ARCH 133 | Brockett | Reginald Lata

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spring 2015 ryan brockett

A R CH1 3 3

reginald galvan lata

california polytechnic state university, s a n


o bi s p o

table of contents

0 | biography

1 | design village

2 | international dwelling

3 | motion studio

4 | other work

5 | final reflection

reginald galvan l a t a august 12, 1996 long beach, ca filipino proud to say that i will stick with architecture. proud to have survived my first year. proud to be able to be at cal poly. proud to be a part of a club called PCE. loving life, photography, sleeping, eating, dancing. thank you, cal poly, for an amazing first year.

instructor: joann moore theme: clockwork site: poly canyon village

1 | d e s ig n v illa g e

team 208 lata, reginald gagner, bryce tramantano, brianna chaussabel, celia tatlow, claire






d s







s o c i a l i z i n g






o p o m e t r ic s t

2 | i nte r n a t io n a l d we ll in g

R O R R I MM I R R O R S E S U O HH O U S E S peter pichler | bolzano, italy | november 2014

ARCHITECT: P e t e r P i c h l e r O R I G I N S : Bolzano, Italy


RECORD HOUSES OF 2015 “Every year, Record looks for houses that advance the architectural discipline—they push the limits of spatial concepts and materiality or refine the existing vocabulary in imaginative ways.” -Architectural Record

living+dining room





living+dining room

west elevation

floor plan




bathroom bedroom living+dining room outdoors

Tw o s e p e r a t e h o m e s . Metal



Mirror facade

Wo o d

strucural system

Metal Framing (aluminum)




sliding door

site: graphic arts college: liberal arts majors: philosophy + modern language & literature

3 | motion studio

m od er n l an g ua g e an d l i t er at ure

p hil o s o ph y

motion studies

art, photography, sketches

4 | other wor k

reflection spring quarter

the final stretch. this quarter definitely has been one of the most stressful of my first year. that being said, it was also a fun one. even if majority of this quarter i spent sick in bed, it was a great learning experience and definitely an experience i will never forget. starting out the quarter with design village was awesome. it was a fun project and i had amazing teammates. intetnational dwelling introduced me to the world of rendering and i think i’m pretty good at it! motion studio kept me on my toes and always left me thinking. it was a pretty difficult project for me, i knew i could’ve done so much more, but to think i was able to actually able to design a building is so surreal. i want to thank professor brockett for an amazing quarter. his guidance helped me get through the quarter. also, i would like to thank my studio mates, if it wasn’t for them, i wouldn’t have been able to push through the struggles and hardships. oh how crazy a quarter this was. i don’t regret any of it.

the final reflection first year

now time for the real reflection. my first year as an architect student was so freaking amazing. i loved every second of it. i came into this year thinking i wouldn’t be able to make it through one quarter of studio, but look at me now, i’m done with my first year. it’s mind boggling. i can’t wait for second year. i’m excited for where life will take me after this year ends. if it wasn’t for wiley, humberto, and brockett, i wouldn’t have had such an amazing year. i’ve worked with so many amazing people and i’ve grown so much as a student and as an architect. aside from studio, i’ve grown so much more as a person. i’ve learned to not let fear take over my life. performing on stage and in front of people was new to me, same with presenting and getting critiques from professors. but i still did it. stepping out of my comfort zone was one the best things i’ve ever done. that i have to thank PCE and all my studio professors. now i’m transitioning into second year and although i’m scared of what may happen, i’m definitely going in head high and ready for anything life throws at me. peace out, first year. i’m going to miss you. cheers.

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