Red Leaves Publication - May 2021

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E D I T I O N :

Mother's Day Tributes Health & Wellness


Message From The Editor Elder Dorcas Beatty "A STRONG MOTHER" Unlike any other person in this world, a strong mother is someone who will care for her children as long as she is able to do so. At times she may be a bit harsh, but she tries her best, and then some. When you’ve grown up a little, you realize that your Mother did her best more than any other mother on the planet. My mother was a little intimidating and yet humble at the same time. She birthed eleven children, approximately two to three years apart. I believe that she was a woman with destiny; although she didn’t use that word so much. I know in my heart that she pursued a life that was pleasing in the sight of God. She loved my father with a marriage of over fifty years. When you have a strong mother, she is your inspiration and your role model. She may seem like a drill sergeant, but it is all for your good. I learned that the hard way. When I thought that the madness was going to take over my life, she told me to hold my head up. She went to battle for me when I thought she was ashamed of me. MOTHER'S DAY TRIBUTE

As time progressed, things got better and life got somewhat easier. This all came from knowing and being raised by a strong Mother. I will never forget the encouragement of my mother when I became a teenaged mother. At first I thought it was the end of my world. I felt so alone and confused. I felt as if I’d committed the most horrific sin in the whole entire Bible. When I thought that I could not go another further, my mother stepped in and held my hand. In speaking with my sister about her our Mother's early life, she reminded me that Mom was pregnant for over forty years. Now that is amazing and strength. I learned that when you listen to a strong mother attentively, you will grow into a strong woman yourself. You may not see your strength at times, but I promise you, it’s there . When you have to go to battle for yourself, your family and others in your life, your strength will kick in! - redleavespublication



Cover: Mrs. Albertene Goodman

A TRIBUTE TO MY MOM Everything she touches is a song. Divine purpose and immeasurable strength are the melodies woven into the fabric of her being. She was born the fifth of eight children to Paul and Luegenia Butler, in the Coharie/Mt. Pleasant community on August 27, 1941. From a young girl, she learned the importance of honoring family roots and carrying on the family legacy to promote education and community service. While this mantle was a heavy one, she carried it with grace and dignity, using the poetry of music to help narrate her story, to anchor her in her faith, and to help navigate through the good and not so good times. Even today, she will often respond in conversation with a title or phrase from a song hidden deep inside her soul. When words escape her, she continually makes melody in her heart unto the Lord. “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the times to come.” (Proverbs 31: 25). My mom is the epitome of a strong woman, raised with confidence. She has always taught us to be proud of ourselves and be a beacon of light for others to follow. She looks to the future with a hope and assurance that she shall live to see the goodness of the Lord, and she has. She still believes ‘The Best is Yet to Come’. She has given her daughters and son a valuable role to follow as dedicated parents. Now she enjoys the beauty and laughter of her grandchildren, nieces, and nephews who represent the future she always dreamed could be possible. “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” (Proverbs 31:26) Mom’s passion for teaching has been a blessing to her and many countless others throughout her 30+ years as an Educator. She has encouraged others to excel in academics, whether teaching or learning. I am thankful for her guidance, always encouraging us to reach for more, knowing we are worthy and deserving. She has always and continues to teach lessons through love, encouraging children to do good. These are important life lessons we can pass on to our children and others we are called to mentor.

Mother's Day Tribute

Mom has always and continues to teach lessons through love, encouraging children to do good. These are important life lessons we can pass on to our children and others we are called to mentor. “She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness, 27 Her children rise up and call her blessed.” (Proverbs 31:28). Mom has always held down the fort, not only for her household, but others as well. Whatever she found for her hands to do, she did it, with so much grace and genuine concern. I credit her with giving me and my siblings the incredible examples of dependability, compassion, steadfastness, and resilience. She taught us to always be willing to give back to community in both tangible and intangible ways. I so appreciate the support and love shown by my mother during times of extreme hardship and sorrow. ‘Mama, you know I love you…’ While she has faced many challenges, she has presented us with invaluable tools that teach us how to navigate through adversity and still stand in the strength of our purpose and our faith. She has overcome much but continues to hope in Christ. This foundation was given to her by her parents and forefathers and is now passed on to her children. “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all,”(Proverbs 31:25). Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful mom, Albertene Butler Goodman. - redleavespublication

