• What are the different types of loans available to finance my property purchase? • What kinds of condominiums provide more stability in rental income? • How does the Master Plan affect the value of my property? • How much should I pay for Mickey Mouse apartments?
“Property purchasing is the most important investment decision in life. This book is invaluable not only for the extensive advice but also the personal insights of Ismail Gafoor which makes it compelling reading.” Mr Ian Macdonald, President Hong Leong Finance Ltd
• Can foreigners buy landed properties in Singapore? • Are Executive Condominiums (EC) for everyone?
• How much is fair to offer to sellers? • How do the new policies affect me? • Should I consider an old condominium? • How long should I hold on to my investment? • Should PRs buy HDB flats or private property? • Is it wise for me to buy an HDB flat when I can afford private property? • Should I do an Addition and Alteration or should I demolish and rebuild?
Real estate is one of the most important things in life, and it can either put you on the path to riches, or set you on the downward spiral to financial disaster. If you are unsure of the answers to any of the above, it is time to take action. This book is the ultimate guide to your real estate investment journey – it’s the only one you’ll need.
“For those who are looking for a book that helps, this is the book that contains simple yet comprehensive sharing of information on Real Estate Investing!” Ms Elim Chew, President and Founder 77th Street Pte Ltd “Essential reading for aspiring and seasoned property investors, written by one of Singapore’s most experienced and well-known industry veterans. Ismail Gafoor advocates a pragmatic and prudent approach to buying property and outlines easy-to-follow investment principles, advice, tips and sample agreements. This excellent book, combined with a passion for property plus online tools, will help you become a successful property guru!” Mr Steve Melhuish, CEO PropertyGuru.com.sg
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ISBN 978-981-07-6086-1
9 789810 760861
In SInGaporE
But are you ready to invest in more? And are you confident if it’s your first property purchase? Try answering the following questions:
the ultimAte guide
As a good investment vehicle, and a favourite asset class of the rich, we need properties in our portfolio if we want to make it rich, not just to give us a literal roof over our head.
to rEal EStatE InvEStMEnt
We’ve thought about it, worried about it, and wondered how we could use it to make it rich – real estate is more than just a home, it’s a hot political topic, and it concerns our livelihood.
Ismail Gafoor
here’s whAt others Are
About the
ISMAIL GAFOOR At the helm of Singapore’s largest homegrown real estate company is a man of great stature – COL (NS) Ismail Gafoor. As the CEO of PropNex, Ismail brings with him a rare fighting spirit that built for him a career in the army as a regular officer. His passion to be an outstanding entrepreneur prompted him to start PropNex, a company that, through Ismail’s dynamism, grew from its tumultuous beginnings to become today’s industry leader. Ismail holds a Bachelor in Land Economics (Hons) from the University of Technology, Sydney. He acquired his first property at the young age of 22 and amazingly made his first million at 28. He is an investor, entrepreneur, and success coach to many Million-Dollar Club Producers in the real estate arena. A fervent advocate of training and lifelong learning, Ismail has institutionalised a complete series of learning programmes that include developmental seminars, workshops, consultancy services, and legal support for all his Real Estate Salespersons (RES) so that they can stay ahead of the competition and deliver the maximum value to their customers. “The Ultimate Guide To Real Estate Investment In Singapore” is an extension of Ismail’s desire to educate. This book is written for everyone who wants to invest in real estate, giving you the know-how and the confidence to start. Ismail’s noholds-barred discussion will benefit any investor who lays his hands on this book.
5/18/13 10:10 AM