum and the Bremen Museum are the best places for visitors who love to get in touch with the cultural history of a city.

Germany in Bahrain Womanthismonth.com October 2023 79

Nasmaakum App Launch

Billiards Tournament

Bahrainthismonth.com /gallery 80 October 2023 bystander
Nasmaakum hosted an event at Downtown Rotana, Manama, for the launch of Bahrain’s first communication app designed for people of determination, the Nasmaakum App. The K Hotel hosted a Billiards tournament at the K Tracks Sports Bar.


The Woman This Month team has the pleasure of meetng inspiring professional women all across ahrain on the regular. his month we were pleased to meet the ead of arketng and ales at eal state . . , rch. a a ohammed uhamood. et s take a walk in her shoes

What are your short-term and long-term goals?

To be successful.

How would you describe yourself?

Confdent, spontaneous and passionate.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

To be patient.

If you were cooking for your loved ones, and wanted to impress, what would you make? Defnitely pasta!

If you could see any musician live in concert, living or dead, who would it be?

I’m not a good listener of music.

What is your all-time favourite movie which you could watch over and over again? I would have to say Home Alone

If you could fy anywhere in the world today, where would you go?


What’s your idea of the perfect weekend? Sitting at home and relaxing with my family.

What’s your favourite thing about Bahrain? It’s my home.

Womanthismonth.com October 2023 81
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Vida Beach Resort
the “Layali Life
Layali Life
and Waves
Rhythms and
party, with live DJ by DJ Elena and DJ Lisa.

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