Red Leaves Publication - July Edition

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Vision Statement: The Vision of Red Leaves Publication is to be a conduit, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, for women of all cultures, races, causing them to be ignited so that their lights will burn brighter and fuel them to endure the challenges of life.

Purpose: The purpose of Red Leaves Publication is to help fulfill the Destiny and the call of God to Women of all Cultures. Women opening up themselves, will serve as vessels to catapult other women to deeper depths and higher heights in every area of their lives. Mission Statement: The Mission of Red Leaves Publication is to uplift and encourage Women of all Cultures, thus empowering them to grow from inspiration, testimonials, and the strength of other women.

Re-Launching Edition

July/August 2021


i s s u u . c o m - r e d-l redleavespublication eavespublication

Message The



From In


Chief: Beatty

Greetings All! As we re-launch Red Leaves Publication, it is with immeasurable humility that I present to you this message as the Editor in Chief and the opportunity to graciously thank everyone that has supported RLP for the charter year of its publication until now. RLP was established in December, 2019 and its inaugural edition premiered in January, 2020. You may have purchased

As I gazed at the trees, still talking to God, I

an issue, given a donation, or sent up

looked up and noticed a long line of pine trees. I

prayers and for this I will be forever

said to myself, what happened to the fall colors?

grateful. Since the introduction of RLP,

All of a sudden I noticed a long branch of red

my pen has been dipped in a deep well –

leaves extending out of one of those tall green

the anointing of God Himself. It is He

pine trees. God spoke to me simply and clearly, “I

who has guided my hands to ensure that

am God your healer, cannot I do the same for your

all words penned were inspirational and

daughter; by my blood she is healed.”

uplifting for His glory, not mine. I am so

Immediately, tears ran down my face because I

overjoyed about the presentation of this

knew I had heard from God. I will never forget

glorious journal that has been created

that encounter concerning the healing of my

to uplift the spirits of women of all


cultures. Why Red Leaves? During the latter part of the year 2015, I was immersed in prayer and supplication for the healing of my daughter from breast cancer. While traveling to the hospital to visit her during her surgery, I made my supplication known to God to perform a miracle. It was in the fall of the year and the leaves were beautifully arrayed in different fall colors. RE-LAUNCHING ISSUE JULY/AUGUST 2021

As time moved on, (and my daughter is still cancer free), I asked God what I should do with that passionate and and pertinent information that He revealed to me? He simply said, “Write.” He was telling me to use the gift that has been instilled in me all of my life to uplift women in need. I started to envision and strategize ways to open eyes, unlock hearts and fill spirits with the strength that God has imparted in me.

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D.BEATTY I found out that words written from the heart concerning life can be powerful, life changing, and life moving. I also felt the need to invite other women of faith to share their insight and testimonies to help a sister out. And so, Red Leaves Publication was birthed to uplift women for the Glory of God. I used to struggle with a lack of self-worth and low self-esteem. Years of discouragement often shadowed my life. But God, with His good self, showed forth His immense mercy and demonstrated Himself to me in spite of my low life attitude. Because of God’s wonderful strength, life became more victorious and uplifting for me. It has also helped me to align with other fortified women who don’t have the word “impossible” in their vocabulary. It’s the most incredible relationship you can imagine.


It is remarkable how it builds courage and increases your own faith. Over the past

RLP participated in a fund-raiser to

year, the Lord has continuously shown me

help financially support the MS

diverse women of faith to submit motivating articles each month to inspire

Foundation. A certificate of

other women. The articles have not only

appreciation was issued to RLP from

been encouraging, but supportive towards

the MS Foundation for raising

other women in their endeavors to become

awareness of the disease called

fruitful and resilient. That is what RLP is all

Multiple Sclerosis, as well as the funds

about – building faith, courage, and

raised and presented. The certificate

tenacity in the hearts and minds of women.

reads that "RLP will serve instrumental

If you haven’t already done so, I invite you

in funding the ongoing services that

to engage in this dynamic reading. We have

the MSF provides for those who

only one goal in mind, and that is to

struggle with Multiple Sclerosis." The

encourage you. My dear friends, take heart!

RLP Staff is grateful and honored to have participated in this worthy

“Thank the Lord; it is His love that arranges

charitable cause.

our tomorrows and whatever they bring!”


