Why you need to attend Reed Gift Fairs Melbourne August 2018

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TWO VENUES ONE PREMIUM BUYING EXPERIENCE In just a few weeks’ time the doors to Reed Gift Fairs Melbourne August 2018 will open and you’ll be joining us to stock your shelves in time for Christmas 18/Summer 19! We’re thrilled to announce that this year we have taken exclusive ownership of the Melbourne Showgrounds (MSG) and increased our space at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre (MCEC). With a seamless experience between the two venues, you’ll have time to explore your all-time favourites at the MCEC and discover hundreds of new and emerging brands at the MSG. The following pages are just a taste of what you can expect at Reed Gift Fairs Melbourne August 2018. Look out for all the surprises along the way. • How about your first $1000 order on us? See inside for the details • An entire venue dedicated to brand new emerging brands and products • Easy access across town with our private free shuttle buses running regularly between the MCEC and MSG • Relax & recharge options including a Pamper Pit-Stop, The Bling Bar, The Harvest and delicious food truck eats to keep you going • An expert line-up of presenters at MCEC and free personal business consultation sessions at the MSG to help you navigate through all your business challenges and opportunities


Reed Gift Fairs is THE industry’s meeting place and we can’t wait for you to join us this August at Australia’s biggest trade event of the year.

REED GIFT FAIRS TEAM P.S Skip the queue and register for your Print@home badge. It’s super easy – visit www.reedgiftfairs.com/register Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@ReedGiftFairs) for show updates and sneak peeks at our exhibitors and products on display. You’ll love what you see!


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Why you need to attend Reed Gift Fairs Melbourne August 2018 by Reed Exhibitions Australia - Issuu