four year, four phase strategic plan will be implemented in order to supply insect pollinators with the floral resources they require to thrive in the suburban environment. As per the brief, the local community will be vital to this strategy, serving as the catalyst for wider social change regarding how verges and private gardens are managed. With this in mind, phasing will begin with a flood of information to the LGA sector, educating the local community. The strategy will close with that same local community becoming almost entirely responsible for the ongoing success and maintenance of the strategy. Below are six key actions intrinsic to the strategy. Engage the community: education of the community within the LGA sector regarding how they can create gardens fit for insect pollinators. The learned information is then applied at their private residences. School programs: introduce school aged children to the process of creating and maintaining insect pollinator gardens. Council assistance: Brisbane City Council to assist in transformations of key areas in distinctly visible locations. Mobilise the wider community: locals creating and maintaining their own gardens and verges, replacing the current trend of mowing and maintaining lawns Promote competition: a sense of pride in the gardens locals maintain, especially that of the verge garden, through the application of competitions both between individuals and communities. Adherence to state, regional and local policies: used as guidelines for each strategy, ensuring they and their respective tactics hold merit at all three levels.