LOVE Because love is the great commandment, it should be at the center of all and everything we do in our families, our Church callings, and in our communities. Love is the healing balm that repairs rifts in all relationships as well as the bond that unites families, communities, and nations. Love is the power that initiates friendships, tolerance, and respect. It is the source that overcomes hate. Love is the fire that warms our lives with unparalleled joy and divine hope. Love should be our "walk and our talk” at all times! Love is really what it does.

MOTHER'S DAY TRIBUTE - redleavespublication


Momma was a queen even before the term became fashionable. She was so gracious, kind, and dignified and always stood with her shoulders squarely, reminding her children to do so as well. To do my mom justice would take far more time than I have, and would monopolize this edition of Red Leaves Publication. My mom and dad had 11 children together. According to some of my siblings’ birth certificates, some of their offspring didn’t live past birth. We had a hard life, but a happy one. Most of us grew up on a farm, and working hard was a part of life. Dad was our anchor, but mom was our rock that held the anchor and everybody on the boat together. Whatever we needed, she would make sure we got it. She took care of the babies, cooked three meals a day (baking was her strength, she made the best biscuits, cakes and pies), made all the girls’ clothes (there were 6 of us) and combed our nappy heads, all without fussing. Momma read to us, answered every question we could think to ask, and taught us some of the wisest proverbs. She prayed for us and got us ready for Sunday School, every second and fourth Sunday, rain or shine. Mom’s sewing machine was her refuge. She loved to sew, having learned from her dad who was a tailor. On her sewing machine, her creativity would shine though. She was so gifted. Mom sewed for us, the neighbors, and many in the community. She was at her sewing machine, humming a sweet song, when God came to take her home.

I loved to hear my momma laugh. It was so rich, genuine, and contagious. When mom thought something was funny, everyone else in the house automatically joined in. She could even take the edge off dad’s grouchy disposition after a hard day’s work.

Mother's Day Tribute

Her beautiful smile reflected her inner beauty, her face, the canvas on which God painted her strength, courage, and tenacity. Mom was always respectful to those of other races, and her own people, but she demanded the same respect in return, not verbally, but her actions and self-respect commanded fair and equal treatment. She always taught us to carry ourselves in the same way, that no one was better than us, regardless of their position in life, the money in their pockets. Mom’s name was Albura, she was named after her maternal grandmother. Mom was the only “Albura” we knew. She said that she didn’t know where the name derived or its ethnicity, but that her grandmothers’ people were known as “Turks,” probably from the Turks and Caicos in the Caribbean Islands. I’m not sure. I do know that mom’s name is a Spanish word that literally means sapwood, the white fleshy wood beneath the bark. Figuratively, it means whiteness, purity, spotlessness. It also means red dawn. I’m sure momma would have laughed at these definitions, but would have loved to know why she was given such a strange name and what it meant. - redleavespublication

Dr. Brown-Albura Continued: I think grandma Donella (mom’s mother) was prophesying over her life because mom was as straight and as strong as a tree, and as nurturing as the white sapwood underneath. She didn’t wallow in past sins, but was a loving wife and mother, teaching us not to be influenced by people with low morals and wayward character (even though we didn’t always listen). Mom was like a red dawn, introducing us to life every morning, living honestly and holy before us. And even when the inevitable storms of life may be on the horizon, the words momma said, the lessons she taught, and the life she lived, are like the sunlight shining though, showing us the way. I love you momma! Happy Mother’s Day!