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FEATURED WRITERS AND CONTRIBUTORS FOR THE JULY/AUGUST EDITION Cover: Gwendolyn Williams Dandridge Jacqueline Howard, Jasmine McGhee, Joanne Cox, Marlies Leggette Janice Brown, Rosemary Santiago To our Sisters in Life! On behalf of the RLP Staff, we would like to thank you for your support. We believe that the souls of women will be blessed & empowered by all the

words written in every

edition of Red Leaves Publication. You are greatly appreciated To Our Sisters who will obtain a copy of this publication, we believe that it will help you develop a closer fellowship with other women.



" AGNWCE NH WOI RL LEI ADM S I DNA NFDAR I IDTGHE " While my surroundings would not dictate that this was my expected path, I now know that fate and faith overruled that expectation, without me even knowing it. What I did know was that there was a pulling in my spirit for something more than what my eyes could see. As a twelve-yearold, I became enamored with the goal of being a television news anchor. I now realize that it was more than being enamored. It was God planting seeds and exposing me to exceedingly and above all that I could ask, think, or see. My roots are in Clinton, North Carolina. I have lived in Virginia for 33 years, but my heart has remained on Lane Street in Clinton. That’s where my mother, Hilda Williams, widowed at the age of 39, raised my siblings and me. I was ten years old, the youngest of the eight children, when my dad, Buster Williams, died in 1975. My father’s unexpected death began a journey for my family that could be described as an “against the odds” faith walk.

The next five years, my day consisted of rising at 2:30am, dropping my baby off to an in-home care provider, arriving at work by 4am, on air at 5am, lunch break at 8am, picking my daughter up from the provider and taking her to daycare, and returning to work by 9am to finish my shift. When I got off work at 1pm, I

One week after my 1987 graduation from NC

would nap, and then get my daughter so that

State, I landed my first job in broadcasting as a

we could prepare to start it over again at 2:30

radio news anchor at Fayetteville’s Foxy 99FM.

the next morning. Had someone told me that I

Six years and three radio stations later, grace

would be tasked with this schedule for five

made provisions for my dream of becoming a

years, I would have quit on day one. Instead,

television news anchor at the ABC affiliate in

God showed me that my life and my walk with

Richmond, Virginia. Five years later, I found

Him is a day-by-day journey and that His

myself in the unenviable position of being a divorced, single mom of a two-year old daughter, with a demanding career and ungodly hours,

mercies are granted anew each day. My strength did not allow me to complete this grueling schedule for five years; but God’s

living in a State with no family near-by.

grace did. While the sacrifices were monumental, God’s grace was sufficient.

Re-Launching Edition July/August 2021

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Fast-forward twenty years; I now look at my mirror image in the face of my then two-year-old, who is now a beautiful 24-year-old woman. She now has a schedule of rising at 2:30am to go to her job as a reporter at the same TV station where her Mom learned to trust the process and lean not unto her own understanding. As I watch her on air, I remember my faith walk. I realize that while this path was set for me, it was not altogether about me. Watching my Mom’s struggles made me stronger. I passed that strength to my daughter, who witnessed my challenges. What I learned is that He continues to bless my seed and me. As I look back, I see clearly God’s hand upon my life, sprinkling favor and grace along the path that He had set for me. The gentle sprinkles are humble reminders that my path was about His grace and not my strength. I am “anchored” in faith, and my mouth shall forever sing His praises for my unexpected path. "WHILE








"With each new dawn there is delivered to your door a fresh, new package called "today". (Chuck Swindoll) God has designed us in such a way that we can handle only one package at a time...and all the grace we need will be supplied by Him as we unwrap each package!




MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER Thank you for sharing your truth and faithfulness with RLP, pouring into the souls of WOMEN! 1. What are some practical bits of advice you can offer concerning a woman’s day-to-day life? My advice would start with first things first, putting God First. Take care of your health, physical, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Understanding this truth and asking for help, assist us in not mistreating our bodies in any way. 2. How does a woman stay focused during any adversity? Most adversities take your mind away from the purpose of your day; we will all be faced with adversities throughout life. We must remember that God gives us wisdom to discern in all matters. Read God’s word, sing praises, fast, and have faith that this too shall pass. Keep your mission in front of you. 3. Have you ever had a heroic woman in your life? Tell us about her. My heroic woman is my mother. She was strong, spiritual, took care of herself in every way. We were poor and I did not know it, because she was

We all have asked at one time or another,

so creative at stretching meals that I had no idea we

how does she get so much done in one

did not have enough food. The plate was so nicely

day? She always had a calm demeanor.

arranged that it filled the space. She made my sister

Now I know, she passed August 2020 with

and I clothes, neither of us had a desire to get store

Alzheimer@ 95 years of age, she

bought clothes because she made us feel as if we had

remembered little but still repeated Bible

specially designed items straight off the rack (which

scripture and that says it all. My heroic

we did). She worked hard outside the house and within the house. I never realized how hard she worked until I became an adult and looked back on our lives. She made misfortunes into adventures, when money was tight. Who can become an entrepreneur and produce products that will sell? I never knew we needed the money. I never heard her, or my dad argue and I still do not know how they managed that. WHAT A MIGHTY GOD! There were five children, and we all were treated as if we were

woman, Leola Bush (mom). 4. What is your favorite book and why? My favorite book other than the Bible is High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard. It taught me about being extraordinary and living your best life. Being balanced is loving people, respecting people, and accepting people as they are. It's giving without taking.


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Joann Cox 5. In the midst of distress, what can a woman do to

As a Certified Transitional Life Coach,

endure? When distress happens, ask the question,

many people are out of jobs changing

what can I learn from this and then repeat, "I can do

careers, school kids going through so

all things through Christ who strengthens me". Next,

much it is unsettling. Health is a big

I will live to tell others how to avoid or pull through.

issue and I’m available to ask open

6. What have you learned about loving women who are

ended questions to get thoughts on the

different from you? I’ve learned that we all want to

table in a non-threatening way. In this

be loved, seen, and heard. We all have something in

season, I’m thriving, to God be the

common; we have the same Heavenly Father. When


we let our guards down, we then become sisters.

12. If you could rewind your life, is there

7. What are you passionate about? Uplifting others,

anything you would change? Rewinding my

showing others their highest potential. That is my

life, I think of this often. I would be more


open and, speak up. I had so much to say but

8. What brings you joy? So much brings me joy, just to

I kept it to myself. I’m making up for lost

mention a few: Soundscape music, sitting on the

time. (LOL).

sandy beach on a quiet, cool, summer day or night; watching others achieve their goals, and with me reaching my accomplishments. 9. What would you like to be your legacy? My legacy is intentional, and that is being and showing others the importance of being present. 10. What seems frustrating, wrong and unfair is not the end of the story; it’s just the end of a chapter. Please explain this from your prospective. Most frustration, wrongness and unfairness bring us to a greater existence. Examples: Slavery- Strength, Endurance. Perseverance. Making a way out of no way. Creativeness/injustice- shines the light on how it affects other people and situations. 11. How are you coping in this current season? This current season, life is good! As a motivational speaker, I’m most needed right now in this season. People in all walks of life can use a lot of uplifting.


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JACQUELINE HOWARD MOVING ON WITH COACHING, LLC Thank you for your loving support. We believe you are a an Anointed life saver! 1. What are some practical bits of advice you can offer concerning a woman’s day-to-day life? One of the most important pieces of advice I can offer today’s woman is to strengthen their prayer life. Prayer is vital in building and strengthening our relationship with God. It is also an important form of meditation which quiets the spirit and centers us as we walk along our journey. It is an essential element if we are to grow spiritually. In addition, regular reading of the Bible provides us instructions for living a life in alignment with God’s Word while reminding us of his promises. When we know what He has promised, confidently incorporate His Word in our prayers believing that He is able to do what He said. And lastly, I would encourage everyone to have a grateful heart. It is important to be thankful. When we possess a mindset of gratitude it elevates the spirit and inspires optimism. With prayer, the WORD and optimism, no mountain is too high, and no valley is too low. Your spirit will sing, “all things are possible, if “I” only believe!” 2. Have you ever had a heroic woman in your life? I choose to broaden the definition of heroism as not to limit it exclusively to those who accomplished outstanding achievements or remarkable feats. In my life, Dorothy Lee Pridgen was the heroic woman in my life. I admired her strength, tenacity, and generosity of love. She was the woman predestine to help shape my life when I was only 3 months old. Through sickness, sadness, disappointments and through the times of happiness and joy, she was there. She always demonstrated the characteristics of a virtuous woman and modeled agape love; for that I am truly grateful. 3. What is the best method a woman can use in the midst of suffering? I don’t know if there is one best way to endure suffering, But do know that trusting God in all things is key. We are unique and have varying capacities for endurance. And, we all have our individual crosses to bear. Some crosses may be physical, emotion, relational or financial the list can go on and on. Whatever they are, be honest with yourself and others. This does not mean that you reveal all your personal details, but you can still acknowledge that things are difficult. Going through trials is a part of life, but it is how we make it through that counts.


