Profi L; A. itodrigues Corresporliling M.ember of the IMB t. ,l
{.- .'
0F TllE t(oill(ilt
ilT T}lE TUAil OF THT [1
li li
S.p.r"tr dn Uotctirn
lnrtituto Si"o"a", ilr"g.ogr, ito 159-fbgO
Tipogralia Ran{el
Goa, ..1
- ..I
XIII Konkani and Poituguese of the late 16th. century he Ind.o.Eurofean, a language spoken by Aryans sgmewhere in Central
Asia, thousands of years B.C., is supposed to havc given birth. among many others, to the Latin idiom in Latium, a small state in tho Central ltaly. The Latin, under its two forms, classical and popular, was used in the whole Roman Empire which included the Iberian Peninsula. With the invasion of Barbarians and fall of Rome in A. D. 476, came up different nationalities and Latin dialects, and one of .these Iberian dialects, tbe Portuguese, already separated from Latin in the 8th. c., became an independent language in the 12th. c. The period from the 8th. c. to the l2th. c. is called the proto-historical phase of the Portuguese language, which was an outcome of the fusion of Latin with various Iberian speeches, among which the Basque and the Celtic rvere the main ones. In regard to perfection and development, the Portugueselanguage is divided into trvo periodsl. Arehaic Portuguese, from the L2th, c' to mid-l6th. c, and Modern. Portuguese, from mid-l6th. c. onwards. The former is a phase of infancy, in which the speech comes out of the Pofiular Latin, slowly and wearing different garbs; it is characterized by the instability of morphological forms, and phonetic and syntatic singularities : it is quite varied and rich in virtue of receiving extraneous vocabulary specially from Arabic language. In the latter the language enters openly into a historical, definite and regular phase, by taking ample and opulent forms which were standardized by the help of the early grammarians Ferndo de Oliveira (1536) aud Jolo de Barros
2 ( 1540 ) ; it attains complete virility by receiving a copious vocabulary from thq Grâ‚Źco-r,.atin literature thanks to the European Renaissance, and from people+ of Africa, Asia and America, covered by Portugucse geographical expansion. "By'1560,.wheu the Portuguese missionaries in lndih' forced by the needs of lhe evangelization, started to study the vernacular with serious effort and dedication, the Portuguese language was just coming of age by leaving behind the archaism ol its infancy, while the Konkani language had already attained the adulthood, and a wery rich vocabulary and literary elegance. This diffethe Jesuit and Franciscan Konkani.Psrhrguese and Portuguese-Kookani vocabularies of the 16th. and l7th. centuries.
rence is
felt when one goes through
The first Konkani vocabulary was compiled by the Josuits before 1570, as it is mentioned in their letters, and it wrs successively followed by augmented versions, one of which is that of Diogo Ribeiro, dated 1626, which comprises' the entries of all the preceding vocabularies, to which he added a few thousarids of his own. Ribeiro's Portuguese-Konkani .volume has around 11500 entries; while the Konkani.Portuguese volume has about 1{500 entries ; this ttiscrepancy is explained by the fact that one Portuguese vocable is given many Konkani words of similar meanings' while many Konkauy vocables having no corresponding wcrds in Portuguese are et<plaiued by means of peri' phrases..,consisting of many Portuguese words, or else by assigoing the same Portuguese word to many Konkani vocables of similar meanings, thus showing that the Konkani vocabulary was richer then the Portuguesc. On the whole, the Portuguese words, expressions aod constructions of the Padres' socabularies are archaic, and they show instability in orthogtaphy, morphology rnd syntax; the language is also archaic semantically. The following are illustrations of the most striking Portuguese archaisms rudimentary expressions and fluid phonology and orthography, along with the
:orresponding Konkani vocables, taken from Ribeiro's two volumes of Kon<ani vocabulary of 1626, to which Eoglish meanings have been added: Portu,guese dropped in the Wod.ernPortwguesc, in other cases, the latter adopted ft which was not in the ')rmer. The Arcbaic Portugwese, was derivedl from the spoken Popul*r ,,atitt with no knowledge of the Latin orthography, while in the period of the lo/lern Portu,guese written Qlossical Latin was studied' andr as a result
I. While, in soms ca,ses, l, of. the Archaic
hc Portuguese orthography was
ho Konkani'Portuguese tome'
corrected. The following examples are fr6r&,
Fall, o/ h in Modern Portuguese
- ' :1.
Arch. Port. Hn (p,7, Konk. Addu; Port. Ho pao qlrserfe de tranca; Eng. A wooden bar used for door slat) (K. Adduco; P. Hfr quatto de bazaruco, hf, ceitil; E. A quarter bazaruco, a coin of insignificant value ) ;.
13, K.Ollapu; P.Humtomtomq'tomaoosquerecantar; E. A preparatory; tune just before a collective singing)- Modern Port.: UmilE:
One (masc.) Latin
$ :
2, AP, Hna p. 6. K. Mozo pau fatrak addkholl'lo ; P..Dei hria topbda no p6 ; E. I\{y foot hitagainst a stone) ; ( p. 134. K. yeun voch ; .P; Daiaqui hfra chegada ; E. Come for a while ) tUp.: Uma; E. One (fem )6 Jrr Jga.. (
He (p.76. I(. Pottak attu poddla; P. He dureiro, estitico.;.,9. Stomach ishard-for lacl< of defecation)- Up. : 6 ; E. is; L. est. 4Pt,Heta
43, K. Tachi bhirmot ghetli ; P. Desbonrou muito, afrontou o faisamte. ; E. One was dishonoured, affronted or slande.red maliciously) - MP. : era; E, was; I-. erat. +. AP. Herro, Hetar, Henou, Henado (p. 69. K. Chuki ; P. Herro; E. Mistake, error; K. Chukotam ; P. Herrar ; E. to 9rr i T. Chukun yetam ; P. Andar herrado; E. to be mistaken ; p. +4. K. BhavantraL chuklol; P. Herrou por hf, tamanino, por hfr. erres; E. Missed just a little; p. 241,'k. llozo pad khoinchean add poildta rrihonn polleta ; P. Anda vendo <lonile me. ( p.
Dis.-e o q' ndo hera
acolherA nalgiia falta, ou erro; .L. He is looking for my faults or mistakesiit. he is watching where my foot fails ; p. 382. K. Doutrin visorlo ; P. Errou a Dna; E. He erred in doctrine,. i. e. catechism)- ttlp. Erro, errar; errou, errado; E. Error, to err, etred ; L. errare. ( N. B. 'lhe Portuguese ortho-
grapby is inconsistent, v, g. herro, erro; herrou, errou ).
5. AP. Hir. lp. 226. K. Nigtam; P. Hir; E. togo; p.358. K..Voitam ; P. Ir mas barbaramente; E. to go ( in coarse language ) ; p. 376. K. ( Vetam ; P. Ir ; E. to Co ) - MP. Ir; E. to go ; L, ire Ortbography is inconsistent
6, bowl )
hir, ir ).
Hwiar (p. 52. K.
Bbonki ghalitam MP.,Uivar; E. to howl ; L. ulularc ( ? ),
P. Huviar o
cto; E. to
. 7. AP.'Honfi (p. 139. K, Kali; P. Hontâ&#x201A;Ź; E. Yesterday)- MP. {ntsm; E. ycstcrday ; L. ad * noctcm-aontem-oontcrn-ontem. 8. AP. Howbro (p.57. K. Rhuz; P. Hombro; E. Shouldcr) -Up,. :
l t i
E. Shouldor; L. umorus ( U. f. A phonotic phonomenon of consonlrtizaticn hrr tlkon placo by chrnging thc vowol c into tho consorlnt b ). g. A?. Hera tp. 340. K. Torik; P. Horr dc tompol E. Drto (stetomat o[ timo) ; p. 301. K. Sonvsor ; P. Ete do tempo o qirel c6tom ciorlo do scgente tonos, e dcpois torn4 ro cebo i E. Ere of timo covering a cyclc of sixty yelf,s.on the cxpiry of which it ends ) - Vtp. Ere i E. Ere ; L. Acra. ( Orthogrrphy is inconsistrnt: hora, era). 10. AP. Sakrr ( p. 30+. K. Sortam ; F. sahir ; E. to go out ) - MP. Sair;'
E. to go out; L. saliro. ll. AP. Hel,o (p.23, K,Arigoll; P. Hclodeferro; E. Iron ring)MP. Elo; p..Ring i L. ancllum-aelo-slo. 12. AP. ..HoIa (p.69. K. Chuddi ; P. Tocha de hola ; E' Torch of palrn leaves; K. Chuddit; P, Hola de palmeira ou ariqueira; E. Leaf of palrn troe or areca tree ; K. Chuddti ; P. Folha de hola ; E. Leaflet of palm ) MP. Ola; E. Palm leaf ; Malayalam: Ola.
Adoftion of h in Modern Pottugwese
ltP. Ouvc (p. 89. K. Doim vorgim chodd durendor mauddlam; P. Ouve grande zizg;nia,, ouve discordia dambalas partes ; E. Itrithsr side prevails MP. llouve ; E. Thrre was ; L. Ilabuit. lot of weod, i. e. great dissention )
abitidadc (p. 179. K. Lokhi; P. Abitidade; E. Abilitv; K. t-okhicho ; P. ..{bil; B. Ablo ) - MP. Habil, habilidade ; E. Able, abitity l-
AP, Abitr.