My Experience As a Mother Jane Dudley Being a mother means more that giving birth to a child. It involves sacrifice, tough love, laughter, tears, and so much more. For me, it has exposed who I really am and who I want to become. Motherhood is only rarely like the pictures we see in magazines or what some like to show off on Facebook. No, motherhood is scary and downright ugly at times. I frequently ask my children for forgiveness, explaining that I am a human in need of a Savior. How blessed I am to have many strong Christian women in my life to show me how to to take it all in stride. Looking back, God has been with me every step of the way. Most days I have thoughts that insist I am not "doing motherhood” well enough. Thankfully, I recognize that voice and shrug it to the side. Satan enjoys telling us lies about ourselves. It’s not as much fun for him, though, when we don’t believe. With that said, there are times I choose to dwell in self-doubt for a bit before returning to the Truth. Mothers are important in the home but also in society. I have been a temporary mother to many (sometimes for seconds), just as many of you have. Whether it's a lost child in a mall who we've led back to their family or a child living next door who we've spoken to sternly when no one else was there to do it, mothers are not just mothers at home. And we need all kinds of mothers. Scripture shows us that. Eve was the mother of all, Sarah laughed at motherhood, Moses had two mother's, Hagar fled with her child and Mary watched hers die. I'm amazed at the strength God gives us as mothers. We could also be described as warriors. Mother's Day Tribute - redleavespublication

Jane Dudley Continued: Hadn't mentioned yet that I became a mother almost 13 years ago. It seems like forever and some days, no time at all. I have two beautiful, challenging and very different children. Samuel will be thirteen next month and Ella Rose is ten. Samuel was a preemie, so getting started with him felt chaotic and scary. He has grown into a very thoughtful, bold and outgoing young man. Ella, on the other hand, is considerate, modest, and sensitive. Both have accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior. When the world or the enemy of my soul tries to convince me I've failed, my response is silencing - I have led my children to the Truth, to the Lord Jesus Christ, and that one thing makes me a successful mother. In closing, allow me to remind you (and me) of the good rules of thumb for motherhood: 1- Our children are gifts and God created them. Our job is to mold. 2- Children have to fall down in order to learn to get back up. Allow them to fall. 3- Say I'm sorry. They know you were wrong. Go ahead and show them how it's done. 4- Read your bible, pray, and worship in front of them. They need to see it. 5- Teach them that they have never looked into the eyes of a person God did not die for.

Happy Mother's Day to you all!

Blessings and Love, Proverbs 31:25: "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

Jane Dudley

Mother's Day Tribute - redleavespublication


Thirty years ago, at 3:36am on a Sunday morning, something very rare, but divine happened. I was born on my mother’s 30th birthday. From that moment, an inexplicable connection began. My mom and I finish each other’s sentences, burst out into the same song/dance at even moment, and can be miles apart, but having the exact same thoughts. I look more like my dad, but I have her smile, her warmth, her heart, and her energy (If you know her, you understand…). My mom is the kind of woman who everybody adores and gravitates toward because her motives are pure and intentional. She extends grace to all, and works tirelessly to support others, even if it means sacrifices have to be made. My mom is a walking display of poise, while simultaneously being a force to be reckoned with in all areas of life. Her words are gentle, but her message is influential. She is the cornerstone of our family, and fervently reminds us of the magnitude of God’s power each time we present her with what seems impossible. Just as the scripture says about Elizabeth, John the Baptist’s mother, my mom is “… righteous in the eyes of God…”

Mother's Day Tribute

Luke 1:6). When I am too weak to pray for myself, I know my mom is somewhere with me on her mind talking to God about the things concerning me. The element that places my mom amongst the elite is I am her only child, but she is a mother to many. Being born on her birthday, it is probably very easy for her to consider me as the best gift ever given to her, but it is even easier to me to proclaim her as the best gift every March 3rd. Mom, you are the gift that keeps on giving, and I will forever strive to walk in the well rooted footsteps your mother laid out for you. Those footsteps are rooted in prayer, and I am the direct result. Mom, I honor you! - redleavespublication

