It is with a heavy heart that I write this farewell.
To my lovely team, I have enjoyed my year with you all! We have come such a long way from the hot summer field practices to preparing for our long-awaited Spring Show (p.s. Y’all don’t look a mess anymore, iykyk, love y’all). I am so proud of the progress that each of you has made. You all have given me the best memories to end my senior year with. Each and every one of you will always have a special place in my heart, I’m only one text away! You all will always be my girls! As my time as a Lionette is ending, some of yours are just beginning, so please do not take advantage of the time you have left. Enjoy every single moment and just vibe. Sometimes I wish I could do it all over again! I hope you all continue to lift each other up and be positive. I will miss you lovely ladies dearly! You all will forever be my team, and I’ll forever be your captain! Much love!
To my wonderful officers, We all know it’s difficult being an officer, but we have all persevered! I have had the pleasure to witness all four of you grow into your leadership personalities and voices. You ladies have helped me lead this team with grace, and I will forever be grateful. I honestly could not have made it this far without you all. Dayla, my first lieutenant, as I pass my mace to you, I know you will do great at leading your new team. Please always be your goofy and positive self, and I am always here if you need me! A’dreyvia and Karina, my senior lieutenants, you both have been my sound of reason this year and made sure that whatever I have asked of you is completed. The bond that us three created is a memory that I will always cherish! Kaitlyn, my junior lieutenant, I look forward to seeing you accomplish all of your goals. Do not let anyone get in the way of your ambitions. I hope that the bond we all have developed lasts a lifetime! I will always be there for you all! I cherish you Dayla, A’dreyvia, Karina, and Kaitlynn and I will miss you girls more than you know! Te quiero mucho! <3
To my passionate directors,
Ms. H, we have had a great run! You have always been in my corner. When I needed to vent you were the best listener ever. You always give the soundest advice! You have such an impactful soul and care so much about the Lionettes. You have given your all to every girl on line and have made such a huge impact in their lives. Thank you for always being there! And the biggest thank you for allowing me to lead your team this year as Captain! I had the time of my life! It has been a pleasure and a privilege to know you! It pains me to say goodbye, but I must go. Love you dearly!
Ms. P, you have also made a great impact on this team! You allowed us to be able to grow out of our comfort zones and flourish! Continuing to get to know you this year has been an honor. We have come over tremendous humps in these past 2 years. I will deeply miss our vent sessions! I hope you continue to do great things for our program! Love you!
Your wonderful and amazing Captain signing off,
Lynaya Williams
Position to Win............................................................................................................Varsity Lionettes
Choreography by Kristianna Hogan
Tangerine.............................................................................................Dance I & Life Skills Students
We are so proud of all you have accomplished thus far. We all love you so much, and it has been an honor watching you grow into the beautiful smart talented young lady that you are today. We cannot wait to see what your bright future holds. Our wish for you is that all of your dreams come true and take you to some of the greatest places your heart has ever known! Congratulations, babygirl!
Love always, Mom, dad, and family
Lynaya, time has certainly flown by. It seems like yesterday you were dancing in my living room with your tutu. Little did we know that you would one day become Captain of the Lionettes. We are so proud of the woman you have become and are amazed at the beautiful soul who continues to grow in front of our eyes. It has been a rewarding experience to watch you flourish in all aspects of your high school career. Thank you for taking us on this journey with you.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13
Love, Mamacita (Yulanda Wall), Evelyn Wall-Anderson, Monica & Eddie Mason, Pernell & Annette Wall, Adrian & Ibby Wall, Ronnie & Diane Wall
2024 Officers
2024 Social Officers
2024 Henderson Lionettes
Year #17 and time continues to fly! Like they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun!” This year’s team is definitely one I will remember fondly and will certainly miss! This group of girls has a special sparkle that sets them apart, and they continued to amaze me throughout the year. They are talented and dedicated, but most of all have the heart to do whatever it takes to be successful as a team.
From football season to show, it has been a rollercoaster ride that I would take again in a second. There have been so many special memories throughout the year that still make me smile. Even when we have our “moments,” (we always do with 47 girls in one place for hours a day) the great times always shine through.
To the organized side of my drill team brain: Miss Pope is my right-hand woman, and I could not survive without her! She is always one step ahead of me and is the queen of communication! She eats, sleeps and breathes Lionettes, and I don’t think there is one second of a day that she’s not planning, arranging or trying to figure out how to make something better for the organization. She is a blessing to the Lionettes and we are so lucky to have her. We love you, Miss P!
Monica Hachtel Director
To our honorary Lionette for Life: Mrs. Rains actually volunteers to be a part of our organized chaos! She is my crisis management counselor, creative collaborator, and dear friend. When in doubt, ask Mrs. Rains and chances are she will have the answer. She does not get recognized enough for all she does for the Lionettes. Thank you for all you do for the Lionettes and me, Mrs. Rains. We love you!