L. Habilis,
AP. Idropozia (p, 218, K. Nallkutt ; P. Idropezia ; E. Hvdropsv ; L. Hvdropisis. - MP, tlidropisia ; E. Hydropsy 4, AP. Armonia (p. 256. K, Runnzunn; P. .A,rmonia do canto ou instrumentos q'tang@; E. Melody or hhrmony of song or musical instruments)' E. Harmony ; L. Harmonia. - l4P. Harmonia; (p.306. K. Bhalicho sor; P. Astea de freche; E. Stick 5. LP. Astca of arrow ) n{P. Haste, hastea; E. Stick of arrow ; L. Ilasta.
AP. Eranga (p.378. K. Vibhag; P. Partilha da eranqa; E. Divi' sion or share of iuheritance ) - MP. Heranga ; E. Inheritance ; L. Hereditas. It. In the arckaic Portuguese the sibilant sound was urade iuconsistently either.,ly s, c, ss or c with cedilla ( E )' and the latter was used irrespec-
s tivc of thc vowcl that follows, viz. Gct go, g,4i oc, ca, whilo in thc
Portugac* ce arado aro sibilent withqut codilln.
Sibilant J. ( Konh-Port, eocabulary)
L AP, 9erta, wrtotnantc (p. 7. K. Addsu[o; P. H0a.sorte;
E. A. ccrtelntype of snake; p. 130. K. Suttavem; P.sortemente; E.cortainly)' MP. Corta, ccrtamente; E. Certain, certainly.
f; t I
f lt ir
(p. 13. K. Alleitarn; P. Dcngrrso,. engrosarsc algfia couza; E. To become thick,'dense) -Up. Adcnsar-sc; 2. AP.
Den4arse, engtosetrse
cagrossar-se E. To thicken.
3, AP. Socrssf ar (p. 15. K. Amantar koritami P. Socrestarl E. To isolate ) - nnp. Sequestrar i E. To seclude. +. LP. Sofricar, soflicante (p. 19. K. Oousortam; P. Sopricar; E. to supplicate ; p. 30{. K. Soronngot; P. Soplicante; E. Supplicant ) - MP. Suplicar, suplicante; E. to supplicaute, supplicant.
5. !tP. Esprimentar (p. 12. K. Onnbhovitam; P. Esprimentar ; E. to experience ) - MP. Experimeutar ; E. to experience. 6. AP. Sonona (p.27. K. Attboddo ; P. Somana; E. Week) - MP. Semana; E. Week.
7, AP.
(p.66. K. Chitbhin zalem; P. Agoou
",pleasure was frustrated)-MP.
pra;zet; E. Feast or
se a festa ou Aguou.se; E. It was
8. AP,
(p. 52. K. Bhoku; P. Sostentagio; E. Liveli.
MP. Sustento ; E. Livelihood. 9. LP. Sotobro (p.57. K. Chachur;
hood I
P. Solobra; agoa; E.
MP. Salobra; E. Saltish.
10. AP. Parsotrana (p.84. K. Donno; P. Hda como Persolana da folhas de figueira ; E. A sort of bowl made of banana tree leaves ) - MP. Porcelaua; E. Porcelain. . 11., AP. Sera lp. lLz. K. Mennan ghonttarilam; P.Estacuberto cO tvtp. Cera; E. \Vax. sera ; E. It is covered with wax ) (p. 1t3. K. Grahannl P. Sol crisi E. Eclipse):.. 12. AP. Sol crds MP. Eclipse i E. Eclipse. 13.. AP. Sevado'lp, l2*. K..Hounsavtarn i P. Estar sevado i E. to bo. MP. Cevado; E. Grown fat. addictcd to lust)
l I
, 14.;
AP..Aoentejer se ( p. 133. K. Yesh ghetam to be successful) .- MP. Ava,rtajar-se.i E..to excel. r,
15. [rP. Armpit )
15+, K. Khak
'''.' ",' ' ..,1:.
16.. AP. Tiresia.( p. 140. K. Kallkoi ; I:'. Doenga
diee )
AP. Sebola
se; E.
P. Sobago debaixo do braqo: E.
E.'Airn pit$. - nlp. Sovaco ;
MP. lctericia i.
P. Aventejar
de tiresia
E. Jaun-
. .i
(p. 143. K. Ulicho Kar,doi P. Sebola; E. Onion) -
MP, ,Ceboia I E. Onion. ,. . 18. AP. Enftraveser se (p. l4+. K. Kansotam I P. Embraveser se contra algu6; E. to enrage) - nnp. Enrbravecer I E. to enrage. t', i9. AP. Soborogo (p. 164. K. Mozo liintu geloi P. Acabou se o rneu sobrogo como quddo morre o inimigo; E.A Canger for rne is over, as rvhen I\{P. Sogobro; E. Danger. an enemy dies ) . 20. AP. Sepo (p. 170. Ii. Khodd; P. Sepo para algtr animal; E. Clog to impede motion of an animal) - tttp. Cepo; E. CIog. .21. AP. Socegas (p. 173. K. Kuchukulo ; P. Socegas; E. Tickle ) MP. Cocegas! E. Ticl<le. ' .22. AP. Sobir (p. 183. K. I-engotam; P. Sobir animal mocho na femea; E. L'o mount a male animal on the female) - MP- Subir; E. To climb up. . 23.. AP. Sego (p. 191. I(. Andollo molli paddo khae; F. O sego deh.rulhava, o.bezerro comia I E. The blind nran threshed the corn, and the ox ate i.t ) - MP. Cego; E. Blind man. 2+. AP. Secta (p. 197. i(. Mot; P. Secta) E. Sect)- l,tp. Seita;
25. AP. Siroulas (p.216. K. Naddo; P. Fita de siroulas; E. Lace 'of uuderwears) - MP. Ceroulasi E. Underwears. 26. LP. Simbrante (p. 227. K. Tonddachi nillai P. Simbrante do Rosto; E. Countenancc) - MP. Semblante; E. Complexion. , ,27. AP. Sodc (pp. 333,3+6. K. Tan,Truxa; P. Sede; E. Thirst)-l\4P.
i'E. Thirst.
28. AP.-Perscber (p.2,|5, K. Porsotam; P. Pepseber; E. to undâ&#x201A;Źr; *tand) - MP. Percoberi E. to undcrstand. 29. AP. Sud'hfta (p. 256.K. Peddii P. Scrdinha; E. Sardioe) . ]t{P. Sardinbs; E. Sardinc.
7 -
30. AP. Selro (p.283. K. Razdanddoi
P. Setro
Cetro; E. Sceptre. 31. AP. Recom\egasdo (p.293. K. Som;P. Recompegasao; E. Com. pensation ) MP. Recompensa ; E. Compensation.
32. 4P. Sirniterio,
Semiter;o (pp. 197,327. K. Mosonn, Sumxamii, P. Simiterio, Semiterio i E. Cemetery ) MP. Cemit6rio; E. Cemetery.
33. LP. Dosaina (p. 329. K, Surnkall i
P. Certo instrumento corno.
Bagpipe)- MP. DoEainai.E. Bagpipe. 3+. Sedo (p. 372. K. Udiam i P. Pola rnenha
dosaina; E.
seCo diz6 berbrramente
E. Early in the morning-an coarse expression ) MP. Cedo i E. Early. 35. AP. Sercar (p.373. K. Veapitam i P. Sercari E. to enclose) .. MP. Cercar i E tc enclose. 36. LP. Fouse (p. 385. K. Vhitlo i P. Fouse de cegar i E. Sickle) -. MP. Fouce i E. Sickle. 37. LP. Asombaya (p.72. K. Donddovot i P. Asombaya, i. reverencia q' se da hir Bramene a outro encontrand se, ou pequenos a grandes, ou grandes htis aos outros ; E. Reverence ). 38. LP. Soverter se (p.386. K. Ulanddta; p. Soverter se; E. to beoverturned ) - nfp. Subverter se; E. to be subverted.
Sibilant ss (Konh-Port. vocabulary )
AP. Enssoados (p. 13.K. Zamb ollokele zaun poddle; P. Cairdo nos jambos enssoados; E. Sun.dried jambu fruits fell down ) Mp. Ensoa* dos ; E. Sun-dried. 2. AP. Passar ( p. 16. K. Kagot onvadun polletam i P. passar a carta antes de a ler; E. Tocollateadocumentbeforereading it ( - MP. Conferir; E. to collate.
?rosser (p, 17. K. Ang vollta; P. Tro;ser o corpo'; E. to contort one's body ,) ltp. Torcer; E. to contort.
3. AP.
+, AP. Presso (p. gi. K. Ddogoll;
Arece seca de menos presso. q'kheri; E. Dry arecanutof inferior qur,lity thrn kheri ; p. l58. K. Khorid; prego . P. Presso, palavra de mouros ; E. Price, a lVluslim word ) - MP. P.
-E. Price.
!rP. Massagatos (p.33. K. Vhortonam boiem vhelem, hadditananr..
: :,.Ir-:â&#x201A;Źi
8 balau vo chonto korun haddilem ; P. Levou a covza be tratada' trouxe a â&#x201A;Źnrxovalhada feita massagatos ; E. Whist taking he took a neat and tidy thing, whilst returning he brought it soiled and disorderly ) - MP. Massagada
E. Confusion.
6. AP, Pavsser;a ( p, 37, K. Bhagvos 'MP. Parceria; E. ComPanY.
; P. Pavsseria ; E.
