Vanessa Bowman
In her latest work Vanessa continues to capture, in glorious colour, the pleasures and purposefulness of rural life - inspired by the surroundings of her native Dorset. Her subject matter and titles evoke recognisable everyday events: ‘Blackberrying’, ‘The Village Dog Show’, ‘Open Gardens’, ‘Apple Picking’. They reflect the seasons, the familiar, the events that punctuate life in the countryside; but her treatment of these ordinary scenes is far from mundane.
Instead, her dynamic style reveals a sophisticated appreciation of the power of colour and space. Using delicate brush strokes, rich with detail, Vanessa creates vivid, vibrant landscapes, inviting the viewer to look again to find some new element previously missed.
Vanessa also offers a contemporary take on the still-life genre, resulting in bold, energetic, joyful compositions. Freshly cut flowers take centre stage, often sourced from the artist’s garden, where she works from her studio.
Born in 1970 into a family with a long-standing artistic tradition, Vanessa graduated from Winchester School of Art with First Class Honours in 1993. She worked for ten years in printed textile design, selling to worldwide markets, before committing to painting full-time after settling with her husband and family in West Dorset.
Vanessa has won many art prizes for her stunning work, which has been used for several illustration projects, including House and Gardens magazine, Highgrove Estate, and Farrow & Ball. She is represented through Bridgeman Images, and her work is also used in merchandising.

Cover Image - Vanessa Bowman - Open Gardens - 14 x 16 inches

Springtime Washing Line 10 x 12 inches
Pink Cottage and Sweetpeas 16 x 18 inches

Autumn Fruits
20 x 24 inches

Smallholders 23 x 23 inches

16 x 18 inches
The Village Dog Show
September Apple Picking
12 x 14 inches

Gardening, High Summer 14 x 16 inches
Blackberrying 10 x 12 inches

Open Gardens 14 x 16 inches
The Dahlia Pickers 12 x 14 inches

Right: Leaping Hare and Foxgloves
24 x 31 inches
Sheep and Foxgloves 16 x 18 inches
Pink Cottage and Foxgloves 12 x 14 inches

Church and Barn Owl 14 x 16 inches
The Autumn Gardener 12 x 14 inches

February Vegetable Garden 16 x 18 inches

Geese and Washing Line 12 x 14 inches

Dahlias in Serpent Jug 14 x 16 inches
Georgina’s Garden Flowers 10 x 12 inches

Blackbird, Figs and Summer Flowers 22 x 23 inches

Spring Flowers, Pomegranate and Lustreware
19 x 23 inches

Flowers, Lustreware and Lime
14 x 12 inches
Garden Summer Flowers
12 x 10 inches

Peaches and Summer Border Flowers 12 x 14 inches
Nasturiums and Feather 12 x 10 inches
Right: Chelsea Floral Marquee 24 x 31 inches

White Winter Flowers 19 x 23 inches