To my fabulous team: Thank you for all your hard work this year. It takes so much time and dedication to make a drill team year successful and you have done it! I love each of you and I’m so very proud of you! Thank you, also, to our wonderful Booster Club. This group of parents and supporters has done so much to supplement our needs and wants throughout the year. They support our girls in every way and our organization could not do what it does without their love and support. Managers, thank you for all your help and laughs throughout the year! We hope you enjoy seeing dance through our “Prism.”
Ms. Hachtel
Year number two is now in the books! Watching this team excel throughout the year has been so rewarding. I’ve had the privilege of seeing these ladies grow as young women and dancers. How blessed am I to have been able to teach/coach such an amazing group of girls? What a year it has been and I wouldn’t have been able to get through it without my people. Firstly, thank you, God, for allowing my journey in this field to continue. I couldn’t imagine myself doing anything else. You have helped me reach goal after goal and I give all the glory to you. Your guidance and wisdom are what have led me here and my heart is left overflowing with thankfulness. Thank you for the impact that this year has made on me - I look forward to many more years full of blessings!
Thank you, Cindi Rains, for becoming a life-long friend and inspiration. You have become someone I could cry to about the simplest things which would follow into a “suck it up, buttercup” talk. You hold me accountable while reminding me of my value as a person, teacher, choreographer, and dancer. Because of you, I have found a new ray of confidence in myself that I didn’t know I had. Thank you for continuing to be a consistent advocate for my successes in the present and future. You are by far the best neighbor I’ve ever had!
Thank you to the team for making my job so enjoyable. I watched so many of you grow as dancers, but the most rewarding part was seeing your love for dance grow. You made me want to come to work - you made my job worth doing. Because of you, I adore what I do. That’s something not many people can say about their job. Even through the blood, sweat, and tears, you continued to give me your best. You displayed pure dedication and passion, and I couldn’t be more thankful to have had the privilege to help coach you throughout this year. Thank you for making me love my job even more than I thought I could. I love each and every one of you.
Addison Pope Assistant Director
Thank you to the officers for helping me be the best assistant I could be. You were the team’s voice and anything I said, whether you agreed or not, you supported. You respected and loved me even on my hard days. Each of you brought different qualities and strengths to the table which I believe are what helped make this year successful. You helped keep things cohesive and held your positions humbly and confidently. I am so proud of each of you and will always be here rooting for you in the future as you venture to meet new opportunities and obtain new positions.
Thank you to all of the parents/guardians for letting me pour my passion for dance into each line member and student that is in this show. They made my days brighter by never allowing there to be a dull moment. I like to think I’ve learned more from them than they have from me. Each one of them holds a special place in my heart and I hope I have made a positive impression on them like they have made on me. Thank you for sharing them with me.
Thank you to my family, friends, and Jonathan for supporting me. Your love and comfort is what made the difficult times bearable. You picked me up at my lowest and geared my attention away from what was causing my stress. You rooted for me when I didn’t believe in myself and reminded me of my worth. Thank you for being my biggest cheerleaders. Last, but certainly not least, thank you, Monica, for guiding me throughout these past two years. We have had a successful two years together and I still wouldn’t have wanted to learn under anyone else. You truly do not give yourself enough credit when it comes to your value and significance to this team. I hope and pray that you always remember that your hard work does not go unnoticed and your talent is what has led this program to be what it is now. YOU did this - I’ve just been here to help make this program what you want it to be, and I will always be here to support your visions along the way. I love you so very much and I am forever grateful for you.
• Addison Pope for assistance with anything and everything
• Cindi Rains for dedicating her time, talent and love to this organization
• My mom and dad for always supporting me and the Lionettes
• Penni Cross for always supporting us and being willing to help at anytime
• Shawn Hodges for our beautiful pictures
• Kaytlynn Fincher for running our sound
• Faith Patterson for being our sidekick this semester and adding so much to our dance program
• Ms. Caprice Stoute and all the life skills teachers for helping us coordinate a special performance
• HHS Administrators and Secretaries
• Craig Haynie, our Fine Arts Director, and his secretary, Ashley Hays
• Henderson businesses who support the Lionettes all year
• All those who supported us through our fundraisers: Calendars, Butter Braid, Mini Lionettes, and Spring Show
• Keith Cofield for Mini Lionette supplies and show shirts
• All “other acts” and tech crew for making our show special and successful:
• To the Booster Club board and parents for all their love and support throughout the year
• To the Lionettes, JV and Managers for all your hard work!
• Last, but not least, a special thanks to Cindy Hathorn and all the Lionette
Booster club board members for putting together this awesome program!