Company )
( p, 52, K' Bhognar; P. Sussegc bom ou mao; E Good or bad event ) - MP. Sucesso ; E. Success. 8. AP. Qassa (p, 2+5. K. Pardichea vella sunnem mutunl< gelem. P. No tempo da.cassa o ceo foi mijar' Isto se d,iz d,o q' falta luando he .necessario. Faltou no melhor; E. The dog went to urinate at the mcrnent of hunting, that is, to be absent at a very important moment or on tlre best .occasion) - MP. Caqa; E. Hunting' 9. AP. Cliossa ( p. 389. l(. Voddop; P. Cirossa do cassador ; E. \{P. Choga do cagador; E. Hunt-'r's hut. Hunter's hut )
7. AP.
10. AP. Misssirico ( p' 63. K. Chestta ; chesttitam ; P. Missirico i nrissiricar I E. Intrigue, to intrigue) - MP. Mexerico, mexericar I E. intrigue, to intrigue11. AP. Corfasso ( p.72.K. Angachem dollvoddem
P. Corpasso ou
i E' FlabbY bodv ). 12. AP. Calasseiro (p. 82. K. Dinddo I P' Calasseiro i E. Lazv fellow ) - MP. Calaceiro I E. I'azy fellow. 13. AP. Trafassa (p. 93. Ii' Dhovoilem i P. Trapassa i E' Fraud ) I E. Fraud' - MP. TraPaqa ft. Ap. pessa (p. 100. K. Gollsori I P. Hrla certa ioya de pessas .de ouro lavradas, que as moiheres traze no pescogo charnlo fogadouro i E. Necklace of gold beads'"vorn by ladies) - tttp' Peqa i E' Piece. 15. Ap. passo (p, 105. K. Ghodditam i P. Edificar passos I Ii. to ,build palaces) - I\tP. Pagol R' Falace' 16. Posso (p.105. Ii. Baint aponno ghrlo' vo ghalum ghetlem i P Botou se no posso i E' Threrv himself into the well ) - MP' Poqo I E. corpo fofo
17. AP. Enchasso; Rossar ( p' 107' K' Ghasovlem I P' Esmagar se .a postema ou enchasso cd rossar i E. Abscess or swell was bruised by rubbing
) * MP.
i E' Srvell, to rub'
9 AP. Pascosso trossido (p. 140. K. Manek kolla laglea; P. Tenho q Pescosso trossido I E. My neck is wrung ) - MP. Pescogo torcido i E. Tor; sion of neck.
AP. Trassar (p. 116. K. Ghuddxitami P. Trassari E. MP. Traqar! E. to plot.
20. AP, Alvorosro ( p. 122. K. Horus MP. Alvorogo; E. Enotion. 21.
AP. Prassa (p.I23. K. Pragai E. Market.
P. dlvorosso
Hatti P. Prassai
E. Emotion )
E. Market)
- Up.
22. AP. Ingrimansso (p.125. K. Hinkttii P. Ingrimansso; E. Circumlocution I : Up. Bngrimango i E. Circumlocution. 23. AP. Mansso (p. t27. K. Hollui P. Manssoi E. Soft) tvtp. Xanso; E. soft. 2+.
AP. Esfasso (p. 133. K. Yeka disache bolai P. Por espasso de hO dia; E. For space of one d"y) - MP. Espago i E. Space. 25. AP. Cassiz (p. 137. K. Kadii P. Cassiz dos mourosi E. Muslim priest)-Old P. Cagiz i E. Muslim priest. 26. AP. Massanaria (p. l+2. K. Kamavitam i P. Lrtvrar como EltSSa'. naria ! E. To work in stone, such as mason ! ; Old P. Magonaria i E. Masonry.
27. AP. Cossar (p. t57. K. Khorpitami P. Cossarl E. to scratch) MP. Coqar i E. to scratch. 28. AP. Penssar (p, 164. K. Kiria koritam i p. penssar meninos i E. fo swaddle infants)- MP. Pensari E. to treat. 29. AP. Mosso (p.2Ol. K. Mhonniaroi P. Mosso de servigoi E. mes. senger)-MP. Mogoi E. Boy.
A,P. Casscio (p. 208. K. Mori i P. Cassdo pequeno wlp. Cagio i E. Squaloid.
E. Squaloid
small shark )
31. AP. Massa (p. 210. K. Mudugull; P. Nlassa de ferro i E. Iron rnace ) - MP. Maga I E. Mace. 32. AP. Massci (p. 2t3. K. Murind, murinz i P. mrsrf,. do cocoi E. Sr,reet bulb like formed inside dry cocoanut) Vp. Maga i E. Apple. 33. AP. En,gonsso (p. 217. K. Nagusoi P. Engons;o; E. Hinge) Engonzo; E. Hinge. MP.
3+. q
AP, Fumassa (p. 220-221. K. Taka naxi
dilii p. Deu lhe bUr
10; E. He was given f umes as medicine I it is also given to cattle) MP. Fumaqa I E. Fume 35. AP. Converpossdo (p. 218. I{. Porusonn i P. Convergasstro i E' Conversation ) - Up. Conversagdo i E' Conversation. 36. Ap. Agussa.r (p.253. K, Pajitam i P. Agussar machaCo coita ett. i MP. Aguqar I E. to sharpen' E. to sharpen axe, chopper, ect. ) 37, LP, Incenssirtet (p, 255, K. Faparpetto i P' Incenssivel ; E' Insensible ) - MP. Insensivel i E. Insensible. 38. LP. Cre?ser, cresseil.te (p, 255. K. Favortami P' Cresser .como
umassa, isto he pa. mezinha tambe ao gado
rrros q'se cozeiE.. To be expanded such as rice being cooliedi p. 355' K. vaddtam I P. cresser I E. to grow i p. 326. K. Suklpokhem I P' cressente da da; E. Wane of mooo) - MF' Crescer, crescentei E. to expand, to grow, wane of moon,
39. A.? ConCissifuto (p. 301. K. Sonvgoddo i P. Condissipulo i E. E. Co-disciple. Co.disciple) - MP. Condiscipuio i (p.307.K. Sat panch monim dhorum nakai P' Nio 40. AP. Vassilar andeis vassilando
i E. Do not
Vacillate )
Vtp. Vacilar i E. To vacillate.
_ 41. Ap. Assoor'o, assoviaf (p,3L2. K. Xellaunni, xellonni i xellaunni ;halitam i P. Assovio, assoviar i E. Whistle, to whistle ) - MP. Assobio,-rssobiar i E. Whistlel to whistle. +2. AP. Rossi ( p. 3a0. K. Tenttu ; P' Rossl i E' Foal ) - MP' Rocim i E. Foal, pony'
+3. AP" Brassa (p. 362. K. Vanv i P. Brassa; E' A measure of dis' tance ) - MP" Braga i E. A measure of distance' ++. AP. Bassoura (p.366. K. Vattambitarni P. Aiuotar o bate c6 a vassoura i E. Broom. )assoura I E. To gather paddy with broom ) - tttp. 45. ltp. Aftamesscrf se (p, 372. K. Uddi ghalitam i P. Arramegsar se i 0. To throw oneself ) - MP. Arremessar-sei E' to throw oneself' +6. A.P. Sarssina (p, 4l*. K. Jitrob i P' Sarssina I E' Vegetable ) MP. Salsinha? i E. Vegetable ?
c) Sibilant c (Konh-Port'
prp. Estromecer (p. 17. K. Ang. kadditam i P. Estromecer shultder i p.299. K. Sonkochtarni P. Estromecersei E. to sbudder) Erttemecer I E. to shuddcr'
i -
E. to MP-
- de firio o 2. AP. Cezdo (p. 17. K. Ankuxetarn; P. Principiarse ^cezdo {ebre i E. to shiver with fever i p, 295, K. Tea somear i P. Naquella cezlo; E. On that occasion ) - MP. Sezdo, sazd.oi E. Fever i Occasiou. 3. AP. Celecta (p. 100. K. Gallau i P. Couza celecta i E. SelectedlI\I P. Selecta i E. Selected. +, AP. Malcim (p. lZL. K. Horkaro i P. Malcim i E. Delator ) .- MP. Malsim i E. Delator. 5. AP, Coiceira (p, 129. K. Vontth hou ang hururetai P. Coiceirai ou ardor dos beigos ou do corpo ! E. Lips or body is itching or burning ) - MP. Coceira; E. Itch; ( MP. Coiceira, couceira; E. Sill of door). 6. AP, Cebolo (p.259, K. Piao, piaui P. Cobola de terrai E. Nativo .onion ) MP. Cebola i E. Onion. 7. AP, Pecepelo (p, 175. K. Kunttonn gheun chomkotam i P. Andar ao pecepelo i E. to walk on the tips of the toes ) - MP. P6s e pelo i E. Barefooted 8. AP. Falcidada (p. lSL. K. Lottiki P. Falcidade (p. t8l..K. Lottik i P. Falcidade i E. Falcity ) MP. Falsidsdc i E. Fetsity. 9. AP. Ccoo 19.192, K. Mendcm i P. Covo i E. Tellow ) - SeDoi E. Tallow.
AP. Ccmbrtltc ( p. 318. K. Xirvont ! P. HomC dc b0 cembreta; E. â&#x201A;Źood complcrioncd ) - MP. Scmblrato i E. Comphxion.
AP, Escadalcaar (p. 225.K. Nid{cddittmi P; Ercedelcccri 8. To slumbcr) Up. Escedelaccr i E. to slumbcr.
AP. Ciso (p. 226. K. Khellak mhollolem ponn nilrrar poddlemi P. Disse vos z6bendo, tomastes de cizo; E. I seid es a jokc but you toolr il in trutb i p. 268. K. Prokas i P. Cizo i E. Seosc i p.290. K. Soir6no i P. Cizo I E. Sense i p. 303. K. Sorm, sorm axilolo i P. Cizo, cizudo i E. Sense, judicious) - tttp. Siso, sisudoi E. Sensc, judicious.
