Regency Centers - 2019 Corporate Responsibility Report

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Investing in our Communities As responsible neighbors, our outlook on impact remains widereaching. Not only do we invest in property development, redevelopment, enhancement, and creating a sense of “place” at our centers, we also look at how our properties generate jobs, improve traffic flow, provide green spaces and increase taxable income. Our best-in-class grocers, restaurants, and retailers also provide an additional aggregated impact with their own efforts, often working in tandem with ours. We achieved our 2019 goal to introduce a reporting process that will better enable us to focus on and understand these elements of our projects going forward. In the communities in which our centers are located, Regency has developed strong and meaningful relationships with cities, municipalities, and local communities over the years. Our efforts begin long before shovel hits dirt, and continue long beyond the project completion. Being transparent and honest is incredibly important in building those relationships not only with the local governments, but also the residents who live, work, and play there. We continue to see the results of our unique approach, which provides direct interaction between our teams and the various stakeholders in the community. Because of this, our project timelines are smoother and quicker than they would be without this important effort.

The Field at Commonwealth | Washington, D.C. | Grand Opening

This area of engagement is overseen directly by our Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, our four Managing Directors, and General Counsel. Each of them plays an important part in Regency’s engagement with public officials in order to ensure we do business and operate our centers in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. While the COVID-19 crisis impacted the timing of some development and redevelopment projects, we will continue to work towards achieving our five year investment goal. We remain committed to investing in communities and best-in-class neighborhood shopping centers.


Village at Tustin Legacy | Tustin, CA | Grand Opening

Village at La Floresta | Los Angeles, CA | Annual Holiday Event

$1.25 billion of development and redevelopment starts over the next 5 years







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