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J.HOWARD God took the time to make us different so let’s

How is your temperament, do you praise God

embrace our sister and celebrate God’s

through tough times? How do you handle


adversity? When you are suffering, focus on

7. What are you passionate about? I am passionate

what you can do instead instead of what you

about helping people see their

cannot do. Make an effort to focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have. Stand strong and don’t fall into self-pity and

tapping into their God-given talents. Regardless of age, there is always room to grow.

depression. This is particularly difficult to do

6. What brings you joy? I get joy experiencing the

when it relates to painful illnesses, but try

beauty of nature.

anyway. Even on the darkest of days, God is there. This one thing really works, when you are down, try doing a good deed for someone. Doing for others, even the smallest things can bring you happiness. Here I go again, learn to be intentional and be grateful. Small consistent steps lead to great victories and grateful hearts are joyful hearts. Seize every moment to be

7. How do you want others to remember you once you've passed from this life? In other words, what would you like to be your legacy? I'd like to leave a legacy of a good mother, wife and grandmother who honored God by serving; a legacy of respect, integrity, and service. I would like to be remembered as someone who instilled good Christian values in my children and was gifted

happy and spread joy to others. Love and

to uplift and inspire. One who taught the

laughter are a distraction and great relief in hard times. When you are hurting there may be times when you want to throw in the towel because life just hurts. At those times, pray like never before, trust God knowing that He will never put upon you more than you can bear

importance of being who you are (unapologetically YOU); pregnant with promise, the importance of passing it on, and the value of standing on the word of God. And of course, we are not going to leave out God’s financial blessings. Amen and amen.

even though we may feel like we are at our capacity. God has not forgotten you so H.O.P.E (Hold On Pain Ends) and hold on.

8. Tell us about your coaching empowerment and what motivates you to keep it flourishing? I love encouraging, equipping, and inspiring others to

4. Has there ever been times when you thought God

be their "best." Over the years, I have studied

wasn’t coming through? Here, I might say that I

and become certified by John Maxwell and the

never doubted God’s ability to come through but I have often wondered when and how. His coming through does not always show up as we may have expected.

Christian Coach Institute and earned additional coaching hours from Liberty University. This training enables me to provide others with practical strategies for positive change. When

5. What have you learned about loving women who are different from you? This is what I know. Too often, we want others to accept us with all of

on a coaching call with someone and they say, "Oh, Wow, I see it", I get excited because now they are ready to move. Through these

our short-comings and flaws, yet we stand in

transformative conversations, they begin to

judgment of them. We can be quick to judge

move from where they are to where they desire

and criticize, failing to have compassion for

to be. People are needing open, transparent,

their situation and circumstance. RE-LAUNCHING ISSUE JULY/AUGUST 2021

value and

honest conversations.


J. HOWARD They want someone who can be trusted in the coaching process and to help them plan the necessary steps to reach their goals. Everyone benefits from coaching. Are you ready for coaching? I have successfully helped others move closer towards their destiny and their

How To Keep Your Balance

desired goals. 9. If you could rewind your life, is there anything you would change? Indeed, hindsight is said to be 20/20. I know some folk would say, "No," I would not change one thing in my life because every experience

Do you have an uncaring boss? Do you feel like life sometimes isn't fair? Do you have to deal with people that are unreasonable? The natural tendency for the human heart is to fight back. I'm going to have the last word, or not speaking to someone for a while.

has to lead me to this point today. I, on the

Life can be unfair and revenge can creep in to settle

other hand, would change a few things. I

the issue.

