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The Gifted and Talented Cooperative focuses on assisting districts and charter schools in achieving the standards outlined in the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/ Talented Students through comprehensive services and professional development.
Packages Include:
• Complete
Includes professional development, technical assistance, Student Seminars, and access to scholarships for summer enrichment opportunities
• Student Seminars
Includes access to Student Seminars, which provide an out-of-school environment that off ers students an opportunity to work with others on exciting, challenging, and motivating projects through grade level specifi c programs
• Professional Development
Provides access to professional development and technical assistance opportunities for ALL educators
Thank you so much for the incredible opportunities that this Region 7 team provides for our gifted students and the support and encouragement that is given to teachers.
Amanda Wright (Alba Golden ISD)
Benefi ts Include:
• Understanding state regulations for identifying and serving G/T students
• Access to student enrichment opportunities through our Student Seminars designed around the four foundation curricular areas
• Distinguished teaching strategies with a focus on diff erentiated instruction using depth and complexity thinking tools as required by the
Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/
Talented Students
• Professional development on best practices, developments, and achievements in G/T education
• Developing materials and assisting districts in the development and implementation of local programs
• Assisting districts and charters in providing out-of-school options for gifted students through student seminars and summer scholarship opportunities
Each of the Region 7 ESC Student Seminars is designed to off er gifted students an array of appropriately challenging learning experiences that are commensurate with their abilities and opportunities that allow them to accelerate their strengths in a variety of areas. Student Seminars also allow gifted students throughout the Region 7 ESC to work with one another, as well as independently.
Robotics is designed for students in grades 1-3 as a showcase which allows them to build and program robots around a central thematic concept.
Robotics for students in grades 4-12 participate in a competition that focuses on team building, higher-level thinking, and problem-solving. Teams participate in a board design competition and robot design, construction, and programming.
Imagination Fair is designed to allow gifted learners to hear a professional storyteller and to showcase their own storytelling and problem-solving skills by participating in storytelling groups and hands-on activities.
Innovative Inventions is a competition designed to challenge students to create and invent new ideas and products. Students use higher-order thinking skills and apply SCAMPER techniques and strategies to produce new products.
Model United Nations is a real-world simulation designed to off er gifted students in grades 6-12 opportunities to experience global issues from multiple points of view and experience learning in a variety of challenging ways in order to become productive life-long learners.
Program Contact:
Tera Griffi s (903) 988-6772 tgriffi s@esc7.net
Program Contact:
Brooke Kinsman (903) 988-6912 bkinsman@esc7.net