Wisdom Circle Invite

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Emmett Fitzgerald Director of the CBR Project at the Garrison Institute For an intimate Jeffersonian dinner at the home of MONICA WINSOR AND JOSH MAILMAN A Garrison Institute Wisdom Holder’s Circle Event Thursday February 25th 7pm 135 Central Park West New York, NY The CBR Project: Helping International Aid Workers To Combat Burnout In the last decade, protracted conflicts and climate change have almost doubled the burden on humanitarian aid workers who are suffering burnout in epidemic numbers. 79% of aid workers are suffering mental health issues including anxiety, panic attacks, depression and Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) The Garrison Institute’s Contemplative-Based Resilience (CBR) Project provides aid workers with community, knowledge and tools including meditation and yoga to better cope with the enormous strain of delivering lifesaving care in some of the world’s most unstable and challenging environments. So used to feeling traumatized, isolated and alone, alumni have described the CBR Training as “transformative” and “life changing.” Please join this intimate dinner table discussion to learn more with Emmett Fitzgerald, a humanitarian aid worker with over a decade of experience in the field. RSVP to Paula Barbag paula@garrisoninstitute.org or 845.424.4800 ext. 109 This invitation is non-transferable

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