AP, Ced,e (p. 232. K. Tam bhuk nivoinanti P. Nto me esfriaoa fome mâ&#x201A;Ź cede i E. They do not cool down my hunger nor thirst ) - MP. Sede i E. Thirst. l+, AP. Incensivel (p.255. K. Faperpettoi P. Inccnsiveli E. Insen. sible ) - MP. Insensivel i E. Insensible. 15. A,P. Asoce4ar (pr 300. K. Take santonv di i P. Deixayo alocegar;
E. Let him cool down) - MP. Sossegar) E. to appease.
-.16. AP. Cedas (p.303. K. Soroddl P. Cedas de cavallo ou de porcoi E. Horse's mane, or boar's bristle ) - MP. Cerdas i E. Mane, bristle, 17, AP, Celo,celar (p.315. K, Xikho modditami P. Abrir o celo da carta i E. to open the seal of a letter I K. Xikho maritam i P. Celar i E. to seal ) - MP. Selo, selar i E. Seal, to seal. 18. AP. Cinileiro (p.3+0. K' Tenttui P. Cindeiroi E. Foal) - Up. Sendeiro i E. Foal, pony. 19. AP. CeIa (p. at+. K. Jini P. Cela de cavalo; E. Saddle of horse) - MP. Sela i E. Saddle. 20. AP, Occiozo (p,28+, K. Rikamoi P. Occiozoi E. Idle) - MP. Qcioso
.E. Idle.
d) Sibilant gt ( Konh-Port.
' 1. AP. Falgairo (p. 16. K. Oneaokari P. Falgairoi E. Forger) MP. Fals6rio I E. Forger. 2. AP. Ert\iegar' (p. 31. K. Badtam i' P. Empeqar i E. to harm ) -' MF.'Empegar i E. tb obstruct. 3. AP. Pengar (p. 33. K. Ballok aogutteanim guttllailam i P. Penqar o rircnino ou crianga i E. to swaddle a child') - MP. Pensar i E. to troat. +. AP. Megagciro. frIclagciio (p. 52iK. Bhodduvo i P. Meqageiro ; E. M6ssctgeri p; l2t. K; Horkar6;' P. 'M6gageiroi E. Messehger) - MP. Mensageiro i E. Messenger. .. q. !rP. Pengativo (p,65. K. Chintakront i P. Pengativo i E. Thoughtfnli :p. 129. K. Husketam I P. Estar pengativol E. to be thoughtfuli p. 28L. K, Rotddo ghalitam i P. Estar pengativo ern algE.a coazai E' to be absorbed ) - MP. Pensativo; E. Thoughtful. 6. AP. Mastruear (p.66. K. Chirdditam; P. Mastrugrr cd a mdol E. to press with hand ) - M P. Amachucar ; E. to press. 7, Redouga (p.97. K.'Dholoro; P. Redouga; E. Swing; p.I25.K' Hindullo; P. Redouqa; E' Swing) - Up. Retouqa, retoiqa; E. Swing' .j 8. LP. Bargalei, 1p. tSZ' K. Koddgulem; P. Barqalete; pequeno E. Small bracelet) - MP. Bracelete;E. Bracelet. (p.. 153. K. Khochirkam Khochirkami i , ., 9. lrP. Magartaria, Moganei.ro P. Maganaria; Maganeiro; E. Masonry, mason) - nAp. Arte de pedreiroo. pedreiro; E. MasonrY' meson.
10. Ap. Refatgaao (p,146. K. Koptti; P. Refalgado E. Deceitful) _n{P. Refalsado; E. Deceitful. 11. AP. Esquivd.ga (p.15l. K. Kotthinnai; P. Esquivaga; E. Roughness ) MP. Esquivanga i E. Roughness. 12. AP. Bolsa (p. 157. K. Khonn; P. Bolga; E. Bagi p.
161. K. Gantthi kevo na ; P. Neo ha nhu bazaruco na bolga; E. There is not a single pie in the pocliet; p,27*. K. Purvotto; P. Bolga grande q'ordinariamente serve aos potecares, e outros butiqueiros; E, Large bag used generally by Mp. Bolsa i E. Pocket, bag. apothecaries and shopkeepers )
Borichem bor tem mhonnta aponu thor; P. mesma diz q'he grande, isto se diz per perifraze ella de mageira, He do q'se louva assy mesmo; E. The little apple calls itself big, that is, one praises himself though being of little rvorth ) - Up. Maq6 ; E. Apple. 1+. AP. Defengao (p. 232. K. Nivadd ; P. Defengdo ; E. Defence ) AP. Magda
MP. Defeza; E. Defence.
15. AP. Cabbage)
(p. 2+3. K. Ponchpado; P. Vergas misturadas; E.
MP. Repollro; E. Cabbage.
16. LP. Convergassdo (p,2*8. K. Porusonn; P. Couvergassdo; E E. Convorsation. Conversation) - MP. Conversagdo; L7, AP. Recompegasdo lp.293. K. Som; p. RecompcAaseo : E. Com pensation) - MP. Recompensa; E. Compensation. I8. AB, Amangar (p.300. K. Sontoitam;P. Amangari E. to appease) - MP. Amansar; E. to appease. 19. AP. Doudigar (p.355. K. Vodotam I P. Doudigar;E. to play tho fool)
Doudejar, endoudecer; E. to play the fool, to become mad.
-MP. 20. AP.
Eransa (p. 378. K. Vibhag; P. Partilha da eranga; E, Diviwip. Heranga ; E. Inheritance. sion or share of inheritance )
21. AP. Estengdo ( p. 383. K. \/istar; P. Estengdo ; E. Extension ) MP. Extensdo ; E' Fxtension. 22, AP. Segdo ( p. 400. K. Yetlea vetleak usorpot na ; P. Nao segd.o de ir, vir, ndo ddo secega ; tl. They do not cease going and coming, i- e. take Cessam ; E. Cease. no pause ) - MP. ( 23, Encengar p. 403. K. Uvallitam ; P. Encengar ; E. to incense | MP. Incensar ; E. to incense.
74( Portaguese-Konhani Vocabulary )
2+. AP. Qaco (p. 164. P. Qaco de escrivlo ; K. Khollto; E. Scribe's $ag ) ,- MP. Saco ; E. Bas. 25. AP, Qa/ar "e (p. 164. p. Qafar se dalgtr escravo vendendo ol K, -Lattitam ; E, to sell out a slave ) - Up. Safar-se; E. to run away. 26, AP. Qafra (p. 164. P. Na gafra quente cayo i K. Taplole harnir poddlem zalemi E. As if had fallen on a hot anvil) - ttlp. Safra i E. :Smith's anvil.
27. AP.
Cabato, Capatciro, Capataria ( p. 164. p. Qapato, Qapateiro, Mochekar, Mochesai; E. Shoe, shoemaker, shoeshop). K. Mocho, tapataria; MP. Sapato, sapateiro, sapataria i E. Shoe, shoemaker, shoemaker,. shoeshop.
AP. Qorrafar (P, t0+. P. Carrafar ou qarrafagar; K. Pasonnarn hanntam ; E. to cut with bEd tools ) - Up. Sarrafar, sarrafagar; E. to. cut with bsd tools.
(Konh-Pod. Vooabularyl
(p.31. K. Baidd; P. Pogo q'na,o amarrio com pcdres; E. WGll wiih ro courtcrmurc) - IlP. Pogo; E. Wcll. N. B. Portugucsa " emerrar com pcdres " secms to bc c Konkanism whicb tho pedrcs took
l. ItP.
from the Koukani word " bandhitam mcrning " to tie, to build ".
having the doublc meaning the doublo
Porgwejo (p. +7. K. Yeka bikunoam chabileari, sosram bikuunauri yeta; P. 56 morde hu porgovejo a sua modedura pagilo mil ; E. One bug's bite is paid for by thousand bugs ) Percevejo; E. Bug.
2. AP.
3. AP.
Good or bad evont
(p.52. K. Bhognnari P. Sussego bom ou mao MP. Sucesso ; E. Success.
I E-
4, Desacorgoado (p.725, K. Hino I P. Desacorgoada i E. Vigourless), MP. Deecoroeoado i E. Disheartened 5. AP. SoDroco (p. 164. K. Mozo kint gelo; P. Acabou sco meu. sobrogo como qutrdo morre o inimigo ; E. A danger for me is over, as whcn enGnemydiesi p.357.K. Voidasi P. Sobrogoi E. Embarassment) - nfp. Sogobro i E. DEngsr.
-6. t\P. AgomaAo(p.
K. Kailrudr; E. Enrageit)- Mp. Assoma.
do; E. Enraged.
AP. Redou.po (p. 185. K.
8. NIP.
Lottoi P, Reteugol E. SwinginC)
E. Srvinging.
AP, Perfeigoar (p. 230. K. Nirvallita; P. Perfeiqoari E. ^i\perfeiqoar i E. to perfect.
AP. Defeugor (p. 240. MP. Defensor; E. Defender.
Pallolr ; P. Defenqor;
-Mp. perfect
Defender )
10. AP. Agoalhar (p. 267. K. Proghottaitam; p. Agoalhar; E. divulge )
Assoalhar ;;E. to divulge.
AP. Groqo (p. 288. K. Sodor rukh ; P. Arvore groga ; E. Thick tree ) MP. Grosso; E. Thick. 12. AP. Qongolar (p. 29*. I{. Somzaitam i P. Conqolar; E. to console; p.295. K. Sombokhitam i P. Congolar; E. to console) -nlp. Consolar; E. to console.