would want to grasp the importance of If you break into a house and steal, you will be

learning and applying Biblical Principles

arrested, and you could be incarcerated. And if you

earlier in my life.

patiently endure your jail sentence, no one is going to think that you are wonderful for being such a good and patient prisoner. You wont' get elected "Citizen of the Year." But if you are a hard-working, faithful employee, diligent, honest, productive, prompt, caring, working for a boss who is stubborn, short sighted and ungrateful and if you patiently endure that situation-aha! That finds favor with God! Actually another meaning for the word translated favor is grace. So when you endure ,you put grace on display. And when you put grace on display for the glory of God, you could revolutionize your workplace or any other situation. Unjust suffering can be a dizzying experience. To keep your balance in those times when things are swirling around you, it is important to find a a fixed reference point and focus on it. Return to the protection and guardianship of the Good Shepherd who endured the cross and laid down His life...for you and me!


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Marlies Leggette, thank you for your insight reminding us that God waits patiently on high to have compassion on us! It seems in this life, being told to wait is exasperating. In 1972, psychologist Walter Mischel lead a study where a child was offered a marshmallow they could take now or get two marshmallows if they waited a certain amount of time. The focus of the study was rooted in delayed gratification or patience. Many peer-reviewed articles, TED talks, interpretations later the idea, though controversial, is the longer a child waited reflected their achievement level later in life. As children of God, we are trained to understand that delayed gratification is not a new or debatable idea; scripture tells us we must wait. Yet, how willing are we to wait? When God reveals a plan He has for our lives, do we become pouty or determined? Do we lunge at the here and now or do we wait patiently on Him? What would the measure of our faith levels look like when we are told to wait? If at all familiar with colonial structures, you have probably heard of the word keeping room. This small space beside a kitchen was a living room that ensured the heat from the kitchen supplied a comfortable place to gather and rest after meals. I am learning to think of waiting like being in that keeping room. While I wait, I can hope and maintain my composure; God is still keeping me. I’m not in the cold, I’m not cast out, I am being kept by God in the keeping room. The following verses help me when anxiety tries to dictate my life and I feel that being patient is more of a punishment than the blessing that is: When I think I’ve waited too long… ➔ Psalm 27:13-14 I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. Wait for and confidently expect the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for and confidently expect the Lord. When I think the blessing that God promised is not coming… ➔ Psalm 37:9 For those who do evil will be cut off, But those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land. When I think my plan might work… ➔ Psalm 37:34 Wait for and expect the LORD and keep His way, And He will exalt you to inherit the land; [In the end] when the wicked are cut off, you will see it. When I think God may not hear me… ➔ Isaiah 8:17 And I will wait for the LORD who is hiding His face from the house of Jacob; and I will look eagerly for Him.

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M. LEGGETTE When I think I’ve messed up too much for God to come through for me ➔ Isaiah 30:18 Therefore the LORD waits [expectantly] and longs to be gracious to you, And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; Blessed (happy, fortunate) are all those who long for Him [since He will never fail them]. All scriptures AMP version Dr. Marlies Leggette serves at the pleasure of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and serves alongside her husband in ministry and raising their children. She is the author of No Hanging Up on the Hard Ones and co-author of Way of Kings: A Discussion on Disobedience. Her new book Why I Quit My Job and went to Disney World will be released Fall 2021.

ABIDING Abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. The Hebrew word for “abide” from this verse means to literally stop, remain, and lodge. The meaning is clear: if we choose to abide under God’s shadow, we need to stay and dwell with Him. It is the choice we must make.