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The Love of My Grandmother and Mother Many are not blessed with the opportunity to still have two generations you can physically celebrate. I am forever grateful and blessed to be one. My grandmother just beat the battle of breast cancer and still more energetic than ever at 84 years old. My mother has overcome many obstacles branching from sickness, but she is a trooper. These two jewels are the pillar of who I am today. They sacrificed so much to make sure that I had what was needed. Many times, they would go with out just to make sure I was okay. The values they both instilled me, I hold dear to my heart. At no given time are they not supportive and wholeheartedly my cheerleaders. I can never thank God enough for allowing me to have these Proverbs 31 women in my life.

Mother's Day Tribute - redleavespublication

Health Matters I am excited to officially join the Red Leaves Publication staff as the Health and Wellness Editor. My goal is to provide you relevant information to help you live a healthier life. If there is a health topic you want discussed in Health Matters, please feel free to send me an email. With over 32 years experience as a registered nurse working in Medial/Surgical, Nursing Management, Critical Care, and Mental Health, I am happy to serve my community in this new role. Our world has changed in an unimaginable way as we fight this global pandemic caused by the COVID 19/Coronavirus. We have adapted to the 3 W’s; wash your hands, wear your mask, social distancing (6 feet apart) and avoid close contact. We know how COVID 19 has impacted our nation as over 500,000 souls have been lost, businesses have closed, and people have lost jobs, homes, and their way of life. Many are still sick and are navigating themselves back to their state of health pre-Covid. Our country has many social justice issues, health inequities, and disparities. We have witnessed too many people who look like me die at the hands of those who have sworn to protect and serve. We are facing challenges that can be stressful and overwhelming. Learning to cope with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about and those around you become more resilient. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers the following tips to deal with stress in a health way. Take care of your body: Try to eat healthy-well balanced meals Exercise regularly Practice plenty of sleep and listen to your body’s needs Avoid excessive alcohol, tobacco, and substance abuse Continue with routine preventive measures (such as vaccinations, cancer screenings, etc.) as recommended by your healthcare provider. Self-Care If a beauty or skin care routine helps you, set aside time to pamper yourself regularly Make time to unwind and do some activities you enjoy Connect with others that you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling Connect with your community-or faith based organizations Take care of your body, your mind, and remember the importance of self-care. Let your health care provider know if stress and anxiety interrupt your daily routine more than two days in a row. Your Mental Health Matters! Phyllis Goodman, BSN, RN Health and Wellness Editor

Phyllis Goodman, BSN, RN Health and Wellness Editor




aStyle Photography

Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are.” – Dorothy Canfield Fisher Being a mother is an action verb, it’s not who you are but what you do. It starts with sleepless nights of feeding, rocking, and changing diapers. It moves to handling temper tantrums and terrible twos. Let’s not forget the all so challenging adolescent years with hormones and curfews. Therefore, in all that we do, it’s easy to forget that being a mother is not just who we are. It’s easy to lose our self in the daily grind of all that we do as mothers. Being a mother is unselfishness, it’s the ability to multi task, comfort, and divide yourself in ways that seem impossible and unnatural. However, at times we do need to be selfish without feeling guilty. We need to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Self-care is the new buzz that everyone is talking about, especially selfcare Sunday. As a mother, self-care is absolutely necessary. You have to make time to exercise, pray, have a social life with your peers, and recharge yourself. Self-care will look different for every mother. As I reflect on being a mother for the past 17 years, it feels bitter sweet. When I think of what I could have done differently, self-care is at the top of the list. The times that I was tired, overwhelmed, and confused were the times I needed self-care the most. I couldn’t give the best of myself when I was consumed with “doing”. The times that I was selfish allowed me to be more unselfish and continue doing for my children in the daily grind of mothering. Mother's Day Tribute

