The Great Outdoors Exhibition
Cover Image - Amanda Hoskin - Chasing the Waves, West Cornwall - 36 x 48 inches
14 – 26 May 2023
All paintings are for sale on receipt of this brochure
(Limited Edition
Grasses in the Wind, Findhorn Beach 5 x 7 inches
Poppies and Haybales, Preston Mill 20 x 20 inches
Grasses on the Beach, Harris 10 x 12 inches
8 x 16 inches
Hathersage Moor, Derbyshire
8 x 16 inches
Autumn, River Derwent
30 x 30 inches
Summer Afternoon, Priest’s Cove, Cornwall 16 x 16 inches
Garden Poppies 16 x 16 inches
Summer Skies, Appin 10 x 12 inches
Crinan, Autumn Morning 16 x 20 inches
Red Rag Galler y 24 Brock Street Bath BA1 2LN
t: 01225 332223 e: redrag@bathartgaller www.bathartgaller