Re-Launching Edition

July/August 2021

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JASMINE MCGHEE ATTORNEY AT LAW To our Sister in Life! On behalf of the RLP Staff, we would like to thank you for agreeing to do this interview to share some of your story. We believe that your testimony will empower the lives of women. 1. Please tell us a little about yourself. I am a government lawyer born and raised in North Carolina. After some time in New York and NC, I really love being back in North Carolina to raise my kids around their family. I have 2 girls, ages 11 and 6, and have been married for 15 years to my high school sweetheart. 2. Have you ever had a heroic woman in your life? Tell us about her. Oh so many. I would have to start with my mom. I am a lawyer because I wanted to be just like her when I was a little girl. She has spent her entire career working for people living in poverty and really showed me how you can use to the law to help people. She and her siblings grew up incredibly poor and lost both parents very young. I admire her because not only she was able to go to college and become a lawyer coming from those circumstances, but also because of the incredible sense of family she was able to instill in me. 3. What have you learned about loving women who are different from you? I am an intersectional feminist and so I believe that women are systematically oppressed in our society and that Black women are doubly so. And so what that means is that whether you individually like or connect with a particular woman (or even think she’s right about something), it is so important that we love and uplift women, particularly Black women (but we can still her if she’s wrong, with love!). 4. What are you passionate about? Justice. Racial justice, gender justice, economic justice, spending our time here trying to make things better. Also, vacations and spas. 5. What brings you joy? Spending time with my family, especially my two girls. 6. What seems frustrating, wrong and unfair is not the end of the story; it’s just the end of a chapter. Please explain this from your prospective. Well, we’re in the long game. And so the idea that certain chapters will not end well is just critical to the idea that the work continues, and so does the love. It also makes me think about the notion of self-care, that work may not need to be done by you at all times---you can pass the baton to someone else for spell, if I can keep with the sports metaphors. 7. Wife, Mother, Career. From your viewpoint, how does a woman balance these three? Ah. From day to day! It’s tough. With any kind of balance it’s important to recognize that some days, some seasons, will have more balance than others. But, over the long term, you hope it will even out. There are practical considerations. If you have a partner, choose one that is active and committed to home and doesn’t leave the mental load and second shift to you. Outsource, where financially possible. And have boundaries at work and try to do work where people value the whole person. 8. How are you coping in this current season? Ha. It’s been a challenge for everyone over this last year, for me work has been busier than ever and kids have been home to stay safe from COVID.I cope better some days than others. But, when I’ve done the best, it’s because I am taking time for myself---I’m exercising, reading a book, or trying a new recipe.

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9. What has been your greatest achievement in life? That’s a hard one. I have a lot I’m proud of, as a mother, as a professional. But it feels too soon to answer that question! 10. We are told at times to identify our weaknesses and our strengths. Please share yours and how would you guide women with her weaknesses? My biggest strength is confidence in my goals and priorities. My biggest weakness is worry! Constant worry. I think some of this comes with motherhood. I’m not sure I have the solution, but probably some type of meditation and therapy! 11. What would you like to be your legacy? My daughters. Also, that I spent my time here trying to love my friends and family and make the world better. 12. If you could rewind your life, is there anything you would change? Lots of things, but because I’m a lawyer, nothing I want to put in writing!

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley’s rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley’s end. Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you . . . or come in and carry you out. Girlfriends, Daughters, Granddaughters, Daughters-in-law, Sisters, Sisters-in-law, Mothers, Mothers-in-Law, Grandmothers, Aunties, Nieces, cousins, and extended family . . . ALL bless our life if we let them! The world wouldn’t be the same without women, and neither would I. When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other. Author: Wooden Nickel



A LOST SHEEP ROSEMARY "ROSY" SANTIAGO It is hard not to feel guilty, but God knows our hearts… We feel that we’re standing still and falling apart… We walk around not realizing that our eyes are red and tears flow… We say, “tell me my child because I just don’t know what to do or where to go?” … Why did you pick this journey knowing how it can end… You walk around the streets like you have no family or friends…You seem to have chosen a path that you know has no hope…We all sit here and watch; you have no idea how to cope…Can you see how it has taken away your mind? Can you see that you are running out of time? Can you see that you have a better choice? We can see you want to be saved but it has taken your voice... You allowed it back thinking you are in control… When that happens, you forget you are selling your soul… These are choices you made, and NO your family is not feeling fine…We keep looking at our watches and wondering are we running out of time… We have forgiven you and desperately trying to understand… But it is for you to understand and give life another chance… We will be waiting when you are ready to make that change… We need for you to understand that you have no one else to blame… We’ve decided to wait patiently as we all pray…Our lips are not moving but our hearts have so much to say… You must believe and love yourself, to beat the demons inside…We are simply passengers unable to do nothing while you drive… Our life is full of anxiety and full of pain…At this point in our lives even when the phone rings, we feel the strain… Your life is in your hands and there isn’t much more we can do…All we can do is pray as we ask God to open your heart and save you…