13. AP. CAossegado(p.309. K. Scvchiti p. Agossegad.a couzai E. Calm ) - MP. Sossegad6 i E. Calm. l+. LP. Pegoa (p.361. K. Vorg; P. Pegoa; E. person; p. 410. K Zotn i P. Pegoa i E. Person ; K. Futto zonn; p. Tributo peqoal que pagdo os moradores daldea; E. Personal tax payable by yillage dwellerd ) -- Mp. E. Person. 15. AP. Pergolana (p. 144. K. Kanso; P. Perqolana i E. porcelain ) -, IVIP. porcelana i E. Porcelain.
f ) Sibilan,
Au (
Port - Konh, oocabulary)
AP. Cuiidaae(,p. 168. P. Cujidade; K. Nork; E. Filrh) -mp. Sujidade; E. Filth. 2. AP. Cujo, Cuiar (p. 168. P. Quja cousa, gujar I K. Mhelto, mhelloi. tam i E. Dirty, to soil) Sujo, sujar; E. Dirty, to soil.
(p. 168. P. Qumagre; K. Anvalliecho pitto i E. Sumac powder ) - MP. Sumagre i E. Sumac. +. AP.Cumo, gumarcnto (p. 168. p. Qumo, Qumercntoi K. Ros, ro._ sall i E. Juice, juicy ) -Up. Sumo, sumarento i E. Juice, juicy. AP. Cumogys
t6 g 1 Sibilant
ge ( Konk'Port' vocabulary)
1. AP, Amadrocer (p' 15- K' Amburketaml P' Comeqa
fruit to begin getting ripe) a fruita, i. esta inclinada pa. amadroger; E,A ${P. Amadurecer; E' to riPen' 2. LP, Concerto (p' 34'K' Haka taka bond na; P' Isto ndo tem prepoConcerto; E' sitonâ&#x201A;Ź congerto! E. This has no purpose nor order)
a outreml E' AP. Sombracear (p'7+' K' Dattaitai P' Sombragear to frighten' to excel' to frighten ) - MP. Assombrar; sobrancera I E' +. AP. Concetttit (p' 136' K' Kobul koritam I P' Congentir ; E' To MP. Consentir; E' to consent" consent ) 3.
5.AP.Bar4etete,br,:lSclete(p.33lr.K.Tollbollo,Tollbond;P.Barqe. Gold bracelet' bracelet like lete douro, joya do brago como braqelete I E' MP' Bracelete i E' Bracelet' ornament of arm ) que se 6. AP. CeCa (p. l+2. K' Komorbond; P' Panno de geda c6 geda de i E. Patollem ; P' Pano cingd i E. Loin'cloth'of silk i p' 251' K' Silk cloth ) - MP. Seda i E Silk' E' to are.oeo (p' 144' K' Kankuddtam; P' AreQeari
7. AP. Aregear, E' Fear ) be affraid i p. 299. K' Xonkea ; P' Aregeo ;
Recear receio; E.
to be affraid' fear'
8.LP.Toge,toget(p'156'K'Khanki'khankitamiP'Toqe'toger; E.Cough,tocough;p,170'17LK'KhonkulienpadvisraitaiP'Cdatoce fasesquegerotraque,istosedizdoq'fallandoemamateriadeq'ndog.rsta' the flatus with cough' i' e' diverto a falla noutra diferente ; E' He disguises he diverts it to different subject ) when a talk is unpleasent to someone MP.Tosse,tossir,esqueceriE'Cough'tocough'toforget' I\tP ' 9. AP. Interege ( p' t84, K' Lobh; P' Interege; E' Interest ) -
; E, Interest 10. AP. Repabe, afparege lp'
Niunan misak iena I l'' Neo q'lhe foi feito' tabe noio q'hfr' apparegd a missa por rezdodo grande opprobrio does not assist at mass because of out' reqebe dalgua afronta reqebida ; E' He E' Receives' appears' rage rnade to him ) - MP' Recebe' aparece ; a pala' l1' AP. Pergebo (p' 216' K' Utor porosona i . P' Neo pergebo iVlp' Percebo i E' Understand' vra i E. I don't undelstand the word ) 232'
12. AP.
Parcaa ( p. 281. K. Rosnei poddte looks beeutiful ) MP. Parcce i E. Looke.
P. Percge {ermozo
i E. It
13. lrP, Etnvancgersa (9. 255, K, Fareri dekhoitlrn; P. Emvauogerso i E. to boast) - MP. Envaidecer, degvanlcer i E. to boest. 14. lrP, Abastcacrsa (p, 2?3. K. Purovtam i P. Abastcaorsc; S to bs supplied ) - ff p. Abastccer - se ; E. to be supplicd. 15. AP. Escagcs'a (p.125. R. Hinnuvai; P. Escagczai E. Stintiness) MP. Escassez; E. Scarcity 16. AP, Pargciro (p. 301. K. Sonvgoddo; P. Pargeiro;'-E' Fartncr) MP. Parceiro i E. Partner. 17. AP. Dezagcis (p, 32A. K. Solla i P. Dezageis i E. Sixteen ) -MP. Dezasseis; E. Sixteen. 18. AP. Corwal.eger (p, 232. K. Nivortoiami p. Convalegcr; E. to convalesce ) - ttlp. Convalescer i E. to convalesce. 19. AP. (Qerto p.335. K.Torlkott; P. Ninho de gerto bicho; E. Nest of a certain insect) - MP. Corto; E. Certain.
20. AP. Since then )
Entonges'( p. 340. K' Tedus login MP. Entf,o ! E. Thon.
; P. Desdo entonges i
21. AP. Pregeito (p.295. K. Updes
sambballonche; P. Heo se de Preceito; E. Precept. guardar os preqcitos I E. Precepts must be kept) - Up. 22. AP. Bogeta (p.295. K. Sambarddem; P. Bogeta de adubos; F.
Little box for spices ) - MP. Bocete; E. Little box. 23, AP. Cott'7eb;do (p. 295, K. Zo svorgim sombovna to tuje udhorim sombovlo, P. O q'ntro cabe nos Ceos, se coube, i, foi congobido no vosso ven' tre; E. one who could not be contained in Heaven, was contained, i. e. wa-s conceived in your womb ) - MP. Concebido; E. Conceived' ( Portuguese'Konhani Vocabulary
2+. AP. Qebola (p. 164. P. Qebola de canarim; K' Piau; E' Native E. Onion. onion ) - MP. Cebola; 25. AP. Qedo (p. 16{. P. Qedo; K. Sokallim; E. Earlv ) - Up. Cedo i E. Early.
26. -ponn
AP. QeEo, gcgueirs ( p. 165. P. Qego, gegueira;
;.E. Blind, blindness ) 3
MP. Cegs, cegueira ; E.
Andollor cndoll-
Blind, blindacss.
lo _
' 2r.
Segredo; E. Seeret.
p. gegredoi K. Ontesti E. Secret) - tvtp.
28. AP.Qoitit (p. 165. P. Qeitil;
K. Adduko; E. Coin)-n4p. Ceitil;
E. Coin.
29. LP, Qelar (p. 165. P. Qelar a carta; K. Sikho laitam i E. to seal e -MP. Selar; E. to seal. 30. AP.Qctcstia, (p. 165. P. Qelestial;K. svorginchoi E. celestial).
MP. Celcstial i E. Celestial.
Ifundrcd )
AP, Qcm, Ccnto
Qem, Qento
i K. Xem,
Up. Cerz, Cento i E. Hundrcd.
AP. Qensuro, cefisur&r ( p. 165. p. Qensura, gensurar i K. Bengi, bengi kadditam i E. censure, to censure ) MP. censura, censurar i E. censufe, to censure.
33, AP. Qentenailo (p. 165. P. Qentenario i K. Xetok i E. Centurl,) Centen6rio i E. Ceutenary. MP. 3+. AP. Qentapea (p. 165. P. Qentopea i K. Ghonn i E, Centipede ), - MP. Contopeia; 8. Ccntipede. 35. Ap. Qeo (p.165. p. Qeo i K. Svors i E. Heavea ) - Up. Ceu;
35. AP. Qcra(p. 165.P. Qera; K. Menn;E.Wax)-n4p. Cera;
E. Heaven. E. Wax.
3?. AP. Qerco (p. 165.P. Qerco deguerrai K. Veddo; E. Siege) _ MP. Cerco I E. Siege. 38. LP. Qerewonia (p.166. P. Qeremonia; K. A,char ; E. Ceremony) -
MP. Cerem6nia ; E. Ceremony.
AP. Qerrar (p. 166. P. Qerrar carta seal a letter ) MP. Cerrar; E. to close.
i K. Khillo
ghalitam I E. to
AP, Qerto, gertamente, Qertez@ ( p. tOO. p. Qerta cousa, qertamente, K. Suttavo, sotebhavarthim, saso; E. Certain, certainly, certainty ) - MP. Certo. certatnente, certeza; E. Certain, certainly, certainty. +1. AP. Qcssar (p. 167. P. Qessar; K. Thambtam; E. to cease ) MP. Cessar i E. to cease. +2. AP. Q,eveda (p. 167. P. Qevada i K. Zou; E. Barley) -- Mp.. Cevaila; E. Barley. getteza:'
157. P. Qebe
; K. Voi ;
E; Hedge )
D. Hedge.
Couge (p. 155.p. Cougc dc hornâ&#x201A;Źi K. MP. Couce i E. Klck. AP.
h) Sibilaat ci ( Konh.Port.