As I reflect on being a mother for the past 17 years, it feels bitter sweet. When I think of what I could have done differently, self-care is at the top of the list. The times that I was tired, overwhelmed, and confused were the times I needed self-care the most. I couldn’t give the best of myself when I was consumed with “doing”. The times that I was selfish allowed me to be more unselfish and continue doing for my children in the daily grind of mothering. I encourage all moms to drop the mom guilt and take care of yourself. Self- care is necessary in an age of parenting where we have to do more with less. It also teaches our children how to take care of themselves, they watch what we do. Let your children see that in order to be there for them, you have to show up and take care of yourself first. - redleavespublication

ROSEMARY "ROSY" SANTIAGO My Forties (true story) Ever think back and say… If I can do it over again, should I start at this or that age? I would not change what has happened in my past… All the craziness and chaos that surely did not last… I would start in my forties despite it all… For that is when I was saved and challenges that called… This poem is about my life, it’s done so that you will see… How the devil can disrupt a journey that God wants for you and me… In 2006 at forty-one I was baptized, and God had his reasons why… Four months later my mentor and my heart, my mother died… Throughout this ordeal God knew I was going to do my best… Enrolled in College and never expected what was coming next… In 2007 six months after my mother died, I turned forty-two… Diagnosed with breast cancer and HE knew what HE was going to do In 2008 chemo and radiation and I was forty-three… HE continued to bless and watch over me… Throughout it all I stayed in school… I am telling you my story to show you how God pulled me through… In 2009 my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and I am forty-four… HE knew this journey and what was in stored… In 2010 diagnosed with uterine Cancer, had a hysterectomy and now forty-five… and the devil tried hurting me with all his lies… Keeping my head up and continued my path with work and school… Never thinking how life can be so painful and so cruel… Something unimaginable happened in 2011 a month after I turned forty-six… My brother’s sudden death tore me apart and I prayed that my heart can be fixed… Took time off to focus on life and which way I should go… Staying on my path so that God would guide me and let me know… In 2012 now forty-seven, and I need to say… Through it all I kept my path and stayed focused on HIS ways… Completed school and received my bachelor’s degree… Through chemo, radiation, death, and pain, HE needed me to see… Would I change my life after all this since I’ve been saved…? No because in my forties I found HIM, and I accepted what HE gave… This is my brief testimony about my life as I was getting my Degree… I never stopped trusting and I need for you to believe… Despite it all I stood strong and never asked why…

Mother's Day Tribute

No because in my forties I found HIM, and I accepted what HE gave… This is my brief testimony about my life as I was getting my Degree… I never stopped trusting and I need for you to believe… Despite it all I stood strong and never asked why… In 2013, at forty-eight became a probation officer and I say it with tears in my eyes… It’s OK to think back on the journey that you’ve gone through… Understand that through it all, HE never left me and know HE will never leave you!! Thank You Jesus for never letting me go!

BY: Rosemary “Rosy” Santiago 01/14 - redleavespublication


Words Sven Bannuscher Photography Svenler Styling Madi Ross

My mother was a Women of Faith, Dignity, and Strength. I could look to her for anything that was needed. She kept her hand in the Lord's hand and she taught me and my siblings how to trust Him in all things. I thank God for a mother that walked with Him and talked with Him and never lost faith in Him even through her illness. She left this earth giving God the Glory. Oh how I miss my mom and the love she had for me and the love I still have for her. Until we meet again. I love you Mom.

Mother's Day Tribute - redleavespublication

Who started Mothers' Day? Mother's Day recognizes mothers, motherhood and maternal bonds in general, as well as the positive contributions that they make to society. It was established by Anna Jarvis, with the first official Mother's Day celebrated at St. Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia, on May 10, 1908.

Why moms are special? Mothers are special because they work round the clock without any complaints to keep you happy. They curb their desires to fulfill yours and do everything for their family and children. Even if your mother is a working mom, she still manages the job, her house, and does all your work without you having to say anything.

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