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Understanding the Menopausal Transition Menopause is a point in time 12 months after a woman's last period. The years leading up to that point, when women may have changes in their monthly cycles, hot flashes, or other symptoms, are called the menopausal transition, or perimenopause. The menopausal transition most often begins between ages 45 and 55. It usually lasts about 7 years but can last as long as 14 years. During the menopausal transition, the body's production of estrogen and progesterone, two hormones made by the ovaries, varies greatly. Bones become less dense, making women more vulnerable to fractures. During this period, too, the body begins to use energy differently, fat cells change, and women may gain weight more easily. Menopause may be triggered by a hysterectomy or surgical removal of the ovaries, which produce hormones. If you have surgery to remove your ovaries or uterus and are not taking hormones, you will experience the symptoms of menopause immediately. This time in a woman's life is often full of other transitions—not just physical ones. Women may be caring for aging parents or relatives, supporting their children as they move into adulthood, or taking on new responsibilities at work.

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EMPOWERED THROUGH FRIENDSHIP JANICE CARTER BROWN Preacher. teacher, author, thank you for your steadfastness as a woman of faith and integrity and thank you for sharing words to inspire! Some say friends are hard to find as if anyone is purposefully looking for friends. Sometimes friendships just happen, serendipitously, out of the blue; eyes meet, smiles connect, dimples pop, then teeth show themselves as if to say, “I think I like you.”

Then viola! friendship!

springs up slowly like a sprouted

Other times friendship

seed, a tender shoot breaking

through the ground, then it grows like a tree with branches reaching out, touching, forming comradery, relationship. Friendship often finds itself on a road of necessity, like an umbrella in a rainstorm, a stranger stopping to help the victim of a flat tire, a soldier of to Christ.

the cross leading a troubled stranger

Emotions stemming from gratitude can forge a

friendship that last a lifetime. Some friendships are only for a season, some begin in first grade and last for a lifetime and others come from within one’s own family, blood relations, kinship. It is essential for women to have friends, friends like themselves, friends with ike interests, character traits, and values.

But friendships can also occur “out of the box”

and not fall into any of the fore-mentioned categories. that their husbands are their best friends. husbands are much more.

I have often heard women profess

That sounds great, however in reality,

They are a part of us, we are one with them.

for males to fully understand the complexities of womanhood.

But it is difficult

Their role


that of a female, with all the physical, psychological, emotional, and yes, spiritual differences.

Sometimes though, personalities just connect miraculously. There are so

many things in life that are unique only to us as women. Although modern trends try to blend the sexes, to the point of ambiguous identification at birth in some countries, creation is creation, biology is biology. No hormone therapy or surgery can change what God has wrought. No law or political manipulation can change the assignment of cells or brain chemistry. And as women, we benefit from relationship with each other. We understand the physical side effects of nature. We understand the emotions that make us cry because of someone else’s struggles or laugh with hilarity at something ordinary or just at the sight of a “sister friend.”

Re-Launching Edition July-August





We move mountains for our children,

Thank you Lord, for Your trans-

fight to defend our marriages. Our

forming power working in us

genuine praise moves heaven, our

as we praise You without

passionate prayer moves God.

reserve; for changing us from glory to glory as our praise for

The bible informs that iron sharpens

You becomes

iron. That sounds tough, but we women

by day. Expand our awareness of

are tough. We need to be. But at the

more extreme day

Your extreme goodness and mercy! Teach us to walk in the

same time, we are sensitive,

way of Your extreme grace and

compassionate, empathetic, loving, caring, thoughtful, passionate, and loyal,

faithfulness. Help us to embrace and be a vessel of Your extreme

sometimes to a fault. We work hard, play

love! Most of all, help us to love

harder, and love…well, you know what

You more extremely. For the

I’m saying. We need comradery that can

next sixty seconds, focus your

only be forged in relationships with those like us, with those who understand our unique idiosyncrasies as what some

mind on the extremity of God's Grace and offer an extreme response! He deserves it!

call the “weaker” sex. We’ll take that description, because we know the truth: when we are weak is actually when we are strong though Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!

Re-Launching Edition July-August



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