-19 - Uf. Gebo;
Frpar; E. Kich)
l. AP. Purdangia (p. 6S. K. Choturaii F. purdcngia; E. prudpnce) MP. Prudencia i E. Prudcncc. 2. AP. Maligiozo ( p. 146. K. Koptti; p. Maligiozo; E. Melicious) - , MP. Malicioso; E. Malicious. 3. AP. Tenasio (p. 151. K. Kotthuraii p. Tenagial E. Tenreity) MP, Tenacidade; E. Tenacity. -
+. AP. Offipio, excrcigio (p.
129. K. Hurar ioglle haddita; p. Tras diz do q'toma alg6 offigio ou exercigio que lhe hado E. He carries live embers iu the breast, i. e. doing a losing busiMP. Oficio, exercfcio ; E. Office i exercise.
as brazas no peito, isto se empeger ness
; 5. AP. Qizo (p. )
K. Khellak uloilolem nikhrar vhelcm i p. what I told you as a joker.
Levastes de gizo, o q'vos dissc de zornbaria; E. you took seriously ) MP. Siso i E. Sense.
6. AP.
olferegimento (p.232. K. Nived; p. certo offeregimento do. comer q'fazE ao pagode da caza antes de comerg dizendo, " Deva tuka pavo nived ufar"; E. offering of eatables to the domestic god, before a rneal by'
saying 'Oh God, E. Offering.
I render
you this offering of food'
Mp. Offerecimento;
7. AP
Conciengiapigio (p.327, K. Dukrut; p. Ma coneiengia, viqioi E. Perversity, vice) tttp. Conscidncia, v{cioi E. eonscience, vice.
8. AP. Comfitengia (p.30t. K. Sonvadi p. Compiteuqia; IX. Competition ) - MP. Competigao; E. Competition. 9. AP. Reverengia (p, 129. K. Hurmot I P. Reverengia; E. Reve; rence ) - N{P. Ileverâ&#x201A;Źncia i.E. Reverence. 10. AP. Foginho (p. 352. K. Tonkor; p. Foginho da gente ou de animall E. Human or aairnal snout) - MP. Focinhoi E. Snout 11. AP. Congideragdo (p. 384. K, Vivekhi p. Congideragao; E. Consideration )- tttp. Consideragdo I E. Consideration.
.l?. 'AP. obsilicngir
Obcdioncc )
2g5. K. Sombosonni P. Obediengia; E.MP. Obedi0ncia i E' Obediencc'
( Pofi'Konh. Vocabula'Y
(p' 167a' F' Qidrde' gidadao; K' Qiitaite, giitadde citizen' gulo; E. City; citizcn) -tP.. Cidadc' cidsdtro; E' City' 13.
Xer' chou'
r+.t*.Qiltra(p.167e.P.Qidre;K.Meulliug;E.Citroa)-MP.Cidra; E. Citron'
f5.qifrcb.l57e.P.Qifra;K'BindiE'Ciphcr)-MP'Cifra;E'" Giphcr. pones; E. Fivc, fiftv)
MP' Cinco, cincoontl; E' Five' fifty'
E' Girdle' waist' I(omor; E. Girdlc, wcist) - MP' Cioto' cintsra i - '18. AP. Qinza ( p' l67b' P' Qinza ; K' Gobor E' Ash ) - MP' Ciaza; ' E. Asb. : 19. gircuto ( p. IOZU. P. Qircrlo i K' Konddallem ; E' Cirele ) - tvtp' ' Gfrculo; E. Circlc. 20. Ar, g;tio (p. 167b. P. gitio i K' Patthonn; E' Site) - MP' Sitio i' E.$-itc. ..ltt.InthcArchaicPortuguese,thcneealverbalforrnof3rdporsoa.. ponultimate atouic vowel' viz' plural was eonsistcntly madc by til ovet the by atth v'g' ami'o aa. while in the Modern Portuguese it is substituted
to the last (Arch. Port.), amlm (Mo<t' Port')' Sometimee it happens also ( amom ( Mod' Port')' etonic vowcl, v. g. ecrâ&#x201A;Ź Arch' Port' )' Konhani' Por'uguase T oma q'tom6o os' t. AP. To*do. quct6 (p' 13' K' Ollap; P' Hum tom just bcfore a collectivc singing) -MP' q.qucr6 cmtar i E. Prrparatory tune Tomam, querem E' They takc i they
Dizern i' 2. LP. Dizd(p. 13. P. Tamb6 dizE'i E' Also it is said) -MP' E. lt is seid. g'uutio os l. AP. Untdo (P. +7. K. Bibot i P, Cinza doonPagodc their forhoad ) * gcntios na tcsta; E' Blesced ash that Hindus annoint
MP. Untem i E. TheY annoint'
+. LP.
(p. 41. K. Bhanjitam i P. Apagar como nodoa ou como
couza escrita nas taboas dos mercadores q'apaglo com agoa ou COm esfregar i
E. To wipe a stain or a writing on marchants' boards, with water or rubbcr ) E. TheY wiPe' - MP. Apngam i 5. Ap. Psrtirao (p,200. K. Uoddo maza falliloi P. Partirao o peo. MP. Partiram i E. Was pollo moyoi E. Bread was broken in the rniddl")
6. AP. Segdo ( p. 400. K. Yetlea vetloak vir; E. They do Dot cease going
and coming)
na; P. N6o segio de ir MP. Nlo cessem i E. They
do not ceasc.
7. AP. Desencairiio,cnceixarE (p.
K. Ankitam; P.
Por sinel'
nas taboas q'se desencaixio p6ra se encaixarg dc novo no mosmo lugar; E. To MP. Desencaixam, encai' r,nark with signs uncased planks to be re-encased )
xarem; E. are encased, to be encased. 8, LP. Fic6o (p. 31. K. Visantbarebad kelear atth urtat; P' Abatendo em 2}doze ficio oito; E. By deducting twelve from twenty remaio eight ) MP. Ficam; E. Remain.. g. Ap . Amafteo ( p.3 I . K. Baidcl ; P. Pogo q'nlo amarreo com pcdrls ; E. Well with no counterrnure)- MP. Amlrram; E' is built' 10 AP, EnsengarAo (p.368. K. Vozrpanzor; P. Cararlo cd q'ensenIncensaram; E' it was incensed' gariio o pagode ( ? ); E. ? ) - MP. 11. !tp. cairdo (p. 13. K. Zamb ollkele zeun poddle; P. Cairlo nos MP. Cairam; E. jambos onssoados; E. Sun-dried jamb-fruits felt down )
Fell dowa.
L2. AP. Chamdo, trazE (p.
K. Gollsori; P' H[a
certa ioya
pessas de ouro lavradas, que as molheres traze no pcscogo chamdo fogadouro;
Necklaceof goldbeadswornbyladies)-MP. Chamam, ttazem; called, is worn.
! i f
E' is
AP. Corra (p' 100. K.Dukhamgolltat; P'Aslagrimas corr6 E' Tears flow ) - rl'lP. Correm; E. Flow. 14 l*. Esfrido (p.iSZ. K. Tan bhuk nivoinant; P. N6o me esfrieo afome n6 cede; E. They do not cool down my hunger nor thirst) - MP. Esfriam; E. Cool down. +2. K. Yeka bikunnan chabilear sosram bikunoan' 15. AP, Pagdo
cher yeta
P. Se morde hfl porgovejo a sua mordedurs pageo
E. One bug's'
to ,biteirpaid forby thousendbugs) - MP. Pagam; E. ir paid; p. +10. K. Futto zonn i P. Tributo pegoal que pagao os moradores deldea; E. Porsonal tar payable by village dwellers) - MP. Pagam; E. Is peid. 16. AP. Fozd (p. +7. K. Bimb I P. Junco fino cd q' fazâ&#x201A;Ź estoiras finas ; E. Reed of which fine mats are made i p. 91. K. Ddohonn i P. Fogueira que :tazl,..; E. Fire of funeral pyre ) MP. Fazem i E. They make. 17. A.P. Queimilo, morr| (p. 91. K. Ddohoon i P. Fogueira que fazd quando gueimlooscorpos dos gentios qfmorr6 por seromoniai E. Fire of MP. Queimam, uorrem I E. Juneral pyre for iacinerating Hindu corpsec)
Are incinerated, they die.
IV. [n virtue of the phonetic rule of softening of consonanrs, ruch asp into b and the latter into v, v.g. populum-pcboo-pobo-povo ( people ), ,the f and b of the Archaic Portuguses hrve softened into b and v respeetivelSr in the Modern Portuguese, and vice-versa.
