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The plans for five large warehouses covering 84,100 square metres, 2,790 square metres of office space, parking for 900 cars and 246 HGVs, have been submitted to Wealden District Council.
Polegate Town Council Planning Committee discussed the plans at its monthly meeting last night and heard from local residents who had concerns over light pollution from the site which is designed to be operational 24/7 according to the plans.
They were also worried about the increase in local traffic, noise and the loss of wildlife on the site which is currently used for summer boot fairs and low-key festivals.
are making 18 mobility scooters available. Back in 2019, they were used 500 times so I am confident this will be popular.
“Over the year we have raised £890.291 for local charities. That was always so important to Carolyn and myself.”
The garden is open every Wednesday from 10am until 4pm, also every day the Bluebell Walk is open. Entrance is £6 per adult, £3 for children aged between 3 and 16, and £16 for a family ticket, two adults and up to four children. Just turn up. Go to www.bluebellwalk.co.uk or email: info@bluebellwalk.co.uk. Also visit www.batesgreengarden.co.uk for garden details.
Access to and from the industrial estate will be via a junction joining the current A22 Hailsham Bypass, which the working HGVs and staff will use on a daily basis.
During the Planning meeting, Councillor Malcolm Cunningham said: “I’m 100% against the proposals simply because I love Polegate and this development is totally unsuitable for the area.”
One resident told the committee: “We live just yards from the site and our lives will be made hell if this goes ahead with 24/7 noise and light pollution and all the extra traffic on the already congested A22.”
The committee from Polegate Town Council all voted in favour to object the application which will be sent to WDC.
The application was also discussed by Hailsham Town Council Planners this evening (Tuesday) as consultees. It was decided to delay any comment on the project until East Sussex County Council has submitted its comments on how the development would effect its own Transport Strategy Plan.
ESCC has requested more time to comment.