Blackberry Brand Manual

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4.5 Voice Words The BlackBerry voice is an essential component of the BlackBerry brand. It may express an attribute, feature or benefit of a BlackBerry product or service, but it does this in shorthand — with a simple word or a short phrase that also expresses the brand’s essence and its style. The tone of this voice is simple, bold, straightforward, clever and has a bit of an edge. Phrases

should be kept as short as possible while communicating the BlackBerry brand’s attitude. Many are simply the result of shortening longer phrases. These words communicate quickly with the audience and, when styled correctly, create a recognizable look for BlackBerry product and services communications.

To aid in presenting a consistent tone across communications, a list of approved “voice words” has been developed for use on packaging, advertising, brochures and other communications. Please use words from the list provided. However, if there is a word that you would like to use that does not appear in the list, you may contact RIM Marketing Communications ( for approval.

Informed. Alert. Ready. Compete. Know. Be First. List of voice words and phrases: Be First. Be Productive. Be Responsive. Build. Buy Some Time. Compete. Competitive Advantage.

BlackBerry Branding Guidelines

Competitive Edge. Confident. Contend. Collaborate. Determination. Enable. Extend.

Version 4.0

Freedom. Go. (in US materials only) In the Know. In the Loop. Informed. Innovate. Integrate.

Liberating. Move It. Powerful. Reach. Ready. Responsive. Save Time.

Secure. Seek. Share. Stay Ahead. Strive. Well Informed. Win.


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