Konhani- Portuguese
l. AP. Emrtofias, emfio/eador (p,93. K. Ddbovollo, ddhovollekari P. Empofias, cmpofeaddr; E. Cheat) - nnp. Emo6fia, embofiador; E. Cheat. 2, LP, Bosear (p. +9. K. Urar bob koritam ; P. Borear i E. to cry out ) MP. Vozoar. E. to cry out. 3. LP. Desenbolver (p. 108. K. GiddibidCi sodditam i p. Desembolver i E. to unknot the tinrbal ) - MP. Desenvolver ; E. to unroll. +. AP. Sobaso (p. l3S. K. Kakh i P. Sobrqo i E. Arm-pit) - MP. Sovaco i E. Armpit. 5. AP. Abesfa (pp. l0l, 190. I(. Gandirl, gandirlachem kuns, gandirlanchem malom I P. Abespa, ferrio de abespa, cazt, de abespas i E. Wasp, Mp. Vespa i E. Wasp. Sting of wasp, hive of wasps ) (p. 331. K. Tokheki P. Bibcral E. Viper) 6. AP. Bibora - Up. Vibom I E. Viper' 7. AP. Bassou.ra (p. j65. I(. Vatt,rmbita'n I F. Aiuntar o b:rte cd a bass<:ura: lt). to gather pr,d.ly rvith broom ) - Up. Vasloura i E. Broom, 8, Ap. Barrer ( p.'37+. I(. Ghor zhaddi v:lli : P. Bar.rei a caza e esp1. naia; E. Sweep and dust the house) -l\{P. Varrerl E. to 6weep. 9. AP, Estiba ( p. 387. K, Umtor; umtor girenvchem i P. Estibe i A mysterfazer estibr da medida; E' W:ighage (at Custcrns);rveighlge is to MP. Estiva i E. Weighage. ,be made (?) ) -
10. AP, Tenibel (p. 201. K. Mharuvacho i p. MP. Terrivel I E. Terrible. 11. AP, Voda (p. t27. Bods; E. Wcdding.
L2. AP.
K. Hovllik i p.
i E. Terriblc )
i E. WeddinC ) _
assotiar (p. 3r2. K. Xe[aurni, xellaunni ghalitarn !:
P. Assovio, essoviar i O. Whistle; E. Whistle, to whistle.
whistlc )
The liquid coEsonant
- Mp.
Ascobio, assobiar i-
r of the Archaic portuguese has.
turned into liquid I in the Modcrn portuguese.
Konh ani-
P ortu gu
abul ary
AP. Crara (p. 50. K. Boll i p. Crara do ovo; E. White of egg f: p. 333. K. Tantiacho boll i p. Crara de ovs i E. White of egg) _ Mp. Clara; E. White of egg.
2. AP. Bufato, bufara (p. 200. K. Mhosurum i p. Bufaro ou bufara,. gado o desta caste cm geral de bufaras i E. Buffalo, male or fennale ; cattle of species of buffalos ) tttp. B6falo, bffala i E. Hc buffalo, she buffalo. 3.
i p. pirora ; E. pitula Up. i E. pill.
AP. Pirola ( p. l15. K. Guili
P. Pirola; E. Pill)
+. AP. Emprasto (p. MP. Emplastro; E. plaster. 5. AP. E'
pil ; p. 356. K. vocrd6 i:
l5l. Kovoll; p. Emprastoi E. plester) _.
Preyno, aprainar ( p. lgg. K. Matthi bhuim i p. Chao prayno i i K. Matthitam i p. Aprainar algfla taboa c6 etrxo; E. to
Plane ground
adze awooden planki p. 180. K. Lanartami p. Aprainari E. to smooth ) MP. Plano, aplainar i E. Plane, to smoth.
5. AP. Freimatico ( p. 198. K. Mothor i p. Freimatico i E. phleg. matic) - MP. Fleugmfticoi E.phlegmatic. ?. AP. Fragrante (p, 207. K. tvlombri i prothomrie srombrie I p. Fragrante l no primeiro fragrante i E. opportunity ( ? ) on the first ; oppor. tunity) - MP. Flagrante i E. Opportunity. 8. sembrante,cembrante,shnbrante (p.z2l. K. Tonddachi mukhaxiri i P. Sembrante do rostoi E. Features of faee; p.3lg, K. xirvont I p. Homd de bo cembrante i E. Good compldxioned ; p. 222. K. Tonddachi nilla p. i simbraute do Rosto i E. countenance ) - Mp. Semblante E. complexion. ;
g. A,P. Frdutd (p.243. K. Panvi P. Frauta; E' Flutei p' 260' K' Pirluk; pirluki i P. Frauta, talgedor dr frauta;E. Flute, flute'player; P. 38L ,K. Vinna; P. Frauta i E. Fluto ) - MP. Flauta i E' Fluto' 10. Frecha (p. 306. K. Bhalicho sor i P' Astea dc frecha; E' Stick - MP. Flecha; E. Arrow. lt.AP.PhlraLbrular.(p.3l4.K.XiaddeiP.GritosnoplurariE. Shouts; Frenciscan Port'Konk. p. 310. P. Prular; K' Sabar' bhoui E' MP. Plural i E. Plural. ( It seems that both Jesuits and Fran' Many) -ciscans pronounced defcctively tbe word " plural " in Portuguese. Also of'arrow)
,today some people babble
it wrong botb in
Portuguese and English ).
lZ Ap. Sonorento ( p. 364. K. Vormotam i P. Estar sonorento i E. to be sleepy) - MP. Sonolento i E. Sleepy' 13. Prantar (p.372. K. Udegitam I P. Prantar i E' toplant ) - MP' Plantar i E. to Plant. 1+. AP. rBorinholo ( p. 388. K. Umbri i P' Borinholo i E' Little MP. Bolinholo i E. Little cake. cake ) 15. AP. Gord,ateiar (p. 107' K. Ghottgottam pitam i P' Beber gorge' (In this leiddo I E. to drink gargling) - MP. Gargarcjar I E' to gargle case the archaic
I has changed into r )'
the phonology and the orthography of words was not fixed, but fluid and inconsistent, so that the same word was pronounced and rvritten in different ways.
vI. In the Archaie Portugucsc,
I{onhani- Portuguese T ome
1. AP. Cocumello,cogumelo (p' l3' K' Onllbem! P' Cocumelloi E' 'Mushroom | (p 3'{0. K. Telonllbemi P' Cogumelo i ll' Mushroom) -MP' Cogumelo; E. Mushroom'
2. AP. Dengarsc, densarse (p' 13' K. Allaitam i P' Dengarscl E' to make dense i p. 106. K. Ghonntetam i P' Densarse I E' to become dense ) MP. Adensar-so; E. to become denss' 3. AP. Fromcnto, formcnto (p' 15' K' Ambono; P' Fromento do padeiro levado i E. I3aker's fermeot, leeven I p. 203. K. Mellaim P. For' .meDto q'se bota no lcite peta fazet doim i E. Leaven used to turo milk into curds i g. 276, K. Fug i P. Fermeoto i q'se bota na massl i E. Lclvcn ured iin dougb) - MP. Fermcnto i E' Fermcnt, leeven'
-23 10. AP. Teruibel(p.201. K. Mharuvachoi F. Terribeli E. Terrible) -
MP. Terrivel i E. Terrible. 11. LP. Voda (p. 127. K. Hovltik i
p. Voda i E. WeddiDC ) _ Mp.^ i E. Wedding. 12, AP. -dssouao, osso'iar (p.3r2. K. Xellaurni, xellaunni ghalitam!: P. Assovio, assoviar i E. Whistle,. to wbistle) Mp. Asrobio, assobiari,
E. Whistle, to whistle.
V. The liquid cousonant r of the Archaic portugucse has. turned into liquid I in the Modera Portuguese. Konh ani- P ofi ilg ue
V oc
AP, Crara ( p. 50. K. Boll i p. Crara do ovo; E. White of egg i. p. 333. K. Tantiacho boll i P. Crara de ovo i E. White of egg _ ) Mp. Clara ;
E. White of egg. 2. AP. Bu./aro, bufara (p. 200. K. r\fhosurumi p. Bufaro ou bufara,. o gado desta caste e.m geral de bufaras i E. Buffalo, male or fenaale cattle ; of species of buffalos ) tvtp. B6falo, bffala E. Hc i buffalo, she buffalo. -
3. AP. Pirota ( p. I15. K. Gulri i p. pirora ; E. piil ; p. 356. K. vodd6 P. Pirola; E. Pill) - MP. Pilula i E. pill. +. AP. Emfrasto (p. l5l. Kovoll; p. Emprastoi E. plaster) MP. Emplestro; E. plaster.
5. AP.
Prayno, aprainar ( p. 198. K. Matthi bhuim i p. Chao prayno i i K. Matthitam i p. Aprainar algiia taboa cd enxo; E. to adze a wooden plank i p. 180. K. Lanartam i p. Aprainar i E. to srnooth )MP. Plano, aplainar i E. Plaue, to smoth.
Plane ground
5. AP. Freimatico ( p. 198. K. Mothor i p. Freimatico i E. phleg. matic) - MP. Fleugm6ticoi E.phlegmatic. ?. AP. Fragrante (p. 207. K. Ivlombri i prothomlie mombrie i p. Fragra'te I no primeiro fragrante i E. opportunity ( ? ) ; on the first opportunity) - MP. Flagrante i E. Opoortunity. 8. sambranta, cew.brante, sitnbra.nte ( p.221. K. Tonddachi mukhaxiri l P. sembrante do rostoi E. Features of fare; p. 3lg, K. Xirvont i p. Hom6 de b6 cembrantei E. Good complexioned ; p. e27. K. Tonddachi nilla i p. simbrante do Rosto i E. countenance ) - Mp. semblaute ; E. complexion.
+. AP. Ilerro, orro,herrar,cttdt (p. 16. K. Ooorth i P. HeiroJ Er Irror; p. 44. K. Bhavautrrk chuldoi P..Heirou por hO crresi E. Uissed iust a little ; p. 211., K. Mozo pau khoirchcan add poddta mhonn pollcta i Pi Anda vendo donde me acolhere nalgta faltr ou erro i E. He is watching wlcrr ny foot fails ; W 382. K. Doutring i visorlo; P. Errou a doutrina ; E. Hc; ,crred in catechism) - MP. Erro, errrr; E. Error, to err. 5. AP. Persol,ana,lergotrano (p. 84. K. Donno; P. Hta como Pcrso., lane de folbas de figueira; E. A sort of bowl made of banena trcc leaves ;
p. ll5. K. Gullomb, gullimb; P. Certa vazilha de cobre a rnodo de pcrgolana Up. Porcelana; E. Porcclain. E. Little copper pot like saucer)
6. AP. Presso, prego (p. 91. K. Ddogoll i P. Areca seoa de nenos presso ; E. Dry areca nut of ioferior quality; p. 31. K. Bhetak dharn bodeili; P. Fes o preqo do bate; E. Price was set for paddy ) - MP. Prego i E. Price. 7. -AP.
(p.32. K. Baintfator
gbaluu tthau polleta; P. Botou pedra no pogo e est1 vendo o fundo delle; E, He finds out tbe depth of well by throwiug a stone into it; p. 105. K. Baint rpnno ghalo, i. ghalun ghetPogo,lposso
lcm; P. Botousenopossoi E. Threw himself intothewell) -MP.Poqo;
E. Well. 8. AP. Rosscr, rogar (p. 107. K. Ghasovlem; P. Esmagerse apostema ou enchasso cO rossar i E. Abscess or swcll was bruised by rubbing i K. Fatrak aug ghosttilem i P. Rogou na pedra o corpo i E. He rubbed the body on tho stone ) MP. Roqar i E. to rub.
9. AP, Pescoco,Pescosso (p.
110. K. Golloi P. Pescogo; E. Nechi p. 140. K. Maoek lrclla lagleai P. Tenho o pescosso trossidoi E. My neck is wruog)
tvtP. Pescogo, E. Neck.
AP. Trosser, troger (p' t7. K. Ang vollta. P. Trosser o corpo I E. to contort one's body i p. 359. K. Aog vollta i P. Troger o corpo i E. Body hae MP. Torcer i E. to twist. twisting pain )
AP, Sera, cera (p. ll2. K. Mennan ghontterilam i P. Esta cuberto cd sera; E. It iscoveredwithwax i p. 203. K. Monni F. Ccrai E. Wax. - MP. Cera; E. Wax. 12, AP. Trassar, Tragar ( p. 116. K. Monim gbuddxitam ; P. Trassar; E. to plot i K. Ghuddsonni i P. Traga i E. Plot, pleu MP. Tragar; E. to plol.
AP. Mansso,rnctngo lp. 127, K. Hollu i P. Mancsoi E. Softl K. Jlollu voch i P. ide rn,rngo i E. Go slowly ) - MP. Menso; E. Soft. +
K. Tache kobularthim; p. com seu consentinsnto i E. With his cousont ) - tttp. Consentimento i E. Consent. - 15. AP. Bargatete, Bargelete, Brogelete (p, l3T. K. KoCdgulem; p. Blrgalete pequeoo; E. Small braceletip. 331. K; Tollballci; p. Barqelote douro;E. Gold bracelet; K. Tollbond; P. Ioye do braqo como bragelete; E. Btacelet liko ornament of arm ) - Up. Bracelete i E. Bracelet. C0nceotimento
i 16. AP.
E. consent
K. Komorbond; F. panno de gada cd que se cingd; E' Loin cloth of silk i p. zsL.K. pitambor; p. panno vermelho de seda; E. Silk red cloth) -Mp. Seda i E. Silk. 17. AP. Gros.so t {,roQo ( p. 208. K. Motto; p. Grosso ; E. Thick ; p. 288. K. Sodor rukh ; P. Arvore groga ; E. Thick tree ) M p. Grosso I E. Thick.
Qed.a, secla
AP. Consolagd.o, conpolaprlo
29+. K.somzounni
p. Consolaqdo i
E. consolation; p' 295. K. Sombkhonni ; p. conqolaqeo; E, consoration ) - .MF. Consolagdo; E. Consolation. 19. AP. Agossegado, assossegado (p. 309. K. Sovchit z^ti..mi p. Estou aqbssegado; E. i am peacefrrli p,325. K. Suchit; p. Assossegado; E. peaceful.
-tttp. Sossegadoi E. '. 20. AP. Serto, certo, Qerto (p. Il2. K.
i p. Serta doenqr que r. ctottuko I p. p. 335. K. Torlkott i p..
vcm aos meninos pequenos; E. A child sickness (aphtae);
certo peixe de agoa docei E. A fish of sweat water; Ninho de gerto bicho
i E. Nest
- Mp. certo i E. certain. 21. A,P. Pepoa, pessoa (p. j6!. K. Vorgi p. peqoai E. person i K. Dog vorg ; P. Aurbalas partes ou pessoas i E. B.:th the parties or persons ) - MP. Pessoa i E. Person. 22. AP. A*amessar set crrrarnepnr se (p, 372. K. IJddi ghrtitam i iArra.,messar se; E. to jump i K. Baint uddi gheli i p. Arremego,r se no pogoi. ',
E. He jumped into the well)
of an insect )
MP. Arremessar
i D. to jump. 23, AP, Sercar,cercatr (p.373. K. Veapitam i p. Sercar i E. to surrcund i K. Vedditam i P. cercar de guerra i E. to besiege) ntp. cercar i
- se
E. to surround.
' 24. AP.
Sembrante, simbrante, cembrdte. (p. 2il. I(. Tonddachi mukhxiri i P. Sembrante do rostoi E. Features of face i p.227. K. Tonddachi nilla; P. Simbrante do rosto; E. Countenance; p.3lg. K. Xirvont; p. I{om6 do b6 cembrlte i E. Good complexioned) tr,tp. Semblante; E, Complexion-.
I l
l '
_27 The
first Kookani vocabulary, which
was compiled by the Jesuits, and
'' The Lusiads" of Luis de Camdss were completel alm:st by the same time,. that is, by 1570. Cam6es is the highest exponent of the Portuguese litore, ture of the Europoan Renaissance, and he rnarlcs the beginning of the Moilcrn
Portuguesei hehas suchaunique.place inthe Portuguese letters that the German critic Schlegel said that he is worth'in himself an entire literature"The Lusiads" is not only the greatest national epic of Portugrl, but it is a masterpiece of the Renaissance, and one of four or five world's great epics.
Though the syntactic construction irnpeccable, and unsnrpassed
of the immortal
in the llodern
portuguese bard is
Portuguese, his literary works
contain archaisms similar to tbose listed in the fcregoing pages. Here are a few examples taken from " The Lusiadas ".
[, 5. frauta ( flauta-flute) ; ibidem. ruda (rude-rude); I, 7. na (uma-one) ; ibid. nenhfla (nenhuma-none ) ; I, 14. terribil (terrivel-terrible) ; I, 35, merencorio (melanc6lico-melaocholic
K, 50. abominabil ( abomindvol-
abominable); II, 39.afabil (af6.vel.affable); X,45. alernbrou-lhe (lenbrou-ihe-remembered him ) ; X, t 10. alifantes (elefantes-elephants I ; IV, Z2. ambos. de dois (ambos-both )
; X,72.
amoestar ( arlmo:star-adrnonish
Vll,77 ; VIII,
) ; VI, 3. asinha
2. asp:ito (asp:cto-aspe:t)
rimo-very rough ) cious
amedrentar (arnedrootar-to frighten ) ;
( depressa.quick )
i Ilt, ll6.
I, E8, etc. atroce (atroz.atrocious
fugace ( fugaz-fugacious
), felrce
IX, 49. i IV, Z5 ;
asp:rissimc (asp6raudace ( audaz-auda-
feliz-happy ) i
V, 5. aventajar.
); II, 46. belacissimo ( belicosiscimo-verybslicose ) l IV, 67,81. charo (caro-dear ! i III, I i0; V, 69. casi (qudsi-almost) t., tOO contrairo ( contrdrio-contrary ) ; I V, 96. despois ( depois-af ter ), desemparo. (desamparo-abandonment )i Ii, 96 ; IV, 90. emparo (amparo-support ); V,, 9+,95. d6es ( dons-gifts ) ; II, 90 enxerido (inserido.inserted ) ; II, 85 ; III,. 48. estamago ( est6mrgo-stomach ) ; ItI, 49. fato (utensilios, roup?,s, etc. - utensils, clothes, etc, ) i I, 20. fermoso (frtrmoso-beautiful ) i IX, 65. fermosura (formosura-beauty ) ; II, 105; VIII, 85. fido (fiel-faithful) i VIn. 93; II, ll; K, 33. geclhr, giolhc (j:elhc.knee); III, l36.immigo ( inimigo(avantajar-to advantage
28-cremy); IV, 5{. impossibil (impossivel-impossible}; IIl,56. Lfla (lua;m66n ): tI,45; ltI, 126. per (prr-by ), pera ( para-for), piadoso ( piedosopious ) i l, l2.polo ( pclo-by the ); VtI, 3*. pubricar ( publicar-to publish ) ; lV, piblico-psblic ) i X, 70, 136. pranta ( planta-plaot ); V, 97 ; X, "58. rezro (rezto-roeaoo); Il, 95, resplaudor (respleodor-splcndor); IV, 99. simprcs ( sirnples-sinple ) ; I, 71. supito ( sâ&#x201A;Źbito-sudden ) ! Il, 17, treiglo (traigito-treason); IV,33. tredor(traidor-traitor); I,2. valeroso (valoroso52. pnbrico (
valorous ) ; V, I l. bivora ( vlbora.viper ).
At tbe turn of thc l6th. c., ageinst
such a rudimentary growtb
Portuguese spcech, the Konkani laaguage displayed the maturity of
its vari-
â&#x201A;Źgated forms.